Newspaper Page Text
Bakes-Roaste-Brofls-Toasts BAKES bread, pie and calce ? bakes them perfectly all through, and browns them appetizingly. ROASTS beef, poultry and game with a steady heat, which pre? serves tbe rich natural flavor. BROILS steaks and chops?makes them tendrr and inviting. TOASTS bread, muffins, crack? ers and cheese. No drudgery of coal and ashes; no stooping to get at the oven; no smoke, no dust, no odor?just good cooking with greater fuel economy. Irons and water in wash boiler always hot. The Hfew .Perr?ctMOit WICK BLLEFLAjME Oil Cook-stove has a Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping plates and food hot Drop shelves for the coffee pot or saucepans, and nickeled towel racks. It has long turquoise-blue enamel chimneys. The nickel finish, with the bright blue of the chimneys, makes the stove very attrac? tive and invites cleanliness. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the ? and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet. ?G?????? ROTE : Be sure yea ?et !v :!cve-eee that the name-slate reads " NEW PEMECTlOa." Every dealer everywhere ; if not at yours, write for Descriptive Circular to the nearest agency of the Standard Oil Company (Incorporate?!) in the Garden Sub? urb. Lots $200; Buy at the Start $10 cash, $5 per month. Virginia Highlands THE NEAREST AND NEWEST. Scientifically planned for refined people of moder ate means. Come Saturday or Sunday afternoon. See the Morrill style damp-proof cement houses, poured in steel moulds. Live at Virginia Highlands and save time and car fare Inquire of A. S. Doniphan, A. J. Wedderburn and Harrie White. BALLARD & LANHAM Washington Sales Office, 621 13th Street, Northwest. Clip this ad; it leads the way. THOS. W. ROBINSON LAS ?. PORTLAND ? CemenT Makes The Best Concrete For Sale by GEO. ?. ROBINSON'S SONS, AM \ \NDRIA, ??. esteri m Cement, Llme^IIalr, Calcined Plaster, Wall Plaster, Tent Cotta Bower Pipe and Flue Lining, Fire Brlcks^FIre Uav.A-c. The Cool Breezes Blow at ROSEMONT When you live at Rosemont, your family can spend the summer at home, and keep well and cool, and not make you lead a lonely bache? lor life for two or three months. Everything Clean and sanitary. No dirty gutters and smelly cesspools. Everything new and up-to-date. Delightful Night Breezes Let me show you one of those beautiful new homes. Sold on Satisfactory Terms Seeing will make you appreciate them. F.LSLAYMAKER 313 KING STREET. We H.ive in Our Window on Dis? play a Line of Loose Leaf Goods Ledgers, any ruling, combined cash and tournai. monthly statement i. binden, holders, memorandum I and in Call aud let n- showyou sample sheet*] of :\ll styles and rulings. Quality Ice Cream l ? Cream and lees of all Baron anil of th?.? purest qualities always ou hand or furnished to order. Special prices on large quantities Cakes and Pastry of all kinds and of the best quality. SP:P.Xso^?ro? H. Bloch &SS* 508 KING STREET liaagnratien Pullman Observation tar Chamberlain'l Stomach ami liver It is stated at an early date the South- Tableta gently stimulate the liver and ernRallwaj will inaugurate 10 section bowels lo expel poisonous matter. Pullman observation ears lietvecn Xcw ? .. .1 . York and Birmingham on ita Binarne- ?-?<??*'?*'' ?? system, cure constipation bam M.ecia! leaving Washington 4?6 p. aud sick headache. Sold by W. F. m. daily. , .nei min iit'iiiuieuc. com by j Crcighton and Richard Uibson, %att?tnb?a (Saze?fr. MONDAY f:\KM.\t, .11 I.V 1-. The Social Breakfast. A London newspaper wonders why we no longer invite people to break? fast. The reason Is to he found in the state of mind thai usually possesses tbe free and independent citizen nt that hour In the mi ruing, a state of mind that makes him unbearable to himself und to every ? ?:e who comes near him. Presuma lily it was not ever SO, for Invitations to breakfast were once common enough.sud not se Ion? ago either. Mr. piagatone uscii t > have guests to breakfast every Tbora day Bomiag as recently as 1884, an ? It was thought sutlleient to sappi? tei and coffee, eggs, bread and bolt? hu : perhaps some colti meat \??M the really solid breakfast hud conn? Into fashion long before then, and U h said that the EnglMi learned the fasti Ion from the Scotch. Motley, when he was ambassador to England, fooml that the substantial breakfas; grievously opposed lo the simpler cus? toms of his own country. He says. "When 1 reflected that oil these peo pie would lunch at ? and dine at 8 I bowed my head In humiliation, and the fork droppe<l from my nerveless grasp."?Arguuaut. Big Clocks. The big dock of the Metropolitan tower nt Madison square, New York. Is by long odds the costliest and most elaborate public timepiece ever Coa structed and Is tbo only great clock in the world operated wholly by els lty without the toucti of human hands Some of its other wonders are Its size being the largest foii-r- dial lower dork and the third largest dork of any size In the world, and its altitude, which Is the highest of any clock In the world. It has also tho biggest and heaviest striking bell. Tbe other three largest clocks aro the ono face dial of the Colgate fac tory In Jersey City, which Is forty feet across, the next In size of mammoth public chronometer? being the dial at St Bombort's. In the old cliy of Me? line*, in Belgium, which is thirty-nine feet aerosa st. Peter's of Enrich, Switzerland, lias a dial face twenty nine feet, and then in order comes the Metropolitan tower clock, which is twenty-six feet six Indies in diameter The Origin of the "Marseillaise." In the reign of terror under Froron and Barras, when hundreds of vic? tims were carved by tlie guillotine and the people rose against the aristocra? cy, was born the ii.vinn of France, composed by Rouget de I'Isle. He was an officer of engineers and at a banquet was asked to compose a war song. He wrote It In his room that night before going to had, and the next morning his hostess, the wife of the mayor of Strassutirg, tried it on a piano, and lu the afternoon the orches? tra of the theater played It lu the square of Strnssburg, where it created much excitement and gathered many volunteers. Bouget called It a song for the Army of the Ilhine, but subse? quently it was sung by a regiment of volunteers, mostly assassins, who marched out of Marseilles to Paris. where It was appropriated by the cap? ital and called the "Hymno des Mai -sel? lais." But Joseph Bouget, the author, died In poverty. ? Deshler Welch In Harper's Magazine. Westminster Hall. Westminster hall, England's old hall of the king's Justice, Is one of the world's notable historical shrines. Built four centuries before Columbus soiled for America, burned, restored, remodeled. It has seen more history in the making than perhaps any other building west of Borne. Here some of tho early parliaments met, and hero the second Edward was expelled from his throne. Here IMchard II. was de? posed, Charles I. condemned and Crom? well hailed as lord protector, whoso head, If the legend Is authentic, was afterward exposed from one of the hall's pinnacles. Westminster hall was the scene of the trial of Warren Hast? ings. In It sentence of death was pro? nounced on William Wallace. Sir Tilom? as More, Somerset. Essex, S? tra fiord and Guy Fawkes.?New York World. Tried to Fly. John Milton lu "Britain to the Con? quest" says that the youth King Har? old, last of the Saxoris, strangely as? piring, hod made and fitted wings to his hands and feet. With these, on the top of a tower, spread out to gather the air. he flew more than a furlong; but, the wind being too high, he came fluttering to the ground, maiming all his limbs, yet so conceited was ho of his art that the cause of his fall was attributed to the want of a tall, as birds have, which he forgot to roaue. His Recommendation. Tom?Hello. Bill! I tiear you have a position with my friends Skinner & Co.? Bill-Oli, yes; I have a position on collector there. Tom?That's first rate. Who recommended you? Bill ? Oh, nobody. I told them that 1 once collected an account from you, nnd they Instantly gave me the place. Firmness of Purpose. Firmness of purpose Is one of the most necessary sinews of character and one of the best Instruments of success. Without It genius wastes Ita efforts In a maze of Inconsistencies. The Real Grievance. "You are always complaining. You ought to he satisfied with tho money you've got.'* "lam. It's with that which I haven't got that I am not satisfied " A Reminder. "Since I've come back I find that I'm forgotten by all my friends " "Why didn't you tiorrow money of them before you went away?**? ?Judge's Library The world's most soeoesnfoJ medi? cine for IkiwcI complaint.- i- chamber? lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has relieved more pain and suffering, and saved more lis ?? than any other medicine in use. In? valuable for children and adults. Sold by W. F. Creighton and Richard Gib? son. A Judicial Favor. A rerdant local reporter whose pro? pensities Incline to daring rather than to Judgment and whose ardency In the quest of news Is one of his marked characteristics approached a Judge of the United States district court and so? licited a little advance Information on a case in progress In the Judge's court "You sec, Judge." said the youngster to the astonished Jurist, "we go to press lu a few moments, and wo all know your Inclination to do a news? paper man a favor." The venerable man eyed the youth sternly nnd said slowly and emphat? ically: "Yes, young man, I'll do you a fa? vor this time, and you will see that >on don't ask ms again " "That's tine, your honor. Thanks, very much. Just a few linos will do." ?'I will do you tins favor I shall not send you to jail this time, but If you ever approach me again with such a question your friend.-! will not see yon for some time." The discon-tited reporter retired ru? minatili:: on the mysteries of the law nnd the dignities pertaining to the ju tllclary.?I'hlladelplia Ledger. The E. 'clusiveness of Caste. An English officer who BOOM years ago was vt.nnded In a battle In Inda and left lying all nielli among the na? tive dead and wounded tells this story: "Next morning we spied a man and an old woman, who came to us with a basket and a pot of water, aud to every wounded man sin? gave a piece of Joaree bread from the basket and u drink from her water pot To us she gars the same and I thanked heave?;, and her. But the Soobahdar ivas a high caste Bajput. anil, as this worn an was a Chumar, or of the iowesl caste, he would receive neither water nor bread from her. I tried to per? suade him to take it that he might live, but he sold that in our state, with but a few hours more to linger, what was a little more or less suffering to us?why should he give up his fate for such an object? No; he preferred to die unpolluted." The Origin of Oxygen. That eminent scientist Lord Kelvin maintained that all the oxygen In the atmosphere probably originated from the action of sunlight upon p'ants. When our earth was a globe of hot liquid It contained no vegetable fuel and probably no free oxygen. But as it cooled off plants appeared on Its surface, and these began to evolve oxygen through the medium of tbe sunbeams. Dpofl the oxygen thus de? rived ws depend for the maintenance of life by breathing. When we burn coal or other vegetable fuel we use up oxygen, and It Is to plants again that we owe the restoration of the oxygen thus lost to the air. If they failed to keep Dp a sufficient supply the atmos? phere would gradually port with Its oxygen, and tho Inhabitants of the earth would disappear In consequence of asphyxiation. In Westminster Abbey. Fox's tomb ts perhaps tho most ridic? ulous In the abbey, but others run It hard?the naked figure of General Wolfe supported by one of his staff In full regimentals and receiving a crown from Victory; William Wllhcr force appareutly listening to Sheridan telling a comic talc and contorting his features in the endeavor not to laugh; the Sir Cloudesley Shovel, In periwig and Boman toga, which excited the mirth even of contemporaries, and all tho monuments erected by the East India company, with polra trees and other tropical exuberances, to the memory of great soldiers, like sir rfijrre . From the point of view of good taste a dictator would be justified in dismissing these and many more to the stonemason's yard.?Condili! Mag? azine. How Pausanius Died. Pausanlus. the Greek general, died by self administered poison. When hotly pursued by those sent to appre? hend him or. a charge of treason and sacrilege ho took nfuge In the sanc? tuary of a temple. Unable to remove him by force nnd also unwilling to violate the BSnCtSJary, the officers wall? ed up the entrance and began to un? roof the building When he could he ''??en they netjced that he w.13 chewing something which pro veil to be a quill filled with iioison. By the time the work had sufficiently advanced to ad? mit of the!, entrance he was In a dy? ing condition?. Secret For Secret. in tho days of Louis XIV. even war? riors handled epigrams with one an? other. The Mar?chal do Grammont had tak? en a fortress by siege. "I will tell you a secret" said Its military governor after surrendering. "Tbe reason of my capitulation was that 1 had no more pov.tler." "And, se< ret for secret." returned the mar?chal suaveiy, "the renson of my accepting it on such easy terms was that I had no more balls." Not So Absurd. "How absurd!" "What's absurd?" "Five years are supposed to havo elapsed since the last act, and that man Is wearing the same overcoat" "Nothln' absurd about that. He'e takln' the part of a married man. Isn't he?' _ Spiteful. Patience- Old jresj enjoy my last song? Patrice?I might havo if I had known it was your last - Yonkers Statesman. Lazlneas travels so slowly that pov? erty soon overtakes him.?Franklin. Soreness of the must les, whether m dnced hy violen! nercises or injn quickly reHered by the free application of Chamberlain'a Liniment. This lin? io? -it is equally valuable for muscular rheumatism, and always affords quick relief. Bold by W. P. Creight.?; Richard (?i? Colonial Beach, Va. - Woodlawn - Second Street from Boat Landing'. Mrs? S? Tasker, Prop. FARMER'S WIFE HADJBP TO DO Mrs. Shepherd Was in Bad Shape When She Could Not Stand on Her Feet. Durham, N. C?"I am a farmer's wife," writes Mrs. J. M. Shepherd, ol this city, "and have a heap to do." "Four months ago I could not ?stand on my feet, to do anything much, but at this time I do the most of my work. I took Cardui and it did me more good than all the doctors. "You don't know half how I thank you for the Cardui Home Treatment. I wish that all women who suffer from womanly trouble would treat themselves as 1 have/' Udies can easily treat themselves at home, with Cardui, the woman's tonic. It is easy to take, and so gentle in its action, that it cannot do anything but good. Being composed exclusively of vege? table ingredients, Cardui cannot lay up trouble in your system, as mineral drugs oilen do. Its ingredients having no hrrsli, medicinal cheers, and being non poisonous and perfectly harmless, Cardui is absolutely safe for young and old. Ask your druggist. He will tell you to try Cardui. N. B.?WWftrfo: Ladles' Advisory Dipt., aulla BT>?a Medicine Co , Ch-,.:,.:,nooea. Term., lor Spccia. Insir-MtioM, andM-pac; book. "Home Treatment 1er Women, sent in plain wrapper, on request. WHAT'S the reason the trade of Al? exandria is always growing IN the surrounding country? Because the merchants sell straight goods, and A customer once gotten is easy to hold. When the consumer wants a flavoring extract and remembering the NAME Leadbeater's, the order goes to Alexandria, and indi? rectly helps the whole town. Established 1792 at 4:30|p. m? except Saturday?, at H.BIoch's, 615 King St. jeSD Imi Phone281. Greenhouses8. Patrick st. D. R. Grillbortzer Bedding Plants and Gera? niums, $1.00 per dozen. Punen! work promptlj attended I liveivil to :ill parta of the city. SATISFACTION OUARANTBKB. f?bSI tr _________________________ General Insurance Agency. Laurence Stabler Room No. 4. Burke f? Herbert Bid*. The companies represented In this office have assets of over 1100,000,000. Among other?' :irc: Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Liverpool & London ? Globe. /Etna Insurance Co. Northern Assurance Co. Springfield Fire V Marine. Prompt attention giren wo atijustmont of losses and all matters connected with Insurance. _ Don't Take Any Chances With Mosquitoes This Summer. Fight Them With SKITO-GO 10c bottle. TAYLOR'S PHARMACY, 616 King Street. VrJtOINIe in tbe Clerk's Offlee of Corporation Court of the Clt* ol Alexandria, on the -th tlm- of .itilv, HMO Emma M. Morrison rs. Harry u. Bior ri-i.n. In ebaneerjr. Minio. The Object Of this suit is to obtain an absolute ?livor?? ? for the defen? dant on the ground of bis wilful deser? tion and abandonment of her (bra of more than three rears before tbe bringing of this suit; for the care and custody of the infant child of tbe mat rfage; and for general relief. It appearing by an affidavit fHed in this cause that ue.defendanUHarnr II. Morrison, it :i non-resident of thi* state: 1; is < Men d, Thai adaat appear here wit inn fifteen dava after dne publication ol this order, and ilo ? I n.?.?. v-:in to pro.t his Interest in this suit, and thai a eon of this order be forthwith Inserted in the Alexandria ?.?. a newspaper published In the f Alexandria, once a week forlbur aii'l poKtedat the front door of the < 'ourt House of this city. ? Copy :? hi.I. - OREEKAWA? ,i lerk, Charles Bendheim, p. q. Jyl wlw-f RAILROADS Southern Railway. Trains leave Union Stati'.n. Alexandria. la effect June 13, lido. N. B.?Following schedule figures pub? lished only as information, and are not giut ran teed. Palivi' Ington and Danriue. -:i?" A.M. Dally Local for ?Harrison burg and way station?!. 9_7 \. M.- Dally -U. B. Past Mail. H tope only Ibr passengers for point? south at which scheduled to stop. Pirst class eoaehes; sleeping cars to Birmingham ami dravtIng room sleeping ears to New ' Orleans. Dining ear service. 11:17 A.M. Duly Mail train. Coaches for M:in:i-.-:is.< 'harfottesville.Lyncbburg, Danville and Greensboro. Sleeping cart boro to Atlanta. 1:17 ?*. M Week days- -Local for War reiiton and Harrisonburg. I_B P. M. Daily Birmingham sp?c? ial. Sleeping cars between New York, Augusta, Alken and Jaeksonrllle. Sleeper to Birmingham, Through first class coaches between Washington ami Jacksonrille. Dining car serrlee. Tour I-! to ? -liforpla four times weekly. 3*2 I'. M. Week dare Local for Har risonbUrgand way stations on Manassas branch. Pullman buffet parlor tar. 5_S P. M. Dally Local fot Warren ton and ? li-irloilcsville. 10-7 r. M. -Dally?Washington and Chattanooga Limited (via Lrncbburg). Plrst-ehuH coach ami sleeping cars to Roanoke, Knoxrtlle and Chattanooga. Sleeper to New Orleans, Washington to Roanoke. Dining car service. ? lljOS P. M.-Paily?New York. Atlanta and New Orleans Limiteli. All Pullman train, club nnd observation cars to New Orleans. Sleeping ears to AsherlUe, Atlanta. Macon ami Now Orleans. Sleep '. Ing cars to Charlotte. Dining car service. ir_7 A. M. DaU] Memphis special. i Sleeping oars and coaches for Roanoke. ?i!i>\ville. N'asiiville. Chattanooga and Memphis. Dining car serrlee. Wash , Ington sleeping cars open 10O0 I'. M. Through trains fi.? the southairtre ai Alexandria6:13and628and 10_Sa. m. 2d3,7_S8, lOdSand llsfj? I*. M dally, Har? risonburg 1138 ?. M. week days and9:13 P. M. dally. From Chariotteerille 028 A. M. TRAINS <>N BLUE-fONT BRANCH. Leave Alexandria (W. ?- O. station) week days at B_Q A. ?.,1:1?, 428, and 5;16 r. M. for ?lucmont: 635 P. ?. week days for Leesburg: 6*J5 G. ?. dally for Bluemont and 9s02and9__!A. M.. local. and902 A. M. Ltd. on Suntl.iys only for Bluemont Por detailed schedule figures, tickets, Pullman reservation, etc., apply to WILLIAM O. LKI'IKW. Union Ticket Agent, Alexandria, Va E. II. (ftA PMAN, General Manager. s. II. II VRDWICK, Pass. Traf. Mgr. il. P.CARY,Oeneral Passenger Agent !.. s. BROWN, General Agent, Washington, D. C. Washington, Alexandria ?? Mt. Vernon Railway. In effect May 1. 1910 USATI ??.?:.\????????. Por Washington, from cornei? Prince land Royal streets, week days, at 540, 6 05,6 20,6 30,6 40, ? 65,7 05,7 IS, 7 30.7 40, 7 50, ?00, 8 15, 8 25, 835, 850, 9 10, 930, 9 50, 10 10. 1030, 1060, II l<>. II 25, 11 30, M 60 a. m.. 12 in. 1225, 1239, 1250, 1 10, 1 25, I BO 1 50, : 10, 2 i">. - 30, 2 50, 305, :i 'J?'?. 3 35.3 50, 1 10, l 25, I 30, I m. I 55, 6 10, 5 25, 5 35, ?"? 60, 605, C20, G30, 645, 700, 7 L.. 7-J.".. BOO, 830, 000, 930, 1000, 1030, 11 lo an,I 11 56 p. m Sunday ? 7 io. t :?/.. ? 10, s 20, 8 40, ? 00. 920,9 in] lu no, 1020, lo lu. U 00, 11 20 and 11 10a m.. 1200 m.. 1229, 12 ?, I 00, 1 20, I in. 200, 2 20, J 40, 3 00, :: 20, 3 ?, I 00, 1 20, I 40, 500, 520, ?'. 10,600, 620, 640, 700, 7 20. 7 10, 300, 880, 900, 9S0, 1000, 1030and n io p. m. sna MoiM VBBBOW. Leave Alexandria for Mount Vernon week days,at 545, ?".?'?<;. 7 68, ^.".1. 1025, II J.". a. ni.. 1225, 1 25, 225, 380, i 40 680,735* S60,960, 1060and 1160p. m. Sundays 700, s:?>. :>:?". 1030, 1180 a. m.. 1280, 1 80, 239,880, I 80, 580,61 - li! ami lo 16 p. m. Washington Southern Ry. Schedule la effect May 15, IMA Trains leare Union Station for Wash? ington and pointa north at 743, 808, ind 8 32a m., 1201, 2 39, 807, s 18 ami 11 33 p. m., dell] ? I'm? Prederickaburg, Richmond and points south at 4 37,7 53 (local) and 1022 a. in., 1-J 10, I 22, 6 17 (lin-ali 7 _ ami '.'.".7 p. 111. Accommodation for Predericksburg at n j- a. m., dally. On week dayatbii train inns through to Milioni. Non:: -Time or arrivals and doparturet ami connections not guaranteed. W. P. TAYLOR, Traffie Manager. Richmond, va, BUILDING MATKKlALS_ ?istallisiiki? 1822.] Henry ?. Field & Co., Successors to JOS-AD IL !'. SMOOT. LUMBER and MILL WORK OF ALL KINDS. Lumber, Cement and Plaster. Office and Yard 115 N. Union street Factory No. Ill N. Lee street. Material DeliveredFBEEIn the city. VIRGINIA.?In the clerk's Office of the Corporation < lourtof the City of Alexandria, on the -'th day of .lune. 1910. Lillian E. Mansfield va Robert N. Mans? field In chancery. Mcino. Tbe object of this suit la to ob? tain for tin? complainant an absolute <li vorce from tbe defendant on the ground if adultery committed by bun, and for general relief ?? appearing by an affidavit (?leti In this cause that the defendant, Robert N. Mansfield, Is a non-resident of thisState: it is Ordered. That said defendant ap? pear here within fifteen days after due publication of this order, and do what ?? ?.-Min to proteet his interests in Uli. suit, and that a copy of this order lie forthwith Inserted in tin? Alexandria Gazette, a newspaper published In the City of Alexandria, onoe a week for four suceesalre weeks, and posted at the front door "f the < Ourt Moils,? of this city. A copy ? ?? - 11: : NKVKLI.S. (,????? WAV. Clerk. i-,v Loma ?. Derrar, i>. C. Charles l!cinlliciiii, p. q, je.'?n wlw-tliii FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Je & H. Aitcheson MACHINISTS AND ENGINEERS Agents Gray Gasoline Motors Engineer and Machinist*' Supplies. Pipe. Pipe Fittings. Valves. 4fc. Blacksmithing & Repairing Promptly Executed. Alexandria Iron Works FOUNDRY. MACHINE. BLACK SMITH AND STRUCTURAL IRON WORK. We make a specialty in repairs to Gasoline Engines. Motorcycles and Automobiles. We solicit your orders on all kinds of Iron Work. Bell Phone 53. WASHINGTON OFFICE:] 514 Eraos Building. Phone Main 7324. ??; ? ? o ? o ; ? ?< ? ? ? ? ? to MARK DOWN SALE Straw Hats at 96c, worth up to $:?.G>0. All sha? Righi siiirt- ,u 46c, worth 76c. Neckwear. 2 for 2?C, worth _.".?. Knee Drawers and CoK Undersbirts to go at 25c, worth Nt, Soft ('..liar Shirts at 4'.'c. worth 7.V. Suit Cases ami Trunks 2.") per cent off. Neglige Shirts at 96c, worth 61.60. Neglige Bhirts at 89c, worth 50e. r'ancv Hi.-ieiv at lie. worth l'.'c CLOTHING Suits for man, boy?-Trousers, Vests, Single Licht Weight Coats, Linen Pants at a big sav? ing to you. (o; [0 Pi LO to to! --<>-'*>>^*>'>*>^*>>*>">'*>">,v^ "-1 Kaufmann Bros. 402-405 King Street. Virginia Safe Deposit tatCorpci alio? ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. Authorized Capital. ?1.000.000. Paid in Capital. ?300.000. DIRECTORS C. J. Rixcy. John P. Robinson, Thomas J. Fannon, C. C. Lcadbcater, Henry K. Field. Henry Baader. George S. French, J. ?. M. Norton. We act as Executor. Administrator and Trustee. Issue Fidelity. Contract. Official and Judicial Bonds. General Banking and Trust Business Transacted Interest paid on Savings Accounts. We solicit the accounts of Banks, Corpora? tions, Firms and Individuals, and promise liberal treatment consistent with sound banking methods. LUNA PARK NOW OPEN NewjShows New Rides Come Out-Sand Dance Music by Band of Fifteen Pieces Free Gate Special_Inducements[to^Picnics je I Jm l.s.M lilt im.. MANAGKH Our 1:?1U sumiller prices on Anthracite Coal became ell'cctise Monday, ???] I. Tliere has!ie\cr l.ccna time in 111.? lii-t..ry ol'oiir I'UMiic - when WO foil that we were able to give better values In Anthracite Coal than we can this season, as we hare completed our arrangements to aeeure ..ur entire supply from two or throe of tho very bout collieriea in the Antracite region, and will have a coal which is uniform in quality, well prepared,andeoal that ?ill gtre for better result, than U It Isourdesire to give our tmde'the best values thateanbehad, ami we earn? estly solicit the orders of our friends ami customer-. W. A. SMOOT &. CO., INC. ?0^t????0???]?_1? ?>?. 1 ORDER OFFICE, No. ? KIN.. ITREBT John Ahern & Co., Corner Prinee and Comm iree streets. WHOLESALE ? RETAIL GROCERS and dealers in PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. Country produce received dally. <>ur stock of Plain and Fancy Groceries om braees everything to be had in this line, Wo holtl largely In United States bond? ed warehouse and carr] In stock various brands of the best PURE RYE AND MALT WHISKIES made. Have also in store superior grades if Foreign and American WINES. ALES. BROWN STOUT. Oc satisfaction Guaranteed as ta Pries and Quality. _ _ W. A. Johnson & Co., N. 1?:. Corner (a meron and Uova I St ? .cts. WHOLESALE GROCERS General Commission Merchants and dealers In ALL KINDS OF LIQUORS. Have on hand OlbSOn'S ? X. XXX. XX XX and Pure Old Rye, Old cabinet and Monogram Whiskies: also Baker's and Thompson's Pun? Rye Whiskies, to ! which they Invite the attention of the | trade Orders from the country for merchan? dise shall receive prompt attention. Consignments of flour, Oralo and Country Produce solicited, for which they guarantee the highest market prices and prompt returns. LET US SHOW YOU Our fine grades of paper and envelopes in boxes and by the pound. You will be delighted both in its quality and price. S.F.Dyson & Bro. Book Sellers <V Stationers, 508 King Street. RICHARD H. WATTLES Manufacturer of FERTILIZERS ???. I AMI sl.l.l.s; I1.VM7 ?. |?.?? \ I. ST. Dealer in Hardware. Paints. Agricul? tural Implements. Vehicles.Harnesi. Field and Garden Seeds. WABBBOrSBS, SOCTB I M"V SIB??I, ON link oi -??! ? m:? saturar, Also Grain, Hay, Straw and all klndsof Mill Feed Will always keep in .stock the highest! grado of these articles. Pure Pood - MIDLAND BUTTER. Fresh from the churn to you. For years Midland Butter has been recognized as the best that comes to Alexandria. Special deliv? ery every Friday. Call, phone, or write. St. Asaph andOronoco Streets. ? An electric fan will cool your office, store, shop or any room in your house. Electric lights give off lets heat than any other method of illumi? nation and do not consume the oxygen in the air. An electric iron does not require a hot fire in the room nor the necessity of walking back and forth between the board and the iron. Call on us for facts and figures. Alexandria Electric Co. 524 King St. ATLANTIC CITY. ison is on ami everything is ina giddy wliiri. ? ? l granoaaa has forgot that she no longer is | girt. Old folks slide down tbe banisters and slip through slippery tub And our cousins from the country you Would never lake for rubes. There are human Mies in tais atmosphere ng beyond our vi-ii.n'- reach, And there arc exclamation- from tin? ?att hers i/ii the beach. ? wonder what people will do next." said a iv;it,di,.r from the bunch. And I suggested that thev should go and get a CAMERON LUNCH. 905 King Street. Open All Night.