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fylvfanbna (Baztttt. ii ESDAY EVENINO, JUNB 28. LOCAL MATTEKS. Sun and Tide Tablc. suti rlaeai totnorrow -.a-t-.r, and ai I Bbjrfa eratei at 1227 :? m. and 12 0 \>. aa. Weather Probabilitiee. For thlaaecUoa aboareni thia afternoon aad i>:irtly cloudy tonlgbt and Wednea day; not muofa onange in teinperature; llght wc->t !?) northw< -i wlnda. AERONAUTICAL ENGINES \Y. L. Fnin 1111.S-. ;i promioent N<w York eagineer, aaaociated with (\>l. John Jaoob Aator, and one of the moaa experiencedamtora, risited Alexandria yeaterday, placing an otdet with tlu Emeraon Enginc Company f<>i one of tlu- most powerfn] and ligbtest weighl aeronfautical enginee ever built for a flyidg machine. tVUliara Chriaamaa, of Waebing Ujit, andan expert acientbri aloagariav tinii linea and buildi r of tbe famoua Bying machine the "Red Mird II."gav? ln- order today for a dopioaieof Mr. Pairchild'a machine. Mr. Rexford Bmitb, of Waahington, who haa gotten ont two aocoesaful aero paanoa and wbo ia prominent in aria tion rircles, from a patenl ataadpoiot, baaptaced bia order with theBtneraon Bngine Company for a Bying machine engine ol very bigh power, oounter manding bia order foi the OurUfas en? gine aftei aeeing u?e new enginea just developed by the Emeraon Bngine Company. If b predicted by many of the expert aruttors, whohare reeently yiaited alexandria and Inapected and compared tbe anguM prodnced bere with those <>f 'oreign manufactare.thaf the) iurpaaa anything made in any other parl of the worki, and that Alex? andria will aoon beeome ooted for the produci of aviati.mgineaand for mo tot boata. The Emeraon Bngine Company haa juat rotnpletcd an adoition to the build ing at thecomerof Prinoeand Fairfax atreet* and are fllliog aame with ma ? hinerj in ord< i totaka oare of tbe new brancb whk-b thej ba*e afdded in tbe mamifacture of enginea foi Bying mav chinea. THE NOLEN TRIAL Mkbael \. Nolen waa pfatoed on triul iiitln-Ciiciiit Court for AU-.viindi i:i county tlii- morning, Judge J. I> T. Thornton preeiding, tor tbe kiTling ol l; .1, n Murpby, jr., o! thia <iiy. Tbe crime oocurred June 17 a( a trarape' , miii;. tbe outakirta ol the <ity tfolen atabbed liurpby in tbe throat \Mth a pockt i knife, tbe latter dyi a few minutee. Nolan abortly tbere after rorrendered to tbe police ol thia city, Nolen ia repreaented by Attor Moncure, Tebba and Gaina, :in<l Commonwealth'a AUomey Orandal Mackey, aeeiated by Commonwealth'a AUorney Samuel <; Brenf ol tbia city, i~ conducting tli<' proaooation. Bighl witneaaea, inchtding t'liicf Qooda, from tbia city were av.toned to teetify in tbe caae. W'Imm tbe caae waa called thia morn? ing tbe defenee flled a plea in abate iiH-nt. alleging tbat a raember of tbe grand jury which haa indicted Nolan, M, | \\ Burrill, waa a conatable. Inotbei Krand jury ?;>> immediately ninn.d and Nolan again indicted. Oouneel on botb aidea then made tbeir opening aUtementa, after whicb tbe taking <?( teethnonj began. |>r. Moore, corooerof thia city, wbo made ao exarnination ol Murphy after l?. had been kilkd, waa the And wit prom tbe oatore ol Murphy'a wound l>i Moore teatified tbal it wouW have i.n impoeeible for Murphy to have run fi< >>?? 11 * * - apol where be w:is cul io that at which bia body waa found. Cbarl theu took ;i recoaa for lunch. JUMPED OVERBOARD Bome ex??iiriiu-iit waa cauaed on the wbarfofthe Norlolk and Waahipgton Steamboat Oompany about7:S0o'clock yeuterday t'vening ahen the gangplaiik ,',f the atcamet Bjiauthland waa broken by the weigbl of an Bmeraon ateam pump which w:is being placed aboard the Hteanier. EJeveral dockhanda [nar rowly eacaped injury and ? eolored mannamed M Wihton, of ilns city, wbo waa aiding in loading the atearoer, jumped overboard. H< waa aoon reacued. The pump ieon ita way to on. _ StHOOL CLOSING Tbe rloaing exerciaea of the Virginia Home Hchool were heW Friday morn ?mgt ;,! the home of tl><- principal, MusSwain.Theebildren aangchorueaa, and gave recitatmna, [natruinental ioloa were rendered by Mna, Klixabetli llowell and May Mander. vocal aolo, Ma\ Mander, and duel b) Eleauor Mekbior and Lester Brenner. \ dislribution of prites, the achool marched to the dining roona where a bountifiil itdlation waa apread, and wbicb was .h enjoyed by all the children. FUNERAL. Tbe f.>raJ ol the htfe Benjamin Bandman, whoac body waa found akangaide ol the Bouthern Railway a -liorl tli>t:ilicv SOUtfa ol Ma naaeaa laai Bunday morning, took place from tbe reeidence <>f lii* brotber in-law, Mr. Lawoy Beach, jr., 196 Prince atreet, thia ahernoon lii< ?ervioea were conduct?*d by Rev. Father Kelly, and tbe paUberrera were Meaara. Harry Maaaey, John Downey, Boben Grimea, tlerberl Pelton, John Mum ford and Btephen Davia. EEAVY RA1N. Tberc waa l Hfbl ramfallsliortly bf foreaixo'clocli yeaterday evening. Later thick douda formed in tbeweatern and northweatern heavena and about nioa o'clock there were beavydownpoure, ac companied by oonaklerable tbundex and lightning Tbe atorm raged for about aa hour. bul the lightning conunwed ?>. tlasl>. iintil lif.irly midnighl. ROYAL ARCANUM. An intereaUng meeting of Aluso* dria Council, No. 827, Royal Arcanum, will Ik' beM lonigbl ia Barepta Hall buikiing. Graad Regeaxl Henrj K Field, Vice Grand Kegent Minetree Folkea, Paal Grand Rcgent W T Dab ney and Deputy Grand Regent A l> n will pay an official viait to the comuil. i.wiiuu wouraion lonigln 7 o'deca tytim go ttlvDg ft-d h?vc P- jojiy uiue, WILL PROBATED. The will of the bate Frank S. Harpet was ajdwdtted to probate today lasd left an eatate vaJned at two, 000. He direflts that 1150 be invested for kooping up ?!;<? family lot ii: th? Presbyterian Chorcb caeaetery. To hia atepsona, H. L. and R. K. H. Todd, be left to the lormerhia aH <>f carbunck iewelry and to Iba Utter bia watcfa andehain; loM. W. Dunning ton 11,000; to the Alexandria Boapital 11,000; to tha Beeond Preabyterian Chnrcb 12,000. To K M Qraham, in tntflt for Margaret Mitchell Harper, wife of deceaaed, be learea bh resi deno , No. 509 Prinoa itreet, and tha eontenta and 180,000, tha hooaa to ba hn DOBM and the inoiit-v tO be inv.M ed and the int.r.-.-t j.aid tO her (liiriiig her life, At ber deeth tha hooaa and money are to go to bia nieeea, the danghteraof bia deceaaed brother, Jofan Harper, of Ratcbes, Miae. To B, M. Qraham, in truaf for 1ns aiater, IfJai Margaret i>. Harper, tha deceaaed learea bouae, No. 218 aoutii Waahing ton atreet, and $16,000, tbe motjey to be invested and the intereat paid to ber. At ber death thiaaboiatogoto hia nieeea, thedaughteraof bb farte brother, John Harper. Tha reakfoe ofhia eatate ba leavaa to bia aiecea, the daugbtera of his deceaaed brother. Mr. Harper named bia wife, Mra. Margaret M. H. Harper, execoirix, and Meaars. B, R. Bwetnara and lt. M. Qrahamexecutora, directing that no inventory or appraiae ment be mada of hia eatate. Mr. 8wet num derlitied t<. aerve and today Mra Harper and Mr. Qraham quahfted. Tha will is dated January 24, 1909 PERSONAL. Mr. Charlea II. McKnight who baa been rieiting bia formei bome thi> <ity. lefi yeeterday for Sew Tork. Mra. 8 E. Btamell who haa been vhriting relativea in Bkhmoad, lias re turned to thia < ity. The board of law examinera, which had been in lewon in Roanoke rinee Wedneaday morning, yeeterday conv pleted iti worl and made public tbe namea of tbe young men who auceeaa fully paaaed tbe examinationa, abowing tbat 188 out ol 160 applicanta ba?e been declared qualified to practice an.l ,,.. entiUed to rertifkatea. Among the ?ucceaaful candidatee were Mr. Alger non C. Chalmera and Mr. W. Wortfa Sniith. Of this C t\ Be, John Cavanugh, of Aleran dria, preacbed ao open air aermon at tbeaite of the oW freighl depol of the l; . | . _ p. B. B, at Prederickaburg yeeterday. On Bunday li?' occupied the pulpit of Zioti Church, Bpottaylfania county. Mr. Oavnaugh ia tli?' gueel of Mr, C. H. Bhaw, of Maaaaponax. Miss M iri uii While and Mr. Alba Walkup, both of Bksbmond, were married in Waahington yeeterday. Bei c. K. Guthrie officiated. The wedding party waa accompanied by the bride'a uncle, Mr. Wythe White, of thia city and Mr. Walter Hawkina, of Florida. The frienda ol Oommander Jamea H. K.ii! are very grateful to the Hon. c C. ("arlin for his i'. e generalabip in engineering bia bill throogh Congresa for tbe retiremenl ofLieut-Oommandei Jamea 11. Beid, with rank of com mander. Ahw to Seuator Martin for \\i< rery efficient aid. Mr. H. Brooke ArnoW and Miaa Catharine lone Gorbam, aiater of Mr. George A. Gorbam, will be married in Beptember. ASLEEP BY RAILROAD TRACK The erew of ona of the Washington and Obio paaaenger traina reported to? day that on two eonaecutive morninga they -aw a man lying on the ground a ahorl distaoce weet of tha croaaing near Hume'i Bprings. Tbe authorities of Alexandria county were notifled and an inveatigation was made today. Th< man proved to be Henry Hall, colored, an Inmate of tbe alma hoaae, a aufferer from chorea, who occaskmaBy ap| on King strect. ST. PAUL'S CEMETERY. The lot ownera in st Paul'a Oerae tcry are requeeted to aend Uieir contri butiona toward the propceed improte menta nol later than July 11th. Mr. John B. Waller. treaaurer of the aaeocjatlon, lias received contributiona from the following: Mr. Wm. M. Ler mour, Ool. A. J. de Lagnel, vVaahing ton, I). C.; Mr. Carl Btrangman, Buf falo, N. Y.; Bev. Douglaa Hooff, Bal? timore, Md.; Dr. Wm. H. Wilmer, Waabington, l?. C; Mre. Charlotte B. Shepberd, Mexico, and Meaara. John Blackburn, C. B, Taylor, Miaa F. J. Bvanaand Judge J. K. M. Norton, FARM SOLD. Mr, Qeorge Peverill lia^ aold to Mr. Tbomaa Martin, the Mt. Polk hum, oontaining 68 acrea, rituated on the Back Liek road, foui milea aouthweal of thia city, for 15,000. Mr. Peverill haa owned the htrm for the past fifteen yeara and it is conaidered one of the fineal trucking farma in that neighbor bood. A former owner won the farm on a bet that latnea K. Polk wotdd '?? elected preaideni and tben named it Mt. Polk. EXCURSTONS The Bunday achool of tbe First Rip Cburcb wenl on an excuraion t?> ColUngwood Beach, on the ekctric raihray, today. The WeAtoninater League went iu Cokmial Beach today on tbe ataamer Queen Anne. The borae and aorry, beaonging to the proprietof of ? Bwrj aSable in thia city, whicb, with the driver, diaappear ed laat Baturday night. were found at Bt Aaaph yeaterday. Ttewh^reabowla of the driver is still unknown. Merry makeratonight on the Lyceum excuraion, Let'a joTn their chiband helj) inake othera forget their troublca. Lame aboulder i* ahuoet invariably i by rheumaiiew of the muadea and yielda quiekly to the fren applica tion of's Linhxtuat, Th!s limment is not oniy prompt but effee* tual, but in no way dteagTeeable t Sold by W. F. Creighton and Rir-hnr?l Gibann. Glance over tho list of High Qrade . \,ln<ivily i>\ na: J. & T. Cousin*. Qoeen QoatHy, Red I Linder Shoe Co., N. Heaa & Bro. (The Taylor A Co. (Tailor M Brocton Co-Operative Co., Walk Over, Regal, Excelsior ShoeCo.. and many othcra. J. A. Mar-oall & Bro., _2vJ Kivg atreet. LOCAL BREVITIES. The City Council meeU tonight. Look ! I/>ok ! There goes the crowd on the Lyceuffl excuraion?let's go too. Mr. Harvey Rohinaonwill leave to? night for the White Sulpher Springs. The three-masted schooner Harold Oruain m at \V. A. Snioot <SrCo'swharf where abe will ba loaded with raflroad ties for a northern pori. Theaponial weerlng of AJexaadria Waahington Lodge of Maaona ednch haa been bead cu Tweaday night lot -. time will be dbcootinoed for the present. Mr. Joseph WeiBgart, an eaapaoyee of the l'oitner Brewery, raa aerioasly injurod yeaterday by a barraJ of baar failiog apon hiin. He wa.' sent to the Alexandria Hoepital today. The only OBM before the Police Conrt thia rnornhag was that of Helen Washington, ooaored, tbargwd with diaorderry ooadaict. Bba was dis mbwed. Albert A. Brager, fornierly of this city bu1 now a lUIMaasfwl tnerciiant of Baltimore, plana a handsome depart meiit store t<> he creetcd at the aouth eaai corner of Bntaw and Saratoga streets in the latter city. Desk Bergeant J. A. Manuel, of the Koanoke potica departinent, passed througn thia city thia aflernoon with Jamea Datria and Harry L Kenney, hoth cotored, in cuetody. Tliey had been arreated in Washington on the charge of bouaobreaking and breaay in Hoanoke. That laxy kid wvnt down on the Lyceum excursioii thismorning. I<et'.s go down tonight and we'll aee what at tracted hmi. Bturgeon. balibut, aea baaa, maekerel, catriah, rock, aalt water trout, fbr aale bj Oeo. K. PriceACo. Inmarketbalaaeeat thi- week. Beleei fikafl Bhell Craba <>? toast and Deviled Craba at Spinka'a Cafe, Princc and Royal atreeta _ The whole family went on the Ly eeiirn e.vnrsioii today, B0 we will have U> go down on tbe 7 o'dock hoat and juin them. MARLEY ENCAMPMENT. \ meeting of Marley Emempment No. 6, I. <>. 0. F., waa held laat night at which the royal purpte degree oonferred upon two auKhdatea, The (ollowing ofBcera were elected at the meeting: Ohief patriarch, M. B, Keene; aenior warden, W. A. Oonway; liijrh prieat, II. B. ArnoM; jnnior war? den, ,1. T. Watkina;acribe, B. M. Wat kina; treaaurer, 1'. M Bradabaw. At the ckaae of the meetingta~e*onable re freahmenta were eerred. I \l;M\.\l.s WIN AGAIN. The Cardinal ~ C dowoed the Btrayera Buaineaa College yeaterdayon tbe fair groonda by tbe acora of 14 to6. Thia makea the aecond time the atenographera have met defeat by the ? lardinalfi tbia aeaaon. tfeedle Preaa i'<?ot te Knee. Rristol, l'a., .hine 28.?Nineteen yearaago Mra. Jamea Boaaler, of Dor rance atreet, while walking barefooted in Ikt bedroom atepped on a needle. Tbe aharp 1?? r <>f ateel entered b-? *<** an inch and broke off. ek ago -h>' f? -It a pecohar pain in the region of ber ki., and linally :i apot appeared. Yeeterday >!e acratcbed her knee with a pin, and the needle, which had worked ita way up from the fooi. !>rok" tbrough the skin. IHrlgiblea li>r the ?ileepleaa. New York, June 28. Bleepleaa people attentionlJBe of good ebeerl A man to retcue von from rcstless nights i~ :.t bandl The reacuei i* Btdney F. Beckwith, a New York clttb man, and literaryl dileUanter. Tbe remedy i* one of the airnpteal ever propoeed; merery take a ride in adirigible balloon. Beckwith tried the recipe while so jonrning in Louiaiana, and it worked likeacnarm. Bvery time he took an aerialcruiaehefound that bealeptHkea log the foltowing oigbt Tbebeauty of the remedy liea in the faet that any aort of dirigible will do? Zeppelin, Groae ot Paraeval typo, as will aa any of the eeveral American makee. Beekwitb aaya if is fooiaah to pay more than $60,IHMI for your dirigible Ilaiulit's Prayerfbr Korglvenoea. Lynn, Maaa. Jone 88.?"Mother forgive," is the aubatance of a plea niade today l.y Wasili Ivankowski, one of the three bandita who Baturday kUl ed Tbomaa Landregan and Policeman Carrol bere. Ivankowski, indieted for murder, haa been taken lo Balem jail. Today, in the cell whcie he was held while here, waa found s letter, written in Ruaaian on a acrapof paper, wbicb reveala tbe dying of the but bope in the deaperate bandk. It was aa folkrwa: 'Dear mother, brothera and atatera: I send yon iny last regards and beg you not to cry for me, and losa your atreogth, as you have not it to lose. I write now that I have hecn arrcste.l ifl quick tiine and will be sontenced to doath, Imt for what rause I will not write. I bkl you farewell, kissine you thougfa not in peraon. Pleaae torgive me not obeytng you. Row it ia too late." Andy Abaoo, anotber of the yeggs, is itill alive in the Lytin Hospital, though he may die at any hour. "Joe" the third of the bandits, who was ahotdoad was huried today without other identiflcation. t.lltl, HBOOTI LoVEH. Rosy I'errino, 15 yearn of age, re jected tbe peraiatenl advances of An tonio Rossi with a revolverat Chicago yeaterday and Rossi b believed to be dying of a bullet wound in the head. II. haa puraued me for a year,'' ?obbed the girl wben taken to the po licc station. "Kvery morning he fol lowed me to my work. Laat winter be broke into ouv bouse, knocked down my mother, and lenewed hia daanand that I niarty hini. I had him arrested tli>?ti and put under bond to ceanc his annoyancea; bnt nevertheless he had fnUowed ma to and from my work daily." RoSfi, \\ i- s;lid, followed Miss Perrino jresterday to the feather fac tory. wbera aha ia eawpaOyed. As she I tbe huilding the girl drew a re vorref and fireil twfee. J, and T. Cotifin's Fine J.nstral Colt a!id Rlack Russian LusiUnia Pumps and Uxfords, Weldt and Turn's price $5.00: our price $4.00. J. A. Mar ahall & Bro? W Kiwtreet, DEATHS I* HA< E KIOT. Meagredeuils have reecbed Jaekeon, Misa.,ofa raee riot near Harrisville, Simpson county, on Sunday, which hai OOft twolivtsand from which more tronble ia expected. Armed posses of scveral hundred white men are now in aeordl of aegTO fugitivea. Om whitc man. Lutber Buckley, and i aegro namcd Jonea ba?e been killed. The tronble atarted wbeo two aegroea qnarreled with ? white farmer BaUDed McDoiincll, ai.d left him lying unroii.sciou.i from a hlow on nhe nead. a poaaa atarted in purauil oftbecotored men. Sliortly afterdark Sunday wbile one of the aaarefaing partiea waa riding ?Jdng tbe pablk roed, fire waa opeoed liy the raurjitVee, and Luthcr BockleV, a young farmer, waa ?hot dead from liis horae. The gave iinmediate pursuit and the negro Jonea waa eaptured and shot todeath. Later bia brotbei anoth.T, aaktto baveaidedtbefugitivea to eeeape, were eaptured, Oonflicting reports a* to the fata of tbeee tare have been reeehredia Jackaon one beingthal they were spirited away by ollicers wbo weredeterminedlo preveiit mob violeiice and another is to the effect that tbeir eaptors carried them off to the, where ? donbfe lynchins;took THU POPK'S tJLTIIHATI M. The vatican's batSSl noteto the Span ish governnient ia regarded as practi cally an ultimatuni. It insi-ts npou the withdrawal of the decree of JulM 11 a? a oandition precedeni to the odtv tinuatioii of the negotiatiotis o\er the rwriaion of the conoordat. The latest notfl of the vatican pro tesut against the dacraa tolerating non Catholic churches and asks for asna o.ii-ion of actioii on the part of the government until the Degoriatioos, whieh are 00W in progress. have t. rini nated. The rwpubttcaoj and radieafa are or ganizing throughont Spain COUnter manifeatationa against the Catholic agi tation. Repubbcanawbo waremakingananti Catholie demonstratioo entered the ( arlist cluhrooins at BObaO yc-tcrday and rioting followed. Tbepolicc intcr vened, but before tha flghf waa atopped one man had been kille<l and niany otben injnred. A religioua riol occurred before tlu qnarten of the Baaque Oub at Ban Bobnatian yeaterday and slmts were ex charged. Municipal guarda charged the diatorbera, kilting one man and wounding seven others. noMit in \ tiie.\ter. Twenty peraona were injured, aix of them mortally, by the e\plo-ioii of ? bomb burled from tbe gallery ia the Teatro Coton at Boenoa I during a performance Bunday night. Among the injured are membera of aome of the moat prominenf familiea ia the Argeatiae capital. The the.iter was crowded and al most in darknff, when roddealy there was heard ? kaud detoaatton and a btiadiag flaab tlluminated tbe booae for ? momenl 1 bomb burl ed from the gallery tow.ird ihe or .hr.-ti., seaianad exploded in mktaar. Bcorea of peraona were throwa to _M fJoOT, and many were Mruck by (lying fragmenta of the miaeile. Bereral women bdnted, and for a momenl it aeemed aa if a panic-etrick en rush toward the exist wa- iinnii nent Amomeat aftertl.xplosion, bowerer, the oicheatra atroek np the national anthein. This quieted the apectatora, and acataatropbe waa avoided. A reward of 160,000 bai been offered by the police for informatioii leading to the arreat of the man who threw the bomb. lMO\EY-I.KM)IN<. TAX HKill. The Hustings Court of Heorico county has deeaded in favor of the i-ity of Richmond in its easa againet th money-lendeis to enforce them to pay an annual lieense fea of 1800. A tael Casa is now petidmg in the I'niled Btatea Bupreme Court of Appeab, The money-lendera affactad aretbose who loan money opon ckaima t" aaaaraaa and wages.' The casc baa been woo by the city in three coiirts. PoKce Court. Hustings Court and the State Bupreme Court. Bradley k Oo., OM of the linns carried ita caaa to tha Dnhed Btatea Bupreme Court of Appeala. _ Wholesale Priccs of Produce Flour, cxtra. ?'?'-"> ? ?"' 80 Famlly. B 60 Faney braada . 6 00 Wheat, loagberry. 9?1 Mixe.l. OM Fuit/.. e :?; Danap and tou^h. i) BO < lorn, wblte. ?> ~" Mixed. oan Vellow. 0 ? Cbrn Meal. 0? R>e. 0 :?". Oato. mixed. new. " to White. new. Clover Ket'd. B '?> Timothv. 1 '?> Hav. BOO Klsrin Priiit Huttor. 82 00 Butter, Vlrrinla, paeked 18 00 Choica Vlrginla. 30 00 a 96 00 Common tomiddlina*.. n'?? eMOD Bgga. O ??? Live Cblekena (hena).... 0 M SprUkf Cblekena. 0 i"> Potatoea, per bu. 0 *5 fjweet Potatoes, bbl. 1 H Onions, per bu. 1 00 Apples, per bbl. Prled Peaebea. pealed ? 0 01 Pork, per 100 Ibs. U 00 Baeon, eooatry hams.. Best Sugar Cured Hams. 0 90 Brsafwal Baeon. 20 o Sugar-cured Nhoulders 0 U Bulk Shoulder*. 0 13 Drv Salt Sides. 0 14 Sugar. 0 00 OffA. 5 1* Conf. Standard. 5 20 Grantilated. "> 36 CoflhCH?Kio. 0 11 La (riwyra. BU Jara. ?M Moaaaeea B. 8. 0 U C B. a i: NewOrlaana. 0 J? Sugar Syrujw;. tM J'ortoRieo. 0 21 Salt-<i. A . n ? Fine. 0 W Wool?long. unwaahed.. 0 28 Washed. 0 32 Merino. unwaalied. oii Do. Wash.wl. 0 2fi HerrtnR. Baatera perbbl 6 K FOR RKNTCHI. \l\ A niec nine room HOUBK, pawthr furniahed with flrxt-cla*- fumitiire: all modern Improvementa; a yougg eouple with no ehildren preferre.l. Kch-n-tict given and required. For partleafaui Bp ii)v to Llerk No. II, Bemheimers - No. 2U0King strect, laetwecn 7and 12 a. m. or 1 and6 p. m. Remember tbia ia a pargaifi w tac rigbt pwty. )&! lw Washington, D. C. 12_c Organdies for 7?c yard Juatasiprottyauddalntyas can be. and were It not iliat we mv ,letci mlned toofler smaothlng extrr,lordinarily good, wedstiy 12 ,<? in-i. :ei ol tne nrleeat whieh we havomarked them-TJicayard. Whiteor Oolored rrounda with tiifures. dota, budsand iull-hlown floi-il deeigira, many In combination ofatripea whieh are broken by a roeebod or two. Theeewlll make anrprle intflv pretty summer froeka?and think ofttM krw priee I First Floor?Wash GoodsSoetlon. Swan Bros KING AND PITT STREETS. TRIPLE STRIP Nemo Corsets Made for Stout Figures. Sizes 19 to 36. Price $2 Pair Nemo Corsets are guaranteed to wear longer than any other corset because the triple strip re-enforce ment prevents bones and steels from cutting through the material. DRY GOODS. We Sell Flags S'lk, Cotton, and H'ool Bunting FlagH in all sues. Priced from 5c to $15 Wool Steamer Rugs. An indi.spensable articlo for an oo-itn voyage or i trip lo tho mountaina, Tbeae are Bootcb plaideffecta, in darW, rich colorings. BotM are duptex; heavy caterpillar fringe; large line of ootora and pbida. It will i?y you to inapect the large ataortment we have gatbered to huII at 13.98 AND $5.00 UNSIURGH S BRO. 420-426 Seventh Street. WASHINGTON, D. C. Hard Craba. Soft Craba. Deviled Craba and Crab Salad At JAOOB RRILLS RESTAURANT footofKingSlreet Open until 10 p. m. ?l>r7 6m For the FourtL Bodal evuiis and picnica will lind that QUALJTV IC1 CREAM goes the farthest, bocauso of ita guaran tecd purity. Bpecaal prioea on large quantities, all llavors. Mail orders will be prompt ly lilkd Wholesale and retail. He BloCn Both Phones! XI1K MF.MHF.KS OF A^XANDKIA 1 CCM NCIL, No. oar. royal ak ( ANl M are h.reby notlfied to be prea ent at tbe atated meetlag to be held thia eveniiig at 8 uelook, in Moehautea Hall, Barepta lJuildiug. Urand Regent, Henry K. *ield; Vice Grand Regent, Miuotrea Folkea; l'aat Grand Regent, W. T.laabuey,and I>ep?_y GraudKpgoiit, A. D. Jackaon, will oftt eially vlsit the counctl. The offlcers and memberw ofueorge Maaon touncil"are oordlally Invited to iu preeent By order ofCouncil. J. E. ALEXANDER.SacreUry. FOR KENT.?A five rooro HOUSEat *.>.i>i por month. Appl.v io IBB" -South Fairfax hUeeL Je26 u Coloaael ?portin?; Keaort. Havana, Juue 28.?Plans are ali but completed today for beginning work on what the prornotera intend to be the biggeat sporting leaort in the western hennsphere. It ia to be built on tbe ingh banka of the Almendarea river, in what ia known aa Buena Vista, juat fn side tbe corpoiate limiu. It will be backed by Cuban and American capital. "They come high." "Tha beat are the cbeapeet." Uur people want them and we aay to the ladiea you can aee J. 1. Couain'eExcluaive etylee at 422 King atreet, J, A. MarabaU 4 Bro. Your Home Weicomo Will be one that j.oi look tor ward to %? i 111 much ndded delighl If, upoti returnlng all hgged oul IV.j our day'a work, ) our wlfi ean have readj for you a bottle of HofbrauBeer Then you will moal fully appre eiate tbuatrengtftenlng brew. It will reatore your energy, furnlah needed atiraulation to the Ured body and put j "ii ln a fran.f mlnd to reapond to tho pleaaant reception awaiting j ou. The usa of Uofbrau beer In the home apella good oature, good dl geatlon and e.I aleep. Let ua ?upplj j on with a caac. RobertPortner Brewing Co. ALEXANDRIA. VA 'Phone No. 49-B ?thi: PAMING smn\.'* Bkattng rinka and daacing halla and musie of man] bnwa banda ln ttii- \ anily 1'air" 'mld din and blare I laaue thN command. stop ? momenl and hear me, pauee though pleaaure Ia rife, And apare frorn j mir fi \\ oloua expenaea adolbur bra j earof',Human Life." Any Alexandrian viaiting Atlantlc City and calllng at Washington Powl tand, 'i oung'x ' >eean Pler, or at Booth 113, Kxposition Building, Board walk and Kentucky Avenue, can have freca aample ofthfaexcellonl magazlne. Anv patron <>!' < riimitoii liairy l.uneli dropplng J. T. Henshaw a uoatcard can baveaeopy free malled to their addreaa. t \>ii:kon 1>\iit-\ II NCH, 905 Kintf Street. Open all night tulpeper Bene laaaw, <uli>ei>er, Va., Jlllv I-.'., l!?IO. Ai'cotitit theabore oeoaeton, Bonthern Rallwav will aell redueed hre round trlp tlekcts Julv :ird. Ith and Mli. 1910, from all atationa between Waahlngton, Blue mont, Harrisonbur^'. Pront RoyaJ, War renton and Lynefaburg, llnal return limit July oth. Forl>enefit of patrona attendlng abore occaaion s|.lal traina will be op between Culpeperand ahoW grouoda be glnnlng at !?::*> a. m. Jull Ith and ev.rv hour (approximat. ly) tbereafter untllO p. in.. inelualre, on the nh and 5th. Fordetaiii'ii InformatJon call oo neared agent or write L. 8. Brown, Gen, Agt., 706 Plfteentfa st.. N. \\\. Waablngton, D. C. _ k>k nr.NT. 1301 Queen. ? room, water. ?213 North Payne, 6 room*. water.. 407 North West, 8 roomaand batfa, nr?- bonaa. ti5.oo W, H. PF.tK, tfwaea and PaiMMa, fe2T3t _ ~ linsi MISS IIKAIMM. Aunt Polly Bassett's Singing Schule Reeitalat gotJBf People'a BuiMfag htomdai HiGarr, jim: Mib ?tSo'eloek. ADMI88ION, -?"-? Eleotrie fans in hall to ke.-p you BOol RefresbmenU aerved after evueert. City pricea, faff R DllY GOOD8. Woodward & Lothrop NEW YORK?WASHINGTON?PAR1S CONTINUED SALE OF A eontinuatlouof our saleoflast week. It Incltufoa every summer wm m Btoek linen, silk, and lingerie?imported anddomeetle. The reduetionsareaetual-a third toa hall-. an.l in BOflM instanco ev. n HBB than half, fonnor priees. .. BummerPreaaea,ofdotted aatln foulardand plain and changeablc tti cta mik-. in-, \eral new models, includlntj the popular Rusaian Blotise effecU. .\ auVwiin Panoj nei or laee vokes aud cuffs. and beautit'ulU bralded or triminod with Icr-ian banda. Smuu have hiKh uec-ks and long steeve* othera Dutch neeka and anort Btney aleeree. several skirt asylaeare anown, tneludlng medrapeat, taeatarw toaae, aud the plain kiltod. Special price, $12.50 eaeh. Begnhw prioi, 9S9M. Summer Dresses, in diintv Uageiie etTeeta plain white and eoiored?Jn all tbe moal erTeetl-e atyleaAabloned ofembroldercd Swl8?,dotted Hwlaa al -over laoo ana sheer batiste, rlcbly trimmed with Bne laceand embroldery to match. Sorne aave blgfa neeka and long ateeree; othera Dutch necks andahort Bleeves. Several 01 tne aklrtaara |n the new tuuic etleots; others trimmed with narrow rufflea cd-cdwitn Bne laee. Special priees, BS.7S to $50, Begahu priees. $10.50 Io *65. Summer Dresses. of white and eoiored linen in aoveral npw modeUr, inetudiiiK the popular Ruaatan blooaa eflbeta. Some are ruand-ombrplt lered; wmeiri arwa ti.allv br.iided: some are trimmed witb Ikncy buttons and black at^.anci ?l??*~ are trimmed with wide linen laee dyed to mateh. Some have bigh uecka and long i\ee\ ee: others Dutefa ueeks and short laiicy aleei ea; all have yokes ol ciliu r m ornet Roth tbe tuuioand plain kilted akfrta areabowa, Special priees, $8 to 135 euch. Uepilar priees, $10.50 to H& Third Uoor?G at Stop and Think>Before You Buy That C ar Remembev we, rourown townfpeople/atand hack'ofrthe ears we ?ell, inatyir.: all adjuatinenta and looking after the cara generally for an Indennito pertod_<n time. Bealdealnan"OTer1and"yougetatmpllelty,durabillty, eomforl and tne most popataai eau Ia tha erorld.yjM>oae us and let na ahow you Hus masterpte Myers Brothers, 115 N. Pitt Street TT?TTTTTJTIXTTTTTTTTIXTTTTrtTTTITTlTTTIXTll?TLTIIXr of Alexandria, Virginia CAPITAL, $100,000 SURPLUS, $125,000 Officers Edward L. Daingerfield, Preaident Carroll Pierce. Vice Pre.ident J. C. Smoot Worth Hulfiah M. A. Ahern Directors Edward L. Daingerfield Ja? W. Rolerta Carroll Pi rce Urban S. I. mben KlOSOl'KCKS. Loana. IMMBMH i 9 Bonda to Heeure oiroulattoa. Bonda to aeeure U. 8. Depoatt. 1.000.00 ntlier ItoiuU and s.ks. 8*474.08 Banklng Hoiiae and Keal Eatate. B?6&97 Cash.1S,308.&3 Due from Bankaand Re> ?erve Ajreuts. 131,079.38 - 180,287.91 LiABiLrnas, Capltal. II0O.OXUM Sumlu-. I"1'""" rndivided Proflta. ... 22.7M.lfl nratihtlon. W dtH. "I i 8. Depoall. 1,00008 ai.iax.lii.t ???+??**?*?*???????*???*?? 01,008,144.48 iimnniiiiiiiiiih. BARGAINS In Lawn Mowers, Grass Hooks, Lawn Swings,Ham mocks, Lawn Chairs, Ice Cream Freezers, Poreh Screens and Curtains. R. E. KNIGHT 621-23-25 King Street. ?a^-oTK'K TO GAS OONSUMEBA QasMUa for thaquarter endingjnne 1,1910, bavlng beea dellvmwd, tins is to le.titv all eonaurnera that a dlscount >>t* lOceBta per 1.000 feet will be aUOwed <>n ill hills paid on or before July 1,1010. \l'n rthat date no discount will be al lowed and dellnquenta will be reqtured lo make early xettlement. By order of the ? oumiitiee on Light J. B WALLKK. je.M-td Clerk of Gold Tie Clasps $1.50 Silver Tie Clasps 75c Engravingf Included R. C. ACTON V SONS. Jewclcrs anci Silveramitha. Weights and Measures. Durlng the aeatt few daya I will bv in myoffleein the Fairfax atreet wing of tbe City Ball, from 7a.m. to 12m..for tbe purpoae otusting weightsand meas urea During the latterpartof the month J will makfl my anuual rounda for the purpoae of Inapaeatag weig-htsand meas urea in nac in ttie city. L. I). LYLLM, Market Maater. je.l iw WANTED?OKKTLEMXN for room and board, or for table board only. Jfl. f, Ramaay, 617 Caraerop atreet. jel? lm? No, you guessed wrong. It's not the womanbut? ll'- tbe WOlks ili the watch tbe mecli:iin-iii that telfa y6u wbee it'- morning, bood e* oigbT How about your watch |><? - |l kei p coireit time"' If iiot, let u> lii \oiii-caae with new workl ? ataadard make- at kaweet priees. SAUNDERS & SON, 629 King* Screet. WATCH INSPECTORS I OR SOUTHERNRULW..Y. WANTED. OMERA for 50 Ib-. lil.l K(,r. \-> BUTTEK received everj week, and m will guarantee thia butter to ^iv. W( :ii-? > kee|, cooking hutter :it i II, Alaucountry atora buttorall I the imr. 1 ?>??-!> Countn Kgga2Sc per rJoa -? ? ?-i11k Chtokena, ~?- ib . Haking | C'h -11- 20fl Ib. fi G. THOMAS 919 King kVffi : ,C87tf