Newspaper Page Text
aej-aoQio _i?j?|rj ?/vt TTU. nYT __vn ?><:!! ALEXANDRIA, VA.. WEDNESDAY EVENING. XOVEMBKK 2, 1910. PRICE 2 CENTS. RAILROADS Southern Railway. Trains leave I'nion Station, Alexandria. ia ehVet oetober., 1010. M a -Following aohedulealgureapob lishedoni\ aa I?Di_atfeo, ai"' are noa K^r'v'i-l'.nlv loeal l?.t.v.-n Wash iagtou and Danvllle. ??____?__ J-47 A. M.-I>Hily- Looal for Harrlson hurr and way atationa , .. V3t A. M- Dally -U. _ Fas MaiL Btopa only for Muwengers for polnftsou* : wl,iel.;<he?li.le,l to atop. Fll* elass ,.,vhM; ateeplng <**ni '" Bl**_lngham and drawlng room aleeplng ears to New Orleans. Dinlng car jerylee. II 17 A M I>ailv Mailtr.iin. Coachea for M irfotU-svir.e.Lyiiehhiirg, Danvilleand Oreenaboro. Sleeplng eara Oreenaboro to Atlanta 4-47 p. M. Week daya Loeal tor \\ ar reuton and Uarrtaonburg 4t*P II.?Dally?Blrmlngham apee Bleeplng eara betweeni?jw Vork. A%rwto.. Alken s?ll,:rkTV h Sleeper to Hirmingham, I hroogh flmt Letwecn Washington and ,n ville. Dinlng ear-rvice, llttotalifornta fonrtlmea wecklt ?;-V p M -Week days- Loeal for Mai i?onbura and war atationa cji Mai braneh. Pullman buflel narlorear. -, i: P. M Dallj -I***' ,,r Warren ton and CharlottesvUle. 10--7 P M-DaJly?Waahington and ,ted via I^rnrbburf) eoaeh and aloeping ' ' Roanoke, Knoxville and Itottanooga. Sleeper t ? N'ew Orleans. Waahington tO )Ke. niningearaervlce. ? p m l?aily -NewYork.Atlanta aad New Orieaaa ?hnited. All Pullman train. elub and ouaervatlon eara te New Orleans. Sleeplng ears to Asbeyille, Atlanta. Maoon and Now Orleana Sleep in? ears to Charlotte. Dinlng ear aervloe. j..7 v m i....u Memphla apecial. SleeDina ears and coachea for Roanoke, Knoxville Na-t,ville. CfeatUnooga and Memphis. Dining oar a-j^-toe. Wae_ Inrton aleeplng cara open 10*00 I. M. Through trainarrom Ihe aouth ajrlve at Aloxandria ?:13 and 6:2saad 1023 a.m. "?13 7-:- n>:l3and \IMV. M.daily, Har? risonburg I1-3H A. U. week days and 903 p m JiSly. From Cnarlotteavllle 938 A. II TRAINS ON BLUK_0NT BBANCH. i,.iv,. \i. >_ indrta IW. ?<>.? O. Station) V M ,3:35 and -4 for ? M.we?k days for L-JCfl ? M. dailv for Bluemont and M . loeal. on Sundays only for Bluemont. . ,. , Por detailed aehedule flgurea, ttekete, Pullman reservaUon. ete., applj? to W'll.l.l AM G. LKHl \N . Unlon Tieket Agent, Alezan I K II COAPMAN. General Manager. s H. HARDWICK. Paaa. T?? Mgr. H F CARY. Oeneml Paaaenger Agent L. s Brown, Oeneral Vg< nt, Waablngtoa, l> * ? Washington Southern Ry. s.-h.duie la emtot _ij i?, iwo. Train- leave i'nion Station for w.ish laaton and pointa north 82_andS-a m., 1201,230,807,818and 11 :e u. m . daily. , . For Frederlekaburg, Rtehinond and points south at I 37,7 53 (loeal | and 10 22 a. m., I. 10. I 21, 6 17 (loealI 7 D and o:>l v- na, , . , . Aeeom?odatlon for Frederloksbunr at train runs throufh to Mllford. s".,: i- i Ideparturei aad eonneetlons noi guaranteod. W P LAYLOR, Tra_e Manager. Ilielimolid, \ ft. Washington, Alexandria & Mt. Vernon Railway. in efletyl May I, IfltO. i.i:\vi: ,\i.i:xA.NDK1A. For Washington. from eorner i'rince an?l Roval streeta, waek days. at 540, 805.83 ? 7 06,7 15,7 30, . I". 7 'a 9 00 - 1 ;- '?' W* loio. 1080, 1050. 11 10, ll 78, 1130, 11 BO a. m 12 10. 12 25, 12 30, 12 58, 1 10. 1 25, 1 30 I GO 2 lo. 2 25, 2 30, 2 50, 8 05, 3 25, 3 35, 3 50, 4 10, t 26, 130, l l>. 4 55, ?'< 10, 8 25, 5 35, 5 50, 605 ,, *.7 00,7 15,725,800, 880, l ., i.iin. 1030, U 1" an.l 11 55 p. m ' Sunckya- 7 0.7 35, 810, 820, 8 40. 9 00. 9-0 840 10 00, 10-V. lo 10, 11 00. 11 _0 and II _a. tn . 1200m., 1220, 1240, 100, 120. 3 00, 320, 340, 4 oo. 4 20, ..;, 10,600 0,720. 7 40, 0, 10 00. 10 30 aud ii i ip- m, rOa MOINT VKRNON. Leave Alexandria for Mount Vernon, week |0-"' 11 _>a. m., 1225, i 25, 228, 380, i ?, 585, uno. 7 :..' S 50, 0 0, 1050and 11 50 p. ni. Sundav, 700, 830, 830, 1030, 1130 a. _ , ? so" I : 30, 880,4 88, '?'? '? .;:<0.730, 9fl8aadl0iGp. m. Piles! Piles! Piles! WUIhuns' Indian PHe Olntmeat will eare Blind, Blecdlng aad Itohlng Pllea. It absorba tbo tuniora, allays Itohlng at once, poultlce, glvea Inatanl relief. Wllllama*Indian PlleOlntmenl la prepared for Pllea and Itohlng ofthe private parts. Druggists; mail 30e and Williams MTg Oo., Propa . Cleve 0 For sala, wholeaale and retall, bt i; H Loadheater .v- smi %?y,e CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm ia quickly abiorbed. Ralisl at Once. It tJeaaaaa, soothes, hi-als -mi nrofleeta the dist ...(I niem brano r.sulting from Catarrb and drives away a CoM ln tho Hwui quickly. Re. atorea the Senses of Taste and Bmell. Full aise 50 ota., at Dnig gista or by mail. Iu liquid form, 75 i. _ts. Ely Brothers, 50 Warron Street, New York. HAY FEVER John P. Roamow, Qaa.8. Fudih, President. Secretary. Alexandria Fertilizer and M \MI \* rt RKRfl OF Fertilizers, Fertilizer Matenals and Sulphuric Acid. Ask vour dealer for the Alexandria Fertill7*:r andChemleal C'o.'s Products. Capacity: 50,000 tona per annum. Prlm-ess Street aml Potomao River Wharf., Vircinia. ADMINISTRATORS Su'l'U'K All Dersonahavingclaims against the esUte of ISABELLE G. GREC.OR\ . de? eeased, are requestod U> present the aame, property authenttcated, to the und.-n-igned, aud all persons Indebted to aaid estate are required io make munc diate lavment _ , ,?? ]}? V- ? Sergear.t Adtnr. oflmbelle G. Gregoty. clie 'd. oe3110t ^^n__ti^_?azette* e5_g_?-^S^SffS^Aw PKINC- BTREET. [F.nten-d atthe l'ostoiliee of Alexandria, Virginia, aa ae-c__<_la_ matter.] ___?: Daily -1 year, fc'i.OO: G months, f_50; 3 months. 81.25: l month.43 cents i week, lOeanta Tri-weckly ?1 year, |3.00: G months tUOi 3 months, 75 cents: 1 month, --i "on tract advertisers will not be allowed to exeeod their spaee unless the l is paid for attransient rates, and under do elroumataaoea will they be aUowaai to advertise other than their lcgiti mate business in the spaee eontraete-l lt<x.lutions in nicinoriain. of thanks. trii,.iiesofres.|.. et. re-olutlonsadopUMl liv soeieties or persons.unless orpuhlie o-n-ero, will be prltwed In the papoi aa advortiaementa. < n it wom-'.x aid vntikr.if-. Mounteil police in Chicago yesterday charged threatening Bobfl of .-triking garment workera and made numeronj arre-ts in three qtinrters of tbfl city, only to be damfoaoded when met by obdurate Kronpi of clubwomen and ao ciety leadcrs. who, when taken into ly, produced engraved calling cards at police atatiooa in lieu of bail bonds. A BOOK of these women. cham pions of tbe garment workers, were taken into custody. bnl Ihe? were im inediitely loloaoori wh?n their idtnttties became known. One woman was struck by a policc man's cluh. Most of the clubwomen invoh-e.l in yestini.iy's de-nonstrations were garbed as working girls and I k police oould nol diatinguiab them from atailterfl ontil after airflflta were made. Bijflooj and ipactacular acenea de reloped downtown, on the North and the West Si le. More than 600 men aml wom< d engaged in the down town demonatration, which wa< brokoo up by tbe police after con-id.-iai.l ! trouble. As they left thfl headqiiarlei> in La.-nillo street tbe atriken and tbeir ??mpatbisen clanged belle, blew whis tles and looted honw. The line of march prooeeded into tbe wholesale (|uarter near tbe Cbfcago river, passing large tailoring estabhsh ments, whose employea were beckoned to joio tbe strikers. More than 2,000 took part i i one ol several incipieiit riots on tbe West Side. In each in stance women led tbe strikers aml their friends. Promises from wealtby women to open their homea to destitate atriking girls, offer- of picket aenrioe from women aocial aml club leadera and pledgea o! aaaiatance from many other women ware received yesterday by Mrs. Bay.nond Kobinb, president of tbe Woman'.- Trade Union League. I'ly's ( reaiu llalm has been tried ai.d nol found wanting In thouaanda of homea all over tlie eoimtry. It haa WOUB place io the Aunlly medlclnecloset among tbe reliable houaeholtl remedlea when- u is kept at hand for use In treattag eold in tlu- head just aa soon as some member ol the household beglnfl the prellmlnary snee/.in( or snutltiaf. lt Kives imme diate relief and a day or tWO'B treatment will putastop tu a eold whieh might il not checkcd, become chronic and run nto a bad case of eatnrrh. BRYAX JL'WTIFIES HIS BOLT. In a ball hired by himself andspeak ing* outside the jurisdiction of the democratie state committee, W. J. Bryan proclaimed in Lincoln. Neb., Monday night his political independence so far as the bead of the democratic Btate ticket ii oooceraed aud justified his bolt of James C. Daliiman, candi? date for governor. He disclaimed any inteution of becoming a political free lanee In national affairi. Mr. Bryan declared himself "reg? ular' on all else aaee tbe rTebreska governorship. and gave 0?-tintcd in doraemeat to the remaloder of tbe ? He insaned thal il notcetol party reg_arity for one to vote tor Mayor Dahlmao, beeanae, be .-aid, Dablmaa wai not nominated by tbe democrata, bat by b oombloation of the notes of all partiei domioated by tlie lic-uor intereeta For himself, be would do what hc could to put u end to tbe sprce on which the democratk party iii Nebraska had embarked: he was nol willing that the party s-liould dic of deliriam tre inens. The old, old slory, told tinics with? out number, and repeated over and over again for tbe last 86 yeara, but dwayi fl welcome story to in atarchof health?There is notbing in tbfl w.-rld that cures coughs and colds as quickly aa Ohamberbun'a Ooogfa Remedy. BoW by W. F. Creigb ton and Kicbard Gibson. I I1ARGEI) WITH POlSONINC. I>r. G. H. Buck Wlfl arrest?d il Greem.burg, Kan.. yesterday charged with potsooing bis wife. Mrs. Buck died about two weeks ago. l>r. Buck w is reieeeed on $10,000 bond and his pr.-liminary hearing was set for Nov tmber 14. The charge was brougbt against l>r. Buck by the father of Mrs. Buck, \Y B. Kiosell, a farmer livingnearGreens burg. Kinaall intimstee that be bas sufheient cvidencc to make good tbe charge. Dr. Book aaya he is iunocent. He I that his wife became ill aud died of a complication of diseases. On the afternoon of Mrs. Bock'adeath Dr. Buck ealled in two other p.iysicians to consult with him about her case. They were of the opinion that her condition was not .serious. Sbe died shortly after they left the bou I>OG HAD 8IOO Fl XERAL. Kex, tbe pet dog of the George S. Fox family, which was buried in the ''Little B'ick'Triends BuryingGround at Harris.ille, Md., will not remain there. The families of tbe persons who are buried there objected rigorously, ao tbe cemetary directors had tha body re_ TERRIBLE STRAIN RESULTED NOT AMISS A Lenoir Lady, After Two Week! Grinding Ubor, Feels Better Than Ever. Lenoir, N. C?*i am not tiredatall, and am stouter than I have ever been," writesMrs. Kate Watcrs, of Lenoir, N.C, "although I have just finished a two weeks' wat-h. I lay my strenglh to Cardui, the woman's tonic. 1 have taken a lot ol it and I can never praise it enough for what it has done for me. I can never thank you enough for the ad vice you gave me, to take.Cardui, for since taking it I look so well and am -.tout as a mu!e.M You are urged to take Cardui, that gen? tle, vcgetable tonic, for weak women. IU I use will strengthen and build up your syi I tem, relieve or prevent headache, back I ache and the ailments of weak women. lt will surely help ithashelped ! thousands of others, in the past 50 yeari. ! N. B.-Writt to: Ladiet' Ad-daory Dept. Oiatta noega Medicine Co. Chatunoota, Tenn.. lor Special lmtntctions. and M-pare book. Homa Treatment tea* Women, aent in plain wrapper, oo rcauett. nioved. Thc dog wai given a $100 funcral and was buried in the cemctary with? out permission. On Monday afternoon the body was removed and reintcrred nt night in a lot in ?erearof the Foi residence. It will b* taken to Phila? delphia and there buried in a ccmctcry il.-voted to canioea. Thc embalmed body is laid out in a silk shrotid, with ;i band of ribbon with a bow around its neck. The caaket is white cloth c vcr ed and i- cncased in a box of bronze. Floral designs were received from weatern Maryland. -I ll 11)1. PACT. ,\ auicide pad entered into by a de ? oonf couple on the upper west side of New York, and carried into at least partially successful execu tiou. aaa revealed when a relalivo of Mr. and Mrs. I'atil Torrea broke into their rooms yesterday afternoon. Tor rca was found dead in bed and h' young wife partially ovcrcome by gas and a wound in her left wrist, calmly waiting for her life to end. ffhen .Mrs. Torrea wns rcvived at the hospital, to which she was taken a pri<oner, she s:_id tliat ihe knife wound had been intlctcd hy her husband in carryini out a suicide agreement which they made yesterday morning. She told the police that her husband bad Brsl cut a deep incision in her left _t? and then slashed his own rigbt arm. Then he turned on the gas and they lay down to die The Torrcas were married only two weeks ago. IH_FHANCHISES XECRO. Holding tiiat it haa no jurisdietion to grant relief from the operations of the "grandfather clatise" amendment tothe Oklahoma constiution, the federal Cii cuit Court, in (iuthrie. Okla.. dismisse the applieation of DanielSimu, a former slave, who asked a writ of injunction that would permit him and other negroes to vote at the general election on November 8. The decision makes tlie grandfather clause operative for the election in Nov? ember, disfranchising several thousanJ negroes, :is tlie various prcciuct election boarda are given final authority to pass on a roter'aqualifloatton. OOO toocj The ettorneyi for Sinis have appeal ed t-. the United States Supreme Court from the recenf decision of thc State Supreme Court that the grandfather clause is valid. Croup is most prevalont during the dry cold weather of the eariy winter months. Parenta of young children should be prepared for it. All that is needed is a liottl*- of Chambertain's Cough Kemcdy. Many mothcrs are never without it in their homes aml it baa never ilisappointed tbem. Sold by W. F. ('reighton and Richard Gibaon ASTHMA! ASTHMA! POPHAM'S AMTHMA ?_M8BOV rivoa instant relief and an absolute cure in all cases of Asthuia. Bronehitis and Hav Fever. Sold l?y druggists; mail on reeeiptof priee $1.00. Trial package by mail io eents. Williaris Mfg (.'<>., Propa., Cleveland.". For sale, wholesalo and retail. l*v K. S. Lradheater & Sous. _ Wedding Presents Beautiful pieces of Furniture, Cut Glass and handsome Orna ments are useful and ornamental presents. Pay bments Theie are the remarkably liberal terms upon which we $ell that new and improved sewing machine which was recently inyented by Wm. C. Frcc, which has bcen so widely advertised m Women s Magazines, and which is revolutioni_ing the scwing machine buunesi, The FREE fS&. Because of the fact that The FREE b sold ao ?a|t. ?mt*wm8-8-1 known aewing machine.. we have aKreerl never to pi?li?h he broadcaat i?. would judge it, quality by itscost. You wouM not heheve that ahanlutely the beat .ewing machine in the-world could be obtaned at auch a bargain. So inatead of talking price, we have decide! to make it ea.y for you ?o own The FREE and find o_t& .pi.l.ry ynuraelf. We w.ll>ell .?to you at your own terma ai low M $1.00 a week, and to .how you how we place our wnole eatabliah ment back of this wonderfully perfect machine rithout the least ??*???. we offer it to you on 30 day. Trial in your own home Sew on it for 30 dayv t,ive n any hard test you ran think of for 30 days. Camfare U g^ W? any other machine. Then if you have not bern comunce.l that i is Aa 8t* machine you everheard of. the most conven.ent the moat improved, iand rf the low price? does not delight ><?u return the nuchine to ui. We will reh.nd your so that the trial will nat cost you ane cent. oo. mam i.r aaWai rou .hi. aflto a m awi ~? aadai a* m?h *wm to ? m ?? ??" Nartap make ll ran. ?how much ?a*?*t i? "oiokIIIo Mo??_ent i-ikn il lew ?how much eauai it it io um iii Jimiile Eiecief than roui nnsei aailiot ?how much beliai lt n >o "?'* a Roiair Spool Pir tbat kiw thrert hom bteikiot oi lifht tninf ?how _?ch maie otnimanul in Fiench-lfi -?? ?is- an. _?ile*? taeaaat . ? ' -how nuch mota con-?niant n ll '? ha?e aa'c Tention *el-a?. Lock :n? diwen. aa Impr?14 Haal Laich. a Ball that ie?. i comt? oil, aad a I t-?m Inw-uce Po'kv acaiuat ftxi kind ol uanUo'. So Come and See The FREE tomorrow and take it home with you Griffin Furniture Co., Inc 810-812 King Street. King Street Real Estate for Sale Fine Business property on King Street, centrally located, frontage of 47 feet and a depth of 150 feet. Buildings in fine condition. Rented at $75 per month Price $10,000. Thompson & Appich 107 South Royal Street, Alexandria, Va. City and Suburban Propertiw. Stocka and Bonrti An 8-room House Hot Water Heat. Front and Back Porch. At Braddock Station. Thia houae haa' modern plumbing. fine cloaeta. larfe bathroom and pantry electric lighta. city water. ircn fence with concrete columna. concrete cellar.Iartfe windowa on all aidea. ?nd evtrythin? a peraon could want in a perfect auburban home. Easy Terms. Discount for Cash. See Gco M Reynold*. near Braddock atation or let me know wheo it will auit you to io. and I will take you to aee thia house. F. L. SLAYMAKER 313 King Street. If You Want a Good Medicinal Rye Whisky-ltie Right Kind? WAKEFIELD RYE ia what you want. Alao try aome of our line Imported Win- and Gin. Lowenbach Bros., Corner King and Royal Streets Capital $ 100,000. Surplus and profits $30,000. United States Depositary. Depositary for the state of Virginia. Depositors afforded every facility for business, security and accommodation. Large and small accounts invited in both our Commercial & Savings Departments on grounds of absolutc safety and satisfaction. OFFIC RS Judge C. E. Nicol, Presideitw. Wm. B. Smoot, Vice President. John A. Marshall, Vice President. T. C. Smith, Vice President and Cashier. Funds invested for our customers. Details care fully attended to for all. Call to see ua. Drafts issued on all parts of the world. Interest paid at three per cent in our Savings Department. Cottage Park ADJOINING BRADDOCK HEIGHTS AT BRADDOCK STATION City Watar?Efectric Lights?Fire Protection We offer for sale, at very reasonable prices and on exceptionally easy terms, several desirable and up-to-date homes, with large 'ots, in this choice sub-division, which we cordialiy invite your inspection. Salesmen will be on the ground every Sunday, or inspection by appointment any time. I LL HAM 8 CO., !NC, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. 1410 H Street Northwest, Washington, b, C. Phone Main 2458. Bep? tf roUHD-Bfl AND KACHINI8TB J.& H.Aitcheson MACHINISTS AND ENG1NEERS Agents Gray Gasoline *Motors Entfineer and Machinists' Supplies. Pipe. Pipe Fittings. Valves. tfc. Blacksmithing & Repairing Promptly Executed. Alexandria Iron Works FOUNDRY, MACHINE. BLACK SMITH AND STRUCTURAL IRON WORK. We make a specialty in repaira to Gasoline Entfincs. Motorcyclea and Automobiles. We aolicit your ordera on all ktnds ol Iron Work. Bell Phone 59. WASHINGTON OFFICB*. 514 Evana Buildmf. Phone Main|7324 Phone Taylor'sPharmacy FOR A POUND PAXKAGE OF Chocolate Crispo SIMPLY DELICIOUS SPECIAL, -33c DELIVERED PROMPTLY. ADMIN'ISTR ATOH'S X O T IC E-Al persons having elaims against the estate ofJOSEl'II DREIFirs, deceased. are requested to present the same, prop crly authcntlcatcil. to tln* undersigneil, aad all persous indebttxl to said estat are required to make immediato pay? ment R. H. CUX, Serge?it Admr. of Joseph Drsifus, deo'd. oeCTlOl General Insurance Agency. Laurence Stabler Room No. 4. Burke tf Herbert Bldf. The <<>m|.:ini.-s repraeented i" this offlce hesrt _wta or over 91O0fl0 ? Among otbera bj?: Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Liverpool V London tf Globe. AZtnx Insurance Co. Northern Assurance Co. Springneld Firc tf Marine. 1 rompt attention given toadju.stiiient of lossesand all m.ilters connected witb RICHARD H. WATTLES Manufacturer oi FERTILIZERS 0FFICF. ANP STOKK*": ?HI? N. ROTAI.ST. Dealer in Hardware. Painta, Agricul? tural Implemen ts, Vehiclea.Harneaa. Field and Garden Seed*. WAREHOrSKfl. SOfTH INIO.V HTItP.KT, OS I.INK OF HOr/THFRN KAII.WAT. Also Grain, Hay, Straw andallkindsof MillFeod Will always keep in Htock thc highest grade of these articles. VIRGINIA?In the Clerk's Offlce ol Corporation Court of the City ol Alexandria, on tho 3d dav of "ctober, 1010. Deiey A. Craoka re. KimerE Oreokft in cbancery. Memo. The ohjeet of this suit is to ob tain for the complainant an absolute di? vorce from the defendant on the ground of willfnl de.tcrtiou and al-andonmcnt for b period of more than three years be foro the bringing of thia suit, and for general relief. Itappearing by an affidavit filed in this cause that the defendant, Elm< r E. ''rooks. i* a non-resident of tbia State: It is Ordered, That said defendant appear here within hfteen days after due piiiilieation ofthis order. and do what Ib MOOBBaiTtOprotOCtbis interest in this suit and that a eopy of this order t>e forthwith inserted in the Alexandria Oa zette, a newspaper publishcd in the < itv of Alexandria, once a week for four suc? cessive weeks, and posu-d at tbe front door ofthe Court House ofthis city. <*. copv?Tbbte. NEVJELL 8, O?_SNAWAY, Clerk. Fred'k P. RowcU, p. .. ecM w.w-tu BUILDING MATERIAL_ [ESTAULISHKP UBL] Henry K. Field &Co., Baeeeaaen t > JOSt'AII 11. IV SMOOT. LUMBER and MILL WORK OF ALL KINl'S. Lumber. Cement and Plaster. Office and Yard IU>Y. I'nion street. Factory No. 111 K. I>oe street. Material Delivored FREE in the eity. I AM OFFERING FOR SALE EXTRA FANCY BRISTOW CREAMERY BUTTER 38c Pound. I guarantee every pound to give satis? faction. Fresh and Smoketl Meats, Groceries and Farm Products *>i all kinds. Telephono ordors given p empt attention. Free delivery. F. C. PULLIN, Corner Queen and Royal stre. t 'Phone, Uelli85L,|Home S7\S. lyis iy_ W. A. Johnson & Co., N. E. Corner Cameron and Royal Streets. WHOLESALE GROCERS General Commission Merchants and deaiers in ALL KINDS OF LIQUORS. Have on hand (iibsons XX. XXX, XXXX and l'ure Old Rye,Old Cabinet, and Monograin Whiaklea; also llaker's and Thompaoa'a l'ure Rye Whiaklea, t<> ; whi.-h thev invitc the attention of tho : Orders from tha country for incrchan di.s.. shall receive prompl attenttoa, Conaignmenta w Plour, Qrain nnd Countrv Prodiiee aollelted, tot whieh thev ?rtarantee the hlghost?:irkct prlwa and preaap returast Otterburn Lithia and Mag nesia Springs WATER Greatest known Water for Dyspep aia. Indig'estion. Kidney and Liver Trou_les. Lcading Physicians endor.e it and tes tify to its (freat mcrit. Frank Warfield, . - Tarnrictigt _______ John Ahern & Co., Corner PHbm and t ounner.'.' StreeJ WHOLESALE V RETAILGROCER and dealers iu PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. Cot?try practaee reeelved daib Oui stoek of Flain and Fancy Oroeeriea em braeea ererythlnii to be had In tius line. We holil largely iu l nited States bond ed warehouaeand earry la atoek ranou? brands ofthe best PURE RYE AND MALT WHlSKIEb niade. Have also in store aupwdor gradi of Fofeign and American WINES. ALES. BROWN STOUT. Uo Satisfaction Guaranteed as to Pricaiet QtuUity. Purt Food Store. You Can Economize By buying FLOUR by the barrel. Ycur clioice of the following leading brands at $6.00 Per Bbl. Table Belle. Senator. Superlative. Premium We guarantee every ounce of the above brands to give entire satisfaction. PURE FOOD STORE. St. Asaph and Oronoco Streeta. FORTHEBESTDESSERTS Order Bloch's PIES. CAKES ANO PASTRY Your family and gBMtl will apprcei.-uc their lich (XMM made ll'iwr. Speeial orders will have our prompt attention. H. BLOCH Both Phones. Electric Lights, Do you appreciate tlie comfort, coiivi-ni' il ?;-. Mfet) .i,l ceonomy ol ?B?lie light-' Fali is hcrc 9oA wiDter with its long night cioee K band, elec tric lights are not a luxurybut n neccssi'.y. They add cheer in thc dining room; make reading, -ewing and the like more pleas? ant. The control of the light is instan?ncous, no matches rc ? ?uired, oo eleauing rci'tiircdand no odor. Why not wire \our home now before < old weatber sets in. Call on us for particulars. Alexandria Electric Co. 924 KING STREET.