Newspaper Page Text
iMANHATTANJ Shirt Sale. a* a 4 mm For Manhattan Negligee and <? N* S Fancy Stiff Bosom >hirts that f %P I ? I *J regularly sell at $1 50. ? ^ /%q For Manhattan Shirts that ] J{ %P 1 ? OO regularly sell at $2.00. Clothing Sale. Suits, Pants and Overcoats 33 1-3 off the regular prices. Hat Sale. See the $3,00 Hats we are selling at $2.00, saving you a dollar. KaufmannBros I Clothiers, Haberdashers and Tailors. ? 402-405 KING STREET. ? The First National Bai Of Alexandria, Va, CAPITAL, $100,000 SURPLUS, $150,000 Undivided Profits, $25,000 G. L. BOOTHE. President. GEO. E. WARFIELD, Cashier M. B. HARLOW, Vice-President. J. J. GREEN, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS GARDNER L. BOOTHE SSPJk WARFIELD] Rfc"MOIT RAHD Jr. JAS MU1K M.^ HARLOW WALTER ROBERTS FRANC1S L. SMITH. Thia bank wllh lts atnple capital and surplus, its adequate equlpment and facilitiea, BOlicit* tbe accounts of manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and individuals on the beat ternis consistent with eouud banking. No account too large to be baudled satiafactonly.none too small to De appreciated. PURE FOOD STORE. Let l!s Have Your Order We have the best at the h.west possible price, Sweet Florida Orarget...15c, 20c, 25e.30c doz. ! Sweet CatawV-a Wine.*1 C0 rsIIod Miifd Nua .r/,cand 16o ponud. i (Miforn-'a Port Wiap.I 50 %h on. Mix.d Candiea.10c, 12j>, 15c.25c pound. I C*\ fbruia Sherry W ne.*l.fO (?all>n. Swett CMar.30cKalljn. j Biuenmut Ture full qoait. Call, Phone or Write. Boih Phones Edward Quinn^Sons Cor. St. Aaaph and Oronoco Streets. tt********************************** Modern and Up=lo=Date io Every Respect ? r Corner King and Royal Streets. Capital $100,000 Capital $100,000 Depositors afforded every facility for business, security and accomodations Large or small accounts invited in both Commercial and Savings Department Boird of Directors. Jodge C. E. Nicol, Preaident. A. H. Rector ? W. B. Smoot, Vi?e Preaident. R. I* fockreli. John A. Marahall, Vir? PhwH??*, C. C. Carlin. T. C. 8mith, Vie? Preaident and Ciaoiar, W. A. Smoot. W. A. Smoot, Jr. P. F. Gorrnan. A. O, Portuer Details carefully attended to for all customers. We issue drafts on all points of the worid. ? OaMMMMMMMrMMMMMHMH A Hilf Cent an Ilonr is all that a Sewing Machine Motor ccats, and it will enable you to aew faster. It will also relieve you entirely of tb?? fati/tninR pedalling. DEMONSTRATED AT Alexandria Electric Co 9a Office ?a>! KING STREET. jaTTn^, !Nttimbtia ?cfcfttf? TUKSDAY KVKN-NO, JAN. 11. ??10._ Foreign Geography. Chlldrcn of Europenn blrth who were old enough to recelve some Instructioa in geography before coming to thls country hold oplnlons ln regard to the politlcal dlvlsions of the earth whlch all the Anierican geograpbers and the teachera thereof combined cannot up root. A New York tcacber found that out wheo sho tried to impress upon a youug Austrian iniss that ColuiBbus la the capltal of Ohio. "It is Cinclnnatl, on the Ohio," re torted the Austrian maiden polltely, but flrmly. Maps and priuted text were produced to prove her error. TUe pupil was ln nowise convinced. "It wasn't that way ln our geogra? phy at hotne," sald she. And the next day, to uphold her contentlon, she brought the geography on whlch she based her assertion. That book was not a perfect product of the geography niaker's art, for it certainly did state that Cincinnati, on the Ohio rlver, waa tho capltal of Ohio, "But that is a mistake," sald the teacher. Thea day after day, when tho girl was called upon to recite, tho teacher put the question of dlscord, "What is tbe capltal of Ohio?" aud duy after day. at the rlsk of bad marks, came tho positlve reply, "CincLnnatl, on tho Oiilo."-New York Press. Whelka' Egga. Natural sonp is not heard of very of ten, but it not only erist*. but ls hlghly prlzed by Jack Tar in tbe troplca arbeai the purscr reports that the a_Ip_ aup ply of soap has gtven out. Then all hunds are sent ashore to gather a sup ply of "natural soap," wbich is found on the shore lu the shape of whelks' igga. The whelk is a little shellUsh. or marine mollusk, whlch in Europe is ?aten llke uiussels, cockles, oysters tnd clnms, but in the troplcs it is rnore higuly esteemed for the soap it provides in the shape of lts eggs. The eggs are found in ti light yellowlsn mass wbich is compose<l of some fire or six baodrad capaolaa, One fiata alone produces milllons of thesc in the course of the year. They are found on the sbores of the Atlantlc, but nre very profuse o? the intertrop ical coral rocfs, wbere sailors take largo quantitles nboard for uso aa soap. _^^^ Diamond Cut Diamond. "Patrick II. McCarren," said a Brook lyn lawyer, "knew how to bandle men. He met stralghtforward men with atralghtforward methods. aud tricky men he bested with wllier trlcks than their own. "Onco he illustrated his policy to i_e with n story. He was like, he sald, the rich Peter Higguos. "When Peter was young and gay two friends, bclng hard up, put up a ganie ou hlm. "'Peter,' they said, 'you might pay us that $- we leDt you.' " 'When did you leud mo |2?' sald Peter haughtily. " 'Wliy, ulght before last, when you were drunk,' fraa tbe rwply. " 'Oh, ycs,' sald I'cter 'I remember now. But, liang It, I pald you bnck!' "'Pald us backl When?' " 'Last nlght, wlien you were drunk. Dou't you remember?'" Didn't Lose Hia Tempee. Tbere was an elderly East Indlan colonel whose boast it was that he bad a very tranqull dl?ix)sltion that notu ing could rulfle. He took up golf, and for a long time bla friends failed b> notlce any dl.sturban.e of ihe colnnH's outward ealm, but one day, when play Iog a foursome, he got into a notorioiis "devil's pnncbbowr buuker and Bpenl a ti't-rililo Bfteen minutes trying lirst to flnd tho bail and then to play it out. He tried every clul> in valn. and at last. glaring llke a demon, he smasbed tlicm, ono after anotber, across a Jagge<l rock. "What are you dolng?" criod the party abOTe. "It's all rlght'." he snorted. "Ifs-ifs bettet to?break one's Crsba than to-lose one's tempor:" And the caddie gatli ered up tbe pieces. Cruahing a Lawyer. De Wolfe Hopper was once a wit ness in a suit for slander, and the opposing couusel In the court room said: "You are an actor, I believc?" "Ye?," repUad Hopper. "Ia not that a lu\v onlllug?" "I dou't fcnow, but Ifa BO mueh bet ter than niy father's that I am rather proud of it." "Whnt was your father's calling. may I ask?" "He was a lawyer," said Hopper. Playing It Down Low. "I haven't much use for Blithersley," eaid the proud pnpa. "WUy?" asked the proud mamma. "I listened to hlm for an liour today while he told me abont what his baby had said or tried to say, aud Just as I was nbout to tell him about ours he left me, saying he had to catch a train."?Baltlmore American. By Main Strength. They were llstening to a piano solo at a club after dlnner party. "I know a girl," she whispered, "who played the piano. and she had only four fingers on one hnnd." "You'd thlnk from the way this one ls playing." sald he, "that sho hadn't any."?N?W York Press. Inaulted. "Have you 11v<m1 in thls town yery long. Mias Sear?" ?'Of course not: Do I look old enough to bave Hved anywhere very long?" HIs Obligations. "I owe TJenks n cnll." "Oolng there thia eTeuIng?" "No. You aee-er-tuat lan't flll I owa hlm."?Clereland I.aadar. Oo yoa use 11 atomlzer in \<t t;rg Kaaal Catarrh? If aa ?on will app?ci't* Ely'a Liquid Cream Ralrr, the qnickcat ind snreat remel? for th ? 1 i eaae. Insllcura tive properti*e It ia i I-:. ifie 1 with the roltd 1 re\m Balm, which ia a> Bmbasu and ao aac fea<ful in overcomtng <"V*rrh, Hsy Fever and Cold in the haad. Then ia rr.Hef io the tirat daah of apray npon the r.eV.*d aeoaitiiv air-paasag?s. All drugiiati 76c, iocladinc 'Viraying tabe, or malied by Ely Broi., 56 { Warren alreet N?w York. I/atroasM properiy fiual, will oot oaasa MaoaahtU T<m esft a* suth a flt if yoa fa to UsdMhtar'a. Av ' DRY 000D9. The New 1910 On Sale THIS WEEK D. im *? Sons 316 King" Street. BELL'PHONE. HOMK 'PHOKl LEOAL NOTICES. VIRGINIA.?Ia the Clerk'a Offioe ofthe Circuit Court ofthe City of Alexandria, on the 21th day of Decemb r, 1909. Miiry 1 ewia, in I er own rigbt, and aa admii istratriz with tbe will auuei.d of Jame* P. I.ewia, decea?ed, complainant ra. Tbe Naiiousl Investment and Irnprorem nt Aa !??'! iatio'i, ii corpnraiioii nnder tbe lawa n Virginia. Tbe Natiou 1 Mutnal Benefii Orporation. a corporatioa under the law Virgirn: Jtohert II. L'nward in hia own rigbt and aa t uatee. R. W. Moore ?a trna t*e, C B Pi*r<'e ar.d .Jamea P. Lewia, jr. Memo. Tbe objcct of tbia auit ia todlatolve tbe aaid Ibe National Inmt i ent and lm> provernent Afaooiation l>y ? deiree of the Circuit Court tf Alexand'h city. Mrgioia. and have a rec iver ?pio n!el hy aaid coun to take ohnrge of m 11 of tbe ataeta of the aa*d ?a oeiatiaa with ius'rurt "na and authority t< iuM tute the iiece^siry prooeedinga to oompel the aaid Pobert H. Coward in hia owu rigbt and aa truste* tneecount f >r tlie moneya daeto tbe aaid aaaarlarloa. and to iustitnte all other MtWBI >ry pro awdiagl U real ze tdd aaseia o aaid association and for an injunction sgsinat aaid Coward Ia Iria o*n rigbt and aa truatee, anl The Nation 1 Mntual Benefit Corpora? tioa and for genera! relief. 't appearing by an affidarit filed in thia cau*? tbat the defendanU, C. B Piaree, Jaa P. Lewia, jr, and Robert H. Coward, are non-reaiJenta of thia Stata: It ia <>_? deml, That aaid defendants appearhere with in fift'-t-u d?\ a after due pnblioation of thia onler, and do what ia neoeamry toprotect their intereaUin thia auit, and tbat a copy of thia or.ler be forthwith inaerted in the Alexan? dria Gazette, a newapaper pnhliahed in tbe city of Alexandria, once a waek for fcrar an* ressive weeka, and poated at the front door of the Court Houae of thia city. A copy?Tkstk NEVKLI. S. GBEENAWAY, Clerk, R. H. Ford, I A. T. Holtrrnan, > P. Q C. B. Hlevl J dae2t wiw-f \7JRGINIA.-In the Clerk'e office of t_e " Corporation Conrt of the city of Alaxan dria, on the 30th day of D?emher, 190B. William Demaine, Jr. aurviying partner of tl.- Irn <>f William Demaine, Sr , and William Deraaire, Jr , lately trading un? der the ti m name of William Demaine and Son, who anes on behalf of hima*lf and ruch other crrditors of t*arah Fry 'firmerly Har^h Mnrray), deceased, aa may hecorae partiea to thia suit and contribute to tbe ei p*-rjsea thereof, va. Lucy Murray. in her own rigi.'.and alao uadmitiiatratriz of tbe eatate if d?nh Fry, deceaaed; Mary D, Mnrray: the unknown heira or Alfrtil Mnr. ray, deceaa?(l; John W. Payne; Geo. Pajno, the infant acn of Mary Pa'iie, deceaaed; Wi'liam Paycp, 8r.: Frink Payne; John P>iyne, and-Pa?r,e, hia wife, and William Parno, Jr., and Beaaie Payne, hia wife. In chaneery. Vfemo. 1 he ohjdot of thia snit iatoeonver-e the creditora of ^arah Fry (formerly Sarah Mirraj ),deoea>ed, to txamine and bave psas ed upon bv the ourt the accouut of adr.iinia tration of lucy Murray, adminiatratrix of aaid Sarah Fry'aeattte, and to obtain a de rrte of'haronrt aabjecting th? re?l *?tate ot B*M Sarah Fry, which is utoatfd on the weat a'de of Pitt atreet, b*t*een Peodleton and Orococo stre?._,in the city cf Alexandria.Vir ginia. to a I- for ihe pe^meot ofthedebta Hnp hy aaid *?rah Fry and by her tatate, and forgeneral relief. It appearing i.y an af-davit filed iu thia canae that th> de'enl?uta Mary D. Murray, the usknovrn heira of /Ufred Murray, deceeaed: John W l'i^nt-; Geo ge Payne, the infant ? onri'Mary Pavre, de<e aa_;WUlka Payne, gr ; aud .1. h i P.yne and-Payne, bia wifa, are nonreaidenta of this atate, ItisOrdered: That aaid defrndanta appear hee wi r in tirt^rn uaraaf^rdue poblieatioa ot thia oriler, and dowhat is neeea?ary to pro V*>* thei' int?re?t in thi?anit, and thatacopy ofthia 'rderbeforthwithiaaerted intheAiex anlria Gaaette, a newapaper poblia.1 ed in th? Cityof Alei?..!ria, oni* a w.ek for fonr anro<-??:vf w??Va, nd poat-d at the front door of the "na-t Honse of thia city. A oopy ? T_vr?. NEVEL_ .-?. GBEENAWAY, Herk. Tolii.Mn Vo:rn-e. p q ' e'O ?4V-w NTK K iiriug qualified aa ei'onier <?( the will and eautt of WILLIAM P. WOOLI B, Sb.. dweaaed, all pcraont hariog rlaimsegaiott tlie aaid eetat* are bereSy noti fied to p-eaei.t tbe aame, dnly yeritied to me for a*f'e_ent. and all per-ona indebted to aaid tiuu sn nereby cotiflad ao make promt payment of carh iudebtadcaas t* ??, Beepe.tfujl* ,_, WTlLlAV WOOLU, txOhoi, Mraaltt Foif' Efeiiiiif Hours Some of the sweetest Lours of home-Iife are passed under the gentle, kindly light of the eve ning lamp. If it be the Rayo Lamp, the light contributea an added charm?makes reading and sewing easy. There are no aching eyes after reading or sew? ing under the rays of the Rayo Lamp. The Rayo Lamp diffuses a steady white light It is the least trying of any artifkial light. Made of brass throughout?nickel plated?improved central draught burncr. The Rayo is a low-priced lamp, but you cannot get a better lamp at any price. Once a Rayo uaer, always one Erery Dealer Ererywajere. If Not at Yours, Write fof DeacripUve ClrcuUr to tbe Ncareat Agency of tbe STANDAHD OIL COMPANY (Xoeerporated) CIGARS Just the Thing for Any Time. What'a "Joat Ihe tbfrfc?" Whj! Don't you kuow ' I.'a Planlalioo or Choice Cigars We make tbem and are manofacturlng other bigh grade cigara. Tbe retsi! trsde is auppllrd by nr. Any cigar aold bcre ia a "amoker'a dellgbt." Mr. F. 8. HARPEK. Wholeasle Grocer, jS aole agent for our Tiantation Cigar. HAMILTON & CO? 323 KINGSTREET. Virginia Safe Deposit & Trast Corporatioo ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. \uthorized Capital Paid in Caplta $1,000,000.00_$300,000.00 C. J. Rlxey, Joht. P. Robinaon, Thomaa J. Fannoo, G- CLeadbeatei Henry K. Held, hu tj J oeder, Gcrrje b.tttttb, J. K M Norton We act aa Executor, Administrafor aod Trustee. Issue Fidei ty, Gootract, Official and Judicial Bonda. General Banking and Truat Buainesa Transacted. fnterest paid on Savinga Accounta We solicit the accounta of Banka, Gorporationa, Firma and Individ jals, and oromiae Uberal treatment conaiatent with aound bankin? nethods. FOR RENT m King Street Store,.$4M011323 Queen Street.$12 50 3u N Washtnjjton street...$40 0?! 324 S. Patrick Street. 9 011 121 S. St Aaaph Street.$25 00 i 226 N. Pitt Street. ?.?o 1123 Duke Street.$N>fO,32SS. Patrick Street. 9.00 Sll S. Patrick Street.$13 00 719 Wilkea Street. 6 <* HARRIE WHITE Realtr, Iosuraoce, Bonding?628 King Street. Physicians Advise the use of a goodlaxative, to keep the bowels open and prevent the polsons of undlgested food from gettinginto your system. The latest product of KMOCa i? VELVO LaxafJve Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, gentie, rellable and of a pleasant, aromatic taste. Velvo acts on the liver, as well as on the Stomach and bowels, and Isof the greatest possible eftioicy in constipation, indlgestion, blliousness, sick headache, feverishness, colic.flatulence, etc. Try VF 1 LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP VELVO_ THE BEST MEDICINAL WHISKY Wakefield Rye Headquarters for the PE5T WINES AND LIQUORS in the city. j LOWENBACH BROS Ring and Alfred Streets. Both Phones ^G^XJ^OTICm^ VIRGINIA.?In the Clerk'a Offl>? of the Corporation Coart of the City of Alex aadria, on the 10th day of January, 1901. Harriet L. Maloney ) V In chancery Irving B. Maloney Memo. The objeot of thia anit ia to obtain an abeo'nte diTor<*e by Harriet L. Maloner from Irviog B. Maloney upon the gronnd of nolawfal deeertion aod abandonment 'or raore than three yeara prior to tbe icatitntion of thia anit and for the enatody of the iuf>nt ehildren, Jataea Iryiog and Andrew Bradl?y afaJonay. Ia appearing by ao affi lavit filed in thia oaose the defendant, Irricg B Maloney, ia a non-resident of thia State: It ia Ordered, Tbat aaid defendant appear here witbin flf teen *aye after due pnblication of thia order, and do what ia necewary to pro'ect hia in tereat in thia auit, <nd that a copy of tha or? der beforthwith ln'eitfl1 in the Alex?tdrU G-izette, a newapaper pu lishwt in the City of Alexandria, onre ? week for four anc^aiTe weeks, and poattd at tte front door of the Coart Hoos* of this city. A oopy-TEftTE. nTBLLM GREEtfAWAY. Clerk. 8rnnel G. Brent, p. q._jinlQ w4w-m APIeasaniTasteLingers After eating our delicioua Hot 5au8age Sandwiches And drinking our famoua French Drip Coffee. CameroD Dairy Liinch K* ?Hf 0 STlXfT. OPEN ALL NIOflT FI^A^OJLAL^ E8TABLI8HED 185?. BURKE&HERBERT, Bankers. Modernly eqiipped for banklng in it* ran ona brancees. Depoaita receWed aubjeet to eheek at tight Collctiona made on all points. Hjgh-gr&de inveatment aecnrltiee boagbt and aold. Lettera of Credit and Foreign Exchangt fnrniabed. Ha/e Deporit Boxea for rent. A Savinga Departmeat Ln whloh intereet ia aJlowed on depoait*. Gabdheb L. Bootub M I M. B. Bablow, pbesidhnt. J } Vlc* Preaident. Gao. E. Wabfield, Cabhibb. pirst National Bank AiBXAlTDB!A, Vi, neeignated Depoeltory of the Umt<Mi 8tat?o. CAPITAL C1M.IM ?HTBPLUa AND UNBrYIDKD ?"?" PBOFITB ? .^ . . tirs.OOO 9. L. BOOTHE, M. B. HJLRLOVr G. K. W'AliFIKLD, j, e. Muixk, WALTEB ^OBERTS, K HajanwR, FRANCrs L. PklTH. Prompt attantlon alvaa lo all nnalntai ia elnding oollectioM tbjtraghoat tha Uadaai 9taseaand Ewrope, SpecialThisWeek Jspaneae Air Planta 15c Ued Iromo tellea 15c Cut Flowere and Planta alwaya on baod Tha Mr* F. J. Kmner Ffotal Cc. Be J pheaea 171, 361 J |UJ V. Kejette gt. 80UTHERN RA1LWAY Traina lewve Dnloa Btatioa Alaxandrta Ia Eflect Kovember 7,1900. N. B?Following achedrxle ngaroa psbliahe only aa informatlon. and are not gaa/antewd 7:47 A. M.-Dailj Localbetween Waahiag ton and Danrille. ?47 A. M.-Dally?Looal for Harrleoa burg, aod way atadona. 9.17 A. M.-Daily-U. 8. Fnat MalL 8top only for pawaengera for pointa aonth at Thiob achedoled to etop. Fttv olaaa ooaohea, aleep era to Birmiogbaiu and drawlng-room aleep er? fo K?w Orleana. Dininu ear aerriee 11 17 A. M? Daily?Mail train. Coachea for Manaaaae, Cbarlotteavill . Lynchburg, Danyille ana Grtensboro. Sletper Gitens* boro to Atlanta 1.17 p. rn ?Week Daya? Local for War reuton ar.d Straabnrg Juretion. 4 32 P, M. Daily?Birmingham epeoiaL Rleeping oara between ^ew \ork, ugueta, Aiken aric Jacaicnville. gleeper to Birming* biuii Throug flr.u-';a a coachea between Waahington an JscksonTUL. Dining oar aerrici, To_r at t California four timee Kefkly. 4:37 P. M.?Week Dayt-Loal for Ha.< naosbarg and way ateuiona on Manaaaa brnncb. 5.12 P. M.-Daily-Local for Warran and CharlottearillB. 10:27 P. M.-Dally-Wae-iuatoB and Cha tanooga Limited (yia Lytrbbnrg;. Fir elasi ocaoh and aJeeping carato Roarofc Knox-ille and Chattanooga Si< per to New Or'eana, W ington to Boanoke. oar aeryice. 11KM P. M.-Daily-New York, Atlanta and At OTleana Limited. All Pnllnian traiu, ol-b ar.d obeervation oara to N?w Or leaaa, Me* era to Aahe-ille, Atlanta, Ma con and New OrUa ? fleeper to Chariotte, Dm' n car aerriee. 4:27 A. M.-Da'Iy-Memphia arecial. SJeepera and rcachea for Roanoke, Knox yilie, Na'hvi'le, Chattanooga and Mem phia. Dinlng car service, W&ahiogtoB sleeper open 10:00 P. M. Ttirougb traina from tbe ttoath arri ve a > ? exandria 6:18 and 6:?3 ai( 10:23 A. M. 2.13, 7.24, 10:?8 and 11.68 P. M. daily. Har rieoubu g 11:28 A. M. week daya and 9:13 P M. da.l From Charlotteaville9?8 A. M. TBAIN8 ON BLPEMONT BhAMJii. Leaye Alezandria (W. AO. Station, week daya at 8:22 _. M. and 3.65 P. M. for Bloe* mont: 6:33 P. M. week daya fcr J/eeaburg; 4.66 P. M. daily for Bluemont and 9:23 i. _ , local, on 8undav> onii for blaamonU For detailed aohednle fignrea, ticketa, Puil* anan reeervation. etc., apply to. WILLIAM G. LEHEW, Union Ticke Agent. Alexandrla, Va. C. H. ACKERT, Vice Prea. and Gen. Mg> 8. H. HARDWICK, Pana. Traf. Mgr. H. F. CARY, General Faaaenger Agent. L. & BBOWN, General Agent. _Waahington. D. C. Washingtou, Alexandria 6 Mt. Vernon Rai I way. IneffeotlMay 1, 1909. ljuvk _i____ro-U( For Waahington, from oorner Prinoe ana Boyal atreets, week daya, at 5 40, 6 06, 6 2f, 630, 6 40,6 56.706,716,730, 740, 7 50, 800. 8 15, 8 26, 836, 8 60, 910, 9 30, 9 50, 10 10,10 30, 10 50,11 10, 11 26, 11 30, 11 f 9 a. m., 12 10, 12 25, 12 30, 12 50, 1 10, 1 25, 1 30, 1 50, 2 10, 2 26, 2 30, 2 50,8 06, 8 25, 3 36, S 50 4 1 4 26, 4 30.4 40, 456, 6 10, 6 26, 5 36, 5 60, 6 ,6 2ii, 630, 6 5, 7 00, 715,7 26. 8 00. 8 3-,900, 9 30,10 00, 1030, 1110 and 1166 p. m, Sundaya?7 00,7 86,8 10,8 2C, 8 40, 9 00,9 80, 940,100 ,1020, 1040,1100.11 20 and 1140 a. m? 12 00, 1220. 1240. 100 120, 140, 2 00 2 20,2 40,3 00,3 20, 840,400 420,440,600 520,640,600, 620, 640, 7 00 720,740,800 830. 900, 930,10 00. 10* , and 1110 p. m FOB MOURT VBBNOIf. Leaye Alexandria for Moont Vernon, week daya, 5 46, 656, 7 66, 861, 10 25, 11 25, a. m. 12 25, ' 25, 2 26, 330, 4 40, 6 86, 6 30, 7 36, 8 60,9 50, 1060 ao' 1150 p.m. Hundaya? 7 00, 8 30. 9 30.10 30,1130 a. m., 12 30, 1 80. 2 30, 3 30, 480, 6S0, 630, 7ST 8 46 and 1<? 16 p. m. 8CH8DULB FOB _____HD_I_ CITY O-B, KOBTHBOUHD, Leare Ferry Wharf 8 16, 8 41, 9 10, 9 50. 10 25, 11 00, 11 36 a. m.; 12 30, 1 05, 1 36. 2 06, 2 45, 3 30, 4 06, 4 86, 5 06, 6 45, 6 10. 7 06, 7 45, 8 26, 9 00. 9 40 p. m. BOTJTHBOUND. Leare Npring Park 8 06, 8 80, 8 56, 9 38 10 10, 10 45, 11 20 a. m.; 12 16, 12 60 1 20, 1 60 2 30. 3 16, 3 ?0, 4 20, 4 60, 6 30 a o\ e r-o 7 v>. ? io. s <*. ? '/f.. in no p m Wasliington SontliHin K) Scfaednle in eieet Not. 7,1909. Traina leaye Union Station for WsahlDc" aad pointa nortb at 7 23, 818, 8 23 and 9 fa* a m 12 1, 2 30, 8 07, 8 18, and 11 33 p, m.. daily For Frederlekarrnrf, Richmond and poinb -nth at 4 37, 7 43 (TooaJ). and '0 22 a. m? 12 00, 4 22, 4 42, 5 18, 6 07 and 7 42 p. m. Acoommodatien forFrederickabura a. 618 p. m,' aily. Notr:?Time of arriyala and deparm and oonneotiona not amarantoed. W. P. TAYLOR, TraflSc _M_aBBger_ 8TEAMEB8~ MARYLAND, DELAWARE AN0 VI* GINIA RAILWAY COMPANY 8PRING 8CHEDULE. Steamaraor Tbia Line Lea-e aiajandrta on and after May 15, 1909, Erery MONDAY, WEDNE8DAY, aad 8ATURDAY at 4^0 p. m. OE BALTIMORE AND ALL THJ U8UAL RIVER LANDING8. Co?rineand appoint*a_ite anexoelied Frelght for Biltimrr-, PhiJadelphla aa Vew York aolicitodai.d banlled withcan, Throngh ratea and bllii Aiading iaened. Single fare to Baltimo.'a, $2,60; roond trlp (3.60. 'Utorooma. one way. 21.50. Meah, 60e REARDON k GRIMEH, Agenta, _Foot of Oameron atreet. Potomac & Chesapeake Steamboat Company. NEW NORFOLK LINE On an After October 14 KTKAMEK 8T. JOHN8. PotTHBorKi>?Tueaday, Thuralay acd 8at arday. Leavea Waahington fro_8'.h ?t wharf, 5 p m.; Alexandria. Cameron at. wharf, 5:'0 p. m.; Colnnial Beacb, 10 p. m. Arriy?a Old Point, 6 a m.; Norfolk, 7 a. m. NOBTHBOUND?Puoday, Wednesday and Friday. ixtarea Norfolk, Co-me-ee at. dock, I p m.; Old Point, 6 p. ra ; Colonial Beacb, !2 mirinighr. Arriyn Alexandria, 5:?0 a. _.; Waahingron, 6 am. Connectiona at Colonial Beaoh and Waah? ington >rith local aU-amere for Potomac river landioga. At Norfolk and Waahiogton witk linea diyerging, Fare, one wbt, $2.00; roond trip, $3 0). W. B. EMMERT. Vice Prea. and Gen. Mgr. W. F. CARNE, Jb? Gen. Agt. REARDONk GRIME8. Agenta, Al-xandria, Qeneral taranee Agenty LAURENCE STABLER, Sfm No. 4, Barka at Merbart Bidr The oomneutiea rapraeented tn thia offlje aareaaaarta of orer $100,000,000. Amont Hhanara: Hartford Flra Insuranca Ca Wlvarpool at Londao 4 (Jlote iCtaa Inauraica Cc. Northern Aaaaaoce Cs Sprlngflald Flr. * Marla* Prompt attention giren to adjaattncoi ot lotsta and all mattain ornnarterf ?'.il lr-ar Johw P. RoBiwaoa, Gko. S. Fkkwch Preaideut. Secretary. Alexandria Fertilizer aod Chemical Company. KAMUBACTUBBB8 0? Fertilizers, Fertilizer Ms terials ScSulphuric Acid. Aak yonr dealcr for the Alexandria Per. tilizer & Chemical Co.'s ProdncU. Cae?eaty: 60,000 toni per aanam. PrTBaaJsa Bsroet aad Potomac Kirer Vihtuf. .Vjrytnia. Of all the healtb baildara, flesa uukera and nooe ?? ant fctter ihm a(ofCodLimOU, We