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ALEXANDRIA, YA. WKDNESDAV KVSKIHQ, SKPT. 21 In a letter to B personal friend in this city eo-H-Braing Ihe reeeal meeting m Norfolk at whieh certaia membera of th? nudience acted so di < urtcoii-lv towanl him Beaatot Marlta wrfteeaa follows, thotigh the use ol his letter ifl without the knowledgc of tlie senator: There would have been aa much rea mtm and jiistice in dragging you into the Becond diatriel oomplieBtiona a> there was for draggii g me into them. I studioiisly avoided taking any part in tlu t eonleet and have Btudioualy avofcl ed any coonection with the oonditton. whieh, it ia alleged, bave grown up in Norfolk city and Norfolk county. I know nothing about them and have not had anything to do witb them Smce Ihe cbargea of fraud in tbe Bec ond district pninary were made I have not besitated in K?verae*ion witb my fiieti la to expreaa Ihe opinion thal they ought to he inveetigated and .woukl be investigatcd. Hyviail lo Noifolk waa solely and simply for the purpoae of looking after a eneecfa whidi Judge Watts was reported to bave made in the public meeting in Portemouth. Judge Watts, aa you bav aeen from hiapubiished letter, made propor ?or rection in that matter. I bad 00 de aire to appear in the Norfolk meeting and went only waa challenged lo come bv one of the Bpeakcra who prodaiined thal I ?;i- in tbe city and ought to be in ihe meeting aml that the meeting desired lo know my opinion about the aituation wbich they deaired investigated. I went only in reaponoe to that deinand. wbich I could not in aelf-respect have run away from. I am well satistied that the incideii! atrengthened me in Noifolk and in other parts of tlie state. Fair minded men througboul the atate. whelher friend or foe <?f Benator Martin, will afrec thal tbe incidenl atrengthencd him in rforfola and in other parts of the state. The proeedoreB enacted in the Board of Al lermen at noon l?n tbe firal in stant and reoewed tlial nighl until thirty-one ineffectual ballots had been takeu for tlie election of a preaidenl were resumed last night at the ad journed meeting. After sixty-one bal? lots had been takel) witboul rOBUlt, the Aldernien took a reeeaa until neai Tueaday niglit, the_7th inatant While the i.ienibers of the "big fnurs" miii gled in soeial eonveraation, the deter niination of lh? <??'? standpat was plainly in evidence. Ine monotoiious lalling of Ihe ro'l and the annouiicement of the four to-four rote finally grew tireaocoe io some of the many apectBtora who had gathered to witness the proceedinga, and moal of them tip-toed out when it aeemed there was to be an all-night aeaaion. The objed of tbe reeeaa waa to give tbe meinbers time to asceitam th ? combi natioii by whieh the deadlock ean be liroken. Nothing caJculated to brinj; about such a deaJderatum could be Been last night. As one of the meni bers observed, nearlya nioiilli has I.n (.-onsiiined iu endeavois lo -lide the bolt, but it was BJ iminovable at the adjournnicnt la-t night as ever. In a atatement, in whieh be de-lared tbat tho erusade whieh he feels impelled to wage against the li(|iior intereata of tbe state and nation overthadowa a pe.sonal and political friendship of twenty years, Mr. William J. Bryan al ___Moln, N'eb., yeatardav evening an jioimeed thal be had bolted the head of ihe democratic state ticket in Nebraska. nnd would not aupporl JameB C. 1 >.i 111 - man for governor. Now this will for ??ver est.ip Mr. Rryan from niaking hi charges that those who fell impelled to Vote against him are not irue deiiiocrats Nkw Yokk city is determiued not to be ouulone in anything, even in graft. Jn tlu police inveetigation now going on in that eity it is charged that a well known police ofBcer in rhargi of cer? tain preoincts ha- been COlrectiog B graft fund of apfwoximately 160,000 a month during the time thelid bafl been uff. Now what did he Kpeot the other fellowa to get after his rapacioii- _M? bad been filledj_ i.i.iiui araay Parade. Atlantic City. N. I.. Bepi 21.? t-ieered bf a bnt4red tbo?_aand vhriton Who lined the sidewalks aloii_ the in lirelengthof the mareh, 10,000 fet erana of the civil war. wearing the army blue and the old forage caps, marched through the atteetaof thia city today in the forty-fourth Grand Army parade. ln all forty-four ?tate depiutments were represented, and after them canie the National Assodaiion of Wterans and the National As-ociatioii 6f I V Union tViaoaera ol War. The Third Keginient. New Jersey Natinnal Gtaard hroujtbt up the rear. Throughout the rwrade automobilea were kept ranning ?ip and down the line of mareh lo care for veterana that were overcome by beat or fatigue Tbe mind of Aviator l>e BaedOf h I i lieved today lo bapetinaaently impaired as a result of tbe injuries be sustained eeveral weeks ago in tbe fall of his aeroplane at Canibrai, Fiance. !><? Baeder was renioved from the hospital leday by his mother. H ia unable to rnognize his friends, FKOM WASHlNCaTON. i i, ,. AlexaudriaGazettel \-.,,??. i -lasb is io be takan at the b g f ? .1 oonoerna s.-lbng adulteraie-l .Joduct- by l>r. II wey W. Wiley. the {roeemment'a pure foodetpert. Itwas announced al tbe hureau of ehemiatry today th it as a reeull of a year ofaeeret iiivestigition of food producU on the vYaahirifcton niarker, a number of eases will be i i.? uted m the police oourta ,f iiii city againat aome of the largest | . ,| ,- .,i? 'hi- iii tbe country. Tbe . bs. the offidala said. would be pueh nal rapidly. The gum-s'.oe waa M, v I by the I'md of *-JlHl which waa Impoaed upon Charles W. Oornwcll. rnatiager of the Washington braneh of Am. .n aud Co., of Chieago, who pleaded guilty to a charge of selltng or expOiing for sale adulterated egga. The egga were stripped of thmr ahella and packed in - an- in bulk. Coloring mat? ter and preservatives were added. \ public school quarantane was eetabliabed today against ohildren of familie- ln which there are eases of ii.faiitile paralysis. The city health iifflce refilsed tO aeccpt tlie tbeory of . iiimeiit pbysiciaoa that the malady is I,,.I C.lllt.'lgiolis. Vice -President Sbernian was defeat e,| in ln- own eleetion di-'rict, his own ,rard aud bis own Baaambly district by ihe i>i..gressive republicans at tbe primaries iu I'lica, N. Y.. yesterday, tlioUgfa be earned tbe city by gaining delegatea in a scant majority of tbe warda. Mr. Sberman, bowever, will ,it, nd the conventioo at thi head ofthe delegation fr..m tbe firal Oneidaaaaem i,iv district, a- a reeull of the primariea held >?? i\ in Huiialo, Rocheeter, Svraeu-e. Alhany, Troy, and in otber ni,- aod oountiea np-atate. Tunothy | VVoodruff, ( bairnian of the re? publican atate eommittee. and William i; ii ih?, jr., at Albany, prediot Mr. Sherman'a ele.tio.i as temporary chair 1,1-in of the Btate conyention by a sub -tantial majority. "The 'old guard' i- d.faled." said County Chairinan l.lov.l c. (..i-eoni yeaterday. al ligbt tO re.-eiie ber hiishand from the goverinnent a-.\ liim lor the m sane was begiin today by Virginia S'.roilse Franke. eighteen-ye ir-old bride, uli..-.-\ iii. came lo BU abnipt UTIIliualion on the day after her wed diug when b.?)? husbaiid.Kdwiti Franke. wa- arivled a- an eseaped lllliatic. Franke wasa private in the army an.l -,nt lo Ibe a-vluni from Fort Me] hei .,,,, Ga Three weeks ago l.e left ll.e instinitioii. met Mi- Stroiise, whom he had : nown in Phlladelpbla, andaltera ,lay of ioy rldlng, they were married. I ,- eholera, which baa been |ng through southern Kurope and is g II wa\ nortbward through Ilun h .- hrokeu outal Kobe, Japaa,ae forclingtoa eablegraiu reoeiv?jd at the State Departmenl today IVom \ Ice Con siil \\ .ill.i- l.allatl. Thisis th. lirst re p..rt of the appearanee of the disease at oii.niai porta, aporatie eaaea are nol UUUBUBl. \n approprlation of 8754100 will pe asked .-i Congreaaal the next aeaaion by the Commlaaioner of Educatlon for tbe purposeof inaint.iiiiing a lield foree ol ? i~ toadviae with loeal authoritlea ?ational matter*. Tbe declaion of tl.mmisaioner followa reaolutlona adopted hy the National Fdueational As-ociation al Ita convention in Boaton last .luly recommendlng aueh leg.-la t on. apeaker fjaanea iiehaiit. Danville, III., Bept 81.?"1 have i?, defeiice to make of tbe Payne Aldn. I. lariff law, for it needs none. It i- tbe eliactlncnt of tbe pledges made by ibe republican convention of l'.iiis |i i- in keeping with tbe policv .ii. tne !. publican party has niaintained as tbe correet reveiiue policy eyer since the eleetion of Abrabam Lincoln; in fact, it js in harmonj with ibe vcrv lirst revenue |egis|ati..n of the lirst ooogreaa under tbe a-lmini-trali..ii of Washinglon." Bpeakcr Joseph G. Qannon in a letter to bis ci.ngies.sional convention today accopting bis 80th oomination as a ropresentatiye, ilms burled deflance ai the inaurgenta and democrata who have alta.ked tb- lariff law. another Btaadpatter Pefsatei. IfinneapoliB, Minn.,8ept 21.?Rep reeentative .lames A. Tawney, ooeof the Btrongesi atundpattara in Cbngreaa, au.l tb. man wboin Preaidenl Taft up bel.l in Iu-now famoiis yVinona apeech, was defeated in tbe congressional pri niariea for renomination as repreaenta tiye from tbe lirst Minnesot.i district, by Sidney A. Anderson, iimirgent 0. If, Leaving, enmpaign manager for Aii.leisoii, aeya today Andereoo'a ma joiiiv will !?? more than 2,000. \\'iii..iia. .Mmn, Sept. :.'!. Tawney's campaign mnnagera at noon oonceded ibe n.inati n ofSydney Anderson by from 2,000 to 2,500 majority. Tawney beadipia ters were closed and maiiagers left, coorii e. d that Tawney was beateo. Tuis con.liision was reacbed with ui piecint- iiul of'_'71 in tbe district mis sing. M..-t of Tawney's strongbolds had reported, and miaajng returna are expected to increaae Anderson'a laad. ajtrana V4ill v>t Visit Kussla. Londoii. Sept. 21. ln reeentment against ihe -ligbl cast upon him and iheJewish rat* by tbe rear, Oscar B. Snaii-. United Btatea ambaaaador to Turkey, ha. abandpned lus intended trip to Ruaaia, according to the Oon si.iutmople corre-pondeiit of tbe Lon don GIdbe. When Btraoa rirat an iiounoed liis intentioo of visiting Rus -ui the Roaaian goverament, instead of giving him the passport that cuetoiii acvord- |o all anibassadors, is aued to bim a certinoate, designed es pecially tof Jewa. This certiricate, authorited Btraua, as b Jeanah mer chiint, to visit Ruaaia "upon business." The issuance of siich a certificate oc i-UUoned aurpriae in all Kuropean state lepartmenta, and the _4aonaaian be came ao unpleaaani that the caar rab* <equently ordered a special permit, .vbich was iinniodiately sent to Straus. I'he ambaaB-dof WM not appeased by this makeshift eonrtesy, the Olobe's ipondenl snys, nnil returned it to he c/.ar with a note scttingforth his lonmenl of the trip to Rusaift. taaaaatBatten Fiot. London, Bept. 21.?Diapetcbea re i tell of the publication in lus afteiiioon's edition of the Hochi Shimbun, nf Tokio, of an assassination ploi apainst the Mikado. Tho plottcnt are under ane.-t. The conspirators are deolared to be raetxtben of the "alicd socialist" party. I'm?,i--a*-suiation was to have boen car i I out wblkj tbe emperor was on a io tbe inilitary school near Tokio. Tne ti si Wtfeof Robert W. Cbanler inslructel br lawyer to begiu an action to -et arida theantenupt al agree intnt between her former busband and J.ina Oaraliari The < -ai !?! ? ! **<?? ^ Jeraey Cfcjy, Bept 21 PorterCbarl lon. charged with murd-Ttng bis wife at Lake Como. Italy. brought be fore Judge Hlair today !!-? Blate refused to place in evidence the cxnv feasion made by Charttoo to chief of Police Patrick Hayes, when he was arrested. It was explained if this got before the court it would leave t loophoh' for an <:>? imiy defeuee ;!ie entire sessioii up until luncheoii ,- devoted lo arguroent oo thia point Washington, Bept, 21. Tbe hearing -?day in the caa of Porte Charltoo, who ia wahled by ihe ttahan autbori? tiea for trial for th iiiu der of his wife at Lake Como, i- n iiwdered here flfl merely the tirst Btep in the long tierht whieh, it is expided, will be aaade againatbia extradition. Tbe eaeebaa not yet come to tbe State Hepartment for decisinn. According |0 the usual practiee, the represeniatives of the Italian governmenl will make formal charges against Charlton with BOCh evidence as ha- beBO obtained. reque-t ing that be be held for aorrender. If tbe evidence is found suirieient he will i?. oommitted by the magistrnte and the secretary of state will tbereupO- re? view the caae and paaa upon tbe quee lion whether Cliarllen shall Ik- turned over 10 the Italian governnient for irial. The compl.ixitiaa Of ihe case from two causes. The tiisi is tbe plea of in sanity wbich unduiihiedly will be made in Charlton's defen-e. Tbe Becond ia the fact that the Italian governnient bas steadily refused to extradile its own Bobjecta. Since the Italian gOI eriuuent has nevei acknowledged the force ofthe treaty m this res|-ect, il to led that it would rea-onablv come within the piovitice of the secretary 01 -late to Objed 10 the e.xti a.litioii of Ameriean citizens to lialy. The plel of iiisainiy as a I ar to ex? tradition iaa comparatively pofal one. There ia donbl whethei it will prevail in tbe preeentcaae as ii is a queation wbich would come up properiy for deciaion in tlie trial itadf Tbe extra? dition magiattate may rejeol this plea on the ground tbat it doefl not come within bia province to deterniuie tbe the defendani'fl sanity. A- to the queation whethei Secre tary Kimx will see tit tO surreiiilcr Cbarlton there ia much doubt, Judge Paul Cbarlton, the father of the de? fendant, was b claaa mate of fteeideni Taft and is a friend of the seeretary of tbe Btate. Hc i- making atr i.w effortain behalf of his son upon tbe ground that there iano treatyobliaatiou on the part of tbe United State- lo give up Cbarlton aince Italy haadented tbat the extradiiiou treaty now in torcts cw\ers this particular ca-e. Tbe larger queation of juatice, bowever, must be taken into coii>ideratioii. BB Cbarlton will go free if Secretary KfJOX refu.-r to extradite bim on this ground. There ia no court in tbe United Btatea whieh has juriadictioB in the case. Italy, on tlie contraiy. can try it< own aubjeota for crimes couunitted in anotliei eountry. Bucfa B case is now before tbi Italian OOUrta in wbich an Italian aubjeet is being tried for a miinJei ominitted in Virginia. Miss Laeevf Raeaae* . Mub. Loiiilon, Sept. 21.?Only a Btrong scort of police prevented Miaa Kthel Clare Lelieve, tbe accessorv . ,|.,.r....,.l .....r-i, . of lielle Kl lore Crippen. from being mobbed today as she made her way from a cloaed cab to tbe How street police court. Hundredsof people, gathend about tln l nildiug. began hooting and hianng .Miss Leneve tbe mocnenl abe epped from the eab. The Iwo ofBcen who Bccompanied tbe girl from 11? ?) loway jail surninoned the BCOn of poii.e tbal weie guarding Ihe entranoi io the police court and ihe aquad formed a cordoo about Miss Leneve nd foogbl back the helligcrciit spec tators until the prisoner was makk tbe court building. The deitionstra tion against Miss LeOBVe was ihe re? sult of teetimony at -fooday'a in (|uest of Mrs. Eroily Jackaon thal Miss Leneve had told her that if Mrs. Crippen were out of the way, l?r. II. H. Crippen would many her. Miss Leneve almost collapsed at the lirst show of tbe hostile deinoiistra tion, and by the time she reeched tbe court room the services of a phy.-ician were required to ipiiet her nerves. Sbe -at through the hearing palfi and excited. The excitenieiit atleiidinj.' Miss Leneve s arrival was so greal that Crippeo, who was brOUgfal 10 the police court in a biack maria, wa able to sli[i into the IniiMin,'.' un notiied. To guard against B repe tition of Ihe outbreak. the police force about the building was doubied, Dr. H. H. Crippen and Ifhn Leneve were todav bound over to ihe Cenlrai Criininal Court (Old Bailey) to be tiied at the October term for the alleged murder of itelle Flmore Ciip pan, the doctor'i wife. Sherman aud BaaaereM. New Y..rk, Sept. 21.?It will reqnire the oltieial COUOl of tbe dalegalcs Ll de termine if Vice-president .lames S. Sherman or Theodore R(X>sevelt will be the temporary cbairman of the repub? lican state convention which meeta in Saratoga next Tueaday at noon. This wns made certain today when a com pilation of the list of delegates was pos sible following the rinal up-state prim? aries of yeaterday. There is unlikely to bc a majority of more than 10 or 15 either way, despite the confident claims made by botb managers today. William Barnea, jr., leader of the "oldguard/'claima a ma? jority of 55 for Sherman, while his op ponent, Lloyd Griscotn, insists tbat Koosevclt will bave a majority of ii"1 leaa thaa aavanty. A careful analyaig of the figurescom piled by botb camps, indicatea tbat he "old guard" can count abaoJatahj on but 492 delegatea. It re(|iiircs 506 to coutrol ihe convention, and it will l>e necessary for tlieanti-Rooacvelt com bine to make up tbe sixteen n.-e I..I lelegatea from the doubtful list, Roosevelt cannot n?ure on more than 47b dalagaaaBI to stick to him to tbe very limit. but thia frienda claim that wlien the line up comea they will get the delegates they need. Word rea- bed AII>ui|utT<|u?-, N. M., today thaia gang of de?emdoaa bad raided tbe town of Holbrook, Ariz. killing two eitizens after "ahooting up" the town. The desperadoea ea caped into the mountaius, pursued by powei. PK\J?lliM?. There is going to lie a Hght at the business seasaon of the Grand Army Kixampnientat AtlanticCity no Thurs day or Friday over the report of the eommittee on pensioiis, whi.h was ap proved yeaterday by l aaajority of tbe membera, and which will I* pieeonted by Gen. John B King, nf Baltimore. Tbe eommittee reoom.nda ibat there Ih- no general |icnsioii Ii gislation dur? ing the next sesaion <>f CouglSJBB. II will stir up B horii.t- rBBBt fot w'.iati from j>ractieally everj depart.nt will contend for the paaaege of the long discuaeed bill. granting every l'nion soldier B pension of $1 a day. Tlu would increase ihe annual pension r?,|l by nearly 180,000,000 a- sb.-wn by tigures given m the pension commit |iort. MciiiIhts of the ixnsion i onintittee, inoommoa with grand army leaders geiierally feel tbat it would I*- a inistake to adyocate an increase to the W-a-day sv-i-di. N" presi-letit. they a-.-ert. could aff-.i-l io sign aneh a bill at thi* lime. A resolutioii putting tbe en .aiiiptncnt OOraCOld 88 favoring thefl a-dav p. nsioii it is clamie.l would Biip ply tbe dciii.MTatic canipaign 888*18 ,Mii, i,,..t. nai they mif-'bt oae to advantage thia fall. They are alreadj harping on tbe pro].osition in ...iigie?iotial district-. Tb.- eommittee favon tba paaaage of tba widows' pension hill now befOTB Coiigress. THI, s|:((iMI lll?iTKMT. With an imposmg array of ballot boxee, baMota and poll books whiofa were need in tba raoaol Obiigiaajaional primary befoTO them, Ibe suh-comniit tee of th. s|.e. ial ci.miiiiiiee appointed by the demoeratic state central con> initiee to invesiigate tbe primary got down lo work at Noifolk yesterday. Most of tbe eleetion reoordeof tbe dislricl, in obedietice to word from Coinmittee Cbairman Melnlvre, ? lelixeie.l up to tbe eommittee early, IriVl tboae from Ihe city of Portsmoiilb, |{. pr. -eiitative Maynard's bome town, ;u I BCTOaa tbe river, and anxioiis |o be gottetl hold of by the attorneys for William A. Young, were not fortii eoining until ye-ienlay afternoon. It renjuired a written order from Cbairnian Mclnlyre tO get ibem. No records are being allowed to pass out ofsfgfat of tbe sub-e.iiiiiniitee, great care being taken to se. thal they cauiaol be taropered with. Before any of them can be evanlined each of the three niembers of tbe .siibcoiniiilttee lillist give his con senl to it. Utorneys for both Young and May naid and "tbe people'' were on band yeaterday, although they bad llttle t" do sa\,. watch tbe work of tratiscribitig tbe records. which was being done by a il-./eii copyiatB. Thetranacripta will be iisid as ebecks Bgainal tbe eleetion re iiiins. By me.iiis of ibem it is e\ pectad lo diseover evideiu es of fraud or other itregularities in (be (Jeetion, sboiilil they cxist. Nothing c-.uld be attempted atong tbat Ii >e yesterday, altbougli irregularltiea were diacovered in some of tbe records. These will be put under tlie scarchlight later. Tbe corninittee is anxioue to get al tbe bOttOm of tbe ilivestlgatioll, and to ezpedite mattera as much as poaaible the work was continued last night. (?I.,,ir.i..,i. M. Iiityre baa promised lo sp.ire no one iu tbe probe for wrong doing. All cbarges to be made befort tbe eommittee most be on lile by Fri? day morning and no time can l>e lost ifall ground is tobagooe over. Dcrlaie Hale Void. Sl Paul, Sept. 21?A decisiot) whi.h practically takes away from tbe state of .Minnesota t-< make railroad i it. under a recently eliaetci law. waa liauded down today by Jodge <>tis, a ? p.-.ial inasier in chaneery, for the rnited States Court of Apjieals here. Tba deciaioo bolda thal Ihe ratea made I.y iln- Minnesota legiaiature are void ause of Iteing eonlisealoiy and al--.. because they are iu interferance wiib ioteraaate commeree. Miinlei 1 aiisrs I- \( iti incnl. I/misiille, Ma-s., Bept 21. liitti feelinga toajrard Wintoa Parmenter, while. charged wilh the assault and nrder of .lani- Bharpe, aged 18, re.i. be-1 a violent stage when a Irial w:ls accepte.l and ibe defendant aummooed, A -iieiiff's poase <>f twenty men went after Parmenter who ia cootaned in a jail in some place unkiiown to tb villagera bere. Louisville ii siirroiinded by frietids ->f tbe Bharpe fan lly, armed with nlle-, who -we:r Ihey will kill Par menter before be can reach the courl rOOOl. Tbe tri.d judge called i||m.|) the rovernmeot for troops. The \>w Jersey Klertlon. Trentoii, N. J.. Bept 21. ?With twenty one v.-ling tlislricts of tbe state -lill lo l.e beard from, .ligur.-s euiu ptlftd in tbe Becretary of Btatea offkaj al nooii today indicated that the primnry vote for United States senator stood as lolkrwa: Kx Oovernor Stokes 38,723; Repre? sentative Fowler 38,(W5; ex-Gov. Murphy 35,8bT. These figures would stokes a piuraiity of 627 voteg over Fowler 2,8b3 over Murphy. The fact that only four counties have filed offlci-J reports with the 8ecretnry of rftato prompted a determined effort to? day to collect the miaaing returns. < oH.p.e of l.rand Stand. Madrid, Sept. 20.?One peraona is known to have been killed and twenty -erioiisly injured today in the collapae of a grandstand during a bul! light at Mejoranda. A nuinber of persons are inissing and it -.? .'.;_.-ed they will be found dead on the ruina. Thrown from his monoplane while Hying at a heigbt of fifty feet at Folkc stone, Eug.. today, Aviatnr Harm niffered a fractured skull. Bia injurie arill probably prove fatal. New Vork Mtork M.rktt. N'ew York. Sept. U ? ?-hffy trading in the sioek market todny dUplnyed a fair imount of ?trengih. openittg priees reaeralry ruling -lightiy above reeasr< lose. After the lin-t lifteell niiniltes the narkit beeaaae firaa, and aitnnu^h KHne ? ioiis were not'd, the general range >f qootattona was f actionally alwv. lerdav - elose. After holriing finn for n good jwirt of the forenoon. the narket raceded kllgbt ly loward midday when priee. of the majority of haaaa were onlya sbade _boveye8terday'a eloee, P1AM4HX IN THK ALPBtMBK. KUIs-One Ballot* Taken in Kiitilc At tiui;>t- to I'.lerl a I'rt-lilent lleatllork l 11 in a* Ever. Sixtv-one ineifectual ballots were taken ia the Board nf Alderman laat night in attempta to eleet a president, tbe candidate- for the poaition at dif ferent tiaaea being Meaara. Marbury, Hill, Brill, Fi'/.gerald and Field. Mr. HUI| the vice preeideot a__t _ct iug president, ealled the meeting to order ahortly after 8 e'efoek and before proeediag lo tbe balloting be said it bad been inUnaated tbat be bad acted from b -eiti-h motive ECedenied this, aud appfaled U> the faot that he had withdrawn from tbe raee and nonii nated .Mi Marbury for president. Con tinuing Mr. Hill said Mr. Marbury having been ealled t<> tbe cbalr: "After the election last spring I nieiilioiied to some of my friaodfl that I would offer inyself for prc.aleht of ibis board. In so doing I was clearly whhin mj righis M a member of this body,and also in pbinl of service, tha oldeet While flii in itself or by itaelf Would not elltitle BM to tbe position, yet the deterillill.ttioll to. if elected, treat all of K- meinbers fairly and iourt<'ous|yencour,i;red me iii tlieanihi tjoh. Wilh the self-evident fact that there was a division iii the board that Wopld cause a deadlock, I effaced my self is a candidate, and nominated Mr. Marbury. m-xt to UM in point of ser rice, aad aadeaarringof wa p-Biffon aa any other member. Near tbe coiiclu moii of our night meeting, I again placed Ifr. Marbury in noniination, and as wellas I could. gave rea-oiis for his se lectioo. The n suit was four to four. Sinre tbat i ? i? ti ii i_r I have refreslied, i r ratber rerifled, my recoflect-on of the events occurring in tbiacbambar Mr. William II. Marbury 'bed ten years ;igo yesterday, Septemher 19, 1900. Ha was flOCCeeded bj lus son as a result nf a speeiai election held Tue-div, l>e oamber 6th, 1900, be receiving 188 votes |0 89 for his oppoiient. Prior to this eleciioii at a meeting of the Board Of, O.lober ll), 1900, Mr. Tbeopbolis Ballenger was placed in noniination for praaidOBt of tlie board Bl was Mr. I. T. Sweenev, Mr. Bailin ger receiving his own vote and tho.I Meaaia .Marbury, Th.-. rf. Clark and .1. M. Hill. and Mr. Bweeoey receiving bia own vote and Iboae uf Meaara. J. R. N Curtin. William II. Svveeney and rf. P, T. Burke, This was in aecord anea whh Ihe rulea <>f Council and see tion 12 of the cbarter. Juel here I will say tbal it will take live niemher of thislxiari! tn eleet its pnaident Al the meeting of lhi-bo;ud on .Lily lst, l'.iOl, there was, as now. a soemingly hopeleaB .lev..iio.'k. Mr. F. F. Mar? bury oominated Mr. Tbeopbilua Bal lenger, who also reeeived the votes of Tnomas N. Clark. Mr. Marbury and I M. Hill. Mr. N. P. T. Burke nom inated Mr J. T. Bweeney, who alao ra ccived the votea of J. BL N. Curtin, William II. Svveeney and Mr. Burke Member. know the result of that long diawn ..111 cooteat, drawing the name from Ihe bal aa ho who should be president. It was Rratagreed tbat tbe committeea irboukJ remain as in tbe old Council. The changes bfing made wa beceaaitated by tbe leJretioo of Mr. Bweeney. Thecttitenjlof this muaici pabtv want llii- board to furtlnr 01 ganizc and transacl sucb busmess iii. i requtred nf us. So for as I could, n ha- been a pleaaure to aerva tb<' people in this boar i. No seltisb motives bave conlrolled me, and, in B practical way. I have aaateted many enterprises for the building up of our business affairs. and that without noi-e or parade. "My -iiieenty can be judged. and he k of-elti-bliess can be drawn from the ftci I again place Mr. Marbury in noniin itinn. and ask bifl election. I bave tbe pcrmiaiion to ipeah for tbe other- iu aaying thal upon his election we vvill suppori b reaolution requeet ing the chairman to appoinl tbe oom mittenaaa now formed, Mr. Ogden tak ing the places now lilled by Mr. Mar? bury. Can a fairer -olutioii lie sug l-Bted? ln conclusion. I hope the mem l er- will agree with me and give Mr. Marbury ihe unaiiimoiis vote of this Isnly. " While Mr. Hill wa- -peaking Mr. Ballenger interrupted him by saying, "If the geoUeman is referring to me aa one of ihe young menibcrs needing this histoiy, hi? remarks are iinuecessary. " Mr. Hill?"You are one of the old lliembers. " At tbe conclusionofMr. Hill'aspeeeh he nominated Mr. Marbury for pn -i dent, and Mr. Ballenger, nominated Mr. Field Twenty-fntir ballots were cast witb tbe following rasult: For Mr. Marbury, MoBBIB. Hill, Brill, Marbury and Fit/gerald. For Mr. Field, Messrs. Ballenger, Field Ogden and Suniniers. Mr. Brill Dooved to take a reeaaa until the Becond Tueaday in October. Thhl was lost by the following vote: For tbe reeeaa, Meaara. Hill, Brill, Marbury and Fit/.gerald. Against the n .?.?. ,\l. ?rs. Halleiiger, Field, Ogden and Suminers. After thniv-oiie badlota had been taken, each resulting in a tie, Mr. Summera moved that the board take a re,. ss until September 27. He aaid that some agreement whereby the deadlock may be broken might be rcielicd by that time. At this juncture Mr, Brill offerod the following resolution: Resolved, That the members of the Board of Aldermen as assigne.l to the variouscommitU'ea of the old Couneil retain their aaaignment in the Couucil on the varioua committeea until a president shall have been elected. Mr. Brill said tbat the objeet of his resolution was that business might not lie retarded, Mr. Ilallenger said that he did not ajaa any necessity for the resolution, aa tbe Comtnon Couneil docs not rneet until tbe second Tuesday in Ovtober. Mr. Stimmera spoke to the aame effe.t. Mr. Hill suggeated that the com nnttees would hold over until their succesaora were appointed. Mr. Field said that, accotding to the Chair, the resolution 'vas of no pradical utility. Mr. Hill said it was hia duty to put the resolution before the board not withstanding. The resolulion Was loat hy a tie vote, those voting for it being the members who supported Mr. Marbury, and those onposing it being those who sup? ported Mr. Field. Mr, Brill thtn moved an am-md ment P Mr. Hummera/s motion to take a raoaaa nmil Baptember27,by making it the seeond Tuesday in Oetober. This was lost hv a tieayote aa was also the original motion. On motion of Mr. Ogden a ri was daeJarad for ten minutes. When the board was called to order it was apparetii that tbe deadlock was as much iu evidem e a- ev.-r, and Mr Hill announced that the members as well aa tbe apeetators coutd smoke ad libitum. Mr. Brill noiniiiated Mr. Marbury for president and Mr. Ballenger, noin? iiiated Mr. Field. After the twenty eerenth ballot had been cast, resulting in the same tie, Mr. Marbury notninated Mr. Hill and Mr.Ballenger, Mr Field. \ftei the result ofthe forty-eigbtb ballot had been announced, Mr. Field said it waa -vident that the Ix.ard could not at present elect a president, and he moved that a receas be taken until the 27th. itistant. Mr. Marburv said tbat at the last meeting Mr. Field bad made a sim diar motion, for tbe purpose of giving tba membera time t-> arrive atasoiution ..f their prediciiinetit. Mr. Suminers Uated that there. esssuggested by Mr. Fi. Id was not for the purpOM of killing time. IL- did not ihink it proper to adjoura until the second Tueaday in Oetober, when theoommoo couneil will meel, without having broken the preaenl deadlock. Mr. Marbury said biisiness w?>uld go on all the same as the eommittees beld over and ibe vice president would preaide. Mr. Balling(>r asserted tbat Mr. Hill had no legal right to preside. aud if the board voted down Mr. Field's reaolutioa for a week'a reeeaa bis supporlers would stav in tbe ehaniber all night. Mr. Marbury said? "We will -how you the legality of Mr. Ildl's position." Mr. Siiniiners said be did not want the legality of Mr. Hill's claini brought up. The membera of the board might in a wetaVa time bring about some -ettleiii-nt of the pi.-ent deadlock. Mr. Marbury said that Ifr. Hill bad already been rec..gnized as the pr-i deiit by the iiienil.ers of the Isiard, and 0 de faCtO Mr. Brill -aid thal tbe boaid bad , oii-iiined oearly a montfa already con siilering Ibe deadlock. He thought it would be best to reeeaa until tbe aecood Tueaday in Oetober in order to give them more time. Mr. Hill Btated that he had the best legal opinion to sustain bis position. Aft.r the fifty fourth ballot had been announced Mr. Hill noiniiiated Mr. Fitzerald, but be dcclined tO be 8 candidate, and Mr. Hill noiniiiated Mr Brill. Beven more ballota were taken, each resulting aa followa; For Mr. Brill, Messrs. Hill, Brill. Marbury and Fitzerald. For Mr. Field Messrs. Ballinger, Field, Ogden and Bummera. On motion of Mr. Brill the board tben adjoiirned until the 27th instanl OFFICLrVL, BOARP OF ALDFKMFN. At an adjouriied meeting ofthe Jloar.l of Aiderm.n ofthe city of Alexandria. Va . held September 20, 1910. there were present: Me ?rs. Hill, Brill, Marbury, Halleliger. Field, Ogden. Fil/gerald aud S.mimeis. Vice Presidi nt Hill prealded, Balloting for tbe eleetion ofa president wa* pro.eeded with. Mr. Hill having iiomfnated Mr. Marbury. Mr. Ballcnger nonilnated Mr Field 11,,. ballot Rtood: For Mr. Marbury, Meaara. Hill, Brill, Marbun an.l I'ii/ geral.l I. lorMr. field, M.-s-rs. Hal? leliger. Fi. 1.1. Ogden and Bummera i iWeiiiy-ibrce addltlonal ballota were taken without variatioii in the result. Mr. Brill moved that tbe board take a receas until tbe seeond Tueedaj '" Oe? tober. This molioii was lost l.\ a VDte Of I lo I. I l.e ballotiOg proe.led and al'ler thirty -.(..? ballota ba-l been caat without el.ange. M r. Suminers moved lhat the board take a reeeaa until Tueaday, Bep leiul.ei J7. Thi- was loet bj a votc ol I to I. Ifr. Brilloffered the following resolu? tion. which was losl l>\ a tie \ote, as fol l..w-: Ayes, Meaara Hill. Brill, Marbun an.l Kitsgerald i Noea, Meaara, Bal lenger, Field, Ogden and i H.-olved, That Ihe members of the Board of Aldermen as aashrned tothe varioiis eoinniitlees ol the City Couneil retain theirassignnu'iit iu this Couneil on the varioue eonunltteea until a pr.-si delil sball have been eleeled. A reeess was subseipiently takon .for ten minutes. Upon reassembling Mr. Hriil nomi nated Mr. Marbury and Mr hallengei Mr. Field, and Ihe balloting proeee.l. .1 lli.i Ibirty-eighth ballot sliowed iio ehaiige. w lien Mr. Marbury noiniiiated Mr. Hill for president. The ballot resulted: Fol M r. Hill, Messrs. Hill. Drill. Marburv and Filz gerald i. ForMr. Fi.M. Me-srs. Bal l.nger, Field. Ogden and Suminers I Al'ler the forty-eiglith ballot had been taken without ehangc, Mr. Field moved tbat a reeess l.e taken until Tues.lay, Beptember '^7. Mr. Ilrill moved l-> amen.l tbe motion by exteiiding tbe reeess lll.til tlie seeond Tueaday in Oetober Tbe amendment was losl by a tie votc, as was also the original motion. After the liity-iifth ballot had been eaet without any varialioiis, Mr. Hill noiniiiated Mr Brill aml the balloting prooeeded, Messrs. Hill, Brill. Marbury and Fil/.gerald voting lor Mr. Brill. and Me-srs. Ballenger, rield. Ogden and siimniers for Mr. Fh-ld. U'hen the sixty-iirst ballot had been i i-i nn motion of Mr. Brill the board ad joiirned until Tueaday, September J7. " J. at HILL, Vice President and Aeting President. Te-lc: LlTHKK II. THoMI>soX, Clerk. Opcning of the Ohio Kiver Dam. Cincinnati, Sept. 21.?President Taft delivered the principal address at the opcning of tbe Ohio river dam at Cin? cinnati today. He made a dctermined attaek on the present "pork barrol" system nf river improvement appro priation. "The eountry," he aaid, "ia roused against eorporate or enrrupt control of kgialative ageucies, but it ia doubtful whether the constituencies as yet are able to perceive the bigber obligation on the part of themselves and thu representatives not to use their votes in combination to apprnpriate to a part that whieh belongs to the whole." Locomotive Hoiler Kxplode*. Olathe, Kans., Sept. 21.?F'ngineer John Hiigan aneFiremaii Roderick, of the Frisco "Moteor" were killed today when the boiler of tbe locomotive on whieh they were riding, blew up near thia city. Only one paaaenger was injured, Ueergetown Wheat Market.. Oeorgetown. D. C Hept. .'I-WheatiOalOU Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Table s gently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poiaonous matter, cleanse the system, cure conatipation aud aick headache. Bold hy W, F, Creighton and Richard Oibaon, VIKUIMANEWS. Newport News yesterday lost its case against corporatinns who refused to pay the eity tax. Public schools in Middletown, Conn., have been ordered rfoaad nn aecount of an infantile paralysis epideinie. Two followera of Calv.ry. tbe negro who has caiised race trouble, were arrested in Louisa county. yesterday but their leader is missing. Fdwin W. Overby, former cashief of the wrecked Bank of Meekleiiliurg, has been pamled from the penitentiary bythe Siate Bnard >>f Pardoaa, after having served half nf his tbree-year term. Horse buveis and sellers on tbe market at Harrisnnburg 00 Monday predicted a big market for horses for next winter and spring. It is said tbat tbe high price of cotton is already causing a demand from the south foi markctable animals. The horsemen also predict that the market will be gin lo booni as early as January. A Norfolk and Western Raiiway cniiiniissary ear, sidetracked in tbe coinpany's yard at Vetersburg, waa robbed of supplies Sunday night, and again early Monday night. A watch was set foi the thievea and shnrtly after mid'iigbl three negroes were discovered trying to make an eniiance intn the ear. When hailed. they Ued. amid pi-tol sbots, and two nf them t.ecaped acrcea ihe river. Tbe third man was hotly pursucd for some distance and. refualog to anrrender, was shot dead after recaph-g bullets. The man be loiigedto a gang of railroail thieves, and COUld not be identified. Tvwebte v*ith HyaaarTaagaava. Noifolk. Va., Bept, 91.' Openbos tilities are B-peCted m.eiitarily be? tween tbe Jamea river oyaterlongera and the state antlmrities a- a i? sull nf the allcged poachiiig nf ihe former within the hmindaiy lines of ihe nyster piantera. Deapi-e the agieemewl said to bave been re.M he.l b\ :i ronimittee repre se ling tln- tougera' prot-ctiv- a-?? .ia ti u th : W Mi I'onald Lc. , -lat. C..UI iih.-ioi,. r ol Fi-heriee, ye*lerdaj even* ipg tln ii-aiul-?? f ari'ied ton; ? rs. many of Ibei.groea, and all wntughl up to a higS fn i i\ of em itemenl i y nightly nia.-s nuetinga, repreaenl di-iinct llleliai, I'. Bo eliolis IS the -Ittiati"!) that C il. T. I. Nottii.diam baa been ordered lo hoid the Folirth Uegimelit infaiitiy in readiness for activt service. Tbese orden came from Adjutant (ieiMial W. W. Sale late yesterday evening, following a long distance tele? phone eonferonce with Gtov. W, II Maiin.> iln- morning tbeaecondbat taltnn of tbe fouiili regimeiit began Iraiispurting ammunition from Porte niouib to i's aniiory in Nwrfolk, in ordi i iu BUgmenl iis aupply Dyaentery ia a ilangeroua diaeaee but can be cured. Cbaniberiain'a Ckme, Oholera and Dianrnoea Bemedy bas been aucoeaiafuil) naod in nineepidemk - ofdya nl.ry Ithasncer been klinwn to fall It is eu.ii.illy valuable fnr ehil? dren and aduits. and when redueed with W.ltei mi -vve.teiied. il U ple.isant to take. Sold by W. F. Civighmn and Richard fHhroo. Swan Bros. 69c 1 Thursday. We will cloae out Tburaday, one lot R. and (I. coraota, regular $1 value. I;-miiant pffce pair Threepaira American ladycor . slightly Boiled, sizes 21, 21 and 26, regular $2.60 value. Hemnanl price pair. $1.49 We will place 00 sale Thursday, Iwenty-tive pairs wiiite WOOl nap bfamketa, large si/e reg? ular gl.06 value. Remiiant price, Thursday, pair. $1.66 We arill have otl sale Thursday. Ilfty steel savings banka, reg? ular $1 value, special price, Thuraday, each. 25c Five buodred yarda apron ging bam, short lengths, faat eolors regular 7c value. Remnant price, Thursday .."-.?? 5% One hundred yards tlooroil elotb 'good styles; one yard wide, 1 to 3 yard lengths, regular 25 and 86c value. Remnant price Thursday, yd. 20c Five dozen ladies' line black gauze hose, subject to alight imperfcclions. Regular 60c value. Remnant price Thura? day. . 26c Two hundred yards fancy ahirt ing madras, 32 inehea wide, ? ahort lengtha, regular 10c value. Remnant price. yd . 8e Five hundred yards A. F. C. dresa gingham, in plain eolors short lengths, regular 12% value. Remnant priee Thurs? day, yard . fv Two dozen ladies' fine liale pants aixea 6 and 6, trimmed with wide lace, fall weight, regular 50c value. Remnant price Thursday. 35c We offer Thursday, another caae of those ladies' flne mercerized black hoae, all aizes, regular 25c value. Remnant price pair. 16c Twenty dozen heavy bleached Turkiah towels, regular 12% value. Remnant price, each. i*c W'e offer for Tburaday, our rem? nant day, twenty dozen ladies' fall weight rib vests, long sleeves, aizes 4, 5 and o, special price, Thuraday each. 17c U'e have purchasec at a great bargain one tbouaand hait nets in light brown, mediurn brown dark brown, black, with and without elastie, regular 10c quality, anecial price, Thura? day, each . be On aale Thursday, one hundred dozen white net eollar forms aizea 12 to 15, regular 5c, value Remaat price, Thursday each. i A MKKTINOS_ general or called nieeting of the - st,.ekholdersofthe\V\SIIINUT().V. ALEXANDRIA A MT VERNON RAILWAY COMPANY wUlbehedat the princlpal offlee of the eompany at Mt. Vertinn. Virginia. on WF.DNhS DAY. September 21. 1910. at two o'eloek P in., Tor Ihe purpose of eonsiderlllg a proposed agrccinenl w Ittl the Washing Um-VlnrinJa Railway Compani. W. II. LAW ToN. ieptfi td \--i-iant Secretary. Atssanial or ealled meeting of tho stoekhohl. rsol the\\'ASIIlN(.TON, ARLINOTON A FAl.l.soHCCII RAIL* \VA Y ( OMF \NV will l.e held at the princlpal OPB.ce of the cotnpanj at Mt. Vernon, Vlnrlnla, on WEDNERDAY, September 21, ISHKattwo-tblrty o'eloek p. ni.. lor the purpose ol .on-idering a propose.l agreeii.eul will. ll.e Washlng lou-Virginia Kailwav Company. aepMd JOHN W. KK ll. Becrel NOTICF of the tirsl oie. ling t?r the sul.-eribers to the capital sloek of IHK K URA L llo.M Ed DEVELOF MF.NT coMPANY, Inoorporated The lirst meeling of the subscriher- to Ibe capital sloek of THE RURAL HoMKs DEVELOPMEN 1 COMPANY, Ineerporated. will be held at the prlnel pal ortiee oi tbe eonipany iu tbe AI.-\ andriaNational Bank building. Alexaav -Iria. Vlnrinla, ill theoltieeol'O. F. NiOOl, Attorney,on SATURDAY, September 24,1010,at2ft)p. m.. fbr th<> purpoae of <>rgani/ing said eompan> and the transaetion of all husin.-s ihat n?ay properii oome before aahl nieeting. LLIAVKLIA N JORD \N. President. H. O. AI.LFN. Se.n iary. BBpOlW T) THK STOCK HOLDERA OF THE MONULTTHSTERLOO., I\c The annual iiieel.tig of Ihe stoek liolder- of tbe above corporation will be hel.l al ita affloe, No III south Fairfax street. Alex ondrla, Ylrglnia being the oilleeofits attorney, Jaincs R. Oatoo, eeq>), on MONDAY. Ihe-Jfith day of September, 1010, al t'ir.e o'el-.ek. p ni Very re apectfulh h. N. Low, Barirlaaj s, p|., Id NOTICK OP si'ocKllol.DFBs MEETINO, The annual meeling of the directora and atook holdera ofthe I1ARRI8A SI1AFFK COMPANY will take place THURSDAY, September z>. 1010, al .I p. III.. at the olllee of the (olu panj No. 123aouth Royal street Alexan? dria. virginia. Bv order of the president. F ALLEN HARRI8, Seerelarv. senfl td_ General Insurance Agency. Laurence Stabler Room No. 4. Burke tf Herbert Bldtf. The eo.npanies reprcsentt-<I in this Offlee have BBBOtB Bf ov--r aitm.ouo.iion. A mong olhers are. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Livcrpool tf London tf Globe. Mtm Insurance Co. Northern Aaaurance Co. Sprintftic-ld Fire tf Marine. Pronipt attentioii giv.n Io adjustnieiit of losses and all matlers eoiiiieeled with insurance. School Books and School Supplies of all kinds. B large line to s, leet from. Rriug aa your list and we will till same at lowcst priees. A line lot of .secoiid-hati I books BOVJB on band. SPJDyson&Bro, BOOKSFLLEFS and STATIONKKS 508 KING STREET. \. \t lo (ip.ra II..use. BUILDDfO MAIFIMM.H_ [ESTABLIBHED 1881 ] Henry K. Field &Co., Sileeessois tO .IOS.AH H. D. SMOOT. LUMBER and MILL WORK ()F ALL KINDS. Lumber, Cemcnt and Plaster. ?'llicc and Yard 115V. IjBUOa street. Faetory Nd. Ill N. L.-<- street. Mal.rial Dellvered I- BFF in the elty. Pure Kood Store. Puritan Grape Juice, 15c and 25c bottle. Virginia Claret, 25c bottle. Hof brau Beer, $1.25 per caae 24 bottle*. Calt. phone. or write. St. A?.ph|.nd Oronoco Streeta. RICHARD H. WATTLES Manufacturer of FERTILIZERS OWV__B AVIi sTiiRDs: I1VII7 N. Dealer in Paint*. Agricul tur.1 (mplement..Vehicle..H.rnc... Field and C.rdcn Se?<ii WAB^Hocann, wth rxio.v mtrekt, oJf UNK OK HOITHKKN KMI.WAT. Also Grain, Hay, Straw andallklndsof MillFeed Will always keep ln stock the highest graile of theae artiele.. Huit Over Htack*. Richmond, Va.. Sept. 21.?That tbe brokerage firm ofliiller & Company, of New York, aold 700 abares of his atock at a decided losn, viilmiit bia knowh-dge, is tlie charge 01 Mr. John H. Lyown, Heeretary and lieaJWiei of the Kichmond iMthoc Mannfactnring 00 as aet forth in the declaratimi of a $10,000 ?'??-?-- ??? fiUl <ia?in?l tho brokers demand aold it b tbey ref