Newspaper Page Text
TF your name is in the Bell 1 Telephone Directory you may be reached at once. The Bell Telephone is so universally used that the Bell Directory is relied upon for all business and social inquiries. The Bell Directory is an invaluable advertising medium for merchants. jAsk the Manager for rates. SOUTHERN BELL TEL. & TEL. COMPANY OF VIRGINIA An IncomparableSale of SUPERB DRESSES AND SUITS. Wonderfuliy beautiful draped Dresses at $9.50, . Tailored Suits from $12.50 up, but you must see them to appreciate their |artistry of design, their superiority of materials and trim mings and their workmanship. Don't fail to take a peep at our Trimmed and Ready-to-Wear Hats. Those who have seen them claim they are the handsomest that have ever been in Alexandria and at Rosen feld's priees. We do not believe in large profits. -, \ We sell Millinery the same as Dry Goods. Special 28x54 Body Brussels Rugs.Regular price $2.00, for this week only $1.50. Rosenfeld's 518-520 King Street, Alexandria, Va. ESTABLISHED 1870 THE RAMMEL CAFE -ANNOUNCES FOR THE FALL AND WINTER SEASON THE FAMOUS Cherrystone Oysters, Select Potomac River Oysters, and Reed Birds. EVERYTHING SEASONABLE. ? , ~t~< STATEMENT OF THE First National Bank of Alexandria, Virginia SEPTEMBER I, WO. OFFICERS G. L. BOOTHE. President GEO. E. WARFIELD. Caahier M. B. HARLOW, Vice-Preaidcnt J. J. GREEN. Aaatatant Caahier DIRECTORS GARDNER L. BOOTHE BENOIT BAER. JR. M B. HARLOW FRANCIS L. SMITH GEO. E. WARFIELD JAS. F. MUIR WALTER ROBERTS RESOURCES Loanaand Inveatmenti U. s. Bonda. 128 Banking Houae. 73 Dne from Banka and Re? aerve Agenta. 168 Cash. ?"> SPerOent Fund. 125.73 ,264.61 ,120.22 ,642.05 .000.00 11^29479.61 LIABILITIES Capital.ilOO.OOO.OO Surpluaand Profita. 1S7.741.24 Clrculatlon. 100,000.00 Us. M1.SS5.M Other Liabilitiea. 102.81 >1,^_>,170.?1 This bank with it* ample eapltal and surpliis, its adequsle equipment mhI hellltiea, si.lseits- the aecounts of mamiraeturers, wholesalers, retailers and indivit'.uals on the best ternis eonsistetit with sound banking. No aeeount too large to be handled satisfactorily; none too small to be approciated. Virginia Saf eDeposit&Trust Corporation ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. Authorized Capital. ?1.000.000. Paid in Capital. ?300.000. DIRECTORS C. J. Rixcy. John P. Robinaon. Thomas J. Fannon. C. C. Leadbeater. H.ory K. Field. Henry Baader. George S. French. J. K. M. Nortoa. We act aa Exccutor. Administrator and Trustee. Iaaue Fidelity. Contract. Official and Judicial Bonda. General Banking and Trust Buaineaa Transacted Interest paid on Savings Aecounts. We solicit the aecounts of Banka. Corpor ions. Firms aod Individuals, and promise liberal traatmefit ?onsiat?it with aound banking methoda. Sdrfanttna Qkaztiit. SATURDAY EVE.VINL'. <><T. 15 The Pardon Paperweight Under the beadline "A Queer Munlc ipal GIft" a Vienna paper t-,ls tnls story: "In tbe yenr 1809 a private sol dler statloned ot Sass killed an officer of his regiment and was condemned to be shot. Corurndes who knew the ex tenunting clrcuuistances, friends, priests. relntlves-all pleaded ln valn for mercy. the colonel in whose bands the matter rested insistlng on tho death penalty. Tbe day came and the man was takeo to tbe place of execu? tlon. Six members of his regiment, armed with rifles. one of wblcb con talued a blank cartrldge. took their places as executioners. The inan's eyea were bandaged and with arms Becurely plnloned he stood ready for the volley, Bhoutlng 'Comrades. alm well.'' when a mountod courler dashed Into the crowd waiving a whlte flag, crylng 'Pardon!' Ile was Lleutenant Baron du Mont. with the colonel's pardon. whlch would bave been use less had lt arrived one mlnute later. The munlcipallty secured the flvo bullets from the flrlng squad, had tbem Bllvered and motintcd ln the form of a tlny pyramld on a sllver plate. and thls, sultably lnscrlbed, ls known as the 'pardon paperwelght' tbe only ono of Its klnd." The Useful Crocodile Fish. In the rlvcrs and lakes of tbe Mexl can state of Tabasco there swlms a flsh known as the "crocodile fish" whlch ls most useful to man. The skln of the crocodile flsh, lf properiy cured. may be utilized for any of the purposes for whlch the llghter welghts of leather nre employed. Tbo oil of the crocodile flsh ls a perfett lu bricant and nlso used for softenlng leather. In additiou to Its qualitles as a lubrlcant and etnolient, the oll pos sesses mediclnnl qualitles for whlch a euperiorlty to the flnest of Norwegian cod liver ls ciaimed. The flesh of the crocodile flsh is ei.tensively used by the natlves as food and higbly rellabed by them as ono of the delicacles of the country. Crocodile flsh range in length from ten lncbes to four feet, and when dried assume an ashen hue, with llght? er shadlngs of a blulsh tlnt?New Or? leans Tlmes-Democrat Poor Human Nature. The woman wuo had succeeded in that rather dlfficult task-making a boording house pay?was contlding to a friend some of the trlcks of tho trade. "While you must never ollow your boarders to get too far behind in their payments. lt ls also true that you will proflt considerably by allowing them a llttlo leeway. So long ns you are sure of your money it pays u landlady to have her boarders a week or two be? hind ln their board." "I don't see that," lnterrupted her friend. "Well, ni tell you," continued the landlady. "When a mnn owes back board you bave him nt a certain dls advnntage. Not one ln a hundred un? der snch elrcumstances has the nervo at mealtimes to ask for a second help Ing.?New York Tlmes. The Human Lobster. The lobster has always appealed to the Engllshman as affording a nlck name for his fellow Engllshman. "Lobster" was a fovorite term of abuse among the Ellzabethnns, though lt ls ODly conjectural thnt nn alluslon to red faces was conveyed. As slgnlfylng a soldier, "lobster" orlglnated ln the clvll war, being npplied to the Round hend culrasslers, as Clarendon ex plalns, "because of the brlght Iron shells with wbich they were covered." Afterward the alluslon was transfer red to the soldier's red unlform. But tbat was the "boiled lobster." Tbe "raw lobster" was naturally the man ln blue, the policeman. In earlier days we flnd Grose explalning that "to boil orjfl-s lobster" meant for a clcrgyman to become a soldier.?London Chron kle. _ The Man With the Iron M_sk. The Man Wltb the Iron Mnsk was a mysterious French prisoner of state. whose identlty has never been satls factorlly established. Ue was closely conflned under tbe charge of M. de St. Mars at Plgnerol ln 1C70, at Exiles in 1CS1. nt Snlnte-Marguerlte in 1087 and finally wns transferred to the Bastile In 1C08. where he dlod on Nov. 19, 1703. and was burled tbe following ?day in the cemetery of St Faul under the name of Marchiali. Dumas made him a twin brotber of Louis XIV. A Volcano. "What ls u volcano?" asked the teacher. "A mountain wltb a firo lnside." said one. A sraile of comprehenslon spread over the puzzled foce of the smallest pupll as she asked surprisedly, "Is that a mountain range?" A Pungent Player. The comedlan had his beneflt and tbankful for the patronage of "kind friends in front" let off thls lm promptu. whieh was npplauded: Like a grate full of coals I glow, A great full house to see, And were I not grateful, too. A great fool 1 should be. More Important. "See here. walter: 1 found a collar button In thls pie."' "Dldn't see nothiu' of an umbrella. did yo', boss? Dah was one los' beah las* nlghf-Scrlbner's Magazlne. Lead Pipe. Lead may be melted and when cool ed to the solidifying point may be Bqulrted. In thls manner lead pipe la made.?Mining World. Apologies oniy aecount for tbe erl) whlch they cannot alter.-Cuyler. Hoarseness in a ehild Ba_*ji croup is a sure indication of tbe ap proacb of tbe disease. If Chamber? lain's Cough Remedy is given at once or even after the croupy cough bas ap eared, it will prevent the attaek. Con ains no poison. Sold by ty. F. Creigh tfm affd _?H!h_fi_ fJI-Wh. That Cold Room on the side of the house where winter blasts strike hardest always has a lower temperature than tne rest of the house. There are times when it ls necessary to raise the temperature quickly or to keep the temperature up for a long period. That can't be done by the regular method of heating without great trouble and overheating the rest of the house. The only reliable method of heating such a room alone by other means is to use a 'ERFECTIOl Smokeless ___IL HEATtU Absolutely smokekss and odorltss which can be kept at full or low heat for a short or long time. Four quarts of oil will give ? glowing heat for nine hours, without smoke or smell. An indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. Flller-cap does not screw on; but is put in llke a cork in a bottle, and is attached by a chain and cannot get lost. An automatic-locking flame spreader prevents the wlck from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back so that it can be cleaned ln an instant. The burnerbodyor gallery cannot become wedged, and can be unscrewed ln an Instant for rew'cking. Finlshed in japan or nickel, strong, durabte, well niade, built for serviee, and yet light and ornamental. Has a cool handle. Dealers Everywtere. If not at y*rs. write for descripti* ctmfar to Ihe neartst afrtcy cf the Standard Oil Company FOR SALE Two of the choicest and best built dwellinga in the city of Alexandria. locat? ed on North Columbus Street. between Queen and Princess Streets (Court House square). each houae contains eight rooms and .very modern convenience. includ ing hot water heat. electric lights and concreted cellara. Delightful two story brick dwelling No. 1215 Duke Street. containing eight rooms and bath and large side lot. Fine two story frame dwelling No. 817 Queen Street. contains six rooms | all in splendid condition. Good stable in rear. Desirable two story frame dwelling No. 427 North Columbus street. con? taining seven rooms and and bath. A good renter. Cozy frame dwelling No. 306 South Fairfax Street. containing six rooms. Always rcnted and is a good ten per eent investment on the price asked for thii property. Good two atory frame dwelling No. 823 Oronoeo Street. containing six rooms. Good investment. Further particulars of John D. Normoyle KING AND ROYAL STREETS. Oscar F. Carter. New Store No. 505 King Street. Wholesale and Retail. China, Glass and Housefurnishings, Haviland, Gennan, Au.-drian and American China, in full Dinner Sets of 100 pieces, or in open stock. Can get all the above patterns at low figures. Cut Glass, Gas Globes, Mantels, China and fancy glass in odd pieces suitable for wedding presents, or card parties. Brass Goods in Fern Dishes, Jardiners, Finger Bowls, ete. Full Line of Decorated Toilet Sets Bread and Cake Mixers, White and Blue Lined Enamelware, Coal Hods, Tinware, Wood and Willowware, Baskets, Lamps, Burners, Wicks, and Chimneys of all kinds. Ladies especially invited to call and examine my stock, No. 505 King street, next to the First National Bank. This week closing out 2 patterns, English Porcelain, Blue and Pink decora? tions, also small lot of Haviland China, all the above at cost for this week. octf Jlm This eat flbOWfl a pair of speetacles with the IflOfl-B very much out of foeus. The (lots show the foeal eeiuerof tlie, whieh nn tlie kind usually sold bj traveling and oai rate optJe_-_a. Sueh gbtaaea are very and are often tlie eause of cataraets end otber _erlou_ trouble*, Our lenfle*. groruod .nnd aocorately centered in our inanufaet.ui..-. an-? JFARANTED A B80LUTBL V COBB-BOT. Columbia Optlcal Co., Ine , Expert Optlcians, ?OH !?? street Nortliwest. Washington, I). C. N. B.?I an. a ineiiilier ofthe ahove lirm. Wmit you drop in and let me ex plaiii this and otfaer iniportnnt fact s about glasso'.' W. E. DIENELT, OPTICIAN, Alexandria Offlce, fill Prlaea Btreet after 7H0p. na, ?epflj-m _ -~- ,.., -P, r. Sundays by appointment. Housg Linodwitf^ IVUI i\ is a place of cnduring J> . I beauty, of domcstic r *J health, comfort and economy ? warm in wintcr, cool in sum mer, snug ar.d dry at all seasons. "Ivory" is not expensive. Write, 'pbone or call lY.r.h.ind some illuitr booklct?"Con cerning Ivory Wall Plaster"? it tclls things about plaster tliat every home builder ought to know. C K m ?/K Ordinary plas tcrin-,' niateriaU ? ImtCj ctc.? _/_cxiravagant. 'i'hey make a 09, absorb e&t.damp.drafty, nnsig!.t:y, ursanitary, weak and crumbly wall. Jvory Wall Plaster made from Rock Gypsum, makes a hard, tough.smiMith.dense, dry ,sani tary wall that detics time, weatlier, fire and water. Saves weeks oftime in building, saves doctor bills, saves fuel, pro-. tects the decorations, saves repairs. Ask your Architect In plastering your Home, insist upon Ivory Wall Plaster. Sold only by Wm. H. Peck xiiAixiA-i_-i__?ix-i-_-i-i-ci---n nix-- iiu nn i* j l of Alexandria, Virginia CAPITAL, $100,000 SURPLUS, $125,000 Certificate Extending Charten TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Washington. D. C. cptember 10th. 1910. Whereaa. by satiafactory evidence preaente d to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that The Citizens' National Bank of Alexandria, located in the city of Alexandria. in the county of Alexandria. and atate of Virginia. has complicd with all the provisiona of the Act ot Congreaa "to enable National Banking Associatione to extend their corporate existence. and for other purposes. approvedjuly 12th. 1882. as amended by the Act approved Apnl 12. 1902: Now. therefore. I, Lawrence O. Murray. Comptroller of thr Cur? rency. do hereby certify that "The Citizens' National Bank of Alex? andria." located in the city of Alexandria. in the county of Alexandria. and state of Virginia. ia authorized to have succession for the period specified in its amended articles of association: namcly. until close ot bnsincss on September 10. 1930. In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of office this Tenth day of September, 1910. LAWRENCE O. MURRAY. Comptroller of the Currency. Charter No. 1716. Extension No. 9 80. rTT II I I I I ITTTTTTTTYTTT TTTTTTT__ni_I_ OVERLAND AUTOMOBILES Are manufacturcd an.l liconscd under tbe Sold. n Pateni Tlie 1011 modelfl are now ready for delivery, and are tbo most attraetivc line of ears in tbo whole country. Consult us and get a ear that will bfi B real pleasure to you. Myers Brothers, 115 N. Pitt Street W. A. 8MOOT A CO., INC. LUMBER A IflLLWORK, ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. THOS. W. ROBINSON ATLAS CemenT Makes The Best Concrete For Sale by GEO. H. ROBINSON'S SONS, ALEXANDRIA, VA. alera in Cemo?t, Lime, ITair, Caleincd Plaster, Wall Plaster. Term Cott* Sower iMpe and Flue Llning, Fire Brioks.'Fire Clav. AcJ Buy at the Start ^e<t^0* $10 cash, $5 per month. Virginia Highlands THE NEAREST AND NEWEST. Scientifically planned for refined people of mo-der ate means. Come Saturday or Sunday afternoon. See the Morrill style damp-proof cement houses, poured in steel moulds. Live at Virginia Highlands and save time and ear fare Inquire of A. S. Doniphan, A. J. Wedderburn and Harrie White. BALLARD &. LANHAM Washington Sales Offlce, 621 13th Street, Northwest. Clip this ad: it leads the way. FOR RENT Store 602 King Street. Store Corner King and Pitt Streets. 322 South Patriek*. $12.00 224 North Pitt. $8.50 627 North Alfred. $10.50 ?28 Commeree. $8.00 823S. Patrick.__?. $9.00 4_1 South Alfred. $7.50 Business and Residenee Property for Sale. Insurance of Every Kind, HARRlE VVPlI E,Next to the ?or.ofw^*sli. FIXAXCIAI. Qaa-aaaa u BooraBB, I M. b. Harixw President \He President First National Bank Al.KXANMUA, Va. Designated Depository of the United' States. t'AI'ITAL.flOO.OOO SURPL1 S AND INDIVIDED PROFITS.I175.000 Directors: G. L. BOOTHE, M. B. HARLOW, (J. K. WARFIELD, .1. F. MI IK WALTER R0BERT8, B. BAER.Ja., FRAXCISL. SM *'*??* ESTABLISIIED 1852. Burke & Herbert Modcrnly equipped for banking In its larioaa braaoaea Deposites reeeived s.ilij.vt to check at si?lit. Colleetions made on all point*. Ktarh-fiade investincnt BMIirltlM lioiclit and sold. Letters of f'redit and Foreijru Ex obanM fnniislied. Safe Depodt lloxos for rent. A Savincs Department In whieh in terest ls allowed on depositg. HASTE in selecting a flavoring ex tract just because the label is attractive often MAKES you wish you had just told your dealer to send you Leadbeater's, whieh you know is good and pure, and in whieh there is abso lutely NO WASTE Established 1792 STEAMERS Norfolk and Washington SteamboatCo. Kvery day in tlie year lor Port Mon? roe. Norfolk. Newport Nowa aml point* south. rlaauperb, powerful eteel pnlaee steamers. Leave Waablngton,a\4fi p. m. Leave Alexandria /.OO D. m. Arrive l-'t. Monroes 7.00a. in. Arrive Norfolk -,00 & m. Arrive Portamonth &00& m. Leave Portamouth ?">.(?) p. m. Leave Eorfolk 6.00 p. m. Leave Pt Monroe f.00 p. ni. Arrive Alexandria0.90 a. ra. Arrive Waahlnftoa 7.00 a. in. Through eoiineetioijs maile at Norfolk with ateatnera of tlie OU Domlnloa BteamehipCompany for New Vork aud MSrohanta'and Miner'a Steamahlpa tor Boaton. Oeneral Tieket Offlee, 730 ntli st.N.W. Iioud Bnlldlng, Waahlngton, i?. C. Phone Main 1.'._'. Sevenlh street wharf. Phone Maii Alexandria wharf foot of Prinee street. W. II. CALLAHAN, apri lyr Oenaiml Paaaengw Agaat Maryland Delaware and Vir? ginia Raiiway Company. SI'KIV; BCB-EDUIJ Steamers ol tliis line leave Alexandria on and after May Ii, t-M, Every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and BATURDAY at4_K)p. m. FOR BALTIMORE AND -LL TIIK USUAL RIVER LANDINGS. Calalae aad appolntrnent- unexeelled. Prebrat for Baltimore, Phlladelphla and New York loliolted and liamlled with .'aa Throntfb rataa an.l btlli ot ladiag IflBued. Sinaie fare to Baltimore, ??-?>>; round trip. ip<..Y>: .suterooms, one way. - M I' 11 - ?i **' REARDON -tORIMEB, Afeeta, Foot of I'ameron street SCHEDULE _ Steamboat Co. Effectlve May 9,1910. Steamer" Capital City." Leaves Alexandria at C p. in. on Mon? day and Wednesday lor Parli.-un's I'oint and lower river landings. Ketnrn early Wednesday and Kridav morning. Leave .Saturday atr? a m. f?>r Nomini aud inter modiate landings, roturning Sunday ahout 5 p. m. Steamer "Wakefleld." Leave Sunday. Tueaday aml I buraday at?a. m. for wirt's wharf and all inter mediate landings. Keturninjf leaveWlrt'B wharf at G a. m. the following day and arrivinjr at Alexandria ahout I p. in. Reardon & Grlmes, Agents, Foot of Cameron Street. Telephone Xo.. 50. jel I lyr Illa'li I fT-TBT ? ITTT KI A.V OLD NURSI-: Mra. Wlnslow'aSoothing Myrup ia tho preseription of one of the hest female phyaiciana and nuraea in the I'niteU States, and haa been used for lifty yeara with never-failing auccess by millfona oi mothera for their cbildren. It relievea the child from paln. curoa diarrhoea, griping in the bowela, and wlnd collc. By girlng health to the child it resta tbe mother. Twenty-tive cenu a bottle. i