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rilBLlSUKD KV KIO w I F.KNOON Uxorvt ShiuIm.v. ' BS" The Alexandria Gazette t.oi poi.ilion 317 King Street, Alexaridria. Ya. HOWARD W. SOTM?"- Pci.Hi.U-Mt un.l Treasurer. WILLIAM A. SMOOT-...Vice-President KIC^AKL T. DWVKU V v ? Editor JAXE8 F? PKYTON. .r?usimaw Manager Entered at the"i'ostoflfce at Alexan dria, V'rginia, as Second class matter COURT DEMANDS bKillT The Corpovatiori Court yesterday 'considered the case of a nct*io nu.r derer which resulFed in the jury re turning a verdict of murder in the first degree with, the penalty oi death. -The court has- three ottiei murder cases-on its docket, the cii cumstances in which are similar" ti that disposed of yesterday. It was far into the nijjht before the jury returned its verdict, and wfcilt waiting for it the tribunal becaxm justly indignant at the paucity o1 light furnished in the court room. 11 was with difficulty that those present could see each otSier. and Judge Bar ley eventually seiit for the members of the light committee of the Cit\ ^ Council in order that they might real ise existing conditions, in Alexandria The attempts to light the chambei of the Board of Aldermen have foi months been ineffectual. Apart fron. a drop lyght upon the clerk s desk there is virtually no light in tin room. ^ Suggestions have from time to tim? been made that the public offices Ik lighted with electricity, but, so tai 110 steps looking to such a changc have been taken. >v Many reasons are urged as ihc cause of the .unsatisfactory gas now furnished this community. Cooking ^ by gas has long since beome a tan talizing p/ocedure. General!) sickly flames appear on gas stoves, and these have to be watched cont;nua;iy, as they show a readiness to cease burning and leave gas or air escaping, all of which has to be paid lor at" .??<? end of the month or quarter. The cry for better gas or a strong er pressure is becoming louder every day, and long-suffering consumers ' hope proper-measures may lie taken immediately to remedy whatever de fects exist. President Wilson's address to ( on gress yesterday was one of the long est he has delivered. It is divided, roughly speaking, into three sections ?a brief description of the part played by this country 111 the great war and a tribute to those who fought and worked to bring the war to a successful conclusion, a state ment concerning readjustment prob lems and some recommendations :n that- connection and an explanation, also brief, of the reasons which con trolled the President in his determi nation t(> go to the Peace Conference. Those reasons as several rep resentative journals observe are quite convincing. Despite the im portance of the problems which a?(i pressing for solution in I 'lis C an try at this time, there :s nothing measurably so important, to this nation as well as to all the na tions of the w. rld, as the consumma tion of a peace settlement ;n line with the Ideals of all the liberty-lcv ing peoples of the world. As tn? ' President says, there is no business or ;nterest which should take prtfeed of- that. This being the case, the President is entitled to the united support which he asks of Congress and the peop'e. Partisanship should cease at going to Europe as the representative of the whole American people. He is going there wirk for vital American interests. He will, as he says, have delicate tasks to perform. If he fails. America will fail. We must- back him up because he is our President and because he will be working for America at the peace table, because he goes there to help in carrying into effect the ideals of the gallant American soldiers and seamen who have fought so bravely and, in many cases, laid down then lives in this war. THE POWER OF RIGHT Kingdoms rise and flourish, then ' they fade and fall, Empires take the ?unshine, gleam ing bright and ga>, ?Time upon his mountain stands and givej the call, And the empires vanish?all must pas-; away. Emperor William scorned the Bel gian King as wholly incapable of op posing successfully the will of the mighty German Empire. He bade Albert stand aside or he would torce ' his way through his little kingdom. This threat he carried out to the ac ' compamment of blo?d and lust and ' cruel oppression. But back <>1 tne kingdom "of Belgium was the kingdom ' 0f God; and what is the position of the two men today'.' Albert re-enteis his beautiful capital, while Belgium ' is crowned- with undying fame as ; having done a "bigger thing than ' Thermopylae." The ex-Emperor is a fugitive on the face of the earth. A> '' Theodore Marbury in; "The Outlook ' aks, "Is there in the whole of history ' a more convincing example: of the ? power of right? "Long before the United States .en tered the war some of us ventured to 1 express the fact that, while wrong of ' ten triumphs^ locally. wrong univer ' sally recognised as such could 11 t triumph; that to dcubt it was to de 1 :>y that reason ordered the uni\eJ>-. ' Was there -ever a more striking in ? stance of this truth than in the per sons of two men?the ex-Emperor of (ierman> a id King Albert. WHEN THE SHIP PI TS OUT There will i;e. no popular demon stration at the pier when the Presi dent's ships nut out to sea. 1 here is no particular reason why there shHiM be. for there will be tumult and shcutinir enough at the other end of the journey to make up for any de ficiency here. It will bo shouting and tumult, too. of a different sort from much r-f that which would din the ears of the distinguished adventurer if all those who have been murmur ing and muttering against his going were to he present, when the ship draws awav from the dock. It is just as well that he should leave ?s in this quiet fashion, for he will have trumpeting and salvos enough in the weeks he is away: and this peaceful departure will be a con trast to remember in the midst of what- is sure to be a triumphant and jubilant homecoming. Let the grumb lers. then .absent themselves from the pier and, nursing their shins ?y the five, vent their feelings in letters to their favorite papers. They will be the better for it. and so will he. We can understand the yapping cf the President's critics, for he rs a public figure, and the opposition is purely partisan. In this category must be included the last-hour p "sup pic of the Rev. Dr. ConweU. lie de mands the recall of President Wilson, who is "too theoretical." r.r.d the ap* "pointment of a high commission on peace problems. - and he nominates "ar admirable combination for t e high commission." Here they are: "Theodore Roosevelt, Senator Hiram Johnson, fritter President Taft. for mer Justice Hughes and Vice Presi dent Marshall." There's a beautifully balanced unpartisair "bunch for you, to make the world safe for democ racy!?! Philadelphia Record.? GERMANS ARE UNMOVED Betray No Interest Whatever as American Soldiers March Into Country ! No de.ncnstruf'ons. either friendly ') ? hostile, marked the entry of Major , General Dickman's army into Ger- j r.iany yesterday. Tne frontier was , c rossed early in the day, and by night < fill th' American* had moved for ivard 12 miles, reaching Radgen, o r. ihe left, and Saarholzbach, ? on thtr >? right. T'i? line extended along-the: Saar River, and through Saarburg and Treves. 'The reception given the Americans differed from that encountered in Lux emburg and parts cf Belgium and France. There they were welcomed as deliverers by almjst all of the popula tion. The attitud-i of the population of Rhenish I russia was different. Not a single act of ope:i antagonism was r ported, but it was evident that even the children had been schooled care fully in the role they must play. Officer-; and men were not surprise by the l'tck of display of flags and i absence of the cheering crowds t: which they had been accustomed; bu they did not expcct the calm silenec with which the advance patrol^ ar 'lie columns of marchers were receiv ed. On the Luxemburg side of th? .Moselle River the streets of the vil lages were filled with those out to so good-bye to the departing troops or 1 those who paused to or from church. Across-the Motielle the streets of tho villages were almost deserted. Per haps 80 per cent, of the population remained within their homes, and in a majority of cases the blinds were (!<awn. Here and there a German stood in the doorway, watching the tvoops pass, and occasionally groups assemble 1 at street corners, but there were no signs :>f either pleasure or disapproval. (ilKL VICTIM OF ASSAULT Attacked, Brutally Beaten and Rob bed By Negro. West Chester. Pa., Dec. '}.?M:*? Sarah James, IS year old daughter of Jefferson James, living on the Rake st. aw farm, near Willywdyle, this county is in a serious coM'4i-'?i at her home from injuries w~.?r. she w^s 'assaulted, late Saturday night, near her hJirve., bv a negro. The assault was the fourth committed in the same locality within a shoi*t time, all "f them failed to make complaint. Miss James, employed in a store at Kennett Square, took the last trol ley car for her home Saturday lrght. She left the car at a lane and tsart ed for her home, a short drtunec away, but luul gone but a few yanls when a negro appeared from a hedge and assaulted her. She was badiy beaten, choked and a handkerchief forced into her nH'uth to still her cries. The negro, frightened by the approach of Mr. James, who had gone to meet his daughter, fled, taking along a handbag containing $7 be longing to the girl. Miss James is in a serious condition from ?h/c!c and injuries. A posse sought the man Sunday night without avail and officials are still seefcinu him. Miss James says she could identify the negro if he is found and that'he >s a man who had been in the st"re where she was em ployed early Saturday evening. LOSES LIFE BV CAVE-IN. Four Men Fail in Effort to Uncover Lad in Time to Save Him. Petersburg. Va.. Dec. '?).?Linwnod Pulley, thirteen years old. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Pulley, of Byrns street, was accidentally killed Sun day afternoon by the caving in of a sandbank. With some companions in a sand pit '.n the rear of Rogers & Plummers' peanut faotorv, when a part- of til., 'ynbankment caved in. He was dead by suffocation before his body could be extricated. Three col ored men and a white man, who were nearby, worked hard to rescue . the little fellow, but failed to save him. -This is the second fatal accident that has occurred at this pit. POLICE CHIEF HEAD Suffolk Officer Dies of Wound Inflict ed by Nejjro Bootlepcer Saturday Suffolk, Va., Dec. :j.?William E. Brinkley, chief of police of this city and one j>f the best known officers in the State, died yesterday from wounds indicted Saturday niy:ht by a negro bootlegger. Chief Brinkley headed a squad who met an incoming train and attempted to arrest James Bowser. He opened fire on the offi cers, shooting down Brinkley. The negro was wounded and captured la ter,. PUBLIC AUCTION On the 7th day of December 1918. at ten o'clock A. M., I will offer for ?alc at public auction on the premises, K04 Cameron Street, one new hot. vater heating plant, consisting of ?ernace i nd nine radiators. This is a f.w plant and has never been put up >! used., Terms of sale CASH. R-. H. COX, ? :T Sergeant, . A<1,11 \ of estatefof Amanda Gray. !S6, 4t. : ' ' . UNUSUAL 'tJSE OF "WHICH" President Throws Amateur Gram marian's Into Spasm. Washington, D. C., Dec. y.?What sver else he may have done in his address to Congress, President Wil son certainly sent amateur grammar ians into a spasm. This is how he did it: "They have been directed by men which represented the permanent de partmnts of Govrnment." Recourse to the dictionary, in this case a new Century edition, based on the unabridged of Noah Webster, who ought t(> know, shows "which-' is a ''pronoun, a word of interroga tion in all genders; the relative ser ving as the neutor of 'who.' " There is a vague feeling that th-J President may be correct in referring to men as "which," but the aforesaid amaetur grammarians would like tc sec the authority for it. "JOHN D." HAS HARD LUCK fiis Chauffeur Runs Down Child One Day??? Servants Injuredrffcnother Tarrvtown, Nf Y., Dec. 3.?John D. Rockfeller's hard luck continue-. On F.ida'y ;rght his chauffeur ran down n (i-year-cld bov and fractured his skull, and Sunday one of his cars up set and threw iive of his employes cut, two of whom are in the hospital, ^The employes were driving to Tarry t:.wn an J the driver turned too shorl irto the BedforJ road, Edward Wh.i len, a butler, and one of the womer seivants were so badly hurt thai they wor 2 taken to the hospital. The other three, although bruiseci were able to go back to the state. STRIKE AT NEWPORT NEWS I'nion Carpenters Employed b.v Emer gency Fleet Corporation De mand "Closed Shop." Newport .News. Va., Dec. 3.?Fo;js hundred union carpenters, chiefh er/.plcyed on war activities work am house construct'on f"r the Emsr gency Fleet Corporation, went or strike here yesterday, demanding n "closed shop." Some contractors already have agreed t? the demands, but ethers are hiring nonunion men and p";;ceed ing with their work, although great ly handicaped. An attempt is bcini; made to have an amicable settlement of the. trouble. LAYS INFLUENZA TO CATS Ailtntowij Council Brings Scrici:*; Charge Against Pussy. Allentown, Pa.. Dec. -'5.?In an ar gument before Council, resulting in an order for placarding homes whers influenza exists, Councilman John Allen insisted^that all the doctors ar ? wrong in their theories as to thc spread of influenza and insists that the discasv is carried around the earth by degs and cats. Hence lie proposed that all do<?? and cats ho killed. Harry vtrum. the bi^eriologist. has beer ordered to capture a cat in a family whe.e influena exists an 1 examine the a nmai fo" influenza germs.-.Tn this way Mr. A!'ei\ expects to prove.the correctness of h'* con tention that aj] nets should be hu manely killed. Under Mr. Allen's proposition, however, there is on" chance for puss v. He is convinced that cats carry the germs in their fur, and agrees that in cases of valu able and much beloved family cars removal of the fur with a clipper ivil! be sufficient to re move, the danger of infection. SHOT BV HIS PASSENGER Merchant Twice Wounded by Alien he Gave Lift in Truck. Wilkes-Barre, pa.. Dec. .1.?1 s^irl u* Levine, a merchant, escaped dea'.h hut received bullet wounds in th ? ripht arm and yesterday, and then disarmed Sar>. Srott, an alien, who tried t.o sh~rt him a? they w-e riding on the seat of an aut'1 tr.' ?'*. Levine knows no reason for th-1 shooting, he says, Scott, a customer, asked him for a ride. When Levine attempted to take a course different fro mthat desired hv Scott, the lat ter slipped a hand into his pocket and drew a pistol. Levine saw him and in the tussle the revolver wys discharged twice. When Levine hnn wrested the revolver from his assail ant he fell unconscious and Scott es caped. APARTMENT "5FANTEf> Furnished apartment, wanted or roomr:with; or w^hout;hoaH for mar ried couple. Address P. 0. P'ov Sr."., Alexandria Va. 255-lit ?A-- , "TM? St?r? of Greater a?rvio" Washinjftcc, -0. C. A whole department filled with items to makfe the Christmas season moic jo>ful. 35.'c Each Wbit2 25-inch rounds, 45-incn scarfs. pillow tops, etc., em broidered in rose, blue and yel low At 39c. <j9c Each DesK bets m-ule ot art cret consisting of pad blotter pen wiper, Just the thing for school giris, at 69c. 50c Pair Large assortn:ents of bag haii':!^"> in a variety of styles. In amber, sheil, tortoise or colors. Pair, 50c 25c to $1.50 Lovely line of tassels for all kinds of s-rt work, curtain and la*:-v pulls and ba:?s. 25c to $1.50 Do your Christmas Shopping early by request of the gov-j ernment i GO OUT OX STRIKE Norfolk Electricians Demand $1 an Hour For Eight-Hour Day. Norfolk, Va., Dec. 3.?Between three and four hundred electricians employed on government and com mercial jebs in the Norfolk district went out on strike yes tenia v. They demanded $1 an hour fcr an eight hour day. FOR SALE Typewriter, Underwood, for sal-.*. Perfect condition, ?35. "CI. S." Ga zette Office. 2S6-2t. Fcr I touring car, five na-s with cioctrlc starter, 1918 model, new tires, ail in first class c n:li tion. Edward Maupin, 1312 King street. 2S!5-2t. F:r Sale?Holstein cows, some fresh, sCme springers. See Callander 'Conrad Co., Alexandria, Va., Route No-. 1. 236-3t. For Sal??Two wood beds, complete springs and mattresses, nearly new. apply, 220 South Lee Street. 285-2t. For Sain?A goo 1 horse- cheap. C?:n be seen at Wi'iiam Roger's fan. . Telegraph road, Fairfax county. Va. ^5-St. One buffet, $25; 1 parlor suit, $35; 1 dining room table and chairs, $10; 1 sewing machine. Inquire at No. 102""South Alfred street. 283-4t. For Sale?Handsome residence, home of the late Park Agnew, 14 rooms; hot water, heat, bath, spacious grounds, running through from I'itt t? Royal streets, beautiful shade. Large two-s.-?ry brick ga rage.Price $10,00i?. Terms one third cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years. M. B. Harlow, Trustee. 274-tf. Home, on Brad dock Heights, with garage. !)?-? vn etc., and about one acre of beautiful grounds. Immediate pos session. A country piacc. five.acres, with large dwelling, two baths, furnace heat, electric lights, etc., and also a modern cottage, garage, barn, and other out buildin g. The tree-, shr b l.ory and view to;; :ther with the neigh borhood make this ;-iace especially at tractive. Immediate possession. Several smaller placcs in the vi cinity. Modern ten-room brick house in, built 'by tha owner; excep- j tionally good condition; fine lawn and grounds; a very attractive home; im- j mediate possession. A frame stucco eight-room house, j bath, hot water heat, etc., fir.e view and location. Possession in thirty tr? sixty days. Other attractive city, suburban and ?. 1 aires. j MORRIS L. HORNER, 12 Kinir Street, Alexandria- Virginia. FOR SALE One new town car body; 2 second hand runabout bodies; ! Ford touring g cnupcict ;md delivery cars. REMSCHEL AUTO SALES r'O. 28l-3t 117 \\ Fairfax St. FOR SALE WOOD- Sea-oned oak and fine corrl ?ood s.Vvcd any length; price $14 cord, delivered. CORN?Nice large, white corn; n-ice $7 per barrel. Phone Falls church 5:?-C. VERNON M. LYNCH. Ii. Ay. 3, Alexandria, Va. SWAN BROS. ' Ready for the Holiday Trade. . We are better prepared this season than ever for Handling the usual Holiday Trade. With improved facilities and the Men's Departments and the Women's Coat ar.d Suit Departments enlarged, combined with broad aisles, a well ventilated, light store and courteous well-trained sales people to serve you, we believe your shop ping here will be both pleasant and profitable. We direct special attention to the large variety of useful and practical Xmas Gifts for Mer . Women and Children. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early and Avoid the Usual Rush Later On. (?EMS( OF THE FIRST WATER ??iz.d a present that will grace t.'ie throat or the hand of a Queen. No matter what pattern you may choose from our line, you are sure of getting excellent workmanship and stem* of dependable quality, in addition to original designs of the highest order. unders & Son ?a f Y % 4To Get f a ? ? DjipC DON'T BISS YOUR ifuju OPPORTUNITY r Dress 'Udi^s P ? j i MERE] i* $ f f ?> f ? ? ? ? g _ ? y We are ransisg a sale al! this week, & nice line of ??? ? <& Men's Suits and Overcoats ?s> V ? ? ? * f v ? * * >:? -> ?> g>ti sale Everything is reduced and still you can have it charged. Open Ever/ Might Till 9 0'Clock V ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?> ??? ? ? ? A f i" ? 5 ? A <V> ?v> @21!s! Klrag Street. The Only Credit Store in the City at Cash Prices x On and after December 9, 1918, business hours of this Company will be from 9 a.m. "o 3 p. m., except Saturdays 3 a. m. to 1 p. m. !86-:jt. HOG FEED GARBAGE OBTAINED RDiSONASLL' ce man on track at Transfer Station for particulars, or write Callender Joiirad Co. R. F. D. ?"'>? 1. LOgfAXD FOUND. ounrl?At New Alexandria, one i.*or gray rnnle. Owner can obtain same by* to Robert Arnold a i ! paying damans. 2S5-JI. ROOMS FOR RENT J.arge r.icciy furnish'::; ro in, .s'-cn i floor, next to bath; men only. fax Apartment X '. I. 2S4-3t. Rooms Wanted ?Three rooms and bal'h or :i snvl! house in respect able reiKiiborhood. Address, E. f. Wess, 1211 Oronoco street. 285-31. KU(>:.IS WANTED Tiirce-room furnished apartment in Alexandria^. C. W. Ware, Clarendon, Va. 283-0t Ro'.ni and board wanted l?y l\v'> yf.'u;?jr men. Address I). II., Care ? Gazette Oflicc. 2S6-4t. Three unfurnished rooms near Pat rick and Kin? Street?. Apply box Gazette Office. 28o-0t. Heated garage wanted for winter or ' will sell my 4-passenger roadster for lass than half price. Address Hugh P. Caherty, Linden Avenue, Cottage Park. v 2S0*-:Jt.