Newspaper Page Text
TUfSPAY F.VENING. JAN. II. WX LOCAL MATTERS. Suq Tabie. 8an rl*e* tooorrow at 7.26 and aets at 5.1s. Weather Probabllitiea. Pnr ihis aecliou fair weather and riaing t.noer r, t >.ght and Wednea^T; mioi I. o Vrate ?c?t and aonthweat winds. mTetings. The annu-1 meeting of the atockhold era of ih* Weat Brotbers BflckO.m pany wa< be'd at ita principal cffise, Nr. 111 B^utb Fairfax atreel, today wbtn directora w*re tlected. Tbe annnil meeting of tbe aockhold era of tbe McLscblen Banking Oorpora tioo It tha elcction of a board of direct on for tbe ensniog year and the trana action of i-ther buainesa, waa held at the oflea of tbe compaoy, No. 123 soutb Rjyala reet, vAiy. Tne a .noal nueeting of the atockhold. era of the Or.tarlo Apartmeat House 0 iropany for tbe electioo of a board of dlreoiors waa held at the cfhce of tbe compaoy, No. 128 aoutb Royal atrcet, tbia mornicg. The anottal meeting of the atockhold era af the I jwa Apartmeot Houae 0 ?ro pany for tho eleciion of a board of di fectora wn held at the offi;e of the com pany, No. 1M ?ooth Royal atreet, thia tnntnioaT. , ,, The flonual meetiyg of the atockholc era oa 8. 8. Sbedd & Bro. Ooropaoy waa hMd at thet.fh-eof the compaoy, No. 111 sou h Fairfax street, thia eaeoing, for the porpoae of electing directora and iot the trauarction ol boaineas. Tbe above are all Waehiogtoo oorpo rjttlooB with Vir^inia chartera. MODEBN WOODMEN. The rrgalar nueiog of Alexaodria Oamp. Modern Woodmeo of Amerlca, *aa laefd laat night. After the rrgolar rr jM 0f Doaiocss wa* traosacted tbe fol lowiog tfficeia were ioatalled by P*s CJ..aal 0. A. Badeo: Veoerabe OjosoI, Wytbe White; adviser, J. - W.ddey; banker, J. WoW; clerk, U W D/i er; escort, 0. J. Thomae; wa'ch Vlt, C. W. Thomas; secretatyM. ao"! ? Doard of maosReis, J H. wes., B We'il and M. JafK Tbe reporta ,-r ... voriona cfBcers for 1909 weie read and abowed tbe order to bs lo a healthy .condit;oo, with a good balanw in the treaaory, and without the lo?a of a elngle ? membar by dea'b iu 1909. These re ip.iita and bcad csojp% repotU os tuber (culosis campat OoloradoSprlcge.ciea'ed roosideisbie eothuaisBm. A sccial stB Ss>e waa opeoed and cloeed with a ban 1 h#1 Bammel'a cafe. Remarks were I* - i>y Messra. Wytbe Wblt?, M. Tn,|a T- "? KothwelJ, "n<1 0,he"? ' ' artft feeliog prevalled ontll a mirth ani. *v<*' - late hoar. _ _ ?? fHL^CITYJAtO O.tyrtergeotC" ?* Wardefl P?* ler ha'ye recantly ^^.^"S, timeaoi labor to le^vatin? the clty jdl. Tbe w.oduw* **>\"ia*l Xr oeeo repsired aod repafni ?T bnHd work dooe on ihe exlerior ol * , , |iaf6 Ing, and wbitewaah and pa u .. t been uetd uiiBparingly wltblo. a,4t.e ot ih? rooms oo tbe lowor floor . been j>?pcr6dand oth?r tmbelliahme added to the rcsidcntlal pulhnof th ?tnctorf. The cosi bia been small, ou'slde of tbe uiateriala, as the iomatps have thne m <st of the lahor.they baving be<o andt t3 wield paint aod white wah trushes. Everythiog in coonec tlon with lhej.ll N io a aanltary coo di hn aod every {If.-rt will b3 mado to kee p It fco JUDOETHORSION DESIGNATED. G)vernor Syaoaon bas deaignated Judge J. B. T. Tnornton, of Prince Willlam, to bold the speclal term of tbe circai' coort of Elizabetb Oity coonly. Tnla term nf the cou't ia to hesr the ca?e of J. B. Pressey aod ntbers againat the cnunty of Ellctbeth, whicb ia an applicatioo to extrnd the llmlia of Newport New*. Newport Newa ia in Warwick county aod the city wishes to anticx aome of the terrl tory of the othrsr county. It ia expected th?> tho ceso will contlna* several daya, ?s the c unty Ia makinjs a streoooaa flgh*. to retaiu ali lle jueaeot tertltory, preferrioe that the city ehall expaod at the txpeoeea of the coonty of War wick. T>ANK DIRE0TOR3. Tho annual meetlogs of the aereral oatooal bauka of the city were held to? day f? the election of directora. The fol.owtog were choaen: Fir8t Natioral Bank- Meaare. Gard ner L. B)>lbp, Baoott Batr, jr.. M. B. Harlow. G:o. E WarBeld, Jar. F. Moir, Wal'.er R iberta aod Francla L. Saaith. C 7 ns' National bank: Meaare. J. 0 Suio.v, Worth HolBsb, M. A. Abern, Eiward 1. Dalngerfield, J. W. Roberta, Oarro'.l Pierce aod Urban 8. Larabert. Al-'xaidria National Bank: Jndge 0. E Nieol, Meeare. W. R. ^moot, John A Ifaiahall, T. 0. Smitb, W. A. Smoot ir, A. H Bajelor, E. L. Oockreil, W. A. gaoot, 0. 0. Csrlio, P. F. Uoman. A. O. Portncr, Loola 0. Barley, G?o. V icr'on, Rohioson Moorore, W. E Balo, II 8 Fairfax, J. O. Lyncb, K. E Maiahall, 8amutl Bendhuim and Too? 1' Oartar. The last nine are -new tlir.ct'na it haying beea declded to locrtase the membenhip of the board. ANOTBEB COLD NIGHT. The weatbtr wa^cold agaio Isst ulght, .odtbe aiercaryat aa early hoor thia oaoroiogws. dowotol2- Oaeonh, beavi^t froats ever seea o hts cit?? V|9^!e thl* moroiog. It lay thick on .Iied,,la?oei piles, wharve. aod other eipoaed pl?ce?. . ... TueriUfrcn ow dorlog the nlght tDd the Itt r>ma oed intact untli tbe eteamer Norfolk pasied up aod ?et It nnviog L ,u a* Ibe w'md ha. t>eer> from the aontti 10 day, a'ld conditiooa have becorne milder At 8 o'clock thia r*eniog tbe tuerooo neltr h?.d r aeo to 86?. MBMATOR MARTIN ON RETRO l T.-SION. Haoa'or Martio aaye he will do bla 'beet tode.'eat the crlotts whicb are pro ?oaaa) b* outaifl iDterea's ia Waehiog ton backed by President Taft to brlog back into tbe Daatriet ol Oolambia tbe cliy aod county of Alexaodria, formetly |n tbe IVstr ct, but retroceded to Vir rfinia ia 1846. I'. isdoabtfalif leglalatioo ?oo the aobjct will b* attenptel, ad?o <ates of aonexa'ioo preferr ng t? tt?t Io the coort tbe coaatltntlonalily of th-- act f I retrooaaaloa, SMITH'ci ALLEGED ejTATEMEST. Sicce it waa aoDoonced tbat Kenry Bmitb, olorrd, ooe of tbe foor colored men coovicttd of tbe morder of Waltir F. H:bul 7., bad rnadt aaiatemtot which ia uow io tbe hands of tbe aoiboritita, fifieeo tbooHBod prople io Alexaodria acd many thuaaanda more ia Wa?bln? too aod other nearby places have clam ored for loformatioo cooceroiog tbe part Smith playtd io the crlm6aod who were really bia accomplicee. Tucse who are acqnaiDted with tbe etory tfce oegro ia said to have made are sliil moto and, ao far, are averse to mtklng the confeaaion poblicproperty, They may have good reaaons to orge for the couibb they are pasciog, bot tbe community i? inopi tieot and the "Smltb coafesBlon" Is up. permoat io tbe miuda of all. Tbis sospeose is breedicg all soits ol tbco-iea and romors. Ibe fact tbat Smith refoaes to make ao applicatioo for a new trial aod asks that be be seo teDced accotding to tbe vtrdlct cf tbe jory and atnt oot of tbe city ia auggea tiye, aod ia atrengibcning ihe convlctbo tbat Johosoo, Pinea and Doraey tell the truth wben they reiterate their looo ceoce of ibe crime lor which they bkve beeo ieotenced io deatb.aod tha- Saltb, ieal!ziog that abculd he publlcly rc padiate tbe cbarges be made agaiost tbe tbree men, upon wboje teatlmooy mainly they were coovided, tbe commuoity woald be ei exaiperated wheo they re al z;d that they bad been baocoed by tbe negro wbo, it has ever been bellevcd by many, waa the real murdeier of Scholtz, tbat he might eacar-a tbe elec trlc chair by meetio? a worse fate. H.ftlog all the reporls in the marJer caae tbat bave beeo in circulat'.on sloce Satorday the /ollowiog cao be atated as abaolote facts: Smith ia io the coaoty j^il, whtro be wju takeo yes erday afternooo. He will oot be brooght back to th a city today for aentence. He baa made oo coofeaaioo. He haa made atatementa and theae are ontra dictory. He baa alao talked a great deal to more tban one peraon and tbeaa talka do not entirely a?ree. Some of bia gattmeots do not agree with the teatl mooy he gave againat Pioes, Dirsey and Johaaoo at their triala. He baa not s'aled that a white man committed tbe mnrdtr. Jadge Barley ia fully cooyeraaot wib every atatement tbat Sslth has made sod of all hia lalke. He, like othera, is aomewbat pazzled io the matter be eioae of theae difterent atatements aod i? actiog methodlcally and cautioualy, gettiog all poaaible iofcrmation behre he acte. When be alfts the ma ter tborooghly be will dr*w hia conclusioos aod act aa he thlnka jaataod legally aod In accordaoce with the dlctatea of bia conscienep, He will Iheo preaeot tbe caae to Goyeioor SwBoaon. IHE OAZEITE. B glnning the New Y<ar the Alfxan diibG^zette entera upon i'a one hundred and ehventh volomr. The Gaz?tte ia ooe of the best edited papers io the atate. ia fearleaa aad has the true rlng of an boneat joornsl. Long may it liw aod pro?p?^. [Nortbera Nrck Newa. Jt Ia with profouod yeneratioo tha' we make our most pracefnl bow and ex tend frateroal greetioga to tbe eateemed Alexaodrla Gazalta op^o the com pletloo, oo Jaooary lst, of lla 110 b volume. Tbte rare old age Ia coanted from Blea now in the office whicb date back to 1KOO, but The G.zMte is reall; mnch older, recorda of the coor a In \irfai and Ahxandria coon'.Iea ahow *' *bat it waa pobllsh'd aa far back ?? ,ne What ao intereatiog biatory coo!d l78i >tled f'omitafiea, dealmor with be comp ,?Jrt,csottjrles! S'.oce 1800 the evenUin v , X,, (k x,tte baa remained ownership i "... ?,pb generation io tbeSnowo *'?""'f. ;stif .occeasor. prodociog ?o ?.? J*""|\ -, ?o alt? For maoy yeara v <>?e haa bet. 1(| .jme atloo io Ita make "P ?"d at l. ^ any change in ? ? conaervatiye .. Btable policy. It b" remained loyal to the aoolb, ber people *nd her lotereale. It calla a apade a apade, let tbe reaulta be wbat they may. I'a newa colamna present all tbat Is tii reading in terae and intereatlng form. We hlghly priz> it aa an exchange and ttuat it may liye oo aod on to chrooicle tbe bistory of generationa yet unborn. | Loodoun Enterprise. . The Alexandria Gazatle bas paased ita 110th mileatone, aod oo Jaooary l<t entered tha llltb year of ita exlateoc?, aabrlght and noway as ew, aod aa cleao aod reiiable aa tbe beat. No word of praiae ia too good for thia aplendld old puroal, and we woold part wilh aoy paper coming to tb!? orico before we would part with tbe Gazette. LL?udoon Mirror. _ L'BAMBER OFOOMMERCE. The BDnnal tnee'mg of the Alexandria Obnrobtr of Ocmroerce waa held last nlgbt at which the followiog officers wereelected: J. T. Johnson, prealdent; A. V. Brockef, vlce-presideot; J. T. PrestOD, secrvtary aod treaanrer. Biard of dl rectwrs: (teoge 8. Frencb, F. S. Har per, G. D. Hopkloe, John Ltadbeater, BodT. 0. Smltb. MJeesrs. W. A. Boooot, jr , A. V. BroMkett, J. Y. William, R. S. Jnoes J Lonia Loose, William Jorg, trank Myera, George B. Freocb, T. 0. How ard, Joho Lesdbeater, H. K. Field, 0. 8 T Bnrke, W. O. D?vis, Carroll Plerce, O. H. K rk, and M. P. Greene compose tbe committee which are mak ioe arrangemonts for a banqoet to be riyeDon the 27th loatant. Tbls com mlttee will meet tooigor. The chamber lodorsed the "Progrer slve Virginia" reaolntioos of tbe Leagoe ol Vi'ginia Mooiclpalities, alopted by the laiter at thelr recent convent'.oo io Richmood. P,l?KErBALL TOSIGBT. A good game ol baske'.ball ia exp?cted to bo plaved at Armory Ball touight wheo the Fat Bunt and Y. M. 8 L. qain'a wlll oppoae tach othtr. Ibe leadera expect to edd anotber game to their lilt, wbile the suidierBareconfident ol victor. Tbe follonlng is the stand iog cf theqointt: Tesma Waa Lcal kVOaaA vYji.t. j.. o i.oon Old Dominii.ii. - 1 f''.'. Fort Hont. 0_ 'iV OPERA HOUSE. The Opera Hoose waa filled to captc Ity last oight when the Guy Johnson Oompsny presented the atirr.ngthree act comrdy drama, 'TncleJcab." The play waa weil cast and the many dtama tic eitnitioDs were maie tbe teat of. Tbe play will be rep'a'cd toolabt. Saraarien Rebeoca Lodge wMl meet tonight for the slactioa of otfioera, PEBSONAL, Mra. Kale Waller Barrett eotertaload at diooer lut oight io booor of the noted New Yoik dlvloe, Bev. Joho Weile? Hill. D. P. Tbcae asked U> rneet Dr. Hill were B\ Rev. Arthor S Llovd, D. I)., Bet. J. R. Btvere, Bev. P P. Fbillipa, Bev. C. D. Bulla, Bev. Faher Oalter. Btv. W. H. Bolmea, Rtv. EJ^ar Oarpeoter. Bsv. W. J. M.,rtoo B^v. W. F. Walaon, Rev. 0. W I'.alt. Mr. Paik ind Biiley of Ntw Vork. AfBiatiog Mrs. Barrett in re ca-.ving hei goeaa were Mrs. Herbert Boiitb, Mra. Bobtrt Birrett aod Miaa Lila Barrett. Mr. Oharlei Warreo Oolemau aod Ellen McG.ll Garrott, ot Washlogtoo, were marriei at Chriet Oburch yestarday alternooo at 4:30 o'clock by Rev. W. J. M roo. Mr. Lewie EJeleo, who was recently slrack by a locomo.lve and Berlonaly Icjared at the lottrsection of Oronoco and Beory itrcets, wai piralfied at hla home 1d tbe northern sectlon of tbe city laat o'ght. Among thoae wbo atteoded the Gaorge towo Assembly l??t olght were Misa Mary Snowdeo and Mr. James B. Doog Ise. n TBE ALEXANDBIA DELEGATE. Mr. Bobiosoo Moocare, who will rep resent Alexaodrla city aod coanty io tbe Boaae of Debgates, lelt for Richmond thls afteroooo. Mr. Moncore wlll lotio uuce tbe followiog bllls dariog tbe sts sioo of the legialatarc: Forblddiog (be ase of bottles foaod lo dorop piles from belog used u recepta clen lor food or medloloe. Favoriog the removal ol liceoie taxes from pbyBiclaoa. Exempiiog pharmaclsli from jary doty. locreasicg the jorlsdlclion ofjastlces of peace io civil caaae*. Favoriog aoiform textbooks io schoole, oppoaiogfrtqaeat cbaogea in the eame, aod providiog books free io lod! gent childreo. VI3IT0F GRAND OHANOELLOB. The membera of Oriectal Lodge, No. 6, Koighte of Pytblaa, will aaaemble io tbeir ball cn north Pitt street tonight at aeven o'clock to welcome R't. Joho Hallowell Dcklnson, of Bichmond, grand cbancellor of Virglnia. Two com paniea of the oniform rank of P , of Waahiogton, will arrlve oo tho electrlc car* about 7:30 o'clock, and the entlre hody of Pythlana wiil march to the Yonng People's Building on south Washiogtoo street, wbere the grand cbaucellor will deliyer an addreea. De puty Grand Cbancellor, ErneatR. Bojer is;chairman of the committee of arracga mente. r-ON9 OF (JONFEDERATE VETERANH. At Ihe regnlar moothly meetlog of tha M. D. Corae Oamp, 8 C. V.,held at the yeteraoa' ball !ast nlght, Oom mander Gorman preeldlog, only buai oosa of a priva'-e nature was traoeected. The annual electlon of offioera will lake plsce at its next regular meetlog io Fi'hrnary. It waa resolyed tbat tbe msmhers atteod tbe barqaet of R. E. 1/8 Oamp oo the nlght of the 19;h io ?taot. _ WANT HUNTING DAYS RESTRIOTED. A petltion, nomeronaly algned, ia bciug tircnlated in Mount Veroon Mag isterial District of Fairfax county, aaklng tho leglslsture to amend the presant game laws ao as to realrlot huotiDg daya duriog ihe aeaaon to Mondaya aod fiatur daya; aUo to protide a penalty for chai fcg or haoting dncks Ia the watera o( Virginia by partiea in motor boats, CORPORATION OOURT. [Judgp L. 0. Barley preaiding.j Ia tbe mattf r of tbe will of Gaorge T. Smlih cflhredforprobate, laaoe wai made opoo, aod oo the trlal of aaid laaoe L da G. Bmilh elected to malntalo the Sirmative and Bamuel TI. Hmlth nain a ?He cegatlyp. After the ealdeoce !*'? ? -? laken a demurrer to the e?l bad bee. ^,erwj ,oti argnmeoU on the dence waa, tben hf tpd demurrer were OFFICER ^iPENDED Ortker Nichol.on ?PPe?rcd b8fotre tbe cbarge cf inaurbo.dioatl^ P"'?JjJ by Lkotenant emlth. The ma> "'. ??" examinlog tbe facts In tbe case,- ?"? pended the acoosed for fi?e daya. * *?? roayor olao laioed ordere to Ohlef Good* forblddiog a certaio employee of the street departmeot from eoterlog the ata tion h?ase except on boaioeaa. DEATH OF MR3. P03EY. Mib. Mary Ellaabatb Poaey, wife of Mr. William Posey, dled at her homeon King Btreet near Payne, thle morniog. The deceascd was 72 years old. Beaidea hsr husbaod ehe leates a son aod a daoghtcr. _ LOUAL BBEVITIES. There wrre oo caiea beioie ihe Police (Joart this morniog. A nnmber of negroes eogaged lo a free-for-all fight oear tbe ttprlng Park atatioo of the electric rallway laat Sator day nlght, aod atwacted cooalderabie at teoiioo io toe vlciuity, The briek houae on the northeast corner of ( in.-oaandHenryftreeta iabeiog demolith ed by the Armour Company preparatory to the erection of tbeir new plant oa the aite. The Seveate*nth Viruioia Reglment Chap ter U. D. C, will meet tomorrow eveoiog in Lee Camp Hall at 3 o'clock. The City Coancil meeta lonight. Aak the lady "who knowa." where ahe bnya her freah rneat, and ihe'll tell you with ont the alighttfct heaitation: "At the Auth Market, of courae." Aak her why ahe patron iiia t'eAuth Market and ahe'll aay: "B? cause ;:'?? th* only meat atore in alexandria where I can alway rely npon get<iog aatiafic tlon. The meat they aend me alwaje raakea my hnsband ama'-k hi? 1 ps and comrl.ment me U[on my Koodoooklng," Thia.of conrao, aseoonts for the growiag popalarity o' tha Auth Market, N. W. Cor. Kmg and Alfred ?tta Phone ftl. Sylvan Wondheim, The Auth Stand and The AuthMarkaet.; 0 old aoything lock oeater oo a nea foot ibio tbe footweai to be foood at tha ahoe stoie of J ho A. Msrahall A Bro. Glanca at the wlndow dsplar. Coal Goko Wood Be wiaa?flny yonr fnei befbre the aavere weatbeT.Wa oOer beat qmllty, prompt dcll very and lowest market prloe, Phone 95. I>aW. AlTCHE*ON. 107 eonUi Roral atreet_ F OK RRNT?Two Urge <v>mf.>rtable rooma; aU'i one hall room. well haated iml with all modern ecnvenienoea; with or wltbont hoard: Apply at No 204nonh Waahingtcei ^,^1, Phone XI? J AttiXi tf FOR RKNT The RWEN^WORTH FARM; poaeeawion eiven January 1. l&U'. Apply on PJpMat l, Lul to MU8. LEK. Barkaa, Feirfri ?oaaty, Vugiai* ?*? * Washington 183 lilGH-CLASS SHIRTS AT $4.95 Worth from $7.50 up to $15, Madeofchiffon taffeta, anJ fioe sheer voiies trimmed with aatio and[taffeta fo?d-; aoma A'.tmm voiies, ailk and self tfiTso'. JumRr'of Siifon'pa'narn.., trimmed with tsliored strapVand' bZon. Th?e are in blue and black, and made up afte? on* of the neweat pleated modela. ^^^ Sixty-iint frigreff. (SeconrfHewlon.) Waabiogton, Jao. 11. Tbe admloiatt-itiari bill to itaogthen tbe loteratate cotH.nerce lawa waa lotro dticed In tbe Haw?te today by Seoator Elalns. It Ia the aame meaaore as was oflered In the Hooafl vta'erday oy Repre scota'ive Townaend. It wsb referred to the commltteeoa icrtcra ate commerca. The Seirnte adop'ed a rea-jiution call ing oo the Departmeot of Oommerce acd Ltbor lor &II reports arnl daU riUuog to theoperationloloreignconctriesofp'ats toretire governmeoi erupioyees a<3d old age peoaloos lor tbe employeea of It-due trial corpoiatlooa A bill givlng Mrs. Frjnces Folaon Oleveland a penaioo of Ift.OOO per year was lotrodaced by Mr Root. Tbe beoe ficlary is tr*e widow of tbe late Presltlent Grovtr Glewlacd. Thn reaolution iortrocting a apeclal committee at five aeoators 10 Invei'.igate the locreaaed cost ol liviog, oflered by Beoate Elklta eeveral daye ago, was at his reqotet referred to the commtliee on contiogeot expenses. Be expressed the deaire lo have a repoit oo It. The 8eo?ie adj mroeJ at 12;5.r) p. n\ uotll nooo tomorrow. H0U9E. Tha floDse today pasied tbe army appropriatloo b'll. The agricaltuial eppnpriatlon bill, oirrylog $17,050,000, was floally ap proved by tho Honee committee on agri culture aod wlll be repor:ed at the earliest opporluolty. Tbe bill is prauti caily a doplicate of laat year'a meaaara. A qaarrel betweeo Ibe Ilonse commlt tees on jadlclary aod interstate and for eigo commerje which diaruptei the or gaoiMlioo wsb foosht ont oo tbe floor of tbe Houae today. B,tb cotnmitteeB woo. The qoestioo of the dialributlon of the preaideui'a apeclal mesaage wai Ihe booe of cootentlon. B;th committees waoted It and the ways aod meatm committee tal m referee. The wsys and means nimmittees brooght In a resolotion tot'ay dividing ihe mesaage between the two. VirginU Now*. Fire wsa dlacosered ia Ihe boid of tbe Old Domioion Heameblp Company'a ateam-r Prioceas Aonp, Oip ain Tap ley, abortly after her arrival at Norfolk yreterday. 9uam was tarncd on Io an tftut to extiegoish tbe b'aze. Ihe Nor folk fire dfpsrtment atoud by to rtnder asalataoce. Late in tho alternoon it wta aDOOOoced Ibat the fire waj alnut oot aod that the ateamer bad bcan tboded. J. B. Wood, of R'cbmnnd, yesler^ay evenlDg waa e'ested snperintendeot of tbe Btate penltentlary, to Burceed the ltte M-j Eyao P Morga-. Hia only opponeot waa E W. Mnstead, of New? port Newa, who was wllltog Io accept tbetfflce, bot made no fi<bt for If. Mr. Wood ia a member of ihe peoiteotUry board, aod OOtli oot ?ote Io ihe eleo tioo. Tbe board ia compoaed of fi?e membera. Tbe oew aap^rititeodeot ia a maa of excellent q'lalltira aod ia thoroogbly oapatJl to lill the rrqoire menta. He is a leadiog bn?lneaa man aod chorcb wotker of Rtcbmood. Mach apecola'ioo baa been oaoaed by ?he aecret meetlog of the welfare commit? tee of the Alumnl Asaoclatloo ofthe Vir Klola Polytechnlc InatltatP, beld at Hlackaborg, for ae?eral dsya duriog the psat week. Lawrence Priddy, of New York, prtaldent oftheGeneral Alamni Asaociation, and who waa qioted rt rraotly aa opposiog a contlnnaoce in charreof the praaent admioiatration, waa preieV. Resolationa wue adop'.eJ, whioh ara aoppoaed to relato to tbe chargea to be brooght againat Preetdeol Bmioger'a admiolstratloD, bot ootblog coold be deflnltely learned as to their contex'._ CONGREflMONAL. Io the Seoate yeatsrday Saoator Diok had read a letter elgoed by 8eoalora Oommloa, L? FoUette, C!app aod Brlatow. It conatitntea a prrpagaoda of ihe "progreaaiyee," aod M'. D ck ao nonnced his pnrpoae of addrea'irg the 8?nate oo it withio a few daya. Io tbe House Mr. Towoaend intro doced President Tafl'a bill Incorpora tlng tbe recommendatlnna cootained Io bia meaaage for the amendment ol the lotersta'e commercc law. Io the malo the bill followa the rfcommendatlona io the prealdent'a mtasage, read In the Seoata yeaterday. The fortifications bill waa subm Ited to the Booae by the approprlationa ccm mltUe. Tbe measore carilea $5,017,000. Mr. Maoo, dorlog tbe cooaideratlon oftbearmy approprlation bill, i ffered m amendmeot cattiog down tho ap? proprlation for tbt na-ional guard from 11,350.000 to $1,000,000. It was de. feated by an oyerwbelmlog m?j city. Tha day was maiked by activity amoog tha loaargen'a. Mr. Gardoer, of Maataebuewtta, aoooooc*d bia Intootho to reoew the fight. The ioaargeoti woa Ia the day's developmeols, aod the regolars ootif.ed them the party cancaa would be used to mako them dcclare themaelves oo inportaot Uglslatlon. The late aummer and fall ia o ?- nf the l>tst tirne. iu the year to paint yonr tou e. Poaaj lorgKt that we are headquartera ft-r every thingiathe palnt llne. 8*e ua before yoo pU? yonr ordar. E, S. Leadbeatar A 8ona ' Wpiool Oaa'or O'l.Mothert wpwadv hS it u the greateu preparadoo cf iti kio 1 Yuur cbildren Will like it, tco, 1* parbottis, ?, n, UadbaaUr 4 Soua. OEN3U3 APPUOATION FORMeJ. Cenaua Huperyiaor Albert Fietcher, y.t wlioaeofllc! a at Warreoton, Va., haa receired from the Oenaos Rureau a aopply of blaok appllcaliooa fcr persoos applyiog forpoaitiooa a?ceoeoseoumera tora. Tbeae will be forwarded to bia Hst of applicaota aa aoon as possible. The applicatloos, properly filltd oot, moat beretnrned to the aopertiaor not later thao January 31, the cenaoa direc tor ba?iog exteoded the time for filing from January 2r>, whloh waa the date firit set for cloaing the conaideratioo of applicatlone. The "teat" will occor Febroary f>, as preyloualy aonounoed. Tbe inatroctions printed on tbe appli cation (crm atate tbat a dtfintte answer ia rtqnired to each of the qoeationa, wbich art: "Are you a citlzso of tbe Unlted Stater" If Daturalizedcitiz.'n, wben aod wbere were yoo naturaliz:d ' ??Of what atate or tenltory are you a legai resideot! How loog haee ycu beeo % legal realdent therer.f ' Of what coooty aod o( whet town or city aod ward are yoo a reaideni.' How loog have yoo been a reaident ther -o ? "What ia yoor aex and col> ' What waayoorageat twst birthdaj.' Wbere were yoo bori '.' "What is yoar edacation? (Giye the principal fact*.) "What ia your preaent occupatloi.' "What ia jtur profeaaiooal or bual oeaa experleoc. * (Gi?e tbe principil facla, and, If at preaent an tfficeholder, name the office you hold ) "Bave yoa evrr been employed on cenjus work, e tber national or stati' If so, io what capacity and for fcow long a peiiot'.' If ao enumeralcr, for wbat t?iritory or district? (Describe aa acca rattly aa posslble.) "Are you pbyslcilly capable of a foll diacbarare of the datles of a CvOsns enu merator.' Have yon aoy defect ol eithtr aigbt, hearlog, apeccb, or llmb.' If ao, b a'.e nature of defec'. "Dj yon epesk Eiigliab? I)o yoi nn deratand asd apeak aoy laoguage other thao Eoglist? 1/ ao, what langosgr' (Specify languageaepnkeo, as B hemiao, (Jhioesp, Dinlsh, Freccb, Germao, Greek, Bungar^an, Italiao, Japsnese, Lithoaolan, Magvar, Ncrwegian, Poliah Pcrtogoeae, Rntaian, Slaric, Spaniab; Yiddiab, elr.) "Aie yoo a member ol a pollllcal committee cf aoy part?! (Answea 'Yes' or 'So,' bot do oot iodicate wbat "In vlew of tbe fact that yoa may be reqoired to take a teat before a pcatmaa ter, Btate wbat post-r woold be most conveoleot to you for thls porposr. (Thia teat is of a pditlcal character, coDs'atlng chiefly Dl wholly of tbe fllllog oot of a sample scbedule of p pulatiou from Information farniahed regardiog typiral famillea, and, In the caae of enu merators whose work wlll be io rural disir'cla, tbe fllliog ont ol a tample acbedule of agriculture.) "Are the arawera to each of tho fore golog queations true td the bcst of your koowledge and belief ? Are they la your owo hendwritio.? ' Iadoraemeoia of each applieant mnat be aecnred from two rapresentatiye oiti ?.?na of the commnoity In wbich tbe ap pllcaot reslder. They must be at leaat 21 yeara of age aod acqaaioted witb the appllcaot oot leaa tbao one year. Io doraemeota will not be accepted from aoy peraoo wbo Ia Io aoy way related to the appllcaot. Tae Indoraement certl fiaa tbat the applieant "ia a tborooghly troatwortby aod hooeat ptraoo, of good babita, aod, io my opioion, ia fulif caraole of diacharglng the dotiea of a ceriaaa, if appointed." Wholeaale Pricea of Produoe FlonrExtra. 6 75 a 000 Family. ?25 ? ?75 Fancy brands. 650 a 7 00 tfheat. longberry. }?J a 53 Mixed. 121 * 1M "o.u. H9 a 120 Dampauet tough. 100 a 105 Corn. whtts. 070 a 0 75 Mixed. Otia a 070 Yellow . 0U8 a 0 70 OoTnMeal.:..:::. 072 . 075 Rye. 075 a 0*) Oata, mixed. new. 050 . 056 Wnlte. new. 050 . OW CloverSeed. 800 a 960 Timothy. . 1 "5 * ao? Elgin Print Bntter. 032 a 034 Butter, Virzlnia, packed. 018 a 020 Choioe Virginia. 020 a 028 Common to middling. 014 a 016 Ejfga . 0 31 h 033 UyeCnickena(hsna). 011 a 0 18 Spring Chickena. 0 20 a 0 22 Potatoee. per ou. 65 a <0 gweet Potatoe. bbl. SiO s 0 00 OnUns, per bnahel. jW ? '? Applea, per bbl. 300 a 500 Drfedlr&hes. pealed. 008* a 0.0 Pork. per 100 Iba. 9 50 a 10 50 Bjeon, conntry hama. 0 17 a 0 18 Best aogar-cured hama. 018 a 0 19 Breakfast Bacon. 0 17 a 0174 SJiar-cured ahouldera. 0 00 a 013 ?nlk ahoaldera. 012 a 013 DrySaltaides. 014 a 0U? gugar. 0CO a 00) <3SA. 6 10 a 615 Conf. atandard. 612 a 618 Granulated. 6 28 a 5 45 Cotleee-Rio. 011 a 015 LaQnayra . 015 a 016 jTtb,. . 018 a 02? MolaaaesB. 8. 015 a 016 C B . 017 a 023 NewOrleana. 0? a 046 Sogax Syropa. 016 a 031 iPortotacT.. .... 022 a 035 8?it-G. A. 060 a 0 65 Flue.- ?? ? Wool?lona, unwaahed......... 028 a Waahed. 0" ? kerino, unwaahed. 0J? a Do. waahed. 024 a Harring, Eaatern per bbl. 6 75 a Potomac family roe. 4 50 a Hackenl, small P?r bbl. 13 00 a 1400 No.Smadlnm. H00 - Plaatef, groand, p?r ton.. 480 Oronnalabafs. 6 60 Women's Garment Prices Go Smash. Women's Suits that were $12.50 and $15.00, now $8. Women's Suit9 that were $25 now $17.50. Piush Carricul and f loth Coats cut nearly to half. Big bargains in Children's Coats. Women's Skirts greatly reduced. Comfo'ts and Blankets reduced. 8c Apron Ginshani only 6J?c yard. Furs reduced as never before. It will pay you tolookatourfurs. Nemo Self-reducing Corset N-312 for short and s'out and 314 for tall and ftout leductd from $3 to $2.25 for this week only. C. B. and American Lady Corset reduced to half $1.00 Corset at 50c; $1.50 Corset, 75ci Not all sizes in the lot, but nearly all. ROSENFELD'S 518-20 King Street, Alexandria, Va. Don't Throw Up Vowr Hands when jewelry is men ioned. i! is not ao expensive if you buv it atsuchastoreusours And remeraber ihat our moderate prices for ilngs, broochef, or trinkcts of any kind do not men inferior quality. Our reputation for reiiable jewelry is an abso lute guarantee against that What you buy bere is good, whatever you pay. Diamond Rings from $5 to $:oi). Waterman Fountain Pens from $2 50 up 5 H. W. WILDT & SON, Jewelers, .06 NORTH ROYAL STREET BELL PHONE 34*-J DRY 00OD3. $2.00 Sateen Petticoats BLACK ONLY. Her<t ia ao opportonity for yoo to taka adran'aje of. W? have lo our *klrt department ahoat 275 Ba'Mn Pet. tlcoata worth $2.00 epltcc These wa muat gct rid ol bfifore stock taklnp. Tbey ire madfl ol ao excelleot qjality attoso io a cuoabtr ..f pretly atylf. Tbey are rut full wi^rh, wiih full four datioo and dust n ttl ?. All lengtba? 38 to 44. Actual value, |2 Q*7/-. dpccial fcr th!a aalt-. V/C WASHINvlTON. D. a ^AVII8EMENT8. Opera HouslT TONIGHT **4 TBE GUY JOHNSON CO. WILL PRE.SENT "UNCLE JOSH" Iu3a<'ti. A fensatiunl meUdrama. Rcalistic, Picturesque, Tiue ?o Life Three Reela of Moving Picturea Prieea 10 aid 15. A Uw rhoiceat bmU at 20c PREAMTHE\TRE -Dowu Three raadal resla r i'late motion ptctare* daily, I to 5 y m Ailmi.*' ^^N?//J",T* Beein the New Year by starting ont with a new aatof Box Fi'ea. We acll the "Exselaior" 2 poat lile for 25 cenu. S.F.Dyson&Bro. 508 KING STREET. VIOLETS FRE9II IIAHV The Mra F. J Kramer Floral Co. Bell phone 171. 161J IM N. Fayetta b't. jtnflSt_ MASONIC ? A oelled oouiuiunu-tum of ALEXANDR1A WASlflNUTON LODOK No 22 A.. V. a A. M.. ail! I* !"? U ?tthe T;.nple ftri>l)AY KVliNiNO. J... 7.30 o'cloctr. for work. By order .f the WoiaUvfulMaater. 2t A. G. UHLEB, Becretary._ U/ANTED-A LADY OTENWRAPHEB. W Applr -? W. * O. Ra.lway Fmg-t Depot, aonh Fairfai strttt. J?al0 31 WMr-r-r-r Need an alarm clock to wake. you theae cold norningf? Be 6ure to get a sood one There are none better than tlicae w? offer you from $1,011 lo $1.5(1 We guaranlee that they'II ktep good time and make noise M0O| h to awaken you at the right hour, as well You can't run any risk. in buying any aort of a clock here. Saunders & tioii 629 King Street ia.?'.B COLON1AL SILVER SERVICbl Pieces 5^ ? JL ?5lJ Flat table ailver to match atf moat reaaonable pricej R. C. Acton & Sons 606 KINGJSTREET Shaw-Walker Filing Devices AND Plow Hotter Lcose Leaf Ledgers are the devices now uaed in a I first-class up to-date busineas of fices, We have a stock always on hand Let us ahow you Wa will be glad to. R. E. KNIGHT. Wash?day Troubles Reduced to a tninimntn l.y aendiog your brd and ta?>l<s llnena to aa. Oar prices are rlght and aervice prompt. Banoer S.eam Laundry. Phonea?Be'l 203, llonu- I ALKXANDRIA - - V[RC WANTEU A CCOK. Applf N?. ?l aorth \Vaaipi<a toa atmt, )??? J;'