Newspaper Page Text
aB.jaaoOJo-*111^ -NO.llG Il^XANDRIA. VA. TUESDAY EVENING MAY 17.1910 PRICE 2 CENTS VOLUME CXI New Potomac Family Roe Herring, 50 Barrels 50 Halves 25 Quarters 100 Kits Price's Packing. also 50 Pails Herring Roe 90 cents each. G. W. RAHSAY. Veteran Dust Exterminator Sweeping Compound Draws Dust Like a Magnet. Antiseptic and Disinfectant Does the Work and is Cheap. For Sale in Any Quantity. G.W. Ramsay. Gabdkkb L. Bootbk I I M. B. Hariow FBRMDBNT. J ( Vice Preaident.* Gbo. E. W_r*ikld, Cashi-b. First National Bank, AXBXA-DBIA, VA. i Deslgnated Depoeltory of tHe United States. CAPITAL __ _? ? ?"???? BURPLU3 A5D UNDIVIDn) PB0FIT8 .... $175,000 Dinetorsi fl. L. ROOTTTE, M. B. HARLOW G. E. WARFIl'LD, J. F. MUIB, WALTER ROBERT8, B. RAJER, JR. FRANCI8 L. 8MITH. PBOP08AL8. -Propoeda for the furniah i"g of all nuteria'; for the excavation and for the conatructicn of a aewer on Cam e-on rtioet from Farstte to Henry aid on H^nry atreet rr.rth of C-meron street for such diataoee aa roav be decided by the committee on atrett?, will b*? received St the offioe ofthe city engineer until noon WEDNESDAY. May 18. 1910. The right is reserved to reject r. y and all nroposala. Spwifications and j. hiii e?a be eetn at the offioe ofthe City Knginear._ E. 8. LEADBEATEB, Chairman Committee on 8treet_. ra*.y6 td Great Cake-Bakiog Contest Wednesday, May 18, 1910, at 3 p. m. Firat prire-l barrel Senator Flonr; aecoud priat?1 barrel FeoMor Flom; third prie? 1 large pail of Cnttoreee; founh prixe? 1 ). unds of Midland Butter; fifch pnae?1 pouuda t f PHlace Or flee; aixth priie?. nie .lium pail cf Cot'olenc and 2 imported enaratl ed Pie Pl tea; seventh priae? 2 pounda Golden Blend C< flee, , _._. To th* Kdr making the beat oake witb CoiloVie aod S-nator Flour, to be delivered to onr store by WEDSE-DAY, May Mh, at 3 p. tu. The priae cakea are to be ont aod diatributed among thoae conte'ting. All other cakea are t<> be retarned to the mefcera im ni'diaielv i f;- r the ontest. CouteM < _?a tc all, wbether a regular cu?timer or not. Imitk. -Sach'Onteataut niust purchasa ?tt leaat one sick cf Penator Flour and one pail of fottoleoe A pie plate ia given to each purcbauaer of a pail of Cottoleoe. EDWARD QU1NN&S0NS St. Asaph and Oronoco Streeta Trnases and ooly the beat aioda -old _?adh?at?r'a. We ha?e ahoulder braoes of all kinda. Boy a bretthe-iite or knickerbocker for yoar boy or girl. E. H. leadbeeler A 8ona, Inc_ lf a truaeli properly fitted, will not oaosa disoomfort. Yon oan -at aanh _ fit if vou go to Leedbaater'a. AMominal Belta for oorpolent people ob ainad on apecial ordar at laaflbaatr'a. flAZETTE BUILDING. 810 A 812 PR-NC_t STREET. [Enterad at the Postoffioe of Alaxa-dria, Vhr ?laia, as aaoond-elaas matter.l ____a: Daily-1 year. $6:00 6 montha $2:50: 8 months, $l_fc; 1 month, 48 oenta; 1 week, 10 oenta. _ _? _ Tri-weekly-l year. $8.00; 6 montha, $1.5? 8 months, 75 oenta: 1 month. 26 oenta, Oontract advertiaers will not be allowed to ex* oeod their space unleas theexoeaa U paid for at transient ratea, and under no mroam it&noee will they be allowed to advertlae other than their legitimate buaina-s In ha rrpaoe eontracted for. _,_ Baaolutiona in memonam, of thanara, tnoutea of respect, reaolutions adopted by aoraetiea or persons, unleas of public oonoern, wiL mijbe printed in tho paper aa advertiaa. menta. _ HYDE CONV10TED HIMBELF. Dr. B. Olark Hjde, wbom a jary in Kanaaa Oity, Mo., fiuod guilty of mur derlog Ool. Thomaa H. Sarope by poiBon aod Bentenced to life ImprlaoDineot yes terdsy, owes Ms cooviction to his own teetimooy oo tbe witoc ? Btand, aocord iog toa atatemeot made by W. 0. Croce, theprorwho decided the pbyB.clan'a fate alter oearly tbree dajB of ballot iog. Uotll Satorday olgbt, Orooe aod B. JohoBOo, a farmer, beld oot for atqoit al againat the reet ol ihe jury. Bemtmbei log Dr. Hyde's d.'meaoor oo the ataod Mr. Orooe fioally dec'ded the pbysl ciao'a fato by votiog for coovictioo aod persuadlng Johoson to do the aame. "Dr Hyde wae his own wortt eoemy lo the trial," aald Mr. Orooe lastoight."Hi8 own t st mooy oonvioted him. . ??Wheo Dr. Hyde said he bad brooght oyaoide lor teo years aod yet could not remember where be bmjht it, be damoed hiruRtlf aa a vrHofaa. U he bad not testificd aa he did I thiok he wculd not be io the poaitioo be (b. ?'At first I believed Hyde ioocreot, aod ontll Suoday nigbt I voted to acquit bim. Theo I recalled hia teitimooy aboat his cjaolde porchaae aod I decided he waa goilty. I told Mr. Johoaoo I had chaoged my vote, and I talked aboot mv decleloo. I tblnk mv rtasoniog had ao r ff ct oo him. Dr. Hyde has been aaapiclon io coooectioo witb the myBttrioos l.laess aod deatbs in tbe S?ope family ever eioce the death ofOoloiel Swope, Oat> brr 8, 1909. It came sooo after be suf fered a severe ooovolaioo, aod this cou volsioo, It was charged by otber mem? bers of the Bwope family, followed Im medlaiely the adooinlsteriog nf a capaole giveo by direeiioo of Dr. Hrde. Dr Hrde said it was a dlgestive t.blet. It waa proved at the tilal that Dr. Hyde had parcbased cyaolde of potaBsiom lo fiv.-graio capaules, and be was proeecat ed io tbe bellel that he gave ooe ol theae capiu'ee to Ool. B?ope. Dr. Hyde said he bcaght the cjaodic capulea to kill roaobea io his rffice. TwodayB before the death of ColooeI Swope, Mosb Hootoo, a conain of the milliooaire pbilaotbroplst, dled at tbe Swope home, following a stroke of Bpoplexy. Dr. Hyde aod Dr. G. T. Twymao, of Iodepeodeoce, Ireated Hoo ton. The patleot waa bled proluaely, lt is charged, attbemggestiooof Dr. Hyde. Alter bIx plots ol blood waa takeo from Hootoo the bleedlog process was atop pjd, lu' oot aotll Dr. Twymao bad re peatedly protested that too trush blood was beiog taken from the old mao, BeglooiDg early io December an epi demlc of typhoid fever broke cut ln tbe Bwope honBehold aod 10 membsrs of tbe family were Btrlckeo. Ohrlamao Svope, a brother of Dr. H|de'e wife, dled. Chriemao dled alier taklog a capsole giveo at Dr Hyde's dractioo aod alter sufhriog a cooau'aloo similar t. tbe ooe that atiacked Oolonel 8?ope. Margaret Swope, Onrlamao's slster, wbo also aias ireated by Dr. Hyde, bad a convolaloo alter takiog a capsole. bot sbe wsb giveo ao emetic at oooe by Dr. Twymao aod recovered. Jaooary 5, 1910, tbe body of Ohrlamao Bwope waa .eecrttly exhomed, aod foor days alter tbe body of Oolonel Ssjope was ramoved from its tomb. The aoalysls of the liver of Oolooel Bwopo remlted in the fladiog of 52-66 of a graio of itrycboloe by Obicago chemlst*. The splendld work oi Chamberlaln's Stomach and Liver Tablets Ib daily com ing to light. No tucb grand remedy for Iver and bosrel troublea was ever known before. Th; uunds bleis tbem for curlng onstipstbo, sick besdache, blllcujoesa, tuadioe aad iadlgest oo. 8old by W. P. Ortighton A Oo., aod Eichard Git MURDER AND SUIOIDE. Frank Feoton, a racetrack mao, 60 years old, yesterday a'ternooa fired three eho's Into the body of his wife, Virglola Feoton, and then killed him sell. The tragedy oeturred In his wlfe'e home, 1120 New York avenu?, Wash logtnn. Mra. Feoton died in Emergeu ey Hosp tal at 6 o'clock yasterday after? nooo. Feoton aod his wife separatrd sime t'me ago, aod it is believed tbis cimed tbe ahooting. Mrs. Fentoo, wbo waa divorctd be? fore abe marrled Fentoo, waa former y the wife, it is Biid, of Tay/or, ul the secrtt service, who wss for a time one of tbe p-eaident's bodygnard. A ahort time ago, it is said, Feoton Wi bis wife while tbey were in Floridi, aod Mrs. Feoton's m ther, who lives at tbe New York avenm sddress, had to aend her luida with whicb to corns home. Wben abe arrived in Wsahlogton she took ap ber reeidence with ber motber, while ber hosbaod lived at 802 Eleventi stree'. Yeeterday afterooon tbe coa i,le, who oocsBlonally met, came togeth er to the New York aveooe hoose. Tbey were aeen to ent r tbe door. Im* medlitily afterward tbree ahota were beard aad theo, alt-r a shoit interral, a fonrth. Mrs. Fentoo waa foood lyiog In a small room at tha rear of tbe first flxir A WEAK WOMAN AND HER STORY In Roral, Ark., Lives a Udy Who Feels That Her Strength Was Restored by Cardui. Floral, Ark.-"l must speak a vx word for Cardui," wntes Mrs. Viola Baker, of this place. "About a month ago I was in very bad health. 1 was so weak and nervous thal 1 was not able to do my housework. "My husband bought me one bottle o! Cardui, the woman's tonic. I took it ac? cording to directions and now 1 am in good health. "I think Cardui is a fine tonic for weak women." And you are not the only lady who thinks so, Mrs. Baker. Thousands, like you, have written to tell ofthe wonderful beneftt Cardui has been to them. Cardui contains no minerals, or other powerful drugs. It contains no glycenn or other mawkish-tasting ingredients. It is just a pure, natural extract, of natural vegetable herbs, that have been found to regulate the womanly functiona and strengthen the female system. All druggists sell Cardui. See yours about it - tj n?Wrttt to: Ladies' Advlaory Deel. Ctiatta* noosa Medicine Co.. Chattanooaa,Tcnn.. forSeeckA Instractions, and M-paje book. ^'Horne Treatment lor Womea. s?nt in pUin wrapper. on requeit,' hali. Three bulliti bad ctnck her, woioding ber io the head aod the ab floneo. She was taken at ooce to E-ergeccy Hoap'tal. Wheo she waa U uid, a few feet away, io tbe rall, lay the body of Ihe bnabaod. A rii'ltt tbroogh bia head badcaoaed lo atant death. Feotoi was doriog the nioeties a familiar figu-eat tbe Alexaoder Is'aad aod St Aaapb race tracka. Fifty yeare'expertence of an Old Pfcrae Mrs. Winalow's 8oothing Ryrup is ths pre*cription of ooe of the hest female physic lans and nurses in the United 8?%tea, and haa been us?d for fifty years with never-fan ing auccess by millions of mothers for their children. It relieves tha child from pain. onrea diarrtieea, griping in the bowels, and wind colic, By giving health to the chlld ii rata the mother. Twant- *ve eenta a botus CUT OFF THEIR N03ES. A t-r baviog spent eighteen years smorgthewild trlbes of tbe ooitbweat frontitr of Indla, Dr. Throdore L. Pen nell, a mtdicsl misslonary of the Church Missionary b'ojltty, haa jost arrived la London oo a briet visit. He haa a wealtb of remarksble storles to tol', and aome of theae be reht d in an icttrview yea? terday. "Oo tbe Afghan frontler a hus* baod is very j'alons ofblswife's bonor," he said, "snd II be bas a saiplcloo that aojthlng is wroog, hejuat cot? ofl her ncas. Bome time ago a bosdand wbo bad shown hia displeature in fiie barbarlc manoer broogLt hia wife lo oar hospittl at fimtu, and said be waa very sorry. There was veiy little of the ncai left, snd tbere was, tberefcre, nothiog thst wecoold do. I told him that if te woold pay the mooey we woold get hia wife an artlfical nose from E lglaod. Hs a<ked me how moch it wonld co?t, and I said $10. He begao to beat t\ aod I Bsked him the reasoo. "Well." he asid, I oould get another wife for $2C. 50. ? Erentoally bergretd to bny tbe noae, aod hia old wiie wss p?t.hed up." Make ? note now to get Ely'a Cream Bslm if you are trouHed with naaal catarrh, hay fever or ?old in the lead. It ia pnrify ing and aoothing to the seuaitiva roetnbrane that lines the air paas'K'B. It ia ni.datn overrvme thediaeaae, not to fool the patient by a ahort, deceptive relief. There ia no coraioe nor mercury in it. Do nct be talked into Uking ? aubatitnte for Ely'a Cream Balnt. All dmKKUte aell it. Price 60c. Mailed bv Ely Br. s , 66 Warren Street, New York. NOTICE NOTICE Barge Ocrrotomao juat arrivtd with 700 tons Best W.A.Stove Coal st lowest SUMMER PRICES. Now is the time to place yoor order. DeW. Aitcheson 107 S uth Boyal 8t. Phone 95-J my4 lOt University ot Virginia Head of Pnblic School System of Virg:nia. Lettera, Science, Law, Medicine, Englneering LOAN FUNDS AVAILABLE to needy and deaerving atudents. $10 covera all oosts to Virginia atudents in the Academic DepartmeoU. f'end t r catalogue. HowAPD Winstok. Heariatrar. my6 wflw-f University Pcatffice, Va. y~-* "?*^ >^%ysay% __ll_3l__t ___a___fe___i CSCaCS CS*liC CCC CCC ISTEAM CARPEt| ? CLEANING Sj lu f__ Jg Have your carpetSj Sscleaned by the latestig Ojmethod. All carpets Sj ?cleaned by us areJK ? moth proof ed before 9j ffireturning. Jr "? Send us a postal, carpets will be called | for. HJM Rubcn & Sonsj ftf 601 KinglStreer. S NO CASH REQUIRED We'il Place a High-grade Piaoo io Voor Home. We want you to know the bfoadly lib eral plan on whi:h you can buy one of the hi_h est jjrade pi anos in the wnrlil ?the renow ned Comstock Pi? ano?ar the Hecht Store?. The Comstock Piano ranka with the be_r.-in beauty and volume of tune, superb pattern and durability it is well calcu lated to last a lif-time. $200. |TERMSL0WAS$1WEEKLV FREE This Ad Good lor Scarf linbher Cover Hevolving* Btool Bnd one year'a Tnnl'ig Free. $10 HECHT & COimNY II yoo will bring this advertlsemett witb ym It will apply ss a $10 paymect on tbe porchaae price, thoB ycu are nrt r qulrtd lo lay oot one penry tt time of porchasa. 513-515-517 7TB 3T vxnsuvrvin/inivvvruvi WASHINGTON, D. C. * ! : i 9 ?*@et??????#??????????????#??????????? CIGARS. Y jors'lf all tbroogh Iife II yon me cso* tnn. G ve an attentive ear, and LISTEN TO US ABOUT CIGARS, Aftr listeoing act on oar advlce by U;* ing your snpplies of ns. IT'SALUXURY SMOK ING CIGARS From cur atock. HAMILTON & CO., 323BKING STREET. F. 8. Hsrper ia sole agent for cor Plaotatloo Olgar. We have to offer some of the finest Suburban Homes & Farm Properties ever of'ered for sale in this section. Ranging in price from $2,500 to $30,000 and in size to suit every one. Tbey are ail located convenlent to Alexandria by either eiectric or steara railroada Some have fine river fronts and are both improved and unimproved. The Alexandria City Real Estate which we have to offer consi6t of some of the flnest residential properties, with several new ho_nea, and a choice selection of business properties, and any nnmber of amail properties paying big interest, all too numerous to mention. Consult us as to our Real Estate Loans and Fire Insurance Rates Thompson and Appich 07 South Royal Street.Alexandria, Va Virginia Safe Deposit & Trust Corporation ALEXANDRIA,. VIRGINIA. Authorized Capital Paid in Capital $1,00*9,000.00_ 1300,000.00 DIRECTORS. C. J. Rixey, Joht. P. Robinson, Thomaa J. Fannon, C. C.Leadbeater Henry K. Field, ^l^detJG^^ J- K M Norton We act as Executor, Administrator and Trustee. Issue Fidel Ity, Contract, Offidal and Judicial Bonds. Ceneral Banking and Trust Business Transacted. Interest paid on Savinga Accounts We solicit the accounts of Banks, Corporations, Firms S^ndhld aals, and oromise liberal treatment conaiatent with aound banking nethoda. IS. S. LEADBEATER & 8M8, _LABKH0-i a lbadbkatke, Preaident. ro w a ed 8. jjUvDBBAT-B, Vice Preaident I0H? i__dbb_tbb. 8ec and Trea-arar KBIABLISHED 1703, (mOOBPOB-vT-B,) in i i n i Vfanufacturing Pharmaciats and Dealera ia PainU, Oila. Window Glaaa. Dyeetnfli, Bpioea, Druggist's Fancy Gooda. and .Specialtiee, Im porUrs of Tooth Bruahes, Hair Broahea, Per amery, Olive Oil, Ac- _ ? __ Agent* for John Lucaa A O.'s Tinted Gloaa PainU, -faanry'a Liquid Color, and Devoe'a Lead and Zinc Paintt. Goodi ahipped the day order ia received QuotaUona fumiabeJ by retora inaiL Cor reapondenRa aolinitad. Rose BusheaSfH Per Dozen C. A.BHAFPEE4 CO. Bell Tslsphona 176. mayt lw? John P. Bobissos, Geo. S. Fbksi? Preaident. Secretary. Alexandria Fertilizer and Chemical Compaij. UAMawAarvvrm ot Fertilizers, Fertilizer Ma terials & Sulphuric Acid, Aak your dealer for tbe Alexandria Per tiiixer * Chemical Co.'a Prodocta. C*pacitv:.50,000 tona per aanarn. Princess Btreet and Potomac River Wht/r ai.-.-rfrl..Virainia. VlRGIJflA MlLITARY INSTITUTE ^ irxiatOTOH. v?. _^^^-_--i^rYsar^t^g| tt.7&??_.7 a. wwaTiata. rraa. aa*. ?__??_J??__Ei aprl5a_-r25-tu,?Vl_ Be arise Uae Climax Cleaaer to eleen yoar wall paper. _B? ?> box ai Leadbeater'a. Look Over Those Beautiful Homes in Rosemont Nothing like them in Alexandria. Two with six bed rooms?three with four bed rooma. DESCRIPTION Dr/, clrao, concrete cellars, fine htatiog plants, t utler'a eink In pantry, porceline sick io kltcbeo, Boapstooe waah trays, serva-t's t illet, bath room wts tioett sanltary plombi-g, besntifol comblnation gaa and electric lighiing riitures, open fireplace, floors plaioed and, wide porcbes, fiae lawns all sbaptd up and graas secd sown, concrete waiks, etc, etc All in the finest residence section south of New York. Open for inspection. F. L. SLAYJUAKER 313 King Street. BIG SALE OF LACES AND EMBROIDERIES TUESDAY HORNINQ 8 O'CLOCK. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. 5,000 yards FANCY LACES AND BANDINGS; values ranging up to 25c, at 8c YARD. 3,000 yards EMBROIDERY FLOUNCINQS and INSEKTINGS TO MATCH; values up to 50c, at 25c YARD. No restrictions as to quantities; plenty here for everybody. D. BEIDHEIH <? 8018, 316 KING STREET. ESTABMSHED 1870. FiTst^oTthe Season. Steamed Hard Shell Crabs, Deviled Crabs, iLittle Neck Clams for lunch, dinner or supper. AMMEI Both Telehones. ?_iaa_uo iv/i ium.ii) ___*.?_*,_ -_*_ ou-^f**--.. TRe RAMMEL CAFE Eiectric Liglils Do not teqnire tie uie ol matchcs; do not vitlate ths atnosphert; do oot smoke op the wall paper aod otber dfortt ooa. \M os prcve t) yoo that elettr'c it? ia tbe aafrat, moat conveoieot and mo.i ecooomical meaas of illuai DBtiOO. Alexandria Eiectric Co. 524 KING STREET. General taranee Ageoty LAURENCE STABLER, Reom No. 4, Bnrke * Herbert Bld> The oompanies reproeeated in this offlta havaaaBeta of over $100,000,000. A.mori others are: . _ Hartford fire laaaraaea da. Llverpool * Loudon * Qlabe. /_tna Insaaraaco Co. Northern Asauraaca C*. fprlnrfleld Fire at Marlao. Prompt attention given to adjaatmeni 0 loasea and all matu? ?m_ectad with insav MANUFACTURER OF FERTIUIZBRS Omci aud STOtaa: H6-U7 N. Royal 8t. Dealer in Hardware, Paints, Agri cultural Implements, Vehicles, Harness, Field and Gatden Seeds. WABanor^Ks, aoon ricioN strkkt, o? LISB OK 801THK3N KAILWAY. AlsoGrain, Hay, Strawand All Kinds of Mill Feed. Will alwaya keep in stock the higheet grade of tbeae articlea. Leadbeau-r's Cberry Ctiogh Syrup is pore and easy to take, and yoa can't beat it 10 cnring cougha. Oo and vet a bottle now. -T*. Some familiea hay live eottles of Colouisl Harsaparilla at a tiuie It certaiciy ia a gocH medicine, and they wooldn't be withoat it. 8ix boatlee for S3.S0. I-wdbeater'a._ Leadbeater's gnarante?d Oaa-ry Congb Eemedy to cnre cooghf. We don't aay?or yoar inoney baek, becaatt thare's noneed. IU ?ras. a_c. bottle The Beat of Everythin*. Screen For renewing old screens aod preventing rust. TAYLOR'S P3ARM4CY 616 Kiog Street. Ice Cream At Your Home BRICK ICE CREAM, ape cial for eatertainments, receptions, parties of all kinch. Serve Bloch'a Ice Cream, it is always the best O-0 0 M. BLOCn Pothphonea Phone 281. Oreenhoosas K P-trica 3? D. 0. Grillbortzer Bedding Plants and Geraniums.fcl.OO per dozen. FUNERAL WORK Promptlylsttended to. Delivered to allip-rts oftb.citr. fUtis-Mtion goarauUwI. feba.tr_ WKEK ENDTICKKT8. Local wr-*_ end ticke** W??hington to Som*r?t, Warreatoo, Harriaonburg, Blue? mont aod intermedi-Uj station*. told on rjat urdays snd Sundays, valid fjr retarn on Mondav at very low fsrei, will be plaoed on aale by Southern Railway st Washington, D. C , beginning 8ATIRDAY. May 38th, and cout:naing until October 2, inelnjiv. L. P. BBOVtN, General Ag_.r. Cberry Congh carefully m*d. in our own itor.. Don't eompan it with fae tory raiiie msdieinM, 2601.** bottl.. K _? LwdbwUr * Sooa.