Newspaper Page Text
STATEMENT OF THE First National Bank of Alexandria, Virginia SEPTEMBER I, 1910. OFFICERS G L. BOOTHE. Preaident GEO. E. WARFIELD. Caahier M B HARLOW. Vice-Prc.ident J. J- GREEN. Aaaiat.nt Caahier DIRECTORS GARDNER L. BOOTHE BENOIT BAER. JR. M B. HARLOW GEO. E. WARFIELD JAS. F. MUIR WALTER ROBERTS FRANCIS L. SMITH RESOURCES Loansaad Ineeatinenta, |9i5, i - Bonda. '-> Banking Houae. -:i Due from Banka and Re? aerve Agenta. 1*8 Oask. ? 5 PerCent Ftmd. ?' 126.73 000.00 201.61 120.22 v.ii.Wj 000.00 U ,329,179.61 LIABILITIES capital.?JS?^2_ Surpliisand Profits. 1?'741*' Cireuiation. ,_??^2? Depoaita. Ml-itl'*i other Liabilltiea. 102-81 f 1,829,179.61 This bank with its amplc capital and surplus, its adequato equlpmont ?.nd faeilities. solieits ihe aeeotinls of manufaetu-ers, wholosalers, retailera an.l imlivi.luals 0D the best terms eonsistent with sound banking. No aeeount too large to be handled satisisctorily; none too amall to bo appreetated Virginia Saf eDeposit&Trust Corporation ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. Authorized Capital. ?1.000.000. Paid in Capital. 1300.000. DIRECTORS of Alexandria,-Virginia CAPITAL, $100,000 SURPLUS, $125,000 C 1 Rixey John P. Ro1>inson. Thomaa J. Fannon. C. C. Leadbeater. Henry K. C. j. R.xey. jonn gaw? ^^ ^^ g ^^ _ R M No_ton We act aa Executor. Adminlstrator and Truatee. Iaaue Fidelity. Contract. Official and Judicial Bonda. General Banking and Truat Buaine.a Tranaacted Interest paid on Savings Accounta. We aolicit the accounta of Banka. Corpora iona. Firma and Individuala. and promiae liberal treatment con.iatent with Sound banking methods._ TTTTTTTT:milXg-3TPXngn Ccrtificate Extending Charter. | TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Washington. D. C. September 10th. 1910. Whercaa. by satisfactory evidence presented to the underaigned. it haa been made to appear that The Citizens' National Bank of Alexandria, located in the city of Alexandria. in the county of Alexandria. and atate of Virginia. has co'mplicd with all the provisions of the Act of Congrea* "to enable National Banking Associationa to extend their corporate existence. and for other purposea."approved July 12th. 1882. aa amended by the Act approved April 12. 1902; Now. thercforc. I, Lawrcnce O. Murray, Comptroller of the Cur? rency. do hereby ccrtify that "The Citizens' National Bank of Alex? andria." located in the city of Alexandria. in the county of Alexandria. and stite of Virginia. is authorized to have succession for the period specified in ita amended articles of aaaociation: namely. until close of bnsincss on September 10. 1930. In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of office thia Tenth day of September, 1910. LAWREN.CE O. MURRAY. Comptroller of the Currency. Chartcr No. 1716. Extension No. 980. L AT ROSENFELD'S Special Sale of Grey & White Blankets SECONDS, FOR This Week Only Rosenfeld's 518-520 King Street, Alexandria, Va. If You Want a Good Mediclnal Rye Whisky?the Right Kind? WAKEFIELD RYE is what you want. Also try aome cf our tine Importcd Winea and Gin. Lowenbach Bros., IMixftttbtta (Bazetif. WEDNKSDAY KVKNINU. BEPT. 21 ?ettiing Thair Nioknamee. **A traveler from Llrerpool got hop? plng mad the otber day b3canae aome one ealled hlui a LIverpudllau." aaid the city aalesi-iD. "1 couldn't blamo him. but the raau who unwlttlngly of fered the insult deelares that that la tbe proper name for people who live in LIverpool. ??He polnted out that It Isn't eaay to dealgnate the Inhnbltnnta of all citlea by eupbonlous names New Yorker, Londoner. Parlsinn, Chieagoan, are ao obrloua that It would be difficult tosay anything elae, but how about citlea tbat do not afflllate ao read'Iy with 'er,' 'an' or 'lter "Tboae are the aofflxea moat com moDly uaed to de.slgnate a aet of na tlvea. Take Cork. A man from Cork may be a corker. hut that doesn't ap ply to a whole city fuU of people; nelther does Corklte nor Corknn aoand right. "Then there is Memphia. Wbat do you eall a man from Memphls, any fcow, or from Amsterdnm, or Dnllaa, or Bragea. or Bath? By the time you have stndied out the proper appella tlona for inbabitants of all cltles you will be apt to atrlke aomethlng that Bounda funnler than Liverpudllan."? Waahington Post. Grim Mu.Io. MOn one oceasion," aaid n London actor, "1 declded to take a house in the suburbs aDd after n good deal of buntlng about found one that sulted my purse. Indeed, It was so exces Bively cheap that I was on the polnt of algnlng the lease at once, when lt oc enrred to me that 1 bnd better take nnother look at it by gaslight. That night I waa making n aecoud tour of lnspectlon and weut into the dinlng room. It was a balmy aummer ulght, and ns I threw opeu the window I beard a pecullar tapplng sound. ?'Knock, kuock, knock. ??1 pricked up my ears to listen. There was allence for a moment, and thec the nolse contlnued. I turned to the caretaker nnd laughlngly sald: ??'See here, my friend, I know why this bouse is cheap. There's a ghost on the premlses.' "'Oh, no. air,' he answercd by way of reassuring tue. "That's only tho nolse from the coffln fnctory hacross the way?Bir. They hoften worka there nlghts.'" He did not sign the lease. Caught th. Jury. "Oratory ls. iudeed, a lost art," sald a Cleveland man the other day. "I uaed to go dowu to the courts Just to hear tho lurid speeches. Nothing doing ln tbat line any more. The lawyers do not talk about flowers. ralnbows and aunbeama any more. "There was n Inwyer ln Cleveland yeara ago?Bill Iloblnson wns.his name -whoae addreesea to a Jury alwaya at tracted a crowd. I will forever remem ber one of his sentences. The man he was flghtlng ln the suit had a roputa tlon aa somethlng of a mlser. " 'Who is thla man, who ls he?' thun dered Robinson. 'You know and 1 know tbat be bolls hla potatoes ln wid ows' tears. ?This phrase caught the Jury, and Robinson won his case, but ono doesn't hear any sucb 'oratory' as that nowa daya." _ Tha Barebone Family. The celebrated name of Pralse Qod Barebone waj borne by n member of the Cromwel) parllament ealled togeth? er after the dissolution of the long parllament ln 1G5S. The royalists eall? ed tbe assembly "Bareboncs parlla? ment." At the time when General Monk was ln London Barebone headetl the mob tbat presented R petitlon to parliament against tbe recall of Charles II. Of tho Barebone family there were three brothers, each of whom had a aentence for a name? Pralse God Barebone. Christ-camo lnto-the-world-to-save Barebone and If-Cbrist-had-not-dled-thou-hadst-been damned Barebone. Pol.on In Young Rattle.nake.. Observationa on live rattlesnakea ahow thot the polson glands become functionally actlve as soon as the snakes begln to shlft for themselves, whlch must be very aoon after blrth. Experlments on the young ones six daya after blrth prored the presence of renom in small quantities. Experl ments made three months after birth showed that considerable venoin ls aecreted, as a plgeon lnnoculatcd at this time died ln two hours with the usual symptoms of chronlc polsonlng. The Value of Door.. When a man is cross there isn't any? thing ln the world more nggravating than o house with all the conuecting doore down or one that has doora tbat close noiselessly. A inan ilkes to slam a door. ne gets more good out of slammlng o door, ln his opinion. thaa any one could get out of religion. It la his protest against everythlng in tha world that ls wroiig. and lt means that he isn't much older tuau the ehild tbat beats ita head on the floor.?Atchi son Qlobe. Hard on Him. "Hello, Ned. old boy: Wrlting home for money?" "No." "What are you making so much fuss over? You've t>een fuinlng over that lefttr for two hours "i "I'm trylug to write home without aaklDg for money." The U.ual Qu.ntity. Train i'assentrer (to jiorter. who ? wlelding ffhlalrr?Mffl dust ou me, porter? Porter-'Bout 50 cents" wuth, aah.-Boston Transcript. Nature knowa no pauae ln progrea* and nttRches ber enrae on all Inactloe. -Goetb* Be sure and take a bottlo of Cbam berlain's Coiie, Cholera and Diarroeha Remedv with you when starting on your trip this summer. It cannot be ob tained on board the trains or steamers. Changes of water and climate often cause sudden attacks of diarrhoea, and it ia beat to be prepared. Sold by W. F. Cneigbton and Bicbtfrd GBbeon, fha Bra'hman Fwnaral Pyre. After the body of a Brahmao baa leen anointed with Beaamum oil the iwo toen are bound togetber and the two thumba. It la then laahed to a litter mnde of two long parallel poles. to which are faatened aeven transverso pieces of wood. The ahroud la very simple, a large piece of cloth wrnpped round the body aDd bound with ropes of straw. If tbe dead Brnhman leavea a will his face ls not covered; other wlse tbe shroud is brought up over the head. The burnlng ground. or ghat, ls usually near a river, that those wbo have taken part In the ceremonies may purlfy tbemselves as qulckly and as easlly as poaslble. Before erectlng tbe funeral pyre a shallow plt ls dug j^nd partlally filled with dry wood; tbe body is covered wltb spllnters of dry wood and sprinkled with panchngaria. an lnflammable Hquld, and placed on tbe pyre and covered wltb branches and roots, llke a hut. Tbe nearest relative or heir then takes a Hgbted taper and sets fire to the four corners of the plle and leaves at once to perforro the cere mony of puriflcatlon. The cnrrlera. be? ing of the loweat cnste. remaln until the body la entlrely consumed. Love, Honor and Obey, The contraversy about ineludlng the word "obey" ln tho marriage vow la probably aa old as the marriage cere mony ltaelf. When Mnrlou Ilarland's parents were married in 182.") (as she tells us iu her antobiography) the bride had "laughlngly threatened that she would not promlse to 'obey' and tbat a scene would follow tbe use of the ob noxious wocd ln the marriage serviee The young dlvlne, wltb this ln mintl <>r ln a flt of absentmlndedness or of stage frlght, actually blundered out. 'Love, honor?and obey ln all thlngs conslstent!'" The costumes worn on this occaslon were hardly as modern us the unfortuuate amendment. "The bride wore a soft aheer Indla muslln. a veil falllng to the bem of tbe gown and white brocadc slippers embroid ered with falnt blue flowers. The brldegroom's suit was of flne blue clotb with real Bilver buttons. Ilis feet were clad ln white stockings and low shoes wltb wrought silver buc kles." _ Tho Vampire Bat. Tho true vampire bat Is a qulte ln slgulflcant creature. not unllke our noctule bat in general nppearance nnd size, but wltb n small "nose leaf" nnd no web between tbe hlnd legs. Tbe really remnrkuble thing nbout It ls Us perfect adaptatlon for secret nnd palnleafl bloodletting. Most bata hnve teeth very llke those of tbe carnlvora. with long eaulnes nnd smnll Inclsors. but In the true bloodsucklng vnraplre bat the lnciaors are very large nnd brond and exceedlngly sharp edged. tbus being able to Infllct a sbnvlng aurface cut which cnuses no paln. but a great deal of bleedlng. Indeed. not only docs tbe sleeper very rarely wake under the wlnged bloodletter's iitten tlons, but a blte may be lnfllcted un felt on a person who la nwako at tbe time.?London Graphlc. Rossetti Liked Odd Words. Danto Rossettl. llke Slgnor d'Annun zlo, took lnflnlte pains to extend his voenbulnry, -nyo the London Chroni cle. W. M. Roesettl relntes thftt his brother used to hunt "through all raau nerof oldromaunts to pltcb uponstun nlngwords for poetry" and makellslaof them. Tho words tbus noj^pd were of a mlscellaoeous cbaracter. sucb aa eu phrasy, fat kldneyed, fat wltted. flesb quake, foolhappy, gorbelllsh. frrogrnm. lass lorn, Instral, primerole, recrenn dlse, angelot, cherlshnnce. trlfulcnte. laureole, novelrles. flexuous, cumber world nnd jobbernowl." Some of these explaln tbemselves, but how many people could say offhand vvbat "gorbel? llsh" means? lt does not figure ln the Engllsb Ulstorlcal Dlctlonary. And yet a good mouth fllling epithet surely deserves to live. Completing the Circuit. TJncompromlsing Integrlty volced with lrony was a marked eharacterls tic of the Duke of Welllugton. When he was ln Indla nfter tbe Britlsb vlc tory nt Assnye tbe envoy of tbe nlzam offered ?70,000 for some Information as to tho distrlcts to be asslgncd to his master. General Wellesley, ns the duke then was. Ilstened to the proposal wltb great gravity and when tbe ludlnu bad ceased to speak said to him. "Can you keep a secret?" "Cerwlnly, sahib," sold tbe envoy eagerly. The general made a low bow. "And so can I," be said dryly. A Way Out. "She inslsts tbat ber pnterual anees tor came over on tbe Mayflower." "But I thonght they proved to ber that there was no such nnme on the Mayflower reglster?" "They did. And now she says he was a stowaway."?Cleveland Plaln Denler. The Story Needed Confirmatlon. "Georgie, did you know that I was golng to marry your -dster?" "Well. I heard ber sny so. but she'a had that ldea about so many other fel lows that I didn't feel Bure about lt till you told me."-Brooklyn Life. Poor Product. Tm a self mnde man, I am." "Well. there Ir one tblng you needn/j worry about." "What is tbat?" "Taklng out n pfltent.'* The Heavieat Meal. "When do you tnke the benvleat iia of the day?" asked a bachelor ? f married mnn. "When my wife cooks lt," can>e reply. ! II \\ TSABS1 KX I'KKIKNf'KOF AN' OLD XUllM Winalow's Roothing Syrup ia tho preseription of one of the best female pby-ieians and nursea In the United and has been used for fifty yeara with uever-Ciilinf: succcsa by mllliona ol mothera for their cbildren. It relieves the child from pain, cures diarrhoca, grlping in the bowela, and wind colic. By glving health to the child it resta the mother. Twenty-five oenta a bottle. Only on Approval. At tbe Wednesday evening aervlee l_ the church pariors the mlnlater choae honeaty for the subject of hla fcrief discourse. Iu less than a quar ter of an nour he found tltne to lapo baste nearly everybody who had ever devlated from the narrow patb, but he was particularly hard on those per? aona who buy thlngs on approval. After the sermon everybody enjoyed himself socially. There were some big guns there from other parishes, and the pariors had been done up e? peclally for the evening. There wero two lovely new red velfet chalra that the mlnlater found particularly com fortable. He compllmented the head of the furnlshlng committee on her thrlft and taste. Od Friday evening there was an? otber meeting La the pariors. The mln? later looked around flrst thlng for those velvet chairs. "Wbat have you done with them, Mrs. Blank?' he aaid to the head of the committee. "Oh," aaid she serenely. "they went back yesterday. The furniture store Just aent them up for Wednesday night od approval."?New York Pre8S. A Figure Trick. Get aome one to put down a row of flgurea, to add them up aud subtract the total, thus: G3.214 Tbese flgures added together make 1C. Subtract thla 1(1 from the orlglnal number and you get 63.108. Now ask them to cross out any one flgure, total them up agalu and tell you the total. Thus. sny. they cross out the 0, the total becoines 21. They tell you this, and without looking at the sum you can say tbe value of the Dgure whlch lias been erossed out. You do this triek by subtrnctlng the total from the next multlple of 9. "The total," says your friend, "ls 21." The nsarest multlple of 0 above 21 ls 27. You subtract 21 from 27. nnd that leaves 0. To your friend you say in a dlguifled tone, "The Dgure you erossed out was 0." And your wonderlng friend belleves you to be possessed of occult powers. It doesn't, matter what flgures are orlginally put down, the answer al? ways comes correct. The Era of Reptile.. At different epochs during the time known as the secondary perlod tlie sur face of the earth seems to have been so predomlnautly peopled with reptile life that it has beeu ealled "the age of reptilea." Tbe tiuge iguanodons stalked or leaped about In the wealds of Sussex aud lluinpshire. Of these lguanodous marvelously complete skel etons are to be sccn (mouuted ln attl ludes of llfej ln the Uoyal museum of Brussels-a sigbt ln Itself sutflclent to lnduce a visit to that capital. Other Btnaller reptlles browsed on tbe follage of the then existlug plains nnd wero pursued and preyed upon by fell rep Ullan monsters of vnrlous klnds. The $ea also swarmed with reptiles (ich thyosaurl) as aquatie as the whales and dolphlns of our own day. And not only were the earth and seas thus peo? pled, but there were flylug reptiles of different klnds and stzca, known aa pterodactyls. A Very Old Rule. The oldest mathematlc book in the world la believed to be the "Papyrus Rhlnd" ln the Brltish uiuseum, pro fessed to have been wrltten by Ahmea, a scribe of King Ra-n-us, about the period between 2000 aud 1700 B. 0. Thla "Papyrus Khlnd" waa translated by Klsenlohr of I.olpzlg. and It was found to contain n rule for making a aquare equal ln nren to a given circle. lt was not put forth as an orlglnal dls covery, but as the transcript of a treatlse 600 years older stlll. whieh sends ua back to npproxlmntely 2500 B. C, when Egyptlan mathematlcians solved. or thought they hud solved, the problem of squaring the circle. The Dilettant. Socioty. An Interestlng old organization whlch fornierly exlsted ln I.ondou-the Dilet tante aociety-originated with certaln gentlcmeo who, havlog traveled In It alv. tried to encourage at home what they had enjoyed abroad. This society of lovers of the Bne arts lasted 130 years. Walpole does not seeni to have looked upon It with a very favorable eye, for he says, "The notnlnal uualifl catlon was to have been to Italy; the real one wns being dnink." Her Earache. "Whafa the matter with you thla morning, Delia?" asked Mrs. Wise. "Oh, ma'am," replled tbe servant girl, "'tia tho terriblo earache I have tbla mornln'." "Ah, you should be careful, Delia. All the keyholes ln this house are very drafty."?Exchange. Outclaaa.d. Hewltt?Can you believe what he saya? Jewett-If he and Annnlas had been contemporarles would have felt that It was Decessury for him to go and get n rcputation.-Now York Preaa. _____ Either Way. "How la your wife, John?" John (the waiter) - Well. 1 don'l know. miss. When the sun don't shine she'a mlserable, and when it does saa tays it fades the carpct.-Excbange. Faction. ?When a bachelor gets a better half," says the philoaophcr of folly. "he getB ; better quartera. anyhow."?Cleveland Leader._ The man who pauaes in his honeatf ' -ranta little of being a vlllaln-ilat) tyn. J When the di_e.-tioti is all right, tlie BCtion of tbe lioanll regular. there i- a a natural craving and relish for food. When this i- l:ckin_ you may kno.v that you need adcea of Chamberbvn'a Stomai h and Liver Tahlets, tbey strengthen the digestive organ?, ini prove the appetitc and regulate ile bowels. Sold by W. F, Creighton and Richard Gibson. Ladies, you will always wear a smile if you wear tbe Red Cross Shoe. For aale only by J. A. Marshall A. Bro., 422 King street. For RentFor Rent 801 Duke Street. 10 room brick and bath. large side lot. $25.00 1450 Duke Street. Store and dwelling. 130.00 212 S. Pitt Street. 9 room brick snd bath. ?25.00 301 Cameron Street. * Store and dwelling. ?25.00 402 Princ- Street. 7 room brick and bath. ?20.00 904 Duke Street. 7 room brick and bath. ?20.00 1011 Duke Street. 6 room brick. ? 15.00 122 N. Paync Street. 7 room brick and bath 206 S. Pitt Street. 7 room brick. 1101 Prince Street. 7 room brick. 1216 Princcss Street. 6 room frame. 1105 Queen Street, | 7 room frame._ ? 15.00 ? 14.00 ? 12.00 ? 10.C0 ?9.00 342 Commeree Street. 6 room frame. 314]S. Henry.Street. 6 room frame. % 9.00 ? 8.50 John D. Normoyle, CORNER KING AND ROYAL STREETS. OVERLAND AUTOMOBILES Are maiiufactured and licetised under the Selden Patent. The l'.Ul models are now ready for delivery, and are the most altractive line of ears in the whole country. Consult us and get a that will he a reeJ pletaare to you. Myers Brothers, 115 N. Pitt Street ESTABLISHED 1870 THE RAMMEL CAFE s-9~aa9~---H~a~B ANNOUNCES FOR THE ^ALL AND WINTER SEASON THE FAMOUS Cherrystone Oysters, Select Potomac River Oysters, and Reed Birds. EVERYTHING SEASONABLE. ??'?-"- ? -?*. ?= W. A. SMOOT & CO., INC LUMBER k MILLWORK, ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. Your Watch Will Never KeepCor rect Time if it needs cleaning. Most likely that'sthe reason it has been losing time lately. Step in and let us look it over. Wearccxperts in watch repairing. All our work is guarantecd. and our chargea are always the loweat. H. W. WILDT & SON, Jewelers. 106 NORTH ROYAL STREET. BELL PHONE 34:. _ <M\ in the Garden Sub urb. Lots $200: Buy at the Start $10 cash, $5 per month. Virginia Highlands THE NEAREST AND NEWEST. Scientifically planned for refined people of mo-der ate means. Come Saturday or Sunday afternoon. See the Morrill style damp-proof cement houses, poured in steel moulds. Live at Virginia Highlands and save time and ear fare Inquire of A. S. Doniphan, A. J. Wedderburn and Harrie White. BALLARD & LANHAM Washington Sales Offlee, 621 13th Street, Northwest Clip this ad; it leads the way. ?????? ' .-j-rr FOR RENT Store 602 King Street. Store Corner King and Pitt Streets. 322 South Patrick. 112.00 224 North Pitt. $8.50 547 North Alfred. $10.6f> 1328 Commeree. $8.00 828 & I'alriek. 19.00 . 421 South Alfred. -*7.50 Business and Residenee Property for Sale. Insurance of Every Kind, HARRIE WHITE, 628 King Street. Next to the Conof Wash, / FINANCTAL <; .aavsn k Hoothk, i m. h. iiarlow Preaktent ! Ylea Piealdent First National Bank Al.KXANKIUA. Va. Dcsignated Depository of the United Statcs. CAPITAL.1100.000 8URPLU8 AND (INDrVTDED PROV-T8.$17').000 Dlieeteva: (;. L BOOTHB, M. B. HARLOW, (;. E. WARFIELD, .1 F. MITR. WALTEK ROBERTS, H. BAER. Jr., FRANCISL sv ?" ESTABLLSIIF.I) Mg_ Burke & Herbert Modemly equipped for banking In Us various br.inehes. Deposltea reeeived Bubjjeet i" eheek at night Colleetions made on all pointa. HlCb-frade investment sceuriHes bought and sold. l.eiters ol (redit and Foreign Kx ehange nunlanad. Safe Peposil Hoxcs for relit. a s:i\ in^'s Departmenl in whieh in la allovved on depo.lts. HASTE in selecting a flavoring ex tract just because the label is attractive often MAKES you wish you had just told your dealer to send you Leadbeater's, whieh you know is good and pure, and in whieh there is abso lutely NO WASTE EstabHshed 1792 Keep Cool Electrically Electric lights do not beat up the room. Klectric fans will bring tlie eool ing breczes of the eountry into your store or room. Klectric irons have the heat centen-d Bl one place, and tbal is the place that is uscJ. Let us give you tigures on its Bfiet, Alexandria Electric Go. 524 King St. ?? NOTICE. From now on we will have Napoleons. Turnovers. Cho colatc Eclair.. Cream Puffs freah daily. and all sorta of Coffee Cakc on Saturdays. EBLOCH^8 BOTH PHONES. roUKDBBfl AM) MACHINISTS j.A, H.Aitcheson MACHINISTS AND ENGINEERS Agents Gray Gasoiine Motors Engineer and Machiniat.' Supplie*. Pipe. Pipe Fitting*. Valvea, Vc. Blacksmithing & Repairing Promptly Executed. Alexandria Iron Works FOUNDRY. MACHINE. BLACK SMITH AND STRUCTURAL IRON WORK. We make a .pecialty in repair. to Ga.oline Engine.. Motorcycle. and Automobilca. We tolicit your'ordera on ill kinda of Iron Work. Bell Phone 53. WASHINGTON OFFICE: 514 Evana Building. Phone|Main|7324 Otterburn Lithia and Mag nesia Springs WATER Greateat known Water for Dyspcp lia. Indigestion. Kidney and Liver Trouble.. Lcading Phy.ici.n. endor.c it and te? tify to ita great merit. Frank Warfield, Druggist.