Newspaper Page Text
HvvMMMMMOMHMMMMMMHt -r> Clothing. I Inspect our spriog <? models of men and ? l boys' clothes See the comfortable kind of Underwear l we are baodliog. New arrivals io Manhattan f Shirts Kaufmann t t Bros, CLOTHIERS, 402-405 KING STREET. ? ?MMMMMMIMMMMMMIMMHv Summer Prices Mliracite Coal. 1910. Our 1910 snnimer prices on Anlhracite ooal will become eflective Monday, May 2nd, Tbere haa never been a time in the histo-y of our business when we felt that we were able to give better valuea in Anlhracite coal than we can this seaaon, as we have compleUd our arraneementa to aecnra oir entire aupply from two or three ofthe very best colheries 111 Ihe Anthracne region, and will have a coal which is nniform in quility, well prtpartd, and coal that will give f*r better resolu than the averega. ... ., Jt is our deaire to give onr trade the best values that can be bad, and we earneatly eolicit the orders of our friends and customers. W. A. SMOOT & CO., Inc. Bell Telephone 19 & 57 1 Home Telephone 153 & 57 J Ofder Office, No. 529 King street The Overland factory is at this time 3,000 cars behind on orders* It is not hot air and it i? not advertising bluff when we say tbat the demand for the Overland is growing like a fiood. Theae are actual facts and tbere is a reason. The very fact tbat Overlands are hard to get proves their value all tbe more, and they are well worth waiting for. Give us the "wink." and we willtry to get one for you HVERS BROTHERS. 115 N. Pitt st PARK AGNEW, Proprietor. THE Bromilaw Brick Co. Building, Pavingf and Sewer Brick, Front and Building Sand. WORKS : H-nting|Creek. yi "?leohonet roy. BUILDING MATERIAL-j. [ESTABLISflED 18-?) BMY K. FIELD & CO. *hioc*seors to JOB1AH H. D. SMOOT, Lamber and Mill Work OF ALL KIND8, Lime, Cement and Plaster Office aad Yard 115 N. Union atreet Factory No. 111 N. Lee street. ,?*_*'_aterUl Delivered FREE in the oity, OTTERBUPN Llthia aod Marjesia Spriafs WATER. Greatest known Water for Dys Eepsia, Indigestiora, Kidney and iver Troubles. Leading Physicians endorse it and testify to its great merit. FK_N_Wl_FiEI_,Dragrjst Sacogfor to WABTIELD _ HALL. 3 NE14*J 80LE AGEN 8 *7 (ereet Wel *??? ?_d P-iare Strtat' ttalliallTil! Summer Priccs. WM. H. PECK Bell phone 192. Capital City 192. t_j6tf Hhe moet desirable, hygienic, beaotiful and econoniical will coating. Alabutin.-, ior aale by E. 8. Leadbeater _ Fonr., Ioc. No userepapering your hoase this spricg Climex Wnll Paper .Cleener will make the old r*?p*r look alntoet like oew. Oet it at Leadbeater'a. _6c?bo-.L' Fresh Country Butter, 30c Eggs, 23c Nice Virginia Hams, 25c " Shoulders, 20c 2,000 yards Embroidcry at cost. A. Q- THOMAS, 919 King Street. my9tf GKOOEBIErj._ ~WTaTjoHnson & cu., WH0LE8ALE GB0CEB8. SM-aTK-AL OOMMI88ION MK_*CH_J?T And Dealera ln ALL KINDS OF LIOJ70BS, Have on hand Gibaon'a XX. XXX, XXXI and Pure Old Rye, Old Cabinet and Monr pam Whlskies; also Baker'sand Thompaon'f Pare Rye Whlekiea, to which the? invito ths attention o/the trade. Orders from the oountry for merehandiss ahall reoelve prompt attention. Consignmenta of Flonr, Grain and Coniitrj Prodnoe solidtod, for which tbey guarantev he highest market prioes and prompt return' N. E corner Cameron and Royal Street-, \ j JOHN AHEKN & CO., WHOIJESAJ-E AND RETAIL GROCRJ 9 A&J Dealera ln FTJRE WINES AND UQUORS, Country Prodnoe received daily. Onr stock of Plain acd Fancy Grooeries embraoea arery tbing to be bad ln this line, We hold largely in United Statee bonded wav-houae acd carry in stock varions bra?dt ofthe beat PUBE PYE AND MALT WB-?__I-S* made. Have aiso in store superior gradas o Foreign and American WINE8. AIJES, BROWN 8TOUT, a*e, JB~ rvallir-i ticn 0__i_ct*ed aa to Prio* _?? Q-_itV.'-ta\ ^?arn*- TM-r?? ?-?< "?--awv Hf-?-a? University of Virginia nead of Public Schoo! Sjatem of Virg:nia. Lettertv, Science, Law, Medicine, Engineering LOAN FUNDS AVAILABLE to reedy and dcerving atudents. $10 covera all coata to Viiginia atudeuta m tbe Academic Department.. ?nd f r catalogue. LIuvvapi) WuaaTOaV, Keg'strar. mjti arear-f Univeraity Pttt.ffice, Vs. t_-rrAfii__u__-D taex BURKE&HERBERT, Banker*. Modernly eqaiptped for banking ln ita vari ?ns branoeea. Depoaita received subject to check at sight Collections made on all pointe. Higb-grada inreatment secnritiea bonght and aold. Lettera of Credit a~d Foreign E_o_*_ge (nrniahed. r_fe Deposit Bozes for rent. A Savings Department in wbicb iataraat la allowed oa depoaiu, AWFUL PAINS FULLY DESCRIBED A Lady of Pizarro Tells Story of Awful Suffering That Cardui finally Relieved. Pizarro, Va? "I suffered for several years," writes Mrs. Dorma A. Smith, r,with that awful backache and the bear? ing down sensations, so fully described in your book. "I tried doctors and other mediclnes and found little relief, until I was induced to try Wine of Cardui. when 1 found in stant relief and today I can heartily recommend Cardui lo all suffering women and thmk there is no other as good." In some inslances, Cardui gives instant relief; in others, it may take a little time. But in all cases of female trouble Cardui can be depended on to be of benefit, as it is a specific remedy for women and acts in a curative way oa the womanly organs. As a general tonic for women, to build up your strenglh, improve your appe tite, bring back rosy cheeks and make you look and feel young and hanpy, nothing you can find will do so much for you as Cardui. Your druggist bas it N. B~Wrtte to: Ui\e*' Advlsorr Dept.. Oisr_ nooca MedicineCo., Chattanooia. Teno., tor Sptcial Inttructions. snd M-paae book. ',Homt Trtaime_| lor Women. sent in plain wrapper. onrtquest_ Wife Electlooeered for Muabsnd. Paris, May 13.?Tbe politlcal elever* oess ol the Maiquise de Otiam^r.D, siBter of Nicholaa Longworth, ex-Presl r!<?nt Roosevelt'* son-in law, is respoo* elble lor the recent electlon of ber hnr band to the French Ohamber of Depatles according to a stiry tba* the mirquis tcday perm't ed to leak cut. The marqn'se represen s Ln re, tbe poorest constltoency In the B a?s A'ps distrlct. with tbe exceptlon of thst formerly represented by the Oonnt de Oss'ellane. Tbe maiqils is rather fioe fibred, and the recent campalgu proved distsste ui to bim because of tbe in t'fduc'ion of American carrpaign me:h oda In L'z*re, kiasing babUa, band ahsking and "jollying." The marquis refused to adopt theae tactice a?"d vras about in despair, when his wife with a fins flash of the Ohio brand of politicalsagacity, went among the voters and their families, praiierl and kissed the babies "chinnerl" with the pcasants and otherwise made the marquis aolid. He won by aa increaied vote. Lawyer Sentencsd New York, May 1*?Having pleaded guMr to an indicment chargiog forgery, Henry A. Djellinger, a Uwyer, arrested in Pbiladelpbia on April 2, where he was known ai William A Rasb, wss sentenced by Jadge Oraln tiday to no1 less than ooe nor more than two yeais in Sing Sing prison. Io 1907 Doelllnger induced his wife and daughter lo sign aod swear t> a foreed deed wbich he hvpothecated for $3,000. He then fled the city goirg to Heatt'e and Portland. Detectlves tacel bim tbere, lu he evaded tbem aod wett to Phlladelphia where be was csptured while io a mot* irjg pictore e'tablishmeo'. He deoied his identity and fought extraditloo bot wben finaly broughtback here edmlitjd hia |u'-!t. ????. MADE TO 8TAND ON BOILER. Accused of c:u-lly bestiog Richard Hmte, electrlciao on tbe German steamer Amisia, Wilbelm Wortelboer, sfcond cllioer on tbe ateamer, will be arrested by government agenta on the arrlval of the vsssel it New York, to which port rhe is now btu nl. Huste, who wu taken ofi tbe sblp at Norfolk aud sent to a local bosp'til, dec'ares Wortelboer beat him aotil he falnted md then coa>p?lled bim to climb to t.e top ol a bot boller and make fast a ru?? ber belt. Hu?ta rays Wortelboer com pelled him to tske rf) his clothes, and he best bim uitil he dropped in bis tracks on t_e deck. Haste's body sbows thsrfljcts of his rerrlble beat ng, and bad be made hia stalemeot before tbe ahip salled Wortelboer wiu'd have been arreit :d io Norfolk. Tbe Amisia went to Norfolk for ruiker coal and will take on a csrRo at New York. John D. R;ckefell;r would go broke if be Bhonld ?pend bis entiie Inoome trylng to prepare a better medicine than Ohamberiain's Collc, Oholera aod Dlar rhoea Remedj for diarrhoca, dyasctery or bowel ccmrislnls. It Is slmply im* possible, aod bobbvb every one that baa naed lt. Sold bv W. F. Orelghton & Oo. aad Ricbard O bson. OPENINO AND CLOSINQ OP MAILS Northern maila, week days, close at 8 40a m. and 10 40 a. m., and 140. 815 aud 10 40 a. m. Open at 800 a. m., 12 00 ni, and 5 00 p. m. On Suiidays Northern mails oloae at 8 46 a. m., 140, and 715 p. m. Southern maila via Sontbern Railway close at 10 40 a, m., 4 30 and 10 15 p. m. Open at 800 a. m.and 4 00 p. m. Southern maila, via R., F, A P. R. R, close ai 9 45 and 11 40 a. ro., and 3 60, 7 10 and 10 5) o. m. Open at 8 and 9 30 a. r_? 3 and 10 15 p. m. Manaaaas Division maila oloae at 8 16 a, m. and 3 50 p. m. Open at 12 m. and 10 15 p. m. Bluemont Branch, Sonthern Railway, m_il close al 7 45 a. m., and 3 20 p. m. Open at 9 00 a. m. and 7 00 p. m. Cheaapeake and Ohio maiis close at 1 40 p, m. __d 1015 p, m. Ooen at 8 00 a, m, and 4 00 p.m. Washington maila close at 8? and 10 40 a. m? and 1 40, 8 16, and 10 50 p. m. Open at 800 a, m., 12 00 m. and 5 00 p. m. and 8 30 p. m. Office Hours?Open at 800 a, m, done at 600p. m. Sunday Houra?Open at 900 a. m. Cloaa at 1000 t. m. Oarriers' Schedule-Collectiou made on ln ?ide routeav?6 15 and 1000 a. m. aad 3 00 and 5 S0 p. m. Ft. U roQte?615 a. m. and 5 30 p, m. Sunday cailection 4 45 p. m. Carriera' rindow opwn Snnday 900 a. m. aad cloas 10 00 a-m. D.'livariBS rnads 800a.m 110 p. m, and 5 00 o, m. All r.uall ?hotjld ra? ln the ofl-a Un n'.oataa before our irdicataad time for cl(~ing _ flot Weather Comfort You don't need to be un comfortable this sucnmer. Use electncity for light ing, it wi'l not heat up the room. Use an electric fan to cir culate the air. Electricity is safe. cleanly and economicaL L?t us prore it. Alexandria Electric Co. 524 King Street. Afaftsibria <5<artk, SA1UBDAY EVRVINO. MAY 14. 1?1 What a Poe* Writee. "You never can tell wbethcr poetry la loaded or not." said a Columbia pro fesaor descantlag upon tbo nouse, "and what a poet writes In tbe moments of hia fine frenzy rolling may be suscep tiblo of changes which would make hlm curse the pen did be but kaow whence lt polnted. Now, Usten to tbis couplet: "Help us to eave tree conaclence rrom tha ssw Of hlreltng wolvea whoae goepel U thetr r_aw. "It sounds like some kind of a fam? ily poern, doesn't lt, wlth paw and maw comlng lu to make tbe rbyme? Do you luwglDC the poet when he wrote the llnes ever tbought of the parenta represented ln such a bomely way and bow the meanlng of tbe whole thlng conld be changed by cbanglng the meanlng of the end worda of two llnea? Was he a bogln ner? Oh, do; be was not a beginner. He bad written several very classy tbings. He was John Mllton. You re member he wrote 'Paradlse Loat' and two or three other pleces of consldera ble merit, though he nsver qulte got into the 'six best sellers' 11st, and these two llnes I have quoted close his son net lo Lord Protector Cromwell, wrtt* ten ln 1652."-New York Herald. Tha 8outherner and Corn. The southerner feeds hlmself, hia plgs and his progeny npon corn. He slept ln his frontiersman's cabin apon a mat tresa made of the husks. Today be contributea some of ita plth to tbe manufacture of gun cotton with wbicb to blow the enemy to Beelzebub and aome more of lt to tbe manufacture of cellulose to pack behlnd the armor of his country's battlesblps to prevent them from sinking when projectiles pierce tbelr plates. He plants corn as early ln the springtlme as the season wlll permlt and gets np at dawn to go into the flelds and tickle its spreadlv roots with a double shovel plow. In midwinter he smokes his corncob pipe before a corncob fire. Looklng into a bed of glowlng embers through a blne hase of the umoke of Incense burned to Mondamln, he retnrns thanka for the corn meal ln the cupboard and dreams happily of the "ros'n ear" of the golden summer to come. His ap preciation of the value of Indian corn is hlgh. His atTectlon for lt in Ita varl ous forms is abldlng.?Loulavllle Cou rler-Journal. Argyll and Longfellow. The great Duke of Argyll was vlalt* Ing his son, then governor general of Canada, and met Longfellow in the American poet's anclent colonial man slon at Cambridge, Mass. As tbey sat together on the veranda tho duke per slstently asked the names of the varl ous blrds he saw and heard slnging ln the poet's trr-es as well as of the flow ers and bushes growing ln his exten slve and beautlful garden. Longfel? low was neltber botanlst nor ornlthol oglst and did not know. "I was surprlsed to flnd your Long? fellow snch an lgnorant person," said the duke subsequently to an American acqnalntance. "Indeed! Pray, on what erobject?" "Why, he could not tell me the names of the blrds and flowers to be henrd and spen ln his own garden." "May I ask how many languagea yon speak?" the American asked. "Certalnly?but one." "Mr. LoDgfellow," was the answer, "speaka six and translates freely from almost all the languagea of Europe." Rise of Russia. In the hlstory of Europe down to the middle of the eigbteentb century Rus? sia Is a blank. The foundatlon of the klngdom was lald by Rurlc the Norse man in the nlnth century. In tbe tenth century the Russlans were Ohristian ized, adoptlng the Greck form of Cbrls tlanlty. In tbe thirteenth century the Russlans wero completely overrun by the Tartars under Garghlz Khan. From tbe Tartars Russia was deliv? ered by Ivan, wbo became czar ln tbe time of EHzabeth. It was Peter the Great (1672-1725) who gave Russia for tha first timo a place In tbe states sys tem of Europe.?New York American. The Mistletoe. Tbe mistletoe Is a Druldical contrl butlon to Ghristmas. It was held ln great veneration by the Drolds ln an cient England, and the cutting of it was attended by sacrtflclng and feast ing. With weird incantatlons the priest cllmbed tbo tree on wblcb tbe mistle? toe grew aDd cut lt away wlth a knife of pureat gold, do base metal being al? lowed to touch lt Aa the twlgs fell they were received below ln a mantle of spotlcfjs whlteness. Modeat Qreatneas. Reporter?_enator, to whnt do* you cbiefly attribute your successful ca reer? Emlnent Statesman?Eotlrely tc heredity, young man. I deserve no credit for it whatever. My father had ambltion, and my motber bad talent, and I happened to lnherlt both thoae quallflcatlons.?ChlcafO Tribune. From Experience. Mrs. Enpeck?1 learned today that Bob Smitb aod Mary Joncs were se cretly marrled teo mooths ago. Just think ot it! Marrled nearly a year aud nobody the wiser! Mr. Enpeck? Oh, I don't ksowt I'll bet Smlt_ wa? a whole lot wlser before he had been marrled a month. ln Stock. Joker?Do you keep smokeless tobac? co? Clerk?Sure, we do. Joker?What kind ls lt? Clerk-Cbewing tobacco, of course.?Cornell Widow. Down on Rival Planta. Wlfe?Joho, the hens have scratched up tbat eggplant seed you sowed. Hub ?Darn *em! Jealousy, I suppose,? Boston Transcript Uhamberlaln's Stjmach aod Liv.r Tablets will clear tbe acur stomacb, s veeten tbe breath sod cre?t< a bea tby appetite. They proroote the fljw of g?strlo jaice, taereby iorfoclng good digestlon. 8ild by W. F. Oreigbtm A Oo. and Richard Gibsco. Alh-stins, ibe aaaJtary srall eoatiof. oade in ?ixteeo ditraraot tlata. Yoa oan awt it at Ltadbeatna, *********************************** Modern and Up-to-Date in Every Respect \m Corner King and Royal Streets. CapitaT$iob,000 In the Savings Department arerequested tobring in iheir pass books as early ?s convenient and have the interest due April 1 entered in the same. We Solicit Yoor Banking Business. Virginia Safe Deposit & Trost Corporation ALEXANDRIA, _ VIRGINIA. ?Vothorized Capital Paid in Capital $1,000,000.00_$300,000.00 DIRECTORS. C J* Rlxey, Joh, P. Robinson, Thomaa J. Fannon, C. C. Leadbeater Henry K. Field, htLTy Baeder, George S. fr"*^ J. K M Nortcn We act aa Executor, Administrator and Truatee. Iaeue Fidel ity, Contract, Official and Judicial Bonds. General Banking and Trust Business Transacted. Interest paid on Savings Accounts We solicit the accounts of Banks, Corporatlons, Firtns and Individ iiala, and oromioe liberal treatment conslstent with aound bankiny xtethodsj rfjy*. ? _.. Man Wants But Littie Here m\\l Below k 1 1/ I ^ut ne wants tnat "tt'e good, es pecially when it is in the line of footwear for tender feet. You not only get it of jrood quality here, but you get good style and good comfort in our shoes. The smartest thing in footwear in low cut shoes for warm weather wear we are offeriog in men's street pumps, Oxford ties, siip pers and sandalx, that can t De excelled for style, leather, fit or shape. KATZ'S, 400 KING ST. Thos W. Robinson. ATLAS CEMENf Makes The Best Concrete For sale by GEO. H. ROBINSON'S SONS, ALEXANDBIA, VA. Deelfra ia Osmeot, Liroe, Hair, Calcined Plaster, Wall Plsster, Terra Cctta 3ewer Pip ,d8 6m ?nd Fine Lininu, Fire Brloks, Fire Clay, 4c. FOR RENT. 328 S. Washington, 8 rooms and bath.130.00 1113 Prince, 7 rnoms and batb... 20.00 816 3 Patrick, 8 rooms and batb, 15 00 611 Wolfe, 6 rooms. 13.00 220 N. Pif, 4 rooms. 11.00 527 N. Alfred, 6 rooms.$10 50 219 Wolfe, 6 rooms. 10.50 827 8. Pa'r'.ck, 6 rooms. 9 00 224 N. Pitt,' 4 rooms. 8.50 328 Oommerce, 5 rooms. 6 50 WHITE Rea,ty Io9urance. Bonding. The First lational Bank Of Alexandria, Va, G. L. BOOTHE, President'i GEO. E. WARFIELD, Cashier M. B. HARLOW, Vice-President. J. J. GREEN, Asst Cashier DIRECT0R5 GARDNER L. BOOTHE OEO. E. WARFIELDJ BENOIT BAER, Jr. JAS P. MUIR M. B. HARLOW WALTER ROBERTS FRANCIS L. SMITB. RESOURCES. Loans aod lovestmenta $884,488 80 D. 8. Bond.125 000 00 Banking Hocse . . . ,73,291 61 Dae from Banks and Re serve AgeoU . . . 98,104 41 Oash.44,658.60 S.PerOsnt Faad . . . 8.400.00 $1,228,888.42 LIABILITIES. Capital.$100 000 00 -jarplosand Prcfits . 185,522.51 Oirculstlon .... 99.60000 Deposits . . . . . 842 299 90 Otber LUbllltiea . . 1,416 01 $1,228,838.42 This bank with ita ample capital and aurplna, ita adeqnate eqnlpment and facilitiea, aolicita the accounts of mannfacturera, wboleaalera, retailers and isdividnala on the best terms cooaiattnt with sound banking. No acconnt too large to be handled aatisfactorily.none too small to be appreciated. The Best Medicinal Rye Whisky. WAKEFIELD RYE Headquarters for the best Wines and Liquors in the city LOWENBACH BROS ILing.and Alfred Street*. kBoth Phone _RAlLBOAjDb_ SOUTHRRN RAILWAY Tr-tna hsava Unloa 8?aiio_ Alaxsadrlt Ib Efeot JsnnarylS, 1910. N. B? Followlng schsdnle figuras pabllaht only as lnformatlon. and ara not guarantee.i 7:47 A. M.?Daily Local twtween Waahiag ton and Danville. __. _ 8-47 A. M.?Dailr*-Loe_l toe Harrison !?urg. and way stations, .. _ 9.17 _7_f.-Daily-U. 8, Faat Mail. Btop. only for paeaengen for pointa sonth at ?hici ?chednled toatop. Fim olaas ooaobee, almp ing cars to Birmingharo and drawina-rocm sleeping cars to New Orleana. Dining cai servio*. _ , ?11.17 A. M.-Daily-Mail train. Coaches for Manassas, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville and Greenaboro. Blecpicg cara Greentboroto Atlanta. . 1.17 p. m.?Week Daye? Local for War* renton ar.d r*tr_?bnrg Junction. ? 4-U P. M. Daily-Birmingham special. Sleeping oars between New Wk, >_gnsta, Aiken and Jacksonville. Sleeper to Binning* ham. Tbrougr. flrvt-claia coaches between Washington and Jaokaonvllle, Dining car aervice. Tonrisi u California lonr tim?a weekly. 4_7 P. M.-Week Daya-Local for Rw rtaonborg and way a__or_ on Maaasus branch. 6:12 P. M.-Daily-Local for Wamc ? and Charlotteeville. 10:27 P. M.-Daily-Washington and Cbet* tanooga LimiUd (via Lyncbburg), First elaaa coaoh and sleeping cars to _-_w ?e, Knozville and Chattancogs. Sleeper to New Or'eans. V. a*. ington to Koantke. Dining oar aerrlos. 11KB P. M.?Dailj-New York, AUanta acd INev Orleana Limited. All PuIIxup.o train, clrb and obsarvation cara to New Or leane. Sle+ping can to Aaheville, Atlanta Macon and New Sleeping cars to Charlotte, Dininv oar service. 4:27 A. M.?Daily?Memphis srecial. Sleeping cars'aud coaches for Roanoke, Knox* ville, Naahville, Chattanooga ani Mem phis. Dining car service, Washington sleeping cars open 10:00 P. M. Throngh trauis trom the tjonth arrive at A ? ?zandria 6:13 and ?:3S and 10:23 A. M. 2.1J, 7J-8, 10:23 and 11.68 P. M. daily. Hsr naonburg 11:28 A. M. weak davs and f lt P. M.dailv Frou CharlotteHvUle9:28 A. M. TRAIN8 ON BLUEMONT BBANOH. Leave Alexandria (W. AO. Station, week days at 8:22 _. M., 3.66 and 4.66 P. M. for Blncmont; 6:33 P.M.week days for J eeeborg; 4.66 P. M. daily for Bluemont and 9:23 ?.. M-, local, cn Sunday* only for Bloemo-t. For detailed schsdnle fignres, tickets, Pull ?Htn reaervation, etc., apply to WILLIAM 0. LEHEW, Union Tioke Agent, Alexandria, Va. E. H. COAPMAN, General Manager S. H. HABDWICK, 1'ws. Traf. Mgr. H. F. CABY. Generel Pansenger Agent. L. S. BBOWN, General Agent. Waahington, D. C. Washington, Alexandria tt Mt Vernon Railway. In eflect May 1, 1900. LXAVX AtBXAJIDBIA, For Wc-hington, from corner Prinoa aa i Royal streets, week days, at 5 40, 6 06, 6'v, 630, 640, 666,705, 716, 730, 7 40,7 60,4 00, 816, 8 36, 836, 8 60, 910, 9 30, 9 50, 10 10,10 30,10 60,11 10,11 26, 11 30, 11 60 a, m.. 12 10, 12 26, 12 30,12 60, 1 10, 1 25, 1 ?. 1 60, 2 10, 2 26, 2 30, 2 60,3 06, 3 .6, 3 36, 8 14 i 10 4 25, 4 S0,4 40, 4 56, 6 10, 6 26, 5 36, 6 60 6 f,6 20, 630, 6 '6, 700, 715, 7 _\ 8 CO, 8*. 900, 9 30,10 00,1080, 1110 and 1156 "'Sundays-7 00,7 36,810,8 20,8 40, 9 00,9 20, 940, 101>, 1020, 1040, 1100,1120 and 1140 a. m., 200, 1220, 1240, 100. 1 20, 1 40. 2 00 2 20, 2 40, 3 00, 3 20, 840,400,4 20,440,5 00 620,540,600, 6 20,640.7 00.720,740,8 00 830,' 900, 930,1000, 10 8' , and 1110 p. m. roB mottii. ~xbho?. Leave A2ex_idria for Mount Vernon, week days, 5 46, 656, 7 56, 851, 1026, 11 95, a. bv 12 25, 1 25, 2 25, 880, 4 40, 6 36, 6 30, 7 86. 8 50, 9 60, 10 60 and 11 60 p. m. Hondaya?7 00, 8 80, 930, 10 30,11 80 a. ?-', 12 30, 1 30. 2 30, 3 30, 430, 530, 680, 780 8 43 and 1" 16 p. m._________ Washington JSonthern K. Schedule ln eflect May 15, UIX, Trains leave Union Btation for Waahlnyf ? and points north at 7 43, 808, 8 23 and 8 M a m JL_ 01, S 30, 8 07,818, and 1183 p. ni? daily. For Fredericksburg, Richmond and poir'a aonth at 4 37, 7 53 (local), and 10 22 a. m., 12 16, 4 22, 6 17 (local), 7 42and 967 p.m. Aocommodatieo forKrHermksbnr* a II II a. ni.< aily. On week days this train ruca through to Milford. Ntwa:?Time of arrlvals aad depavrtj - and oonnectiona not .narariUxad. W. P. TAYLOR, Traffic Ma-auer, _Bichmond. Va.^ ~~iTEAMBBS, ftARYLAND, DELAWARE ANO V)R. OINIA RAILWAY COM'a*ANY SPRING SCHEDULE. Steamars of Thia Line Laaav- Aloandria on and after May 15. 1909. Every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and 8ATTJRDAY at 430p. ?_ FOR BALTIMORE AND ALL THS USUAL RIVER LANDIN08, Oalaine and appoiatmenta nnaxcelied. Freight for Bwtimora, PhiladelnfaJa a_* 5Jew York solicited and handled with oare, Tbrongh ratea and bills of iading isstted, 9ingle fare to BaJtimora, $2,60; roaad trrp. $3.50. n-tcrooms. one way, il.50. Meaia. 5t>* REARDON A GRIMES, Ageata, _T"ryit nf rVmarnn ?tr*at. Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Company Every day in the year for Fort Monrow Norfolk, Newport Newa and point* south, via snperb, powerfal eteel palace steamers, Southland. Newport News, Nor? folk and Washington. Lv. Wafh. M5 p. w. Lv.Porlsmonth 5 Lv. Alex. 7.00 p m. Lv.Norfolk 6<0p. ni Ar.Ft,Monroe.7.00 a.m 'v.Ft., Ar Norfolk 8.00 ?. m. ArAlex 6.30 a. _-. Ar. Portamouth 8 Ar.Waah. 7.00 a. m. Through connections made at Norfolk with steamers of the Old Doniinloa ^ta>an>h:p Tompsny for New .ork snd Merchanta' and Miners' Steetrshipe for .Hoston. Oeneral Ticket OftW, 7.0 14th atreet N W. Bond Building, Washington, D. C, lhoLaa Main 15.0. Beventh street wbarf. Phone Main 3760. Alexandria wharf f<ot of Prince atreet. W. H. OALLAHAN, aprl lyr General Pamen^er Agtnr. l^U?pEll^4AyD^ MA0H IN igT8 J. & B. AITCHESON, Machinists and Engineers, Agents firay Gasoline lofors Engineers and Machinists Supplies, Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Valves, Etc Blacksmithing and Repair ing Promptly fixecuted The Alexandria Iron works Foundry, Machine, Blacksmitli, and Strucniral Iron Work. Mannfactureraof Power Tnrbine purnps: will lift water a8 feet. Agenta for International Coal Oil En> gine, a aafe and reliable power. We nolicit yonr ordera on all kinda ol Iron works. Bell Phone 53. c-0???o WASHINGTON OFFICB SU Evana Bnildlpy - Phone Maln 7 Cows and borsea wiB reqnire lesa ieed and be worth much more to yoo if yon feed Lead tw>*Ur S C.ondition Howil.-, 20r p_< k-ge -.J??_*i C*itot WI V otber. especiaJi? *U? '5 M th* Srearest preparation of iv EE_*/??'Mldrea will li.e ;t, too.fclfi P?!bottleC_. h\.Uedbmtta tta^'j