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4 ! I 1 LLC I H I 14 I X I Volume X. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT Sowm bide of Main, a fkw boors be low Mauket-btkkkt. Tie COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will bi pit'ilisheil evert Saturday morning, (it TIVO DQLL'AllS per annum payable half yearly in advance, or Ttvo Dollar) rijty Uents,j notpata iviinin incyrar. Vo subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six month; nor any discon linuance per milled, until all arrearages are. discharged. AD VE R TIS E ME S'S not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first thrctinsertion, and riocnty-five cents for every subse quent nsertion. VZTA liberal discoun made to those who a-lvr.rtise by the year i.F. " IK Its addressed on business, must he post paid. FRUIT .'I HIS I S. Vo have from the Huston Her, annilirr report of a convetsatinn meeting of ilie far mer of ttie Aasjachiisrtls l.cgislatute The subject at thii merlin; was fruit trees, One thought that In setting out trees the) should he placed forty feel apart, uhirli would give hut tweniy-eighl trera to an ncre; and another believed that a hundred Ireei to an aero wai none too many. The cultivation of the toil of urrhaida fur other irops was nppYsed hy uue speaker, hut an other thought it would not interfere with the fruit treea, provided the aoil wa well manured, ai they imbibe, a different kind ol nutriment. At an instance in illustration of the two last theories, mention was ir.aile of the ex perience of Mr. Moses Jnnos, of Brooklyn, who, some years r-incc, pUnted iwo ni three acres with apple tiecs, fcI two rode (Apart. A few years after, he set peach trees between the apple trees three of the former to one of the latter. He has raised n crop every year among these trees, suffi cient to pay the expense of rultivition and management of the whole orchard. From the 1 12 apple trees in his orchaid, he iais cd during Iho eighth year, 103 barrels of tipples, and about the same time he sold the crop of peaches for $-100. In piuning a trie, it is of very littlo im portance when the wound oocn-toned, by the removal of a limb, heals, provided ihr wound heals sound nrid bonllhy. The month of August, ho thought, was :he beat time foi pruning. In transplanting, care should be taken to preserve iho small roots, and have as much earth nt possible adhering to the tree. If Uiy of the roots get broken, they should be rteatlj pared off If the tree is not imme diately put in the ground, the roots should q shielded from iho sun, and perhaps moistened. The holes into which the trees ure put should be roomy, the noil well put veiized, and the land deep. The root should be well spread out. Shaking the tree in order to settle the soil upon Un root, is objectionable, as it lends to curl up and break iho rootlets. Peach ant! pear trees might he nearer to gether than npplo trees, and thrive quite as well. The land should bo loosened fre quently in diy weather. A great deal of jmining answers only for pear trees, ihe growth of which might be out down one- jliird to advaniago. There is a tendency pi the best pears la deteriorate. Manure .should not be applied to the roots of any fruit trees, In lime of drought, much ol the moisture of the land could be kept in by covering tue roots Willi straw or coarse hay and fllnnos. At such limes it was a gteat advaniago to cover Iho whole orchaid A moist soil is better for apple trees, and 1. n deep yellow or gruvelly loarn good for nil fruit. If it bo very wet it should be under Oraincl. If the soil is loo dry clay mud or plistnr of pari may be added to advantage. A northern is butter than n southern expo t-uro. Transplanting may be done at any time . from Ihe middle of Sepiember, until the trees begin to grow in the Spring, The Fall is preforabW if thu transplanting be clone early. The Baldwin apple is the mod profita I hare sworn upon BLOOHSRURG, ble. Among its characteristics it the tens city with v, hith it will adhere to the trci during heavy gales in which other npp! would Le shaken off There is a prenlen opinion that this tree will only bear on tin even yeere. It is an alternate bearer bin one said he had asccrtainetl to his satiafat- 'ion that it bears on odd years. The gum may be prevented from cxnd ing liom peach trees by the fol'owing watl v iz: four querts of soft soap diluted in pail full of hot water to which add one pin of salt and half a pint of saltpetre. Sa and fsltpeire applied to the ground is ver beneficial to fruil trees particularly lot old trees. Mr. .1erriam f"aye the Journal,,) men iior.fd the following experiment in sr.nt out an nrchaid of young apple trees, II had a piein of ground roniaintng hboul 3 (errs, on which he i onli-inphi'eil uniting an nrhard. Finding a lot id iters riy cliea he purchased them and traiifplaniid inn litis lot as follows. He first dug holes f mi feet in diamciet, and three fret deep. Tin sod he took fmm ihe lop two inches thirk and preserved, tie felnoseparaied the black loam, and yello subsoil, and also picked tut the sloiifa. He then filled the caviiv italf full of stones, and lifted the yellow sub iotl anion? them, then put in blaik loan uffi 'ienl to make a bed high enough fm he tree. On Ihe top of this he put smls, nvetled, trampled the whole duwn sulti!' nil rnverrd Mis with about one inch ol loam (J'l thin he set ihe tree, very shallow, firii carefully spreading out the roois. He then filled up with iic'i loam. The circle rutin'1 each liee is kept clear of weeds dining dn season, '1 bene trees, when transplanted had been long out of the ginund, and Mi lernam rnnsiderrd it iloiihtf-il whcihn hey would live. No'.witliHianding. howe- it last sea-oil was very dry iliebe Irets al lived did well. lie conn leied thi neihnd an exctllent one. Viie slums hat beneficial action on the soil an' itept , ihe land drained- Thu ends while de composing make a soft and moist bed f.n he tree, and obviate ids ncccn.-iiy of water ng in a dry seison The piece oeeupiei ny this orchard he contemplated ploiighni). 4nd cultivating as soon as convenient. It was ulitod by one ge itlem in that ap plication of hard eoip to th wouridi-d pur npplo rroift hid proved aueces-ful n nauiing them early to heal ho hid mjurei young tiees by applying potash ti hat bcei recommended in some publications In louiul that four and a half potimta of piita-l dnsolvid in a niil of hul watt r one niiart ol -.Inch added to a pail lull of cold watt-i nude a safe and valuable wash lor yoniif; trees. Alio a wcali ol equal parts of pla tfcr of pari soft soap and Iri-sti cow in ami re liluted with water to cause easy application lion with thu bruth an excellent manure. Among insects which troubled fruit irci'r the liorrer rafapillar girdlei and white worm were mentioned. The best remedy agmisi the huter is to cut it out: removal with the hand was the most clfiuient couito to tali. with catxptllara or a still' wire hruh would serve the girdler is a email worm whit". cls between Ihe bark and the trunk and lues mneh injury and the white worm may he lound in the gum which exudes hum Ihe tree The same ubj?ri will be revumod al the next meeting. With regard to eaterpillart that if they would use ihe 'ounce of preven tion' they will take the first pleasant day to use iheir thuinba & finder in removing from their fruit dees Hie little taxt)n r.tdls in whitih the egga of this insert are deposited ready lor hatching in May. Tiu other duv we had the pleasure or leruoving about 'JO of these embrvo nests from the branches nl a favorite i pple tree. Cookino Conw iMl'al ahd Coiin ron Mugs No safer position, we think cat be asfiiiiHil, in the economy of s'oek , 1 . .. . t L. i . . . il leeuniir, uiun urn n-ianniy us vveii jp null intent Is essential to their iirrervii ion in a peil ctly liestty ronil)ion. If wo admit the correctness ol ihi$ ponion and few fact!" io more cUtnly ohviou? then it resnltt) as u Kievi"hl ir ference that DJtal, and not only Uiuul but corn the Alter of Jod, eternal hostility t every II. WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. COLUMBIA CObNTY, Oiould be rooked before fed. Oorn, by being boiled or steamed is increased in m'k nearly two hundred per cent hue mea is increised. by Hie same .irocefa, more ilian three. Iiundied per -.enl. To place the subj-ci in a position norc easily compichensible, one bushel of corn, after being sicamed or boiled will measure three bushel. To cook i nuihel of meal, five hushel-i of wa'er an q', so (list every pound ol meal vii give neatly lour and a half pounds ol mu'h, Willi a toliim! corresponding y loci eased. Maine Fwrner. osA-tit: crsmMS. Among the Oigi a young man ol -il.ieen will Bunieinneo say to a willow of twite hU age peil.a.'s, come tak-; I, unt with nie. Tin- widow ansnerii hoa, (jif) This means llul these iwo will itiut IochIit I ke man ami wile; both up ic." pulling loeiher their lior-s, tamp kellles, ami iqoipag". f)u the limit, the man html-, the wo run raddles and unsaddles H? ho -t-,un. i cl; lux meat, builds his lodge, cull rts hio iMiod, roi lu Ins food, and makes ii)(icca-cii,(. ami in rverv renieci ake.- the place foil put of s dutiful and f helping wile, yet tlxy are not ntanifd. Sometimes they repeal ftvtril hunts, iml r ven live ye rs Ingeihrr, and the voiiian bears children, Mill it i. mr irmriage However well Hi yi.o .g nan may he ftiiled wild his hunting companion, should he be, so fortunate k.- to r'n" to rank of a hiave wairior,'he casts er oil unhoiit ceremony and mairief, hat is bo a wife efier ihe custom ol i naiioiij and is pained for i-o doing. or his pie lotii union ii not considi red u noi a tilt f.-r a brave or wairtor. iV nan cjn marry a wri ioi 's daughlr r thai not a ai i lot hiuuelf. Con qiientU noihtrs ifun cry and pi), ti.d bt oi- their iiit, ihal' they may be men iiongli lo to to war, and kill anil seal) le Pawneti, and he niceelul in steal ng horse., iliat thry may rise lo ttttU I warrior, nn.' jjet liont,rjbly married Nu Ongp fi'cb I) on or ah If, nor i,i ;on i-lertil honorable, por Irealed honora. le, until he distinguishes himself and i illid a hiave or w.uiiof. Th s he ma 'o in one of the five foil iwing way,iz. lioot down hia r nemy ; km-ck nun on he head after another has shot him own, scalp him after he ban been hol I own, and knocked on Ihe head; rhno t i . rr i nroiigri iwo on it noes with an arioiv hip Mint, or steal ten horses. To do tlher of Ihe above acts entitles lum to ihe name of a brave, and lo ihe privil go of carrying a tomahawk. AH oih- era are waiters and kettle tenders. A nrave or warrior may strike a kettle ten ier, hiiij ne cannoi ies-nt it. or ramrn , , i. he blow, until lit rises lo the cam- rule, then he may do it if it ehould be wont) years afterwards. All giilsa nun the Osage are Buld in mmMg. I hive never know i an 0.rage girl take ui with t man, a the Wrm is used among ume other nations. However noor th noiher, aunt, or guardian i. she will lemand ("omelhing fur her ilatightor oi ward in marriage. The girl being in rmnd, and the mother giring idem ui inly for value received, lead the moth er io watch Ihe girls in the striOH manner. Widow of ovetv erad anrl g- mike ihctr own niainigf rout, ., i ami ill ihe loose-l pos-nhh iiiji.mi. Hi he guli- are an rhasif m those I -.u oilier na-ion. I have nrvt-r kim I runaway much among them. Cheru Suited Exactly Our Iriend George Wilinms, of Henry, who is the caii.r' nf more wii in others,' than any other memccr of ih AUbsma IIoimr ol Hep reseulalircp, was better pleased at the putage of the measure of Diennial form of Tyranny ever the Mind ef Man." PA. SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1817. Sessions' irun any one else we saw al Tdscalooss. Hy O ' said he, lt suit me txictly; the d d locofocos oeat mt every other year sure j next Auguil i my timt to be beat in c wne I shall mis j thai, save about 0200 t leclinet ri.ig money, and slip in in '47, like an Met) oyatei IiyO bny,l suits me p imeY fVeumka IVhip HOUSEHOLD TREASON, nv bolweb. Heaven support thee, old man! thou hast lo pais through the bitterest triil which honor and affection can undergo -houehold tiea.on.' When the wifi lift high the blushlrc, front, and bla 2n nui her; when the child, will oud vote, throws off all control, am make birt of di,olieilitne, man re volt at iht audacii) ; his spirit arms a ;amsl hi. wrong; Us face, at, least, i one, the blow, if 3cril?giou, indirect 11 j', when nul l wordu ami snfi k a conceal ine worst loe fate cui arm when umitl the roiifidt iice ol the heat i . a t dirts us ihe form of Pcifi ly when lo from the lepule swells the fi ml of it- terror when i he bieaat on which mn lesiud fur romfnri, has taken counsil it. dvceie him when he learns, thai, tin) iflcr day, the life entwined w.lh lu own f bi n a lo and a Hag. mine, he f t l- noi ihe mftne-s of grief, nor lite absorp n ol nil : il b m cliicr than iief anil more unheiirig I hah nge, it is a horroi that ajipal. The hei.ri dot w nol bleed; ihe tears do nol II nv, a in woea It which htimini'y is commonly so'j cicd ; ,1 i as t Mimrihing oui f (he course ol laiure Srd taken place; something mnn- -.'Kiua and oui of all thought anil f r -varningjfoi the domestic traitor u be- g parl from the otbit of criminal.-; h Ion has no fear of his innocrtil rlul dren; with a price on his head, he lay( n safely on ihe bosom of his wife. J. tue hotJit, the shlinl man, 'he wcm su ule and iij.-peeiing, can bi at) oiuch iuie atrihe iimpln.1. Wre. it no' eo s Iwirolf, and lire oecfptiors most rre, t ill wotlil were the rioi rf hell AJJB Detiti cfa M ther. -Aide fron hafol a wif , the death of a mother liar s .rnething in il m .re touching than an) uther event does happen, we look bark upon the days of our infancy ami child I, when a fond mother wuched ovt-i our 'outgoings and inenrruirg-,' rvhen 'he dull hour of night were msiked h) Her walchings. We it: in k we have done our du' when we have laid her in the gloouj) rave, wetting il with our leart and ris- d a s-one over her dust, and chanter! a hymn to her memory. But there is & duly which maternal afl-clion has im posed upon ui and which nothing bu iern conformity lo precept can perform. It is to follow her precep's and txiniulr o lake home to our hearts Iho solemn earning which heaven born love dic tate, to practice Ihoie virlu-i whieh or , namrnl every department of life, and t. cheiish fondly the memory of her whom we are indebted for life, for happiness. uitl i mijhl almost ay for heaven. Il we fail to perform ihtse, we prore our lelvm traiiora to our nature, lo our con- "fienee and to our God Effect a uMllilc Tl.e now r nf mo x mt.lili- d n. in i i r i . I i Ml1"'" 'i ' ' i I y. T'i" i i'in . (i 4r 'I, Ol JJ Miniarle, in aiini,,, ,,,,, ,,i mowyAlpfi, became Iihi.ii c h--j .viu. elc andi learly fn-a-n, h il (aid ,im-(. ,0 i-h Kino ni: i ho He pi. great General wilh j sagarj y .,. H mm lo meel every emergency, order ed his band of music lo play vyuh spir u ami animation their celebtaicd martiil airt 1,1 was netfui med, an4 tb,e efjuc Thomas Jetfe-ion w wilhoul pieeeJent. I war rifd iheii souls with ihe fiie of tie- votion, aroused their dying energies, they sprung lo their feel ami Hie rn leh was accomplished with e icces . WAR NJEVS 8 A NT A ANNA'S ADVA NUB. from th New Orleans Delta of r.l. SSth, If the statements made by all the Mrxi can papers and letier-writer be entitled confidence, it is obvious that Santa Ann sntartain detifns egainsl Jtnlerey, and hta begun hi march against that point Our corre'pondenle re pirient that large bodiet f troopa are being thrown forward upo he road to Monterey aa well aa the rnai 'jeiween Tampicoend Monterey. But th moildifini e atateturnt ft haretten is con ained in a letter published by La Palrla ist evening from Pampico of the dato ol Jili February which state triet 10 000 ol he tnoi brilliant Iroope (tropat briHiante ire marching for the road bet ween rid Monterey. Thi information wai Miuiiunicated by a letier written fron Bn liiiis, .tfnoiher letier written from Tula o !ie date of 3J February aiMes that on tht Ist of the month Gen. Parodi, with a bri iila of ISOfl' men compmed of the 13tl rgtmeni.of nfntry of the line styled tin railhful Soldier of San Luif,' and a bai- ultun of the National Guaid of Jaliaco wilh three piecea of artillery, were march ing in Ihe direction of Montttry, by iht road of Malcherala. The sierra is fortified at eveiy point, by the battalions of Puebla Guard Costa de Tampico, the company u Veterans, and three companies or Cavalrv In the village of Tallea, Col. Juie Antontd lei Uatltllo I atar.oned with h repcti,blt force to defend ibat point. Gen Urrea with 1500 men of the first regiment of Oav 'ry, 'Pnmero U pubhoano,' mtiai have al ready arrived al Vic.oria de Tsmaulipaa These movemente are no doubi made fo. he purposr of drawing off oar force f.'.n he corilerepbieri stuck on Vera Cm?, dania Anna osee' to eutuff Taylor'tj aii Lurjica ions, to blurtk up bath tht roads 3jmargo and lo Tnpler. Th" dj'c uieolfl ere by no means to bet reaiJed et lunignificanl; they dueerve the serious ron--idetation. ai rf will no doubt excite the ut most' vigilance and activity of preparalioi among our forces near Monterer. Foitu- iiately Gen, Taylor, who ia never taught lapping, is in command at Mnntetoy, wilt iboui 4,000 men This force can easil) Mold that place until reinforced. Hut, ji, the n.eantime, Ihe Mexicans are r.ushini. forward toward Malajnoros, from tne read which leads iluough Victoria. UrreaV Cavalry sro no doubt (he advance nf a large (oiru intended for this point. This will bi a bold movement, but is characteristic ol Urrea, whois a prompt and decided office. If, however, his force consists only of r av-i aliy. we do not apprehend any serious con sequence fioro an attack on Matamorss The great fear is, that they may inlercep our communicaliona elung the riwr, and the road from iJ-tamora and Cannruo to Monterey. Wn trust, however, thai Gen. Scoll, who items to be movtnj; with great eautinn and prudence, will not weaken our force on the Rio Grande, so a to exnoir our line to be easily brnkon, and the herd earned result of a moat expan.lve cam- paif n thus be Iml to our arms. 8ince the sbove was written, we have teen a latter ftom a Mexican offiier written m great ronfirJenre and secresy, Mating thai i.en. yrrea had been ordered to march on Ialamora, and naa already considerably dvancirl on the road ("orreapondeneas of the Daily Delta. II i AMPio, .Mexico. Feb. 10, 1817 A letter was reerued here r;.a,f;dai,froml':',:,::,'d-J. f Victoria, staling Ihal ihe lancet f. ret at th.t iilaru hml luan n.u.ii , . . ' nltv well on 10 six th.,.-n.i m... the arrival of , hi- reiof rremmw. 1 " mnnder hauled nn hefore '.,. .,: v. had Hdl.l torn to ihe Am ili-af- nuii a f - m p 111 1'ih r- iee assisted them 'j h,-, who rere no. prominent in the business were sem ell 47. a man of 60 year nf age. For my own pat I unnot fully believe thrl an) considerate Mexioan force will come or have ooroe this ille f lie mounlaina, and in noticing the teport I only do so lo keep up wia otliere. That the lancers are at Victoria, who left there on our approach, 1 can believe, but nothing else. There was a rumor in cir eolation at the time f v left Monterey, that Clovi Morale was in nr near Victoria, with 7000 meni but we found thai near 6000 were 'in buckram.' The same might be applied to Ilia move on Sallillp, aa Iht cav alry of Gen. Qonnles, at the aacne tune of our cour.teimatch lo Monterey, was magni fied into sn immense army. The sehr. Pioneer came in from I.obo Island last night, hating Ufi il on the B.h mat. The captain report that he sailed liom the island a few day ago vitb one hundred mn, dailinsd for the wreck of the Oudiaka, lo render aeaiilance lo ths veisM if practicable, and lo ataiat Ihe volunteer!, but finding that the troops bad left ibere set fire to the wreck, and returned io lie plane from whence they aailed. diwinbari- en the n en, and then proceeded to this piece bringing up despatches from the iloop-rif-war St. uf'iy't, direct from the iquadroo. These deipalchea froca Com. Gunner si) aid by an ofSoet to be of an important at- ure, but their contents bate or, nor ptob-i tbly will not, be made public. Ool. D iker, of the 4th Minnie, recently iron) th; Ilnsoi, made speech lo his mea vesteidaj evening, in which he took occa sion to say that they uould be marched a- j-inat the enemy in a few dya This be at certain of, and the Colonel having been in faehington very lately, and jiel fro.-a Jen. 8cotl, was reckoned to spaak by the arJ. Us said, also, that Gsn. Scott would '?e here in a day or to. The Malarantsa jsna nf coltlng into onr .'untetri is now in tht full tide of ur esifol operation,' and no leta then &'e uve had their blood let out in one night by hct greastra knivea, but I did not hear nf it-in of the wound being mortal The of our bays generally laid to be difiuulty. I cofiVeried tbia mofnir.g with s jnile naa ftoic Off the island of I.nboa. He saje hat six corapanie of the L nuianians hate mtled there; i. p rt of the I'ennt) li anit nil one or two ve-tul off liter wi lt roups. From the same frrepondenif lellef, oeating date Feb. 18 h, we make tbe aua joined extract: The Republieano of the ad, also eontalne a latter from Su I.uie Potoei, affording inach informs Ion a to iSa movemenl of lite Mexicans, and ought to be pub ihed, if ii is only to (how that their i some real nagnauimity yet in Mexico, Tbe writer louts at the idea of nj ticing at the capture f 70-or 80 men, by over 2000 of their own peop'e. Hut to th teller; Ran Porott. Jan. fir. Yesterday, at fl o'clock in the morVmir, hero wae erat teioicinrt in tha mrp.t. Fhe church bells rang oot thnlr merry peale nd many a rocket was Bred off during the curemnny. All Una wai occasioned hr vhm receiptofihe 'miserable notice that over 2000 Mtxiean esrslrr under the vli-,i (Icn. Minon, hud surpriiod and osp urcd a--out 00 YQkeoe,' who were out who their oareh of forage. The pUtw hlch they curroudsrad at eallsd Ter.qut, le la Vice, Po-dRy the corpa of infantry have h fi fot &alulloalso a brigade of horse at d a. brigade of foot artillery, having fourmsn guna thrae of 24, three of 1ft, four of 10r and the reaidue of 12a atjd 8. tVt are assured that in lea than two rlar-. there will go o.ul another division, and nn P....-I- . .. w ,8D f,,,,J0 mini Wert hm la.'. ' ' hd sbn'' bul does not If "0''8 oufl e.l,e idea " mvM fro"' f- of , Sllnt'l ng Ol iti'Hrtil .. , whh Airi ftain-ii. ' The rufn ir I .., ..... u Jj.f, t ' ' cr'lVsl (T.'VllMilrcr - iaiVMV"r