Newspaper Page Text
"merit vJT!ioi,,r rtn .ru.v: s,inu, FOR PRESIDENT, JAMBS K. POLK. PRESIDENT, GEORGE Mi DALiIjASo for GovnitNon, UENIiY A. MUHLENBERG' CVwj Corn n issian er. JOSHUA IIAItTSIIOKXE. P HE SID ENTIAL ELECTORS' Wilson McCanuluss, Asa Dimock, Senatorial HKrnnSKNTATIVR X Oonrao F. Lehman 2 C'liri tiitti Knead Win. U.Huiith 4 John Hill'(riiil.) 6 Samuel E. Leech fi Samuel Camp, 7 Jraso Sharpo 8 N. Sa'mplo U Wnii Ueindenrich 10 Conrad .Miimer 1 Stephen Ualil;' t" Jonah llrewstet LI Gforite Sehuablo 1-1 NVthaiiicI 1). Ebbed 15 M. N. Irvine 10 James Woodburn 17 Hush Momgomery 18 Isaac nkeny 19 John Mnthewa 20 Wm. Patterson '-M Andrew Unrko 'i'i John M'Gili 'i'.l Chiistiati Myers SI 'lobertOrr BLANKS ! ! HLANKS ! ! KT-Jiiniosniank KXEOUTIONS am! SUMMONS just printed and fur sale at this Uihcu TI2MPERANCE. The Blooinshurg Temporanci Society will meet on Stlnidny.Junc 8, at eat I3 rantlleli(lil,iii the Piesbyleiiau Chinch. The 1 tiblic i.1 It nncsted lo attend. An sddiess mey be expected. A. FOSTER, Sec, We this vieck place ol llic head of our paper the names of 10 Lit and DALLAS the nominees of the Democratic Nationa Convention for President and 'Vice I'rcsi dent, with'as much pleasure ts we ever ral lycd under tho banner of any candidate in a political controversy, believing that the de itinerants party, the tvhole patty, will he united in their support, and sccuro tln.ii t cotton by a iriumiiliani vote. e are strengthened in our belief from the univer sal pleasure that covers the face of every 'democrat with whom we meet, and tho cha gnu and disappointment that pervades those of the whigs. The wliigs had built their hopes of success 0:1 a division in the demo cratic ranks, confidently expecting that a man would bo nominated by the National Convention, who would not unito the part) in his support; but now, hearing the uni crsal shout from every quarter, of ' Polk and Dalian,' and not a dissenting voice to greet thoir aching car, they are almost ready to give up the contest in despair and vcxa lion. Tho nomination has, in fact, completely jostled tho whigs from the track, and in or der to again icfit for service, they mus manufacture new matter for their speeches, and new songs mum be written; as even the yellow kiver has becomo almost obsolete' Hut no matter, now or old, it is all the same to them. Polk and Dallas will be elected, and Henry Clay allowed to remain ;it Ash jaud. JC7Vo were presented a few days since with a stalk of live, from the farm of Jon athan Stroiip, of Mount Pleasant township. measuring eight feet three inches in length This heats all the boasted Kye, of Danville, not onlv in length, but it has tho quality of beinir finod Removal Rye; and raised too, on what the Danvillo people call ' the bar ten lands of1 Fi shine Crrek.' Wo would adviso the Danvillo boasters In try again, and if we cannot again excel them in Rye wo will this fall show tl.nm, tho growth of ono season, a larger and belter Furnace es tablishmcut than any they can produce in 4 their section. 5iI7-It is said that a large amount of n hig speeches, documents, and elee.ii.inci'riny pamphlets had been printed alW.vhinglon. folded, directed I franked, ready to he sent thronuhniil tho country as tmon as ii should be announced thai Van ILireu was nominated Ono man it U said hud expend cd eight thousand dollars in printing painph r lets cxpicstdy directed ajpnuat hi" election These documents am all now laid up e dry iug at Washington as useless lumber A new hatch must be manufactured to Miit the limes There appeurs 10 no truth in the report of an insurrectionary movement in Canada, as neither the Cnpada '. or Bufl'rlo papers make any meiiliuii of il, fftcinocvnlic Meeting. A very latgo and ctithusiafiic meeting if the Democratic citizens of the vicinity, convened at the house of Samuel Harmon, Lime Ridge, Ulrom tnwnship.on Saturday, June 1,1811, for the purpnso of responding iotlic proceedings of ilieU.l in oreDcmoerat ic National Convention' The meeting was organised by calling Col. II. WEBB to the chair; and appointing Stacey Ii. M. Vantz, John U'orkhtiser, Charles Doebler, Solo mon Neuihard; Charles Kahler, Vice Pre sidents; Jacob Garrison and John Swuby, Secretaries. After tho meeting had been addressed by Col. Henry Webb, Col. Levi L Tito, Slaatcs B M Yantz, Esq, and Mr Reuben Weaver, the following resolutions were a doptcd with three hearty cheers, that made iho welkins ring, satisfying the whigs pre sent that the Dcmocialio party weie united to u man upon their candidate?, and thus destroying their fondest hopes of a division in out ranks, and blasting every prospect of the el (clion of Henry Clay. Resolved That we heartily and enthusi isticallv respond to the .nomination of JAMES, K POLK, of Tennessee, as the Democratic candidate for the Presidency ; tndof GEORGE M DALLAS, of Penn sylyania, for the Vice Presidency, End thai we pledge ourselves individually and col lectively, to give them our hearty support: mil that we will ratify this pledge at ih pollit in November nexi, by a majority ii the Stat of tlio Worth, of at least 1 0Q0 RcsoUcd That this be our mono De mocrats push on that column I Raise higl the Democratic Standard 1 and let the Bat de shout be, 'Poll;, Dallas, duhlenburg and Demucrpcy' Resolved That tho proceedings be pub lished in the Democratic papers 111 the coun ty and at llarrisburg Several very appropriate resolutions were introduced by Mt Yantz, and unanimously adopted, which we regret to say, have been been mislaid, which renders it impossiblt- I'or us to publish them in connection will the proceedings KFThe steamship Caledonia atrived ;.l Boston on Saturday morning last, in tt remarkable short passage of twelve and a half tlnys. The sentence of Daniel O'Counell has been postponed until the next term. Mean while he is actively engaged in pushing for ward his favorite movement. 'j'ho proposed annexation of Texts to the United Slates attracts the attention of Euro pcan Governments, The English ministry havo resolved to oppo3e it, if the;, can l'hfl Revolution in Italy weats a threat cning aspect. The French Covcrnmcnt has recedcil from its determination to abolish slavery in its Colonics immediately, and a system ol instruction ar.d gradual emancipation adopt cd in its stead Portugal is still in a troubled and excited statu, and the weakness of the Govoriimer.t rendered moro apparent every day The Baltimore Sun, speaking of the Convention that nominated Polk, and in icference to the confusion that occur- ed at one stage of its proceeding", paid the following compliments to Col. 1J. I). Wright . " It is due hero as a matter of obscr vtlian. to remark, that to what extent soever, any of the members of the Con vention may think proper lo infiing upon tho order ot the house, it is impo sible to awaul loo high a degree ot praise, or In (latter with the most laboreif eulogy, iie dignity, forbcaiancc, dic- crelion, urbanity and gentlemanly beai ing in every tespeel of the piusldinv olficer of those exciting scenes. Con slant in his cllurls to preset vc that deco rum which should invariably character i;-.c such an assembly, lie' is entitled to the rtfpecl, the esteem and the confi deuce of all." Time lo -flowWtTFavo published the accounts of tho great Mississippi flood, which so covered tho Illinois hoi turn, thai many doubled whether there was a bottom ot all. ftlanv ol Iho in habitants had lo move off in boats. (Joe individual, the St. Louis Revicllt says, was found between Si. Louis and (ho moiilh of iho Ohio, lately, standing on Hie site of 0 depailed woodpile, up 10 his middle in water,& hanging on by ihe hianch of a tree, " Hollo,' cried he, Ilowsihu river above i" " Six feel more straicht on end coming out of Missouri."' bawled ou in H'ply lite captain of the steamboat at. if Mil led past. "Hy gosh !" said tho fellow, "well, P II move!" An immense. rru meeting wa held n Philadelphia on Saturday evening (isl,to respond to the nominations made by tho National Convention. Among other resolutions iho following were passed. Resolved That wo cannot hut admire the magnanimous coml let of iho friend of ptomincnl candidates in the Convcn lion, in sacrificing, at the proper mo ment, 011 tho altar of lltoir county, 1 heir particular predilections and partialities, with a view to piomote that unanimity so essential to success against a wily and reckless ei omv. Resolved That in James K. Polk.ol reunesee,lho Convention has (-ivou us a candidate who may uafely challenge the severest bcriltiny of the federal Pr b into his public and private I1F0. We know that ho is, and has ever been j consistent and unwavering democrat that ho came into political tile mulct I he auspices of the Sane and liero of the Heinitage 'hat a close fiienddhip has evei 'subsisted beiwoen them that Mr. Poll; was found by the side of Jack son throughout his snuggle will) thai monster ol iniquity and corruption, the United Status JJank and retard these is jul the qualifications that should re c immnnd him to democratic fieemeti, and for whic'i we will, through the ir resistablc power of the ballot box, ele vate him to the chair of Slate, which has been worthily filled by a Jeileisoh, n Jackson and a Van Huren. Resolved That the nomination of Geoige, AI. Dallas for the Vice Piesiden 'y is a meiited tiibute of respect to the Keystone Stale, by the selection of one jt her most talented eons a pure elates man, a sound lawyer, a ripe sclioljr,and a ripe den corat, of whom wo are justly proud n I who, we pledge ouiselveK 10 the democracy of the Union, will po form (0 the letter and spirit of the Constitution the duties of the stition to which his countrymen design to elevate him, The fir.-t State Election which takes place is Lonisana. It occurs on tho firs' Monday of July, about four weeks from he present lime. It will he followed by that or North Caroline, on the first T nirsday in August, Tennessee the same ti ne; Alabam.i tho fust Monday of the same month; Kentucky the sinw imc, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri ai he same time-, also. Thce election.' will be anxiou.-ly wa'ched hy the poli ticianc, and the result will indicati orettv nearU huw the same Slate will 'o in November, in the PcesTdc7iTfaf c mlest. The General Assembly .Adjourned, The Presbyterian General Assembly w nch his been holding in session at Louisville, Ky., adjourned sine die on Previous to the adjoin n ment, the "older questions," which have elicited so much discussion in the Church 1 u r ng the last year or two, were decided. The resolutions before lb house went to affirm the decision of the ast General Assembly, denying the light of ruling elders lo lay on hands in the ordination of minister., and declar ing that, according to the constitution of ihe Chinch, three ministers were stiff! cicnt lo ronsiiiule a quorum of a prcsby tery. The subject was debated for sev oral day?, and then the resolutions wen adepted by the following vole: On tht uidinaiion question, ayes 151, nays 24, in the quorum question, ayes 131, na 44. ' Dreadful accident al Williamsburg The New oik papers ol biturdaj ecord a dreadful accident al Williamc hurg on Friday evening. Six childrei were killed and one badly hurt by tin caving ol a banU ol carin. it appear that they playing bancatn tho bank, when it gave way and buried them he icalh many loos of earth. Vigoiou men, with spades, wero instantly ol work, and succeeded in rescuing alivi the adupled daughter of Mr Clevenger, ferry mister, named Ida Wiggins, who is now able to speak, although horribly bruised and deprived of an ryo. Tin other six were dead befoic the men ai work reached them. Ono is the (laugh tor of Mr. Paul, diugaist, aged 9 years; three are children of Mr. Lewis Jones, carpenter, of Grand slrecl, Harriet and Abigail, aged about IJnnu 0 years, ai d Mai v Jones, aged about 18 months: Marthn, daughter of Georne Darlington lied 4 or 5 years: tho mm is JJelila Spcnce, 1 i years old, daughter of a la boring man. The Jourlh Candidate J oc Smith has sent recently fifty ono missionaries into dif forent States lo preach ilur monism, and electioneer for the Prophet as a candidate lOtjlio presidency Immigrants. The number- of Immi grants arrived at Nevt York on FVlday was 24123. There have arilved at the Quarantine Ground during the month of May, 235 vessels from foieign polls, being an increase of S3 over the corres ponding month of last year. Tho a- hove vessels brought S950 passengers, being an increase of 2140 passengers. Lakes Huron and Superior. Tin estimated expense of constructing a ca nal, 12 feel deep and 100 wide, in .the most substantial manner, connecting Likes Huron and Superior,is 454,107 )" Its I n'lh will he about a niilr.O. e of the bills before Congress contains on appropriation for this object. The ca nal is intenucd to be lame cnoiinh to admit the passage of steamers oi GOO tons. Rumors. The following arc the lest lUmors. What degree of credit is to be aitiched lo them we cannot say It is riimnicd that Col. Johnson has de dined running on the ticket with Mi Tyler, aud that Gov. Shannon is to be iho substitute. It is also lumoied thai Mr. llantoul, of Boston, is to be nomi nated as Secretary of the Treasury. ouNrnnFEiTijits. A nest ol conn terfeiters haw been discovered in Massac 1 ml Pulaski counlies in Iho Souther pari of Illinois. Seveial ai rests have been made, and one of he fellows tried mil sent lo the penitentiary. Some fif teen or twenty have been indicted, and supposed this is not moto than half ill number engaged in the villanous busi ness. The money made was principally half eagles. A Dr, Wyatl, of Massac was the head of the gang. The number of deaths in 1 he city of New York Iut week was 173. THE MARKETS. I3i.oo.MsiiiMto, June 8, 1S11. Wheal, Rye, Corn, 90 50 40 Cloversccd, Flaxseed, .Buyer, Oats Ei-gi, Tallow, L111I Dried Apples, While -A'eans Beeswax, G 00 1 20 10 "31 - -C if 1 00 1 00 20 WrmmMMm Elloomsbitr, Colunibin Co. Til ti subscriber lospee.ifully informs h: friends, and the public generally ;ihat be ha takeii that well known stand, in Blooms burff. formerly kept by William Robisor and that the House und Stables are under ','oint; a thorough repair As his bar will ihva) s be furnished with the choicest ol Liquor.', mil his Larder with the best the market atlortls, anu having gnnil Kiahlini; anil atientive hostlers, lie with ennfldenr invites aW in call anil test Ins nhilnv as a caterer fur the palato and stninnch, and flat ters himself that mine will leave uissatiu cd with their treatment, I'hc worth of the pudding isjtold 111 thoentins, 'omegivo it a trial, (hero will ho no cheating; Ueast and .Man shall always go away rejoicing, Swcaiing by thopowcrs.tliey'llcallon returning. M. SILVUUTHORN. June 8, 18147. 3m. NOTI C'E SS hereby given to the public, that I havehirei' to j.ewia Mcasle, a (niall DAY HOlWK.wiil a wart in tho near eye, for Ihe purpose of boatiiu during my pleasure, und I forbid any person lalunt tho aitl horsa from him, cither by purchase or oth erwise, without my consent. iuAii . ritual ists. May 20, 18 tt. 7 AN APPRENTICE TO THE Tailoring Business Sjwanlcd immediately by tho subscriber. A lad 15 or I fi years of age, who can como well ic- commended, will receive good encouragement. U. .'tUI'KK I . Dloomsburg, May 00, I8U. (i NOTICE S hereby giicn to all concerned, that I have pur chas'd at Constable sale, as iho mooctv of jatiuin v jik, uni viiiuwing propony, anu nave leu tho name in his possession during my pleasure, and forbid any person taking it from him, cither bv our. I t.-ll- ! . 1 1 . ehase or otherwise without my consent, viz: . Ono grev horse; ono brown mate; ono two homo wagon; twelve acres of Kye in ihogrouod, and half of five acres new ground wheat. JOHN H0M30N, My 13, 18111, DISSOL UTION OF PA R TjSEU SHIP T "tlZ Copartnership heretofore existing between . Owen D, Leib it- Gforne Krcdeilck. at the atUttitfit Foundry Wos iliwolvcd on tlio ISlli ol March lait by mutual consent. All nersons know ing thennelvc indebted, will ploaso make pn merit, mil thoic having claim will present them toUncn icn win) is (July uutnorlsnl to ncllle. . OWKN D. I.KIll, okohgi: ritllDKKtClC. N. II. The liiuincsi will In future bo conJuctci by Oenrgo I'redttlcJj.who respectfully solicits aeon- unuancn i patronage. May 20, 1841 .1. NOTICE. THE Member of tho Independent Troon, no-). kcixing Slate arinn or nccouticmcnti of any desciip 11011, are mpmcd to lortliwitn deport tlicm, either wiin ur. ueorge, (Jrnngcvlllo, tl iu. Neal Uloomsljurg.or with Ilnght It. I'axton, Cattawis FRFDEHIOK SWABY, Capl. May 25, 1014. 0. NOTICE Till! Members of (ho Hloomshurfi Artillery, pos tiesung Slate arm or accoutrements ofanvdecciin lion, are requeued forthwith lo letum them lo mo, that new airuiigemcnU may bo niude Willi the lirl gaue inspector. 11. WHtlB, IJapt. May 25, 18115. TO Iho JT.l.M'INf! il'SIMWSis wantedim mediately at this Office. A anient active lad, 15 or II) vcarkol a(je will rtteive good encouragement. ipriiy7, imi. A DMIN1STRA TOR'S NOTICE. Estate of George '.err, lute of Cattawissa tuivnslup, aeccasea. OTIUK 19 hereby given that letters of admin istration, on the above mentioned estatc,vcre thU day granted to tho subscriber residing in thr town ot Uattawisaa. All petBiius indolitcd to the said estate nro hereby notified to make immediate payment, and llioao liaving-clauns arn requested to present tucm piopcrlv Hulhenticateil to KZKA n. llAYitUKST, Adm'r. Cattawissa, May 88, 18 U 5. TrOTICE h hereby given to tho StocUholJcrs Jjw in the company for erecting a llridgo over t lie JNortli Last irancu ot tho river busqueliaiia liclwccu the town of (Jattavyisa and 1I18 mouth of r ishuigcieck, that the Manaicra have tins dav de elaml a divi lend of Scvnit u-llvc Ceuttjicr Slmrr fur tho last ci v inonllis, (equal to G per cent, per annum) irhich will ho paid said stockholder or Ihcir legal reprcsentativej, at the 7 reasurer a Oflice mi or alter tlio loth inst. i:ZI!A S. HAYHITRST, Treasurer. Treasurer's Olilcc, (Jattawissa, April 1, 1811. NOTICE. rgnllOSE pcrsoos having demands against the O Ivommoiiwetllh, for uhor performed, or ma lenals furnished, for ihe repairs of the NORTH BRANCH prior to tho Dili .day of January, 1811, who have licit handed to subscriber an account of the bame, are requested lo do so at tho eailicst possihlo mo mrntr'liiTli'dcMltat tliey ih'ay-be5 putiirfontrfor set' llcment, as noon as Ihu fund-t appropriated for the payment of old debts can be obtained. Tlc living at a distance arc requeued to for ward by. mail or otherwise. W. It. MAFFET, Supervisor. W'ilkesbarrc, May 3, 184 1. FgSSff, IS AC $3 &c. Tlie Sitliiicrlbcr is receiving and for Sale 20 EEls. MACKKKEL it SHAD, 20001bS, SMOKED BACON, ALSO, Jl GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF i 5 :7( 1 1 '5 &c. itc fur which he will lake GRAIN LUMBER and PRODUCE generally. Matthew Mcdowell, Williamsburg, May 10, 1811. iVJEW CASH STORE H HE subscriber informs iho public that he hat B taken Iho blorelonnerly occupied by Ueora Weaver, on Main-street, Jioomsburg, and lias opened an iixtcunitc ash&oitmcnt ot Dry Goods, Groceries Quccnsware and Hardware, ompnsuig almost every article usually kept h a com.tiy Store, which ho olTeru for hjIo on lb miMt reasiinahlo terms, for CAISH or COUN I'itV I'KODLCD. ELIAS WEKTAIAN. Dloomiburg, May 11, 1811. Jif. TArir.ORBxcio IIV, subseribei respectfully informs liis frieml.. and old customers, that in has lemovt-d 1. Viiliainshurg, near M, ArDowcll s store, w hero In oiiiiuiics the 111 all its various branches, ami pledge himtelf t. 10 worn entrusted to him, 111 tho best and' manner, at moderate prices. IIu hopes for a :har. ot jmblic paironagOj .llli-Hl'll V., FKUDKKICK.S. May .1, 1811-2. N. . All kind of trade, such as lumber, grain c., taken in payment for work. TO OftT55ATOJ5S. TrattOl'OSALS will ho immediately received bv rl tho eubscr'ber at the wtorc ol ihe UlnninOuin nan jiuau nun 1. unii,iny, ror ininins Irom i 1 , . t . . c THHKE to FIVE THOUSAND Ions of Iron O10, on the property ownoj by Fishe & Morgan, hto a part ol t bo Molick I'aim, and de liverinc tho siuiu at Ksiivlown. OH A HI i:SK. PA.VTO.V. Htoomsburtr, April 11, I'n-t. A IV At'T To Authorise the Removal of the teal of ..uoiuc in me county oj Uolmiioiu, and or ot er vurnosen. sVHKItKAS, a largo tnajorily.of iho taxable in. habitants of iho County uf UoluiSbia have, by.thcir ,,,..,., rti ,nu 1011m ticneral ANclnWy ot ihu Commonwealth, the great hardships and irkou- Duller 111 cuiisiupjeiire ol tho sedl ot luslice lor said county being Incited t 'Danville, Alncb they Hate to bo situated on the veige of tliu county, and praying the samu may he renfoved to tlie town of Hloomsliurg. For remeily wheteof, 011"1-1 "c it enacted by the Semite am' ilMiiff Representatives nf the Vommvuvtu'tU r' . w..,.. ,,u.,,u w. ucitcrfu stmeemtiif met, it J i. ivy ttumu Uy me rMimruy vj the tuine, '1 hot it any time wiihin three eiirs fruit 1 tht waimrtdp nf1 ihia shall be lawful furtlm ritm n fit lllnnrittt iiurn. In the county of Columbia, to erect, or couna 10 iy8 ermeu, el 1I1I21K OWN I'ltOPISIl H.VriJNsU, in the town of llloomsburg suitable liuildiiigi,of brick or stoJic, of not loss size and di, mcnsions man me county buildings now at tlfji villc, for a Court House, piUon, ami dtiTerent olli. ccs for the keeping of tho public lecords, under tho direction of iho county Commissioners, who are authorised to receive a conveyance for such lot or 101s 01 giounus, tur the mo oUuch comity buiW bigi, not cjcceding one acre, in Tec simple, clear of all incumbrances, for the use of the county of Co lumbia. The aaid buildings to be etotled on such lot or lob) of ground thus conveyed. Aml-tiio said county Commissionem nro hrr, !, ujiUwuru" to. .ell at public auction, orolimrwi-, nil Hie right, t -tlo and interest nbih tho said lounly may havo in the real eUalo situate in the town of -Danville, and to execute a 'onveyance to the purchnwr or purchasers, and tho .VUNKY AI!lSh(l FUOM vim sami; 'I'D hi: paid into thr lOSFs'V' TUl:ASlJ,!Y I'OK COUATi' I L J- Sic. :. Thatns soon aHho pul.lio builJingj nro completed according to the pio'isions of-tbe fust section of this act, tho Commissioners nforciaid ...inn ihu a ii-pori oi uic same in the Court of Com mon l'lcaiors'aid county, und thereupon tire coih iiiissioneM am1 5hcriiro( f.aid county, RlmU'cuue ihu prisoners, if any theie confined in llie'i I j -jtrisi a 10 00 ruiciy removcu 10 me new, and the pulun- pa pers and lecords there rcmainum in tlm nuliliciilh. ces at Danville, to be safely deposited in tho new i)Uildliig3so u aloreiaiil limit and prepared for tha reception theieof.nnd from thencef.iiih the seal of luslieo in and for tho county of Columbia1 shall cease to bo at Danville, anJ the Mmn shall I'm removed and fixed at the lown of Ulnomsbui". in tho said county, and tho public ollices hcrelofom kejit, and tlie courts of justieo heretofore lieiii at Ujiivpio, (ii and ror baul county of Columbia, shall l-e keptand held ot DIoomsburg, in tho buildings erected for their accommodation as- iiforesaid. ir.c. J. It shall be hful for the citizens of llloomsburg to obtain sub-criplions from any trea son or persons willing to subscribe any money or materials for the election of such public hnildingr. as art provided for in the first section of (hid ail, and in default of the payment of the same.thu coijtfc, ly commL ioners are hereby tmpowerul trt V1H suits to be Irou -hl in the name of Ihe county to enforce die collection of the same, and when collect ed to be applied towards defraying tho cAprnses of such building. Br.c.4. So much of the existing laws nf this Commomveailb as ore altered by this act be and the tame axe hereby repralid. Wmmem fx UUSI1EI.S OP COI2TbT w,r wiiirh tliu hiL'hei pric .vill be paid in CASH or GOODS. E. II. 15IG0S. Fibruary 17. -BEE HSVES A' New Kind. THIS is one of the be.t eonslriiited Dec Hives ever invented. It is so arranged, that you rim Iraw from the bees, honey at any season of thn year, without any injury to them. It also pri'tciil he bees being injured by the worms. Tho subscri ber is now prepared to dispose of township or nnglo lights ii tho following townthii b, on tho most reasonable term-i. Ulooin, lleiulook, Liberty (efl'ersou, Mt. Pleasant, Greenwood, Orange, Fishing creek, yugarloafJml Jackson. lie also keep? them on hand, ready made, which he will sell cheap. He has in his Dec house, several swarms of bees in operation in hives of tlie obovo dcsciiplionq which ho would invite iho public (0 call and ex imitie, for ho bc!ieeslhat all who do so, will at once acknouledgo that they aio thobesa hhesncv in use. fiEOUCE I, ILIA. DIoomsburg, April 13, IsPM. On Tucsbay, the 1 llh iust., upon the tocpalh.le. tween the Lock kept by me, und ihe Lock kept by .ur. lUHK, u A CALFSKIN 1'OCKET BOOK, containing a TWO JOM.Alt aipj a ONE il'Jl,. IjAU. Jltljl,; a Uuc UiII against C-umuet uarmautor liileen dollar; ilso, I think, a Nuto igainst Wm Mclfelly &. Co. foi sixtt -dine dollars, uid sovcral othcr'pai'crs of no consonueneo In anv 0110 but die owner. (J. A.;D. is wriltcn inside tlio pocket book with a lead pencil. If the finder wiJI letiini il tn Iho subscriber, or leave it at tho nrlico. at Ihe Uolumala.Uemociat, he shall bo liberally re. warded. JOSEPH ML LEV. May 17, 18U. 4 nTPpjFe. ; - "IIE co-partnership ot Furry Urowii haviinj Lcpii dissolied by miilu il coiisenti it brrnmu uuee(jary that Ihe accounts of tiic concern kliould no cIoihI iuimcdialely. As the subscriber Inn tl a woks o l!ie hrm in lira. prsscs,inn ami it aulbou.'4 ml to collect tho debts, lie requesls all pcrsum in- lenieu 10 ran aim pay tlio demands against them Ailhnut delay, WILLIAM FURKV. IIIoomliur, May 1, IBM AND ?TnHE tubscribcrhisat all times on iund.S Vctt Ji Stuff to soli such ?R VND.HHORl s ind SHIP6Tta'F, at moderate priros "ill also have a full biippiy of NOVASCOTIA tnd LAKE PLASTEli the comimr Fiuine on Hand ground. m. Mcdowell. McDowell's Mills, Janurrv 20, 1814. P.Y Til K PRINTER, QUICKLY. -