Newspaper Page Text
ALEXANDRIA. VA. Further Help for the Poor.—lt has been suggested, and the suggestion is a most excellent one, that the ladies of the city should co-operate with the "Relief Associa tion," in adding to the comforts of the ne cessitous, and deserving among onr towns people during the coming winter. There is doubtless in the garrets and clothes' rooms of f the city, numbers of thread-bare, patched or other off-cast garments, which under the skilful fingers of the ladies could ->c made to do good service in clothing poor children, that otherwise might suffer for the want of such articles. We know that the benevo bmee of the ladies of Alexandria needs only the suggestion, to secure their assistance iv this excellent work. The Volunteer Relief Association will rejoice to have their co operation. Military Court.—The Military Court held its usual session at the Court House this morning, Provost Judge Friese, pre- The only civil case of iuterest before the Court was that of Mr. J. Davidson, arrested yesterday afternoon, on the charge of ille gally purchasing military stores from sol diers. The Court acted in this ease upou a re cently published order of Gen. AJcClellan, which absolutely forbids soldiers to sell mil itary stores, even the excess of rations, to others than the Commissary. Persons so purchasing forfeit the goods purchased, and may be otherwise punished. Officers who sell such stores forfeit their commissions. Mr. Davidson was directed to hold the supplies purchased, subject to the order of the Court, and the further consideration of the case was then postponed. The Court then took up the Military cases. t Change in Military Guaro.—The Fifth ew Jersey Regiment, which has been for ime time past detailed for Police duty in is city, have been superseded by the Cam- n Light Guard, a regiment ol Peonsylva •; nia Volunteers, under command of Colonel ' McLean. This regiment is accompanied by j a Band of Music, said to be exceeded by tew 10 the United States army. This ohange .in the Police Guard, also, , makes a change in the Provost Marshal, Capt Griffith, of Company D,, Cameron Light Guard, succeeding Cap f . Cladek, Fif h New Jersey Regiment, in that post. . Improvements.—Of course, very little goes on in Alexandria in the way of im provements. Nevertheless, there are sign* scarce as Angel's visits or hen's teeth, but for all that—signs that even amid the present difficulties, the old town in not entirely with out movemeat. The Market—The city market this morn ing was somewhat less lively than when re ported last Saturday, yet it was quite lively. Vegetables, meats, and other provisions yet maintain the suostantiaPy the ia:es quoted in Saturday's issue. Groceries.—Our retail Grocery merchants uive on hand, a large and good stuck 61 gro ijjries, and while though prices are Some. Kliat higher than in ordinary times, the ad- on many articles is but slight. to Washington.—The travel be- this city and Washington is now very ' pass being required from the U. S. order to pass between tho two of the New York Tri b that as soon as intelligence Bhington of the sailing of Messrs. Bison for Europe, from Charles- Department ordered a fast Bcept them, and a dispatch Mo Secretary ML the steamer was ready wt once. ■'day's the types ( terror makes a k pies are as kmibe. the sth, ha? arrived. Her news possesses i but few striking points. An insurrectionary movement had taken place at Cyeldz, in Rus- j sian Poland, in-which tho Mayor was killed. Mr. Lindsay, member of the British Parlia ment, in a recent speech at Sunderland, gave it as his opinion that the English Govern ment should urge the raising of the Ameri can blockade— that England and France should consider the expediency of recogniz ing the Southern Confederacy. The financial depression continued at Paris, and there bad been some agitation, owing to the advance in the price of bread. In some of the Pari! faubourgs seditious placards were reported to be numerously displayed, and some ar- j rests were made. At a recent consistory, j the Pope is said to have denounced all com promise, calling on his supporters to be firm and have no conciliation with impious men. It is asserted that tiie relations of the Italian and French Governments are as satisfactory as possible. The Spanish expedition to Mex ico is actively progressing, and will leave I Spain shortly. From the Chicago Tribune of the 10th, we learn that a serious difficulty bad arisen be tween Generals Lane and Sturgis—that Lane would no longer obey Sturgis's orders, and that he was about to prefer charges against that officer. The Tribune regrets that Stur gis, otherwise a fine commander, is now j 44 giving himself up to indulgences which carry with them consequences most detri-1 mental to the Union cause." • ! The Secretary of State has issued an im portant circular to the Governor of New York and other States in relation to the for tification of the harbors and lake shores. The Secretary says he does not anticipate any difficulty with foreign powers, but look ing to the efforts of the emissaries of the Southern States to stir up trouble, he thinks measures of preparation good policy. i Large numbers of cattle contiuue to ar- I rive fro.n Texas—including not only beeves, but calves and milch cows Prices as fol- ! lows: Beef, first quality, per head,s2s@3s. do. second quality, per head, $18@25 ; milch cows, $40(3 60; hogs, gross, 1001bs,$10@ 13 ; sheep, second quality, per head, $3@4; veal calves, first quality, $9@12; second i f, $7 50@9. stated that some heavy orders to buy J goods, and 44 hold for a rise," were forwarded by the last steamer to India and China, byfarties in New York, in anticipa. tion of the unusually high prices to which the raw material must inevitably attain. The State Senate of Connecticut, by a vote of 12 yeas to 6 nays, passed, on the 15 th in * stant, a resolution ordering the removal from the Senate chamber of the portraits of Hon. aac Toucey and ex-Gov. Thomas H. Sey onr, on account of their alleged lis oyalty. The New York Tribune, without claim g to have official or detailed information of le approaching movement of the Federal rmy of the Potomac,- assures its readers at the great contest is close at hand. It ye it is impossible to tell with accuracy hey it will begin, but it must be within imparatively a few days. On the Red river the Indians are trouble me. They clamor for a settlement for their Pand accompany their demands with Before the boat could pass down to arry, the captain had to pay toll in ids to the tribes. ~. Plomley Smith, of Pennsylvania, and Col. Thomas, of the quartermaster's depart ment, will leave by the next steamer for Europe. They are sent by the Federal gov- j ernment to purchase blankets and material for winter clothing. In the official report it is stated that there were, on the 11th inst., 190 sick and wound sd Federal soldiers in the general hospital in this place. Professor Long, of Dartmouth College, lied in New Hampshire on the 15th. | _—___ Friendship Fire Company.—"The Local" n yesterday's "News," in reference to the Friendship, was not exactly correct. This Company has had frequent and full meet nsjs recently, and in the absence of its more prominent officers, has effected a temporary organization that is likely to be effective in case of emergency. The Company has been assured by Gen. Montgomery that it was not the purpose of the Military Authorities o interfere with the Fire Department in any way, and that upon every occasion of fire he citizens would beat liberty to turn out vithout hindrance by the Guard. This un derstanding, it is hoped, will be duly obser ved by the successors of the New Jersey Vdioe—now on duty in this city. \I. Messrs. Wm. F. MoKewen, clerk of the \iiice Commissioners* R. 11. Biggs, a law* er, Mr. Robert Rcnwick, a cabinet ware manufacturer, and DoreCy French, laic po" ceman, have been arrested in Baltimore, y order of the L : . S. Government. Monday nest has been fixed for the trial o ' the crews of the Enchantress and Petrel, n a charge of piracy. Lieutenant Banktiead reports that between IVaauah and Fernandlna there arc six good utrances, with excellent anchorage aud euty of water, not blockaded. J. W. Plant, of Washington, has been ap pointed undertaker by the Government to inter the bodies of the Federal soiaiers who ri in the hospitals and camps in and around at city. James Offutt, a young man who has just returned to Georgetown, as is charged from the Southern armj, has been arrested. We have accounts of skirmishes and par. tial fights in Missouri—seizure of railroad trains—and burning ol bridges. Eighteen hundred men are now employed at the Washington Navy yard. Hog and corn crop in Ohio immense.— Hogs $3—corn 20 cts. per bushel. ALMAHUr 1861. TENTH MONTH. 8C» •U■ OCTOBER. Hues. sets, moon's phases. 17 iOaißiiay ..... 6 12 5 18j d. a. m. 18 .ricuy 6135 17 Full 22 058 c. ]tf Saturuay 6 14 5 16Lastqr..31 5 17 it. 20 Sunday 6 15 5 14 New 2 10 56 m 21 Monday 6 16 5 13Firstqr., 9 6 36 m 22 Tuesday. 6 17 5 12 ~ high WATER.7*' 23 Wednesday. 6185 10 Oct. IT, —h. —m. REV. C. 0. BITTING has opened a SCHOOL for GIRLS and small BOYS in tho house, formerly occupied by Mr. Sylvester Scott. Terms I low to punctual patrons. oet 17-—lw* GBOCEEIEST &o. T7INGLISH DAIRY AND EASTERN CHEKSEJ JjJ Ethereal and Kerosene Oil, received, and for sale by foot 16—4t»] DAVY & HARMON. 1 A BBLS. FRESH EGGS, just received by ~ ~ XV/ oat 16—4t» ' DAVY & HARMON. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, HOUBEKBRP ERS GOODS, FANCY ARTICLES, 1M- I PORTED AND DOMESTIC SEGARS. CHEW ING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, *0., Ac —,' JOHN T. CREIGHTOH, at Mi old stand, No. ' •S3, King street, has on hand the be.-a assortment of GOODS in the above line to be found in the market. To suit the p esent demand hi has added many things to his usual variety, such as— Imported and Domestic Stegara, of various brand* j Chewing Tobacco hi bars, tin foil and paper ' packages Imported and Domestic Smoking Tobacco Fancy Pipe* and Ripe Stems, in great variety Tobacco Boxes, Pouches and Wallets Tooth and other Brushes, line Tooth and Pocket ' Combs Pens, Pen Holders, Blue and Black Ink- Ink Stand;, Load Pencils, Pencil Sharpeners Pocket Mirrors, Shaving Soaps and Cream Razors, Razor Strops, Emory Paper, Sweet Oil Chamois Skins, Leading Lines, <fee, Ac. Special attention is asked to a variety of ARMY TELESCOPES, of extra quality. The above GOODS were purchased for cash, and will be sold wholesale and retail, at a smn'l advance. Any article of TINWARE furnished at short notice. For sale, a second hand CYLINDER STOVE for coal—a first rate Stove for a i are. Call at aS, King street. oct 14—-4w . DRUG STORE. KHEHBY COOK & CO., 89 King st., Alexandria, EEP a constant supply of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Spices, Perfumery, Fan cy Articles, | Coal Oil, Ethereal Oil, Lamp Oil, Lard 01, Alcohol Dye Stuffs, Paints and Paint Oil of £-2 ll W,I L Gl»88 and Putty, Coal Oil vamps, btove Polish, Paint Brushes, and every article usually found in a well regulated Brug lore ' oct 11—tf j MISCELLANEOUS. " JOHN H.DEVAUGHAN'S AM BR OTYPE GAL LE RV. No. 111, King Street, Oppoiitb the Marshall HousS) _ oct 17—lw* I. LOUIS KINZER, A TTORNET A T LAW, Alexandria, Va. •/ WILL ATTEND to the proieouJßm of (.'lain, for damages sustained by citizens of Alex andria and vicinity, by the use and occupation o destruction of their property by the U. g. troop, oct 15—4w* VTOTICE.-I shall be glad to rewire Vfr -h, . i.l Bank Notei or Corporation small notes m par, in payment for any and all defeto due me b'v citizens. WILLIAM |(t|AN. Plain and Org au* c )>»a \t-.■■■, OCt U+~l* No. I,C\, Pt h Royal-sfreef. TJJRAPWNG PAPER—Lunre newsrtipers wbole and aninjured—the best kind of wrapping paper, for sale at 5 ecnt« per lb. En quire at the Ah xancfria Gawtte Office. BOOKS, MUSIC, &o. JAMES ENTWIBLE A EON, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. • No. 05, King Stiu;et, rj"AVE ON HAND and ofier for nleatlow L± prices, for eai h, Rosewood and Mahogany \\ riting Desks, Leather Writing """ases Portfolios, of all sizes and prices Pocket Knives, Pocket Ink Stands Pocket Combs, do. Looking Glasses Pocket Penaoldert, do. Memorandum Books Black, Blue, Red and Carmine Ink Steel Pens, Gold Pens with and without cases Pen Wipers, Lead Pencils. Sealing Wax Wafers, Mucilage, Red Tape, Rulers India Ink, India Rubber, Bubber Bands Letter Clips, Paper Weight* Paper Cutters and Folders. Porte Monaies Buckskin and Leather Purses Backgammon Boards, Chess and Chess Beards Dominoes, Dice, Dice Cups Checker Men, <fee, Ac, Also, a large stock of ENVELOPES, LETTER FOOLSCAP, BATH POST, and COMMERCIAL TOTE PAPERS. oct 11—8w /OHM H. FAJL2OTT, DEALER IN PIANOS, MELODEONS GUITARS, and MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS generally, and MUSIC for the latin also, BOOKS, STATIONERY, and FAN CI GOODS, No. 166, King street, Alexandria, Va. oct 7 JEWELRY, &c. W. WT ADAM, DEALER IN WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER WARE. All kinds of WATCHES and CLOCKS re Store No. 78. King street. Set 11—H DB;Y GOODS. NEW GOODS. HARPER * BRO., ARE now in receipt el the following goods. viz: Black French Cloilisand Cassimeres Velvet and Silk Vestbigs Cassinetts, Woollen Shirt* and Drawer! Silk and Linen Cambria Handkerchiefs Stocks and Neck-Tie , Suspenders White and colored Flannels Canton Flannels, Brown Drillings Brown and Bleached Cottons Calicoes, Bleached Jeans, Pin* and Needles French and English Merino Mouslaines, Comtta, Merino Shawl- Carpets and R ga Floor Oil Cloth Alpacas, Carpet Chain Blue Domestic, Irlrii Linen Black Muslin, White and Cold Cambric Cloth and Silk Mantles li-4 Fulled Cloths, Linseys. &c. Ac. Also on hund a lot of Si'ks which will be told very low. BRYAN & ADAMS. Acmirrs, have on hand- Brown and Bleached Cottons Brown and Bleached Canton Flannels Cassimeres; Cassincrs; Linseys White and Red Flannels Grey Sack Flannels; Calicoes; Bad Tickings Nett Undershirts and Drawers Gloves, Hosiery, Ac oot 11—eoflw D No. 7r>, King street, net 7 BOOTS AND SHOES. i. rosenthalT . MANUFACTURER OF 800 T S and SHOE 8, A r o. 98 King street, opposite Sarepta Hall, Alexandria, Virginia. 0t lISISIiI good HANDS wanted imme diately. oct n_ lw fHIMBT c7lTeld~ IOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURER, No. 74 King street, Alexandria, EEPS on hand, and is prepared to manu facture BOOTS and SHOES of all kind- BOOTS or SHOES made at the shortest notice, and of the best materia I in want nf a good article in his line, will do well to give him a call. oct 7 wood7^ WOOD! woofm T AM PREPARED to furnish WOOD, Pine and L Oa.:, sawed and split, or unsawed, by the cord, half, or third, from C. F. Suttle A Co 's Steam Mill, corner of Union and Gibbon streets or by applying at my dwelling, No. 45, Duke street, corner of Water, oct 14—2w JOfiV CRAVEN.