Newspaper Page Text
^????<M*+++* Clothes | THAT . ARE RIQHT | The kind we handle. See the MANHATTAN J SH1RTS They are charming. cmimNX^cWTWS V __ Kaufmann Bros | o.mommmm. The Firsl National Bank Of Alexandria, Va, CAPITAL, $100,000 SURPLUS, $150,000 Undivided Pfofits,_$2?,000 G L BOOTHE, President.1! GEO. E. WARFIELD, Cashier M. B. HARLOW, Vice-President J. J. GREEN, Aast Cashier DIRECTORS GARDNER L. BOOTHE GEO.J-WARFIELD| BENOIT BAER. Jr. JAS MVJ* --?.-?, M B. HARLOW WALTLR ROBERT i> FRANCIS L. SMITH. This bank with lts ample capltol and surplus, Hsadequate equipment and facilities, solicita the accounts of manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and individuals on the best tertna conaistent with aound banklng. No acconnt too large to be handled satisfactorily.none too small to be apprtciated. GLOVE SALE Great Importation o! Fine Kid Gloves. Topken brand finest imported two clasp Kid Gloves, genuine lambskin, soft and selected quality in all the wanted Spring and Easter shades of tan, mode, gray, white and black, strong overseam stitching with neatsilk em broidered backs. Every pair guaranteed, perfect in fit, make and finish, all sizes, at 98c PAIR. I). RE1BEIM & SONS, 316 KING STREET. H44MvMMMM?MMvMMHM ?MMH h Modero and Up=to-Date in Every Respect ?> ! MMiiinfiom m Corcer King aod Royal Streeta. Capital $100,000 " Capital $100,000 V. Depositors afforded every facility for business, secunty and accornodatiops Large or r.nall accounta invited in both Commercial and ? Savioys Department Board of Directors. Jodjre C. F. Maaa, Prwu'ent. A. H. Reetor. W . H. Smoot, Vice Preaident. K, I. iVkrall, John A. Manhall, Vt<* Paaatvaai C. C. Carlin. T. C. Srciih, Vice Preaident and Caahler. W. A. Bmoot. W. A. Smoot, Jr. P. F. Goriuan. A. 0, Portner J Details carefully attended to for all customers. We issue drafts on all pointa of the world. ? MMXMMMHHMMMMMvvMMvH Hskmtibtia <&azritt\ FRIDAY EVENINQ. APRIL 1, l*m. TH8ES HCMDRED THOUSAND eTRJKE-3. Three boadred tlicu.atd mlners in the bitnminoos coal Belda of tbe Unitad Stales iu pinded wcrk and demanded higher wages last nigbt, according to the oficial atatemeat giren out at tbe beadqutrtera ln Iodianap'l'a, Iod , of tbe Uul' d Mine Workars of Amerlcan. Tba Amerkan Astociation of Masters, Matee aad Pilcts sent lo the reaignation of ita ms.uoera yeaterday from the marlne aervice of 'our of the eight trunk llnes atrving New York city. Und r the pro v. 'ons of the sdmiralty law, offlcera holding federal llcersea aie forblddento go oo atrike, on pena'ty of loslog tbeir lioenaee, witbcut which they cannot ob tain employnient. Therefora tha men coae to i?lgn, but It ia well andertto.d tbat their action followa a refusal of the four roads in qaest:on to graot their de mr.nds for lees work and more pay. Tbree roada agreed on a settlement durlnar the day and averui trouble. A general tleop of all tnga and ligbtera io the watera about New York barbor would indeed 11 a very serioua sitnation, and one that wonld Immc llately make itself felt ln thn fc 1 market*: but in dir?tiona were last nlght tbat tbe danger that threahned yeaterday morning haa beea very mu^h m tigated by the con* cessions alreaay resched. Tbe otber roadi bave appealed to the Depittment of Oommerce and Labor. Ohambarlain's "tomacu aod Llver Tai .saaaist natura in drlvlng all lm porltln ont of tr i ayatm, inaaring a free and rc^u'ar oaditico and reatorlng the organs of the bouy to health and st.eogtb. Sold by W. F. Orelghtoo A C). aod Bichard Gibeon. PRIZE FIGHf IN A OHUROH. There was astonlsbment In Atlanta, Ga., yeaterday when poet oards aant ont by Ohairman Gloor of tbe board of dea con of of tbe Western Helgh's Bsptist Ohurch were received, oootalning an lo vitation to attend a "prlze ftgbt" ln the ehnrob. The eards read: Dear Brother Yoo are cordially invlted to attand a prlze flght at Western Uaighta Baptltt Oborch Monday nlght, Aprll 4, at 8 o'clock. Be sure to bring this card for admlttance. OBcials of the church admitted there woold be a boxing boat, bat declined to glve the namea of tbeae who would put on the gloves. It ia belleved the figbtera will be two membera of tha chnrch, athletic clnb. Indications are that tbe cburch will be much too small to hold tha crowd tbat will gather. Aonoal Reunion, Unlted Confederate Veterans. For above ccasion.Southern Bailwav takea pleasuie in announcing excarsion lirsxts will be pleced on rsle April 23, 24, 25, WaahinR ton to Mobile, Als., ard re'urn at $20.80. Corropondingly low fsres frt n pointa in Virginia. Final return limit llay 2, 1910. By depositing tickel with special agent. Mr. bile, and upon paymept of fifty ccn'.a, aame will be extended 13 May 19.1910. Btop overe allowed returning within final limit. Consult agenta or write. L. 8. BBOWN, Gen. Agt. In Preparlng for spring house cleaning why not have your House Wired? Electricity is the cleanest, saftest and brightest iight. See the Alexandria Electric Co. 524 KING STREET. "LAUGH and the world laujha with you," And to laugh ia worth your while: So come up to the t'ameron Lunch For a long and lingering amile. YES, CAMERON LINCHER8 are cheerful and happy people and you will be aur rounded with au a?moephere of good-fel lowahip. COME up and be one of our crowd. Cameron Dairy Lunch. Open all night. 906 King atreet The Best of Everything. "THE VELVET KIND" BRICK 1CE CREAM 40c Qiiart. TAYLOR'S PHARMACY 616 King Street. "Tbe Velvet Kind" naed at our aoda fountain. SULLIVAN'S ?Wood Yard King and Peytoa Sta. ?. - Alexandria, Va. Small orders delivered 10 to 12 a. m. and to 5 p. m. i, { and full cord ordera delivered at once. l'eliveriea in Rosemont, Braddock and Del K?y daily. PJJONE3: Bell 217. Home 141 W jan 22 3m The Best Your Money Can Buy in Ice Cream ia "Quality" Ice Cream BBICK OR Bl'LK. MADE OF Fresh fruits and pure ingredi enta. Special pricea for churches and festivaK 0?0-0 H, BLOCH gffgjj Trusaea and onlv E Ei a?BaS Jsafl aVeadbasler'e. I Pale-Faced Women You ladfes, who have pale faces, sallow complexions, dark circles under eyes, drawn features and tired, worn out expressions, you need a tonic. The tonic you need is Cardui, the woman s tonic. It is the best tonic for women, because its ingredients are specifically adapted for women's needs. They act on the womanly organs and help to give needed strength and vitality to the worn-out womaniy frame. Cardui is a vegetable medicine. It contains no min erals, no iron, no potassium, no lime, no glycerin, no dan gerous, or habit-forming drugs of any kind. It is perfectly harmless and safe, for young and old to use. ?? CARDUI J43 The Woman's Tonic "After my doctor had done all he said he could for me,'* wrltes Mrs. Wm. Hilliard, of Mountainburg, Ark., "I took Car? dui, on the advice of a friend, and it heiped me so much. "Before taking Cardui, I had suffered frcm female troubles for five years, but since taking it, I am in good health. "I think there is some of the best advice in your book that I ever saw." Your druggist sells Cardui. Try it Wrtte to: Ladies' Advisorr Dept.. Chattinoog Medicine Co.. Chartanooga. Tetui, lor Spccial Irutmctloru, and 64-page book. "Home Treatment lor women." aeat free. Japaoese aod Chioa Matting New impoitation just received of plain and figurcd effects. Roils of 40 yards. China Matting?15c a yard or $5.75 a roll; 20c a yard or $7 a roll; 25c a yard or $9.50 a roll Japanese Matting?25c a jarct or $9 50 a roll; 30c a yard or $11 roll New Oilcloths, heavy bac k, 25c a square yard New Linoleum?Wild's Ork Linoleum, 2 yards wide, 51 a ruuning yard. Wi d's Inlaid Linoleum, $1 25 a square yard. New Matting Rugs, 2 yards long, 1 yard wide, 45c each. Another lot of Susan S?Ik just received, in pink, yellow, bJue, 'avender, navy and black, at 25c a yard. Complete showing of Spring Suit?, in all tne popular fabrics, from $12 50 up. Hats trimmed free of charge Window Shades made to order, any size, style or quality, at rea?onable piices and short notice. ROSENFELD'S 518-20 King Street, Alexandria, Va.' CIGARS. III) 11 SHKEf If you do you've mlaaed half the jora of smokirig If you haven't been buying the lVanta'.ion aid Chuice Cigars. Here are Cigars Fit for a Miliioaaire an 1 at pricea so low everybody can af tord llietn. For cigare that are trust worthy ard that you duplicate we have them. See that every I'lantation ia Btamped Hatnilton & Co. HAMIUTON & CO., 323 KING STREET. Some of the Handsomest Homes in ihe City of Alexandria. I am authorized to offer for fale the beautiful three story brick d vtlling No 415 Frince atreet (Maibury Houae),containing 15 rooms ani every modern convenience I hia property haa a frontage on P.mce street cf 75 feet and a depth of lf>7 feet and ia located in one of tbe best residential sectiona of ti;? city. Cozy six room brick dwellinur on south Pitt street, near Prince street, confaining every modern convenunce and in first class con dition. Snlendid tbree story frame dwellin?r>n south St Asaph street, n ?ar Duke street, containing 10 rooms and bath. Always rtnted. W*ll built three "storv brick dwlling on north side of King atreet between Fayette and Payne atrects, containing 10 rooms and bath. Inspection ol Thcsc Houses by Pcrmit Only Further Particulars at my oiiice. JOHN D. NOR/HOYLE, KING AND ROYAL STREETS. We are autborized to ofler for sale two NEW ?IGHT ROOM BRICK DWELLINGS with every modern convenience, in ciuc'ing ges electric lighta, concrete cellara, hot water heat, exccllent batha, anJ tile veatibulea, now being completed on north Columbus street between Queen and Princesa atreets (Court Houae square). These hcuaea are to be up-to-date ln even- parricuUr, with aide and rear alley ways. To quick purchasers these housrs will be olfered at exiremely low prices, aud extraoidinary rcasonable terms See us for p IC* andterms- . .... , * ? .u Special live day offer?Tweoty eight of ihe beat building Jota in the gTowing aubdiviaion of Del Ray, conveolent to car linea churches, schools and atorea, with city water and electric lighta. To a quick purchaser theae lota will be aold for *3,WM>. Thompson and Appich 107 South Royal Street -_-_ - - - Alexandria, Va GKOOEBIEcV W. A. JOflNSON & CO., WflOL-SALE GROCKR8. fatsflRAI COMMI88ION MKBCH-RT .'Aad Daalan ia ALL KIND8 OF LIQUOB8. Have ou band.Gibeon's XX, XXX, XX2X aadPuaOld .Rye, Old Cablnat and Mcno graza Whisklas; also Bakar'aaud 1 hompaon'a Para Rye WUsklea, to which thwy invits ths attention ofthe trade. Ofdara from tha oountry mr merohandias ihall receive prompt altention. Oonalynmenrs of Floor, Srain and Ccontij Produce aclidted, for which they ha highsst market pricea snd prompt retama N. K ooraer Oameron aod Boyal Streaut, JOHN AflERN & CO., vTHOLEBALK AND RETAIL GROfl-FI Ax-' Dealers ln FUBJS WINE8 AND LIQUOBg, rjoastry Produoe reoeivad daily. Our atotk of Plaia and Fanoy Orooeries <imbraoas rrsiy thing to be had in thia li ne, Wa kold largely in Dnited States bondrd wareuouae and earry in atocfc various braads ofthe best PTJBK FYE AND MAXT WHIB_IEP asade. Have also in stors superior gradee ef Foreif? and American WINES, ALE8, BROWN STOTTT, Ao. JaTJ nsllsfsnlli ii Guurantead as to Prioe aas QnaUty.-vMi Oo?-r Prlnow and Ouramaros Htrassv. CONSIDER THE .DVANTAGES OF v<im ittc .??\.rt.-(i/f?rStit(ffX WATER A WEATHER PROOF, I FIRE-RE8ISTING. Will not melt, rot, tear or corrode. Containa no tar, oil or paper. Outlaata metal and ahln^les. Pllable-can beeasily fittedlntojrotters. t valieya, etc. thcroby aaving exprniio j of tln and copper. Any handy man can apply Ruberold. Lengthena tbe life o( any boftliac. It'riU/or frictsanJs.i'H/iUt. [ W.A. Smoot &Co., Inc, Lumber and Mill Work, ALEXANDRIA. VA. marl lyr P0UNDEB8 AND^JdlACHJNjS^S jr& iL ArTCHESON, Machinists and Engineers. Ageiits 6ray fiasoline Hotors Engineers and Machinists Supplies, Pipe, Pipe Fittiags, Valves, Etc Blacksmitbing and Repair int? Promptly Executed. Tbe Alexandria Iron works Foundry, Machine, Blacksmitb, and Struc'ural Iron Work. Manufactureraof Power Turbine pumpa: will lift water 28 feet. AgenU for International Coal 011 En? gine, a aafe and reliable power. We aolicit your orde-a on all kinda ol Iron workb. Bell Phone 53. WASHINGTON OFFICE 514 Evana Bulldinp - Phcte Main 735 OTTERBUPN Lithia aad Mapesia Sprinp WATER. Greatest known Water for Dya pepsia, Indigestion, Kidney anr Liver Troubles. Leading Physicians endorae ' ind testify to its great raerit F8ir S WAHF1ELD, Drtsgfis! ?"jcr to V4.&JFIELD4& HALL. 10NEM4 SOL:.' AGSW , IV ',!,?? ??!*' ?r'1 rMw?? flaaaaW RICHARB B. WAHLES MANUKACTUHER OF FERTIUIZERS OFKCB A?D 8TOEKB: 116-117 I. BOYAL 81 Dealer in Hardwa'cP^ints, Agri cultural Implements, V?hiche, Harness, Held and Gaden Seeds. WABHHOtSrS, POITH fNJON STKEET, 05 I.INE <>K SOt'lllKBS EAILWAY. AlsoGrain, Hay, Strawand All Kinds of Mili Feed. Will alwaya keep io atook the hiftbeat grade of tneae aKiclea._ PARK AGNEW, Proprietor THE Bromilaw Brick Go* Building, Paving and Sewer Brick. Front and Building Sand, WORKS ' Huntlng Creek. vi '''?lerihorri 107. Don't worry aSout aour c<rna. LU<'K ETV8 FOOT BE8T PLA8TER will tak* them ofl lika magic withont (?audaniug 8f cutting. Iteaaca>ocr temperaa well u voo> wtn ?? 1*?A^+n?<t't flw **?_ A>dominal Belta for oorpulaat perple ob Bataeri oo aoawial ofter at LaadbaaMw'a. uSSSS a guaiawteaia' Crt<-ry Cougb Raaiedr u, ear* ooagba. W? don't aaj?or yonr mooey baeat, baoaaa*, tbatVa nonaad. fe, ? rac aSobottla _iiAILBOADb_ SOUTHE&N RAILWAV Tralna leave Unlca Btation Alexandr: Ia Effeot Jannaiy 3,1910. R. B?Following aoher11 'a fignrae pahliahad only aa Informatloa. and are not goaran **>?. 7:47 A. M.?Daily Local between Waahing t.on and Danville. 8:47 A, M.-Dally-Looal for HarrLaoa laorg, and way atationa. yi7A. M.-Daily-U.8. FaatMaiL Stope only for pacaenger* ."or pointa eonth at Thici achedo'eo to atop. Firai claaa coachea, aleep? ing caia to Birminghan and drawing-rc m aleeping cara to New Orleaaa. Dining car aervice. ??,11.17 A. M.?Daily-laail train. Coaohea for Manaaaaa, Charlotteaville, Lynchburg, Danrille ana Greeneboro. Sleeping cara Greentboro to Atlanta. ' 1.17 p. ro.?Week Daya?Local for War i jnton and Straabnrg Junction. 4:32 P. M. Daily?Birmingham apecni Sleeping cata between New York, Angna.a Aiken and Jacksonville. Sleeper to Birmin ;? bam. Throngb fi:.;t-cla?e coachea betwe-o Waahington an' Jacksonville. Dining ou rervioe. Tour n U, C'elifornia four tinua weekly. 4:37 P. lf.-W*k Dayt-Local for Har riaonborg and way atationa oa Maaaaaaa branch. 6:12 P. M.?Daily-LooaJ for Warremcx and Charlotteaville. 10:27 P. M.?Daily?Waahiogton and Chat tanooga Limited (via I.yncbburg), Fir' olaaa coaoh and aleeping cara to i oani k', Knoxville and Cliattancoga. Sleeper to New Orleana. Waiiington to Koantke. Dining car aervloe. 11:02 P. M.-Dallj-New York, Atlanta and Nev Orleana iJmited. All Pullm?n train, ohb and obaervation cara to New Or leana. Sleeping cara to Aaheville, Atlanta, Macon and New Orleana. Sleeping cara to Charlotte, Dinine car aervice. 4:27 A. M.-Daily-Meniphia epeeial. Sleepi-i' cara'and coachea for Roanoke, Knox? ville, Naahville, Chattanooga and Meni phia. Dining car aervice, YVaahington aleeping cara open 10:00 P. M. Throngh traina from the South arriva at A ? exandria 6:13 and 6:33 and 10:23 A. 11. 2.13, 7:28, 10:23 and 11.68 P. M.deiiy. Har naonburg 11:28 A. Ii. week daya and 0:13 P. M. daily From Charlotteaville 9:28 A. *t. TBAIN8 ON BLDEMONT BBANCR. Leave Alexandria (W. AO. Station, week daya at 8:22 A.M., 3.65 and 4.65 P. M. for Blnemont; 6:33 P.M.week daya for Leeabnrr; 4.56 P. 11. daily for Blnemont and 9:23 A. M-, local, cn Snndayr only for Blnemont. Fordetailed tchedole figorea, ticketo, Pull aoan recetvation, etc., apply to WILLIAM 0. LEHEVY, Union Ticka Agent, Alexandria, Va. E. H. COAPMAN. General Maaager S. H. HARDW1CK, Paea. Traf. Hgr. H. F. CARY. General Paasenger Agent. L. 8. BROWN, General Agent. _Waahington, P. C. _ Washingtow, Alexandria & Mt. Vernon Railway. IneflectlMay 1, 1909. JJUVB AXKXAJf DBUi For Wesninj,ton, from corner Prinoe and Royal atreeta, week daya, at 6 40, 6 06, 6 W, 6 30, 6 40,6 56,7 06,715,730, 740,7 60,0 00, 816, 8 25, 835, 8 50, 910, 9 30, 9 50, 10 10,10 30,10 60,1110,11 26, 11 30, 11 60 a, ro., 12 10, 12 25, 12 30, 12 60, 1 10, 1 28, 1 30, 1 50, 2 10, 2 26, 2 30, 2 50,3 06, 3 25, 3 35, 3 Oi 4 10426, 4 30,4 40,455,610,5 25,5 86,560 6if, 6 20, 630, 6 45, 700, 716,7 25, 8 00, 8 31, 9 00, 9 30,10 CO, 1080, 1110 and 1166 P,8uadaya? 7 00,7 S5,810,8 20,8 40, 9 00,9 20, 9 40, 10 0f, 10 20, 10 40, 1100.11 20 and 1140 a. m., 12 00, 12 20, 12 40, 100, 120, 1 40, 2 00 2 20,2 40,3 00,320, 340,4 00,4 20,4 40,5 00 520,540,600, 620,640,700,720,740,800, 830,' 900, 930, 1000, 108f, and 1110 p.m. fob m omrr vbrhok. Leave Alexandria for Monnt Vernon, week daya, 6 46. 666, 7 66, 851, 1025, 11 26, a. m.? 12 25,1 2b, 2 25, 8 30, 4 40, 5 85, 6 80, 7 86, 8 60, 9 60, 10 60 and 11 50 p. m. Snndiya? 7 00, 8 30, 930,10 30,11 30 a. ro., 12 80, 1 30, 2 30, 3 30, 4 30, 580, 630, 780 8 46 and 10 16 p. m. BCHKOUL* FOB ALRXAKDBIA CITY CAB, HOBTHBOUWD. Leave Ferry.Wharf 8 16, 8 41, 9 lO.O 60, 10 26, 11 00, 11 35 a. m.; 12 30, 1 06, 1(36, 2 05, 2 45, 3 30, 4 06, 4 86, 6 06, 5 45, ? -?? 7 06, 7 45, 8 26, 0 00, 9 40 p. m. BOtTTHBOUWD. Leave Spring Park 8 06, 8 30, 8 56, 9 85 10 10, 10 46, 11 20 a, m.: 12 16, 12 60 1 20, 1 50. 2 30, 3 16, 3 60, 4 20, 4 50, 5 30 6 06. 6 60, 7 26. 8 10. 8 45. 9 25. 10 00 p m Waahington Southern Ky Schedule in eaect Jac. 3, 1910. Traina leave Union Station for Waahington and pointa north at 7 23, 7 43, 808,8 23 and 9 58 a. ni? 12 01, 280, 8 07, 818, and 1183 p. m.. daily. For Frederickabnrg, Biehmond and pointa aouth at 4 37, 7 43 (local), and 10 22 a. u> . 12 00, 4 22, 4 42, 6 18, 6 07, 7 42 and 10 17 p. m. Aocommodatien for Frederickabnrg at 618 p. m, daily. Note:?Time of arrivale and departaraa and connect-'ona not gnaranteed. W. P. TAYLOB, Traffic Maaager Kicrniond. Va. 8TEAMEB8. MARYLAND. DELAWARE AND VIR. GINIA RAILWAY COMPANY. SPBJNG SCHEDULE. Staamerao/ Tum lavaa Leava Ahnaadrla oiandaJter kfav 15,1900, Every VO' D\Y. WLDNE8DAY, and PA1 0 OA i" at 4:30 p, m. FOB BAL1.. C & AND ALL THI USUAL B1VER LANDING8, Cnidne and appoio - menta nnexoalled. Freight for Baltirroie, Phiiadeiphia aad 6Tew York aolicited and handled with cara, Throngh ratia and billa of lading laraed. Sinr'e iare to Pal< n oi?, $2,50; roond aip, M.50. : iterccra o ) way. ?1.60. Ut i!a, 6Cc EEAEDON AGRIaar.* i-enta, Fr o' ( ure/nn m . . ,_ Potomac & Chesapeake Steamboat Company, NEW NORFOLK LINE On an After October 14 STEAMEK ST. JOHNS. PotrHBOLNi)?Tjeeday, ThnradayandSat ni.'ay. L-area Waaliington frooi 8th at. wharf, 5 p. in.; A lexar.'ria. C'anie.ou U. wharf, 5:?) p. m.; C'olonifl Beach. 10 p. m. Arrivea Old Point, 6 a m.: Norfolk, 7 a, a>. Nor.THBOL5U?Snoday, Wedneeday and Friday. Leavei No /o'k Coornicroeat.dock, 4 p. m.; Old Po'nt. 6 p. ro.; Cotonial Beach, 12 mMn'gbt. Arrivea Alexandria, 6:30 a. m.; Wasbingtoo, 6 a. m. Conceciio ia at Culonial Beach and Waah? ington with 'coal ateamera fc Potomac river landioira. At Norfolk ai d Waehin ton with linea divergtn;, ?? Fare. ce wav, $2.00; roond tr'p, fi.00. W. r. r:il\fEBT. Vice Pree. and Gen. Mgr, W. t. CABNE, Jb., Gei. Agt, RF4 F.LON A OBIME8, A^enta, Alaxandria. General losnranee Agency LAURENCE aSTABLER, geara Na. 4, Barka _ Merbart BMf. The rompanies represeuted in this offioe havevsef, of over $100,000,000. Amoaf Jtasr are : Mart.'ord Fire lasaraaea CSi L.'verpool _ London _ dleb*. /fctna Inauranca Co. Northera Assuranca Ca. ?prlafflalsl Flra _ Marlaa. Prompt a intion givan to r-JJuatmeal of I'smi ar j s'J mattsrs concecUd with itasr ????_"!__r JOHW P. IOBIN30-, OXO. .':. FUIVCH Pres.'dent. Secretary. Alexandria Fertilizer and Chemical Conpaaj. UAXOTICTVVMW OI Fertilizers, Fertilizer M? terials & Sulphuric Acid, Ask your dealer for the Alaxandria Fer? tilixer & Chemical Co.'s ProdncU. t'spaclty: 50,000 tons perannam, Prlnoeas Street aad Potomac Ki var YVht/r Alaxandria._.Vi/gJoia,