Newspaper Page Text
?.?ilaoOJ*""*1! ALEXAISTDRIA, VA., FRIDAY EVEXING, AUGUST 26, 1910. PRICE 2 CENTS. youmi: CXI.--XO. 202 m IIOOJA DNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE iTCaTCS 8TUART M jQUIRE. M. D. PncsiDtNT MEDICINE-DENTISTHY-PHARMACY New building under constniction, tbe gift of the people ol Richmond. Admirabie lai-oralory buttding for temporary use?Urge, bn^ht, convenient. NEW EQUIPMENTTHROUGHOUT. Otrn one Hospiul, use fourothers for U MOOCRN LABORATORY METHODS. MemHer Auooatioi. of Amcrican Col 11 New Vork. High itanding. 1 uition and expenscs moderatc. 8EN0 FOR CATALOGUE AND STATI5TICAL RECORD. j Randolph-Macon Oollege FORMEN. ashumd.Va. Dclirfitfnl ai.d hrftlttifiil lora. tlon, 11 nulen northof jci> Imiond. Jleai.tifnl Cunpu*. JlolerUe ehargcg owing toeiidowmeuls. K. K. BJukw.ll. A.I., LL.D., It.?. Wm. 8. Vrora, bee'y *?? Trtu, ,"7y BUg9 eotsepM Episcopal High School , Al xandria. Ya. FOB BOYR The .'nd year opeoa BEPTEMBBH 2r\ 1010. < .talogue aeat U M BL V.CKPORD, LL. 1'.. Prlnelnal. \ R. HOXTON, li. A Iyrid-tw2m A-si.eiate Prlnolpal. SL Aime's Episcopa! School for Girls (11 \e.l on i-vii l. . V v. Opena Sentember 30th. Full oorpa of teaehera Preparatory and Academio Dcnartmenta. Miraic, Languagea, Art. Mi- MARY IIVHKIU VAL, Rrlnclpal. Arlington Institute A SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 215 Noril. Waahlogton Street, M.l \ XM'lll V. V.\. Opena 8eptcmber22, 1910, In addltion totneuanal eotiroe of atudy :. oteaa In xUno/raphv nnd typewritlng "ill l>< formra. (' ai Leadbeater'a and Allen'a drug utorea and after Beptember tsl at the ie-iileiue Mi-. A. M < IIAMM.KK. aie.rJJ t-.ell l'rillei|>lil. WTEAMER8 Norfolk andWashington SteamboatCo. | ., . n .|:,v in :h.- \ for Kort Mon \ nioik. N'ewport Veus and pointa -uiitli.ivia sii|>erl>. pouerful steel jalaee steimcr*. Leave Waahlnrton.C. r> p. m. Ak-xandrla 7.00 p. m. Arrive li. Monroos 7.00a m. Arrive Norfolk H-OOa. m. I'ortxmonth ?.00a. m. Portsinouth '?.'>? p. m. 1 . ; irfolk 0.00 i>. iii. l,,-i\ ii Monroe 7.m> p. m. Arrive Alexandria 8.30 a. ra. Arrive Waahlngton 7.00a "i. ,ii.|i eonneetlona made :it Norfolk with -leiitn.i- of U.e <>ld Dpminlon ishi|i c.iMi|ian\ for New ^ ork and iaiits' and Mlner'a Rteamahlpa for (teiie'ral Tlckel i ifneo, 730 l nli st.X.W. Bond Butlding. Waahington, l>- C. Phone Main IM >. s.veittl. street wharf. Phone Main 3700. Mexandrla wharf fool of Prlnee atreet. \\. 1I.CAI.1.A11 W Bprl lyr Oeneral Pajwcnjter Agont Colonial BeacL Akxandria's Favorite Salt Water Resort. Stcamers daily at 9:30 a. m. except MonJay and special wcck-end tripa. Steamcr ST. JOHNS 3:00 p. m. SAT URDAY. Steamcr QUEEN ANNE 6=30 p. m. SATURDAY. Steimer ST. JOHNS 9:30 a. m. SUNDAY. Rcturnmsf leave Colonial Beach 12 midnitfht Saturday. 5 and b p. m. Sun day. Other day* b p. m. Bathintf. Boating. Crabbing: Fishmtf the fincst cscr. FARE ROUND TR1P: One day ticket. 50c. Season ticket. il.OO. Reardon and Grimes Wharf. Foot of Cameron Street. tetsca_ Maryland Delaware and Vir ginia Railway Company. BPKING SCHEDULE. Btearnera ot thia line leave Alexandria on andafter May 15, 1910, Fv.rv MONDAY, WEDXESDAY and " BATURD W at taop. m. FOR BALTIMORE AND ALL TIIK ISl'Ab IUVKH LAXDIXOS. Culainc aml appolntmenta unexcelled. Frelghl for Baltlmore, Phlladelphla lud N'T>W York soli.iled and han.lled vrtth earc Through ratea and biUa of lading i-sii.-d. v fare to Baltlmore, 12.50; round tri| . (R..V0; -taterooius, one way. 81.50. Moals, R] IRDON A ORIMES, Agenta, Foot ..I"( ameron atreet SCHEDULE & Steamhoat Go. SflfoeUre afaj ?, an v Steamer" CapltalClty." Leavea Alexandria at 6 p. ru. en aton -iil \\ e,lne-da> for Parhani's Polnt and lnuer river UUldinga. U.-mrn early Weilne-day and I'rida\ raorning. I.eave Saiur.lav ai'.':i m. f<>r Komlni and iuier ine.iiate btndings, returatng Sundajr alKiut '. i'. m Steamer "Wakefield." i.eavefaVaadajr, rueaday andThuraday Bt9a.rn.for V/irt'a wharf and all Inter mediate landinga. Returning leaveWlrt'a wharf at ?'? a. in. the following day and Brrirtagal Alexandria :ii>< al t p. m, Reardon & Grimes, Agents, Foo! ofCameron Btn latepboaaKo. 50. jelt lyr $Artktibri& Qboaxttt. PUBL18HBD DAII.V AND Tltl-WKKKLY AT OAZETTE BUILDINO, 810 and 812 PRINCE STREET. [Enteredatthe Poetoffleeof Alexandria. Yirginia. as s.-eond-<-lass matter.] Tkums: Dally i rear, $?">.<?>: 6 montha, 12,60; :: montha, 81.26: l month,49 eenta 1 week, In eelits Tri-weeklv -I vear, $3.00: 0 nionthK 8L50: 8 moiiths. 75 eents; 1 month. 88 eenta "..ntniet adveitisers will not l.e aHowed to exeeed thelrapaoe unleaa the i is pald f?r ai tranalent ratea, and under no eircumatancea will they be allowajl to Bdvertlae other than theli legltl uiate l-usim-s in thespace contraetcd r"r- . , ., i Itesolutioiis In meinoiiam. or tlianks. tributeaofreapect, reaolutiona adopteti hv aocletlea or peraona,unleBa of publie eoneern. will l.e priiit'-d in the aa ailverti-em.'lits. -PKNTAOHTAI." S(i;\l>. Btrange tbinga are aaan, atraoge worda an- beard thia week at Beulah Park, Cleveland, Ohk) where the an nual Boaaiona of tlin Cbriatian .Mis-iun ary Alliance are being beld. The gift of looguee has been received, delegatee proclaim; tbe pentecoei has again been evid. rtoed. The great tent in which the sessioiis are beld was hurriedly ei))i>tied \Yed nesdav afternoon when the strange gift waa bellered to bave falleo to the loi of one of tbeir number. Prayer meetiog was iarprogreaa. The reverenl intonationa of the apeaker of tbe oaoet ing auddenly were interrapted by a piercing acrearo. A ntao, aitting well towar.l the back of the audienee aprang to his fe.t. one ann upraiaed, bia indei finger poioting lowarda tbe sky. It was he who bad uttered tbe ery. The aaaembbage was stilled. Tbeo the man. poaeeaaed by ? reHgioua freii/v, broke the aileoce, apeoking rapidly, excitedly, hia arm atill poiot? ing beaveoward. Kvery cyc was turned in his diic tion, No one understood what tbe man was saying. He apoke in atrange toogue, if toogue it was, on imelligible syllal.l.s tin.ling vent in I iluw of iocoherent utteraoce. 'Tt's the gift uf tongues," ihe people whispered. one t.? another, tbeir ga/c tixed on ihe apeaker. "It has coroe again. It'a the gifl of tongues:" The apeaker. bia gaxe intently flxed apparentl) on apace, took no beed ,.f his neighbor. II.- talked rapidly, I>iil of whal he talked and to tvliinii he talked none knew nor un.ler st.1,,,1. The side wall of the tent was hurriedly low. red. The aasenibfed congregatkm, awe stri.keii. .piieted, liled out from the pla.v. glaneing iineasily over tbeir sliouldei- as they w.nt. On.- iroman was left With the ligure standing in the tent..tionleaaaave for ihe movementa ofhia lipa. II.- bad received ihe "gift ,.f tongues." they said. He inust not be interiupted. For Io minutea the man talked in a toogue which none before bad beard. Theii he eollasped. overeonie hy the fren/v whieh liad sei/e 1 hiin. ISut the "gift" is not ihe ODly ligniflcanl feature of the daily pro eramme, for people are heal.-d, tbe delcgatea believe, of all diaeaae, oo matter what. At the oioae of the stir ring addres-e- YYe.lncsda.'. afternoon hy ReV. .1. Hudson Ballard, an in ritatioo araaexteoded toaJI who wiah ed to he anoint.d with oil and healed to retire to a rooni in one eojiier <,f th.- tabernacle. Abotri 25 re inaiiied. This aervice was ooodooted by Rev. Jobfl Salmon, of Torooto, Canada, Ai.oiit .'(i kneeled and received the aoointing. It was an impreaaire aight Ou ? man . arried ihe bottk of oil and two oihers took turns in offer ing prayer. i'h.y aaaured tbe patienta that no matter what the dis.ase. whother il were 'Uubercukxda, tvmor, n.-ives oi any other ailnient." they COuld all he healed. One woman, a eripple and unahle to walk, was duly aooioted, and prayeis were aaid f..r her recovery, but it was a DOticeable fa.t that she did not get up and walk. Bampk Shoea, worth $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00; your choicc, $2.24. See our windowk. J. A. Marahall & Bro.,, t92 Kintf afeet riotois ajTSIKUIS. One woaaan aeriooaly .shot, tlircc strikebreakers badly beaten, a number of minor aaaaurta perpetrated and tbe aircst upon the ihargc of feloiiiou> a aaull ol Heory D. Mocgao, the high aalaried refinery etaader, were inei denta in the rogat atrika In New York yesterday. Tbe shooting of tbe wonian was an unintentional episode in an attaek up? on Ruaao Hogo by ? band of Btriken Bhortly after be bad aterted home from tbe Williamsbnrg refinery. Dogo baa been working for six weeks sime 2,000 mCB walked out. He was Moortedby two special poUoamen for .1 bloeks, btit M soon a- tbey left hitn strikers sprang from around. DogO was down on bis knees taking a terrible beating from the men. who u-ed elubs and stricks. when suddeiily a revolver waa drawn?by IK>go. it is aileged?and Mrs. Ray Gewitz felJ witb B bullet in ber left leg. Polioe put both Mrs. Gewitz and l)ogo in the patrol Wtfoa and took them to a bospital. 1 -iiis Peimer and Frank Bennerd, strikebreakers. later aterted home and cot as far as tbe park under the Wil liamsburg bridge. when tbey were at laokod by a bai'd of strikers lying in .vait Itebind a pier. Tbe men were badly beaten before polieemao diaperaedthe band and ar roatcd the assailants. SHE CJIVES IP WAHHTI l?. The Paeific eoast as a field for lucra t ve ebdeavat i9 praised beyond meas: PUDDINGS made from Jell-0 ICE CREAM Powder Are the easiest made and most de licious everaerved by the fin<-st eoi ep, Simply Btir the powder intomilk, lx>il a few minutes, and it's done. Any one can do it. Directions printed onthepackage. Ice Cream made from Jell-O Ice Cream Powder costs only one cent a dish, Plavow i Vanilla, Strawberry, Lemon, Ohocolate, und Unflavored. 41 Grocen', 2 amcImbm 23 etata. Beautiful Recipe Book Free. Ad iln-s, TheGeneseePnreFoodCo.,LeRoy,N.Y. ure by Mrs. Celia Backer, who took in waahing al Boaton for several years to Buppmi ber seven ebildren, after the diaappearance of ber huefcand, A. S. Backer. l.a.-t .luiie, taking tbe Up of a rcla Uve Who bad visited Seattle witb a tbe atrieal eompany. Mrs. Baeker located her husband there as the proprietor of a fruit and ruiifeetionery, He is now wortb, abe nyi, tfJO.OOO. Conferenees betwun tbe bn.sband and tbe wife's attomey resutted in tbe uv deratanding thal the bnaband did not careto go back to Boaton, and that he was willing to give about $10,000 to his uife UPOn ber agtveineiit nol to conteat . drvorce Buit Tbe agreement waa indotaad by attomey. for Mrs. Backer, and the huaband now baa the decree. Ineluded witbin It. provkdoo. as or dered by Judge vVUaon R. Qay h the granting ol approximalely $10,(KH) wortb of property In Lo. Angeteate Mr-. Backer, who will now Eoraake the waahtub and live in comfort |M|t|lllMV(. tW < KI>1I\AI>. Bxocutive clomency manifeajting it si If in the pardon of niimeroiis erimi nals seiiteneed to the guillotine, is likely to bringan "Intorpellation" ol President Fallierea at tbe aextaeaaioa of the Freneb eliamber of deputies. Public Indignation Ia ao bigh overthe recenl cdmmutetioti of tbe death aen tenoe ol lodi cold blooded aaaaaaio. thal aeveral deputlea annouoced yesterday tbai tbey will demand that the presi? dent explain. Cbamberlain's Stomacb and Liver Tableta ejently stimulate 'be liver and bowela t<. expel poiaonou. matter, eleanse tbe system, eure roiistipatioii and Btck beailaehe. Bold by \\ . K. Creighton and Hiebard tiibson. ril'TY YKAU*' KXl'KKIKNTKOF AN lU.l) NIKSK. Mr-. vTlnafow'aSoothlng Syrup is tbe preserlptlon of one of tbe beat femalo pbyaletena and nuraea Ia ttie Ualted Bteten, aad has been need for (ifty years with nererdalllag aueeeaa by millionsoi mothera fottheir ehlMrea. it ratterea the ehild from pain, eures diarrhoea, griplng In tbe bowela, and wind colie. Bj glving health to the ehild it resta the mothor. Twnntv-fiv? conts a bottle. When the digeetion ia all right, the actioo of tbe bowela regulgr, there ia a a natural craving and reliab for food When Ihis is lacking you may know that you need adoaeof Cbamberhvn'a Btomach and Lifer Tahh-ts. They Btrengtheo th<- digeative organe, im prove the appetite and regulate the bowela. Bold by W. P. Oreighton and Ricbard Glbaoa. \\ KKK KNDTHKF.TS. Loeal week end ti.kets Washington to s..-i-et. Warrenton. Ilarrlaenburg, Bluemonl and Intennediate atatlona aotu on Baturdayaand Bundaya, valid forre tuni on M.'.ndav Bt very low fares. will benlaoedon aale by Southern Railway at Washington.Ii. <\, Ix-ginning SATFH DAY, May 28tb, and eontinuing until Oetoher J. inelusive. L. S. HHOWX.Gcnoral Agent Take Advantage of Reduced Prices on Furniture. Solid Oak Bedroom Suit, $23.50. Oak Chiffonier, $5.25 Neat Princess Dress er, $9.75. Oak Chiffonier with French p 1 a t e glass, $9.50. M. Ruben & Sons* 601 KING STREET. l.eadin ater's guaranteed Oherrv Cough Kemedy to cure eoughs. Wedon'tsay oryoiir money back, because there a no need. It curej: 25o bottle. Flremt'iiN Annual t'olebration, Alexan? dria, Va? August Slth-*?tb, l?lil. Yerv low round tripfares via Southern Ratlwaj from all Vliirintapointaaeeount above oeeasion: dates of sale August ?. 23, M and 25, tinal limit August 9th, 1910. For flre eompanlea In unifonn fares on i.a-i- oneeeut per mi'.e. Oonanlt agenu or write L. S. Hrown. tSeueral Ag?nl. 705 Fifteeuth street. uorthwest.Washlngton, D. C, for fuli particulars. Wide Mouth Qt. JARS 6 and 8 oz. Jelly Glasses Jar Tops Parafline. G. WM. RAMSAY. ANOTHER BARREL G,Wm. RAMSAY. For Iced Tea Use My 50c Mixed Tea. It is BETTER Than you can buy at 75c elsewhere. G. W. RAMSAY. New Potomac Family Roe Herring 50 Barrels 50 Halves 25 Quarters 100 Kits. PRICE'S PACKING. also 50 pails HERRING ROE 90c each. G. W. RAMSAY. AM 0FPERINQ POR BALE BXTRA BRISTOW CREAMERY BUTTER 35c Pound. I gaauaatee aa ety pound to give satia fa.-tion. Freafa and Smoked Meats, Oroeeriea and Farm Produeta of tdi kinds. Telephone orders given prompt attentio)). l'r.lelivery. F. C. PULLIN, Corner Qu.-en and Itoyal stroota. I'lioii.-. Bell BL, Hoinc87W. jyi-'iy_ Otterburn LithiaandMag nesia Springs WATER Greatest known Water for Dyapep aia. Indigcstion. Kidney and Liver Troublea. Lcading Phyaiciana endorjc it and te? tify to its great merit. Frank Warfield, Druggist. FOUNDKKS AND MAf'llINKrS J.&H.Aitcheson MACHINISTS AND ENGINEERS Agents Gray Gasoline Motors Enfineer and Machiniata' Suppliea. Pipc. Pipe Fittingi. Valvea. Vc. Blacksmithing & Repairing Promptly Executed. Alexandria Iron Works FOUNDRY. MACHINE. BLACK 3M1TH AND STRUCTURAL IRON WORK. |We make a apecialty in repaira to Caaoline Enginca. Motorcyclea and Autotnobilea. Wc aolicit your ordera on all kinda of Iron Work. BellPhone 53. WASHINGTON OFFICEJ 514 Evana Building. Phone Majn|?324 iGET READY FOR THE |] I FIREMEN'S I GATHERING Visit Kaufmann Bros. I 1 The place that has the up-to-date Clothing, Hatsand Furnishings. See the Arrow Collars, 2 for 25 c. The new shapes, stylish and com fortable. Kaufmann Bros | 402-405 King Street. Another CII ISSZ Big Sale of 01 LIVO# Drcss lengths Figured Taffeta Silk Foulards, plain shades Rough Silk Pongees and Fancy Jacquard Silks, values ranging from 49c to 69c, on front bargain table table. Choice 25c Yd. D. Bendheim & Sons. 316 KING STREET. Swan Bros. KING AND PITT STREETS. ? _ Close at 1 o'Clock Tomorrow. Telephone and mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. Store will close tomorrow, Thursday at one o'clock on account of the firemen's parade. Sale of remnants today and up to closing time to? morrow. Splendid bargains in all departments. Standard Patterns. each 10c and 15c FOR SALE. Cozysixroom brick dwelling, 821 Duke street, with all modern improvements. Good conditton. Al ways rented. __ _ . _. , Desirable brick dwelling No. 904Dukestreet,con taining 8 rooms and bath with 20 foot side lot fronting on Duke street. . . ? Two fine new two-story brick dwelhngs on north Columbus street, Court House square, containing 8 rooms each and every modern convenience. Ready for occupancy. Further particulars at my office. John D. IMormoyle, CORNER KING AND ROYAL STREETS.^ Alexandria National Bank Corner King and Royal Streets Capital $ 100,000. Surplus and proiits $30,000. United States Depositary. Depositary for the state of Virginia. Depositors afforded every facility for business, security and accommodation. Large and small accounts invited in both our Commercial &, Savings Departments on grounds of absolute safety and satisfaction. OFFICERS Judge C. E. Nicol, President. Wm. B. Smoot, Vice President. John A. Marshall, Vice President. T. C. Smith, Vice President and Cashier. Funds invested for our customers. Details care fully attended to for all. Call to see us. Drafts issued on all parts of the world. Interest paid at three per cent in our Savings Department. Your Watch Will NeverKcepCor rect Ti lme if it needs cleaning. Moit likely that's the reason it has been loaing timc lately. Step in and Ict ua look it over. We are experts in watch repairing. All |our work is guaranteed. an 1 |our cbargea are always the loweat. H. W. WILDT & SON, Jewelers. 106 NORTH ROYA1.JSTREET. ^ - ? BELL PHONE 34: _m W. A. SMOOT & CO., INC. LUMBEB & MILLWORK, ALEXANDRIA, VfROIXIA. CLEARANCE SALE OF Summer Shoes We will positively sell all broken lots at priccs REGARDLESS OF COST. ^b |\/X Z 4o? king street FOR RENT 817 Prinee street. .$-'2 50 647 N. Henry Btreet. 10 50 120 X. Bt. aaaphatreet. 18 OW880 Coaamefo. street. 1128 Duke Btreet. 10 00(828 Oommeaoe street. 8 00 11S N. St aaapfa Mrert. H 00 421 B. Alfred street. 7 50 818 N. Pitt Btreet. 11 00 ] MO Wilkes street. 5 00 511 B. Henry itreel. 1" 50 506 Wiikes street. 6 00 Several Comfortable Houses for Sale. HARRIE WHITE REALTY, INSURANCE, BOND1NG. If You Want a Good Medicioal Rye Whtsky?the Right Kind? WAKEFIELD RYE if what you want. Al*of|try| wrat |of our| hne Importcd Wiaea and Gin. Lowenbach Bros., Kintf and Alfred Streeta. Both Phone*. ^mmmmmaamumnmB-TZZ" < \i aaaaaaaaaaaa?C3aaaaaaa11 .~rm" ESTABLISHED 1870 THE RAMMEL CAFE ? i ii ii ? i Offers ALL THE SUMMER DELICACIES BOTH PHONES (Finest Table Wines, Clarets and BurgundtesJ |all the Summer.]