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rUTUBDAT KVENING. MAY 14.1910 As a remlt ot ooe ot the most re maikable ciauges in tbe aligument oi t ntendlng lorcee ever witnessed lo the D. & Senate, thr-prrgreaeive amendment to the pending railroad bill, probibitiog rallroads from charging more for a sbort fcaul ibsn fjr a long one, and elmed at railroad discriminationa agaiost coroanun itles and localltifs, was adopted yester dsy by an overwhelmiig msj-il'y. The vote was f>G t) 10, and Mr. Aldrich and all hU followere, with tbe exceptlon of three ol tbe New Eogland eenstors and Mtj?srs. Bourm\ of Waahington, and Ueybnrr, of Idabo, voted with the pro gressives. Bo did all the democrats ex cept five. Fu:h a resalt, ln view ol the carefully laid plana of Mr. Aldrich to beat tbis proposttloa, wonld have been de threil irnpoe-iMe two honrs before tbe v< t> was takec. As it was, tbe progren ?ives woria moat sahsia-tlal vktiry, atd ilr Aliiricb, as.uaial, cvered bis dis* eONsfiUM by acccpUsg defeat and votiog with ihe victor?. Decklfw, iiowever, as is t'-ie jrgresslves and democratlc victory for the public, tbe amendment ia nt.t so ilrastic as had been orlginally proposed, aod by an early mrrecder bt toii) tbf msit r bsd been put ti the test. Mr. Aldrich sncceedrd in rj"'0'0- ,on*8 few concessiODB for tbe railroad alde. B t the hctii n taken sbowed a complete collapse of all cf Mr. A'drich's p'ana and those rf his democratic alliea who were to j >in him in defeating Ibe whole pro* pOSitH'll. NfO-0 dlslranchisement was the chlel point of attsck by the speakers et the metting yesterday afternoon of tbe ns t;ona! negro committee in New York. The chiel speech of the day waa made by Ba?. John bUynes Hol-aes, psstor of the Obnrch of tbe Messiah. Holmes declared that Ihe public school systtm in the roorh is a dlsgrace and that the negro ia drgrsded in every polit'cal, e-clal and In.uslriil relatloo. Oott l uing, he said* In the everyday world of practlcal af faira fie negro Is atill a slave, and II there is anjtling thst is perfrctly plain in the pnbnc senilment r>f ihe iontb it is tbst the ntgro sball be made to keep that place ot ahameiul aubj^cion from which we believed tbat be had been rescued by tbo blood and fury of the great rebeillon. 11 e is oppressed, de graded, enslaved io every palitlcal, la* dostnsl and soclal relstion. The new enalavrmeut of tbe negro manileats ll self in sirange and varlcus forma, but perbaps the most cruel aod inexcussbie of tbem all is tbat which we koow as diafraDcblscmeut. Tbe trcuble wiih most negroes can be atated in a few words. Th*y have from the beginning cf tbe late civil war mp p-.aed that exemption from work Is one ol the defioilions of tbe word freedom. Bbonld tbey avail tbemselvee of tbe public school systems in the sontb, ac* quire Intelllgence aod pay tbeir tixes, tbey will be entitled to vote. Many of the rsce re me tn take advantage of the conditlonsof the preaent day aod volnn tarily make themaelvea stragglers ln the march of li'e 7hk advent of tbe comet is siill camiog spprehenslon, espocialiy !n sec tions of the world where esrtbqnakea bave recpntly ocui'red and wbere eeia inlc tremora are atlll io evideoce. Earthqtiake atocks were recorded lo warloos places in the United S.ates yesteiday, even as close to Alexaodria as G'orgetown acd Bilt more, aod dli patchrs t >day ahow tbat the distorbaoce was eerloos io Oosta Rics, the scene of a recent diaastrtus raitbquike. While the comet ia not supposed by acientific men to have anythir.g to do ffith ter restrial d'sturbancs, ihe rank and file etill regard the beaveniy vlsitor witb anxietr. In Texas last night a s'zzing meleor, as large aa the moon, ehot across the ak>- being visible aboot filteeo aeconda Some negroes were on their way home from a rel'gions meetiog. They retorned to the cburcb, re iiaoed worship and at laat accounts were atlll io Bfsslon. Mloisters io some p'scee will preBch oo 'he comet tomorrow. Af cirdir, ti the latest obaervatloos, the of ihe c me'. Is splittiog, aod oezt week, when the waodercr will be visi? ble io the eveninir, it will present to the earth two '[.pendagee. If this la the sam< comet wbicb baog o?er Jern sslem shortly bel re tbe deslructioo ol tbat city by the Romana and aahich was aaid to resemble a sword, it is likely 11 dieplay tao awjrla darlog ita viait tbia year. _ Nimukp. ihuitto in miu dreaded by many ptop'e. "Friday, the tbirteentb," bad a tecdency tokerp down theoomber of spplicatiocBfor marriage liceoses io tbe City Hall io New York yeaterday. Th* average daily record is aboot a bindrcd and foity, tu: yeaterday ooly aixty weie IsBUtd. eaeveral coople*. who made applicatloo witbui'. realizing tbe day Bed precipitately wbeo the clerk; rrmintled Ibem ot the day and date. "IhiiPen Is oor iueky tonobfr," said ooe msn wbo came wit1) hia tiancee. "We ti- t met oo (be 13tb," be added "and we bave reoted a bome tbat la Jio. 13," 1H_ reikle?sne? ?m! oiHt/ often ehown If antomobillsis is brcomlng alsrming. The cbaufltur and another man and woman wbo were rlding In a big yellcw tcurlng csr tossed elght-year old S.die Miller Into the air in 10th atreet, near Second avecu\ New York,, yeaterday afternoon. The occopinte did not even look backto see wbere tbeir victim landed a' tbey sped eaatward and escaped op First aveous. Tbe skull of tbe little girl was fracttired and her body bruise<'. Her chances for recovery are slight. The car alruck her iqusrely aod tbrew her iiti ihe air, htr body f all ing in a heap on the psverawnt. From Washington. Waahington, May 14 Hecretary of State Knox annoonced today tbat he had addrtased a comrxunl* cation to tbeBrlt!shamba?ador in order to coovey to the government of ihe Domioion ol Oanada the prcposal of the United Stetei that twlrJ negotiationa be taken up at the earliest time conveolent and agreeable toOanads. Thlsis tbe first formal step in carrylng out tbe reoent tirifl agreement propoeing a treaty of reciprocity. It will probably be aome aeteral daya at leaat before the reply of the Domioion goveroment ia received. Bui it ia almost certaia tbat uegotiatione will be nnder way duriog tbe aummer. Theae will loclude tbe qaestlon of th* polp-wood export tix whtcli is of n u;h ooncern to American paper manolact urera. The lestimony ol Oommissloner of tbe General Laod OfBca Fred Dennett before the ltallinger-Pincbot investigatiog coni mittee tbia morning, waa beyond a legal dlscussion of the coal land lawsof Alaaka a aeries of denlals. Judge Gonld haa senteoced Henry P. Gllbert, former vice president of tho defonct First (Jooperative Baildiog A?~> clat on, to serve on year and one day in tbe Atlacti penitect ary. Ho waa found goilty of misapproprlstiog funds. Witb democrata, republlcan insttr gents and regnlarsall crying "Vlctory," :t is reported today tbat Senator Aldrich |M psssed tbe word arcuod tbat the regnlars mnst bo naiy ti accept almo-t ?oy sort of a compromlae on tbe railroad bill and be prepared to follow him in such "grcund aod lofty tumbliog," as may te necesssry. Ttat is one of tbe exp'.anatlons affered for the Rbole Island leader'a "right about face" on the Dlx on loogandshort banl amendment wben, ecentiog deieat, be placed blmself at tbe head of tbe opposition army and witb ita ooberts mixed with tbose ol the enemy cbarged to a "^lorlous vlctory," Senator Aldricb'a uct and his willingness to make concessions bave beeu aocountcd stroog faclors In h'e Napoloonic leader ahip. Never before, however, haa the occadon lor ooncesslon or compromise popped up io nnexpectedly and declilve ly tbat be bad to makea d al in ful) view of tbe andience. Ooufidence of tbe regulars tbat tbey had tbe votea to beat tbeDixon amendment was ebsolu'.e.Prc rresslve senstirs were preparlog them selvea for a tn unclng. Tbe democrat< were withoot cbeer. Tbia conditlon con ioned nntll a little before it was snddeuly discovered thtt Aldrich would lose sev ?ial republlcans upon wbom he had de* pended and tbat he wiuld be dissp polnted in tbe number of his democratic alii's. Dixon tbrew tbem Into conlu fico by kidnapplog the amendment ol Pavnter and combinlng it witb hii of fering, Then a rtcess of bslf an bour was tskeo and call waa made for a con ference of repnblicana In Aldricb's room. All wett falrly well until an Jnvl tation was extended to S*nator Ls Fol lette. Ue answered that he would never eut?r any conference r-ttended by Aldrich. Then a secood recess was forcrd and Smoot, who, tbougb a regular, was a leader in the fight to rtdoce tbe evila of tbe lonf" aad short baoi r?t;s, Bscon and several of tbe in* surgents gathered abont Bacon's desk aod proceeded to patch up a new amendment from tbe prlnted coplea of thoae pending. Aldrich, lo gita band io the matter, was ohllged to walk ovfr ti the groop on tbe democratlc side. Tbere under the gaze of the iot*reeteii crowds Jin tbe galleries tbe ?tsteaman, aft >r several weeka of discusslon, fever isbly pt.t tigetber a new propoaiUon which wasto be read and voted on wltb. iu' (ti-rintlon. The Senstora of bo_ pait>s snd all faciiona fell into line and it waa adop'ed, M to 10 An onlrr iasoed by the Ioterstate Cbmmerce Cammission t idry req'ired the "S 11 ern Ktilway Uorapaoy and seveial i tber rsllruads t > eslablnh, be? ginning on July 1, a rate for tie trana portitan of coal in csrlrads from tbe Uoal Ureek fi;ld, in Tenoessee, to At? lanta, Georgis, at lesst 35 cents less per ioa then the rate cootemporanecii'ly nnade of the same commodity in carloada irnm the Appslscbian fhlds, In the state ol Virginia, to Atlanta. Tbis order involves a matter of coal rates for prsc tica )y the entire scu.beastern terrttory nf tbe country. It la made npon the complalnt of sixteencoal companlea ope rating mlnes in the Ooal Oreek fields of Tennessce, wbo cbarged that the rail toids nndnly favored Ibe Appslacbian Qelds as againat tbeir own op?r?tions. Following a oonfenn-e la weenfPrrsi deot Taft aod At'oroey General .Wicker shsm it was dec ded tbat tbe land case agaloat former Givernor II skelTof Ok laboms will be prosecutcd to a cooclu aton. S.'-rotary waa one ofthe early cal lerastthe White Houae today. He wasat tbe executive oracea but a ahort time and hurried away. Troopa from Wingate were ordered tnlay to the acene ofthe uprismg <f the Taca ludiana in New Mexice wiih inatructiona to corrall them aud bring then, bark to tbe reaervation. The o:ders ware ieaued by Seeretary of War Oukinana irumeiliatelT after a conference with IVsiJmt Taft. Di'patchea concerning the ciutbreak r?eei**ed at the Wa* IVpirt i.eot ng waagS' Tbey are to the erleet that 5 ) or more Indiana have left tba resarvation and are apparently, in ao mood. The atate raalitia haa been ordered out oy the Gorernrr tafHow Mr-iicn, but the preaMant Jtaflievas that the local reeline between tbe malitla and lba ndians would operate sgiinat a apeedy pacirj. atir-n. 1 he jteneral deticiency estimatea for tba rnrrent tiscal year were trausmitltd to tbe ppropriationa committee today by Secretary MarVeagh The total iafS.lM^M Laat year aaggregate waa about $li>,000.000. Among the items in the bill ia $69,000 for Thimble Shial ligbt atation in Virginia. Afier a mnre tban spirited debate, duriog whtch Repreaet t? ive Sbackle? ford, of Misscuri, paaaed tbe He direct to Reprcsmtative Rndeoberg, of Illinols, and later made a "Scctch" witbdrawal of bis cbarg*, the Hoose yeafrday. by a strict ptrty vote of 121 ti 90, ptseed ths Rait.oidt bill, providiog for tbe reimlursemett ol tbe St. Liols sob treasnry to ne exteat of $61,500 for moaey stoleo from it io 1906. Batlinger'a "Clean Bill " Oleve'and, Obio, May 14 ? The Oleveland Preaa today pobltsbed the fol? lowing from ? atafl correapoodeot: Wsablogtoo, D. 0, May 14?Tht whole troth aa lo the clrcomstaocts sor roaodiog the preparstlon of the clean bill of health which Presideot Taft gave to 8ecretary of the Ioterior Ballioger, in Taft'a oow-famooa let'.er beariog da e nf 8 pteroberl3, 1909, is now made public for Ihe firs- time. For weeks thtre has beeo more tban a tuspicion in the minds of the atlorneys wbo are protetutiog tbe Ballioger io qairy before tbe Ooogreulooal commit? tee, tlitt Talt had very few of the facia before bim wben he publicly exonerated lUlliDger, aod over bia algoature presideot 888-rred the Amerloan petp'e tbat "I have examloed tbe wbole record most care/ully and have resohed a dt ti nite cooc!uilon." Up to a few days, bowever, even the att: rneya for tbe protecutlon have not gueaaed at tbe amatvag troth, wbich la tbat the preaident of ihe Uolted Stetee not 00I7 culd oot bave "examloed the wbole record moat carefolly," bot tbat tbe very sta-ement that Taft lasoed to the people rf the United States, exonerat Iog hia aecretary of the ioterlor, waa prepared, io large measore, by Oscar Lawler, law ofDcer of tbe Ioterior De? partment, io ooilaboratlon with Bailinger and the bigh officials of tbe department. Havlng written their own acqolttal, Ballioger aod He fellnw officials preseot* ed tbe docomeut to the preaident of the United States and tha presideot adopfd their decisioo as his own, eveo to the limitoluslog much of-tbeaame iaoguage. Thoa did tbe jadicial preaideot per* firm bia great doty aa jodge between the Dioety mlllioo Americao people aod Secretary of tba Ioterior Ballioger in a matter involving tbe qiealloa aa ta whttber tbe Guggeobeim-Morgan syodi ca<e waa to be preseoted with poblic Isnda ln Alsska containing billlooa of tons of coal, valued at bondreds of mil lions of dollars. Tbua was Bailinger, secietary of tbe ioterior, appoioted by Taft, exonerated- Tbua waa Glavla, a conacienliooa aod able robordloate io tbe ioterior department, who, oat of a seos* of duty, appraised the presideot of the facts, fired irom tbe puollc service. Sentenced. PtUbnrg, Pa., May 14.-A. A. VII* sack, former cashier of the Osrman Na? tional Biok, was today aeotenced to eigbt months In jail and a fine of $5,000. Ue was lodicted In the receot graft probe and pleided nolo contsodere. Former (Jonncllman Obarles Stewstt, one of tbe allrged "big six" in tbe council and one of the alleged prlme movers in the scbeme to obtain money from tbe hanks In return for namlog them city depoait -riee, waa sentenced to eigbt months in jtil aod a $500 fine. In addition theie men aentenced to dsy, William Brand, preaident of the common council, Joseph Watson, presl? dent of tbe finance committee, former 0 uacilman John F. k'line and William tiamsey, president of the German Na? tional Bsnk have been oonvlctsd ol bribery aod nre now serviog aentenoei in the Weatern Penitentisry. Former du <cilmau Hngb Fertuioo waa sentenced to eigtt montha In jsll and $500 fioe ard Dr. W. H. Weber, s!x months aod $500 fioe. Former Oonncllmsn P. D. KesrnB was aentenced to four months in jail and $250 fine. Former Couocilman Morris Eios'ein was .enbnced to six months and $2,500 flue. ^^^^^^ Mis. Rollina Arrestod. NewYork.May 14 -Mre. UatberlneW. Decker Rollina, wife of former Gover? nor Frank West Roilins, ol New llsmp shire, was arrested tiday on a cbarge ol ciospiriog to srnoggle jswelry and wear hg apparel into tbU ccutry. Wben she was srraing-d before Oommissloner Shields a bond of $2 000 was t'aroisbed for her txsroinat'on, wlth her buaband and son, Dougisst, arrested yesterday next Friday. Rullinsdeclined todiscoss tbe case, bnt said tbe matter wonld ba satiafactorlly explaloed. Earthquake ia France. Moutlers, France. May 14 ?Tbe people of Montlers thongbt Halley's comet bad strock tbe aartb today when a sevrn earthqutke rocked tbe tiwn for aeveral seconds. Ihsy rled from tbeir houses in terror and prayed in the streets for deliverance, The qutke did coo siderable damage bnt no livrs were lost Psrls, May 14.?Severe esitbquske shocks were felt early today hare, aod io otber parts of France Snow In Maryland Oaklaod, Md? May 14 ? Soow atarted ti fall bere early (hia moroiog aod tbls aUernono still conticu*. The tem j> ratore baa brea below freeslog sloce kbdit dsy-llgbt. It la thtujht tbat the applefcrop taa beeo serloasly dam aged, If oot otterly roloed, aa tbia la the tbird hard freeza in Gsrreit coooty since May 1. POPE TOOATi-OLIO WOMEN. Catholio women wbo wlsh to wear d*collete gowos ceei oot allow their en rollment ta tbe acapular to Interfere. Pope Piui haa iataed ao elict tbat in auchceaea it la not oeceasary for women to wear tbeecapslarBaroond their neck*. Pope'a edict Iscootsioed io a let ter to Arcbbisbop Measmer, o' Milwau kee. Tbe letter lo part aaya: "Tbe Holy Father, alwaya loterested ia tbe aflalrs of his cbildren, Is desiro.a tbat Ostbollc womao wbo taka ao active pirt lo tocial aflaira be oot restricted lo tbe dreaa proper for soclal requ'remeote by ao opeo iosfgola of tbelr laiti, aod iberefore dlspeoaea them from wtarlog tbeir Bcapulars wbere they will be coc sp'cuooB or doiog away with them alto gether If they ao dealre." Improper fclection /Vlethods Charged. Londoo, May 14? Oaptain Fr.derick Goest, Bon-io-law of Hsory Pb'ppa, of Pittaborg, aod llbtril membtr of Parlla meot for Eaat D.'ttet, icat bia aest today tbroogh tbe deciaion of a speoial election committee, whicb fonod tbat improper election methods had been uaed Gue?t Is tbe private secretary of Home Btt$at> ary WloBton OhorchiU. More than a hundred meo and foor women crashed tbroogh Ihe flior of Salt Air i.avlllon at riali Lake Oity In a wlld paoic late Thursday oight, aod were p'uiged 50 feet below Into the briny weter of great Salt Ltke, many of them beiog aerionaly ioju ed. It waa lo tbia pavilion that II bad beeo pro poati to bold tbe Jtffrles-Johoaon fight. Three tboosand meo aod a oumber of women, saw "Ofclooe" Jobooy Thotrp son whip "Pete" Sallivao aod theo toe roah to get away atarled aod Ibe collspse foilowad, > Sixty-iirnt (Jougress. SKNATE Tbe Sanate waa not in in eeasiun to? day. HOUSB. In proteat sgalnst tbe recent convlo tion by a Keotncky federal jary of al leged night ridera for violation of tbe Sherman anti-trast law, Representalivo Oartrlll, of Keotncky, cbarge Wade 8. F. is and tbe Depsrim-ntof Justice with malicit us prosecoilon. He also ebarged tbat politica in Oincionaii was tbe baals of the bnrley (obacco and insoranc? so oiety. The Keotncky congressman styled the legal trcubles of the tobacco growers of his Btite aa the resuit of piraecutlon and called npoo the presldent to say wbetber an attempt will be made by the Depsrt paitoent of Justice to prevent the pool ing of tha 1910 tobacco crop now nnder w?7*_ SERI0U8 OHARGE*. Special Maater in Onaocery 0. Ver? non Ford, of Fairfax, wbo waa appoint ed by tbe Olrcu't Ocurt of Prioce Wil? liam couoty to aseertaln the fscts and make a report ln the caae of tbe board of snpervisors of Prince William county vs. James ?. Heriell, tbe ci uoty treasnrer, hss oomplettd hislnvestlgstlon, and yes? terday filed hia report In the clerk'a of? fice. Tbis report sustains every cbarge rcade againat the tr-aiurer but one. i'nis suit, which has beeo pending for neariy three years, Involves a namber of s-rious charges again it the defendant. It baa excited wide interest in tbis and surrounding eruuties Interest in the caae was not lessened by the fact that the ju Ige of the Prlnee William coart felt taat he could not, witb propriety, sit in tbe caae, and Gov? ernor Swanson designated Judge Barley, of tbe Oorporstion Ooort of Al?xandrla, to bear tbe caose. In view of the in tense f/eliug intolved, it waa deemed io expedlent to have any of tbe maaters ot cbancery of tbe Prinoe William coart pasB on the caae, and Jndge Bsrley re? ferred the cause to Mr. Ford, common wealth's attorney for Fairfax county, to aseertaln and report the fscts. One of the charges preferred agaiost tbe defendant was tbat In 1907 (at which time tbe defendant was a candidate for re-electioc), In making up the poll list of qualified votcrs who bad paid poll laxea for three precedlng years, and were therefore entitled tovote, be plaoed on the llst the oames of forty-seven persons wbo had been retnrncd delic qoent, and tbat be bad failed to acconnt lor ihe taxea. Tbia cbarge, the com* missloner finds, is tiu?. Another ground of complalnt was tbat the treasnrer had charged exceealve com missions. On this count the commlt sioner finds agaiost the defendant, and reportr, tbat tbe overcharge amounts to $624 07. Tbe cbarge tbst the treauirfr failed to eccoont for all of the penalty collected by him oo taxes not paid by Dtcember 1 ia also fonnd to be tim, and the amonnt of defsolt on tbis aeccuot ia ai certalned to be $1,650.87. Tbe conamissloner also repoiti to be well f?anded the cbarges that tbe defend? ant bad not accoanted for all of the money received by bim on account of tbe asle and redemption of delliquent land aod on aeccuot ol interest received on certaln taxes. Preparlng for the Fuoeral Berlio, May 14.- The hour of Mr. Roosevelt's depar'ure fot Londoo has oi t yet beeo decided. Tbe oamea of a number of Uult d S ataa military aod oaval Btlachts who are oow in Earope have been sabmltted to Mr. Rooseveit, from wbicb he will select an eacort to accompaoy him to tbe faoiral of Kiog Edward. Tbis eacort wlll probably 001 inclode more tban foar meo, aa R loaevelt haa oo thooght of attemptlog to rival tbe dlaplay made by the Earopeao rulers who wlll atteod the fooeral. Faaar an Indian Outbrcak. Taoa Pueblo, N. M , May 14.?The entlre coootry sorrouodiog Taos is no* der srms today fearing a geoeral Indian oatbreak. Ia yesterday'B rald the bome of a raoch'r waa bnrned and the women aod cblldreo asasnlted. S.oats reported today that the Iodiaos were danclov, aod preparatlooB for a geoeral uprislog were ooder way. Prccact'oos are belog tsken to preveot a maaaacre. THE RAILROAD BILL. Senator Aldrich waa couirjeteiy rout ed upon ihe ' long and abort baul" prop osition in the Senate yeatenlay afternoon by a voteof 57 to 10. The Dixon amend? ment declaring it unlawfnl for a railroad lo charge more for a sborter baul tban for a longer haul waa adopted, after it bad been modified through the inaartion of a provieion taken from the 1'aynter amendment. Io tbis form the proposi tion went through with tlying colora and had the support of all the progress ive rspublicans, all bnt five of the demo? crats who voted and nearly all the re publlcan "reactlonariea." Senators Aldrich and Elkins voted for the Dixon Paynter amendment and lined up practicaliy all their cohorts in favor ot its a loption. But it is the universal opinion tbat the "reactionaries" snp ported the proposition iu order lo "save tbe face" of the Aldrich organi/atioo. Two receasea of hall an hour each were taken to prepare the modification. stirring scenes ensued, and tbe cbarge was made tbat the unanimons consent agreement under which the Senate was operating had been broken The Senate adjonrned until Monday. Eroeat 0. Willard foonJ hia wife in oompaoy w tb Au .uat Beach oo a caoal boat Dear Gleo Eoho, oear W-abiogtoo, laat night. He afmed a pistol at Baacb aod flred. Tbe mao fell wonodedlo tbe aide aod oecr. Beacb, wbo ia a caoal boatanat), liviog in I'u nberland, waa placed oo a atreet car aad broujht to Washlnftcn aod tskeo to Georgetown Unlvertity H>spital. His coodition ia not serioos. Alter tbe aboct.og Willard di.appvarfd, tu'. later was arreated oear the Diatrlct lioe aod locked op io Georgetown for the Marylaod tu'.bori tias. He la ao iroo workar, thirty-three yeara old, aod liaea lo Mongomery ooootry, Md, Tbe Aoglo ? Japaotss exhlbitioo plaooed to opeo laat f barsdsy at Saep haid'a Buab, with great eclat by tbe presect kiog aod queeo, opeoed withcut ceremooy today. Tbe death tf King Edward csuted abaodoomeot of ali ibe spectacalar featorrs, Prompt relief io all eaeesof tbroat and loog troobie it you oae Ohamberlalo'B Ooogb Ramtdy. Pleasaot to take, aooth Iog and bealiog lo eflect. Sold by W. F. Orelgtnn k Oo? aod Ricbard Gib aoo, News of the Day. Stodent Wardaoi, who oo Febiuary 20 shot and tataily wounded Boutros Pacha Ghsll, tbe Egyptlau pramier and mioiater ol foreign sflairs, wu yeaterday eondemned to death at Oairo. Aa uprislog ol serioaa prcpirtlons haa brokeo rut among Paeblo lodiata at Taos, 70 miles noitbwiai of East Laa Vegas, N. M , and troops are burrylng by rpecial train Irom Sanla Fe to check a pcaaible msasacre of wb te lancbirs Prof. Edward Bennett Garriott, aoper viaiog ofthe Weather Bureau, and one ol the bea'-known scientistt ol Washington, died -uddeuly last night at 8:30 o'clock from tn allack of angina pec'.oris, at his bomeiu Washington. The second trlal of Ihe civil suit brought by the Uoited States govern? ment agaiost Obarlee F. W. Neely, In charge of the bureau of finance In the Department of Posts durlng tbe Ameri? can mllitary occupaocy of Oaba, result. ed in a verdict for $112,901.21 lo favor of the government. WASeiNGTON'8 8W0RD. The Washington sword bonght by Mr. J. Plerpont Morgan for preaervatlon at Mount Vernon, where It oow hanga, ia tbe object of controversy ln a suit Insti* tnted ln Bsltlmore yesterday. Tbe suit waa brought by Trapier 8. Lewls and Mra. Grace Lee Martio, wife of Oapt. Amoa H. Martln, agaiost Miss Virginia Taylce Lswls, Henry Howell Lewls, Liwrence Tayloe Liwls, the Mercantile Trutt and Depoait (Jompany and Miss Lewls as tbe admlolstratrix of tbe estate of ber brolher, Capt. Henry Howell Lewls, sr., through William Oolton, attorney. All tbe peraoos uamed aa paniea to the soit are descendaats and beirs of Msjor George W. Lewls, of Vir. glnia, alde-de-campof Ganeral Waahing? ton, t> wbom the aword, In Iti soabbard, waa preaented by Waahington. General Washington wore tbe aword durlng the campalgos of tbe revolutionaiy war and gave it to M.jor Lewls shorlly after tbe lodepeodence of the United States waa eittblished and General Washington bad retired from tie presidency. Ia bring ing tbe suit Mr. Trapier S Lewia and Mrs. Mait'n are eodeavorlng to recover ihe abarea alleged to be due tbem of tbe $5,000 paid by Mr. Morgan for the sword. Mr. Lewls clalms (o be entlt'ed to ooe-'.bird and Mrs. Martio to one ninth ol tbe money. Durlng hia llfetlme, tbe bill of oom plsint states, Mayor L-wis gare tba sword to bis son, George Washington Lewia, of Oak Grove, Westmoreland couaty. It was giveo by tha Ut er to his brother, Ospt. Henry Howell Lswla, wfco served lo tbe United States and Oo-tederate navies, and who kept It ai a treasared heirloom uotil hia death iu Biltlmoreon March 17, 1893. Osptaln Lewls waa utrvlred by three cblldien, wbo were his only helrs-ai-law, his wife baving pre deceaaed bim, These obild* ren are Miss Virgiala Tayloe Lewls aod Trapier ,8. Lewls, named in Ihe lltt, and Henry G. Lewls, wbo died a wid* ower September 17, 1902, leaviog his children, Henry Howell Lewls, jr., Mrs. Martln and Lawrence tayloe L'wls, a minor, also partiea to tbe ?u t Miss Lswls waa appolot'd admlnistrat rix ol tbe estate of brr Mher, Oaptain Lewls, tu-, it is alleged, she did not meet on tbe sword ln tbe Inventory of his estate. Althrugh the sword is rlgbt fully a part of tbe eitste of Osptaln Lewls and belongedto hia descenilants it is alleged tbat Misa Lewia and Hsory Howell Lewia, jr., have uilaw.ully sold It to Mr. Morgan for $5,000 A<t>r deducting fxpenses of about $500, It is asserted, tbe remainlng $4,500 of tbe parchase price waa placed witb the Mer csnt le Trmt and Depoait Oompaoy t> be inveated. The income from tbia sum, it Ib slated, Is to be psld to Misa Lewia lor Iife, and it la then to be turoed over to her nephew, Henry Howell Lewis, jr. At the time of the aale tbe bill statea Mrs. Martio waa wlth ber husband, Osptaln Martio, In Ibe Pblllpplne Is iands, where he was stationed at a mill tary post. 8he knew notblog of tbe transactlon ustil sbe recently eama to Baltimore wlth her bnsband to vlalt ralativea. Nelther she nor ber onole, Trapier S. Lewia, it la atated, approved of the sale. Miss Lewls, it ii itstid, la about 20 yeari old, aod Henry Howell Lewis, jr,, hss declared his loteoilon of dlsposingof tbe mooey or securitlrs upon her death for bia exclutive bentfit. If tne sale ol tbe sword Is treated as an accompliabed fsct, it Is BBsrrted, Trspier 8 Lewls is entitled to one-lhird and Mrs. Martln to ooe-nintb of tbe prooeedi. Tbe cui-t is asked to rrqulre tbe Mer csntile I'nut and Depnit Company to account to tbe estate of Oaptain Lswls for the proceeds of tbe sale of tha aword and lo problblt Miss Lewis and Henry Howell LewIs jr., from recelving aoy of tbe money. Tha board of reganla of Moont Ver? non will fight wlth every resource of tbe law If an attempt is made t> take the battle aword of Waabington from Mount Vernon by thoie who yesterday entered snit in BiMmore for Its poasesslon, ENDED LIFE BEilDE CORPSE. Sittlog bealde the body of bia wife Oatherioe, wbo committed aaicide oo Taeetlay aad wboae maeral waa to bave beed beld todsy, Psul Grsrt, 76 yeara old, eodcd bis llfe yesterday In Poila delphia. Like hia wife be draok car bolic acld. Grafl had boen deepiy de* sp.odent aioce the aaicide, aod tbia bad been iotenslfied by the illaaaa of a daoghter. He bad expreeaed a wlab to follow bis wife (o tbe grave aod threaleosd to commit aoiclde, dreadiog life alone. All had beeo made ready Thursday oight for the fuoeral. Graff epsot oearly all of tbe olgot sittiog bealde the caaker, aod there joat before dawo be took the poi-on. The aged mao waa foood shortly afterward. He wsb oncooBcloas aod lived ooly half an hcur after belog fcuod. friurder and Sulcide Philadelphia, May 14?A dcnble trag dy cccotred bere today wben Pbtlo Beaboo, 46, j*?aloaa becsuse the woman with wbom be was in love waa keepiog hoase for anolher, sbot aod killed Mra. Mary Torgeoo lo the kitchen of her home, tbeo luroed tbe revolver on bim* sclf aod fired a bullt t ioto hia temple. He dled io a few miootaa. Never hesitate abtut giviag Obamber laio'a Ooogh Remedy to cblldreo. It co.ttlos oo opiom or other oarcctlcaaod can be given with implicit coofi Jeoce. As a qalck care for coogha aod colda to wbicb cblldreo are sascrp'ible, itiaomu ? paaaed. Sold by W. F. Oreigbtoo A Oj. aad Ricbard Glbeoo. Virginia News. Dr. T, 0. Fiftbangb, of Harriaon burg, baa been appoioted a m'raher of tbe Virgloia Stite Board of H al:h, to tucoaed tbe late Dr. S. P. La-aoe. Geo. Soott Sblpp, former iup?rlntend eot of the Vlrgtola Military IoeiUir.r, baa gooe to Europe to apend a t.w mootha. Mra. Ioman Pajne, llvlngoear Rcuad H II, bad a duok to batch Satarday tbat bad ooe head, three wings aod four legs. We ooderataod that It Is still livlog aod doiog nioely. Ool. E. 8. Reld, cashier of the Ohat ham Bank-, died Thursday night at bia home In Ohatbam after aa illoese of several mootbs. Ool. Beld waa a mem? ber of Goveroor Swanaou's atafi. Tbe work of boildiog an infirmary io coonaction witb the Weatern State Haspltal at?t.aoton will be attrted at onoe. The leglalature appropriated $10, 000 for tbe expenar. Plana for tbe new infirmary were drawn by Dr. J. 8. De* Jamette, aoperlotendeot of tht boa pital, aod the work will bt done by day labor. Dr. Wangh's boiletio, oooceroing Senator Daoiel'a cooditioa Isaoed in Lyocbborg Uat olght waa aa iollows: "It ia very grati/yiog to be able to state toolght tbat Senator Daoiel'a cootlouea t> Improve, espeoially as togards the mental cood tion. I thtr.k tba? I am warrented in eaylng lhat the iodlcatiooa are that hia miod wlll clear ap more aod more from thia time on. THE BAPTISTS. Io tbe Seoood Baptlst Convent'oo io Baltimore yeaterday Mr. J. H. Shakes peare, of Londoo, toid tbe Baptltta that Rooaevelt was tbe kiod of mao to rretst arrogant Insiitu ioos. He declared tbat lftheBa|tata wrrk togetber tbey can change rc ligloualv tbe map of Europe io 10 years The apeaker la In tbia ooun? try io re'ae faoda to pay tbe expeoava of continenlal paeaehera to the Baptiat World Alllaooe, lo Philadelphia, io 1911. Fieclslmed tbat ln a few years Bosiia wlll be tbe great B ptUt rountry lo Europe aod he raiaed $4,165 Io 10 mii utes lo defray the expeoeea of brlng log RqbsIbo and Slav paatora to tbe Bap? tlst World Alliaoca Ojnventlon iu Phil? adelphia oext year, H:rong reaolutlons were prepared re gardlog tbe Sooday scbool leaaoos, aod tbey wlll be aet d upon later. Dr. Prestoo Blake declared that tbe preaohera of tbe futare wlll be reoruited from tbe moaotaloB. Tbe pollcy of avoldicg alllaocea wilh aoy otber d.oomioakion, le?t the purity of tbelr dootrloea be cootaminated, waa lodorsed. Good reporta were made regurdiog the Btptlst work in Ouba and io tbe caoal HM A number of yoang ladies lo tbe traloiog scbool, at Looisville, ba?eslg olfled tbelr ioteolion of becomlt g mli sloogrlei. The coovention voted to reqaest tbe f. terdeoomiostional Sooday Scbool Uoion lo change tbe graded leaaona so bb to elimioate aot'-Baptfat dogmaa, aod reaerved (be rigbt t > wltbdraw if it did oot do ao. The itiod of the Home Mlsaioo Biard In refualng to join ao ioterdeoomtoatioo al movemeot for a nolon cburch io Paua ma vaas approved. It waa deoiJtd to ralae $60,000 for forelgn mlssloos, $40,000 for home mls aloos, $500,000 for churoh bulldlog fuad and $187,000 for Ihe Theologiral Ssmioary In Looisville. A requeat from the northern Baptists to joln In a movement ti belp edocate negro preaohers In tbe aonth may be re jeoted or acoeptad witb provlsloos tandlog to bave the northern Bap? tists relioqaiih ^some school* ia the sootb. Jackaoovllle, ^Fla., was oboaen for tbe meetiog place lo 1911. The oegro >roblem waa discuaeed at olgbt. Voluoteers may be asked tonfght to go Int) tbe miuion field. At tbia rcoroiog'a aeaaioo of tbe ooovenlloo Bev. Dr. John Roaeh Stratoo, of Baltimore, declared tbat "RomIb mnat bo fread, not by the oao non'a mootfa, but by the Btptlst faith." At ooon the conveotlon waa addreised by Rev. Dr. E. B. Meyer, of Londoo, Eoglaod, preaident of ibe World'a Soo? day school convantloo aod koowo aa tbe greateat llviog Baptiat preaoher. The execotlvs commi'.tees ot tbe Hiothero Baptlst aod tbe Northern Ba, ;lats con veotloas, represootiog In all 3,500,000 Btptlsti, will meet !o Baltimore oa oext Taesday, SOUTHEBN METHODIST CON* FEBENOE. Wlth representuirea of every cooil neot ?ave Au-tralla seated upon tbe plstform, the Sonthern Metbodlst Gene? ral Ooofereooe held a hlghly Important sesslon ln Asbeville, N. OL, yeaterday Btsldes the report of the committee on eplscopacy, iscommendlng tbat the coo fereoce choose seven new blshops, re? port No. 2 of the committee on temper anoe and other moral and aoelal Issues wss taken up. Tbe majority report pro* vlded tbat the oandldatea lor the minlt try be urged beforo beginniog tbe mlo* islry to abstslo from the nae of tobacco, and tbis report was floally adopted sit -r the mlnority report, providing tbat all candldates be requlred cublicly to pledge themselvea to abetain from the use of tc bacco as loog aa tbey remain In the minlitry, waa loat by only tbree votea. It ie ondtri ood that tba committee on eplscopacy will aet tbe salary of tbe bsbops at $4,500, Instead cf $4,000, aa at preaent: increaae tbe superannu.t-d biahop*' aalarlea to $2,250 aod allow wldows of blshops $1 000 It is more tban probabie thst Biahop Morrlson will be soperannnst'd at tbis conlareuce and in all probablllty B shop A. W. Wilson, tbe senior biahop of tbe cborch, will be asslgoed llgbtsr datlea. Tbe committee on revissls, aftrr con sideritlon of the memorials asklng fcr a change la aame, recommended thst ihe name be changed to "The Metbodlst Ohnrcb." Fbe mlnority sent lo a 're? port recommeodlng no change of name. The committee vote stood 1C to 14 Bitb reports reeelved lood applause and it looked aa if the sentlment wss aboot evenly divided. Ao impreasive memorial service for the six blshops who bave died slnoe tne last Gsnersl Oooference was beld at tbe morning sesslon. Oa tbe sve of taillog from Havana fcr bis new poet aa Ooban mioiater to Spaio, Jnito Garcla Velez retlgned Ihe office to? day owlng to diflereoces with Secretary oi State Sangoily. SEMERALD If the Stork came in May If Old Mr Stork brought your frienil into this world aome month of May? You ought to get him or her an Emerald. For? "Who first bebolds the light ofday In Bprinp's aweet flow'ry ruonth of May, Shall weir an Emerald all through Iife." And best of all Emeralds are so reasonable in price that you can afford them as gifts, or to wear y ourself We want you to see the rich deep coloredF.meralds we have bere. All sizes, shapes and prices to suit every taste and purse Sauaders & Son, 629 King Street. WANTED. RO~*V in private f>.mily wiih board pre ferred, by ycuug uau. Can give best refcreocea. Addrest P. Uazt-tte Office. may 13 31* FOR RENT. PJKMIKABI.F. HOUSE:. 6 ro>ms, cellar. aJ waler, .idealley. large yard. $10 a month. immedlate ro>ses_io:>. Addrrts Deairable House, Oaxette Ofn e. may 13 5t PROP08AL?.-Propossls will be raoaived a nntil nooo Wedutsday, May tf. 1M10, at the City Engineer'a office for the following work at the LeeH.I100I for girls. 1 Setting granlte curb in conorete and lay ing guttora. '2 tiradirg and laviug eonerete side walkt. 3 Ornding and aurfacing the lot. 4 kfanuriug the lot. 5 Plowing, rolling, harrowing and eowing the lot with graaa seeri. Plans aud speciticatiins can he aeen at tbe offioe of the City Engineer. rieparate propoaala are required for each item of work and the comniitiee n ->rv*s tbe right to tajaat any and all propo?aln, and to award the diflerent items to diflerent hiddera. LAl'BENCESrABLKU. l.'hairi.'ian Committee Houae* and Purniture of School Board, 8817*31*). We have received the last shipment of the celebrated Country Hams Tbey are fhe kind that make you healthy aad lengthen your days. We have SPRING CHICt-ENS and BAKING FOWLS and f> full line of SPRING VEGETABLES. We do not carry specialties for Saturday only, but .vou can find what you want at our plate every day in the week When you are baring difficulty in obtainina what you want just ring H>7 Rell phone and we wili supply you witboutany frouhle. FRESH MEATS, EGGS and BUTTER. CarterBros 1023 King Street. may 13 3t_ YEARS AGO we stsrted ont to do hettle with life. We didu't expect to "Win-in-a-walk." We knew that we had to meet ita com petition, that there were "foeraen worthy of our steel," tbat ihs l<--t things were reserved for thoa<> who oould win; that failures iu early life w.uld teach ua to win ancieKs la'eron. We have met theae condiiions like men not aiming to crush any one. but simply to hold our own. We have Ireen auc cestful and if you think we have ira mindAPILEOK IfOHKY then yon have not laero-ived the purpose ol' this arg'<m?nt. Our Jatest aucceaa is CAM? ERON DAIRY L1NCH and you are all iu viu-ti to give us a call. Open all nigbt. 906 King street FBIGHTFUL AOOIDENT. Pinned uider a dr?o wbit'-brt tteel blllets whioh Lad fallen from a tiliing atcel boggy. William Wenvel, aged 22 years, a mlllworker at tbe Jone'-Lsuj-b Ilo ateel worka at Piitsbnrg, Pa., was burned t) death yesterday before Ibe e-es of a *core of hia feilow-workmeo who stood by powerless ti rescoe tbeir comrade. Wenvel was pashing so empty buggy wheo a ptssiog ateel car* rier, losded with wblte-bot blocka of ateel, tipped over. Toe ycuig man waa pioned down, hia arms exteoded. Hia clotblng Ignltlng, be made a perfect cross of flames, aod belore his comradea coold tear away tbe scorcbing metal onbea with grabbooks Weovel'e sbrieks had ceaaed ann bia body waa blackened and burned to a criap. AVIATION AOOIDENT. At 7 o'clock hat nigbt after tbe cloae of the(_viation|mceti_g in Lyona1 France, M. Hauvette-Michelm went up in an An tolnette monoplsne. Whle paased tbe pylon 'in the centcr of the aerodrome. Aa he returned he made straight for the pylon, which, for some onexplained reaaon, he was un<hle to avoid, and he atrack it with full force. The aeropiane, which wa? a new ma cblne, was cnt in two. The pylon, wbich waa eigbt meters hif-b, inapped and fcll on Michelin, atrikin* him on the head. Other aviators, incloding Paulan, rusbed to extricste him. looctora arriv ed promptly. Michelin was insenMble. A priest arrivad and admin stered ex treme unction to bim. An aatomobile conveyed bim to a bospital, where tre psnning was performed, but the optrs ticn was not anccessfnl, and Michelin died at 10:15. DIED. t-n Thorsdav. May I?, in Wsshiogton, Ui'sEUMA FOBNSHILL. danghwr of the late Julio an 1 liuth Forostoill, of Aleiaodrm. aged 47 jears. Foteral tomorrow (?'unday) at 3 p. to., from tbe residence ot' her sieter, 216 north Fairfax street, i