Newspaper Page Text
&lf*ftttitia (Sazettfe *> ??. ???? TUESDAY EVENINQ. MAY 17, MO LOCAL MATTERST" Sun and Tide Table. 8an rtsM tomorrow at 4.44 and sets at 7.C7. High water at 3.40 4 12 p.m. Weather Probabilitiea. For this fection partly clondy tonightand AVelnesoay; light tomoderatesoutherly winds. PBKPARING FOR LONG JOURNEY Five thooaand miles in to lutomobile, over all sons of couotry roadB?-lush ia the trip Mss U aocbe Siusrt Rco.r, of Rocbester, N. Y., will uider;akein her Model 38 Overlaod, alooe, except lor a woman compsoioD. Miss DOOtt will leave Oolomtus Circle, New York, for San Franci'co Femioioe pilcti of lutomobilfu bave woo recogoitiuo for bill climbs success lu ly a'.tempted, and for dear records io varirut road t u s; but it remaice for iMs young lady lo attempt tbe seemlng ly impossible. Witb a degree of ooncbalance ooe migbt azpacl !? ? seasoned driver, MIsb Sj t bas compltts preparations for this, har firat trip of aoy leogtb. Every cooceivable r mtrgeucy has been prepared for. Bpsre tires, exlra spark p u,a, complete repair kit, campiog oot -'.--evc-rytbiug that bamao ingicuity can suggest is included. Miss Scott, hersilf, carriea a Hivsge Antomr.tic to inttmidate any wandering Willies tbat may beset hrr pstb. Miss Beott wil! follow the rrgolar tourist r<u t via Albaoy to Bufialo, then by way of Chicago lo Omaha From there she will follow the Platte valley tiih? Ju'esbarg poiot and then over* Nnd thr;ju.;h Ohetenne, Ogden, Rfno, Sacramento, and Osklsnd to _an Fian CiMJl. Bbe *i 1 depend entirely opon her owo rps;urcp* lor rep srements, rrpairs aod mppltsi Mjers Br?thi-r? are the agents 'or th? Oferlami la Alexaodria. Fl REM EH'S t> >N VENTION. At i iflfeiing of Ihegenersl commit? tee deld laat night in the rooms of tbe Oham'ier of Oommerce, frppropriatione were made fot theempiovmt^t of a lead iog brod /or tbe parade to be beld io tbis cltyAogu't 26tiof over 2,000 firemea trom all seit'oos of Virjjioia, Wiat Vir a/inU aud Mtrylaori, attending tbe Fire men's Oonvention Angast 24, 25 aod 26 Reporta fmm varluus commltteea were received aod it waa decided tbst work shall bu at once begoa solut'og contri bu i )o? for the purpoae of rntertalnmeot aod the gentlemoj haviog the matter in cbarge will exert ever? tfloittomake tbis occBBion a mpr_.irabie one, as a lilting mark ol oppreciaiion of the uv tlriug servues (ii rur voi'i netr Bremeo, and it is earoe?tiy hoped that Alcxau dria's pe'plt will lend evrry assistance ti tne movement. The diflerent oom paoies wlll be met by ibe receptloo oom rnittee hcsdtd bt a baod opoo their ar vlval aod escorted to the qu.rtera asalgo ed tbem aod will be served wlib a sub atatuial loncb at the oonclosion ot tbe parade, aod on the thlrd dsy soccessful con'estants in the reel racea w'll ba awarded haodaome priz *. Tbe Cbsra ber of Oommerce has kindly oflered the uae of their aa beatJqoar'er* aad ehe t luinesH intereets of tbe city are manl ipstDig eotbUBlam In the coming ocle bratioo. The roate of the parade bas nrt be*n selectfd and other pntloosof an elaborate prograrume bave not as yet been determiocd upon, EPISOOPAL OOUNOIL. The Episcopal Oooncil of the Diooeee of Virginia *n!l open at St. John'e Ohurch ia Rlcbmood on Wedneiday. Rishop Glbaon wlll presideand tbe conn cil wlil be io sesslon for thtee daya. The members aud delegates from tbis city and the 8emm?.ry bave been ae aigned as follows: RBt, Angus Orawford witb Jsmes Oaskie; Rev. Edgar Oar peoier with Mrs. Joho ?tewart; Rev. Itnryman Green with Mrs. D. B. Ten nsot; Rev. Pac* Keooedy with L. M William*; Rev R. W. Micoo witb Mrs. L. R. I>aabiei;; Kev. R K. Masale with Be?. J. J. Gravatt; Rev. W. J. Morlon ?ltb Misa Mary A. Futjn; R?v. P P. Pbillipa witi Rev. J. J. Gravalt; Rev. H. A. Wallis wilh J. M. Ball; Jndge J. ?_. M. Norion with A. H Saods; Mr. W. A. Hmoot at (be Jeflereon; Mr. Otoailea Kmg at HotM 0tt*ffMt THE COMET. According to ihe publiabed acbedule, at 10:80 looiorrow night the earth wlll plaoge ioto the comet'* tail, a 6lmy, cyanogenic roass 5 000,000 miles io OUmiter. Tho paitclea of'which tho tail n rnide ua are eiectrlfied, and the chaocei urt thera will be BtreakB of brll laocc in Ihe aky moch like the display that we kn-iw asnonbern lighu. When the comet pass?a across fb? fac) of tbe aun thr tail will streich aw?y straight al m for 20,00i?,0U0 mileB. Rigbt after ?oosit on Balnrdav and Sunday eveniogs tbe comet wlll appear just a little south of wbere Mesun hss gooe down. lt wiii be brigbtest oo tbose eveoiogs, and then each night it will grow dimraer and diinmer. Abrut the 10th of Jaoe it (vili bave psased Ioto spacp. THETRIALOFDAVIS. A onmbtr of witoessf-i were iotro* duced yesterday io Washinptm loto tbe ca?e agaiost John 0. Davis, lawyer, cbarged with the embrr.element of fnnds placed la bis banda by cliems for io vi Btmcct A t tho ( p oing oi the moro? iog bpssi.iu At oroey Henry E Dsvis tead to tbe jury tbe depositioo ol Dr. W. H. O >bb, jr., of O >!dsboro, N. 0., wbo expressed tbe oplnlon ibat in 1892 Davis wss ol uosttad mind. Dr. Julim A. FeieOB. of Benntttiville, N. C , uatiti d tbar, In bis opinlon, Davis svas a paranoiac, aod waa snch at the Cime othis d< t ctioo io the aaylum in Nortb Carolin*. Dr. Fslsoa said he believed a rtrurrroce ol the malsdy sc* c.uited for Dsvis's defalcatlons. Wil? liam L. Taylor aod bis wife, Aooie F., tsstified they bad giveo Davis f 10,000 ti iovest, and t was never reorned. Xestimony in retutta! w.ll be coot noed Mm moroiog. - .,#., Ajoe caodtdat* was tor.m.ed at tbe ?neetio_ ot Alexaodria Lodge of Elka last nlgbu -... ?.*>.? G aoce ovei tbe tist of liijjh G.-ade rjboca soid exc usiveiy by us : J. A f. Ooasios, Quen Quall-y, Rd Oroes, Lloder Soo. Oo., N. Hp-s & Bro. (The H*ss). Taylor - Oo. (Taylor Made), Broctoo Oc. Operatlve Oo., Walk Over, R'gal, Excelsior Shoe Co. aod maoy otbera. J. A. MarabaM \ Br,\ 422 a_iog street, MT. VERNON P.F.GES1S. At jeaerday's me^tlnj ofthe Baard of Begerta oi Mt Verooo now in ses alon tbere varions commlttees msde a tour ol inspection. The commitiee on furnitore went tbroogh all the rooms io tbe mansioo, while the commi t es on gn unda, t jmb, farm aod relica pursned tbelr reapectlve tiske. Is expected, will end iti session by Fridsy. Tbe board eccept'd t glft made lo tbe association of acopy of Edward Everett'e "Monct Vernon Papere." The atate board of visltors ti Mooot Vernon accompanled by Gov. Mano and othera make ite aonaal pilgrimage to the t.mb of George Washlogtoo today. Toe governor and the members of tbe bo?rd arrived her* aboot ooon and were met by Mr. A. D. Bockett, of tbls city aod members of the board. They boarded the palace car "Mooot Vernoo," of the WasblngtJO, Alexaodria & Mmot Ver ood eiectric line, lor Monnt Vernon and will return late io the afternoon. At Moont Verooo the goveroor aod tbe members of tbe board were aerved with luoch by the Mooot Verooo Ladiea' As Bociatioo, In tbe party were Governor aod Mrs. Maon, Mr. Roswell Page, Mr. aod Mrs. F W. Scott, Msj. B. A. Mclotyre, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Brockett, Mr. B. P. Owen, secretary to the governor, and Mia. Owen, Mre. J. Taylor Ellyaon, Miss Maria Selden, Mrs. A. L. Barber, of Wsshlogton, aod Mrs. Thomas, of New York. 8hort speechea were made this even? ing by G.vernor Mano aod otbers. Jk 0. U. A. M. James W. Jackaon Coancll, No. 65, snd Belle Haveo Council, No. 61, Juoicr Order United Americao Me chanics, of thia city, bave eompleted all arraogemeota for the eotertalomeot ol the execntive board at the Youog Peo ple's Baildiog toolght A Isrge attend ance is exprcted from Washington aad aher oat*of-towo polnts ss will as tbe l.cs.1 membersbip. The aflair is io the liands of a j ilnt commiitee of which Mr. R. F. Padgett ia cbairmao, aod Mr. H. A. Forrest, secrttiry. Tbe visltorB will be weloomed by Mr. W. K. Gflffitb on bebalf of the two local coooclls. Amnog the ont of-t^wn speakera will be: S'.ate cooncilor, J. W. Oamper, of Boa ooke; junlor paat e'ate ciuicilor, L. R Mmitb ol Bichmond; atstj council sec? retary! Thomas B Ivey, of P.W'turg; state council treasnrer, Q W. Kinaey, ol Bichmond; Btate cooocil secretary, F. N. Webber, sr, ol the Diatrlot of Oc lumbla, and others. S'ate vice ccuocilor, Dr. Wm. Evans, of Norfolk, is unable to be present, but bas expreased his regrete thrcugh the state coanoiior. At the reqaest of the state councllor the observance cf "Mother's Day" has been defmed ontil tbia occbbIod, wben it will be obaerved by each member wearing a white flower il his motber Is liviog aod two if she is dead. Befresbments and cigars will beaerved at tbe cloae of tbe meeting, the lower floor of tbe baildiog being reeervfd for thia purpose. W'I0TURE~OF THE~ COMET." John Green, colored, proprletor of a eookshop on tbe strand, brtwecn King and Prince streets, bas a plats wbioh be Is exhibltiog aa a ruriosity to oostomers and pataersby. Green saya before tbe comet became visible to the naked ey* the plate had been placed upon a stove in bia eookshop, and the next moroiog a plctu'o of tbe oekatisl vlsitor waa f. uod imbedded in it. The fiaure on the plate is suggestive of a starfisb. If, asGreen suppoaes, tbe picture repreaents tbe comet, the wanderer Ib iqaipped witb five tsils, which f<ct will a ld to '.be aoxiety aiready i aperieooed by many people now that the world ia oo the eve of beiog broBhed by the ylsitor to oor boIo systema TO RUN THROUGH TO ALEXAN? DRIA, Frelght traina 271 and 274, which have beeo ruoning bftweeo Harrisooborg aad Strasburg, begen ronoiog tbroogh to Alexaodria 8atorday nigbt. Tbe psr ?engfr coschea will be put ofl at Liodrn. lli'ltr the new arraogemeot It is expec td that tbe frelght coogeatloo, wbicb baa exlsted oo tbe braocb, can be relieved wltboDt the neoessity nf roittiog on the through frelghts agaln.?f Harrlsonburg Tlmea. BU8PEOT RELEA3ED. Lleot. Edward T. Ooostien, of tbe naval iolelligence boreiu In Wasbing t'in. yesterday afternoon examined the eflecta of Oharles von Weisenberg, at police beadqaarters in thia city, and the forelgner was released from oustody. VVeisenberg was arreated aa a auaplcioos cbaracter by Spec'al Ageot Oander, of the Smtbero Rallway, in tbe frelgbt vardB near (hia city, on Hinday nigbt. It aae suipecled tbat be was a German spy. ANNUAL U)N _?-.-'. Tbe annual r'ual contest betweeo tb? Fairfax and Blackfud literary socitt tt of tbe Eplscopal Higb Bcbool waa beld at tbe Bcbool laat night and was well at? tended. Tbe cootest was woo by tbe Fa'rfax 8 ciely, it beiog so close, bov. ever, that tbe julges had muoh difficuhy io reachiog a declaioo. The oamea ol the cooteittots were pabllshed yeaterday. "Rpsolvcd, Thst senttora of tbe Uolted States shoold be elcct:d by p j oar vote," was the subject of tbe di bate. The Falr'ax Kociety took tbe negatlve alde of ibe ar^umeot. TOT4.L EOLIPSE OF THE MOON. Oo May 28 aod 24 the clt'xs-e of bis sectioo will witnesa a total eclipse of the rooon, begioolrg abcuf 10-30 p. m. acd ending abur. 2:15 a. m Luoar eclipiea aie nct as lotereat ig aod iostractive ss solar erlips s, lut there aro ce'tain fac's aid a'.atlatlca cooceroiog luoar rc' j.j'b that sre well worth poblishlog sod rcmemberiog. BA3EBALL.. On th? oorth Alfred street grooods Thorsday tbe Oardloal Athletic Clob will meet for the first time tbia sessoo, ibe Balley's Oros. R sds nioe. Tbis tesm bas b-en goiog at a fast clip thia season and ihtt will make the Uardi oal ball toasers play some ball to wio thia gerr.e.._ FUNERAL, Tbe ineral of tbe Ists Miss Vivlenee Beooett, daoght*r of Ospt. Cbarlea I'. ??. net a former residtnt of this city, wbo died Ssturday io Newport News, took plaoe tbia afternoon from the rcsideoce of Mr. Wrigbt, 114 oorth Payne strret. Rev, EJgar Osrpeoter, rector of Grace Ohorch, cooducteJ tbe servicis, aod the iotarmeot waa io St, Paol'a ceaaetery. GJ FROM HOME IO GKT NEWS. The lolbwiog dispatch, dated Alex aodtU, Va , will diubtless be ln p?pers from ocean t> ocean durlng the next twenty-fonr bf ura. lf tbere is aoy such exc tcmeot it> this city as Ib deacrlbed iu tbe dispatcbea, it haa excaped (he notictof obeirvlog people lo this c'ty : Alexaodria, Va., May 17-For tbe fir, time alnce Appoonattox, ihe oigroes of Alexandria and oearby Virgloia are movlng faster tban a walk, and all be? cauae of the comtt The dread news that the heaverly vleltor Ib "done goln" ti smash rigbt Into dls yrre world, and tmt np, has apread and what spproachee a reign ot terrerobtaios. As Wednesday nigbt grows nearer tbe onrest aod ap preheorho grows sironger, and such an epldemlcof "jolnlng ths charch" bas never beeo known. Maoy of tbe "bffo tbe wah" darkles are corvlnced that tbe eod of the wodd ia at bsod, from the tslta they h*v l beard, and preparatlooa toi Bcoree ot "watch meptiogs" have been made. 8iogs of praias aod prayer wlll reeiu.d t.rugbiu the time the flamiog comet Is lo sigbt timorrow oigbt. Meantlme tbcse who employ oe groee, ia Ibe nelghborbood des ralred of bavlng any work dooe ootil the comet Ib well oo IU way to itaer spberea ____________ PER80NAL. Mr. Geo. D. Joboat,n, formerly of tbia city, bot now ofNev York, is beM on a vlalt to his relatlvrs and Irleodi He Is itipplog with hia couslo, Mr. Jamea E. Johnstm. MlSBOatherioe MtOarty, oi Strasbnrg, is the gueat of ber aoot, Mrs. Wslter 8. Nlcbllo oo aouth Pi't street. Miss Naooie Nortoo baa returoid from a vlalt to Mrt. Stribilog Marahall, lo Portamontb. Miaa Sally Slusrt, of Alexaodria, ar rivis in Richmond tomorrow to be tbe guest of Misaes Alice aod Lonlsa Lelgb, of west Main sireet. Mias Stnart will addresa all brancbeB of tbe Woman's Anxiliary to ,'tbe Eplscopsl Board of MissiooB in this city tomorrow (Toes daj) at 5 o'clock p. ro. lo Grace Oburch lettire nom. Alao the jaolor brancbeB are cordially Invited to be present ? [Ricbmood J urnal, the 16tb. Amoog tbose who attended the clca (og exerclses ol the Uoiveralty Oollege of Medicine io Ricbmood, waa Dt. Hogh MiGulre, of tbis city. Dr. R. M. Slaagbter, of Semlnary Hill, wbo was recently operated upon for appendlcitla, has reoovered and Is able to be ont agaln. LOOAL BREVITIE3. Froat waa noticed again tbis morn' ing In this oity and vicinity. The bargeSevero, which has been load ed with railroad tles for New York, will leave In a few days. Tbe schooner Willie Olsreoce, loaded witb lumber by W. A. 8mor t & Oo., has sailed for Leooardtown, Md , A meetiog of the rfficers and teschers of Ohrisl Oburch 8uodav school wlll be held at the Parieh Hall t mlght. Mr. Lolber Oarter haa aold for W. H Peck home 406 oortb Payoe street .0 Mra Mamie Uammeraley. Oivil eervice examlnatioos wili be held in tbia city on June 15, for geolc glst in the geologicil eorvey and for tio aer in tha Iadiao service. Tbe annual fl iwer mlssloo of the Alll sfin Womao's Ooristlan Temperance Uolon waa beld today at the (Jhlld rn's on Home, Duke atreet. The reg'stratlon books ot the fcur wards of tbis city were opeoed todsy, at thf? asuai plscea, B.t lew osmes were al eI t > the lls a. A csrrier pigeon was caoght in tbe yard of Wash N. Jacksoo on opper Kiog street this aiorning. Tbe blrd bsd u sM bis leg a bind marked 8, A. 62306 Tbe city fioaoce comroittse at their mretlog last oight att led tbe accooots of tbe llceose collectors lor tbe past year. The amouot collected for licenses exceeded that al many previoua years. MessrB. Kolght aod Rodgers have re? ceived tbe cootract for theimprovementa ti be made by tbe Messra. Scbolers to t*ie booses oo tbe ocrth alde of Kieg atreet, juat west of Pitt, alao to tbe Old Domioloo Boat Olab's bruie. A meeting of the Yoang Meo'e 8n dality Lyceom wlll be held tmight t > devise weys aod meaos of pUcing the orgaoizatioo upon tbe plaoe iotended by Its fc under, the late Rev. Dennls O'Kaoe. Tbere wsr ao alarm of fire shortly after 3 o'clock tbis alterooon, caosed by a blazs io a shed in the rear of Mr. Jamea Magner's saloon on Royal alret, be* t-een King andOameron. The fire was aubdned by extingniehers, and the dam? age waa sl'ghr. We have received an invltttion from the employees of the S uthern Railway Chmpaay to be present at the unveiliog of tbe nonnmeat to Barooel Speocer, first presideot of tbe compaoy, at the Termioal S ation, at Atianta, Georgla, Satarday ait-rnoon, May tweoty-Brtt. Mr. 0. W. Oonnelly ia chairman of tbe geoeral committee of aflaira. Geo E. Price A Co will have on asls io ihe market fo- the balsii<?e at ihis week eturgeon. sea biias, aalt water Uilors, t.-out and ahad. Dnftey's Pure Malt Whlafcy for roedlc inal purposes, $1.00 a quart, at .-pinis, cornsr PiiDce and Koyal streets. Fresh Country IJut'er juat received. ?8c lb. Beat Elgin Creamery BotUr 34c lb, Fresh Eggs 25c doz , Fancy J-p,n Rif*. whole grain. 5c Is., 3 lhs. Kvaroratel Peaches 25c, 3 lbs Lsrge Prunes 25c, 3 Csu* Fish Roe 25c, 7 lhs. Laondry Starch f6c, 7 Cakes Star Soap 25c, 3 Cans Pink Alsaks Salmon 25c, 4 Cans Beat Touiatrea 25c, 4 Cans Sogar Corn 26c, Oieen Monntain Potatoea 55c buahel. 3 Cana Early Jnne Peaa 25c, h lb?. Par* Backwheat 25c. Wm. P. A Som, Royal and Wolfe streeta?tjaeen and Henry atreeta. POLIOEOOURT [Josiice H. B, Oaton prealdiog] Tbe followiog caaes were dlsposed of this morning: Aliee Tbomas, colored, cbarged wl'b disorderly condoct aod fightiog, waa dlt misted. Oatbarioe Logan, colored, cbarged witb asssultiog Allce Toomas, colored, was fioed $b. Albert Jobnson, colored, charged wlth disorderly condoct, wss dismissed. Edward Lacae, colored, charged with the larceoy of a dress and a pair of ahoea from Lloda Stswart, had hia ease contioned. A reaident of sooth Royal street, cbarged witb cesliog filth into a sever trap was dismissed wlto. ao admool tloo. The body of Dr. Oliver P. R-x, of Pbiladelpbia, was brougbt to New York today oo the Bteamer Krooprit z-islo Oecilie. Dr. Rex died et aea May 12 of Brlght's disease. Washington - - D. C /1% **m j? ^w 18 vtfnmes of short sfories %K*?J? VrvF a year's sabscriptioo to WILL BUY ! Pearson's Majazine. -Th.t's 4?4 renfs a for ihe Books slone- with the Msgiiine FREE. The Booke sre n.eely rlotb b?un*. have more Misn 305 ea-h snd ar. printed from new type. The binding is :e lnxe srt cloth It is a very nnosoal oflenng aod the timeislimited.-rhird Floor-Book Department. SILVERPOLISHi Now is the time for houseclear ing. which of course includes thesi'verware. We have an ex-l ceptionally good Silver Polish made expecially forl us. It sells for 25c a bottle We will sell it forj 15c A BOTTLE [ or give one bottle FREE with every purchase or4 repair work to the amount of one dollar or over. | This offer will be good for 30 davs from today orj until the present supply is exhausted. H. W. WILDT & 50N, Jewelers 106 NORTH ROYAL STREET BELL PHONE 345* FOR RENT.?HOr-?K No. 1001 Osaaa ou strett, ft'x rooms snd bsth; all moilern impro^ementfi. Apply to _?y . __ jl. RVHE?: & BOM. Aoarchisti Want Peaceful Propaganda Halle, Qermaoy, May 17.?Tbe horab is oo looger the wf apon of the or'hodox aoarcbist. A' ihe Ioternit onal Ana chist Oongrrss here today at which 67 delr-ga'ea, representiogs'xt'eo coootries, iocladhg Amer'cs, were present, a reso? lution wsa enttudas'icslly adopted "ab jariDg violent terrorism." The coogress decided tbat its prin olplrs cculd be best sobseiv.d by peace fal methods end tbat tbe ansrchisiic propaganda shoold be spread throogb edocstioo and not asssssinatlon. There were few disseniiig rpinions snd the resolution referred ti was adopt? ed by a practically uianimm. vote. The drlegstes from I.uss'a, where tr lorism is mostin evi leuce, d clarel ihej ?>u!d do all in their power to brintr Ruuiaa anarchists aod nihllists to the oew view-point. TbH ooly slrenuoas ol j ction to the resolution csnae from a wuinsn delegste, known as the "re.d priucese," but ofcoe real name was not d vulged. 8Lk atged a oontinnstinn of terrorist r>atragee. Suicide of a Caabler Lsealurg, Va., May 17.?With his baby soo standing by watcbiog bim, K B Roaa, aged 35, caahlr-r of tbe Fsrro r-ra* and Mercbauts' Bsiiklog sod Trust Oompaoy here, carefu'ly arranired a sbotguo this morolng, presaed the trigger wlth his foot and killed hinmlf. The load of shot enterei his beait aod tore away tbe left Blde i f hts body. 8o far as is known tbedrad man was in n ? financisl difficnllies. Members of his family it rlbnm his suicide to remorse followlng hrav/ drin^log. Mr. R?s was for bi versl years conoected wiih the American Nstiooal B<ok, of Wasbinir* too. A wife aod tbree cbildreo MtYtTs bim. m Gomper's Prophecy. New York. Msy 17.?"Ten yea s ago ttirauel Gimpers declared that in a decade organized labor wcnld control the conotry's commerce and iodastries. Todsy bis type of vades uiionism stands coodemned. GimperV jirophecy wbb the cfl-spriog of his wiari, as it waa when be predicted aod wnrked for the electlon of Bryan in 1908. Hia maio issoe io that csmpaigo w, s anti iojarjction and Ihe people gare hlm a doae ol injanclion that certainly oagbt to|kill orcu-ehlm asa factor lo p.lttics." Bhowing p'ainly by his tUitode that the caropalgo of the Natlooal Aisocis tlon ol Maoofacturti.' against the American Federation of Labor Ib not to be compromlasd, John Kirby, i's president, in the above statemeot ln tiday's sesslon of the orgsn /.st on's conventlon ssaailed tbe federation's head. Test Runa Rockiaod, Maioe, May 17.--Before a namber oi MY*I rfficers from Wa'hing too aod the B tt n, New Y irk aod Potsmru h nsv/ yards the te-ts stand ard zilioo'oos of tne ba t eship Michi gao and the torpedo b-a: des'nyere R?-id aod Finaer ,beg8n here todsy ever tbe oavsl coorse. Represeotatives ot msny ot the large ahipboildiog cooc-ros of conotry are also Ibe tes'e. M. E- Church Confereoce Ashville, H. C, Mav 17.-When tbe gentral conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, opened today, it waa annonnced that the count of the bsllots caat jost before adjournment laat ni?;ht Bhowed the election of Rev. Dr. W. Lanibnth, of Tenneasec, snl Rev, R. G. Waterhonae and Rev. Ii. V. Monson, of Vi'ginia, a* Bishops. Another balljt to 611 the remaining two vacanciea was imraediately begun. -????? Work on tbe Caoal New York, May 17 ?loaietir g tbat all rfcords are beicg brok*n io the Oanal cooalracticu work, Cdooel Qeorge W. Giethals, chiig eogioeer of the P.camn Oanal, srr v d bere today. From 11? UaosiZ>ne. Tbere were adcz?o Ameri caos io tho Oosta Rica tartbqiake zice t ut all escaped oobarmed. New York Stock Market. New York, May 17?Fraetiocal loaaea were suatained in nearly everfthin? iraded in at the opening of the stock market today bot refore many minutes psaved a briak npward move-ient wm in projrress. After the fi-at few minotea the market Le came heavy acaio and lealizing aalts cana*d a decline of about a point ali through the li?-t After r<acting a |ptint tbe market became firmer. recov?-rina some part ofthe loa* made 1 in the first haif ot the forenoon. \ Good Health d \ la'nlleMed in pera^na who cnuple , a caieful, whol-**'mediet with the ierale bm of an invigorating, henlthful In-verat;e like Hofbrau Tho rwaUf ?ii"l nature manifeat in tho-e who lad ilge in an occasional L'l ins ol BtsTbrai beer ia proverbial. They are go-wl nstnred becaose they have gsiued atrength and health and VlfOf fr.un Ita I'rv our lieer. It is the suine of healthful liquid r?frfshment. ROBERT BRE^ J r\'i>\ Phone No 1*0. PORTNER G CO, Va I.OOX?S>OH HKM. LAFOF, airr, -?? I fairal I..-1 ROOMSfw ii.'. ? I'.iMi ho-trrl. Oas l>'ic'< from (roll n (Vaahiattoa atreet Addreas "X i . ' Chs PobI naii Nall-, eil]. nui \ i IH) LLY MADISOV" ia th* daiutic' in > i\l I kilfer, Ynu cannoi eaMatsai ita great beauty till you bave seen it. Single rerving tieces $1.50 np. TEA 8POONS, J dozen $6.C0 up K. C. ACTOW * SONS, ,!<>wel?rs and Silversmitbs. MA-ONK'. _ cslied rommunication of ALE.WNDRIA-WASHINGTON LODGE, No. ?, A.. F. A A. M., will be held at the Teraple Tl'ESDAY, EVENING. May 17. *t 7.30 o'clock, ror work. By order ofthe Wor-liipful Mssier. 2t _ A Q. I'MLER. Secretary. THERK wil! I>" ? call-d convocalion ot M I'. VERNON BOY AL ARCH CHAI' TER, No. H, held in the tsbernacle, TUE*5 DAY EVENING, May 17, 1910, at 7:?0 o'clock. By order rf H.s M. E. High Pnest, A. G."rttary. msy I ii 2t _ CIGAR SALKSMAN WANTED.?Experi uni;?fe?ary. Hell our hrands to the retail trwle Big pay. Write for fiill psr tirolars at once. GLOBE CIGAR CO., Cleveland.Ohio. _fabl9tjel6 YEARS AGO~ we -tertad ont to rlo H?ttl? with Iife. We't exp?rt t> "Win-in*s-walk." We knew that we hsd to meet iti com petitinc, that tbere were "foemen wnrthy of our ste.l," that Hn best were reserved for thow who mild win: thst failures in esrly Iife w ul.l taaeb et to urin socress Her oa. Vte h've nift ihese conditiODS like men not sim'ng tor-rush snyone. but siniply BS liold ou' own. We hsve been suc ;il snd if yon think we hsve in ? A FI1.EO/ MONEY then yoo bave im' pare ivedtbe purDo** tt thm arg-ment. Our l??'st *a*ces. is CAM . ivil'.Y LUNCH ?nd you sre all invit-d logive u?acsll. Open all night. 90S King street. UG3 for setting.-Bnrt Rocks, Black Mioorcss, ? hiti Wyondottes, $1.00 ler 15. Preminm stoek. Dk C. E. OU1CALT, 1*72 sonth Wsshington ftreel._ Wall Paper & Paper hanging Have tour psperhaniiing dooe by sober n en thst know wh-t they are doing. No draakseinployed by H. L MARDER5 ;th Fairfax 8trtet. Next die shop._my!7 3t J. sod T. O's Fine Lastral Oolt and Black Bussia Lnsltania Pumpa acd OxIordB. Weldt and Toro'a price $5.00; oar price $4 00. J. A. Mersbill ABro., .22 King street. DR f GOODS Woodward & Lothrop New York?Washington?Paris Women's Coat Suits at the End-of Season Prices. Io golng over oar stock of Women's Spriog Ooat Su'ta we find tbere are aev? eral linea ol wblch we have too maoy garmeota. Oa oar tbird ti >or is a large and very attractive collection of New Spriog Ooat Soita, ia tbls season's lateat aad moat cfleetive styles, st eod-of-seasoo prices. lf yoa appreciate qoality and etyle ia a ta'lored soit?st a very low price?yoa caooot aflord to miss takiog advaotage n< this excep ional 11! -riog. Every gar meot ia of tbe best cuitom talloriog, linked witb the bigbeat-grade mstsrials aod trimmlngs. Suits at $1375 each. VALUE3 UP 10 $29.50. Ao attractive collection of Ooat Soit*, made o. plain and dlsgonai serges, lo tbe mcst at ractive desigos of tbe sessoo, and in tba wanted colora o( navy bloe, reaeda, twiiUrle, gray, tao, aod black. Incloded are regolsr aod between s'aea. Suits at $19.75 each. VALUE. UP TO $35.{A large collectinn of Hlgh-claM Ooat SaitB, repreeent iog aa uoasaal valoe. They are fashioned of fine serges and men's mitiogs, in s'.rtctly tailored ard braided eflect*; eoata are serol-fliting and lined with peau de oygoe, and ihe skirts are In varions plalted modeli. Oolora are theae most in de* maod?black, navy blue, tan, wlatarie, aod light aod dark gray. Suits at $34.75 each. VALUES UP TO $50. These represert onr best linea, aod are redoced ia price for immedlate removal. They are very rioh and beamifol, aod fashlooed of aoft taffeta, rajah, aod taBsah silks aod fioe voilef. Mscy are import'd models? ooe-( fa-klod desigos?Irom liie leadiog Paris modistes. Tbe voilea have ailk drops. A collection of very rich garments, tuitable for sll oceasions, at very at? tractive price. Third flaor-G tt. '- --- ?- ? - -. -g~*~ Swan Bros Popular Wash Materials. Tan Linen Crash Suiting. 27 inches wide, yard. 20c Tan Linen Crash Suiting, 36 inches wide, yard. 25c, 35c, 39c Grey Linen Crash Suitings, 27 inches wide, yard.-- 35c White Linen Crash Suiting, 36 inches wide, yard.- 39c White Linen Crash Suiting, 47 inches wide, yard - _.--.-- 69c Sliiiiiiiii'ill'iilldmcillllfiiiiil !?)(' Citizcns' National Bank of Alexandria, Va. CAPITAL $100,000. SURPLUS $125,080 OFFICERS: President Vice President, Edward L. Daingerfield; m _ n Carroll Pierre, Richard M. Green, Caahier. Edward E. Payne, A??t Cashier DIRECTORS: JG Smoot, Edward L. Daingerfield, Jas. W. Roberts Worth Hulfisb, _ CWOU Pierce V1.A. Ahern, Lrban S. Lambert RESOIJRCES. i HABIWTIES. Loans ..... 1678,825.54 U. 8. Bonda to ae cure circulation. 100,000.00 Bonds to aecure U. S. Depoait . . 1,000.00 Other Bonda and Stocks . . ? 55,17406 Banking Hotiae & Real Eatate . . 52,856.97 Oash . . 48,308 55 Due from Hanks and Reserve Agenta . 131,979 36 * _!_180,?87.91 $1,068,144.48 Capital .... $100,000.00 Surplus .... 1?0,000.00 Undivided Profits 22,754 19 Circulation . . . 96.30000 Deposits .... 748,09029 U. S. Depoait . . 1,000,00 $1.068,144 48 DRY GOODB. 65c 19 inch Fancy Checked and Striped TaffetaSilks 38c Positively sll pure silk, abaolutely perfrct. do "secooda," very soft snd nicely finished chiftVn tafleta cbecks and stnpes in blue and white, hhrk snd white. green aod white, and a nurabar of oti er colors in fancy patlerns Theae make boautiful aprina and anmmer dreases and waiaU. and they wear nicely, too.aVTheactuil valoe of theae silks ia tbe. Thrcugh an extraordinary r.nrcha?e we are able to ofler them to yon while the lot "Ift/ Jassfonhe very special price of.. aj>a_aa, 0-0-0 tansl)orj_li*Br(i 420426 Seventh Street, WASHINGTON, D, C. Hard Crabe, Soft Crabs, Deviled Crabs and Crab Salad AT JACOB BBILL'8 RE8TAI P.ANT FOOT OF.KING 8TBEET. Open uotil 10 p. r, aprfta) SPECIAL No. 9.?Ice Picks worth 16c and 20c. 10c for this week. SPECIAL No.lO,?Dish Cover Fly Scref ns, 10c, 15c and Me. Worth 25c SPECIAL No. 11.?Denstured Alcohol Stoves, with t, 2 snd 3 Eoles. grestly rt duced. Some birgsin. Th. only safe Uove on the market. SPECIAL Ra 12.?Some bargsins in Ice Cream Freezere. SPECIAL No. U.?1-Mf Kazors at 2*5e each. Something thit is good. SPECIAL fo 14.?Po-( Ii Rockers, were $S.00, now $2.4^, for this week only. R. E. KNIGHT. 6ir.Mli *>25 Kinu Street. Just received a .hipment of Popular Copyright Fiction to be sold at the popu'ar price of 50c each. S. F. Dyson 508 King Street Opera House Shows that make you laugh. MovingPictaresyou've never seen before. 700 Oaoice Ssats. 10c 300 Bilcony Seats. 6c Matlnee N FOLLOW THE OROvTD,