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( olmiibia Democrat I hate sworn upon the Altar of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over th Mind of Man Thomai Jefferson Volume YlfiB. OFFICE OF Till? nRiTnpDAm OrrosiTK St. Paul's Church, Main-st The CO J. UMllLQ DEMOCRAT will be hall i enrhi in . v....' tn - yy mwa,i noi pant within the year. ATo subscription will be taken for a stiorlci period tiun aix mtmlhu'tm,- ,..., ,;:-.. timtancc pcrmittcd,until all arrearages are discharged, JiDVP.nTlkv.w ,vn .. ,. . 0 m execcamz u square, will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollaror the first thrccinsertions, " "'rjtvc cyuv tor even subsc intent nxp.rtinn. r w 3 .i . l ' ncu IUHCUUIU r l"ni?Jihf'V?ho a'lvrrl Hi the year . .. uiiomtasfjiiiis POETRYo TEXAS, THE LONE 6TAH OP THE SOUTH." BV J. r. DOW. Far southward o'er tho Sabine's stream, A young republic lifts her head, Whose single star ilntli proudly gleam O'er valor' gravo and glory's bed, That star of empiro took us llight From freedom's coronal of light Heamed oe'r Jacinto's deathless plain, And watched a nation's biith again And there how sad, how strangoly still, Tho Indian city sits alone; No herd upon the verdant hill ; No nkeleton beneath tile stone ; Forsaken mart oftagcs, start Life's current fronjf tlfy'maibfe heart ; And bid the pulso of empire beat Throng!- ivied hall and mossy street. Beside the green and scullurcd piles Whose rooQi support the anckent woods. Tho hunter's home in beauty smilej, And joy runs through the solitudes. And where the wostornDruid trod, And offered human blood to God, The gospel bell doth sweetly chime, At Sabbath morn and even time, The fiecc Cumanche seeks his home Beyond the Rio Bravn's wave; No more in bailie paint u roam Around his father's sunken grave . Wliilejthe broad stream, whose bosom ne'er Knew but the swan and fallow deer, Whirls the swift steamboat's wheels along. And echoes to tho boatman's song. Oh 'tis a fair and goodly land, Where restless spirits love tn roam; Where labor spreads his rugged hand, And decks with flowers contentment home : Wliero prairies vast tho woods embrace, And rivers run their endless race, And wild winds whisper to tho sea iOf ages past and yet to be. To its green breast young nations cling, fj'o raise the wail of it.fant life; While commerce spreads Iter ocean wing, And war's wild bugle wakens firife. And 'there the fiecman from afar Sees on its flag a pilgratn star; And (drives tho glorious hour to learn When the ' Lost Pleiad' shall return. There shall the wave of lifo roll on; As rolled the north on Europe's shore, Till the last boundary is won, And ocean's voices drown its roar. tO'cr martyr's grave and monarch's lomi O'ei tyrant's throno it knighthood's plume; tO'cr craven boats to slaughlHr led The northern soldier's foot ntiall tread. 'What 1 let the British linn roam Along lite prairies of the south? , Leave life, and liberty, and home, Denendani on his corv mouth ? Oh t eooner should our children fold In deenesl oliame the stats of cold. ' ilnd burv freedom's buniir.c shield every deathless battlefield. Oh for a coal of burning fire That from the Almighty'j censors fell, I o touch tho lips of son and sire. And break tho soul destroying epell I Then should tho freeman scorn the name Of him who dipped his pen in shame ; And o'er the Revolution's urn, Forbade a sister Stale's return. ABC. DY KLIZA COOK. Oh, thou Alpha Beta row, Fun and freedom's earlictl fos, iJhall I e'er forget the piimer I numb d beside some Mrs. Trimmer, While mighty problem held mo fast, I'o know if Z was first or last? And all Pandora had foi mo Was emptied forth in A B C. Teasing things of toil and trouble, Fount of many a rol.iug bubble, How I strived with pouting pain, To gel thee quartered on mv brafp, But when the giant feat irasdone, How nobly wise the field I'd won ! Wit, reason, wisdom, all might be Enjoyed through simple ABO. Steps that lead to topmast heigh', Of worldly fame and human might, Ve win the orator's renown, The poet's bay, the scholars gown; Philosophers must bend and say I was ye who ope d the glorious wnv; Sage, statesman, critic, where is he Who's not obligeJ to A B C ? Ye really ought to bo exempt, From alighting taunt, and cool contempt; But drinking deep from learning's cup, We scorn the hand that filled it up. Bo pourlrous, pedants. slay and thank Your servants of the Roman rank, For F. R. S. and L. L. f). Cn only spring from A B C. A very good widow lady, wh was look ed up to by the congiegalion to which shf belonged as an example of piety, contrived to bring her conscience to terms for one little indulgence. Sho loved porter, and one day jusn as she was receiving half a do zen bottles from the man who usually brought her the comforting beverage, she perceived (O horrid!) two of the grave el lers of the church approaching the door. She ran the man out of the back wnv. and pot the buttles under the bed. The wcajh er was hot, and while conversing with her sage friends, pop went one of the corks. Dear me !' exclaimed the lady ; therp iops the bed cord; it snapped yesterday just in the same way , I must have a new one provided. In a few miniilen pop went another ac sompanied by the peculiar hiss of the es raping liquor. 1 he rope' would nt do again t but the good lady war not a loss. Dear mo,' said she, ' that black cat of untie must be at some mischief there' Schait Another bottle popped off, and the porter came stealing out fiom undoi tho bed cut tains. ' Oh dear mo !' she cried. I had foignt its the yeast ! Here Prudence, come ind take away these bottles of yeait.' Sambo, you niggar, are you afraid of work!' Gor Amighly bless you, "massa, I no fraidof work, I'll lie down and go asleep close by him side, It is said tint when Robert Emmet was ijeending tl'e scaffold in Dublin, in the year 1803, ho gave the oxecutioner a guin ea, upon Hindi tho latter, in order to show his gratitude for so liberal a bequest,touched his hat tike a true born Irishman, and ex laiming, long life to your honor,' put the money in his pocket. An Irishman happened to be stunned by i spent ball, one of his comrades tmmedi ately ran up to him, and shouted lustily in his ear, 'Hallo, Dennis,! say, are you dead? Ojh no, my dear honey,' replied the pros rale son of Jtfars, ' Fin not dead, bufl'm speechless.' II. WEBB, EDITOR BL.OOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, JUJVJE 15, TsIiT From the New York Sunday Mercury. Short I'atuut gormoii. ur dow, jn. My text is contained in these words; Be satisfied and murmur not Thai God has made you as you ate. My hearers Man is a made u mats of miyery, doubt and discontent. lie is dissatisfied with his Maker, with him self, and with tho whole world. lie ihinks that, if lie could but have had the. making of himself, he would have some tiling as perfect as perfection trouble proof, and subject to none of the weai and tear of a ledioug and toilsomo exis tence; but, in my humble opinion, it would bo as nice a piece of botch-work js ever mortal beheld. lie is dissatisfi ed with himself because, having t hi power 10 aci anu periorm. he cannot woik miracles, or accomulifh impossi t,.i;t.. ir.. !. .i! .. kiimiio. j.iu is uissuusiieu witii i ii tf world, because it does not overvalue his labors, and reward him as ordingly. a nus ne is ever uisconteU arid ever com plaining. I vtrily believe, my friends, mat a man would growl, grumble and fiet, and find tault, were he placed in perpetual paradise, with a diadem ol glory upon his head forever surround ed with the perennial flowers of enjoy merit with big bottles of extra bliss in ins reach, and as much wins and as ma ny pretty women at his command as oould be squeezed from the pulp ol ere- a'lon. 1 believe this for man ig crealuie ol dirt and dissatisfaction, who had rather wallow forever in the mireol misery than crawl out and drv on some tfumiy bank of commitment. My dojr friends don't trouble your selves ay to why the Almighty has madr you as you are; wny ne nas iriven you an eternity of dsirss and furnished you Willi only a tea-tmoon with which to partake of them; nor growl that he ha et beftire you a rich bowl of nleasuie'.- soup, and given you nothing else than lot k to eat it with : for whatever in for the beat, as the pious but absent minded mother observed when she put hsr b,.by in the dinner not and rocked cabbage head in the cradle. If youi desires were all gratified, you would be without any at all and then vou would be more miserable, if possible than now. But your desires are too ex lenitive to begin to admit of gratification Wiiy, my ti iends,tt the Alps,the Andes r the Kocky Mountains were one solid die sc, a sup u.nnua ed n.t would mbbli luoiigli it iiufuie you could begin to kniw olf the outside crust of your un bounded de.-ires. I should rather un dertake to tupply a new solar system with atmospht re,by blowing wind thro j quill, than lo liy to satisfy one tenth p.ut of the desirei of poor mortality I'Ven ihoiiili I were permitted lo search eternal spaco for the necessary qualities I knew it has been said that man want? but little here below; but the assertion ii.. i is as wrong as a uook uotiom upwards, Man wants a great deil a bussed sighi more than he needs or ever de.'erves. God gives us all we need, and some times more than we know how to dis pose of; and yet, for all this, we spit it in tho face of Heaven; and not even so much as say 'ThankV to our Creator, for the body soul and being which he lias' seen fit lo give uh. In ihe wholt column uf wauls that fill the long ncrol. of man's inclination, we find hcarcely one that necessity imperatively demando he should have. 1 hey are, lor Ihe most part, inordinate, illegitimate and unpro filable and Iho more we cherish them, Ihe greater rejoicing is there in hell, ami more sorrow in heaven. When oui base and sordid desires are allowed to be gratified; Satan shouts hallelujah, and tho angels weep, like widows in a show er, over the grave ol virtue and drpail ed worth. My hearers Fale triumphs over for- tune, hero in thin world of sicknefs.sin and eteinil). We are dragged on by Destiny, in spite of all physical or mor- al exertion; ami we might as well sub mit tn its despotism as lo cafe our souls, loar our trourers.and scrape Iho skin oil our shins, in showing resistance. We ofieu tec the wicked exalted to the high est nich of prosperity, and tho laurels oil wealth, honor and renown grace the biow of worthless rascality, while the good the honest and tho pious (like my self) are pitched into the pit of adverse y,' to work out their own salvation with AND PROPRIETOR. fortitude, forbearance and long suffering But, my friends, you ought not to trou-j ble Providence with impertinent ques tions as to the why and wherefore of al this- Let It suffice that it is through Ihe unfathomable wisdom of the Oinnip otent that we are situated and subic to constant vicissitude. It is not foi you to inquire into these matters, foi iho plain reason that your comprehen sion is not commensurate with your in quisitivencss; and, if it were,you would De no more satisfied after having found out the whulo truth than you were be fore. If there be one among you, you short sighted, leereytd ions of sir, who can with the needle of perception pierce through Ihe vast immensity of space ran count ine wortus that com pose the universe measure eternity with a three loot rule and tell wha kind of creatures inhabit every twink ling star why then he, and he alone. as my friend Pope says, may tell wh) Heaven has made us as we are. hi.. . ... .. iuy uear menus u is all nosens for you to murmur becausa you havi arifctocrattcal souls crusted with sucl. plebeiad, perishable clay. Tho tout i immortal, imperishable, and undamage able; therefore, wiat is the use in Na ture's going to any extravagant exoense in fitting up such a miserable concern as the body must be, at best? It would be like feathers upon a toad, more for or nament than for use; and the truth of this would be verified as soon as one blow from the kammer of death had knocked it into a three cornered hat. Notwithstanding, my worthy friends, ill the little flaws you may feel diipoied to pick in Ihe words ol Omnipotence you may depend upon it, thai whatever He does, he does according to Guiitcr; ind if you will only appreciate them ac cording to their worth, and act as tho' you were samples of integrity, morality ind wisdom, ol His manufacture! sent linvn here for upecial exhibition, you viii iaKe your leaves ol this world per leclly satisfied that every thing is jus is n si.ouiu oe. so mole it be ! The Girl With the Tin Pail. Some seventeen years ago, I was ' prentice boy" in ihe then " City ol Mud," now the goodly city of Roches ten I he buaiueaa of which 1 was ob taining a knowledge, was conducted up on Lxchange street, though I boarded in one of ihe streets in the western pan ol Ihe city. In going lo my tea, I was in the habi ol meeting, almost every evening, ioi many ( weeks in succesion,a small, youn well-dressed and good looking girl with a I'm pail in her hand. At lengtl my curiosity beeame excited, and 1 re solved to ascertain, if possible, the daily errand of the girl. Having met her the following evening I accordingly turned my heel and followed her at a distance ihal would not excite suspicions in any one. I at length saw her emer a .hoenidkei'a hop on Suuih St. Paul stieet. 1 subsequently learned that th shop was owned by an induitriou' young man and an excellent mechanic, and that he was the girl's husband!' lie had been married a few month?, and possessing no other capital than a good trade, a good name and a roLu.t consti tution, had resolved to economize ii the article of rent, by hiring a house ii. ihe buburbs of the city. His breakfas was always leady for him by daybreak mil taking his dinner with him, he sav ed the hour each day which most per tons spend in going to and returning from that meal. Many economists would have been satisfied with the saving of much time as this between the risuiL aiui tioint! nown or me sun; oui not bu with Ihe young shoemaker. Ho a I he wished lo nave Ihe hour usually devoid to lea, and therefore had the meal daih taken him by his pretty little wife. This arrangement enubled him to spend the whole day, and so much ol the even ing as he chose, in the shop. 1 he industrious habits of the shoema ker weie soon discovered, and me I with their due reward. Customers flocked in upon him, and he was obliged noi only to tent a larger shop, but to em ploy an additional number ol workmen But Ihe increase of his business did noi wean him from the plan ho had early adopted for saving of time his third meal having been taken to him by lm wife in the tin pail. About this lime I left the city, and did not return for somo twelvn vr T had hoi, however, forgotten the shoe maker.having fiom my fim kmwledg. f him, discovered fhr germ of sueces- in t a manner of In. I if... f i .i.. ..... .fiieii nil poi where his old ahon had stoml K,. it had given place to a new brick block. In vain I looked about for his sign it wss not to be seen. I was at length in formed by a friend that about two year. previously he had rsmovod to Ohio. Do you know auylhirig of his cir cumstances?" 1 inquired. " I do. In the first place he look to Ohio about five thousand dullar.lin cash t' .i .i urn mree inousami of, invested in reai rs:ate, near Uinciniiaii, he ha already real.zed three times that 1'Ue other two thousand he mil imn : aiiioun ,iord eilhb'ishment, and that sum ha yieded him a large profit. Hut even Had he resorted lo speculation," added my friend, "he could not have but sue ceedod in life, so thorough were his bu siness habits, and especially as thosi nabiis were seconded by an industrious lii te wife." I have recently returned from a visit o wnio, and have again seen the shoe maker and his wife. He ic now in the prime of life, and possesses an ample fortune and an unsullied rcnutation fm probity. Never having had any person al acquaintance with him, I inquired .. uui, auu iiurouuceu mysen as a Uochestonan. I his was late in the of ternoon,jind I very cheerfully accepted an invitation to take lea with him. Im proving a moment of silence at the table 1 remarked " I fear Mr. H. you are not so greai an cuunumiBi oi nme as you used lo be.' ' Why not?" he enquired. "When l hrst became acnua nfnrf with Mis. H. you could not afford tinui io go to lea, and she used tq carry it to you. " In a little tin pail," said sho burst- ing ink) a laugh " Exactly." "Indeed Mr. W., have you known uj co long t I then made mvself known ss the for mer apprentice to Mr. R.and wasimmt diately recognized by Mrs. H. as urn of her earliest street arquaintances in Rochet-ter. " Hut thai pail what do you think has become of that?" asked Mrs. H. " That, I suppose was long since num bered among the things that were," J answered. " Hy no means," said ho, at the sami time tipping a wink to his wife, She arose from the table and left tin room, and soon returned with the idem ical nail, as Ihev both assured me. I need hardly say that it bore palpable ev idence of the ravages of time. "Hut what is your object in preserv ing that pan t" " Its associations. We look upon ii as nno of Ihe eailiesl instiumenU which contributed to our success in life, and as huch we shall ever cherish it." I soon afterwards took mv leavo ol Mr. and Mrn. H. and their inlerestini; ind happy family; and not a day sine men ns my mint! been without lit it . . lemembrances of The Gill and her Tin Pail. LIFE. We have known some persons in thp world who glided quietly through life, have floated on upon the stream of limf like a boat on the waters of a broad arid tranquil river carried on by theiinruffld ide ol prosperity and lighted to their journey 's end by the cloudless sun of happiness. And we have met with others whose star, teemed to rise in clouds to hold its course ihrougn sKim nil lo set in blacker darkness than thai which gavn it lur'-h. Hut longconliiiu. tl joy loses its firM zesl, and uuiuler upted sorrow il& first poignancy, habi' robs even misery of Ms acuteness; nno ine that is long endured brings alom with it the power of long 'endurance. t is the sudden transition from joy lo torrow that is the acme of hnman sufTar' ing adding the bitterness of regret for past enjoyment to all Ihe pangs of pres. ent distress. cj,r fjuwaru uoko satu mat the rea sons for hanging was, that the criminal was rejected both of Heaven and Earth and was therefore suspended to as not to interfere vyith neither, Number 80 53 THE GHOST OF THE CAM P. nv a. r. n. jamej, esq. "There is a little town, called L Catelel, j-ist upon the French frontier, which was beseiged by the Spanish ar my, nricr Ihe French had taken it and held it for about a year. The attack be zan in tho winter, and a number of Hon orablc gentlemen threw themselvn int it, to aid in the defence, ss volunteer. Among the rest were two friends who had fought in a good many bailies to gether, and one was called tho Viscount le Houlaye and Ihe other Ciniiaine la Vacherie. Every day there were skir- nistics and sallies, and one night when they were silting, drinking and talking; together, after a very murdcroua sortie, Capitaine la Vachorie siid to his friend : " How cold those poor fellowj mtiit he whom we left deod in the trenches !o-day.' ' Ay, that they must," saidBoulayp; and 'pon my lile, Li Vuch-rie, I am glad the place is so full thai you and 1 have but one room and one bed between us,othervise I know noi how we should keep ourselves warm." " nor I either,' replied La Vachcrie. 'Mind, Houlaye, if 1 am some tlav left in the trenches, you come and look for me, and bring me out of the cold wind.'' " He fpoke laughingly, and the Vis count answered in the same way " lhal 1 will.La Vachene; don't you be afraid." "Well, about a fortnight after, the Spaniards attempted to stnim Ihe place; " out they were driven back, afier'lighl ingnear fiiour, and Houlaye and Li Vachcrie, with ihe regiment of Cham pagne,pursuefl them to, their intieuch ments. Houlaye got back, safe and inund, to the town just as tl was grow ing dark, and went la ihe Governor' nouse and talked for an hour over the assault, and then returned to his room, ind asked his servant if Capitaine La Vachene had come hJck. Tim man an nveicd no, and so Boulaye swote that le Would be hanged if h- would wait for his supper. Well, when supper camo uul Lj Vachene did noi, the Visc.-u t bogan to think, I should not wonder if that poor devil, Li Vacherie, hud left nis bones outside;' and after he had cj len two or three mouthful?, and drnl; a lass or two of wine, he sent the ser vant to the quarters of the regiment uf Champagne, lo see if h could hear any thing of his friend. Bui the herei,i could find no one who knew an tiling of him; and when he came back he found the Viscount sitting with the labk: and the wine upon his right hand, and his feel upon the two undirons, with a warm fire of wood blazing away heftue nim. When he lold him thai he enuU learn nothing, Boulaye exclaimed : Sacremeni ! I d.ire sav he isl.ixxl poor fellow! Iam vety worry,' and he filled himself another glass of win-, anil kept his foot on tho andiron!'. In half an hour more ho went to bed. and just as he was getting comforiablp um beginning to dose, seeing the fin- fl ck- tiring agaiiibt the wall one m nu e a. d noi seeing it the next, hu hcuid a nu (, upon the slairs,and instantly recoil. -chI La vachene d who came up king ng and lalking jut as Usual. Ah !" cried he, 'Li Vjcherie, i-. that you? I thought you had been ki.l d r" " The deuce, you did, Hurler,' ie- pliod La Vachene, and begin in m (- houi Ihe uonlt's aotl giKk-ses a it no wi re feeling for , candle to lighi ti " Weil, don't m ike a huhh, tlir-i . ', , giou man,' said Houlaye, 'for 1 i. nuil and huvo u gieat deal lo do 'o uorrow.' " I'm 6iire so have I,' replied hi Vicim ne, 'so 1 II L'o to bed at once.' " Had you not betier have i.iinc snppi .J' asked lint Viacounl. ' No,' repliod his fr.end, 'I'm had nil Ihe supper I want.' And acuurtliiigl) , lie pulled off his clothes and lay down hoide his comuJo, By that time ihe Viscount was asleep, so that they had no further conversation that n.glil. The oext morn ing, when Viacounl de Boulaye woke, lie found that La Vacherie had already risen, and left his night cap upon the pillow, and he did not see htm agsin till night, for the enemy made several tierce attacks, and ail r ir i , vii--