Newspaper Page Text
Your Last Chance ISNOW To get one of thoae attraetive and complete eight room and both houa-a. with a dry. bright concrete cellar. furnace. open fare place. gaa and electric lighta. and every modern convenience and a lot 180 feet deep. There is only one left Of thoae amaller houaea in Roaemont. and you will have to de? cide quickly if you want to aecure thia laat low pr.cedhouse. and live comfortable and happy thia coming winter. Aa* any onc in Roaemont how they like livintf there. They are all boosters. no knockers. F. L. Slaymaker, 813 King Street. THE ROSEMONT MAN. FOR RENT Store 602 King Street. Store Corner King and Pitt Streets. 922 South Patrick. $12.00 224 North Pitt. *???> Sf Snrth Alfred . ttO.60' ?28 Commerce. J8.00 mt?Z?l .:.:. w.oo -mace*AMted.?..^.. 17.60 Business and Residenee Property for Sale. Insurance of Every Kind, HARRIE WHITE,nISt?g^?g_fc ESTABLISHED 1870 the RAMIVIEL cafe annotjnces for the fall and winter season the famous Cherrystone Oysters, Select Pptomac River Oysters, and Reed Birds. EVERYTHING SEASONABLE. STATEMENT OF THE First National Bank of Alexandria. Virginia SEPTEMBER J, 1910. OFFICERS G. L. BOOTHE. Preaident GEO. E. WARFIIU) .Ca.hier M B. HARLOW, Vice-Pre.ident J. J.GRBEN.A-et.t-?t C-hier DIRECTORS GARDNER L. BOOTHE 1^?f1JlTIRRP,BLD BENO T BAER. JR. wa, tp? ROBERTS M B. HARLOW ___ WALTER ROBERTS FRANCIS L. SMITH RESOURCES Loans and InveatmentH, W7>AJZ.73 D.&Bonda. 1r,'(S?'_? 11-inklng Diic from Banksand Re scrvp Agents. 158,,,V, XT Cm'i. Z>2,M2.t\> 5 Per Cent. Fund. 5,000.00 |1,329,173.61 LIABILITIES Capital.?!??,S5?'2_ Surplusand 1'rofiU. i?*?" Circulation. _??_???_ Peposita. 941,aR.>.jo Other LiabllitieB. 102.81 $!,??, 179.W This bank with itaample capital and surpliiB, its adequate equlpraent and fecilities. solicits the accounts or manufactu*-ers, wholesalers, ret-lers and Individnala on the best terms consistcnt with sound banking. No account too large to be handled natisfactorily; none too amall to be appreciateil. When Buying Fuel Tbe consumer must always tigure on the ac tual amount of heat and comfort that ia got ten for the money spent. We believe that our connections of long etanding, coupled with the large amount of fuel that we buy, make it possible for us to aell the very highest gradesof Coal and Wood at prices tbat are cheapest to the consumer. A trial order of our Coal and Wood, or an opinion from some cf our satisfied customera, will prove that our idea of putting quality first ia correct. w. a. smoot & co., mc. Order Office, 529 King Street. Virginia Saf eDepositaSTrust Corporation ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. Authori_?d|CapitalJ* 1,000.000. |Paid ia C-pittl. 1800.000. DIRECTORSI C. J. Rixey. John P. Robinaon. Thomaa J. Fannon. C. C. Leadbeater, Henry R. Field. Henry Baader. George S. French. J. K. M. Norton. We*act aa Exeeutor. Adminiatrator and Tru_tee. Iaaue Fideliry. Contract. Official and Judicial Bonda. General Banking and Truat Buaineaa Tranaacted Interest paid on Savings Accounta. We aolicit the accounta of Banka. Corpora ?iona. Firma and Individuals. and promise libcral treatment .?mai?t?_t witb _?__d t*-_?_g _a?heda| _ WEDN'F.SHAV, NOV. Fairly Warnad. A man wbo waa writing a telegram at one of the long tables In the West ern Union building waa asked In Ger? man by one of two men who stood near him wbere they conld find out how mucb a telegram to n certain place In the far west would cost. The man volunteercd lo make the lnqulry. did so und returned. saylng that they tnlgbt aend a messagc of ten words for a certain price nnd tbat address and algnature would not count. After as surlng himself that the men could write be waiked away, but was stop ped at tbe door by one of the stran gers wltb profusc thanks. "I have been tn tbe city only a few days," be said. "and was told on sblpboard and ?Ince I landed that everybody would try to awlndle mc. I spoke to two men today, and both dld me a favor. I no longer bave any fear." "That's right," Bald the man, "but, Jnst the same, look out for tbe third man."? New York Tribune. 8he Loved Hia Tomb. An Immensely wealthy widow who gave yearly bundreda of thousands to charlty declded to personally lnspect aome Individual cases of deservlng poverty berself. One of her agents brougbt before her a poorly clad wom? an, saylng: "Here la a poor old woman, a very decent sort of person. Her husband used to go about wltb a danrJng t on r This creature, though usuJly very tame and gentle, one day throw ltsclf on its master and ate him up." "Alaa, my good slr," the old woman broke ln, "since tbat moment tho poor beast and myself hare been without n homer' "Whatl The beastl" asked tbo wealthy woman. "Is lt the same that devoured your husband?" "Alaa. my good lady, lt ls all that is left to me of the dear lamented one."? New York Herald. Sleep. The flrst eleep ls the soundest?after the flrst hour the intensity of sleep Slowly dlmnlshes; bence tho value af forty wlnks after dlnner ln quickly recuperating shattered powcrs. Tem? perature nnd vltality nre lowest at about 2 a. m., so that two hours* sleep before midnlgbt are worth four thcro after. Naturo has no rule as to the length of sleep, except that men need less than women, since womeu are tho more sensltlve creatures nnd a wo man's heart boats five tlmes more in a mlnuto than a man's. Sleep should be Just so long that when you wake ln the morning a atretch and a yawn only are necessary to land you ln a daytlme of boundlng vigor. As to eariy rlsing, it la comforting to hear Dr. Bryce aay It is a habit that has gone far to wreck the constitutions of many a growlng youth.?London Ex press. He Met Hia Match. The Russlan marsha! Suvaroff was famous aa a Jester and waa fond oi confuslug the men under his com? mand by aaking them unexpected and absurd questlona. But occaslonally he met hia match. Thus one bltter January night, 8uch as Russia only can produee, he rodo up to a Bentry and demanded: "How many stars are there ln the Bky?" The Boldler, not a whit dlsturbed. answered coolly: "Walt a little, and HI tell you." And he deliberately commenced count ln_, "One two, three," ete. When he had reached 100 SuvarofT, who waa half frozen, thought it high time to ride off. not, however. wltli out lnqulrlng the name of the ready reckoner. Next day the latter found himself promoted. Gypsiea and Death. The cuatom of placlng tho property of tbe dead ln their graves has always been followed by the true Romany gypsles. It ls due to some old tradi tlon of 111 luck attendlng the possession of an artlcle whose former owner ls gone, and much valuable property ia buried in this bellef. There is also a sentiment among gypsles against the possession of anything that bas be longed to a dend person. because lt servea to remlnd the llvlng of the de parted and Inspire ln them a dread of death. The cuatom of burylng thc-ir property wlth gypsy dead dates from the earliest hlstory of the Romany trlbea. _ Odd Superatitiona. In England tbere Ls a superstition that if a bride and groom eat peri winkle leaves together they -will love one another. Should he after mar? riage prove recalcltrant bere ls a way to wln him back: Take a piece of the root of a wallflower and a partrldge's heart. roll iliem into a ball and make the man eat lt. If you waut to know whether your lovcr loves you. crush some bleedlng heart. If the Julce is red, he does; if It is white, he does not. His Mistake. They were in tbe thlck of their first quarrel. "I thought your tastes were simple," said tbe husband. "I didn't expect to flnd you such a hlgb fller " "Yes, you did," sbe answered. "You knew all about my being a high flier, as you call lt, but you thougbt I'd be dlrigible."_ Wanted It Matchod. Mrs. Pride?Jlmmy. dear, would y?a mind dolng an errand for me today? Mr. Pride-What is it? Mrs. Pride? The cook says we won't have enough chlcken for dlnner, so I wisb you would take this bird down to the shop and see lf you can get lt matcbed.? London Mail. Extravagant Economy. Bconomy often consists in dolng without something you want now ln order to get something you don't want ln the future.?Atlanta Journal. Lame backcomes on suddenly and i> extremely painful. It is causcd by rheuroatism of tbe musclea. Quick. re? lief is afforded by applying Cbarnber Isin'a _r_?laat. Sold by W. F. wwfahftn ?!6 IHotaTd CflVion. The Famous R&Vb Is the Lamp of Real Beauty because it gives the best light of all lamps. The Rayo gives a white, soft, mellow, diffused light-easy on the eye because it cannot flicker. You can use your eyes as long as you wish under the Rayo light without strain. The Rayo Lamp Is low-prlced, and even though you pay $5, $10 or $20 for other lamps, you may get more expensive decorations but you cann >* get a better light than the low-priced Rayo gives. A strong, durable shade-holder holds the shade on flrm and true. This season's new burneradds strength and appearance. Once a Rayo Ue_r, Alweya One. . Datttra Bvtrjiehtrt If aoi at ?/*'?,. ur.-t far imrtfttm tirnlar to tht watrtat -y/?-7 T??* Standard Oil Company L of Alexandria, Virginia CA PITAL, $ 1 OO.OOO. SURPLUS, $125,000 L Patrons of our Savings De? partment will please present their pass'books for the entry of inter? est to October l,19J0,thereinw FOR SALE Two of the choiceat and beat built dwellings in the city of Alexandria. locat? ed on North Columbua Street. between Queen and PrinceasStrceta (Court Houae aquare). cach houae containa eight rooma and overy modern convenience. includ ing hot water heat. electric lights and concreted cellara.. Delightful two story brick 6 /MJing No. 1215 Duke Street. containing eight rooma and bath and large aidel ot. Fine two atory frame dwelling No, 817 Queen Street, containa six rooms all in splendid condition. Good atable n rear. Deairable two atory frame dwelling No. 427 North Columbua street. con? taining seven rooma and and bath. A tfoo*1 ??**itcr. i ..._ Cozy frame dwelling No. 306 South Fairfax Street. containing'aix room,. Always rented and bfl good ten per cent investment on the price asked tor tnis property. Good two story frame dwelling No. 823 Oronoco Street. containing aix rooms. Good investment. Further particulars of John D. Normoyle KING AND ROYAL STREETS. Hats Trimmed Free of Charge. Carpets made, laid and lined free of charge. Look at our Carpets before buy ing. We can save you money. Window Shades nearly all widths, lengths and colors in stock, also made to order. Burson 25c Hore at 15c a pair. So-called seconds, but we fail to see it. Burson's seconds are a rarity. It only happens once in two or three years and the quantity is limited. There? fore we must limit only 6 pairs to a customer. HAIR GOODS Full Cluster Puflfs. $1 value $1.75. Don't fail to see our $12.50 Suitin all sizes.and colors for women and misses. Remember our motto?satisfaction or money back. AJterations free. Rosenfeld's 518-520 King Street, Alexandria, Va. OVERLAND AUTOMOBILES An- m-uuifactured and lieensed under thc Selden Patent. The 1911 models are now rea-iy for delivery, and are the most attractive line of ears in the whole . ountry. Consult us and get a car that will bfl a real pleasurc to you. Myers Brothers, 115 IM. Pitt Street THOS. W. ROBINSON AT L AS Makes The Best Concrete For Sale by GEO. H. ROBINSON'S SONS. ALEXANDRIA, YA. aiors In Cement, Lime, Jlair.G'alcined Plaster, Wall Plaster, Torra Cotta Sewer Pipe and Flue Lining, Fire Bricks.JFire Clav.-Ao: Buy at the Start i^ _?"?___; $10 cash, $5 per month. Virginia Highlands THE NEAREST AND NEWEST. Scientifically planned for refmed people ot"mo-def ate means. Come Saturday or Sunday afternoon. See the Morrill style damp-proof cement houses. poured in steel moulds. Live at Virginia Highlands and save time and car fare Inquire of A. S. Doniphan, A. J. Wedderburn and Harrie White. BALLARD & LANHAM Washington Salea Offlce, 62113th Street, Northwest. Clip th_s ad; it leads the way. DRINK MICO WATER Exceptionally pure. clear as crystal and contains NO ORGANIC MATTER BOTTLED BY Mutual Ice Company octil lw ____$ MORE PIN MONEY the ladiea will have if they buy their footwear for themaelvea and the family at Kstz's. You will not uvc money on your purchaae but your boy'a and girYa ahoea will wear twice aa lon_ when they are made from auperior leather, well made and comfortable to the feet. Our stock. of ladiea' ahoea ia an art exhibition in their beauty of outline and exquiaite finiah and general excel lence. When you need new footwear examine the beautiful atoek of ahoea at the atore of A.KATZ.'ffi' WEWATCH the WORLD renowned raarketa for precious atones. That is why we can offer diamond and other _em mount ed jewelry below the regular price. As we buy none but first water gems we can sell no other grade. If you want to roako a gift of good jewelry this is tbe place to tret it. H. W. WILDT _ SON. Jewelers. 106 NORTHIROYAL STREET. BELL PHONE 343 ^ ____*! Thiseut showsa pair of spectactes with tho lenaea very mueh out of focu*. The dots show the foeal centerof the lenses, which aro the kind usually sold by traveling and eut-rato opticians. Sueh _la?8es are very harmful aud are often the eauae of cataracts sea, around and aeeurately centered in our ,.,l r.thi.r Mirioua troQfclwS. Uur leasca, truuiiu miju -otwu-ij .:riiirrn-.? . manufeotS^ ABHOLUTELY CORRECT Columbia Optical Co., Inc, Expert Optlcians, 003 Y 8tre?t Murthweat, Waahington, D. C. if B -IunanwmbM ofthe above firm. Wontyoudrop ln and let me ex plain thia and other importajat faett about glass-*? AI-_indrla 0S*__8_ 1-M8 shrwtl 9889888 W. E. DIENELT, OPTICIAN, SuadaTf bj ^atinmt _ fftf^ggAT.__ Uarunkr i.. Booi?t, 1 M. B, Ha?wew President | Yioe Presidwt First National Bank Alexandria, Va. Desigrutc- Deposhory of the Unrted States. CAPITAL.1100,000 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDKD PROFIT8.1176,009 Direetors: O. L. BOOTHE, M. B. HARLOW, O. K. WARFIELD, J. F. MU1R, WALTER ROBERTS, B. BAER, Ja., FRANClSL. SM""" ESTABLISHED 1852. Burke & Herbert Moderuly equipped for banking in Its various bi_ichea. PflOOiltflfl received subject to eheck at sight Colleetions made on all points. High-grade investment securitlea bought and sold. I^-tters or Credit and Foreign Ek change furnished. .Safo Deposit Boaes for rent. A Savings Department in wbicb in? terest is allowed on depoaita. HASTE in selecting a flavoring ex tract just because the label is attractive often MAKES you wish you had just told your dealer to send you Leadbeater's, which you know is good and pure, and in which there is abso? lutely NO WASTE Eatabliahed 1792 STEAMERS Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Co. Every day in tbe year for Fort J?ion roe, Norfolk, Newport News a_<l I*ointa aouth, vla superb, powerful ateol palaee steamers. Leave Washington,fi.45 p m. Leave Alexandria 7.00 p. m. Arrive Ft. Monroes 7.00 a. m. Arrive Norfolk S.OOa. m. Arrive Portsmonth s.OOa. m. Leavo Portsmouth .r).00 p. m. I?_vo Eorfolk 0.00 n. m. Lflflffl Ft. Monroe 7.00 p. m. Arrive Alexandria fi.30 a m. Arrive Washington 7.00 a. m. Through conneetions made at Norfolk with steamers of the Old Dominion Steamship Company for New York and MSrchants" and Miner's Steamshipa for Boston. . ?, General Ticket Offlce. 720 Uth Ht.N.W. Bond Building, Washington, D. C. Phone Main 1?0. Seventh atreet wharf. Phone Main 3760. Alexandria wharf foot of Prince street W. H. CALLAHAN, aprl lyr ?eneral Passenger Agent. Maryland Delaware and Vir? ginia Railway Company. SPRINO SCHKDl'LE. Steamers ol this lino leave Alexandria on and after .Nf.-iv I&, 1U10, F.very MONDAY. WBDNESDAY and BATURDAY U IJDp. m. FOR BALTIMORI-; AND ALL THE UHL'AL RIVER LANDIN'OS Cuisine and appointments unexccllcd. Freight for Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York solieited and handled with oane Through rates and bllls of lading issue.!. Singie faro to Baltimore, |2.60; round trip. 13.50; staterooms, ono way, fl.50. Meals, 50c. REARDON A ORIME8. Agenta, Foot of Cameron street SCHEDULE I Steamboat Co. Effectlvo May 9,1910. Steamer" Capital City." Leavea Alexandria at 6 p. m on Mon? day and Wednesday for Parham's Point and lower river landings. Return eariy Wedneaday and Friday morning. Leav.j Siuunlay at9 a ta, tor Noralni and inter mediate landings, returning (Sunday about 5 p. m. Steamer 'Wake_leld.M Leave Sunday, Tuesday and Thuraday at9a. m. for Wlrt'a wharf and all inter mediate landlnga. Returning leaveWlrt'a wharf at 0 a. m. the following day and arriving at Alexandria about 4 p. m, Reardon & Grimes, Agents, Foot of Cameron Street Telephone No. 50. jell lyr FIFTY VKAHM' _TCPIfl~Tg~~~oF AN OLD NURSE. Mra. Wlnalow's Soothlng Synip Ia the preaewptlon of one of tbe beat female pbyalciana and nuraea in the United States, and *-_ been uaed for fifty yeara with never-diling aucceas by mllliona oi mothera tor their oblldreu. lt relleves the chlld from paun, cures diarrboea, griping In the bowela, and wind oollo. By alving health to the obild ttreats tha mdftwr. T^MBiyflla ceata a Bottle.