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Tjik beoate re'med yeeteidsy, by a -r,ts oi 37 to 28, to airike tbe commerce eia t Irom Ibe pendlog railroad biil. Again, aa before Ihe recent opheavsls ia tbe Senate, the number ol aoti-Aldrich repoblicaoa was rednced to ei^b', Tb?e a*er< Ihe origioal Insorgeot progreasives. The commerce c urt ia oot regarded by the progrtasives as entirely objectiorr able. 11 baa b? en opposed as uaeltss. Agalmt this Ihere tas been urged tbe ia-t itnt the piesldect haa pleadtd for tbe ntentioo ol tbia leatore of the measure, in order that somethlng migtv be left -J tbe h ? ! ..riglnally preaentedaa that ol thead roluiitration. Io the conference of sec ttonsi ibe White H^uae on 8alurd?y night, t ip president pleaded ariib tbofe tho wertsro sta (h present avho bad v t?d foi tbe long and sboit-haul pro vialon, a. v.aticed by ihe pro?re?s \et to let the commerce court remain lo tie bill. Tbey bad co^senled. Tberelore, Mr. Allrich appesredti bo caco more in ln* ascindncr yeaterday Tiik Alabama kutraocratlc convention -rblc^i nue'a lo Montgomery today is ex pected t> dcclare that the democratic part/ aftor itrial ol etale wide prohibi bitioi, fatari Ibe rMtorstlonof local op tion. Leadiog mpporters of Emmetl O'Neal, who was nomioated hr gover. nor in tbe primary of May 2, assett t^at 80 prr cent of the 610 delegates wbo comptisn ibe coovention are ior local opliou. Htate avide prohibit^on hss proven a iallore, io facf, woerever tried It U iin-_meric?r_ aod esp?cially un aoothero, aod such iaws shoud have no plac? oi ihe s.atite bjoka. L c*l optloa is tie democratic way of d^aliog with the liqaor qmstion. Tii _ moveumit lor a saue Fm th ol Ju'y is gr.wlng all ihe time. Ssbool children in some place are vcting in favor ol it and Biltimore will have a ra tlonal celalaaUoa this year G>vernor Hsdley, nl Misicuri, rrqaesttd tae state's police hoard at Ht. Louis yeslerday to order the puliceti enforce s.rictly the ordinance prohlbitng th? discbarge ol firearms and setting off oi rock 3ta on the Foorfi ?l Jaly. The governor sbsb thlru-fiu- thoosand children bave been kilh d M mairoed through the nse oi ex plosives on foortbs 0/ Jnly in eeven years in tbe United fctat h Thi- Jaraay aooqatto i-? to meet bis de-erved doom, according to Dr. Ed ward lifdloe. formeily IJnitsd Ststes ninistf r to Bism acd now a realdent of Atlar.t c Oity. Followlng years of ex perimeut, Dr. Bedloe bas annonnced discovery ol a small fish that deligbts io the mofqnito as ? dainty morsel, ?nd Cmgress has been asked ti approprlate |40 006 to breed the fiih in wa'ers along tbe Atlantic r Oongressman Johu J. Oardner has glven bis tuppoit to the bill, and expects tobave the first experi metit msde ibis snmruer. Pl__i_KNT 1 ai i nasasaed Chsirman Tawney, ol tbe H mse sppropri&tlone committte, t) lesert in the BoniJrr-civil bill b elsaso antboriaing the preaident to employ fxpeiti tocarry on tbe work of re* forming baBiness metbods in tbe various government depaitnents in Washington with a view t > fnrtber economy of admin Istr.t oo. Tbis will be mort uilavorably received br governmpnt employes. Many peoplw sre heommg "comtt wild" as Ibe visitor gets closer t > the eartb. b'trert fakirs In New Yoik are today sr-llinp portal cards bearing fsnei fnl picturfs ol tbe end of tbe world aod are reaping a harvest, while nearly all of tbe big hotels and restauracti bave bad special tables engsged by pr-rsoos wbo will give comet diuners tomorrow ni?h*. Bsrkeepers are di-pensing comet ocktall*. From YVa-striiigton. Washington, May 17 Declaring t\al ihe present "oleomar garine" law as framed In tbe interest oi the eleomargarine people and that Oon? gress had pat a j iker ln Ika bill against the former, I'r itfas^r MiKav, ol Iowa Uoivets tv. yesterday t>r<ii<ht clown uprn bis uiatl the wrstb ot ihe Houae committee on ser.culinre. E. J. Halner, a former coogreesmao fnm Liucolo, Nebr, sppeared againat tbe Oulbeisoo bill lighteniog tbe restrictioos againat eleomargarine. Todsy's hearing is ex pect?d to wind np the poblic hcarlog on tbe bill. A new method of wiooing a no-j rity of Oongress to a prr poaiiloo bas aprnog up here with tlie apirlted contcst ihat ia inder way hr tbe Panama Oaoal Eip ? aitirn ta be htlJ lo 1915, st the complt tion ot tbe cans'. San Francisco ard Man Diegr, Oalilornls; New Orleans and WaabingK n are all clamorlog for the fair, and a atrennrua campaign of atreet car, bill-b .ard and newspaper advertis ing, setting iirth the txposltion mtrits of ihe varioos ajHIw, is on. Each c >o* lendiog city baa e>t>blished a beadquu ters for a peimanent delegation bere, and la carrying on the rigbt in every possible qnarter. Germaoy has otjected t) the terma of the AogloKusaiao note, wbich demsods ibat Persis shall oot grant rallway con cesaions lo a ihird power or oegntiate loaos txcept witb tbe two nations. Special Ambassad.r Rooseveit, while atteudiog the looeral ol King Edsrard, will have to seltle for hims^lf ihe prob 1 m ol wh't lo wear. Ihe Unltel H atea i.eiog a democratic Dition cflera do aog gtstiocs. The only thiog It objectsti on iUdiplomatlcagentB Issboit breecbts. Ou side ol tbat tbey may wear what ia nearest the conventional of tbe conrt to which they are accredited Mr. Roosevelt will have the choice ol three coslumrs,?tbe ordinary frock coat and t?.ll bat, evening dr?ss, or bis colooel's uoiiorm of tbe rongh riders. Evening dress at ten o'clock in the morning Is decidedly put oi place in London where it Ib anaibema to appear io that dress belore aix o'clock In the evening. It is doubted tbat be will wear his army urilform aa be is batter known as an ex president than as a aoldier. TbiB leavea tbe frock coat. In this gsrb tbe coloo?l will ott be dittiogaiBb*! from tbe tbou Bsods of private citlzsna wbo will watcb tbe funeral proceasion paas by. About aeven million milea off into space Hallev'a comet is perforniing all eorte of lotty tnmbling today, and is hurrying toward tbe earth at the rateof some 5,000,000 miles every twenty-four hours. That Is, the nearest point of tbe comet's tail is 7,000,000 miles away and th?t point will bj wrapp'd about the earth bv tomorrow evening at tbe Naval Observatorv in the midst of telescopes, spectroscopes, and other queer looking instrutnents, Prof. Asaph Hall, and his corpa of scientists apent several hours with the comet this morning, chartinj its way through the atmoapbere. Ac? cording to Prof. Hall the tail of the corrt. will hit the earth Wednesdsy evening, and we wi'l be flounderinsr. about in the bluiost total vacuum tbat forms the tail the better part of Wedr.esday night. But the skysharps 6ay there is no cause for appreben*ion. The noxious vapora of the tail, if it possesses any will beun able to penetrate the earth's heavy wrapp'ng of atmoiphere and beyond a few aerial fireworks and aome illumina tion of the sky the comet will slide by without extraordinary incident. A petition. which ha* already beeu M?nel by seventv-tive democratic memberf, is being r-irculat^d i 1 the Honsecalling ou the rnles littc* to repm a rule by whicb the .-,.- ott Huti-aption bili may be eonsidered. The advorateiof this measure do not helieve that it ea. be conbidered unless a special rule is framed. The bill prohibiu dealings in ool ton futiir*--. Tba regulars in the Senate are out in open I oppositicn to the tftatehood bill. Sixty-tirst Cougress. SENATE T*>s Seoate tiday made efl irl to expedite Ibe railroad bill by coover l?g at 11 o'clock, To the mrprise ol all senator*, Measrs. Aldrich aod l.lkios, wdo favored tbe early biur, were io tbe r sesta. The work of obtaiolng a qaoium begso a* once but only 89 sena(ors ap penred. Stragglers soon added tbe neces -ary more and hr twelve minutas were lcas in ott:iolng a workicg ma j >rlty. Tbe r-iroad bill was lakeo up aod dlacoasion re-uned on the (Jauimins smendaaeots t) strike out the provislon ibat tbe a tirney general shall bave chargo of all I t'gation, auiis to be biought by and afjaiost tbe Uoiteii .States, leaving tbe method of prcceliire aa at presett Thettlct of his amendment was ex plained by Senator Oummlna. He be lieved the Ioteretate Oommerce Oommif sion shculd briog and defend buIib as pr vidrd by existlng law. Senators Aldrich and Elklns fa\ ired ocoeptlng tbe House provision srhicb re qalrea tne loteralate Oommerce Oommis sioo to appear iodefeoae ofall ita orders. HOUSE. Reprfsentative Oampbell, ol Kanaas, made a ('efruae of the Payoe tariff bill in tbe Hooae by poioling to the "ah ery" which bas lollowed democratic tarifl. He charged tbat only the Idle iicb aod thoae wbo produce nOtbing (o sell and employ no labor aod wbo live on tbe interest of government bonds de aire a democratic tarifl. A Urong argnment in favor ol nuit ra! zition aod coo lortifica'.ioo ol tbe Paoama Oanal was delivered by Mr. Keifcr, ofObio. lie favored ao ioter oat oaal tre.ty tu aafegoard Ita er traoce aod preventa Its blockade. Io reply to a qaestlon by Mr. Loog worth Mr. Uodrrwood said that he saw oo neceaalty eitber for a laiifl board aa provided for In the aoodry civ.l bill oor (or ao ru -aod-out tarifl commlaaloo not u iilcr the control of Oongress. Mr. Tawney aaked bim later if be bsd any resson for belie.vlng tbat tbe preai dent would withbold any facla ascertaio ed tbroogh the tarifl b >ard uotil he waa ready to send them to Oongreas. Mr. Uodirwood rrplied tbat be was jast'fied in io ssaomicg bicauae tbe president had advocated the corporation rx law in order tbat (he corporation ?etu-ns migt<t be made poolic aod that tbe re uros bad been callectei tbey were nct made poblic. He charged tbat thia was the resolt of tbe "coc apiracy" between tbe p-esident and nvmbrra of (be appropriation i O'lircitUe. Ha cooclodel by chsracter z og ihe tarifl board provWioo aa a "cancealed weapio io tbe pocket of tbe preaideo'." Mr. Uoderwcod aonoonctti tbe demo? cratic opposition to the Tawney tar 11 board provision in thesnndry civ.l bill o'uring a speech in tbe H me loday. He based his opposition to this provision un tbe ground it glves ibe presideot too mu.h p wer, allows bim to withbold any facts bis boaid may gather and compela Cbogreasti edopt his recommeodat'ons because they will be ooable to collect ntfcar data H? declared tbat tbe prr viaion shotill specily eitherthat all fiod ings of Ihe tarifl board be sobmltted to Dorgre?B or tbat tbey be msde poblic. , Miss Etbel Causes bmbarrassment Londoo, Msy 17? Miss Etbel Roosr vel', daughter of Oolonel Roosevelt, was tbe inoocett ci use of considerable embarrassmeot t day, wben she rode shrieking witb Ii ught <r io tbe immediit* vlcinity of tbe procession accompanyibg K ng EIward's body from Bu kineham Palice t > Westmlnrtr Hall. Mi?s Etbel grew tired cf tbe solemn atroo*phere of D)rcheetrr hnne, the home of Amta*sa* il r lif :.l, and sccepted an intitaioi. of au Eoglisb g'rl caller to go riding in R-itt >n Kow. It wai while oo tbis trip tbat she gave vent to tbe Palmer Flr.g iato Picture. Parie. May 17.? Jean Bala, a BpM* iih pstoier, crest*d a sensstion in the ?.sloon today by drawiog a revoiver aod rJrn g priwiKiiously at paintings buog there. He Ii ught deaperatsly wben the gendarmts soght to overpower bim and it ruui'ied the combined tflorls of several cthcers to mbdoe bim. Sala made do rftort to aboot aoy person. Wben ttken to a police sUt on for ex amination, Sala wbo was diiguised as a workmar, declared be was disgutttd at ihe maonrr in whicb his paiotiogs bad been "skled" in a dark coroer and .rz'd tb s manner ol expresaiog bis disaatisfactioD, Kemoval of Kiog's Body. Lor.doo, May 17. ? London witneised today tbe firat of two psgeaota of sorrow marking the passsge of ihe 1st) Kiog Edward from tbe bier to tbe grave,when his body was removed frou the throoe room of Backiogham Paiace to Wesf minister Hall, wbere for two days it will pnblicly lie in state. Todsy's procession lasted only half an honr, bfginniog at I1:M and endlng at dood, bot in tbat brief perlod ooe of the greatest crowds tbat ever jsmmed ? see* tion of London witnraaed a wooderfal scene of pomp and gloom. Tbe rcute, one mile io leegtb, was lined by 11,600 soldiers who stood so cloee togeiber tbat as almoat to tonch sboolders. Witb erect figures and aol* pmn mien they siood at preaent arms as t ie goo carriage bearing the coffio of tbe royal dead passed slowly by. Todsy's procession lacked tbe glit'.er of royaltr that will mark the fnoiral pm - c aslon on Friday, as aside from King (laorge and tbe members of the Brltisb hoDsebold, few of the vlsltiog mooarchs parricipated ia the exeriaea. It was ori gloally iotended for all of the roysldta and nniitled rrpresettatites to lace part lo today's procession, bot this plan waa rinally abaodonrd owiog to the fatt that aeveral of theae have ntt yet arrived. Former Presideot Roosevelt, tbe am bstssdor to tbe fnneral did not partici |.?t ? in today's ceremony. Tbe atrticea at Weetmioialf r Hall did not end mtil 1 o'clock, aod from tben until 1 o'clock tbe body lay io state to tbose wbo had been inviied by members of parliameot to view it. At 4 o'clock tbe public Jylog-iD-iiat i begao aod immedl i taly a great tbrong begao a ceaacless tread throogb tbe anclent corridors E*t matea on tbe nuraber of people *h;i witoessed today's procession vary greatly and IM aa higb aa 1,260,000. Loodon, May 17 ?A panic occurred at WeatmloBter duriog tbe fonerai of Kiog Esward. Tbe crowd broke throogb ibe cordoo of mouoted foot police tried io rush in the court yard. The ii u? of Parliameot mouoted police tftova the crowd back, c'uobiog men and w. men Many women fainted. Sa11ora Btat Fishermen Toulon, France, May 17.?Two com tnissioned oiiicers from the armored crnlser New York, which has been here several days undergoing repairs, will probably be court-niartUled for beating a fisherman today so severely tbat he had to be aent toa hoapital. The Amer can conaul has been notified of the occurence and has instituted anoincial investigation. _ Crown Prince* lierolam. Kerliu, May 17 -For aaviag the life ol his grand-mother, the heirto the crown ol the Grand Un hy of Oldenburg, Prince Nicholas, has received a bigh decoratioa I'rom Emperor William. Detailsoftbe boy's h-rorism were made public today. Prince Nicholas was rowing with his grand-mother, the Uowager Urraii'i Uut-'baasa Marie of Mecklenbarg wben tbe boat cverturned. Tbe grand-Hutches< could not swiai bot her graod-soo managed to cHcb ber as she waa sinking and waa able to hold her bead above water, help arrived ut eea ruinutes Uter. Both were in a aerious eooditloa when reacued but are today deolared to be ont if daLger. Ballinger-Plnchot lavMtigatloo Fredeifck M. Kerby, tbe former sti nographer of Sscretary Ballloger's office, who made tbe affidavlt revealing tbe cbaracter of ihe Lawler memcranduro today took the staod befote tbe B?l linger-Pincbit invesilguog committee. Ci.airmaa Nelson after placiog io the Record the preaident'a letter of May 16 iu reply to the Kerby cbarges, asked tbat Mr. Kirby blmselt be called to the s'aod. Braodeis nqaested to bave the Kerby affldavit and Ibe denial iaemd May M;h by Private Sfcrelary ot tbe Presideot Oarpentir but was deated by Obairmao Nelson. Tba witoeai among otber ibioga admitted that be was very friendly wftb (ormer Svcretary Gsr tieid but denled that bo bad received any commuoicatloos from Gaifieldio re gaid to bis tt t>meot. ibe t-stimony of Kerby was frcqusot ly interrupted by Obairmao Nelaon on lil Represtntative Orabam aaked bim to let tbe witoeaa proceed with aomechaoce t) tell bis own story. Afier tbis Senator Nelson waa not beard from lor some lime. Tbe former clerk told bis story with an earotstotas of maoner that carrled convlction. L'aoiog forsrard teosely, be gave a grsphle recital of the prepara tlon of a draft o.' tbe Ballioger exooera tloo lit er by Aaslataot Attorney Geoeial Oacar Lawler ibatatt mea alinoat cauaed applaose in tbe crowded btariog room. He wss cool, colltoted and empbttio In bis answers to the grilliog examina tlon of Attorney Veitrees, as well as to the ar.uil pitfalls laid for bim by m:h lawyers ia Seostirs Root aod Sntberlaod aod Obairmao Nelaon, of tbe comm ttae. Vertreea iosistectly orged Kerby to sdoiit that he had a selfiab motive in glviog oot bis atatemeot. Thia Kerby denled, and upoo the empbatlc proten of democratic members, Kerby waa al? lowed lo tell hia eiory In bia owo way. Tbe giat of Kerby'a testimooy waa to brand Ricbard A. B&'lioger, secretsry ol the intrrior, as baylng sworn fslaely under ostb. Forest Flres. Dolntb, Minn., May 17.?Alibongh conslderabla ratn fell ln tbe Iron Range diatrlct and paris of Micbigao and Wis* consln durlog ths laat 24 bturi, tbe faJt was oot sof-cleot| to alley tbe danger fojest fires. A cooflsgia lion wbs reported io the besvily timber id region nortb of Hlbbiog today and the timber c.uisers say it will take a dreoching rain of two or tbree daya dn ration to cbeck it. fi x lownahlpaof vslusble timber nortb of Hibblng sre in dsnger cf destrutt on. Sixty milllon feet of tbis pioe hss al? ready been cooaumed. Rain today pot a damper oo ? forett fire wbich raged fiercely stub of Bsmedjl yesterday and tbrestned to coosome thetiwo. THE 0AN10N HANKOW LOAN. After a protracted period of neirotiation tbe fioancial group of the four powen, the loited Ststes, Germ?ny, Great Britain and Fran'e, hsve ?t Isst come to an ssrree ment oa tbe (.'anton-Haukow railroad loau, according to reports received at the Htate lepartment today. All that remained to be dooe ii the arrsngement of all unim portant dttaila before tbe is finslly adopted. The loan will theo be iie_'itiated for the Chinew government snd work long delayed plan lor the constmciion of tbe Chiceete railroad wil! bebegun. Tte.hare r<f the I'nited States io tbe loau is over $7,000,000. American engineers will be eru plojeu for ptrt (f tbe work aoil American materisl will be use I io constrnction of the road._ Fatal Pall Bristol Va., May 17 ? Perched on the top of a fdegraph pole where be sat sboutiog and laughing at tae people below, George Lane, a l.'-vesr-old raewenger boy for ite West T.o* neisee Telephone totnptny, lost his bslanr. snd fell t > tbe fid.wsl- tbi- morning. ilis ukull wss fractured aad b. died a few mi_ utes later, MILIIIATOPAY FORL03rOOODS Oross csreltBioaas oo the part of some of the compaoy ifficers ot the Vit ginia volooteera in failiog ta care for mililary property has Ud Adjotact Qeo-J aral W. W. Salet) tske decisive steps to preveot tbe great Iosb from tbia soorce. An order waa istued yeaterday by Ibe adjutant geoeral to tbe tffect that the value of aoy missiog or wortbless prop? erty which is not shown to have been w.irn out In service or wbich is not i therwiae aatisfactorlly accoonted for at tie time of the aoooal atate inspeciion, will be deducted froaa tbe company'a foods. This dividrs the responatbility to aome extent, and lt is hoped wi.l tend to make every man more carefal io haodllng (be property cf tbe Stat? and of Ihe War Departme.t Theoretically, the commsnding officer of each company ia held personally re sponaible for any such losses, but it ia recognlzed that iuasmuch as these men give their services without compenaation it would be perhaps a hardship to make them pay. Under the new order, how? ever, it is believed that these officers will be much more careful in future, for the reaaon that carelessneas in thia rexanl will cause a direct loas to the company. The War Department replacee any property wblch ia shown to it to have been worn ont in the service of the or ganized militia, but when such informa tion is missing the State is charged with the coet of the material furnished. In this way the State, some of these days, may have to pay a large sum to the de? partment becauee of lack of proper care in listing, watching and keeping track of the supplie*. Instructions to company qtiartermaa tersergeants in looking after the prop? erty may later be given by the quarter master-sergeant, who iaemployeil l>y the State Department, and who haa bad much experience wi'b the regular army. ? I Richmond Tinies-Diapatcb. THBEE BISH0P3 ELEOfEI) The electlon of blshops by tbe Siu'.ta ero Metbodlst Ooofereooe drew p'.rhsps 26,000 persons to tbe aadltorhi-t in Asheville, N. 0 , yesterday. Tbe aelecttoo of Rev. Dr. Ollios Deoay, of Baltimore, a proftsior at Vanderbilt University, aad Rev. Dr Jobo (). Kilgo, presldent of Tiimty Oollege, as bishops on the first bsllo. came as no surprlse. Bnt wbst did smixe tbe body wbb tbst a sum totsi ot 116 men, nesrly balf ol the ronfareoce, received votea for the higb offioe ol the oplsccptcy. Seveo, a record cunber of bishops, were to be chosen, aod the record wbb agaio brokeo by so many recsiviog votes. lt was about 12:40 o'clock wben the t'llers, after more than t.o honrs of countlng, walked oot upon tbe ttige and ioterruptod a spirited dlscmsiou cio ceroiog tbe "pastor*! t me limit." A once tbis was forgotten, and tbere wss orcpltte sllencp, itteriupted by a barst of applause wheo it wss aooounced tbat Drs Kligo aod Denny bad been elected. The tellers reported the reenlt of the secood ballot shortly before 4 o'clock. K'v. Dr. W. B. Mirrsh, presideot ol Millsaps Cjllrge, Misslsslppl, received 166 votea and was declared the thlrd blsbop. Others rtcciving bigh vet>s, but not eotugb to elect, were: R. <J. Water* house, 101; E. D. Moazoo, 102; W. R. Lambutb, 111; H. M. Dubose, 108; W. F. McMorry, 109; W. N. Aioswoitb, 92, snd James H. McOoy, 10. A thlrd ballot rjsulted In uo elect'on. After a hot debit? beginning io tbe moroiog, tbe coofereooeln tbe afternooo settled the qaestion of "time llmlt" by tbe decislve vote of 194 to 90 io favor of tbe reteotlon ol tbe llmlt. Thia is a distioci viotory for tbe cooiervatlve ele ment of tbe conference, wbich ls elearly in control of the sltnstloo. A DENIAL FnOM BISHOP PARET. Osrdlnal Oibboos yesterday received the following cablegram from Ii sbop Paret, of ibe Protestaot Episcopal dlo ceae of Marylaod, dated at Floreoce, Ialy: Oardinsl Oibboos, Bs!t!more: Miatake very false. No rpfiissl. No diacourtesy. Wii.i.iam Pabet. Thia cabhgram, wbicb was said at tbe eardioal's realdaoce lo bave beeo noso licitod, reftrs io a repcrt circulated lo this couotry to tbe atf-ct tbst Biahop Partt, armed with a letter of iotroduc tion from Oardioal Oibboo, rcqae?'ed aa lot -rriew witb the pope, but wm refaeed. SNOW AND FROST. Froat plsyed havoc with fralts and vegetsblcs io tbe Roanoke erction of the state Snodsy and yes'erday morning, and the fsrmers, fniltgrowerssnd trock eiB are heavy losers. The loaa caonot be estlmated, bot it ia aore to rracb op ioto tbe hondreds of thonsaods. mow la now lyiog in tbegorgea of tbe B uaRidgeio P/gaand Madiaoncruotlee. Tbe soow fell aoon'. mldday aod late (o the alteroooo on Saturday. The tem peratire at tbe great elevaton where the soow haa lalleo is maoy degrees below ths, in tbe Icwlaode. Maoy of theae mcu tilo gorgea are cccopled by tbe dwellinga of mouotaiofolk, who osu aily are early gardeaers, and wbo, in all probabll ty, will be compelled to plaot over tbelr gardeoa. No Dangwr from Comet. New Yirk, May 17.?Wnl Halley's cnmet Ir ju re ibe e_nh tomorrow night? "I ihlnk not" saia ProfesBor fiarold Jacoby Ruiberford Prnfesaor of Astron omy at Oiln-bia Uaiveralty." O.meta have stiuk thi* eartb io tbe paat and will cooiku) O hit it in tbe lu are. In tbe mnaeom cf oatoral blstory in New York city tbere Is a meteor welghiog 27 1 2 tms. Tbere may be aeveral s.cb chips io tbe bead of Hal? ley's comit Aod K the head of tbe celeatial via t ir atu k tha eartb we woold bave aome loial diaturbaoce a?. leait. "The bead ol Halley's comet will oot come ncarer to oor plaoet tban by about 14,000,000 miie*. Astroocnieis dlaa gree on tbe flgores but not on the fscta. Howevrr, the tail ni Halley's comet may be long enoagh to bridge tbe io terval btaeeo tbe bead of the comet aod the eartb. l( ao, aod astrr nomers feel fairly sore that tbe tail la loog eooogh tido bo, tbe eartb will paaa taroogbt tbe tail of tbe comet "We know tbat tbe head of tba comet is aolid. We know also, tbat iu tail la less denae than the air in the best vacu.m we can make with a mercury air pnmp. Tbia U tblooer tban tblo. Tbe molecolea wlll be s<parated each by aeveral coblc feet. "Sj the tmid may take new hope. This eaitb of oon will cootione to do basloessst the old stand," News of the Day. Mrs. Elizabetb, Asbmead, a ootorlcus "baby farmer," aad a'x others have beeo arrested at Millvllle, N. J, obarged witb borning infaota. Dr. H. Bu t m Bteveosoo, a pbysl cian of Sherwood. Biltimore county, Md., was shot In the face yeetsrday by bis brolbor, Allen S.evenson, wbo is said to be menially deraogeJ. Tbe Hoase committee oa banking aod curreacy hss liaally fsvorably re? ported a bill to reiaborse depoaitors in the Freedman's Baok, and Ita ad vocatea will use every tffort to paaa the bill duriog the preseot seaaloo of Oon gress. RepreaeoUtive Msrtio, of Oolorado, who waa ooce a locomotive eogloeer, appeared before tbe Hooae committee oo iotertt.tsaod 'oreigo commerce yesterday t) orge a favorable repoit oo the bill for federal iospectiun of locomotive bollera. Tbe measure ia favored by tbe Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers and will probably receive favor.ble cooalde rstloo. A revolutiooary uprsing ia feared at C.aog rjha, according to dlspatchea re? ceived at tbe $ ate Department yeaterday from Lteut9oaot Oommaoder R. 0. Bitler, commaoder of the gaoboat 11 1 eoa. All forelgoeera bave beeo ootfird to go oo tbe gooboats of tbe forelgo powers atationed io the river. Oommoni cstion by telegrapb waa ioterropt'd. The coodition at Oaog Sha Ib very uo* favorable, accordiog to reporls from Hao Kow. Ever iloce the oprislog of aeveral weeka ago wbeo aeveral oreigo mlasloos and the governor's Yahen waa burned the nst'ves bave beeo lo ao ugly mood. At tbis crltical time, also, there is ap prehenaion because of the appearaooe of H illey's comet wbich haa a diBtarblng ttfect upon the ignorant massee. Ameri? can gaoboati rt t'.looed on tbe Yaoglaen are the Heleoa, Hamar, the Villalobaa and tie New Orleana. The New Orlraos has just airived. It ia believed tbst tbe imperial forcea Bt baod are auflicieit to preveot the revolotion from uprfadiog ba*. tbe aitaatloo ia coosldeaed aericus, THE BAPriSTS ADJOURN. 'The lie that Blnds," song by 3,000 persons as they sbook bands and wlahcd each otber bappineas, marked an Im presaive closlrg of the Southern Baptlst Oooreotion lo Baltimore yesterday. They adj mroed to meet next yesr at Jacksunville, Fla,, on May 17. Obalrman Barlon, of the temaerance committee, will have an intetview witb Speaker Oannoo, of tbe Hoase, today, coocerolog a hearlog ol tbe report on temperaoce made to the convention. Tbe convention decided not to draw a tatritasjfal line between the noitb and sootb divlaions of the ehuicb and voted to take in New Mexico cburcbee. Thia is acceptcd aaa national expaosioo move meot for the H uihero Baptiat*. A r;porl nrgiog Oongreas to ameod the loteratate commerce law ao aa to pre veatsbipment of l'qoor into "dry" ter ritory wss adopted. President Taft waa commended for bis total abstlnence ex ample. The invitation from tbe Northern BaptiBta lo partlclpate in (be work of educatlog the negro preacbers of tbe south wbb refosed. Senator Owen'a bill for creating a na? tional health tureau was iodorsed. Tbe Sanday achool board waa allowed to beglo poblicatioo of booka. The Baptiat World AUhnce wai Io doraed and a promiae to raiae londa for itj-as made, LIVE FAOrS ABOUT THE BAP THIH. Among the Protestaot deoomioatlons of the United rft .t a tbe Bsptsts raok second. They n timber 6,662,234 Tbe MethodlstB are flrst wltb 6,749* 838. The Bsptltti of the Uoilel States rslsrd last year for cburch work f-2,? 813,864. Tbis does oot loclode tbeir gifiB toe?'ucatioD. Tbty own aod cootroi teo tbeologloal semioaries, vslued at $1,327,000, srttl an eodowomeot food of $4,000 000. They owo aod cootroi 94 nniversities and collegfs, vslaed st$28 846,036 witb aa endowment of $2H,212,869. They have 36,000 studeoti io tbeir coUegee and uoiversities. This means that abru". oop-ieventh of all tbe ool verslty aod college atudents in tbe Uoit* ed Aletit are lo Biptiat iosil'ir.ions. Tbey owo abe ut one-elghth of all the college and aoirrrslty properly la the I'oited rf st's, snd cootroi oat-oiath of toe eodowmett fand. H sides tbelr ooiversitie* and oolleges the Baptsts own and oontrol 84 second ary schoola, valoed >t $4,245,407, with aa eadowment iaad of 11,684,094. They have io these sehools 14,463 studen'a. Tbe BsptisiB of the United S atea bave nearly $75,000 Inveated ia eda cationsl work. In tbe year 13S0 there were 50,000 BiptiaU in tbe Uoited Statea. Oo Janu ary 1, 1909, tbere were 5,145,148 Bap tiata lo good araadiog ln tbe Uoited States. The 15aGiitbern atatea, comprlalog tbe terrltory of tbe Soothern Baptiat Oon veoiloo, have withln tbelr bordera 2,139,080 Baptlst* Toere are 48,302 Baptiat cburchca and 34,132 ordsinedmlnlstera of thisdeooml nati >n lo the Uoit'd States, Tbere were .95,000 people baptlaed in tbe United Statea last year. Wben Gaorge Washington took h!s osth of rffice aa tha first preaident of the Uoited States one man oot of every 94 was a Bajtist. BECEIVERS APPOINTED. lo appointing receivers for the Hock ing Valley Railway Oompaoy Julge Klokead in Oommon Pleaae Ocurt yes? terday declared illegal aod vold tbe re tlremeot of $16,000,000 worth of pre* ferred ttxk by the Hockiog Valley directcrs oo April 1. Tbe owoerablp of common stock by tbe Oheasptake aod io the valley waa drclared Illegal aod tbe Hockiog Valley directors were restralned io recognixiog tbe vote of tbe stock of tbe Ooesspeake aod Obio. Attoroeys were yesterdsy appoioted reeeivers of ibe Hockiog Valley Rsilroad by Jadge Kiokead, onder $600,000 bood eacb. Jobo D. Rockefeller would go broke if be ahoald spend bia eotire looome trylog to prepare a better medicioe tbao Ohamberlaio'e Colic. Obolera aod Diar* rhoea Remedy for dlsrrboea, dyasntery or bowel complslots. It Ib simply im* posslble, aod so says every ooe tbst bas -sed it. rfold by W. F. Oreigbton A Oo, aod Richard Qibaoo. Everyltem iiitliis A?J Is a Rar jpi (or This Week. Mennen'a B.rated Talcum Powder, 12.c a box Cuticura Soap, 18c. 5o Women'a Haodkercblefs, 8c or 30c a do?o. 50: Oorsets withi ut hose suppnrters, 29c a pair. B->at Sou brro Apron Gngraro, 6. a yard. Best made Oalicoea 6a a yard, any color, black and wbite, b.ut, gray or light colors. Neaso S'lf Redoco Corset io all slzea, $2.50 a pair Beat made Biassieres 50c, all air s 60c Mercerlzad Table Linen nearlv 2 yards wide at 89.. $1.00 Percale WrapperB, all sizee 88? Wumeo's Silk Hosiery, 50c a pair. 0. B. Ala Splrlt Oorsets at balf, oot all slxas, $1 00 Coraeta at 50:. $1.50 Oorset at 75c. Untrimmed Bala worth np to $2.50 choice 69c Ohlldren'B Hosiery, blsck, red, piok, white and blne u .der (he well koown name Hop Scotch, 12}. a pair. Oarpeta made, lald and iined (ree of charge, ROSENFELD'S 518-20 Street, Alexandria, Va. Virginia News. Toe Amerloso rfrnp Oimpaoy, of Roanuke, William H. Duocan, prc prletor, bas gone loto baokrdpto/. Tbe llabllltlPB in aboot $10,000. Basioess clrcles were stlrred lo Rich m md vrsterday by tbe report tbat a merger of tbe Natlooal Bsuk of Vii glnla aod the Baok ol Riohmoad is to be efl cted. The goveroor has app"Inted Osplalo 0. H. Oonsolso, fnrmerly qaartermaater at tbe Foorth Virginia Rguieot, aa paymastfr general of ihe Virglola milits w tb tbe tank of ll'ir.ensnt c.lonel. The Di'rc O.aod Lodg* for tbe Fiith DlBtrlct, Order B'Nai, B'RIib, will bo beld in Richmond, beginniug next Saoday aftjroooD, wbeu a ra* orpiloo will be tsndered tbe delegates aod their ladies by Mr aod Mrs. Jo sepb L. Levy, 2202 west Grace street. The board ofqaaiaotlaeoffioers for the Eli-tbau river distrlrt, followlng a loog Sght, yesterday removed ail state quar* autloe oo vesjels arriving there from snutbera domestlo ports, bnt oontlrued the state quaraotloe oo veasels arriviog direct from lorelgo psrls. The aonlversary ol tbe battle of New* market waa observed yestetdsy at the Virglola Military loetituts by suspeosloo of aoademic duties. Forty-slx yeara ago the boy battalion of the school took actlve part io tbat battle aod galned ererlattiog fame by charging and rap lurlrg a federal battery. Memorlal exercises were observed at tbe cadet cemetery yesterday, wbere seven ol the boy beroea are boried. OONGRE^SIONAL. The Senate yeaterday a'ternoon voted, 37 to 28, to retaio the commerce cuurt aectiona of tbe admioiBlratioo railioad hill. Senator Cunmlns msde a motion Immediately after the Senate met to strike ont all tbe first six sectlons of tbe bill, which provide lor the cna'ion ol tbls crurt, its procei'ure aod th*- way io which tbe orders of tbe lutei. a'e com? merce commlssion are to be brcugbt be? fore tbe new trlbuoal. Senttora Cutnmlos, after the firet vote wss takao, urged tbe adoptioo of bis smeodmeot to reduce tbe number of jadges io tbe propoied coart from fire, as deslred by the admiolstrstioo, to 8, rei'uotlon beiog oo tbe groaoda of econ omy. Thia motlon wu loat by a vote cf 30 to 86. Beostor St me glosf *d over tbe defeat of tbe Aldrich cllqae aod proclaimed tbe loiurgeDti tbe masters of tbe Kscate, Hentlmect waa again testtd in the Houae toward the proposal to move fore* ward insujurstloo day from March 4 to April iO. Tbe propositlon was defest>d by ooe thlrd of a vote, This cbaoge cao be made ooly by coostilutlooal ameod meat, anduadtr sospeostoo of tbe roles tbe jolot resolatioo crtered by Mr. Heoiy, of i'exss, propc.ilog socb ao ameodmeot to tbe coottllutloo waa called op for coc sideratloo. A two-tbirds vote of each braocb of Ooogress Ib rrquired for tbe pssssge of socb a resolatioo, which most io uiro bave tbe appruvaloi the Legiala tares of tbree-foartbs ofthe at -t aa. After a 40 mloutes' debite tbe roll wss called, aod the retult stood 139 to 70 lo tavcr of tbe resolution, 21 otber members aoswerlog praaeot. Tbe total noraber of votee csst was 209. Two-tbirds of tbat oumber ls 139f, sotbat P wbb by one-thlrd of a vote tbst tbe resolntion falled. Tbe H use paaaed a bill providing for pardon nf Uoited States prlsooers by a bosrd of parole aod tbe biil advaociog t) enalgn grao'u tsa of the Naval Academy prlor t> their two year craise. Ihe meamre koowa as tbe "motor boat bill," wblch went tbiougb the Set ate oo April 26, was paaaed by (ba Hoase wi'b some amendmenta. THE KATAHDIN A TAROET. A bit of naval wsrfare took place yea? terday on tbe Potomac river at lodian Head, wben tbe old Uniud St tca oavy ram Kaiabdin, wbich waa atricken from the navy Hb. laat year, wsa uud aa e tar. gel. Tbe curlcua naval craft waa clotbed in modern 12-lncb, blgb-grade srmor plate, and a d<z<n ordnance experta directed the attack on ber with ibe new aoft nose naval sbeil bnrled tbrcugba big 12 Incb gno. Aochored at a dutioce of abont 5 miles, the Katsbdin eerved to aaaist the naval experts in Baceitairj iog whetber the oewahell can be dirlect ed wben it strikea atan angle or wbether it woold blta lot'i tbe armor plate aa tbe naval officers aoticlpated. Tbe Navy De partment conducted the cxperlmeot witb all poaalblo aecrecy. Prompt relief in all caaeaof throatafid Inng tronble It you nse Ohamberlalo'a Oough Remidy. Pleaaaot to take, sooth Ing aod healiog ia eflect Sold by W. F. Orelghno & Oo,, aod Ricbard Glb aoo. ! ?&MERALD If the Stork came in May si.a. If Old Mr Stork brotight your frieod into this world some month of May? You ought to get bim or her an Emerald. For? "Who first beholds the light of day ln Hpriup's sweet flow'ry month of May, Shall near an Kmerald all throogh life." And bestof all- Emerald* are so reasonable in price that you can afford them as giffr, or to wear yourself We want you to see the rich deep coloredr- meralds we bave here. All sizes, shapes and prices to suit every tante and purse Sauoders & Son, 629 King Street. FOR RENT. PJESIRABLE HOUBI, 6 rooms, cellur, *J water, sideslley. large yard. $10 h moatb. Inimediate eosaeasto.. Aildro, Dsalr-bl. flonae, Qacette Orti a, mayl.i.'it pROPtMAI.S. ProptMsl* will I,.- receiv.-d ? until noon Wmlotwlay, May lu, 1910, al the City Engineer's r.fbVe for the fnllowiiiK work at the ,>e R*hool for girls 1 Metting granite curb io concrete aod lay ing gutters. 2 Grading and laviog concrete side walks. 3 Grading and mrfaeing ihe lot. 4 Manuring Ihe lot. 5 Plowing, rolling, harrowing and sowing the lot with grass seed. Flans and speciticati'm* can be seen at the offioe ofth. City Knglneer. Heparate piopoaals are required (sc each itetri of work aod the comroitlee rt--rves tht* right to rejenl any aml uil propo-als, snd lo award thedilferent iteins todiffcreal liidders. -ACRKNCE8TABLER. Cbairman Committee Houses and Furoiture of School Board. ru?y13 td. MONEY TO I.OA N at five per cent sim pie interest on ettv or r-ounty property in nn<f around Al?xaodria Seven aml o w half yeir-. time given on loan. I.oau ran be repayed in iostailmeDt* if you chose iioppiog interest. I.oans are made in full vaiuation of rea.' ealate or we will buy you a lot and huiid a hoase for you N>e our Mr. il.rgrave at The Rammel, THURSDAY. May 2?th, there. t that date only. Don't forget Ihe data*. THE NATIO.VAL IIOMK PITRCH A8INC A8SOCTATION. INC. 1301 east Main atreet, Richmond, Va. raa;17 td \A/ANTED.?Manager for Branch Offic- in ?? Alexandna, condneting huilding and loin business. Man with experience iu life inauran-e or hrokaraga busiiiesa pref rre-i. AppiyTHt'RSDAY, May _?ith,io N. P. Har grave, "Tbe Rammel," Alexandria, Va. mayl" td_^_ COR RENT -Eight room DWELLISOla ? good location aud uodera'e rent. Apply at 60S Cameron atreet. may J 7 31* ROOMS FOR KKNT -DE8IBABLE FOR NiSHED ROOMM for rent Apply at f*ul Csmeron street. 1? NOTICE ?Having qualitijd as executor of the estate of MABY H. Ll'NT. decea?ed, all persoos having claiim ag.tinst the said estate are he-eby notified to present the same torre dnly verified f?r setUemen'., and all persons indebted to sa d estate are hereby uotiflej to make prompt payment of tbeir uidsbtedness to me. SAMIELH LL'NT. msyl7 lOt Kxecuior. FOit RENT D.sirable FRONT ROOM, hoase has a. m. ).; well located; ubl. bosrd if deaired; very nioderate terms. For particulars addres. T," On'\te t&re. Rooasvcia's Place at Fuoeral Londoo, May 17. ? Ex Presideot Rioaevelt today aa tled tue mooted qaeation of wbat "Precedeoce" sboald oe shown him at tbe fooeral of Kiosj Edward on Friday by annoancicg tbat be will aot r>de horae-back io tae pr< - cessioo, bot witb his aoite will cccupy a carriagr. Mr. Rooaevelt deciaion is believed to bave been prompted by hia desire to save King George embarreeameot. Never braltate ab; _| girlog Cbamber lain'a Ouogb Remedy to chlidren. It. coLtaios oo opiam or otber oarcotica aod can be given with impiicit confiJeoce. As a quick cure for cougha aod colds to which chlldreo areaoacrp.ible, itlsoniu - pa<sed. Sold by W. F. Oreightoo & Oo aod Ricbard Glbaoo.