OCR Interpretation

Alexandria gazette. [volume] (Alexandria, D.C.) 1834-1974, April 04, 1910, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025007/1910-04-04/ed-1/seq-1/

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?NO. 79
Do lon Opcn four Month
Lfkj a young blrd and gulp down what*
aver food or niedlclne may ba offered you?
Or do you want to know aomethlng of tha
eomposition and charactar of that which
you take into your stomach whethar aa
food or mediclne?
Most intolllgent and senslble peopla
now-a-days Inslst on knowing what they
employ whcther at food cr as medlcina.
Dr. plerce belleve\ thoy have a perfect
right tolniUft upon each kDowledge. Soha
publishes.'^sa^dcast and on each bottle
wrauper, whatJTTTn?diclne8 are made of
Bndve^esJty?rmI*r*atJi> This. ho feela
be can weUaAfford to do hrcauso tho niQre,
P-"___ii_rr_dienta of~ which his mcdiclnea
are made are >tuMied and ii'id__r>t?)i)d thfl
ti.nr.' will 'their auperior curat've virtuef
Tor the curc of woman's pecu!ir.r weak*
nessas, irrceularltles and derarigements,
givlng rise to frcquent headachc.s, back
ech?, dragging-down pain or dlstress in
lower abdciiniual or pelvic reglon, acconv
? 1, ofttlmes, with a debilltating,
pelvlc, catarrhal drain and klndred symp
toms of weaknoss, Dr. Plerce's Favorlte
rlptlon is a most efliclent remedy.
It Is equally cffoctlve In curing palnful
perloda, In glvlng atrength to nurslng
mothora and In proparing the system ol
tfae expectant motherfor baby's coming,
thns rendertng chiidbirth safe and coin
; ainleaa. The "Farorite I're
>n " Is a most potent. strerigthenlng
toi.ic tu the general system and to tha
organs dlstlnctly ft-minlrie ln partlcular.
It is al.w a soothing and Invigoratlng
nerrlne and curos nervous exhaustlon,
oervous proetratloa, neuralgia, hysterta,
ipasma. chorea or 81 Vltuss danca, and
ctlu-r dlstreaalng narvoua symptoma at
11 and organlc dla
lemlnlM orpxins.
medlcal nnthoritiesof all tha
aavei il i 'hoola of practlce, raeommend
r il Ingredlenta of which
?Favorlte Preacrlptlon" Ia made for the
eureof tlipaiseaaea for which it hsclaiincd
to be a cnre xou rnay rcsid what tiiej
aay for ymtntlf hv aanalna a postal card
raqneat for a free booklet of extracts
fr'Hn tbe leadlna antborltlea, to l>r. R. V.
plerce, Invalids1 Hntel aod Surgical In
?tltuta, Buffalo, X. Y, and tt will corae U
aaa b7 raturr i bbb
A Reliable V.GJiiHH^
Remedy ^mi ??iiii
Ely's CreamBalm
is quickly absorbed.
Ctves Relief at Once.
It cleanaee, i
beala and' i
the cli-i isea iucin
l>r:'.*-.<' reaaltingfroaa
Catarrh and drivea
av, IV a Oold in tho
Hcaa quickly. Be*
ttorea the Benaea ?>f ...
u l BmelL Full aiae ."0 eta., atDrug
? r by malL lu liijuid form, 7.> '?< uts
j;iy]: ,\: rrenRt.rMet v?wWrV
R. F. Knox, Auctioneer.
E4TATC. I'nder and by vii.ae of
aulhority vested in us bv de-ree ofthe Cor
D Court of the City of Alexandria,
Virginia, rendered on the 26th day of Jaw,
1907, in ihe suit thereiu pending. entitled J.
P. Matter r#. T. F. MeOarthy. at aie.. The
underBigoed C<.ni-sioners will oati Ht sals
? !c anction in front of the Royal street
. e of the Market Ruilding, in the City
cf Alexandria. Virtriiin, on
the 9th day of > pril, 1910. at 12 o'chTk
noon, the following described j.roperty, to
wit ;
No 9. "A lot of ground bfginnini; at?
paint on the Ronth nideof Wythe street H t?et
fi inches west of the west aide of Payne street
and at the wt~d side of a 10 foot alley, and
riiimiiig theaee west, ah'iiK the toath side ol
Wythe strt-et lb feet; thence south parallel
with Pavne street 100 feet to a court; thence
e^t blnding with saidcourtand purallel with
Wythe Btreet, 15 feet to theaforesaid alley
anl thence north along the west side of said
n -lev and pirallel with Payne street 100 feet
to the bejriniiine, with the right of way over
v in rouimon with others."
"A Urtaf ground beginning on the
south side i.i'Wvth.' street at a point 108 feet
6 inches wt>d oi the wett side of Payne atreet
and at the u.irthwes* corner ot the tirst ( e
ricrlbed lot, and lunuiug thence west alonp
the aoath Bida of Wythe street 15 feet; then-*
Kiithparnllel with Payne street 10?l feet to
the afore?oid court; thence atat parallel with
Wy he Btreet 15 feet, aud thence north para?
llel with Patii* street 100 feet to the begiu
Ling, with the right of way over said alle>
aad ? urt In common wit'a others eutitled to
the aame."
Termsof >ale: Cash. Conveyance at co?l
ofpurchaser. __
('oniiiiissioners of fcale.
I Nevell B. Greenaway, do hereby certify
that Howard W. Baita. <>ne of the Comnns
lionem of Bak Ia the suit of J. D. Matter v?.
T F. M-Carthy, et als . pending m the ( or
aoratlon Court for tbe Cityof Alexandria,
Virginia, has given l>ond as rojuired by the
decree tharain, condiliontd asthe law directs.
R, F. Kuox, Auctioneer.
medabi OwaaJ. Nugent and wife to
t>M uudaratgaed trnstea l>earing dat? on tbe
20th day of Jauuary 19<>o\ and duly of record
in the und recordaof Ihe city of Alexandria,
Virginis, in deed hook 5S, i?age 2M, and at
th-'re<|nest ofthe party thtreby secured, de
failt MvlDg litu made in the payment < f
the r>o'id secured by said deedoftrust, the
nnaaraigned truvtee will ofat for sale, at pub?
lic auction, on
TI'ESDAY, the 19th day of April, 1910,
at 19 o'clock M.. in front ofthe Royal street
entrsneeto the Market Ihulding, in the said
eity Of Alexandria, all that lot of ground,
wiili iinproveiuenta thereon, in the ?aid city,
ai.d bono lid ss follows, to wit;
Begipning at the intersection of the north
side c:' King street with the west ilde of
Payae itreet, running thence west on Kin<
street tsraatT-foai (24) feet; thence north,
parallel to PaynR strtet, one bundrel :"
feet lo an alley t*n (10) feet wide; thence east
on aaid clley twtnty-four (24) feet to Payne
itreet; and thence south on I'ajnft street one
hnmired 100) feet to 'he beginning. with tbe
right ofway over said alley and all sppurt
laraaaof saie: Cash. Cost of conveyance
at the expense ofthe nurcbaser.
DOUQLASa STl ABT, Trustee.
aprl 11_
Preaident. Secretaxy.
Alexandria Fertilizer ni
Chemical Cofflpaay.
Fertilizers, Fertilizer Ma
teriais &Sulphuric Acid.
Ask your dealer for the Alexandria Fer.
tilixcr & Chemical Co.'s Prodncta.
Capacity: SO.OtH) tont per annum,
Princen btreet and Potomac River Whtf,;
AUiandrla....'..' .Viricinia.
Abd'juiiu&l Belu for corpulent people ob
tainvd oa sasaaal order at Leadbeater's.
I>adl eater't guarantaed Crerry Cougb
Eemeiy ?o cure cougb'. We don't aay?or
your money b?ck, becaKtt tbere't nonead, It
?irea. 25c bottle
[Entered at the Postoffloe of Alexandria, Vlr
ginia. as Beoond-clars matter.l
Tbb*b: Daily?i year. $5:00 6 months
$2:501 3 months, $1:25; i month, 43 oente;
1 weak 10 cents.
Tri-weekly?1 year, $3.00; 6 months, 11.50
8 mor.hs. 75 cents: 1 month. 25 centa.
ContrMt advertiaera will not be allowed toex
oeed theirspace nnlees theexceaa ia paid fo?
at tr*n3ie*it rates, and nnder no circum
stancf3 wi" they be allowed to advertiae
other then their legitimate bnainees in be
space contracted for.
Beeolutiona in memonam, of thanks. tnpntes
of respect, reaolutions adopted by Bocietoet
or peraona, unleas of publio conoern, will
nly be printed in the paper aa adrertiae.
Stung to the qalck by teatimony of
her hnsnand, who atticked her honor
od tbeatand at Aberdeen, Mia?., Frl
day when eummoned to teil hia reraion
of ihe killiog of Dr. Robert P. Wendel),
fdrs. John Carter, descendant of tbe
Lamars, relative of the Walthalls, and
kinawoman of other famciu Mississlppi
lacriliea, reaowned in scctal acd politlcal
clrcles ln Wathiogton and in tbe 8 utb,
signed a a'atement laat night which ma)
reaoH in a fatal endirg lor Carter, whole
being tried for the rou'der. "My baiband
came into my room when Dr. Weodell
was paving 8 prof.saional call," declared
Mrs. Carter, in a aigned staterxen'.
"It is t ue that he was in my room to
treat me for nervcuineea and gare me a
byperdennic for weak and Iow clrcnla
tioo. I regret rery mucb to aay ar, but
I mmt in recognition cf troth acd jue
tice to my own character and to Dr.
Wtndell, tbe dead man, suy tba?. inv
baaband'a lUtemeot la not coriect.
"Miss Minnle Saoders called Dr.
Wendell in at my nqoest. It wa8 about
10:30 p. m. My buaband enltred almon
immediately afterwarda saylng:
"I bave caugbt you tbia time, doit >r,
and am goltgto killyou." I remember
ncthtng nnlil John returned, ttlling an
be had killed him."
CbBmberlain'e Stomach and Lirer
Tableti esfiiBt niturein driring all im
puritlrs out ot the systf m, insnring a
free and regular ccndition and rtatrring
the organa of the body to health ano
strengtb. 8old by W. F. Oreigbton &
Oo. and Bicbard Gibson.
A band of Night Biders viaited lb<
home of Mrs. Dell Carroll, ne?r <kf)
postotlice in the viclnity of Browoaville,
Ky., a few nights ago and unmerci
fully whipi>ed her and her eixteen-year
old daughter and slghteetwearold son,
and shot and killed Charlea Carroll, a
twelre-year-old aon, who eacaped and
attempted to reach aasistance.
Nenr midnight the crowd reacbed the
house, which was occnpiedby MrB. Car?
roll and ber tbreecbildren, a girl abont
aixteen yearB of age, a boy abont efght
een years old, and the boy wbo was shot.
The family was are infd and drsgged
from tbe house. At a ahort diatauce
from tbe bcuse tbey atopped and admln
ijtered a aerere woipping tD Mra. Car?
roll and her two oldest cbildren. It ia
repoitsd that they litcraliy (ut their
backs t3 p!ecea with large awitcbea.
While they were engaged in whipping
the two oldest children the ytaog boj
made a break t/> get aaay, and aa he rar
aome one of the band tbot bim in the
back with a guu and he fell. Ue wa?
picked up by aome of the band and car
ried into tbe boaae, and then tbey prc
ceeded to Gnish the whipping that tbe?
had begun on the otheia.
The boy waa shot wiib a shotgun, aad
when tbe phyalcian arrived, wbicb ?ae
about 4 o'clock ln the morning, ht
picked 100shot out of the boy's back.
Ue died about 8 o'clock Thursda*
It will be a real pleaaare ti na tr
show you and it will be a real pleaaare
to you to see excluslve stylea in Fine
Spring Footwear. J. A. Marahall A
Bro., 422 King atreet, Leadtrs in Fine
The rain of laraandashes fromMouit
Etna isunchecked. Waterisalaofallirg
Tha inhablUnta InsUt upon remainin?
in tbe open, eurrcuuding imsges of tht
Madonna and eaints, drencbed to tbt
akin, prayiog and watching the advanct
of the lava atreamB, which are brcoming
more floid and more iocanJcacent. The
speed of tbe atreama are also increaaing
and they are tbrealening to inrade tht
large cietero cu'.side Bcrrell-, and a
great explosion is fesred when tbe lava
comea in contact with the water. Tbe
aotboritiea aie trying to block the clstern
with alcmra, boping to arers a dlaaater.
The atatuss of the Immaculate Coocei -
tlon, fct. Lucy and Bt, Aothonr havi
been placed in front of three of the ad
rancing atreama, bnt tbey hare to be
cocatantly mored back in order to save
them from tbe adrancing lara.
Many Kc'(ue?i? from Catarrh sutlerers
who naeatomirera have caused us to pat up
Liqaid Crenni ilniai, a new aud convenieol
form of Eiy'a Cream Balm, tbe cnly remedy
for Catarrh which can always be depended
on. In powcr to allay indammation, to
eWanse the elogged air vasaagee, to promotc
free, natural breatinjr. the two formsof Crtam
Balm are alike. Liqaid Cream Balmiaiold
by all drupgista for 75 centa, lLc'uilmg ?prav
ing tube. Alailed by Ely Bros., 56 WarreD
atreet, New \ ork._
01110 LOLHTCS.
Goreroor Jadsoo lUrmon, of Ohio,
who is a probable candidat9 for tbe
democratic preaidettial nomfnation in
1912, told [a correapondent in Colum
baa oa Satarday how he rieae tbe polit
lc?l situation in the conntry. Among
other thinga Gifernor llarmon aaid:
"Tbe basia of the whole tr.Hble io the
repoblican party Is faiiure to rerise tbe
taritl aa the peaple underetood it was to
be reviaed.
"Theta'.fl onght to be for rerenne
only and not for the porpoae of aid ng
a lot of pe-iple to get rich by tbe ald of
the law.
"Tbe way oat of the woode is a sim
pleonf. Retlie the larlfl downaard.
Thsre wont be any pohtical reet ontll
the poLtilar demand Ij complled witb.
I don't believe in aoy ?peciBl commis
sion to go over tbe tarift. 8ich a plsn
wonld be only procrastlnatlon.
?ThepreBPLt tiriff is only the old
Diogley tariff with a few tuttyns added.
"Io connettion with ur fl for revenne
we democrats wait leoeral fconomy.
Ii'b time to chop cfl Bomethlog, most
"I don'i tbink tbe iacome tax will be
an istue In the csnapa'go, althoogh 1am
personally for it.
"I dou't llke tbe federa! incorporalloo
act. It is a direct att?mpt io owride
Btatc aathority. It looks as tbongh ihey
were colng to give the corporatious
carte blanche ti do ustuey pltase."
After beiog nunted hy Jetectives
throogh Enrope and Nmth and Stuth
America, Liosidas Ilrskas, 23 years
old, wanted in Athers, Oreece, on a
charge of murder, was arrested in Wssh
n^ton Saturday ait'inooo by Detectir
O'Brien He is held on the cbarge ot
being a fogitive from justice. As eoon
s tbe nece6Bsry pfpers arrive he will
be sent back to Grecce.
Yonr toogne is cost;d,
Yonr breatb is fonl.
11 iedacbea come and go.
Ibpse symptoms ebow tbat yf Bf stom
ach !a tbe trcuble. To rrmove the ome
Ia lbs first thing, and Chamberlaln's
Stomacb and Liver Tablttt wiil do tbit.
Easy lo tike and most ttfsttive. Hold
iy W. F. Ureigtna .V Oo., aod Richard
List of Unclaimed Lettera.
The following isa list ofthe letters reinsin
ing in the Alexandria, Va? postoffice up to
April 2, 1910:
Allen, Frark Jones. Mra Louist
, VV II Kiuif, Arihur
He k, kfraJ H Klag, A V
Hn'ler, Mrs (has D Mason, M E
riook, VrsRobert bortcn, Vrs Clsud
Dean, Enm.a O'Leary, Mrs A C
Dowling, Baaia Otaa, Mn A I
r'annie, ' 1'age, Lucy
Furlong, Vrs Reid. Mrs D A
G ?tnella, Ebie Bolnr^on, Geo A
Glover, Mrs M F. Robinson, G A
Goodall, Fiank C Reb'aaoa, radie
Gray, Mr- Sniith, Sarah A
Greenwood, Janiei E Somerville, Thos
flaaar, *?>u ctrother. Mr? L
Ifarri", ^ W Stephtn-, Mr-* Wm
Harris, William White, Mr?.l N
Batchett, Mrs Mary Windsor, E I
Hill Robert Wood, Mrs D W
City Uall. April 2. 1910.
s>EALED PROPOSALS ad Iresse 1 to L. F.
I'hier, Chairroan ofthe Committee on Light,
*ill be received at this otlice until H p, ni.,
FridnT, April 15. 1!?10, f"f lurnishin* th<
Gas Works with FOl'K THOISANI) TONf
(roore orbn) ofGAS COAL (2,2'o pound*
to Ihrton), to bedeliveied in the shedsst the
works trimmed aud benched up. during the
fisial year commene/ng June 1,1910, aad aad*
ing May 31, 1911, orders tobe acceptod hy suc
oessful bidders any date after awardiug of
sostraat so that co-J will arrive at ihe works
oa or lefor* July 1, 19lo.
The coal must be Monongah, Tryconnel,
Youghiogheny. Mont.'ita, Fairrnont, Lin-oln,
or other gas coal of equal o* superior yield
aad candle power Hidders can give their
tV'.ires on all ofthe miues, and are reriuested
to give candle power yield and analysis, per
tou coal.
The eoBiraittee reserve the right to reject
any aud a!l bida.
Tertm: Cash cn 15th day of each month
following delivery of coal.
By order of the Committee on Light.
_ap__td_J. B. WALLER, Clerk.
City Uall,April 2 1910.
8EALEI) PROPO.SALS ad lres?ed to L 1'.
I'lihr, Chanman ofthe ComraitUc Ofl Light,
will be received at this ofliw until 8 p aa.,
I'riday, A^ril 15.(1910, for the ENTJRK
Ga? Works during the uext liscal year, com
meneing June 1, 1910, and ending May Sl,
1911. iliddera must agree to keep the Ur iu
the well at all timea btlow the outlet or over
tiow pipe.
Terms: Settlement must be made on the
15th ofthe month following delivery of tar.
The succestsul bidder mutt enter into con
tract with the Committee ou Light for faith
f'il complianre with the above provisions.
The committee reservei the right to reject
any and all bids.
By order ofthe Committee on Light.
apr2 td J. B. WALLER, Clerk.
| Protect I
SH Your ?H
|Furs and Clothesg
a|< From g
jy Insptct our line of Cedar jy
att Lined box Couches and m\
Ls Cedar Chests from *M
fO fU
W $3.50 up ffl
w ? ti
{jjM. Rubpn&Sonsg
fj 601 King Street. ftj
fJ cu
t*2?X> "SKVS* mewa* aaiil
Offick axd Stolrb: 115-117 N. Royal St.
Dealer in Hardware, Paints, Agri
cultural Implemeots, Vehicles,
Harness, Field and Gaiden Seeds.
Also Grain, Hay, Straw and
All Kinds of Mill Feed.
Will always keep in stock the highest grade
of tcese articles^_
Ifa truas is properly fitted, will not eaas.
iiaeomfort. lon c?n ?*at rach k fit If you go
to laadbaater'i,
?iBissell's Bazaar,|?
<- I 1207 O Street, N. W. f _
Store. ? 4 _
The Largest Novelty Jewelry Department South of New York. ? ?
VVe'll Paj Your to (o Wasliiiigtoii if Voii Fiireliase $2 fforlli or More
Values That Will Bring the Women
of Alexandria Here.
Sl ylisli Spring Suits
Tbe Brnarteat line olau ti you coald wiab to
aee. Modish In erery way. In all the amart
fa'ric* acd bigh spring shad-a, Suits in the
amart mac-tailored eflf-tt?aoiti with elaborate
Irimmioga. Deaigned aod tallored by arthU To
make oir opening memorsble we hare cut prices
t ? ex'iaordicary low n^area. Sje the atock aud
yon'll boy.
All$50Suitsto?oat$29 98
Al i $40 Suits to go at $24.98
All $30 Suits togoat $19.98
All $25 Suits togoat $12.98
Alterations Free.
All $6, $8, $10,
$12, $14, $16
This Millicrry D:pa>t net t !i a ftre io Itaelf. The cboice?t domeUic cra.
atlora rie f rfaror with P?ri?iai mod Is, firmlngannhibitof w mder ul bMoty.
Oar mililoeri baeeb^n biir makiig u > bt-.a f<>r the opsoint<. Tney hare
eccompl'sbed rruih. Y u wiH be eak^ a f.ncyp'ca ?lvaara ra for Trlmmal
Ha'a that doa'c oompare wl h tbeai. Valnes from $6 ti llfi. S^jcia', $4.94.
$2.00 Shirt Waists
Hundreds of Handsome Designs for Street jf\ C/^
and Evening Wear, in all the wanted colors, Yt/W
YoiTve never seensuch values at such a price-and rightat the beginning of the season.
There isn't a Shirt Waist value in town ranging in price all the way up to 3>Z UU
that will excell these Waists we are selling at 95c. The materials include Llng* ne,
Pure Linen, Beautifui Sheer Lawn, etc Some are plain tailored ef ects, others elabor
ately trimmed with insertion and tucks. Every one is up to the minute in style.
Out Sale
The name and place,
Griffin Furniture Com?
pany, Inc.
Look for the large red
sign and name on the
building. Don't miss the
big genuine
Sold Now
We Are Forced lo Slaughter Ihe Sfock ol
Fine Furniture
Twenty days of fast and
furious bargain selling
Be sure to attend.
Griffin Furniture Co.
Alexandria, Va.
Carpets, Rugs, Household Goods
To Accomplish This Ihe Prices have Been Chopped to Pieces. We
Do Not Want a Single Piece of this Stock Left.
Greatest Furniture, Gtrpet and Household stock will be offered to the public at V?^J^?*?*
prices ever before known orever again will be heard of. This great 20-day sale will be one never _to be for
goiten for the immensity of its tremendous bargains. Much of th.s stock will be sold for iess than the^cos of
raw material, You positively cannot afford to miss this great sale. You dare not miss it. A Jrightful
?laugb-er of modern household goods such as this city has never seen and may never again takeplace Your
life's one great opportunity to make a little money go a long way is now-nght now-.at big w?*?."0**
forget this great sale positively closes in 20 days from our grand openmg day--Wednesday, March 5Utn. Ke
member the goods positively cannot be bought at these prices after this sale closes.
Griffin Furniture Co. Inc
810-812 KING STREET;

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