OCR Interpretation

Alexandria gazette. [volume] (Alexandria, D.C.) 1834-1974, June 10, 1910, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025007/1910-06-10/ed-1/seq-4/

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BAKES bread, pie and cake ?
bakea them perfectly all through,
and brownsthem appetizingly.
ROASTS beef, poultry and gamo
with a ateady beat, which pre
eerves the ricb natural flavor.
BROILS ateaks and chopa?makea
them tender and Inviting.
TOASTS bread, muffina, crack
ers and cheese.
No drudgery of coal and
ashes; no stooping to get at
the oven; no smoke, no dust,
no odor?just good cooking
with greater fuel economy.
Irons and water in wash
boiler always hot. The
KTew Per/ection
Cil Cookstove
?*aa a Cabinet Top with shclf for keeping plates and food hot.
It has long turquoisc-blue enamel chimneys. The nickel finish,
with the bright blue of the chimneys, makes the stove very nttrac
,tTve and Invites cleanliness. Made with 1, 2 an13.burners; the
"and 3-buKner stoves can be had with or without Cabinct'
CUmONABYHOTE: B, aure y? .e, r .ove-see that the n^-aUte re.d. ?HE. PERFECT10B.
Brery daaler everywhere: if not at youra, wrlt.for Deacrlptlve Clrcular
?T?jr uw <o the nearelt n8ency 0f the
Standard Oil Company
The New Perfection, Sold by Elliott, 428 King 3t.
Onc burncr. $5.00. Two burncr. $7.25. Three burner. $9.50.
my23 im Ovcns and Cabincts Extra.
yTTTT II IF" n.j.j-j.j-1 i i ? ? ? ? ?'
8 iVIodern and Up-to-date in Every Respect
Corner King and Royal Streets
Capital, $100,000
Depositors in the Savings Department are re
quested to bring in their pass books as early as
convenient and have the interest due April 1
entered in the same.
We Solicit Your Banking Business
1 First National Bank j
loi .. ;oj
|" of Alexandria, Virginia
1 - li
I] G L. BOOTHE. Prcsidcnt GEO. E. WARFIELD. Caahier |
8 M B HARLOW. Vicc-Prcaidcnt J. j.GREEN.Asaiatant Ca.h.er W
| _ 3
a _ B
capital.iioo.ooo.oo 9
Suridusand I'roflta. ls.,..,j.'.,l w
tirculatlon. :o.o?.m ?
DeiKwita. MHS2 ^
Otber Liabllitlea. !.??.? I
M ( :is|,.?. II. ? 0
5 Pcr Ceut Fuud. _ I
Loana and InvcstnicnU*. 9*v
S Banking llotw . 73.2rt.ui
1 Duc from Hnnkaand Rc
h^mms h
? - I
I Thia l?nk with itaamplc capital and ?irplua.ita adequate eflulpmenl g,
to) Mjdfacllltica.HolicltatheaccounU.of manufacttirora. wholcaaleni. retallera fo<
?< and Individiialaon tbe bcat terma conalatcnt with aound banking. A
>o< ,?nt ?.,, largc lo lx> handlcd aatlafactorily;none too amalj to be gj
jjgjj ;M,;,reei:U.M. _ jjg
In Ladies' Tan Calf, also Golden Brown Vice
Oxfords for This Week.
A* we are dcterm.ncd to closc OUt all hroken lots rcgardlesa of coat. We have a
lood many -mall Btzea: also narro* Wtdth* amonjr them: we have somc hroken
h,M ilTblack: also White Canvaaa Oxforda which wa wfll aell at the a.mc
sacrificc priccs. Comc tarly and look them over.
bCemenl Lim< Halr. Calcun-d i'l u r. \\ all Plaater, TertaOotta Bewer
l pi and llue Liuiug. Fiiv Uikk.-. i'iiv CLi.v. 4c. .a
The kind that's right,
you always find here for
father, son or brother.
We also make to or?
der, you know the
We received another
shipment. They are ele
402-405 King Street.
If you want an ideal home
This is one of our new houscs at
Large LivingRoom~w?th den and winding
stair opening off in separate alcoves, large
open fire place, hardwoodfinishing. Beau
tiful Dining Room?triple casement win
dow, beautiful outlook, separate butler's
and cold storage pantry. Large kitchen,
every convenience. back porch, wide front
porch, red concrete floor.
Three large bed rooms, tiled bath room,
large closets, inclosed porch.
Two good bed rooms, trunk room.
Finest Table Wines, Clarets and Burgundies
all the Summer.
828 8 Waahington, 8 rooms and 527 N. Alfred, 6 rooms.*lo..">0
l,.,,!, ..$80.00 219Wolle, 6 room-. lOttC
1113 Prince, ' room- and bath... 20.00 827 B. Patrick, 6 room-. OlCfi
8168. I'atri.k.s rooms and l.ath 15.00 224 N- Pi? 1 rooma. ?.W
511 Wolfe, 6r.-. 18.00 328 Commerce, 6 rooaa. '? ?ll'
l'l'o N. 1'itt. -1 room-. 11.00
China Matting, rolls of 40 yards at $5.75.
Very heavy at $7 and $9.50 roll. Any body
can beat our prices, but never the quality.
Heavy backed Oilcloth in all widths, 1
yard 1 1-4, 1 1-2 and 2 yards at 25c and 30c
a square yard.
Wild's Printed Linoleums 50c a square
Wild's Inlaid $1.25 a square yard.
Window Shades in stock, all sizes, also
made to order.
Look at ours before buying. We can save
you money. All our carpets are made. laid and
lined free of charge.
518-520 King Street, Alexandria, Va.
NOTH l" Having quaUfled aaadmln
iHtratrix <>f the eatate ofMIXOR
i.\< kson. :,ii persona haring billa
againal sni.i eatate nre notifled t<> prraent
aame promptly to me Ibr payment, and
all peraooa Isidebted t-> aald eatate are
notifled to make aettlemental onee
I.i I IM>A rKluK.aduux.
JfJ M j
W.\NIK!> Vniinir men to Icam auta
.bilebuaineaa by mailand |>re
nare forpoaltionaaaebaufTearaaDd repaif
men. We make jrou ezpeH la tea
?reeka; aaalal \ ou i" aecure posltlon. I'ay
bia;; arork pleaant; demaad for men
great; reaaonabte; wrlte tbt paitieulara
and saniplo letmon. Empire Automohilc
Institute, Rocheater, N. Y.
Our Natlonal Gama.
"Tho raw A?nerban cltlzen," aaya
EJlls Parker Butler lu 8uccess Maga
tlne, "who takes bls aeat ot a ball
game for the Grst time feels aa be
would ehould he drop Into the Metro
polltan Opera House and flnd hlmself
bonriug wagnertan opera from a seat
In the midst of seasoned German opera
goera. He haan a languaga that ls
new to bitt. The ninn at his right enn
tell more nbout the tirst baseman's
pmiliarittes than bo cuuld tell nbout
tbe manaera of his own uHe. Tbe
man at his left has trouhle rcmember
Ing the slze collnr he wears, but hc
can name every tuan ln every club of
both major leagues, tell the agr of
cach. glve the complete table ?f bat
ting records offhand and 'wlte, lleni
by Item, every feature <?r everj gaine
played on the home ground- iluiiag the
last five years. That is wbj baaeball
ts our natlonal gaaaa tVa lova the
game not becauee we are Chieagoans
Bad the Chicago nine wlns uor be
canae W are Pittsburgers aud tbe
Pittsburg nlne ls wlnnlng, but bocause
we are odinated ln hnseball nnd llke
to see n good game played by tbe best
: men in their tleld that can be found
In the world."
Her Father'a Job.
The youtiK oaBgbtOf of a popular
Chicago clergyman BOOM time ugo
inanifestcd a qofcfc wlt. Uer fatber
1 hud gone on a brlef holiday with a
business parlshioner and aaaoctate, and
the talk of tbe cbildreu turned. on tbe
problem of which fatber needed tbe
rare rest most sorcly.
"Well, I thlnk my futher works the
haidcst," sald llttle MIss Business,
"and his work keeps hliu stirred up
and auxious most of the time."
"Votir father uiay work the hardest
In one way," was little lliaaj Uergy
man's nnswer, at once thouKhtful and
dlplomutlc. "but I thlnk be geta more
ie t as be goes along. Ycu soe. be can
!el down a llttle evenlngs and Suu
days, and lf he geta croae and nervooa
nobody says nnythlng Bul my daddy
has tO DO bOttOf than ever B?
and cvcnlngs. because then cverybody's
taking notlce and ttM whole lot of us
chlldron nre around."?Chicago Rec
Shortened His Wait.
"Expcrlenec." sald M.irk Twain once.
"makes us aj ise. hnt It alsu makes us
hard. Consider the oid. experlettced
man ln tbe busy restnurnnt. He took
a seat, looked ronnd him and, poiut
uig to a well dressed gentleman who
had not yet boen served. sald to the
" 'Waiter, how long has that gentle?
man been herc?'
"'About twelvo mlnutes, slr,' tho
waltcr anoworod.
'"Whnt's his order?*
" Torterhouse and French friod, slr,
wltb minco ple nnd eoffee to come.'
"The old man, hardened hy experl
anca, aUppod a quarter Ia tbe wniter's
"'Waiter.' he sald. 'I'm In a hurry
Put on another porterhouse and brlng
j me his.'"
Fresh Discovery of an Old Truth.
Belen'a enjoyment of the party
: given ln bonor of her tilntb birtliday
? was aeariy opolled by the IU tempered
j outbreaks of a rery prelty and well
' dressed llttle glrl who was nmong her
! gue8ts. A peacemaker appeared, how
j ever, In a plaln and rather ahflbby
I child, who proved herself a veritahle
j little nngol of tnct and good will.
After her playmites were goue Hcl
! en talked lt nll over very serlously
I with her mothcr. She summed It up
| In this plece of phllosophlcal wlsdotn:
"Well, I've found out one thing,
mamma. Folks don't nlways matcb
their outsldes."?Woman's Home Com
Salt and Health.
Few persons understand the thern
peutlc value Of Balt A llttle salt tu
one's drlnking watcr Is "good inedl
ciue." Salt nppllc.itlons to tho skln
arc wonderfully sootblng and whole
some. There ls DOthlng better as a
wash for the throat and the nasal pns
aageo to prarant or to cure eatarrhal
troubles than a solutlon of common
salt In plaln water-the cheapost rem
cdy one can find. Many peraona glve
their eyes a dally bath of cold salt
water with satlsfactory resulU.
The Married Voice.
A dramatlc crltlc has been saylng
that our most nccomplished players
cannot reproduco on the slage the
"married volce," even when they nre
married. There Is a pecullar doraestlc
uotc? used at home?which cannot get
over tho footllghts and was nevei
meant for publlcity.-Lorjdon Chronl
"I heard one man," sald tho play
wrlght. "who atteuded the premlere of
my new play last night complaln that
it was so lato when he got out."
"Yes?" queried the crltlc.
"Yes, aud yet tho final curtaln fell
beforo 10:45."
"Ah, pcrbops be overslept hlmself!"
-Catbolic Statidard and Times.
In Half Mourning.
"I don't understand you. I.lnda. One
day you're hright and Jolly nnd thc
next depressed and sad."
"Well, I'm ln half mournlug; that's
why."?FHegende Blatter.
Lost Both Ways.
"Did you Rct ln wlthout your wlfc
hearing you last night?'*
"Xo, and I dldn't get In wlthout
hearing her, either."-IIouston Post.
Between frtends frequent reprool
makes tbe frlenoVthlp dlstant-Confa
If you jmi-BUt. -ati-tied after u-inr;
ling to diieetiotis two-t'nird- of a
boUleof Charoberlain'a Btonaach and
Livei lableta, you can have your money
bacar. The tal.l.v- cleanoe and rnvigo
ratethe-tomach, improve the dig.-iion.
ragulate tho bowda. GHve them a trial
and g.t ejeJL BoU by W. F. Creighton
and Richard Chbaort,
Prayar Meatlng In th* Commona.
For many years a prayer meeting
has been beld In tho houae of com
mons once a week durlng every pnrlla
xientary sesslon. No one knows who
origlnated the Iden, but the records of
the proceedlngs, which nro falthfully
noted each week, show that In the
year 1833 the well known Quaker Mr.
T. Fowell Buxton and tho evangel
icals Slr Goorge Grey and Mr. Zach
ary Macauley were ln constant at
tendance. Tho prayer meeting ls held
ln a room grnnted for the purpoae by
the Bergeant-at-arms and ia restrlcted
to twenty minutes. The proceedlngs
are very simple. At each weekly meet?
ing a presldent for tho foilowlng week
ls chosen. On the day of assembling
Tuesday. at 5 o'clock?the presldent
for the day opens the meeting. rcads
a portlou of the Scrlptures and either
offers nn exteinpora prajer or caiis on
one of tbe membera to pray. Two or
three others offer short prayers, aud
the meeting closcs with the benedlc
tlon.?Loudon News.
He Bega Pardon No More.
Jones had Just trod ou the toe of an
old gentleman while gettlng lnto the
train cnr.
"i heg your pardon," he sald.
"Hey? Speak louder. I'm a trlfle
"I bag your pardon," rcpeated Jonca.
"H'ml Pegpy starvlng? Well. I'm
sorry. Who's PepgyV"
Jones was red in the face now.
'You mlsiinderstand, slr!" he.ahout
"You mlsunderstood!"
??Miss Onderwood, ls abel reggy,
who Is starvlng, Is Miss Untlerwood?
"I didn't BBJ anythlug about Mis-<
Underv.ood!" screamod Jones. "I beg
ged your pardon. aud you mlsunder?
"Oh, now I seo!" sald the old man
aympathetlcally. "It is your Aunt
Peggy who ls starvlng Miss Under
wnod. Well. wliy don't you report the
case tc the police?"?Pcarsnn's.
Not In Her Class.
While delivering an address at n
woman'a elub nn actross told the
story of n young woinan prominont in
New Ynrk BOCtety ?'ho desired to
nchieve histilonle lionors.
The niannger to wlioin slie cenflded
j her deaire potnted out tbe Inadrlaabil
ity of the step abe contemphHed and
Bdded that 1'von were be fllanoaed u>
j glve her the Chance s'.ie COVCted he
would stlll l>e ln doobt Whether her
talents were BQCfa as to Juslify such
action on his part.
"What is partieul.uly doslred hy na
at the present time," he sald, "ls the
gervice of people who know the me
chanles of the stngo."
"Mereiful heavens!" exclaimed thf
young woman, tbrowtng up her hands
"You don't mean to tell me that It ii
nccessary I should be on tonns of ln
tlmacy with those dreadful stag*
Proud of Hia Proapecte.
Louls IMerro was one of a numher
of Oanadlan Immigxanta who aettied
at FItzgerald, Ga. As he spoke botu
Freuch and Kngllsh he rapidly be
came a man of lmportance and was
I successively clected to the olllces of
city marshal, coroncr and Jtistlce of
; tho peace. A dLspute aroso betweeu
! the Freuch and Bngilah settlers as to
i the superiority of the Unlted States
over tho Cnnadian provlnces They
flnally agreed to leave the decision to
Judgo Plerre, who handed down this
"Yoost tage a loog at me. Ferst dey
mago me constahul, den coroner. uml
now Joostls of de pees. Soon I be ze
goverualr, den senator, den presldent.
I would he zo long tlmo lu Canatlalre
'fore dey mago me qtteen."?CIrcle
A Diet of Wild Honey.
Wlld honey as a chimge Is an agrec
ahlo sweetmeat, but after a few daya
constantly partaking of It tbe Buro
pcan palate rojects it as nauseous and
almost flUnnatlng Our ezpartence ex
tended over a fortnlght. dnrlng wnick
perlod our food consisted solely of It
and inaize. It has eacaped the BlbUcal
commentatora that one of the prlncl
pal bardsbJpa that John tbe Baptlal
must have nndergone was his dlet of
wlld honey.?Geographlc Magazinc.
Ancient Oath Taking.
A method of taking the oath far
more hyglenic thnn klsslng tho book
was tliat observed at the Forest of
Dean MIne court for about 500 year*.
bagiaalng in the thirteenth century.
It was not for any hyglenic reasons,
but to prevent uolling the book that
tho mlners hefore' givlng evldence
touched the four gospeis with a stlck
of holly. The wltnesses woro thelt
hats to show that they were free mln?
ers.? London Chrouirle.
Only Part of the Truth.
Ives-I saw Captaln Deepeeres today
Paera WaD, what if you dld? Ives
Wbat if I dld? DIdn't you tell me
that ho was with his vessel when she
went down last week with all on
hoard? Boers?Yes, hut I didn't tell
you his vessel was a submarine.?Chi
Cflgo News.
An Exception.
Rlnks?Here is somehody who saya
that no woman ls a suffrnglst unless
ahe has n grouch on some man. Slnks
?Thafa qneer. My wlfe Isn't a auf
fraglst?Clevelnnd Plain Dealer.
Pa Waa Wiae.
"Papa. what ls qulet hostlllty?"
?'Qulet bostllity, little Jlm, Is the wny
ln which when I decline to give you a
penny you sneak round behind my
chalr aml make faee9."-Srraps
General Insurance Agency.
Laurence Stabler
Room No. 4, Burkc W Herbert Bldtf.
'II.ompanlea wpreaeBtBd in this
office have aaneta of over fMQflOQfito.
Amoog othera are:
Hartford Fire InauranceCo.
Liverpool V London td Globe.
/Etna Inaurance Co.
Northcrn Aaaurance Co.
Sprinjffield Fire $t Marine.
I*iuaapl attnnttirft givew toadjtfatment
! -.ii tnatten connected with
The Old Paahlontc. Woman.
"What caused your sudden blowing
lo?" asked a veteran ln Shado Land of
n woman who Just arrived. The wom
nn gave n algh that bler? over a tomb
stoue aa sho roaaHad: "I am an old
fashloued womau, a:?d 1 dld aiy work
ln a kltchen with a six hcle range, a
blg sluk, thico loug tables, two pan
trles aud n dlahpau large cnough to
wash a turkey iu. Two days ago I
wcnt to vislt my daughter iu a big
city and fouud her cooking for her
family in a cbnflng dlsh. doing her
disbes In a waabbOWl aud kecping
' them atored In the lower part of tho
[ washstand. When I aaw hpr get tho
bread out of a big bowl ou tho plano
called a Jardlniere and reach for the
butter out of the wlndow I felt a cold
chil) come over uie. and when shc
made soup by openlng a tln can and
pourlng out a mess to which she add
ed water from the wash pltcher I
, knew no more." Then the old fash
' loned woman gave auch a snlff of dis
gust lt blew all the Bbades over into
the next county.?Atchison Globe.
The man was nolthcr ncatly nor well
^dressed Be was plalnly a tramp. beg
glng. and had Just turued away from
, one paaBfrtij wiicn be aaw a voong
man wnlklug briskly toward him
?'Pleaso, nilster." said tho tramp. "can
you glvo me a dimo to get somethin.:
"to cat?"
The young man stopped. "WbBtB
the mattor?" he BBked
"Can't get work." sald the other
gllbly. "I hnvon't hrnl a bito to aat
slnce yestoiday morning. I'awned all
my clothes cepting thoso. Slopt under
a wharf for a week, and I don't kuow
anybedy In the whole clty-honest. I
The young man looked at the tramp's
smootli faeo. over wliieh a razor had
evldently DBBBfld very recently.
"Who ihared you this mornlng?" he
asfced, and as tbe beggar fadad awaj
the young man grintied and wnlked ou
down the street -Yotifh's Conipanion.
A Master Tactician,
"Why." eipoatnlated the lady ln tba
brown drvaa when the ai'tist who had
palnted a portrall of her littie dnngb
ter aald tba prlce of tba ptctnra waa
1100, "voii charged Mrs. Crawford only
$68 for tbe plctura you palnted of her
"1 am awnre of ihat fact. my dear
madani,'- the BBBVe and politic nrtlst
haati.d to explatn, "but you must
conslder the great dlfference in ihe
costs of the paints oaad for the liair
of the two ehildren. The BCaat, dvab
colored lwlr of tbe Crawford clilld re
quired Just a touch of the cbeapeel
kind of pigment, but tlie wonderfully
beautlful and liixurlant eurls of your
Iovely daughter requlred a large quan
tlty of the beat palnta on tba market."
Then the lady In tbe brown dreaa
smlled, took out her pursc and begged
the artlst's pardon for havlng spoken
nidely to him.? Chlcago News.
Tho Battle of Chalona.
There have been so many bloody
battles it is pertaapa Impoaalble to aay
with absolute eert.-iinty wliieh of them
all waa the bloodiest. but the balance
of the evMenea seems to be In favor
of the battle of Chaions, Prance,
fouglit A. I>. 451 hetween ihe Iluns.
under Attila. and the Itomans, Ootba
nnd Franks. under the command of
Aetius, the most renowued captaifl of
his day. At the head of his M0.000
of savages Attila was bavlog every
thlng his owu way, and It looked aa if
Ary.nn drlUtatloo was deallned to fall
before the Tartar deapotlam, when
suddenly, llke tbe bolt out of the blue,
Aetius foll upon the barbarie bordea
and Bnrope was MVed. it is estimat
ed that 400,000 of the barbarians were
left dead on tbe fleld.
Couldn't Frighten Him.
An Indian inaharajah once received
Lord Clive, tbe famous soldicr. ln his
paiace coort Preaentlj In aprang two
whopplng blg Bengal ttgera, as blg as
evcr grew. They rolled and aprawled
and romped all over the cotirt. growl
ed, spit and struck at eacb other All
tho time the rajah slyly and snakily
stole glances at Clive to aec if it aronW
scare him green white. After a littie
the tlgers were diiven out. Clive
smoked his cheroot all ihe while.
Birda and Lightning.
Blrds nre sometimes Btrnck by light
ning. Darwtn racorda Ibe caaa of a
wlld duck that ba aaw Btrack by a
bolt while flyuag. It was killed in
stantly and fell to the ground. But
blrds scem to know Instlnetively thal
lightning is to bo foared. That per
bapa is why they seek sheller ln thun
derstorms. The sudden QlaappeBranci
of the blrds Is. Indeod. In the eountr.v
one of tho BUreat slgns of an approach
ing tempcst.-Phllndclphia Bullefln
Paid For Style.
"Room and a bflth. slr." said the ho
tel clerk politely. "$2 a day."
??Isaid room and bawtb, yoong man,"
interrupted the pompous man. "Un
"Oh, room and bawtb7 Beg pardon,
sir. Then tbfl rates will be .*5 n day."
-Plttsbutg PrBBB,
A Gentle Hint.
Young Man-Your twlr. daughters
seem ahsolutcly Inseparable. The
Mother-Oh. 1 ooa'l know. A young
man with balf a miilion. Hka yoursclf.
oujht to uiako good as a separator.
Chlcago News.
A Clurmy Compliment.
f,hc (to partner elnimlng first dance)
-You are an early Urd. Mr Glosslnest.
He (gaiiantly)-Yw, and. hy Jovc, I've
ea'iight the worm!-laftfldoo M. A. P.
This world Is to the aharpest, beaven
to tbe most wortby -Clcero.
ci'pi-:it\-ii.i.i-'.Tnn:si-; 8IIOW
I PPER\ II.I.F. Va-.Juni I
Houthem Raiiwaj on June 14.15 and
16 will s,-i) greath reduced tieketa to
Delaplane and Keetortown account
above ahow. Final llmlt June 17. HUO,
Conault agrnta or writa.
I.. S. ItrovMi i.i ii. Agt. U.isliin^lon. I>. ('.
/7fpia .vMitary Institute
"Tme West Point or thc South"
eomaei comblned
I oi army po?t.
? :iOou free.
6?n.E. W. NICHOLS. Supt.
K\p.neii<-e uuhpeeaiwr}. s.-n our
l.ntinls to tbe retail trude. Blg
Write for full ijanioaJan :?t onoe
OLOBE CIGAR < ..... t h-velancl. O.
Southern Railway.
Train- teaTO I ni.n station, Alexandria.
ln elleet .lanuarx ::. tMO,
N'. It. rollowiligsclicdulc ffUrea |.ul.
lishedoulj a- informatlon, and are not
giiaranteeu. ... ,
":47 A. M. Dalli loeal between waab'
Inirton and Danviue.
-:17 A.M. Daily I.oeal for ll.irrisou
burg and wa\ ataUona.
!):17 \. \|. Dally ''? 8. Paal Mall.
stop*onlj forpaasengera for polnta aouth
at uliieh'selicdulcd to stop. Flral
e,:i,iu-: riecping cara to Birmingham
and drawlng room alaeplng oara to Mew
Orleans, Dinlng car aervice.
11:17A.M. I>ailv Mail train. Coaehes
lor Man:i--a-.Charfottcs\i!l. ,l.\ n.-hliurg.
i?um illeand Oreeoaboro. Bleeping oara
<? i. , ii,l?,|o to Atlanta.
3:17 l?. \|. \\ eck <lay- I.oeal lor War
ivnioii and sti-aaburg .limeiion.
t-rj I*. M. Daily Birmingham apec
ial. Kleeplngoara hetweea ?ew York.
AugUHta, Aiken and Jackaonville.
Slecper u> liirinlnghara, Through tiisi
ela** coachen letwecn vVaabington and
Jaekaonvllle. Dinlng ear aorvloe. Tour
ist to (aliioriiia four tinics uccU\
1:17 I'. M. Week tlays I.oeal l'or II o
riaonburgand way atattona 00 Manaaaaa
.vu l'. m. Daily Loeal for wam-n
toii and i harloii, s\ ille.
|n^7 iv M. Daily Waahlngtoa -.uui
Chattanooga I.imii.'d , \ ia Lynenbttrg)
Firat-clauM eoaeh and Rlecplbg <'ar- U
Roanokc, Kuowille and Chattanooga.
si, .per to New Orloana, Waahlngtoa to
Roanoke. Dinlng ear nervioe.
Iljrj I'. M. rjallj \eu York. Atlanta
and New (irlcans Limited. All I'ullman
train,elubandobaervatlonoara to New
Orleans, Sleeping cara to AahevlUe,
Atlanta. Maconand New Orleaiv Sleep
Ing ear- io i harlotte. Dinlng ear aen ice.
i :; \ M Dallj Merapbla apeclal.
>le,|.iu-vaiN :in,l eoaeh, s for Itoanoke.
KuoxvJllo, N'aabvlUe, Chattanooga aud
M,i,i|.iu- Dinlng ear aervice. v7aah
Ington -Iceping cars opea 10*10 P. af.
Through rtains from the aouthajrive
ai Alexandria 0:13 and 6:28 and 1023 a ru
3:13.72s. 10:13 and 11:08 P. M. daily. Har
risonbiinc H2H \ M, aree* daya and 9:13
I'. M. daily. From Oharlotteavllle 9:28
\. M.
Leave Alexandria | W. A 0. Station)
ueek da\- at 822 \. M..l:|ii. 120, and
.1 , r. M. lor Bluemont; 826 r. af. aeeei
daya for Leeaburg; 5:15 P. M. dattj for
Bluemont and 0;o2and922A. M., loeal,
aud0D2A.M. I.id. on Sumlays onl> for
Fordctailed -ehedule ftgurea, tlckeU.
I'ullman rew rvation, ete.. applj to
\\ II.I.IAM <i. l.KIIIW
I'nioii Tlckel Agont, Alexandria. \ a.
!?:. il. <?<? \l'\ian. Qeneral Manager.
H. II. HAKDW1CK, Paaa, Traf, kfgr.
II. F. C'AKY, Ueneral Paaaenger Ageut
I.. s. BItOWX, Oenerrl Agont.
vVaehlngton, l?. ?'.
Washington, Aljxandria ??
Mt. Vernon Railway.
lll elleet liay I. l!'l<>. .
1.1: iVB m.i.v IKOBti \.
l'or Washington. Iroin eorncr I'rince
and Roval rtroeta. vveok daya, al '? t".
C 1)5, 0 -"'. 0 30, II 10, U .V>, 7 iu. 7 1.,. 7 30, 7 W,
7 :<i. sim. H IS, H 25, - 35, - 0, 9 S0,
io io. 1030, 10 >>. II 1". II :.,. II 30, H M I
m.. 12 10, 12 35, 12 :m. 12 50, 1 10, 1 i'>. I :?
I B0, J 10, ?: ... 230, -?'?>. :'<i">. " -5. :<::
1 10. I 35, I 30, l lo. I .v,.., io, ?
(106,020, ?;.'?>. >'? 15, 7 00, 7 15, 7 35, - i?j. - 30,
0 00.030,1000, 1030,11 10 and 1155 p. ni.
Sundavs 7 (?'. 7 35, - 10, H 20, M H), ?00.
:> 20, :? lo. I. 1020, 10 K>, li i?>. 11 20 and
n Wa. m.. 1200m., 1230, 1240, 100, 120,
1 lo. .'>?.. 2 20, J io. 300, :: 30, ", K), I 00, I 20,
I |o. ,im. 520, ?"> lo. 800,020, >'? io. T0O, 7 20.
7 |.i. KOO, B30, D00, 030, 1000, lOXOUd
II lo p. lll.
K.i: KOVMT vkknon.
Leave Alexandria for Mount Vernon,
nreek daya, al ?'. 15. 658, 756, s/,!.
11 .'.,a. m.. 12 25. 1 35, 225, 330, I ?, 536,
6 30,7 :wV h 50, '?>:*>. 1050and n *> p. m,
smidavs 700, 830. !? :?>. lo:??. II :?> a.
m., 1230, 1 30, 2 30, 330, 1 30, 530,030, 7 :m.
- !?; aud 10 l?; p. m.
Washington Southern Ry.
Sehedulc ill elleet Ma\ 16, ll'lu.
Tralnaleave 1 aton Btation for w i -h
in^'toii and polntN north al 7 l.'i. ->*i,
- :: ind - 32 a. m., 1201, J 30, 407.818 and
11 33 p. m.. dallj .
l'or Frederiokaburg, Rlchmond and
polnta aouth al 137.7 Sl (loeal) and 1022
a. m.. 12 16, I -'J. ?> 17 i loeal 7 1 ' and 067
p. lll.
Ae.oinmodation for Fredericksburg at
il 2? a. in.. dallj. t >u aeek daj - this
train riius through to Mllford.
\o i i : Time ofarri val.- and dopartUrea
and connccUons not guaranl.I.
W. P. TAYLOR, Tmin.- Manager,
Kiehmoud. \ a.
John Ahern & Co.,
< 'orner Prlnae and < Sommei. 811
and dealera in
I'l.iiiiiiT produae n.Ived d.n.v. Our
titock of Plaln and I'ane\ (irooerlra em
everj tlllng to l>e had iu lliis line.
We hold largely In (nitedsi.u, , i.ond
i e,| warehoii-e and earr.v in Itock vaHotta
? l,r:ili(U oftllC l.'-t
made. Havealao Ia itoraaupertori
of Korelgn and Americaa
EaUlanvctlofl Quaranteadaa to Pvtoe aud
W. A. Johnson & Co.,
\. |'? ( .,ni, i i iiiii roii and Itoyal Mre.-ts
General Commisaion Merehant
aud deah rs in
Have "ii huid Qlbaoo'o XX, XXX,
XXXX and PureOld Rye, Old (Jabiuet
.-iinl Monogram vVhlakli alao Baker*a
and Thompaon'a Pure lt.\e u/hiakli
uhi. h tiie.\ invite the attentkaa ol tio
Ordera from tbecountrj for inereiian
dine -hall recelve prompl attentloa.
Conaignroeata of l-'lour. <inin unct
C'ountry Produoe aolieited, l'or which
the\ guaranteethebigbeat marketprteeo
and proropt ratunui,
i. \i:i.m:i: i.. Ilooin: \l. li. lUut-ow
IVesidelil VaM l're?idcllt
First National Bank
Ai.i:x \ M.iti \. \'a.
Designated Depository of the
United States.
sriiri.rs and immyimd
PROFITB.?:" ??
(;. i.. BOOl lll:. M. li. HARKOW,
i; K. W'AKI'IKI.h. .1. F. MIIK.
;>i \lu.isiii:i> i-.j
Burke & Herbert
Ifodernly equlpped for lanklng in
il- \ ii ioii- hraiiehes.
Depoailea receired aubject toeheek at
si^'ht. Oolleoiiona made on all poii
HigtvgradO inve-lni.nt -e.nrKies
Immi^Iii and aoka,
I.etters of Credll and Foreign I v
changc fUmiahed.
Nafe Depoalt Boxi - for ront
A Havinga Departiiujnl in arhlen ln
tcre-l i- alloued ?.ti deposit-._^^_
U AM1.I'
a euad UilUK m \n for tbi
,rth. W\'.l- to Mr-. LI.h
Burke, Virjtinia. marW ll

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