OCR Interpretation

The Columbia Democrat. [volume] (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 08, 1844, Image 2

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Mr HjbbirJ, of New H -impsntre, siid
he hid no oiher desire ilwn to promote iho
establishment of demuctutic principles in
coming to the Convention, lie said ho hid
comu here with strung personal predileo
llOUS lor Mr, Van Ultren, UlU now Ulllier.iuunu, mill m Iter auvuiaiy ui icmuui nm;
strong convictions thai he pould not bB no
minatctl. the delegation from his stale would
go for Mr. Polk. It was done in a spirit of
conciliation not by bargain.
Gen. llowatd of Mil, then addtessed
the Convention, uruinir them to act with
eoncert'for the purpose of .ecuring iho noni
jmilion forlhwith. lie said ho wished to
impross upon life body o duo apprehension
of the responsibility vhirli itsieii upon
tlmm. Yuslerd.iv there wefo one million
of heart? in this country anxiously beating
to know thcrwult of tlio deliberations ol
the Convention. They would, if here.
Hlcmantl two names under which torally.
'In olden times that General who had iho
second choice was deemed worthy of re
ward, and now, said he, let us try if we
cannot givu ilm nniniiiiiilon of ttiis' Conven
tion to the first, second, 01 even thud
Mi. Medary oPOIiio wished lo mako a
single rpmark. Yestcrdny ihey had mani
fested some wrath, boi-it proceeded from
no unkindness of feeling. The delegation
from Ohio were now disposed to throw out
the flag of peace. She-felt ready to join
Iteatiily in.-bringing about union. He would,
go heaitily for any man who was sound in
Iiis political faith and upon the Texas and
Oregon questions.
The-qtiestiou'was then loudly called for
on the moiion to proceed to a ninth ballot,
and the motion, prevailing, tlio call of iho
Slates was commenced and lasted for a con
siderable length of t.me many of the States
retiring to consult, and others subsequently
changing theii voles, until ueaily all had
voted, when a proposition was made that
ilia Secretary should read over the Record
to see if it was correct as far a'a it had
The call of ihe Stales was then procecdod take the responsibility of withdrawing that
with and completed, "when it was announ-jhonored name in view of the best interest
ced by the Piesidcnt that thero were 2GG of iho democratic party. He therefore do
votes cast, of which 17,wcre necossaty to dared his intention to vote for James K
n choice, and that it appeared from thejPolk, who fully came tip to the JelTersonian
record that 'James K. Polk, of Tennessee, eUndard of qualification, being both capable
had received 260 votes, as follows
IFor James K. Polk.
Maine, 0
New Hampshire, -0
'Massachusetts, 12
'Vermont, '" 0
Khode Island, ''' 4
Connecticut, " 0
New York, ' 36
New Jersey, , '-. '7
'Pennsylvania, ' & ? '-20
Delaware, -. 3
Maryland, ' 'y f.-' " '8
"Virginia, . ' '. "' 17
TCnrlh. Carolina,;. . . .. ,41
"Gcoigia, t , 10
Alabama, 0
Mississippi, 0
Louisiana, f
Tennessee, - 13
Kentucky, - a 12
Ohio. -23
Indians, ' 12
Illinois, 0
Michigan, 5
Missouri, 7
Arkansas, 3
Total, ,2GG
'After tho balloting was gone through, Mr.
"Ketllewell, of Baltimore, called tho alien
linn of the convention to the fact that South
Garoluia, one ol our sisier olatcs, was not
included in the vote. He observed in ihe
hall one of the distinguished sons of the
palmetto State, and ho asked whether there
was not some one here to answer for hor?
He spoke of tho disorder which had occur,
red yesterday as the same process through
which gold hud lo pass before it was le
The Hon. Fiancis S. Pickens, of Suuth
Carolina, then arose, and wis hailed with
the most enthusiastic and deafening cheers.
Afie quiel was restored, he addressed the
convention for nbourhalf an' hour, in tin
inoBl eloquent and enthusiastic manner.
He pledged his Slate to the nomination and
declared that to man in the Union could
receive a more cordial and determined sup-
tporl than she would give to James It, l'olk
ol Tennessee.
Mr. Ellmore, of South Carolina, tho col
league of Mr. Pickens, ratified all that had
in en said by tho latter, and pledgud hit
"State lo give a larger maj'orityforibc noini
nee than any other in llie. Union,' in nronm
linn In lifr nnniil'jtinii In ilin .im..u rV.I
temarks, lis stated ihat the Wings in South
Carolina were nut sufficiently plenty In
mako mile nones of.
During the balloting each Slate, mi re--zlgning
its favorite candidate totake up AJr.j
Folk, addressed the coiuenliun through iu
At the time ihe balloting had commenced
the New York delegation had retired to
consult on their course, and when they en
tared Mr. Roane, of Va. wls addressing
Hie convention in behalf of thai State. Ad
lrepsing the New York delegai-on he said
that Virginia resigned Mr. Van Duren, her
first choice, with a bleeding heart. Shu
) id wished to see llm same hanuur bearer
lend ilium on to victory who hud been so
ungracefully ilnvcn from a seat which In.
had so gracefully filled, Their greatest de
' 6ire was lo defeat that apostate, Henry Claj
with a tale twenty yuars long, and a park
-cfliungry -expeclmilo of twenty years stand.
ing dragging after 't h U to defeat that
man that V.rgmia titlds and places her
heait on the altar of Iter country, and her
principles, Ho pledged Virginia that she
would be found where the hull always been
principle. 'Y uen a gentleman bau yes
terday said that there was no suite that had
nut at Utiles been overwhelmed by whiggu-
ry. he had wished to tell him that Virginia
had never filtered.
Air llenjamin P Nutlet, of New York, in
behalf of thu delegation from Mr Van Uu
reu s r.ativo state, lesponueu witn an ins
heart lo the remarks which had just fallen
from the gentleman from Virginia. The
citizens of New York never doubted that
Virginia would slant! hv her, and now hoiinir.
was authorized lo say thoy wete still to
gether, and wou'd be found fighting sido by
ude. During the discussion winch had
just taken place in the committee room a
mong the Mow York delegation, the qucs-
ion was whether they had yet fulfilled their
pledge, and were at liberty to withdraw the
same of their distinguished fellow citizen.
Although this was a question which touch'
cd the hearts of thcni all, there was none
perhap to whom the blow was so severe
as to himself, llo had been to him from
his earliest yoiilli a protector and friend
ho was bound to him by lies equal to those
of father and son to him he was indebted
foi (ho means of Ins early education, and ol
whatever consideration ho possessed to him
was he indebted fur it ull. Under these
circumstances the convention could imagine
the painlulneas ol his position.
Mr. Uutler s remarks at this point were
peculiarly eloquent and fueling, riveinng the
attention of the convention. Although he
had brought to this city a letter from Mr.
Van Uuen authorizing him to withdraw his
name if in his deliberate judgment he should
find it necessary, he had kept it a profound
secret even from his colleagues. He there
fore told them that if they did
not advise
I hi in ?iaiust it, ho ehould feel it his dutv to
honest, and faithful lo all his trusts. Hi
fell satisfied that he would roi-eive from 15
to 20,000 majority in Now York, and thai
his nomination would heal all those dilhcul
ties upon which the whigs had built all their
hope of success.
It has been my pnvilege, continued Air.
U., a few weeks hick, lo spend some hap
ny davs under the snne roof Willi the ven
erablo patriot Jackson, at the Hermitage.
I hey were, he said, the Happiest days ol
his life. Ho had found him with one cy
intent on Ins linal iiome. to which ho uat,
doubtless rapidly gliding, with the othci
fixed on hu country and her hopes of pros
neiiiy. He found that their first cho:ce
was still the same, and tiiat he looked for
ward to the contingency which had here
risen with despondency. Notwithstanding
which he was satisfied that he would hail
the' nomination, whatever It might be, if
based on union and harmony, with grutifi
cation. Since he had been in Ibis city, he
had received a tenor from this honored pa
triot, the postscript of which he read to the
convention, as follows;
"May God bless you, my dear friends,
and may he guide all the deliberations ol
the convention, leading them in union and
harmony lo act for the bests interests of ui)
beloved country
The de'egates from North Carolina.Ohio
1 enneisee, Mississippi, and nearly all Hi
other Swiss made some eloqtieHl and with
responses lo the nomination through tlieii
several chairmen, which caused the greates
good feeling to pievail.
About 20 minutes after tho nomination
was made, the following was received b
telegraphic despatch, from Washington
which was heartily responded to by th.
convention :
, "77ie Democratic members of Congress.
to their democratic brethem in convention
assembled, send greeting, three cheers for
JAMUS 11. I'UhlV.
The enthusiasm which now filled tin
convention was indiscribabte, and continu
ed to increase up to the hour of adjourn
mo ut.
The convention llion assembled, nursu
anl to adjournment, al l o'clock, when
Air. Walker, ol Alias., took Ihe floor
1 1 a v i g now, he said, witli so much nnaii
unity, expressed their preference in lavor
ol a candidate tor the highest oflice, il now
became their duty lo proceed to the choice
if a nominee for the second ollico. As for
himself he knew of none more worthy of
the honor than a distinguished citizen ol
the State ol New York Silas Wrioiit.
(5ieat cheering.- New York had made a
noble sacrifice she had stved the Uemo
ciulicpariy and through her noble spirit,
instead ol giving up the -contest in dexpair,
we now present a solid and unbroken Iron1,
eauer fur the contest and certain of viniorv.
tic then proceeded to deliver an eloquent
eulogy on tne cnaracter oi ouas w right,
ilyling him as Hie Oato ol the Union, of
the most pure and disinterested character.
Mr. Walker then expressed the hope that
tie should be nominated by acclamation,
which was hailed with great applause.
Mr. Ludlow, of Ivontucky then look the
floor, and delivered a high euloium on ihu
character and claims of Col. Johnson. He
dated that when he left the convention last
light, he was satisfied that Col. Johnson
would receive tho unanimous vole of the
convention fur the second office, but he now
fell callod on 10 wnluliaw Ins nauin from
die contention. He plodged himtelf thai
rie would do nothing that would prevent
iho Democracy from putting down Ibis ring
string; striped and speckled whiggery. Hr
acknowledged it went hard with him, tha
he would rather liavo h man who had sinel
gunpowder who had been in a light ol
some kind, even if a list fight could only bl-
iruvu m nun uui nu wuo icaujr iu uuugr
lU-nutcKy lur tne nuininatioii. .ir. nut
ler assured him thai Mr. Wright was a
gruen uiounluin boy,' and a good rifle
phot. Well, suicl Mr. I. , we have plenty
jof rilletiien who can strike n squirrel's eyi'
at 100 yards, and if Mi. Wright is n good
jnflemaii he can carry Kentucky, for llu
wings are .."i poou at snooting qt any Ktnti,
unless it is on the duelling field. .Mr. L's
speech wus of the must iimusing charactot,
and diew forth loud and repeated cheer-
Mr. lngcrsoll, cl fJonn., r.xprossed
rcyrel of Ins State in yielding the name ol
Col. Johnson, declaring the intention of the
delegates of thai Statu to cast their voles so
as to promote union and harmony.
Mr. Droomgolc, of Va., addressed the
convention under the direction of tho dele
gates from his State, seconding in their be
half thu 11011111131101 or Silas Wright ler the
Vice Presidency. In the course of his re
marks he pledged Virginia to remain where
she had always been, firmly democratic- to
the core a Slate which had never given a
vole lo a federal whig candidate for either
of the high stations of flic nation. He
trusted thai it would bo inscribed on the de
mocratic banner throughout the country,
Union is strength. As he had neard that
in family affairs, flic had no experience in
Ihe matter,) gioat laughter") jars and quar
ids were tliu prelude to a mure close and
more allectionate union, so in the case ol
their difficulties, which were now passed.
I'hey were now bound together by closer
ties of union and brotherhood than they
were before the difficulties had occurred, &
every hope of iho whig paity from this
source must now vanish.
Mr. Frazer, of Pa., rojo, as a citizen of
the county in which Mr. Iluehanan resided,
, i .... . i
jud expresscu ins regret ntueing cuinpeiieu
to desorl him, and spoke iu a vein of great
humor for a half hour.
The convention then proceeded to ba'loi
lor a candidate for Iho vice Presidency,
which resulted as follows :
For Silas Wright 258
For Levi Woodbury 8
The eight votes for Mr. Woodbury wen
oast by a portion ol the delegates from the
Mate of Georgia.
After the enthusiasm ol this announce
mout had subsided, Mr. Fine of New York
ir. behalf of Air. Wright.rolurtied his llianks
io the convention Tor the honor which had
been conferred u 0 i him. Ho had had an
interview with Alt. Wright, a few day
iitice, in Washington, and his lasi word
io him were to withhold his name from this
convention, and not allow it to bo used in
any event. Hut he had allowed it lo go
before the convention for the purpose of
harmony, fcnil ho hoped that Mr.W, would
'lonseui lo serve, as ho oelicvcd lie would
confer as mu-'h honor on tho ofllco as
could nosjibly confer on him. If ho would
serve, he considered his election cer
Air. Cave Johnson, of Tennessee, rcmin
ilcil the convention that, as they had provi
ded the ends, they must also attend to the
means. One of the editors of the Globe.
no .v present, had requested him to announce
o the convention, that the Globe, the old
ind faithful organ of the democratic paitv
would give to the nomination this day made
rs cordial and undivided support. As to
.vhaiever may have appeared in ilscohimru
calculated to wound Hie feelings of their
jouihern friends, all, ho was assured, would
io wiped olf, and made ivright to their sat
Tho President then presented lo the con
mention several pulitical communications,
afterwhich a committee of 2G on resolutions
with power to draft an address to tho peo
pie of the United Stales was appointed.
A committee of 0 was also appointed to
communicate to tho nominees the action ol
ihe convention. Iu older to close up their
business, and if possible, hear from Mr
Wiiiil. tin the meantime, the cunventtoned
adjourned till half past 7 o'clock to morrow
Thursday Morning, May 30,1811.
Tlio convention on yesterday, met at 7j
o'clock, when a eommu. -ation was read
from Hon. Silas Wntoirr, declining, foi
private reasons, the nomination for the
vice Presidency, but nlcdirini: himself to
the support of t lie nominees.
Air. IJutlerol New York, rcporicu a bo
rics of excellent resolutions, which wen
unanimously adopted.
Two ballottngs were had lor Vice rresi-
dent, which resulted as follows :
Gemge M. Dallas
John Faiilield
Levi Woodbury
Lewis Cass
It. M, Johnson
Charles Siewart
W. L. Maroy
13 220
105 30
U 0
30 0
20 0
23 0
5 0
The Hon. Gkorou M. Dallas, of Penn
sylvania, was then, by acclamation, doelar
ed the Democratic nominee for the Vice
After iho tiansaclion of some oilier busi
ness of minor import, the convention ad
The boston Pojt savs that Inc. name
of Freiinghuysei) answers'a sortof culo.
ride-oMiine-purpuse on tho Clay tickot.'
The extract of poke, is said to bo a most
excellent purgaiiuc, frcquenlly.prescrihj
ed by medical practitioners, it Mjmys
ic to the rvhi&s, that's curtain.
A Sinn-! Bionihy ol"
ty run the presidency.
Since Mr, Polk hat received tlio nomina
tion of iho Democratic party for ihe officr
if President, the events nf his life and hie
public career have become mallets of publn
interest. We find n brief biographical
sketch in tlio New York Pleblan, which
gives tho public cantor of ibis gentleman,
which wo extract. It will be seen that Mr.
Polk was born on lli6 2d of November,
1700, and is tlicrofoto in his 49th year.
This is a ripe age when the intellect of llie
individual has been nialtlicd by Knowledge
and experience, apd the passions and preju
dices nf eat licr years so sobered and mel
lowed by time as to assist ihe judgment.
" All. Polk was born iu Meeli?enburg
county, North Carolina, on the 2d of No
vember, 1700, and consequently is now in
the -10th year of his age. His nnccslois
emigrated more than a century ago, from
Ireland. 1 he original name was Pollock!
but an elision of two of the middle letters
has changed the name to a monosyllable.
1 hey first established themselves in the
State of Maryland, whero many of tha fam
ly still reside. Previous lo the Uuvolut on
arv War, tho branch ol the family Irom
which sprung the distinguished gentleman
who is tho subject of tins short biography,
and who is destined lo 111! ono of the most
exalted .sta'ions in (lie world, removed to
Carlisle in the State of Pcnns) Ivania, and
thenco to the western frontier of North Car
olina- Tho part taken by tho Polk family
in the glorious struggle fur American Indo
pendencc is one of rare distinction. On
tho 20lh of May, more than one year ante
rior to the Declaration of Independence, thr
inhabitants of Mechlciiburg couniy,the birth
place of Mr. Polk, assembled and public!
absolved theinselvcs from their allegiance to
the llrilUh ctowu, and issued a declaration
to that effect. The terms of manly clo
qunncc in which (his manifesto was written
has caused it to bs tot mod by some wa first
Declaration ot Independence. (Jul. I ho
mas Polk, tho great uncle of James It. Polk
the present Democratic nominee for the
Presidency, was, ono of tho prime movers
ind a signer ol this first Declaration of In
dependence. The ovidence of tho authen
ticity and genuineness ol this interesting
document has been collected ,by the Legis
lature of North Carolina, and deposited in
tho arclnevcs ol the btate. I lio people ol
Alcchlenburg were almost lo a man, staunch
Whigs in iho revolutionary neplatiou of
the term, and have ever since been very
remarkable for their firm adhcranre to De
mocratic piinciplcs. As in evidence of the
unwavering condition of the Democracy of
Mechlenbuig county, il has often been ob
served of them, in t style of humor and
pleasanliv, that, at Ihe last war, they took
up arms six months before the Govern
men! and did not lay them down until 12
mouths after. In the mighty struggle fur
Independence- the relatives of Air. Polk dis
tinuuislicd themselves. 1 o be allrd to
such n people to be the descendant of such
an ancestry is a fit subject of honorable
pride. The American people ever have
manifested an affectionate regard for the sa
ijt'8, heroes and martyr6 of the Revolution
They furnish proofs that Republics are not
The father of Mr. Polk was o farmer ol
unassuming pretensions, but enterprising
character. In curly life he was thrown on
his own resources, and became the archi
tect of iiis own fortune, Ho was a warm
supporter nf Jefferson and through life a
firm and consistent Republican. In the nu
lumu of 180G he removed to I ennessce,and
settled on the fertile valley of the Duck riv
er, then a wilderness, but now the most
flourishing and populous portion of the
Stale. In lilts region Mr. Polk still resides;
so thai it may be said of him thai ho has
grown with lis growth, and strengthened
with ns strength. Of course in the infanct
of the country the opportunities for instruc
tion could not bo very great, still he acquir
ed the elements of a good English education.
I iic constitution of Mr. Polk bring feeble,
his father determined against the will of hie
sou, to make a commercial tpau ol iutn,and
witli litis view placed him with a merchant.
Ho remained, however, but a few wepks in
a situation 60 adverse to his wishes, and in
compatible witli his taste. In July 1812.
he was placed under the care of tho Rev.
Dr, Henderson, and subsequently at llie A-
cademy ofMurfrecsboiongh, Tennessee, then
under llie charge of Mr. Samuel P, lllaek
justly celebrated as a classical teacher, hi
the autumn ol 1BI&, ha entered the Univcr
shy of North Carolina, having in about twe
vcars and a half thoroughly prepared him
self to commence his collegiate course
Upon wJil slender thread somelhies banc
the destinies of a man's life! A little :nnrt
and James K. Polk, tho candidate foi tin
Presidency in 1814, in epilp of iiis demo
cralic origin and early tendencies, might
have been a Whig merchant, dealing ou
aiialhamas luraiiul General Jackson anil
Martin Van liuren for their uiicomproinis
ing opposition to a National Hank,
J his hasty sketch Iuiiuslie3 another evi
denco of talent and persevcrunco triumphing
over great difncultifs in early life, bo Ire
qiienl are instances of ihiskind,lhat it woule
utmost seem that real latent and mciit re
quired the ordeal of jnhcrte circumstances
to develnpo itself in on individual, and dis
linguist) him from those whoso preleiuioiir
to onher are insubstantial,
Mr Polk's career at the University wat-
distinguished. At each semiannual exiuni
nation lie bore away the first honor and fi
ually graduated in '1816 with the highest
J.stinciion of his class, ami the repulsion
if being the fiist scholar In both Ihe ma (lu
natics and the classics. Hetnrning in i en
lessee iu ihu beginning of the year 1819, he
commenced the study of tlio law in the ol
ice of Senator Grnrwly: antl in tho latter
isrl of tlio venr 1320 was admilted to the
.r. Itn i-niiiniciii-pil his nrofession. and in
less than a year became the leadingrpraeti
doner, lie pursued his pmiession with c
onstanily increasing reputation and success
unit tho year 1823, when ho entered upon
the stormy career of politics in being elm
sen to represent his county in tlio Stale Lo
tfislaturo, llo was chosen lo that Aoily two
successive years, wlicro his nbilhy in de
hate, and talent lor business, at onon gave
film a reputation. The early personal tinil
pulitical I'rinnd'of General Jackson ho was
one of thoso who nave his vote to call that
Ihtingiiishrd man to tho Senate of the Um
ted Stales.
In August 1820, being then, in his lliirli
ctli year, Mr. Polk was chosen to repre
sent his district in Congress, and in Decent
ber following took Iiis seat in thai body,
where lie remained until the year 1838.
lie brought with him into tho national conn
oil certain fundamental principles to which
he uniformly adicrcd through all iho inula
nous of the party. Ilcing from his early
youth a Republican, lie has over regarded
the Constitution of the United States as an
instrument of specific ar.d limited power.",
which doctrine is al the basts oj, the llciio
'tratic creed. Mr. Polk is a strict construe
tionist, and has ever opposed the latitudina
nan interpretation that federalism gives to
the Constitution, and which tend lo the
cousolodation of ail power in the general
government. Ho took early ground against
both the constitutionality and expediency of
an United States Hank) and iu August 1820
months bennc the appearance of General
Jackson's first message, lie published a IcU
ler to his'constitu'ents containing Iiis views.
lie strenuously advocates a reduction of
the federal revenue to the economical wants
the government' which should be raised by
a tariff based upon revenue principles, and
afford such incidental protection as may be
tiotcssary to sustain American manufactures.
During General Jackson s term ho was
firm suppuricr of Iiis administration, and on
certain questions ol gteat importance, its
chief reliance. In the hour of trial he was
never found wantinc, or from his post. In
December, lie was placet! on tho tm
portant commiltco of Foreign Affairs, and
shortly after at the head of the Select Com
mittcu to which was relerrei. the portion ol
tho President's message calling llie attention
of Congress lo the probable accumulation of
i surplus in thu treasury alter the extinguish
incnl of the national debt. As the head of
this commiltco he made an able report, re
pletc with sound argument and doctiine tbh
enforced, deuyinc the constitutionality of
the power to collect money from ihe people
by taxes, and then distributing it; and main
tained that the revenue should be reduced
to the wants of the Government.
In December, 1832, ho was transferred
to thd Committee of ways and means, tin
most important committco of tlio House.
There again lie distinguished himself, and
was placed al the head of the committee.
Ills coolness promptitude, aid abundant in
tcllectual resources were never at fault : ant
through the whole of the stormy period ol
Jackson s administration, caused by the vi
olent opposition of tlio United States Hank,
Air. Polk enforced with great power and
ability tho propriety of tlo ineastites of tin
In December, 1835, Mr. Polk was chosen
Speaker of the House, and elected again in
183?. During the wlvoli term ol his Speak
orship, in all the cmctgencics in which Ik
was called upon to act, ho sternly adhered
to Iiis convictions of duly, and few. men
have ever pursued a firmer or more consist
eni course than Mr. Polk Notwithstand
ing the violenco witli which ho was ubsail
cd by the opposition in the House, Con
giess passed, at the close of the session ol
1838, an unanimous vote of thanks to him
as tho presiding officer, from whom it separi.
ted with the kindest leelingf ;. and no man cn
inyrd i's cotifidcm o or friendship in a high
or degree, 11 is calmness and good tomper
frenucntly allayed the violence o nppnsi
ttnh, a power for which his coolness and
sagacity eminently qualified him.
In 1830, Mr. Polk was elected uovcinor
of llie Siate of Tcnnessco, which office lie
held until 181 ! Thus wo seootir candi
late for tho Presidency has tilled various
honorable stations in tho councils uf the na
lion, and tho highest office iu the gift of
the people of his State. And he is deslin
cd shortly to be elevated to the highest of
all oarihly stations. Air. rout's private
character is as pure as Iiis "pul lie 1110 11111"
been exalted; and the country docs not fur
nisli a man of moro pure and stcadfasl devo
lion to (lie great and fundamental principk
of our Republican Government than James
Iv. Polk, the personal and political menu oi
Andrew Jackson and Alarlin Van lltirci).
The Democratic Union, in speaking
if the nominations by the National Con
vention, says;
The nomination of our distinguished
fiieml and fellow-citizen,
for the second office in .Iho pjf; of t In
American peoplej is a compliment to
Pennsylvania, which sho will fully an-
nreciale at the ballot boxes. Mr. Dallas
is a native of Philadelphia, and tho eldoi
,on of Alexander James Dallas, Secreta
ry of the Treasury tinder Mr. Madison
As. early us 1813, Mr. Dallas accQinpn.
oied Albeit Gallaliti, minister lo Si.
Petersbui (, as his confidential serretan
under Iho appointment of Mr, MadUon,
In AuKtlsl ISM, Mr. $AiS telurnedlo.
the U. S., bfaring the tlcspatche front
the American commissioners then hold
lug their sessions at Ghent. Jo 181?
he was appointed tlepuly Attorney Gen
eral for tho city of Philadelphia, and
soon avo evidence o( b thoso legal
adornments that havu since won their
way to enviable rt riown. Having been
among tho first iu I'ennt-yl v'ania to es
iiotise iho catuc of Gencial JACKSON,
that illustrious Patriot, an It in election
to Ihe Presidency, appointed him Dii-
u icl Attorney of the United Suu-i lit
the year 1828, he was rhosen to iho
iMaj orallty ot Ihe city ol Plnlaitelphi j
In tlio year 1831, Mr. D. wac elected lo
thu United Slates Senate, in which en
lightened body he ranked as one ol its
ablest antl most accomplished dcbalcis.
At the close of Iiis senatorial ler in, ha
was appointed by Governor Wolf At
torncy General for Pcnnsylviinin,whicli
he occupied until Mr. Kiliicrs election
in 1835, when he, of course, wi'lidrew,
On llie elevation of Mr. Van Uuicn, lit)
was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and
Miiii.-Uur Plenipotentiary to Hti?Mia, in
which country ho remained until
Iu his politics lie has always been tho
oiighly arid consistently Democtattc,
and on thu new issue of tha re-.inncxa-
tion of Texas, ho has declared himself
months ago, in a letter to Senator Wal
:or, in favor ol immediate annexation
I'ho name of Mr. DjIUs gives the De
mocratic ticket gre,at strength in Penn
sylvania, and wo confidently predict
lis success by from 1C. lo 20,000 major
These auspicious nominations aro, in
our estimation, tile vciy best that could
have been made lo meet the approach
ing crisis. They aic a spontaneous
tribute lo unpretendi ng worth, solicited
by neither of thu d istingtiiMied nomi
nees. Already have they descended up
on the backs of our enemies like a cata
ract of ice-watcr. They sco in them.nn
well as o nr st I Vec, Ihe harbinger of an
unparallclled Dcmocialic victory, and
already hear the death-knell of Henry
Clay and his confederated spoilsmen
ringing in their ears. Democratic broth
em, lei us an oc inaniuui to l'ovtucnco
for this timely deliverance from the poi
sonous atmosphere of Doubt & Discord.
I he halcyon bird of Peace ha?, in great
mercy, hovered over tlio deliberation
of our friends, and dropped liealinir
from her wings! Our union is perfeci.
and our cause isjusl. Now wo can en
ter upon the dunes of tlio conflict witli
bold hands and buoyant hearts, toufi'
dent of success. Now our youngmen,
and our old, may go foitli proclaiming
in advance the tidings of another repub
lican triumph. 'worthy the bent' days"cf'
the American republic. From town to
hamlet, from village to cily,lhe "Crosi
of Fire" will bo enlhusiaslically sped,
summoning the Democratic Clansmen
lo the field. The call will he obeyed,
willi pleasure and alacrity. Not or.o
will flag in zeal, much less remain be
hind. Hut all will toko tho popular
rallying cry of Poi.k and Dallas upon
their lip, a il echo tho pure precepts of
Democi.icy from ihe valleys and Ihu
hill lops. Rejoice, then, democrat?,
once more rejoice.' The Union is sav
ed from tlio iron clutches of the grual
bargainer and bully, Henry Clay !
The Senate has at length concurred
in the resolution previously adopted by
he House, (or a final adjournment ot
Congicss on the 17ih instant. It i.-t
eamestlv Ip he hoped however, that tho
Senate will first pass t lie bjll providing-
lor the holding of tlio Piesidetitial elec
tion in all the states on tlio same day.
Il now romains lo be scon, whether a
whig Senate is tho advocalo of pipe-lay
ing,atid whether Mr.Clay is to be cheat
(I into llie Presidency, as was Mr. A-
dams in 1825. Willi thai body rests thu
We learn from tho EjsIoii Argti-,
that the books for the sale of the stock
of the above institution wcro opened on
last Monday a week. Two capitalists
from Arew York, proposed taking the
whole of the sloclc, but were refused.
When il is remembered, that the princi
pie of individual liability was incorpo
rated in tiiis charter, the avidity lo taku
iho 6tock proves conclusively that it
should have long since been univcisally
The nomination of Cul.Poi.ic was car
ried Ly means of the magnetic telegraph
fi oin Uallimoioto Washington, and tlio
response of Iho Democratic members of
Congress icturned, before the secretaries
had been alToided time to sum up ihu
iggregalo vote given by the delegates!
And (his was tho only wire working
thai took place. during the session of that

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