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I havo sworn upon tlio Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over tlio Mind of Man." Thoims Jeilern H. WEBB, EUITOB. AN PROPRIETOR. voIiiihc vino BO)OMSRURGc, COLUMBIA. COUNTY, PA. S AT 5JI1D AY, .IttJiVB 8, 1844. rjVmnfM!r 7o X OFFICE OF THE J)KiIOCKAT Oi'i'osrn: fir. Paul's Church, Main-st T3EMS : The GOr.UAtliM DEMOCRAT will bt published evert Saturday morning, al '1WO DOl.plllSper annum payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars J'iJ'ty Ccnls,ifnol paid within lite, year A'o subscription mill be. laken for a shorter period than ar.r months;' nor ami discon tiiutancc permittcd,until all arrearages are discharged. JID VE11T1SEMENS n ot exceeding a square luill be conspicuously inserted af One Dollar for the first three-insertions, and Twenty-five cint.i for every subse quent nseriion. liberal discount made to those ivho advertise by the year LETTERS addressed on bus'incss',mut be post paid POETRYo LiESSON OF THE SEA- BY HUS, I.. II. SIOOUKNUY. Go ilown unto ilio sr:i Whrro tlio whilo winged navifis liilc, Whose mighty pulses licavo so free In strong, mysterious tide Within whoso coral coll, Where sunless foiests creep, So many a wandering child of earth Hath bid him down to sleep. Go forth unto the tea, Amrol tlio break of morn, 'J 'each its young waves the winds of prayer f,,roeday,ibmn And when tlio night grows dun Beguile the billows wild With the holy hush of thine evening hymn As the mother lulls her child. Go bow tljoc to sea When tho booming breakers roar, And a meek hearted listener be To all their fearful lore And learn, where tempests lower, Their lesson from tho wave One voice alone can curb our power, One arm alone can save." Go homeward, from the sea When'its trial hour its pjst, With deeper trust in Uitn who rules Tho billow and the blast And when tlio charms of earth Around the bosom creep, Forget not, in thy time of mirth, Tho wisdom of tho deep. Don't You think Mc Right? JIV W. LAW CANE. Truo love, for us poor maidens, Is a lough and crooked path, A:.d the oak on which wo hang our hopes Provps often but a lath. My preface done, now hear my case, 'Twill gricvo ihoso hearts not cold; A young man I my lover made, But my father chose sin old; J could not wed an(nld man Oh no 1 despite 'uis gold. My father coax'd and wheedled, Hut 1 heard him slyly swear That he'd teach a saucy minx like mo . His sov'reign will to dare. The day was namcd-my dress came home Grief made mo quite a fright; To morrow would have seen nm wed So 1 eloped at night. I could not wed an old man ' And don't you think mu right? EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY. Professor Von Grusfclbach, of Stock holm, Im very ' lately brought to u stale of perfection, tho art of producing a torpcr of the whole system, by tho applica tion of cold of different degrees of intnnsitj piocceding from a lesser to a gi enter, so n to cause the human body to heroine p 'r feetly torpid without peiinaneul injury ti any organ or tissue of the frame. In th'u stale tllcy inn) remain lor a great tin inni'i f years, and again, nftei a slce.p of ages, be awakened to existence; as fiesh and bloom ing as they were rhen they fust sunk into their trigorific slumber, The attention of tho learned professor was firslled to the subject by finding! load enclosed in a solid fragment of calco rcous rock ten feet in diameter which whet taken out, showed unequivocal signs of lift lint ii was siinnosed that concussion b blasting the rock occasioned its death, in few hours alter. Tho opinion of Baroi Gruithzeii, who is Geologist to the King ol Sweden, was that it must have been in tha situation for at least sevrn thousand years ind his calculations were drawn from th different layer of strata by which t w:u MKrouuded. From this hint, the professor proceeded to make experiments, and after painful and laborious course of experiment for the last twenty nine ycais of his life he has al Inst succeeded in pet feeling his great liscoverv. No pss than sixty thousand rrmiilcs. shell fish. &c were experimented in before he tried the human sulijec. I li prurc&s I9 not rnt rely laid before the public a? yoi.hut I had the honorin company With l friend of vioiiing the professor. I shall givo a slight description of one of tho outer rooms containing some of his preparations. Previous to entering .wf were furnished with an India rubber bag, m .l,iil wn ntlnc lied a- mas 1C "Wttli-" f'ln' eyes This wns put on to prevent th tcmperaiuro of the room from being varied the slightest degree by our breathing. l ,vas a circular room l.ghted by the sun rays from which the heat was entirely discogH lied by its passage through its class, colored by the oxide of copper, (a lato dis covery and very valuable to the professor.) Tho room is shelved all round and contains marly one thousand specim ens of animal", ifcc. One was a Swedish girl aged, from appearance, about nineteon years; she uas consigned to tlio professor by order of thn Government to experiment upon having been found guilty to murder her child. With the exception of slltilit paleness, she ippenred as if asleep, although she has been in a slate of complolo torpor for two years. Uo intends tin says to resuscitate her in five morp years and convince the wmld of hie f . mi. r woniierini us covery. i nu pruii.-spiu u ratifv us took a small snake nut of his abinet into another room althongh it np pnarcd to us to be perfectly ded and rigid arble. bv annlication of a mixture of oayene pepppr and branilv, it showed im mediate signs of life and was appaiently as native ns over it was in a few minutes altho, the professor assured us it hrd Jiecn in n trtto of torpor for six years. European Correspondence SHARP ENOUGH ALREADY. A (Solicitor, who was remarkable for th length and sharpness of his nose, once told a l,idy, that if she did not immediately settle n matter in dispute, he would lilo a bill gainst her.' "Iudeei1, sir," said tho lad there is no necessity for you to til o your, bill, foi it is shurp enough already. " Captain Marryatt relates that there were two In wyers in partnership in New York. with the peculiarly happy names of Catch em and Uholum. PenplehnTing laughed tr ion ibeao two names in tuxtanosition ovpi tho door, tho two lawyers thought it advi ablo to separate thorn by tho insertion ol their Christian names. Isaao and Uriah I'ho painter, however, finding the board to tlinri in admit the Christian ttamo at full englh, put only tho initials before tho sur names, which mauc 1110 inaiwr mm huuh for theio now appeared, 'I. Calchoin, am1 U. Che in in.' Jl Sew Method of Catching Pals.- Yankeo editor has just thought of a new plan to catch rats. IIu says that you musi locale your bed in a room much infested by ,!,, nimnfi. sifid on relircin2 put the light out. Then strew over yuur pillov somo strong smelling cIiccbo, threo or fou red herrinus.soiiio barlov meal or now mall and sprinkling of dried codfish. Keep wako until you find that tho rats arc work, and then make a grub.' It uvolnt lunar y Ivccol lections. In the autumn of 1777, when Lord Ilowo had possession of Philadelphia. nu summon 01 incAmcricans who roiuo tot lollow their beloved comrnar(ltii . lis tiuly distressing, subject to overy lav insults of their ciuel and oppressive foes. Hound to nay obeiliuucc to the iws predicated on tho inonicntary pow er of a pioud and vitulielivecomnundei it can bo better pictured than described. I o obtain the common necessaries ol life, pnlicularly flour, they had to go as lar as Hi islol, a distance ot eighteen 01 twenty miles, and even tins indulgence was nut granted mem, until a pas was nocuicd from Lord IIswc, as uuanh vero placed along Vine sticct, extend- ug 1 id m the Delaware to thebchuylkili lorming a complete barrior. beyond these through the woods, extending us as 1 rar.kforil, were stationttl the lickot cuards thus rendering it in nanncr imnossiblc to reach the Hrislol mills unless first obtaining a pass I lie commandei -in-chief of the Amei ican foices was then encamped at tht Valley Forge, siifiering from cold, htin icr, and the inclemency of the season The British rolled in plenty, and spent Uieir days in (casting, their nights in halls, not am! dissipation, thus resting in supposed secunty, while the Amcri can chieftain was planning a moda for the'n final extirpation. A poor woman with six small childien, whose lnuband was al alley Forge, had made frequent pplications lor a pass. Lngagementi' rendered it impossible lor her ciuel tor mentors to givo her one. Kenderei I irs penile from disappointment, and tin ci its ol her chitSre)), she started aloix -i . . - - 1 , I !. . tviuinui a pass, aim oy eoou iuck, elu ded the guards and reached Bristol. It .will be remembered by many now iving, that six brothers by tho mmoul U.kiIc or Howell, about this tune com nulled many acts of heroic bravery, bo more in the character of nm amicus thai oldieis. They wore men full six feel high, 9tout and active, a fearlejs intrc pidity l lie 1 r deeds, inn hey always succeeded in making then -scape. A marked paitiuliiy to the A mcricans tendeied them obnoxious to he British, and always welcome to th loimer, to whom they conveyed whs nformation they could glean in thei ulvcntures'. Our adventurous female, having pro cuiecl her flour in a pillow caso holding ibout twenty poundi,was returning witl i light head to her anxious and louel) tabus, she .lad passed the piquet guard it 1 rankfuid, and was just entering th woods a little this side, when a tall stom man slopped from behind n r.e, and putting a letter in, her hand, icqucsled her to lead it. bhe guipcd with eager pjy the letter beating the character her husband's hand writing. Alter pause, he said, your husband is we madam, and icquested me to say that in short time lie would be with you Money is a scarce article among u mean among them; but on account your husband's partiality to the cauic ol iberty, 1 am willing to ueconie Ins ban , . . - i t it. i;er. do saying, ne iianueo nor n purse if money; 'my means, madam are ade audio or l wouiu not uo inns lavish, seeing she was nuoul to reiuse n. You said, sir, my husband would ee me shortU ; how do you know thai which seems so imnotsibk? and Inw do you know me, who never ' lltisn, madam,wc ate now opproact ng the Biitish guard; suflice it to say he American commander has mat head, which like an earthquake, will shake the wholo American continent and cxnuniie these misci cants: but liar take the road to the It tt tareweii. So saying he depaited. She gave him one look, but vacancy filled the spot where hp stood. With slow and cau tious steps she approached Vino street. wreadv hci tiro burned Uenealh Dei biead, when the awful word hall ! struck Her to the soiil.snc Biaited cctounti nor self in the custody of a British sentinel. 'Your pass, wotihin. 'i navo none, sn mv children are ' '!) n the icbel crev,why, do you breed enemies to youi Kint? this Hour is mine oil woman, .ind die with your babes.' A groan was her only answer. The tuflian was about departing when tho former tnesscngei .ippoared his whole demeanor wt changed, humble simplicity meiKcd Im unit he approached the guard with REMOCRATiC seeming fearfulncsj and asked htm in a VATIOV.4r rnWPVTrnv .uppliant voice to give tho poor woman ft-HUi A Ij L-U Vlub HOX. let flour. 'Fool.' idiot!' exclaimed tho! We last week gave a synopsis of the first ti.ird, 'who arc you? see yonder guard- days pioeecdings of the Democratic Nation houst If you interfere heic, 0U slia 1 1 j a1 Convention, ami we thi wnnL- .ri dir. re inaiuder of tho proceedings from the Dal tiuiote papers. HAi.TiMnKr, May 23, 1811. On Tuesday morning, the debate upon the rule reipiiruig iwo thirds of all the mem bets present to vote for the nominee of the vonvuntion was resumed. The vote being taken was as follows ol ol oon bo its inmate." " May be so, sir, but won't yon give the pool woman tho means ol supporl- ng her 1 1 1 tlo family cue week longm? Recoiled the distance she has walked, the wpight of the bag, mid recollect " " 1M1 and tury, sinah? Why hid mo recoiled, vou plead in vain begone r 1 11 seize you as a spy. " i oti won't give the poor woman her llouir" "No." " Then by mv country's faith and hopes of freedom, you shall!' and with i powerful arm, he seized the guard b (he thioataud hurled him to the ground ltun midman see the guard-house t live seize your flour, pjss Vine stree" tnd you aro sate. Twas done. Ill uard made an attempt to rise, when the stranger, drew a pistol and shot him lead. I he unfortunate man gazed a round him with a fearless intrepidity. I here, was but one way of escape, and mat thiough the wood, beiztnu the .lyad' man's musket hestsrted like a deer pursued 4iy the hounds. 'Shoot him down ! down with him !' was echoed liom one lino to another. The despe rado was lost in the wood, and a gener il search commenced :thn object of thei pursuit in I lie mean time flew like light oing, the main guard was left behind hul the whole piquet line would'soon be darmed ono course alone presentee1 ilsfclf, and that was to mount his horse, which was concealed among tho bushes, nd gallop down to the Delaware; a boat was already there for him. Tin thought was no sooner suggested thai. jut in execution, tie mounted his horse and eluding tho armed guaids. had nearly reached the Delaware.. I J ere ht-'fou u d htms"ij-f"ltctnwtftrfrrtTji it least litiy exasperated soldiers' Urn prang trom behind a tree and demand id immediate gun under.' " 'Tis uselos) o prevaricate you are now. surpiison -.r, and your boat which heloro exciter jiir suspicion, is now in our possession. Son ot a slave ! slave to a Iving ! how lare you toaddrei a freeman? Surrci ler yourself a Doale never suirendei n himself to any man,far less a bliuilei laltronn away or die,' and heaUomp id to pass. Tho guard levelled his gu nit was himself levelled to the dust - 1 ho ballot Doale's pistol had beei niieuer than his own. ins case wa- iow truly desperate; behind him wa he wholo line of guards on the north of him the Frankford pinuets,and on th lull ol mm the city ol Fliiludelphia Inled with uriiish troops. One way and only one presented self, and lliat was to cross the liver He knew his hoise; he plunged in.shnu' 'ticcceded, and ero he leached hall th lisiance, twenty ai mcd boats wero in swift pursuit. His' noble horse dashed ihrough the HeUw.ire, his master spurr ed him on with double interest while the balls wh istled around him. The tidr was running down and when ho leached the Jersey shoie, he fuiiod himself im mediately upposite the old slip al Mar ket street. On reaching the shore lu 'timed round took out a pistol, and with j steady aim, fired al the first boat Statei. Vtau Nayi. Maine, o New Hampshire, 0 Massachusetts, ft 7 Vermont, 3 3 Ithotle Island, 2 2 Conncciicct, 3 3. New York, 30 Now Jersey, 7 Pennsylvania, 12 13 Delaware, 3 Maryland, ft 2 Virginia, 17 North Carolina, f, 5 Georgia, 10 Alabama, 9 Mississippi, C Louisiana, C TcRiiesieo, 13 Kentucky, 12 Ohio. . 23 Indiana, 12 Illinois, 9 Michigan, 0 Missouri, 7 Arkansas, 3 - 148 110 The- Convention then adjourned at hall "past 1 o'clock, to meet'Sigaln'afhnif'past 3, vhen it was resolved to proceed with flic diluting. . In the Rfiemnon the Convention re-ss lembled,- and procevded to ballot for n can- hdato for the Presidency. The result was s follows : BALLOTIXOS. . J- Van Buron, Johnson, Uurhanan, (Jalhifim, Woodbury, Stewart, Ht 140 8'J 21 4 C 2d 3d 127 121 Ot U3' 0 1 0 1 4th 111 105 17 1 0 0 5th 103 107 29 20 1 0 0 tngs, it was stated that the Chan had deci ded that it required two thirds to tescind the rule. This was a misrepresentation, and ilaceu his colleague who had tatu'n the ap peal, and those who sustained him, in n false position. The Presidonl here slated that ho know not what the reports wcic, but he wou d stale that his decision was that it required two thirds to tescind or suspend the lule. Mr. Hartley went on to express his opin ion that there ought lo be harmony in tho Convention, and he did not wish to produce any contrary feeling, nor would he have intruded upon the time of lh& Convention, had not an attempt been made, as he thought to interfere with the rights of a member of the Convention. Mr. Hopkins, of Va., followed in a few remarks setting forth the necessity of spec- ly action on the part of the Convention, Mia sPEiiion of whijh had already been too imic'i prolonged, and, as the longer the discussion went on, the longer some degree of iriiu lion woulr. be kept up, he moved that ihu appeal be laid on the tablo. This was subsequently withdrawn, how ever, at tho request of Mr. McNulty, of Ohio, who then asked and obtained leave to withdraw the appeal. A proposition was then made and carried to proceed to the cighih.ballut fur a candi date for the Presidency, when Mr. Tibatts, of Kentucky, rose and .rTd that the whig party Ii3tl nominated as their' candidate a citizen of his own slate. Tho Kentucky delegation, ho sa'd, had been in elrticled to vote for Col. Johiwon, another distinguished cit z en of Kentucky. They had dona so through several, successive:!) lutings, and had, he believed, fulfilled iheir instructions to the letter. 1 hp result Had uonvintcd him that it was impossible tu get a s-ufiicicul, votu to nomiuate.tlie gebe" man. Ile'jsajd thaj Col. Johnson had aJ ways been the first-man to give way for thn purpose of conciliation; and , he therefom rose titiuer me untimmoua iiij inicuous 01 the delegation', and asked leave, to withdraw his name as a candidate. The convention was hereupon addressed y Mtsfrs Brewster; Hickman, and Judgj Urcdin of Pennsylvania explanatory of tlid nurse, of the Pennsylvania delegation dur- cth 7tli 101 90 116 12a i"g the different ballottings 23 21 The eighth ballot was then, announced 25 2S an d resulted as follows; Thero are 200 Delegates in tho Conven lion, without South Cuiolina, ukich Stale is not represented. Two thirds of this num ber ate 178, which vole must be obtained by any candidate who gains the nomination. . lilGHTH 15 ALLOT. VanBiTcn, 10 1 Casa, Hi Polk, 4t Buchanan, Calhoun, -A motion was here made that the conven tion proceed lo the ninth ballol, when Mr. Frazer. of Pennsylvanh obtained a rist the man fell over the Bide and sunk lo no more. He then disappeared in wool. Tho angry, harrassed and .ippnintcd pursiieis gave one look, ctiise, and returned lo tho Pennsj Ivani, ahoie, fully believing, that if he was noi the devil he was at least one of his prin cipal agents. 1 he exnloits ol these men were so frequently of a like nature, that the ex ptct-sioiis mado nsu ol Ly the disappotu ted pursuers towards this one aic by no means censured dread ol personal dan gcr appeared to be unknown to '.hem- plunder, but only from the Hritish.secm ed their sole aim, with nn ambilion,how ever futile, of'cieatinc in tho mindo of iheir enemies this belief. Atone time ihey were in Philadelphia, dressed in British costume, at another they were iclieviug tlio distresses of their friends at tin? Valley I'nree. "How long," exclaimed a tradesman as lie applied the lush lo an tncoirigibly had appienlice, "how long will you continue lo servo the devil?' "Nottnoio than three months, sir my imU'iilutc will be tullhcit." At six o'clock an Slh billot was called, ,t. finn, tie commenced )v statins' that when Mr. Miller uf Ohio, moved tho fol- ,,e was onc 0r tiie delegation from Pcunsyl lowing : vania who had voted ler .lames K. Polk, nexolucd, That Martin Van nuren, hav. j hc wouj yolQ for him to the last- Ilo ing received the vole of a majority of tbc considered the instructions the delegation delegates in this convention, on tho first na(j rccrivcd as fully carried out in voting ballut, is elected as the nominee for the mrco times for Martin VauButen, If the oflico uf President of the United States. ,irtirin of instruction was to be carried to The Chair decided the motion not lo be ,)0 en,, u.,jc, 80mQ 0f his colleagues in imlor. ..nuinndi'd far thero never would be a nomi From this decision Mr. Miller 3ppeale'J.aljon Uate, Pending which question, the Conten tion rdjourned until 0 o'clock on iVedncs. lay. The Convention assembled agnin yesler day morning, and was called to order" 51 0 o'clock, by the, Prosident. 'J'he first business in order being the ap peal from the decision of tho Chair, u-lnch was under discussion when the Convention adjoume'd on Tuesday evening Gov. Hartley, of Ohio, rose and address od tho Convention. The resolution offi-rei! Col. Young, of New York, next obtain ed ihe floor to define the position of New York. Much had been said of a disposi tion, to concilia! and tho necessity of gaeri ftlig porsonil presences, and it had been moie than inlimateil that New York had been loo tenacious in her adherence to Mar tin Van Bumui. Ho would explain her p. iton in reference to that point. After thu .lefe&tof 1810. in 1811 and in 1812, ilia .lomocraev of New Yoik wero perfectly silent on the subject of tho nnininution of by his colleague yesterday ' was not offered lho candidate of that parly fur the next run. after consultation with him; nor had horn lesi, h was not until After sixteen States tended to speak 00 il; but when he founi' ,,aj Sp0irin uut, declaring Mariin Van Bit that the riglTls of thai colleague as a mem fBll t10ir choice, that New Yotk lilted her bor of the Convention, wero about lo be 0ieo. and she vas censured bv tho Domo abridged, he fell himself bound to speuk. craljc of otherSiates for her apparent Ilia colleague Had ollerod a resolution ;iav U,)aihy upon the subject. Col. Young con ing effect lo rescind lho two thirds rulo. eluded by offering a resolution to. rescind I hat resolution Ihe Chair had decided to (10 wo thirds nils, be out of order, and from that decision his Tho President declared the resolution out colleague hud appealed, Ho found now Lf order, as (hero was a motion already 'hat, in Ihe reports made tf tin proceed pending to proceed to another ballot;.