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lirtfinbria (gxntttt. IUDAY KVFN1NO. AUO. 26 LOCAL MATTKKS. Sun and Tide Table. n rise- tomorrow at 6a aaad aetaftaa. -. water at I-*> a. ))). an.l 1X88 p. m. Weather Probabilitiea. this seetioli lllisettled Wealher, with show.-rstoiiiglit <>r Salur.lay: eooh-r tonlgbt; moderate northweaterly, abln> ing to iiorlhea-lerly win.U. HELD FOR THE GRAND JURY. Alwiit eleven o'clock la-l night BOme exeitellieilt was e.iu-eii 00 Dorth Pitt street hy the ajlcgod rnbbery of>a white man by a negro, Otti.eis Beacfa and Rawlett appeared aod took cbarge of th.- darkey, who bad been aeiaed i<y lns victiin, an.l locked him ap ia th tion house wherehe gave hia name aa Qeorge Jaokaoo. TbecaMeaaabroughl bafore the Polioe Courl thia morniog when Darr.-I DaWBOO, .-f The I'lainsl Fau<|uier county. who sai.l In had U-en lobbed hy the negro, atated that he was ,,ii tbe" east side of I'itl sli.el near an alley engagcl m takmg an m ventory of his exehequer when Jackaon, who was staiiding hehind ;i I'<?.?, anatehe 1 a tweoty dollar oote from his band and ran. Pawson gav.- chaee and ov.rtook tbe oegro. and had him in . hitrge when ihe poli.c arrived, The iweniy dollai note, il was ahown, was in one of Jackaou'a poeketa when be was -eaiched al the stali.-n hous.-. The acii-ed in liiedefeuee alleged tbal )?- had I.n Wilh DaWBOO and ihe lal ter gave him what he Mppoaed waa a dollar hill to get ehanged in order t<> pay him (.lackson) for c-ilain semccs. After be gave him the hill Dawsoii eha-e 1 and i aught huu, claimmg be had been robbed. Joatice Caton beld the negro foi the grand juiy. POLICE COURT. [Justice II. B. Caton presi.ling.] The following rawea were dtapoaed of this morning: Tim Mad.ien aml Flmei l.ewis. charg.-'l with vagrany. were ,lismis-e.l. Two men. charged wilh operating an automolnle withoot ligfatB, had their ease conlinu.-d. Qeorge lackson. colored, charged with robbing Darrel Dawaon, was aenl on Io th. grand jury. Jiuiu-s Bnrretl an.l Jobn Dervin, charged with diaorderly conduct were Jilied .*?"> each. .htmes Mill.r, colored. charged with a-siiulting .la.k (iiggle. CcJored, was fine.l $?"). Several white men, charged with ngbting, were arraigned One was fined *?'>. BOOte had tbeir caac ...ntinued and otbeis were dismisse.l. TWO DAYS OF FESTIVITY Th.- feeth ities of the past two oigbta bave he. n parti. ipated in by every cla-s in tbeoommunity. OWand young Alazatidriaoa aod their gueata, bave Illillgled and ihe good ebeer nialiifesle.l has been marked. While tbe carnival gpirit seemed to l>e ammatmg e\el\ ajoul, there was none of the vanity fair itppai.-nl As mighl have been ex pectedj some peraona abowed tbe exhil eration auperinduced l>y coovivbUity, but the victitna were good-natured and nothing -ciious ...cuned to iiiar the enjoyment of anv one. MADDEN REDIVIVUS. Tim Madden, wboM name has ofteii in reeent ycart appeared im the Idoltler Of (he I'ohee Court, reiippeared in Alex? andria yeaterday in rompany with . youtb named Blmer Lewia llieeonple were taken incharge byOfflcera Knigbt, Rawlett and GUI and ? charge of vagraney praferred atainat them. The aCCtlsed Were lilollgllt liehire ihe I'oliee Court this morning. Maddeo -aid he had reeently lived m a diy lown m 01 der to eseape ihe temptatibn todrink. The pii-otiers v.ere di-nn-scd. METCALF'S COMET. hlacalf'a eoinet i- now rapidly ap proaching tbe poinl wbere it will be I the BUO. Thi- evelil Will take plaee nevt Tneaday, and after that it will .|iii(kl> -hoot away into -paee. and will not agatn rwraal itaell to eartlily obaerrei. for years to eome. When tln-wanderei is nearest th- -mi it will be aboul twice tln- diatance of the earth away from the snn. It is slowly decreaaing in brigbtneaa, be (?ause it is inereasing its distanee from the earth. NEGRO ON THE FENCE. A negro wa- seeli 00 the feiue of a retmlenee on the eorner of Duke and Wadiington atreet. last nigbt Offlcer Baaapeoo, wa the traapajnia, and dh> cbarged his pistol. when the dark rati. The hon-e wa- rabeequently entered and sean hed. bul DOthing wa- louod llllisillg. TELEPHONE BOOTH ROBBED. Tne long-ilistanee telephoiie l.ooth at the union paaeenger Btation was robbed last nighl of a .um of inoney. The teleplmne wa- hrokeii as well as tbegla-is in the door. Two men. bt> lieved to he been ttamps. were aeen in the main room of the depot where the pay station inlocated, ahortly baJorc|the robbery was diseovered. The amount atolen waaamall. RAIN AND COOLER WEATHER. The weather yenterday was miltry. the mereiirv in the thermometer diiring the afternoon standing at Wdegrees. The warm weather contmued laat nlght. and conditions had improved but little early this inorning. Later, bowever. rain' began to fall and the wind. whieh bad been from tbe *outh. changed to tbe northwest, after whu h the aaatparatore began to fall. the mer cury batng ?< 70 degreea at noon. Rain had since fallen at intervals. SCARED BURGLARS OFF. While the festivities on King street were M tbe high water nruk la-t nigbt conaiderable excitemeiit was cauaad 0* QajJMn street, U'tween Alfred and Pat rick, by tlie aniiouneement that thiere. were breaking into a Biore aad dwelling. A neighbor appeared with a pistol and discharged foiir slmts at the would U burglars. when the latter \auisbed. JOO pair ladies tine shoe worth $3.50< and $400. They are our beat makea. but a Uttie off aa to style, 98 centi l A, Mariball <fc Bro? 422 Kiog mwt AFTER.MATH OT PABADft king Htreet Thealre efCfenatal l*r<> reedingo-Part ol Thoroughfarc Dense ly Parked Ifattl JWBltj Mldiilght? Happy Tawaaga Paaa to and Fro tioodt'heer BvatJ w here. It was after four o'clock yesterday afu-rnoon l.efore tbe Bremen'. parade disbanded. Ample preparetiooa for tbe enU-rtain.i.e.,t of the partieipants had ba..ade, and the of the varions oagaiii/atioiis repaired to Ihe ptaoM whieh had been arranfad for ihem Where the lefre-hllieills SnIiI-I. had been prwided were enjoyad after about tWO botjre' mareh. The weather waaeuhry in the after ii.Min. altboogfa a stiff lireeze ].revaile,l from the aouth, and aoroe diaoomforl W:is experienced by tbe marcbera. kn hotir OT BO lalei, however, they reap peared on the atreata refreabed and ready for tbe acenea of the earlj nighl Tln- erowda on the atreeta abowed n?> dimiuutioii, and afler dark the streeta were as aoimated as on Wedneaday nigbt. The multitmle Booked to King street, and from Royal street for balf a do/en aquarea tbe eity's main Ihroughfare presented a hvely pietnre. lu many oaana ii waa impoaajihle lo paae on the sidewalks, as th.y were cloaely packed with faumaatty. The roadway BOOn heeame ahno-t as OOOgeated BJ (he sidewalks. The-.- eolldllloll- afa iW ed no malerial ehange until nearly mid nigbt. On Washingtoii Btreet, l.etw.en King and Prince, when- the tbe band oon lest took ptaOB, the sea of heads lo apectator. from an eleration wen geative ol a buge croa.,extending north and BOUth, east and west. The seeiies were virtually a r.iieiitioii of those of thepreeeding iilght Thoua and. of young people were enjoying llninselve- to their heart-' eonteiit, wbite many of their elder- looked On and eipially enjoyed tbe seene-. The viaitora entered beartiry into tbe joy of the oeea.-ion and seenud at tbe zeliith in the happy niingling. There were eomparativel\ f-w ea>e of diaorder, eonaidering the buge erowda whieh anrged to and fro. Bm-h liufollllll.'lte oeeiiileliees M Wele ol. aerred werebriefand nol rerioua. The fri.tloli- were, as mighl have l.i eli aop posed. Ihe result of laiiying too loiig al thr wilie. It was neariug midnighl before tbe eily ipiieted down. By that time the many Wa-hingloiiian- who had -pent the day in Alexandria had reliuiied lo their bomeo, while moel of the riaiting Bremen wen- within doora tired oul by the exeiteinellt of the day. \~ -i ited al.ove after the parade end e,l the \ i-iior-and iiuinliers of frieiids were eoiidii.ted to Arinory Hall where a bountiful hiiieh had be. n prepared by tln- eiiteriaininent committee con aiating of Me<-r-- Peter ron de W. -ie laken, ehaiiinan; M. P. tire.ii, John D. Nonnovle, Alberi Ahcheaon, J. T. Inhnaon, Jamea Luckett,G. H. Bender, W II. Swe.-ii.y, M. P. E. Qreen, Arthui Paul and l{. A. ( It i esliinaied thal at lea-t 1,200 peopli were fed and high in the praiao <>f tln committee were all who partook of tln bountiful n-past. The committee ware alily assisted by numbera of citixena who vied wilh eaeh other in helping to make the occaaion a l.rilliant auooere. When the hnnh was o\er aud (piiet restored foi the time beiug th< committee, with Mr. .1. Frank PetUsy M ehairman, met and awarded ihe piise- a- follows: Fii-i prkte H00 Largeel and beal appearing uoiformed company in line, wiih band, membera .>f tbe aaaociation, io the Pheobua company. 80 men in line. Becood priae?160 -aeoond beat? Harriaooburg company. 41 in line. Thir.l pri/e?$?:.'.- Largest and beal app.aring unifornied company in line witboul band, uiembera of tbe aaaocia tion. Hamptf* company, .r,s; lo line. Foiirih pn/e rt25 Largeel and beal uniformed oul of Bute eompauy, in line, the Waahington contingenl Thou-ands of people gath.-red the grandetand on Washington atreel lasl night to heai ihe miisic ..f tbe COO teataota among the banda ..f the i iaiting Breoompaniea. Thoiiaa>odaiTiore oould hardly g-l within bearing distancc of th.- banda aa they dhwouraed their beal music. Bul withal. whether tboae who gathered in that aection beard the musk or nbt, it can hardly Ix- doobted by tboae who were there that everybody was happy. The haoda that participated in the eontest were that of tbe uarnaonourg Company. and the Kagle Band of Newport Newa. The jodges were Bfeaara. Henry K. Field, lieo. B, Kelllledy alld (i('0. H. Kvans. When the eontest was ov.r they de cided that the band with the Bagk Co ,,f Newport, 1'rof. L S. Yassel, leader, was winner of the $"H) prize. Itoth banda rendered their aeleetiona well and were loildly cheered. Th* Harrisoiihurg band had many fri.-n.l iu the erowd and until the decision wa made many sai.l that band WOuld win. SeveraJ other* had annqonced their intenlion of entering the eontest but suse.|uentlv dropped out. The contesting comptiniea met last night an.l in the proaenoa of the eom? mittee drew lots f..r poaition in the >eel race of today. The reaoK was aa followa. nnd in this order did they run against time Xo. 1 Hariisonhir.'. Lfo.*?Cor ington. Xo. o?Kagle. No. 8, Ifewpoii tfewa. N<>. 4-Woodatock. Xo. 5.? Pronl Royal, Xo. 0? I.uriiy. No. 7. Btraaburg, Xo, 0 eHjedaodoah, Xo. 9?I^-xington. One would have hardly imagined that BtaCb a large crowd would liave gathered on north Washington street todav in view of the Inctemenl weath.-r. Butibis seemed to mspiie, rather than retard, the interest lakeii in thesporting cuhiiination of a happy ev.-nt. fosr it i estimatedthat nearly 2.tX*ipeople gath ered tO cheer One or the other of their favorites oo to victory in the r.rl rac liany atood ondei their own and othera aeeepted the sh.-lter of other s um brelUs, wbile the foliage of the tr.. on the <tr. m a great meas ure in the protection of the apectaton from the element. The course was aliout 8QQ feet start ing at a point between fVinecea and Oronoco streets, and ruuning south. The coiitestant.-' ohj.-ct was a run <>f BOOfeet -outhto a plug and attacfa 150 {eet of hose, from Fbich there should eome a stream of waler. The ll.-et foot.-d tireineii gave a splendid exhibi tton of their knowledge of the busmess in whieh they were cngaged and all the oompanie. receivedapplause. The Btarl was made in the reel racea at 10:4-") and tbe following is the offi cial result: Harrisonbi.rg. ?s aecond. Newport Newa.. ??? aecon- - W.Is.oek . .SoKCCond FrdntBoya!. 88^ seouids Lexington,. 40seco..d* Btraaburg. 3ascconda Bbenandoah... fc> aevon-N Luray. . .-,1 seconds Covington declined lo coropate. \. will be seen Luray none Oom panv won the ti..-t prtXC, and tbe sec otid pri/e was l-etweeli Woodstock, Btraaburg and fshanaiadoah oompaBiea, whieh in;..le the ruii in 88 seconds The n.M eonlest was free (o all and waa entered by all ihe took parl in the former eonte-t. The result of the free foi al! coiit-t was as follows : Karriaonburg. :il 4-o seeonds Newporl Newa.... :cj seconds W.Irtock.. .Sl 4-0 seconds Pronl Royal. 33% atvo.ids Lexington. 3.;-eeonds S.ia-I.uic.. IVJ'.'..-, .seconds Rhenandoah. . Wanoond. Luraj.8H 4-:. s-eonds ?il,,- make. a uabetween liarnson burg and Woodatock for fir?t prize. The prize. were a- follows : First pri/e ISUite a-so,-iatio;i com p.inie-) Cuatodyof the -tate associa ti<.ii tiiunpet?$11*'. Becond priae (Btate MajodaHon oom j.anies) $60. Firsl pri/.e- (Opeii to all companies) -$100. Becond pria. (Open to all oom' p.aniesV $50. judgea Dr. W. M. BmRfa and Mr. A. Sid.iev Mankin. Timei- lieaara. Wm. 0. WUdt, Floyd S.iiiinleis and Cha- DeMoll. Start.i?Mr, Kenneth Ogden. The racea were toog drawn out and 1.,-fore their eonclusion many of the apectatora became tin-d and left the ground. The racea whieh wen-still iii progreaa :,t lo'clock will windiipthcfestivitiesi of the oeea-ion and ntOBl of the visiting liremei. will have for their homes this evening. In speaking of the parade it is the coiieeii-ii- of opinioii amoiig thosc in a poaition to know thal it was one of the |?.SI ev< i s.eii iii the -inle. llatldled ineverv d.tail evelnsivi ly by local I'ne menitwaaan oceaaion longto be re ,,,.miieiid. Reluctantly accepting the elii.-f niarahalabip of aucceaafull) conductad parade, Mr. .1. Bkfney Douglaa proved tliat be was maater of the sitnalion in Ihe fact that every iliin;; wenl off in clock-work ordei \,,t detracting from tln- al.ilitv of bia :ii,l,. amtatanta and aidea, it can be nafelj aaid thaj tliough the okl st.-r.. lyped parade route was diacarded and i,t eiitirely new on>- seleeted, it is a eomphinelil of the hlghe-t order to ihe ehief marshal lo state thal no organi/.a tion ev.r -howed Itself to l.ett.-r aihali tage than did tbe Virginia Btate Fire men- A-soeiatioli. The (ia/e(te wishes for the viaiting Breman aaafi joorney lo their homes and at Ihe same time expreaaca tln- hopethal the Huler of the Iniv.-i-e will in his kind proridence -pare the life of eaeh *\ isito. to meet n.M \ al Newport N'ews. JOHN ROBINSON'S SHOW. John Bobinaon i ahow, which is to exbibil in ihis city ona week from to daj. i- one of tbe beal ever aeeo io this uountry. The aide abow ia high cJaea. Th.- menagerie cootaina Brat>cJaaa animala, clean, h.althy and large. The horeee and aJI the equipment are clean, well keptandoftbe beet There is notbing kboddy or ababby, In tbe areiia the aeatiog ia close t<. tbe per formera, giviog an excellenl vi.-w of every rtct, Ihere are aereral featurea of tbe .'Id -fa-hioned circus, dear to our boyhood daya, aome that are too fra queotly lefl oul of tbe hig ahowaio it ceni y.ars There is not an uncivil employee <d any kind abool the ahow. Children can and do get aloog aa well at the h'g enierprise as at Munday school. WESTERN CHAMPIONSHIP. The weetern motor boal champion ship will be run tomorrow on the Ohio river al Cincmnati for B $1,000 purse and $1,000 cnp. The hoat recently Bttedbythe Bmeraon Kngine Co., of thia city.with ita high apced eogine will he in ihe raoa, It was ihippad, aa stat.-d before, by tbe owner, Mr. A. Traver, of Pougbkeepeie, N. Y. Af ter thia race it will oo August 30 lie a factor in the race at l'eoria, III., and from that point it will he aent to Osin uig, N. Y.. and take part in the Hud BOO river i.i.e-. THE SCHOOLS. The rapi.l Hight of time is brougbt to mind by tbe announcement in today'a Gaxette that the kaniiog of permits to cfaildren t" attend the public achoobi will begin on September .">?oflt w.-ek from Mottday oezt. To many it seein that ihe achoobi closed bol a few weeka ago. hui alraady ihe time has abaoel rolied arouod for their reopening. THE BIRDS. The 880800 for shooting sora and reed hirds will Opeo on Thursday next, September tirst. It is aaid that the birda are pleatiful and in good condi tioii. Already it I reported that many birda bave been kille.i by violatoraof tbe liU and 'n deriance of the game wardena. _^-_ SERVICES RESTJMED. The servi es of Betliany Independent M. I'. ChoTcb wil! be restimed this eveoiog, with ihe prayer service. The S.ihl.atli school and Dublk -ervices will be reeumed on Bunday next, Dyajeatery i- a dangeroaa disease but oan be cetred. Chamberlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ha? been ntceeeefadly oaad in nineepidemics of dyaentery. It hasnever been known to fail. It i* eqoally vduable for ohii dren and adults. and when reduced with w it.r and sweetened. it is pleasant to take BoM hy W. V. Creighton and Richard Qibeon._ Hard Craba. Soft Craba. Deviled Craba and Crab Salad JAt JACOB BR1LLS RESTAURANT foot of King Street ppen uatil 10 p. m. apr7Bm PERSONAL Mr. William H. Tyhr. formarly of this city but now of Waslmu'ton. a half-brother of Mr. EL B. G.hTCb, is soriously ill at 1ns home in W asb ington with typhoid fever. Mr. Thomas Hoy. formarly of tn. city, but now of Washingtoii. has goo. to Oakland, Md.. to apand a few wv.k-. Rev. and Mrs. Kverard hfeade have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, l.izzie bVockeobrough, to Rev. Charles William Bydnor, at 7 .".n o'eloek, Bepiamberl, Bl Pbhick Churcb Aeeolink, Fairfax eonnlv. Mrs. I.ucy L l.unt has raturned from a visit to Mountain Lake I'ark. Md. Mr Simpson Williams, of CbarlottCB ?? ille. who baa beenapaoding tbe aaek with his coiisin, Mrs. (J. K. Mark.-ll. has returned home. Mi-s Bettie Keys has returned from a ph-asanl visit t<> Allantie fjhj Miss Isalx-I Washingloii. of W.-t moreland eounty. is rkdtiag fcfaa Lucy Kn-t, near Alexandria. Mr. and Mrs. .lohn B. Duneiin. of Culpepcr, amioimee the eiigagemeiit ol their daughter, Mi-s Ix.relle D.meaii. 10 1). II. LOW, jr., of Alexandria. The wedding will take plae.- in the fall. Hr. Oeorge II. Le Hew baa aa hei guests Miss Maggie Spangl.-r. of Btraa burg, and Miss Fmina .1. llard>. of Frederieksl.urg. .lohn II. Strider. foim.-rly of thi ei(y but now of Susijiiehaiina, P... is here on a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. I'-nwiik will leave here for a WCeka \.nation IfoO ' M.ssOla Pullin has joal relinned from a ten week's visit to the iiioiin tains. Miss Kllie Orudd is runting Mr. Cbarle. Bmith at her home on Madiaoo street. , Mr. J. B. Fintiote, of Waahington, baggage master of the l'eiinsv!-. am i Railroad. with his fannh. Bpenl yes? terday with Mr. and Mrs. I.ain. Mr. K. 1'. W. (iamett has returned from a pleasanl visit to relatne- m K BBI eounty. Mr. Qeorge W. Dearborn, of Am herst, is ol. a short visit lo relalive- in this city, his old home. Mr. R. Walton hfoore, of Fairfax. BO well and favorably known in ihis . ity, is eontined lo his home with a aprained ankle arbich he auatained a few davs ago. Mr. Mamv W. Qaiaea, the popular clerk of .lohn A. Mar-hall A BrO., has returned from a ten daya' rieii t" At lantie City. Mr. Cbaa. (>. Brill, tormerly of this city, who ha. feenearioualy ill f?.r tln past few moniha .1 his In.? in Wa-h ington, wa.-well i nongh tobe BBCorted lo his old home, in llns city, in 11 i?- ai ? toinobile of hi- brotber, lir. Auguetw Brill. and vi.-w tln- Bremen'. parade The many fri.n.l- i f "Cbarlie," :is hc is familiarly known, will bCgfatd t" hear >.f hi- improred oonditioo. Among tl.ose wboatteuded thedance ut Curmont, on Baturdaj nighl laal wai Mi- Tbotoa. W. Robineon, of tbta eitv. Mr. .lames R. Yate. ol M.rkham, is a gi est at tln- Rotel Peuach. Col. ihe... II Fiekhn will leave Bun day for Hiehmond, from whieli |KMhl he will take the steamer for Noifolk. From Noifolk In- will sail for N.w York. The eolonel will be gone a Week. LOCAL BREVITIES. There was a fahN alar.f lire ihorl Iv before tea o'dock this morning. The st.ainer Bt, .lohns will tonight make ihe bad .>f bet mooolighl excur sioiis this seasi.n. The new dial whi.h reacbed bere soine time ago has I..- n placed in DO -ilioii in Ihe froiil of the cily ball steeple. Mr. W. H. Torryaoo, of Ballatoo, Alexandria countfr, died o* Tueaday aged 76 years. an.l wa- y.-i>H day evening al Palh Church. Rolx-rt Harper, Who works at tle Kiversi.le Brick Worka, waa badlj hurl today by a fall of hiick- UOOO him. Ile w i- hrought to his bome oo I'in atreet, near Princc, in ll is city f.>r ti.aini.nt. The work of in-ialling el. etri.ity al the Th.oiogiial Keminary, near this city. has heen ;d> .ul complcte.l and betaafter tbe boildingi and grounda of the inatitution will he ngbtedhycuT rent furnished from this city. Marriage lieen?.a i--ued in Washington yesl.-iday to Mill-m B Lovalaoa, of Bdlatoo, and BuojceJohn ?on, of Alexandria, and to Clin oo C Purks, of Bpothryrvania county, and Fannie F. Wataon, of Stafford. S<.nie person enter.-.l Mr. O. F. Car ter'i atoraon King atreet, near Pitt, last night, opened the safe. took $6.62 in money and $1.60 io atampa there from. ciosed the leceplade and de parted. Among the motoi cara ihal bave been laglalered with the aeeretary of the comnionwealth and bave been licenaed to operate on tbe puhlic roada of the atate ar.- tboae balooging to i F. Myers, W. B. Smoot, H. F. Oreen and Slrs. Bottie My. r-. of lln- I l ' In mentioningthe features of a pa? rade one is hkely t<i overiook aoma < f th.- beet, one ..f which was th.- eppiaua ? given Col. W. A. Smoot, preatdeol 0* the Columbia Fire Engine CompapVi yeaterday as he inar.hed in line witfc hia boya with as light a and 8tap as when he firat be.ame a volunieer. Reporta from the upper country are to the effect that the Potootac river ia lower than at any time that aeaaon. Owing to the lack of raina, Ibe stream haa fallen to far helow normal and at places tbe water ia not more than two or three feet from shore to ahore. The body of Courtney B. Taggart, <>f Waabington, who was drowm-d at Colonial Beach on Wedneaday mornm> while reacuing from drowning L'on and Lena Thomas, wfls rr. over.-.l yea terday aftern<>on hy tish.-rnien. Tbe body arrived in Washington ycstcrday Mr. A. J. Buteher will have lor aate al his -tan.l in market tomorrow a line lot of Koeky Ford Cantaloup.-. If you want the b *t hanl. BOfl and deviled craba an d everything in -ea-on call at the Opera HOOBO Cafc. aug.'.; -t Select Soft Shell Craba on toaat and Deviled Craba arSpinka'a Cafe, Prince and Royal street*. REW OPERA HOUSE The performancea at the N> w I ?j - r| House are affording genuine aajtertaio ment. The pietu'ec are unsurj and the acting of a auperior nature. Read the features now preacrted in tbe jidvertiwmcnt, ^X W "THE BUSY CORNfB' \Jf Washington, D. C. $10 TO $15 Suits or Coats For $3.98 Clo-ing out priee-and we do not e.xpeet one -arme.i. lo he liere irter". oei.H-k t.orroa? (hoie.-olTlotll Sllits, l.ine.l SuiU, Silk I o;it-. The reaular prieea were |10 to ?i>. yet ohohse Ia offered al an] ol theae tonmrrowbrfais. -'.'"' s?" s,,,!l""? The New Opera House MR. AND MRS. FRANK GIBBONS Ci.inedy sketeh artists. of Hu-y l/./v Co., m the Doctor and tbe WkJow. RUSSELL BURT TYSON The Pianoliend. I Xovelty Diam.itie Act "Tik. Late." AND THREE NOVEL PICTURE SHOWS. Continiious performanee ni'.ditly 7.80. Al! BBat. 10c. Matmees Wedneadaya and Baturday. All BeataSc. Sp,-< ial for the eoiueiition ? Life pieture performanee- 1m iday and Satur ,|;ry, A.iL'iisfJiiand 27, startm-al 10.80 a. m. K.xe.lleiit raiUUC at everv per formani ? . I'.-rfeel order at all times. OofM when you llko, go when you pl.-as.-. ( lul dren i.iust have tiek.-t-. ang'-'olw NEXT WEEK Doi.'i miBl the marveloua TOKU KISHI. the wonder Jap. In foot juggtiog and wire walking. Tokn Kishi will do his death-defying alide torlife FREE out ?id. Ihe new Opera House .very nighl at 7.80; W .-dnesday al 2.80. SeamoreSisters, dashing aoubrettes, TIazel Lynch, the winsome artisi. ra In the Morning \ glass of HOF BRAUhe.l willre fresh.n you after tbe night'a aleep, nvigorale you and Ii t you for the lay's work. At Noon A glass ,,f HOF BRAU beer with bedinneror luncb "tona ii .?ff" just right :wid berpa tbe stom.ich I.. .li gest tbesoli.l fooda H ? 1 \ bottle of HOF BRAUheci Will he ippreciated, ea pecially if bodj or irain is fatigued. It is iioiirislniig and str.nglheiiiiig tn.I aootbea the u. rv.-s. We Can Serve You RobertPortner Brewing Co. ALEXANDRIA. VA ? No. 49-B SPEAK1NG OF WATCHES II, ie - without an pqual ai ihe priee an.l i- luily iMiarante.-.l. i:, jew.-i movemeot In tweaty > ear gold Blled eaae, $1275 R t ACTON V SONS. i, welera and .Sllveramiths. W, n,? now ju-! ahout to round out the firal year "f our exbteoee. The tbrnc that will keep Cameron Dairy Lunch i s<&\ rcah ii, >.-ur mind is its per.-nnia yoiiil. Nothing ever getaofd or rtale here iii.l.hke it lady carefu! of ber age. leniam- for.-ver ".lust SweOt Sixt.eii." Cameron Dairy Lunch D06 King Street. LQa/ff< iLDBRACKLST, In-aring the iul tJaJj A. <?? I' Rewaid if returned to UlBSOK'S DRUQ STORE. augX 3t Welcome Firemen to Our City and Store. \nilllinc.-i HlsrOKlf posT CAROB .,, ,u\ and Photo Poal Carda or our Firi Department on aale now t., whi.h will beadded photo yteweofali the prtoelpal ,v enta of the eoovae* tion aa they take ,,Uce. S.F.Dyson&Bro. BOOKSELLEFS and STATIONERS 508 KING STREET. Next to Opera Hooae. UN Kngineer Omee.fflp lTth atreet, . \ W Wa-hington. I?. C, Aug. 28, 10 Healed i.-..i>. ?-?>1? for .Ire.lgmg in iPotomae Riverat Alexandria Va^. and itl>?werCedarPolnt.a^andlnOpp*r M:? h,-l..e and Dyiners 1 reeka, Va., will be received bere unti l- Bf.,8eptomber B, 1810.andtben i.ublicly opened. in? formation ou appftcatlou. W (. I<A*o !.t< ol. Engra. ?Ug;i?,Wr27|KPWl2* Traveling your comfort depends large ly on your re fresh m ents along the road. Carry your favorite hot or cM*d drink in an TWADEMAPK ma, u. ?. p*t. orr. ano omat br.taim BOTTLE Keeps drink icy cold for day- and steam ing hot for 24 hours. You are invited to examine them. Saunders & Son 629 King Street. Wm. H. Peck PAYNE AND QUEEN STREETS. OROCERIEB. ri;<;\ WION8, JTOOD, i ii \|,. I.IMC. i RMENT, TERRA MiTTA SKWEB PIPE. NAII.s. i, I.ASs. PA1NTH AND OII* Ivory Wall Plaster AJargequantlty ol aew aad aeeond hand lurobeVand Becond hand brlek for aale eheap. WM. H. PECK. THREE HECOND-STORI ROOMS. rurnlahed or unfUrnlahed; uee of plaao io adulta; in tln- Bouthwesl aectlon, eonvenlenl lu Unlon atatlon. Addreaa ??11. A. T.," Qaaette ofBee. aug?3l F.iK lii.N i. i l.N kouW II" UES with bath; excellenl loeatlon. Apply vi; north Waahlngton Btreet augia -u FREE Efandaoine Ctoina Sugar Boarl and Cream PItcber free with fioo worth of our Pancy Tea. Coffee, Baklng Powder, Spteea and Ei Ir.e-l Butter, Ib. ... 33c SPECIALS A & P Laundry Soap, 8 bar? 25c Peanut Butter. lb .... 11c Gold Duit.19c A fcf P Condenacd Mtlk. 3 cana.28c Cherrici. 2 cana .... 25c Full Cream . . lflc Campbell Soupa. 3 cana . . 25c Poatum.pkjT , > i 12 and 22c Oiivea. Queen 10c. 15c and 25c M*lt .... 18c Swift Silvcr Leaf I.ard . . 15c Prunca. lb . . . 8c. 8c and 10c Hecker'a Cream Oatmeal. 3 pk<r?.25c Fancy lOand 20c The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Pbonea Bell jtt. Home 171. WVNTED.?ROOM and BOARD for youngcouple hy sJeptember 10th. Break'i Apply "H.," i.a/.ette _a"g"-4 u ATCH I.OST.?In froi.t of 380 Kiag ?Mre.-t. U.-ilne-l:.v ni.hl. Ketiirn r., above addaeaa aad reeetre r.ward. WSATKI- SAI.E8M \N and COL LECTt >R for in-lallinei.t hoii-e: must beaoberand InduatrkMU. \d<lre ll i. HOBaON.geaeraldellvery, M ln?tou, D. (,. *?& M DRY GOODS. Woodward & Lothrop NEW YORK?WASHINGTON?PARIS Continuation of Our August Fur Sale. Bvery late improreoaen! of maril ia embodiad in theaa fnra, The seleeting, malching, and dv.-ing of ihe skins; the reinfoicenient. ihe lining, the linishing, down t<> ihe sniall. st detail. is in the banda of men who know fur garmeiii 00O struction an.l iake ].ride in th.-ir skill. In (xmeequence, !>erfect satis:aetioii Io th.- arearer ? the gnaraatee that goea with every fur piece or math r what ihe prioa. BaMe Squlrrel For Setw, eenetajtfna ol ptllow muil tiid tbrow tie. i. Value, at&fla, BtaekOpoaarum PurSeta, oonsiatingof pillow mull an.l shawl eollar taiahM with talla -1 . s.t. Value. 832J? xmcrieaii Marlen Fur Sets. eonsist iu g of large pillow mull an.l large shawl eof l:ir. lini-lie.l <>n shouhlers :t)..l emls witlt I'.e.n talla. ROset \ alue. |42.fi0. l-al.ella Fox Fur Sets. eonsisting of large tuo-slripo.l mull aml large two .. Ktriiied shawl eollar, triramedon elther Gray Moullloii I-ur Sets. eonsisling ol . (.|1(| ? jlh ,mturfJ |,r(ls|,. -el. Valu. large rug muff, in aix-pointed en"eet,and large shawl eollar, line.l with shirre.l satin an.l (inishe.l in l.aek with three poillts. |2S set. Value, $42.50. leelan.l Fox Fur Sels, lor evening wear, oonalatins of very large pillov, mull an.l scarl of oiieanimal akln trim iiie.l wilh hea.l. tail. and I'oiir talis. 827.60aet Value, 837?r)0. .'n,.h Oenulne Rueaiaa Pony skin . .,..!-. line.l ihroilghout wilh gray Nkiu ii.r s vitin an.l lini-he.l with <leep n.ll ing eollar an.l eiills. KDeaoh. Value. fK>. Thir.l iloor?<r st. XIIIIl^fJPXriIXIIIXtl^llAliJ.JJJ-AIIgIXlllJXIJIIIII L 3 of Alexandria, Virginia H CAPITAL, $100,000 SURPLUS, $125,000 OFFICERS: Edward L. Daingerfield, President. Carroll Pierce, Vice President. Richard M. Green, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Edward L. Daingerfield J. C. Smoot Jas. W. Roberts Worth Hulfish Carroll Pierce M. A. Ahern Urban S. Lambert The Citizena' National Bank ha? bccn directly idcntified with the mercantile. manufacturintf. and jobbintf intcrests of AL-xandrta for forty years. and. with ita lartfe capital. ample surplus. conscrvative dircctorate. protfressive management and convenient location. ia cquipped to satiafac torily handle new accounta and to accord them that samc courteoua at tention whieh haa been a vital factor in ita st?-adfaat and continuoua tfrowth. Real Estate Loans. Fire Insurance FOR SALE On the south side of King street between Alfred and Patrick streets, a fine three story brick dwelling, containing eleven rooms and bath, with all modern conveni ences, good dry cellar, large lot, with side and rear alleys. Special price for ten day? only. For further particulars see. THOMPSON & APPICH 107 South Royal Street, Alexandria, Va u _ . ^tricks and Bond< City and Suburban Propertiea. [miiiiiiixAmAi^iiipajS 612 KING STREET. FULL LINE OF -0 Banjos, Guitars, Violins, Mandolins. All visitorstotheFiremen's Convention are rnrdiallv invited to call and hear the WON DERFUL PIANOLA and VICTROLA, the greatest musical inventions of the age. Sanders & Stayman Co. 612 King Street and 1327 F Street, N W? Waahington, D C. fc