OCR Interpretation

Alexandria gazette. [volume] (Alexandria, D.C.) 1834-1974, October 29, 1919, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025007/1919-10-29/ed-1/seq-3/

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Tailored Dresses
The Dresses
There is no part of milady's wardrobe that
exacts so much special smartness, individuality
and refinement as her tailored frocks?and un
less. they are perfectly made and appropriately
selected they fail of their mission.
The continued warm weather has left us with
larger stocks than usual and we intend to give
our customers the benefit. All our dresses, fine
ly tailored and of the season's best styles and I
materials, that formerly sold up to $49.50.
Trimmed hats that Seem much higher-priced
but are within reach of every purse. Panne Vel
vets, Lyons velvets, etc. Plenty of blacks, also
navy, brown, plum, taupe and color combina
tions. Specially priced, for a few days only?
fhe Leader Store
sh . Credit. !
j . . ,
Six Missing: After Seas Crush 0*aft
at Muskegon Pier
'Muskegon, Mich., Oct. 29|?-With
fourteen known dead and six or
more missing, only time can bring
an accurate count of the toll of the
great seas, which early yesterday
morning bodily lifted the Crosby
passenger steamer Muskegon, for
merly the City of Holland, and
smashed her to pieces on the piers
at the entrance to Muskegon har
bor. The list of dead is being ad
ded to almost- hourly.
The steamer, a side wheeler,
bound from Milwaukee, after out
riding a night of gale, made for the
harbor in the early morning dark
ness, but is said by Capt. Edwin
Miller to have struck the bar at the
entrance. The wheel paddles jam
med in the sand, checking headway,
and the great combers threw the
ship about and hurled her on to
the pier. There she hung, momen
tarily, pounding into wreckage, and
then slipped off into the deep chan
nel, going down in 50 feet of wa
ter. The vessel lies a stormtoni
tangle of steel and splintered wood,
effectually blocking the harbor en
Conspiracy to Hold Edsel for $200,
000 Ransom is Nipped
Toledo, Oct. 29.?:A plot to kid
nap Edsel Ford, son of Henry Ford,
the automobile manufacturer, and
hold him for $200,000 ransom wasw
revealed to the police here yester
day by Floyd Gray, a private detec
tive. iDiscovery of the plot was
followed by the arrest of four men
in a local rooming house.
The plan was to induce Ford to
?get into an automobile with the
understanding that he was to be
taken home. >He was them to be
drugged by one of the conspirators
concealed in the car and was then
to be taken to a hiding place near
(Mount Clemens, where he was to
be held until the ransom money was
paid over.
Gray, who claims to have learned
' the details of the kindnapping plot
by posing as an ex-convict, says
the four men planned to rob Ohio
Savings Bank and' Trust Company
here to get the money to carry out
the scheme. They had procured a
new automobile and the equipment
necessary for the bank hold up,
which was to have taken place yes
No remedy is better km/win than
Foley's Honey and Tar for giving
quick relief from coughs, colds and
croup. Mrs. W. M. Stevens, Vivian,
W. Va., writes: "When my baby was
11 months old he had a terrible cough
arid nothing did him any good. I read
about Foley's Honey and Tar, and tho
first dose helped him and in two days
1 the cough had stopped. ' T can say
Foley7? Honey and Tar saved my
baby's life after everything else had
faied." Contain* no opiates. Sold
Wholesome Complexion the Pride and
Glory of Healthy Men and
Pepto-Mangan Makes Bed Cheeksj
Builds Up Tired Bodies?Helps Change
Pale Complexions to Bloom
of Health
The healthy, attractive woman?
and man too?with a wholesome com
plexion is the envy of those who feel
that, for them, such attractiveness is
And yet health and attractiveness
are much a matter of good, red-blood
and unless a man or woman is afflict
ed with some deep-seated or serious
ailment, vigorous health, and personal
charm are within easy reach.
Pepto-Mangan is responsible for
the present health and happiness of
thousands who formerly were thin,
pale, languid and easily exhausted.
Pepto-Mangan helped place these
folks in the full-blooded, energetic,
vigorous class?and it probably can
do the same for you.
Pepto-Mangan contains the ele
ments that make rich, healthy blood.
And as a result of the increased sup
ply of red blood that Pepto-Mangan
creates, the entire system attains the
vigor that belongs to every man and
Pepto-Mangan is prepared in two
forms; liquid and tablets. They are
exactly alike in medicinal value.
Ask your druggist for "Gude's when
ordering Pepto-Mangan. Look for the
name "GudeV on the package.
: * *
Secretary Wilson to Greet Visiting
Delegates on Behalf of ~U. S.
The International Labor Confei*
ence, with delegates and. advisers
from 36 nations, will be convened
at noon today at the Pan American
Union Building, Washington, by
Secretary of Labor Wilson.
The United States will not par*
ticipate because Congress, while
permitting the President to invite
(the attendance in Washington .-.of
?the delegates, made it. a condition
that no United States delegates be
named until the peace ;treaty is
Each nation is entitled to four
delegates, two of whom are repre
sentatives of the government, one of
the employers, and one of labor.
The agenda of the conference cov
ers five subjects?hours of labor,
unemployment, woman's work,
child labor and extension of the
treaties of 1906 prohibiting night
work of women, and the use of
white phosphorus in matches.
The conference will devote tomor
row to the election of officers and
the report of the committee on cre
dentials. On Friday it will take up
the discussion of the question of
the eight hour day and the forty
eight hour week.
French and English will be the
official languages but transcripts
will be made also into Spanish.
New York, Oct. 29.?The Rev.
Charles Sumner Burch was yester
day installed as Bishop of the Prot
estant Episcopal Diocese of New
York at impressive ceremonies at
the Cathedral of St. John the Di
vine. Leading dignitaries of the
church from all parts of the Uni
ted States and territorial posses
sions were present.
? I"
r ladies'
m * FURS
B HtfracpV<?
bs* S^y/(?s
500 King Street
Alexandria's Best Store
- ? i
Women's Union Suits, fleeced lined
light weight, high neck and ankle
length, regular price $2.50 and $2.75
At $2.39
^Women's Drawers, fleeced lined,
ankle length, regular price up to $1.50
At .$1.19
Women's fieeced lined vests, high
neck long sleeves, values up $2.50
At $1.79
Men's heavy fleeced lined drawers,
worth $1.75, special 98c
Children's Union Suits, fleeced
lined, regular $1.50 to $2.00, special
at ..'$1.39
Children's Drawers, regular 50c
special 39c
Men's wool and cotton grey work
hose, heavy, worth 59c, special 39c
Pearl buttons assorted sizes and
kinds regular 15c a dozen, special 9c
De Long's Hooks and Eyes, regu
lar 10c a card 7c
Percales, light and dark patterns,
very fine count worth 50c a yard 29c
Carl Pflieger
Stand No. 29 Alexandria
City Market. Dealer in beef,
lamb, veal, pork, etc., at the
lowest prices.
Open 7 a. m. Close 5 p. m.
Phone Rosslyn 146 F2-1
is completely washed out of the sys
tem by the celebrated Shivar Min
eral Water. Positvely guaranteed by
money back offer. Tastes fine; costs
a trifle. Delivered anywhere by our
Alexandria Agents, F. S. Harper,
Inc. Phone them.
To Get Up in the morning tired
and unrefreshed, with a dull, heavy head,
often amounting to headache, to feel low
spirited and "blue" ? are symptoms of
self-poisoning by food poisons, not neu
tralized or eliminated by bowels, liver and
kidneys acting in harmony.
Beecham's Pills
help to remove the cause of
this trouble. They act gent
ly and safely, but also
very effi
Sold by druggists
throughout the world.
Id boxoe, 20c., 25c.
We wish to announce our appointment as Local Distributors
for the New Series STUDEBAKER Cars, consisting of BIG SIX.
LIGHT SIX' and LIGHT FOUR in closed and open models.
Every sales and service facility at our command will be afford- ?
ed owners and prospects. Satisfactory and dependable attention
being assured at all times. ^
Demonstrators will be in our hands about November 10th.
Mt. Vernon Auto Company
115-17 North St. Asaph St. Phone 52
Alexandria, Va^ i
<5. ? / _ ? / * t ,! i jj .%.> -V. ? * ; ?:

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