Newspaper Page Text
3akcs-Roasfs-Broils-Toasls BAKES bread, pie and cake ? bakea them parfectly all through, aad browna them appetiaiavgly. KOASTS beef, poultry and gama with a ateavdy beat, which pre aervea tbe rich natural fiavor. BBOILS steaka and chopa?makea them teoUer and inviting. TOASTS bread, muffina, cracb ?ra and cheeae. No drudgery of coal and ashes; no stooping to get at the oven; no smoke, no dust, no odor?just good cooking with greater fuel economy. Irons and water in wash boiler always hot. The WetrV TPerfcction Oil Cook-stove haa a Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping plates and food hot It has long turquoise-bhte enamel chimneys. The nickel finioh, with the bright blue of the chimneys, makes the stoVe> very attrac Sve and invites cleanliness. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet OnWlUtY IVOTB: Be sare ysn act thia .*-.-?? that tae -aaae-aUt. re.4. ? WW MaareCTOa." ?v?ry d.aVar; lf no? -? reu?, write for Deacrlptl-e Clreular ' to tha ne-raat aa??ncy of tha sg. Standard Oil Company '*"*" (Iaaanrpaar-tetT) <> Clothing. | Inspect our spring ? models of men and ? boys' clothes. M I See the comfortable ** kind of o Underwear f we are handling. New arrivals in] Manhattan | Shirts Kaufmann Bros. CLOTH1ERS, 402-405 KING STREET. 4HMMOMMMMMMMMMMMMM GOAL LtJMBER^ Summer Prices iulliracite Coal. 1910. Our 1910 sammer prices on Anthracite coal will become eftective Monday, May 2nd, There has never been a tiiue in the bisto-y of our busineas when we felt that we were able to give better values in Anthracite cosl than we csn this season, as we have r-ornpleUd our arrangeuieut* M necvre <> ir entire supply from two or three ofthe very best collieries in the Anthraoiie region, and will have a coal which is unifurm ia quality, well prtpared, and coal that will give tar better resolts than the average. Itisourdesiteto give our trade the best values that csn be had, and we earnestly aolicit the orders of our friends and customers. W. A SMOOT & CO., Inc. Bell Telephone 19 & r>7 \ Home Telephone 152 & 67 > Order Office, No. 529 King atreet. The Overland factory is at this time 3,000 cars behind on orders. It is not hot air and it is not advertising bluff when we s.ty that the demand for the Overland ia prowing like a flood. These are actual facts and fhere is a reason. The very fact tbat Overlands are hard to get proves their value all ihe more, and they are well worth waiting for. Give us the "wink" and we willtry to get one for you HYERS BROTHERS. 115N.Pittst. PARK AGNEW, Proprietor. THE Bromilaw Brick Co. Building, Paving_and Sewer Brick, Front and Building Sand. WORKS: H-ntingJCre-k. yi -?leohona 107. WANTED. A good WHITE MAN for [the stsble at Raventworlh. Write to Mra. LEE, Rmke, Virginia. marll tf Of all the health bnildere, fleah makers and pul_.01.ary renieOie*, none ia any better than teadbeater's EamUioo of Cod Llvar OU. SOr ttbdUie. Fresh Country Butter, 30c M Eggs, 23c Nice Virginia Hams, 25c 44 Shoulders, 20c 2,000 yards Embroidery at cost. A. Q. THOMAS, 919 King Street my9tf t-jhe most desirable, hygienic, beautifol and a-onomical wsll coating. AJabastine, lor sale by E. 8. Leadbeater A r?nna, Inc. No use repapeniig your honse thia spring Climaz Wall Paper .Cltaner wili make the old p?per look almoat kka ^ntw. flat it at Uadbeater's. Me a box. j, tiUli-UlAu a__i_._u____. [_8TABLI8HED L82_.l BEKRV L FIELD _ CO. HMMMMi to ;OWAHH. D.8MOOT. Lamber and Mili Work OF ALL KINDB, Ume, Cement and Plaster Offioe aad Yard 115 N. Union l_. Factory No. 111 N. Lee ttreet, /?r-Materlal Dalivarsd FREE in tha _t> _GKOOBBIErj._ ^IvVOoENSON & eo., WHOLE8ALE GROCER8. ?MHRRAL COMMISSION MKRCHAHT AndDaalasv ia ALL KINDB OF LIQUOR8, flave on hand Oibsoo's XX, XXX, XXXI nd Pure Old Rye, Old Cabinet and Most _r_m Whiskies: alao Baker'iand Thompaon'. h_t Rya W_Uktes, to which they lnvita tha attention of tbe trade. Ordara from the otrantry for rrerohandlss ?hall i^oeive prompt attention. OonaJgnmenU of Floor, Grain and Cou-trj Produoe solieited, for which they guarantee ha highest market prioas aad prompt returrt N. Econser Oameron and Royal 8trastt.i | JOHN AHBRN & CO., WHOLXSALE AND RETAIL GROOSTI Ax' Dealars ia FURB WINE8 AND LIQDOBS. Conntry Prodaoe reoeived daily. Oar stoek of Plain and Fancy Oroceries ernbraoea rrtrj. thipg to be had in this line. We hold largely ia Dnited States bonded warakooaa and oarrr in stook varioas brandr ofthabwt_ PTJB_ BYE AND MALT WH-S-LOB* made. Have also ln stor. saperior gndas C Forelgn and American WINE8, ALE8, BROWN 8TOUT, Ae, a_i -Hirii llnn Gru-anteed aa to Prloa a*** Q-aUtv.-aai Or-B.r Prtno- -?* r?"-m?w ?*-?-?*. ESTABLISHED 1869. BURKE &HERBERT, Bankers. Modernly eqnipped for banking in Ita vari erasbrancees. _____ Deposits received sub)ect to oheek at ilght Collections made on all poinU. High-grade inveatmeut securitiea bought and sold. Letters of Credit axd Foreign Exohange fnrnished. Rafe Depoait Boxes for rent. A Savings Department in which interest U allowed on deposita. VIRGINIA?In the Cl-rk's Offiee of ths Circuit Court of the City tt Alexan? dria, on the 7th day of May, 1910, Lucilla R. Pelton) vs. t In obancery. Clifton C Pelton. J I Memo. The objectof this suit is to obttin for complainant a divorre frorn the bond rf matrimony from the def<sndsnt snd fjr gece rsl relief. It appearin.'? by an affidavt filed in (his cause that the defendant, Clifton C. Pel? ton, is a non-residectof this State: It ls Ordered, That s-id defendant appear here within lifien days after due publi cati m of tbis order, aod do wbat is necetsary to protect his inUrest in this suit, and that a copy of this order be forth with iBserted in the Alexandria Gas*tte, a newspaper pnhlishad in the Cityof Alex? andria, once a week for four saccessive weeks, and po?ted at the front door of the Court House of this city. A copy?tesi*.' NEVELL S GREENAWAY, Clerk. Lewis H. Mach'-, p q. my7 w4w*s IBGINIA.-In the Clerk's Office of the Corporation Court of the City of Alex? andria, on the22nd day of April, 1910. Sabiua sherry) vs. > Chance.ry. Leo Sherry J Memo. Tbe objert of tbis snit is to obtain fo'the comphlnant from Ihe defendint an ataoiute divorce, snd for eeneral r'lief In sppearing by an affidavit filed in this eausethu the defendant, Leo 8herrv, is| a non-resident of this State: It is Ordered, That said defendant appear here within fif teen ^aye after due publication of this order, and do what is neccsearv to protect his in? terest in this suit, snd that a copy of this or* der be forthwith inrertel in the Alexsndria Gazette, a newspaper puMished in the City of Alexandria, once a week for four eucceasive weeks, and poeted at the front door of the Court Hoase of this city. A copy-TESTE. NEVELL M GREENAWAY, Clerk. Charle* Bendheiw, p. q. apr22 w4w-f V VIRGINIA.?In the Clerk's office of tne Corporation Court of the city of Alexari dria, on the 2nd day of May 1910. Annie Jack*on ) va. \ ln chanoery. Charles A. Jackson, j Memo. The ob|?ct of this suit is to obtain for tbe complainant an absolate divorce from thedefecdsnt, on tbe grounds of uolawful detertion and abandonraent for the period of three years prior to the institution of th i* suit. It appearing by an affidavit ti ed in tiis cause that the defendant, Charle* A. J_ck* aeo, is a non-resident of this state : It isOnlered: That ssid defendant appear here within fifteen days after due publieation ot this order, and do what is necessarv to pro? tect his interest in this suit, and that a copy of this order beforthwithinserted in the Alex. andria Gasette, a newspaper published in the City of Alexandria, once a week for four suocessive weeks, nnd posted at the front door of the Court House of this city. A copy ? Tkstk. NEVELL H. GREENAWAY, Clerk. Sam'l G. Brent, p. q. may2 w4w*m OPENINO AND CLOSINO OP MAILS Northern maila, week daya, oloae at 8 40a m. and 10 40 a. m., and 140, 815 and 10 40 a. m. Open at 800 a. m., 12 00 m, and 5 00 p. m. On Snndays Northern maila close at 8 45 a. m., 140, and 7 15 p. m. Sonthern maila via Southern Railway close ai 10 40 a. ro., 4 30 and 10 15 p. m. Open at 8 00 a. m. and 4 00 p. m. Southern maila, via B , F. A P. B. B. cloaa at 9 45 and 11 40 a. ro., and 8 50, 7 10 and 10 50 d. m. Open at 8 and 9 30 a. m., 3 and 10 15 p. m. afsnasaan Division mails close at 8 15 a, ro. and 3 50 p, m. Open at 12 m. and 10 15 p. m. Blnemont Branch, Southern Railway, mail close at 7 45 a. m., and 3 20 p. m. Open at 9 00 a. m. and 7 00 p. m. Cheaapeake and Ohio mails oloae at 1 40 p, m. _ad 1015 p. m. Open at 8 00 a, m. aad 4 00 p. m. Waahinfrton mails cloee at 8 45 and 10 40 a. m., and 1 40, 8 15, and 10 60 p m. Open at 8 00 a, m., 12 00 ro. and 5 00 p. m. and 8 30 p. m, Offioe Honra?Opea at 800 a. m. Cloaa at 600 p. m. Sanday Honra?Opea at 900 a. m. Cloaa at 1000 a. m. Carriera' Sohedala?Collection made on ln side rontee?615 and 1000 a. m. and 3 00 and 5 30 p.m. Fell ronte?615 a. ni. and 5 30 p. m. Sanday ca.llection 4 45 p. m. Oarriers' window open Sanday 900 a. ._, and cloaa 10 00 a. m. Dauireries made 8 00 a. m. 1 30 p. m. and 5 00o. m. All mall shotild ba in ths offlne ?n rolnataa before our indieated time for elt?ing_ Bot Weatfaer Comfort You don't need to be un comfortable this aummer. Uae electWcity for light iog, it will not heat up the room. Uae an eiectric fan to c4r culate the air. Electricity is aafe, cleanly and economicaL Lct ua prove it. Alexandria Eiectric Co. _.., $24 King Street., ..Mtido.naiat^m <&ozrltr. TUEHDAY EVENING. MAY 17. 1910 Forest Flras Merrlll, Wi? , May 16 ?The moat disa-tooB fort.t flres io ihe blalorv ol NoHh Liocolo coatty Ib rsgloR In tbe vleio'tv of Daliey, Jtflriee Jtnctlon, Parrlan snd Harriaoo. Larga tracts o( vs.usble timber land are beiog deetroy ed. At Par'leh tbe entlre mill crew of a umber compaoy aocceeded in savirg the towo. Eflirta are beiog made to BBve tbe village o( E!m Ot', B.mirij', Mloo , May 16 ?Womeo aod chlidren are prsyicg lo tie chorches of Bemlcji for rain, or aome othtr itt'.r veotioo to save them, their hoBbands and fahers aod borxtts from iropeodirg catastrophe Altbtajh foogbtdesperately by ttndreds of citlsens, aoidters acd forsit raogera 8looe early &'n idsy morr - ing, a forest fire foor osllee wide hs beeo alowly approachlog B:oildj^ from the B-.uth. At mldolght.a thiuaaod volao'.o r fi^htrrs gathered for a laat desperate staod. Fire-brsnds drop every wbere from tbe denee smokc At Irast 8,000 vLiluot -era Irom aa la; east aa Du lnth were available t iday. A tmch of rheomatism, or a twlnge of ntaralgla, whatever tbe troobie li, Ohamberlain's Llolmeot drives aa>ay the paln at roce aod f u s tbecrmplaiot q'lckly. First applica.loo a-lwea relief ti iid by W. F. Orelgbton k Oo. and Rlchtrd Gibson. COLONIAL DAME*. At tbe aonoal meetiog ol mt OoIooIbI Dames of America ln tbe a'.ate of Vir? gloia, held io Ricbmood laat week, tbe f.llowlog cfficera were elected: Pres! denr, Mrs. Wm. Rofio Ooi; fl.<t vloe president, Mis. Chriatopber Tompkios; secmd vice president, Mrs. W. G. Siansrd; recordiog secretary, M aa Ella Ooose: crrrctpiodicg secre? tary, Mre. Robert L?ocsa!e>; treasorer, Miss Hclen Montagoe; regls'rar, Mre. RrglualdGlliam; bis oriao, Mrs. Wil? liam Todd Roblns, all of wbom were re elected w!th thetxci'p'.lnn of Mlas Oocke wbo acce{ted 'he cffice of recorCir-g secretary at th. res!_n?tlon of Miss Aooa Bojklo. PANIO AT A OIRCUS. A mls'.aken cry cf ''the lloo'a looae" threw a circus crowd of womeo aod chllJreo Into a fre; z; of paoic a'. New srk, N J | yea'erdaj afteroooo, aod in the pell raeli iuih /eveo chlidren were eail/ c n-hed aod cu', one msn fell In a fi , a woman hai her shoolder du Iccated, aod trar.y otirr persons BDiTired mloor irjiriee. Ooe iule girl bad ber jaw brjker. Tba paolc octurred rutalde the cirta< ten', dorlog the parade. Becaose of the ? i of tbe clrcne?one of tbe largest In ha coort-y-tbe streets wero packed witb slebtseere. Suddenly (he baod strock op. A mruited pjlloemao's boraa tock fright aod bolted stralght for the thick ofthe crowd. Bsfore be ecold e.titundrr cooirol, a'mebody shooted "a lion's loose," aod tbe crowd weot aivl with frisht. Adults snd cKildren raabed for the mareat polot of lafety, _ps-U;og baby c rrlsgps trampling on tbe bablea io their cbsrge. Some j.mped front yard fecces aod others bolttd for open door* A oear-by grjcer's abop was wrr.oked. Tha windows were broken, the coan'.era overtarned, aud tbe floor oovercd with spoiled goods. Even after the paolc rabsided, when it wss seen ts be baseless, many of ihe crowd were so shaken that they refaied to entet the clrcm. OONVIOTd PERI83. ' Thitty-alz negro oonvicti lost tbelr livea early yeaterday when the stockad* of ihe Bjdfeather Oosl Compaoy, at Oocllemioes, B bb conaty, Als., about 10 miles north of Oectarvllle, was des? troyed by a Bre, aet by one of tbe prlsoners in an eflort to gain hia freedom. Tblrty-five of theconvicta wr>re burned to (1 ath aod anotber was (atally shot by g.ards while tryiog to escape. Among those boroed Is the negro whottarted the l)U?3. The fire sprcad rapidly thrcughoat tbe stroc'nre, wbicb, on acccuot of the ex treme drynesaof tbemtt}rlal,waa quickly con?u<ned I was with much dlfficolty tbat the nr hsrmed convicts In tbe etockade were preveoted from elodlog the goards. Uhamberlain's Btimaoh and Livir Tablets wlll cltar tbe sour storoaeb, Bfeeten tbe breatb and crests a hea tby appetta. They prcmote the flow of gstric joice, thereby Induciog good dlgestlon. Sold by W. F. Orelghson k Oo. and Ricbard Gibaco. Wkoleaale Pricea of Produce Flour Extra. 6 26 Family.-.... 5 50 Fancy brands. 600 Wheat, longberry.- IM Mixed.-. 10* Fn.ts. 10? Dampan- tough. 095 Corn. white. 070 Mixed.... 0 70 Yellow. 068 Corn Meal. 000 Rya. 075 Oats, mixed. new. 056 White, new. 066 Clover Seed. 800 Timothy. 175 Hay...~. 2200 Elgin Print Butter. 032 Batter, Virginia, packed. 018 Choioe Virginia.. 0 20 Common to middling. 014 Egga. 0 22 Live Chickens ( 0 16 8pring Chickens __-.. 0 32 Potatoea, per bu.. 40 Bweet PoUUoas bbl-. 250 Onions, per bushel. 1 00 Apples, perbbl.-.. 800 Hned Peaohes. pealed. 006 Pork, per 100 lbs._16 00 Bsoon, country hams.- 0 20 Best sugar-corai hams. 0 20 Breakf-rt Baooa. 019 Sugar-carad ahooldera.. 0 18 Bulk ahooldera..m 0 14 Dry Salt sidas. 016* 8nr?r. 01X1 OffA. 616 Conf. itandard. 690 Gr-nnleted. 6 43 Coflee*-Rio. 011 LaGuayra . 016 Java.-... 018 MolaasesB. 8. 016 C. B. 017 NewOrlaana..-. 0M 8ugar tSyropa. 016 Porto Rioo.- .... 022 8alt?G. A. 064 Fine.?. 078 ftooi?long, anwaahed...._.- 028 Waihed. 0S2 Menno, onwashed. 028 Do. washed. 026 Herring, Eastern p_rbbl. 5 26 Potomac family roe. 5 00 Mackerel, small perbbl. 1J00 No. J medi-xn,. 1400 Fleetet, rround, per ton.. 4 M Qroaaa ia baaa.-... , , 6 00 *********************************** Modern aod Up-to-Date io Every Respect <? Corner King and Royal Streetf. Capititriiob.OOO Ia tbe Savings Department are requeated to bring in ibeir paaa books as early ss convenient and bave tbe interest due April 1 entered in the same We Solicit Yoor Banking Business. : : MvMMMMMMMIMHMMMMUMM Maa Wants But Little Here Below but he wants that little good, es pecially when it is in the line of footwear for tender feet. Yfu not ooly get it of good quaiity here, but you wet good stvle and good comfort in our shoes- Tbe smartest thing in footwear in low cut shoes for warm weather wear we are offeriog in men's atreet pumps, Oxford ties, slip pers and sandalta, that can't he excelled for style, leatber, fit or ahape. KATZ'S, 400 KING ST. Thos W. Robinson. ATLAS * pORTLANd** Makes The Best Concrete For sale by GEO. H. ROBINSON'S SONS, ALEXANDRIA, VA. Dealers in CeiMnt, Lime, Hair, Calcined Plaater, Wall Plsster, Terra Cotta 8ewer Pip ?P8 6m and Fine Linioir, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, a*c. FOR RENT. S2S S. Washington, 8 rooms and bath.180.00 1113 Prince, 7 rooma and bath... 20.00 818 9 Patrick, 8 rooms and batb, 15.00 511 Wolfe, 6 rooms. 13.00 220 N. Pitt, 4 rooma. 11.00 52T N. Alfred, 6 rooms.f 10 50 219 Vyolfe, 6 rooms. 10.50 827 8. Palrick, 6 rooma. 9 00 224 N. Pitt, 4 rooma. 8.50 328 Oommerce, 5 rooma. 6 50 WHITE Rea,ty Insurance. Bonding. The First lilional Ban_ Of Alexandria, Va. G. L. BOOTHE, President! GEO. E. WARFIELD, Cashier M. B. HARLOW, Vice-President J. J. GREEN, Aast Cashier DIRECTORS GARDNER L. BOOTHE GEO. E. WARFIELD BENOIT BAER, Jr. JAS P. MUIR M. B. HARLOW WALTER ROBERTS FRANCIS L. S/WTfl. RESOURCES. Loans snd lovestments $884,488.80 U. 8. Bonda .... 125.000 00 Banking Hoase . . . 1*3,291 61 Dae from Baoks and Re* serve Ageota ... 98 104 41 Oash.44,553.60 6'PerOent Food . . . 8,400.00 $1,228,888.42 LIABILITIES. Oapltal.$100 000 00 3arplrs and Prtfits . 185! Olrcolation . . , ? 99 600 00 Deposis ..... 84229990 Other Liabtlities . . 1,416 01 $1,228,838.42 This baok with ita ample capital acd snrplns, ita adeqnate eqniptnent and fadlitiea, aolicita tbe accounts of maunfactnrerB, wboleaalera, retailerB and individnals on the beat terma conBistent wlth sound banking. No acconnt too large to be handled aatiafactorily.none too small to be appreciated. nHt-_na___n_M__nn--^^ The Best Medicinal Rye Whiaky. WAKEFIELD RYE Headquarters for the best Wines aod Liquors in the city LOWENBACH BROS Ring.and Alfred Streets. Both Phone Summer Prices. WM. H. PECK Bell phone 192. Capital City 192. BKUDIMO PLA5TS OF ALL K1NDH . Larare Uaraniama ons dollar per tfoz.n. THE K&AMEfi FLOBAL 00. g.18 gine aad Uj'awth, Faretf atmiq' OTTERBUPN Utkla aad lagiesia SpiliS> WATER. Greates t known Water for Dys Eepaia, Indigeation, Kidney and iver Troublea. Leading Phyaiciana endorse it and teetify to ita great merit - FK1NE fAIFIELD, Drnggial 8ooct_sor> WABFIELD _ BAXL. 3 KI 4 J 90UE Afll - 8 "V C?rasT.*Bi f" ?d Prtaoa _BAU-J-OADa._ SOUTHERN RA1LWA, Traias laava Unltva Btation AJexaadri. Ln Eflect Jsnnary_3,1910. N. B?Following achednle flgwes pabliahe only as lnformatlon. and are not gaarantaad 7:47 A. M.-Daily Local between Waahing ton and Danville. 8=47 A. M.-Daily?Local for Harrisoa bnrg, and way stoilona, 9:17 A. M.-Daily-U. 8. Faat Mall. Sw.p. only for paaaengers (br points aonth at ~hiot scheduled to stop. Firsi olaaa coachea, aleep ing cars to Birmingham and drawint-rcom sieeping cars to New Orleans. Diuing cai service. 111.17 A. M -Daily-Mail train. Coaches for Manaasas, Charlotteaville, Lynchbnrg, Danville and Graensboro. Sltapisg cars Greenaboro to Atianta. 1.17 p. m.?Week Daya?Local for War renton acd Straabnrg Jnnction. 4:3. P. U. Daily?Birmingham special. Sieeping cara between New .ors, /ngusta, Aiken anc* Jackaonviile. Bleeper to Birming hatu. Throngc. flrst-clais coaches between Washington and Jackaonviile, Dining ear service. Tonrist tc California lonr tinies weekly. 4:87 P. M.-Woak Daya-Local for Ba,< rtsonbnrg aad way aUiiona oa Maaaaus brancb. 6:18 P. M.-Dally-Looal for Warna < and Charlotteaville. 10:27 P. M.-Daily-Washington and tanooga Limitcd (via Lyochburg), First olaaa ooach anr> sieeping cara to _o*uke, Knox ville and Chsttaucoga. Sleeper to New Or'aana. Hav-iington to Roancke. Dining oar service. 11:02 P. M.-Dailv-New York, Atianta and iaev Orleans Limited. All Pail man train, cl> b and oWvation cara to New Or leana. Sle?ping cars to Ashaville, Atianta Macon and New Orleana Bleeping cara to Charlotte, Dininp ear aervicf. 4:27 A. M.?DaMy?Memrhis erecid. Sieeping cars'and coaches for Roanoke, Knox ville, Nashville, Chattanooga aad Men phis. Dining car service, Waahlngton sieeping cars open 10:00 P. M. Throogn traina from the tkrath arri va at A ? exandria 6:13 end 6:38 ard 10:23 A. M. 2.13, 7:23, 10:23 and 11.58 P. M. daily. Her nsoubure 11:28 A. M. week daya acd 9:13 P. M.daily From Charlotteaville9:28 A. XI. TBAIN8 ON BLUEMONT BRAN 011. Leave Alexandria (W. 40. Station, week days at 8:22 A. M., 3.66 and 4.66 P. M. for BI oemont; 6:33 P.M.week days for l-eesburx; 4.66 P. M. daily for Blnemont snd 9:23 A. M., local, on Snndava oniy for blnemont. For detailed achednle figurea, ticketa, Pnll aaan reservation, etc., appfy to WILLIAM G. LEHEW, Unlon Tieka Agent, Alexandria, Va. E. H. COAPMAtf. General Maaager 8. H. HARDWICK, Paaa. Traf. Mgr. H. F. CARY, General Paaeenger Agent. L S. BROWN, General Agent. Washington. D. C. Washington, Alexandria & Mt. Vernon Railway. In erlect May 1, 1900. Laava ai_d_uiobia, For Waahington, froa oorner Prinos an i Royal streets. week days, at540, 606, 6rr, 630, 6 40,6 66,706,716,730, 7 40, 7 60, n 00, 8 16, 8 25, 8 36, 8 60, 910, 9 30, 9 50, 10 10, 10 30,10 60,1110,11 26, 11 30, 11 60 a, m., 12 10, 12 26,12 30,12 60,1 10, 1 26, 1 S0, 160,210, 2 26, 2 30, 2 60,8 06, 3 -6, 3 36, 3 rf 4 10.4 26, 430,440, 4 66, 5 10, 6 28, 5 36, 6 t > 6if,620, 630, 6 <6, 700, 715,726, 8 00, 8 31,900,9 30,10 00,1080, 1110 aod 1158 P'8__daya-7 00,7 36,810,8 20,8 40,9 00,9 M, 940, lOOt.1020, 1040, 1100.1120 and 11*1 a.m? 13 00, 1220, 1240, 100 120, 140, 20) 2 20,2 40,3 00,3 20, 3 40, 4 00, 4 20, 4 40,6 00 520,640,600, 6 20,6 40,7 00,720,740,8 00 830/ 900, 930, 1000, lOSr, and 1110 p,t_. vob -torjirr TBBHoa. Leave Alex tndria for Mount Vernon, wert days, 5 46, 666, 7 56, 861, 1026, 11 28, a. _ ?.' 12 28, I 25, 2 25, 830, 4 40, 6 35, 6 30, 7 to, 8 50, 9 50, 10 60 and 11 50 p. m, Sandays-7 00, 8 80, 930, 10 30, 1180 a. m , 12 30, 1 30, 2 80, 3 30, 430, 680, 680, 7H 8 46 and ln 16 p. m._ Washington Soathern Rj Hohedale in s?sct May 15, 1910, Tralna leava Union Station for Wasolngr and pointe north at 7 43, 808, 8 23 and 8 tt. a iu 1- 01, 8 81, 8 07, 818, aad 1188 y. b ., daily. For Fredericksbnrg, Richmond and poli.s sonth at 4 37, 7 63 (lo<_l), and 10 22 a. nc., 12 16, 4 22. 6 17 (local), 7 42 and 9 67 p. i? Aocommodat'en forFr?d(-rlnksbnru h Uil a. m. ''aily. On week days this train ru.s througb to Milford. Nerra:?Time of arrivals aad departar* ?id connec'ions not traaranteed. W. P. TAYLOR, TrarBc Maraget Hichmond. va. JTEAMEBS^ MARYLAND, DELAWARE AND VIR. GINIA RAILWAY COMPANY. bPRING SCHEDULE. Steamers of This Line Leava Aleiacdrta on and after May 15,1909, Every MONDAY, WEDNE8DAY, and BATURDAY at 4:30 p. m. lt}B BALTIMORE AND ALL TBA U8UAL RIVER LANDING8, Coiaine and appointmecU unexoelled. Frelght for Baltirnore, Philadalphia ex* Saw York aolicitad and handled with cara. Through rau? and billa of lading iaraad. Hingle fare to Baltimore, $2,50; round trip, $3.50, -neterooms. one way. 11.60. Meala, 50a. BEARDON A GRIMES, Agents, ?fyrt of CrnfTOn strfwf Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Company Every dsy in the year for Fort Monroe Norfolk, Newport News aud poiutsaoutb, via superb, powerful steel paiace steamers, Southlaod, Newport News, Nor? folk and Waahington. Lv. Wafh. 6.45 p. m. Lv.Porlsmonth 5 p.m. Lv. Alex. 7.00 p m. Lv.Norfolk 6.f 0 p. m Ar.Fi._onroe.7.00s.n) ' v.Ft. Monrfe7 p.m. Ar Norfolk 8.00 e. m. Ar Alex 6;0a. n\ Ar. Portsmouih 8 Ar. Wash. 7.0G a. ra. Throngh oonnections rosde at Norfolk with steamers of tbe Old Dominioi rrsamship Pompany for New "York and Merchants' and Minera' Steaaiehlpe for Boston. Genersl Ticket Office, 7:0 Hth street N W. Bond Building, Washington, D. ('. Ihota Main 15.0. Seventh street wharf. Phone Main 3760. Alexandria wharf f<ot of Prince street. \ W. H. TALLAHAN, aprl lyr General Passenger Agent. F00NDEB8 _?AND MACHIM8T8 J. & BI. AITCIlESOir Machinists and Engineers. Ageits Gray fiasoline Motor s Engineers and Machinists Supplies, Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Valves, Etc Blacksmithinj? and Repair in$r Promptly Executed The Alexandria Iron works Foundry, Machine, Blacksmitb, and Mrucfural Iron Work. Manufactnreraof Power Turbine pumps: will liit water _& feel. Agenta for Internatlonal Coal 011 En gine, a aafe and reiiable power. We solicit your ordera on all kinds ol Iron works. Bell Phone 53. c??0-0 WASHINGTON OFFICE 514 Evana Bnilding - Pbone Main 7 Cowe and horses will require leaa feed and ne worth nrnch more to yoa lf yon feed Lead ?eaaer's Ondition Powdaa?1. 20c pa/ kage Hpice.1 Oaator Oil. Meihers eapeciaJIv nraise it aa the greatest preparation of i* tlod. ironr chlidren will like it, too.. 10 Psr;botUa,c_, S.jaadbaaier A a,^ t 4