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PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON Except Sundays iy The Alexandria Gazette Corpora lion, S17 Kins Street, Alexandria, Va. ikOWARD W. SMITH, President and Treasurer. tfcOLLIAlI ALBERT SJIOQT, Vice President. ?DWEV BRADLEY HARD. Editor and General Manager. Sintered at the Postofflce at Alexan dria, Virginia as second class matter. NEEDED IMI'KOY E.Vl ENTS. The City Council will hoki a regu lar meeting tonight. The committees or. police and finance, which recently held a joint session with the Board of Police Commissioners, are expect ed to make a report recommending an increase of ten dollars per month in the salaries o. the officers and mem bers of the police force. This matter has been before Council for some time, and it is generally conceded that the time has come when the pay of the members of the police force should be increased. They now re ceive sixty-five dollar? per month, but in view of the fact that everything enters into human existence has doubled in price, these public servants should receive salaries sufficient to en able them to meet the obligations of ?fe. ^ Alexandria is now facing a time when street improvements are abso lutely necessary. The location in thi city of the plant of the Virginia Ship building Corporation has brought about great activity to the extreme southeastern section of our city. Suit able streets are needed at once :'ur the greatly increased travel now made ivpon south Royal, Fairfax and Lee streets. The company is now en gagpcLjn constructing a road on Lee street from Jefferson to S;>uth streets for the accommodation of trucks and wagons which are being use.l in pre paring the reclaimed Baptising Cove for their purpose*'. The city has fur nished broken stone and other ma terials for this work. The shipbuilding company has greatly improved the roadway and constructed gutters on iboth sides of the thoroughfare. Royal street from Wilkes to So.ith street (Hunting Creek) will soon de ' in and improvements. The shipbuild ing company has purchased .limes Point as sfar we?t as Fairfax street, and they will eventually want im provements extended to Hunting Creek in order that the officers and employees of the corporation can en joy the benefit of the electric railway in going to and returning from their plant The trunk -ewer, which now stops a short, distance south of Frank lin street'.1 will necessarily be extend ed into- Hunting creek. Tt will soon be necessary to open new streets in Washington Park into which the Alexandria Water Company will lay pipes after the grades shall have been given by the City Engineer. WAS IT THE HARBINGER OK SPRING? Acccr.iir.g to "weather prophets," the first thunder and lightning in the latter part of February or the begin ning of .March awakens the snakes and "bring shad and herring into the river. If this theory be correct,ophidi ans will sc.on be moving and the fish ii g section will be on, as this sec tion was visitei at an early hour this morning l>y nearly all the elements. There were copious rainfalls, high winds and thunder and lightning, fol lowed by clearing weather and a de cided drop in the temperature. While cold snaps arc likely to occur during the next forty or fifty days, it be may be assured that the severe winter of 101T-191S is about to be come a th.'ng of the past. Ice in all the creeks and inlets that empty into the Potomac river and Chesapeake Pay is going out with a rush, releasing a large fleet of trad ing boats that for weeks have l>een held in leash by the storm king. anJ the story goes that tho-e boats are srr'd to he loaded with eggs, poultry, oysters and other choice edibles which will scon he -?n the market. The Norfolk and Washington steamboat company announces that in ??onsequence of ." traffic conditions' as iir>?mal. state on-the river. rcgr.Vir runs of steamers of its line ?r? bring ma 'e - to^Norfolk without . </:il:<-ulty. and travel has increased very within the last day Classified Advertising WANTED?Two to four rooms with modern conveniences, furnished or unfurnished. Address Gentleman, care Gazette. 49-3t LOST?Monday February 25th, pock etbcok with papers of owner. T. J. Ingram. Reward for return to M. L. Horner, 612 King St, Alexan dria, Va. 4 9-.'It. HELP WANTED?Thoroughly expe rienced sewers on Women's Coats, Skirts and Dresses. Julius Garfinkle and Co., F. Street, Corner 13th, Washington. ? 40-'j t HELP WANTED?Young Man, 20 to :;5 years old, as floor manager. A splendid opportunity for an ener getic and ambitious young man to become affiliated with high grade mercantile establishment. Only those with best references as to character and ability need apply. Address box 50, this office. 40-.1t WANTED?Two or three furnished rooms, for light housekeeping. Ad dress Box 2, care of Gazette. 47-3t. FOR SALE?Texas pony, buggy and harness for $75. Apply at Duncan's stables. 4G-3c. FOR SALE?Two work hor?es. Ap ply to E; C. Wildt, 110 North Roy al street. 48-3t. FOUND?On King Street, pocketbook containing money and bund, of keys. Owner can get same by prov ing property. Apply to Police Headquarters, Alexandria, Officer Snellings. 40-lt WANTED? Experienced salesladies and bundle wrapper. 1). Bendheim and Sons, Alexandria. 40-2t. WANTED?Boat builders, cabinet makers, joiners, and good first class house carpenters. Our shops are sanitary, well ventilated. s:eain heated and the workrng quarters are excellent. Poit Clinton is io-. cated on the shore of Lake Erie, midway between Toledo and Cleve land, on the main line of the New York Central Railroad. Non-union shop .We offer good wages, steady work, and transportation will be refunded. Write us if you want a good job, with good pay. The Mat thews Boat Company, Port Clin '""tptt.r Ohio. * ?? * V 4S*4i FOR RENT?Furnished rooms, with hot "water and use of telephone. Gentlemen preferred. Address ('., care Gazette. 48-31 WANTED?Three light housekeep ing rooms. Can furnish reference! if required. Address Special care Gazette. WANTED?'Three or four furnished rooms for light housekeeping for family of three. Address G. A. C., care Gazette. 4S-Ut WANTED?Colored boy 1G years of age or over, to work in laundry. ' Excellent opportunity to learn trade. Banner Laundry, 909 Orono eo street, city. 4S-3t WANTED?A white girl as nurse and to assist in lifrht housekeeping. Good home to right party. Apply with references and wages wanted, to 1747 Lanier Place, Washington, 1). C. Telephone Columbia 5847. 47-3t. MONEY TO LEND?On Alexandra City and Suburban property. Also on Farms. Alexander Suter, Inc.,' .'512 Evans Bldg., or Phone, Alex. 415. 44-Gt. WANTED?Bright Young Lady - as stenographer and typewriter in an active real estate office in Alexan dria. Make application in your own handwriting and state salary ex pected. Address Real Estate Agent, care of Gazette Office. 44-Gt. OLD FALSE TEETH WANTED? . Don't matter if broken. I pay $2 to $15 per set. Also cash for old gold, silver, and broken jewelry. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail. Will hold goods 10 days for senders approval of my off dr. L. Mazer-2007 south 6th street, Phila., Pa. FOR SALE?A 1915 Chevrolet auto mobile, in first class condition. Good bargain to quick purchaser. Inquire of Mt. Vernon Auto Co., Alexandria, Va. 307-tf. Becomes Straight Soft. Gfossv, E.or.j. ; y I'sing HAIR DRESSING. NEW DISCOVERY? ? NOT STICKY OR GUMMY. Yol see thp kln'?s in your ' -i ? disappear. w All your nappy, conrst, stubborn kinky hair fn rru.dn straight, smooth. silky, .j!< Hero:in Eg Hair Dressing maker. hair jrow U'st. E| and beautiful, stopclna dandruff and iichirg ra of tho scalp anti falling hair st o;;:r. Stop m uslr.u hot iron. Apply nfrnlin instcv' ,J ? Send 25c (stamps or coin) for ? Mr. $ of Hcrolin. ftlon?y back it Hercii , . satisfy you. K HEROLIN MEDICINE CO., Atlanta, -Ja. S AGENTS WANT1 S5gl Lobster Sardines Pickles Sausage Oysters Spaghetti Swiss Cheese Goulask Raviola Chile-Cort-Carne These make up the usual Dutch lunch?but what will you serve to drink? For years the host and hostess have been asking themselves that same question ? especially whenever the occasion hap pens to be one of those cozy little after-theatre or "in between-times" parties. Now, there is a ready answer?i This distinctively new creation in soft drinks is sparkling? snappy ? delicious. It is healthful with the wholssomcncss of the choicest- cereals ? appetizing with the boua;:et and agreeable bitter tar.g which only choice hops can -rt. It is sure to "hit the spot" ? sure to encounter ::o prcjudiccs. Bevo?the all-year-'round soft drink J3, good >/Mixar You Tvill find Bevo? ir. pasteurized bottles, hermetically r:.tesit-cro'.vned?at inns, restau rants. department and drup stores, r-oda fountains, picnic grounds, base ball rarUr., dirintr cars, steamsliipa n nd other places where .cfrcshinc beverages are soli. Guard Against Substitutes Have the bottle rprned in your presence, first seeing that '.be real liar not l>rrn broken, and that the crown lop bcaru til'- ?'os. Bevo i; sc2c .n bottles onlv~* and is bottled er.clusivc'y by Anheussr-Busch, St. Louis M . H. Harris Distributing Co. Wholesale Distributors RICHMOND, VA. jsr. *W? i "OU can't beat PABLO for pic nics. parses, or outings of any kind. PABLO is so well 'iked by everybody it f iis *nio any occasion with joy and good spirit. This pure, healthful, non-alcoholic beverage is the real joy maker. Everybody calls fo? The Happy They like its good, old, "hoppy" tanj. The flavor that invigorates and satisfies. Drink as much PA3LO as you wish? be cause PABLO is pure and healthful. Order PABLO by the case from your gro cer, or ice cold at any good drink stand. You'll enjoy PASLO?we know it. Made fcy PABST at Milwaukee Rammel Mfg. Company Distributors jemuaOOtL COMMERCIAL AND FANCY ' STATIONERY Office Supplies S. F. DYSON & BRO. Booksellers and Station era. 420 King Street. BUY OR THRIFT STAMPS Ask any bank or poatoffice, Space contributed by Bannw Laundry. Insure th?, home NOW?don't d? jsy another day. This is tho season in which most fires occur. Insuring through this Agency means ABSO LUTE PROTECTION at regulfti rates. < , LAURENCE STABLER 415 Prince Street Alezaa^iia. Va. The First National Bank OF ALEXANDRIA, VA. The Oldest National Bank in Virginia The Largest Bank in the City We welcome new accounts, large and small. Buy Alexandria Real Estate?NOW Prices Are Surely to Advance Before the Spring Here's a Few Investment Bargains at the Old Prices Desirable frame dwelling at 310 North Patrick Street containing six rooms ad all modern improve ments. Always rented at ?12.09 per month. Price $1100.00. Wellbuilt two story frame Dwelling 128 North Henry Street, containing six rooms. Sewer Tapped. Well rented at $11.75 per month. Price .$1050.00. Cosy two-story Frame Dwelling at 313 Wilkes Street. Containing five rooms all newly papered Rents for S8.50 per month. Price $800.00. Further Particulars of J. D. NORMOYLE Real Estate and Renting Agent,; Corner King and Royal Streets. . % :.