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"rnUTii wit uoct jsn "VJ"U. PilDMRll, fc'l?. if authorittih to net at Ag'tnt far Me'' Oouimiiu 1'kmociiat,' iwi re tell allmoniafjir Subscription and AduirtU- ,iW n ' lfffM ' -ifMilailelphia.iiU)J'.t,ie-Urci:l. . TtewYarli, " 1 00 bisiau-itrcet. " ,' ' " 10 ti'atc-tlrecL JitZrchanls-Wcaltania and :radtmcn may find it to their adtvitageto adverUltxn tint it is the o;iy onv published a ln couiuj cni eni Ahi a greater circulullpttiittht courtly than any ether papor published within sii'miin, Fon GovunN'it, FIUNCJS It. SUUNK. Fou Canal Commissioner, MO k BIS LONOS TRUTH. TO OBJR PATRONS. Wild .lliia mitnbor, ceases our connection ' -with llie Columbia Democrat, having (lis posed of th establishment to L. L. Tale who has our wishes for his success It is now nine veari Miico we became a resident of Columbia counlj and the Fro prielor'of this paper. 'Wo camo a stranger and look charge of it liridor vory discourig ing cttcumetancos. The county was then, and had been from its organization, dis tracted and 'divided upon the local question engendering thneo acrimonious feelings which always accompany euch controvor oies. Having avowed at the outset, our de termination to advocato tho Itemoval causei 'wo brought upon os tho ir.alavulrncc of ilt opponents, and a war has been since con stantly waged upon us, by n few mdividu els in Danville, as unrelenting as it has been undeserved. In our defence against theee attacks, find in the watmih of our feelings a a roal of supposed wanton injury to us by Ihom, we may havo ovorsleppod the bounds of prdddnce In reply, but wa are uncon seious of having gone farther than etir duty lo ourselves and our friends required at our hands.- -Sovero diseases require a severe 'remedy. It i alsolruc'thal in a'Svo'e'sfinglho rcmo "val and in sustaining the removal parly, we -have "been' forced to opposo those for whom we had the kindest' feeling, and with whom our intercourse had been of the moat friend- 1 Jy character. But we think we havecon- ducled'the controversy in such a manner as to gfve as little offence to individuals, or to wonn'd'heir feelings by personalities, ai was possible for us to do under the ciicum Glances. AC Iec9t, it has teen our aim so to -'do. We feel satisfi'id, therefore of having ; ddnc aur duty to onr friends without doing, on intentional injury.-to our opponents. Wo havc.givcn to the Removal nn un aworving and consistent advocacy, and' with; 'the-s'.cadfat aid and friendship of its fritnd-' of all-political ;prtio3, with few, very few exceptions, this 'long vexed question lias 'teen forever put at rest, by tlie Removal of: tho County Uost to "Rloomsborg, and long deferred justice meted out to the people, "JV'S&y, (hat we have eonuiuulcd our mite ttoworda-effecliog this desirable result, will ' not, wo'flitisr. ourselves, be considered ego tism on our'partynor derogate one iota from 'what is due to others. We feel, iheltfurej that wo have done onr duty., our whole dn ty to.ocf frieiidi", whatever may be. thu ri! -null to us. . We now retire from the! Hditorihl chair, -villi the bet feelings towards all, aird bur) in.oblivion, so ftr as we k'e roncorn.ed, al1 Hho ill feeling that has beer, engendered bj a nice yenrruiiter snd unrelenting warfare. wurid1 whatever uur future lot may be, or wherever cast, we shall always remember tfilh ptide and pleasure our intercourse with the people of Cjlumbia county, and the mjny acts of kindness received at theii liands, and'we'lerve them oar best wishci for their future happiness and prosperity. HENRY WEBB. frfr-Hirlr2 d'i9!ood of thn establishment nf the dolusnbi Dnrtocrat to" bit. Tate, rb think it pro: fir ts ny that all contracts with. in for either tho paper pr for advertising will .now -WW wilb.this f . It' r. i -..i. . t, thunf with him.' ;!Rl.'iljL,:-i!j"-' J fc f5-'biir tjunks ure duo to the 4Ion. Simon Oarrieron, linn. fitr. Mwtin, Gen, Wrn. B. Hise arid Slaw3TtTearc, Esq, rur Public Dosuments. eae?swsaae ' Having dlfposod of the fstablisbinenl nf tho Columbia Democrat It nrrv becomes - nscessary that our aecoants should be'dos- .. ed. We therefore rfquestall who r.te in- tfltbted to us lo.caii snu sttiie.-immeuiaieij , thai we m)' be oblq to pay all who have -.,'nnii n A word to the v'r.n in Claims . ,- - (Ifienl. THE TARIFF. Ought the ci of iflia lobe r8.enaeted( vcn if it were pruotkMble, which it is noi? hat good reason is there for putting 'ipon the sifHulo llnok.sjjmn, n law that was nolo fi(n)slyileffcue, mid in'Tnany of ilsipro- Hitious unjtis Kxpi'ricni'a is proving thai ns modirUaiinn inlliris-none nf-ihc crils mi lie (nuniry which were foretold, bin lliui dl dcMrlinciiis of business tire aclivo, and iiiuuitiy in jll of ilium receiving a salisUc-, lory ami Jmt rewai',1. ( . It Is 1 imp that fierco and ignorant pri jn lices should be pul aside, .and thal lliis bob juri fchouIJ bo U;rly eximitied by those wlioaro nskinc blinilly and noisily forth restoration of llio uct of 1 112. Do they un iter stand this arl, over hIioso grave thoy have grown mo cloqti'iil, and at lliu modlfi cation of which their senseless iliuuia of 'ruin' rang out over the Und? Let us compaie some of the duties in the ant of 1812 with thv duties on f iiailnr ar tiuleg in lliu aul i.f 1816. Act of 18 U. Acl of 1818. Sit, 78 nor o o-t. 20 per rent. aujor, CS to 100 ' SU ' Upon theso two great necessaries of life therefore, Salt and Sugar, the taxes are rc duced more than on t-half fio'm wliBt they were by the act of '4B. One of the inn in defects of lliu act of 1512 was that it taxed tho ncce&stirics of tho consumer high, and the luxuries of tho wealthy comparatively low a iWrant initiMiro and a grievous wrong. While Sugars used by the mass ol the people were taxed from 02 lo 200 per cont , swcetireats, fruits in sugar, molastieb or brandy, and comfitB, ariiclos purchased by thu licfi, were only taxed 125 per cent Uy the acl of 1840, theso latter articles aio taxed 40 per cent,, being 10 per cent, high or than the duty on Sugars. Look '-gain al ihe following : 1312. 1818. . 40 Sardines and othor Hah nrjnar cd in oil; SO Cluinpagno iric iccifle 40 cent trillion 18 41) Durgundy: 0i to 13 40 Poit; Dull 40 Those articles nro luxuries, and so they wero taxed tow for lliu advautago of thu millionares of Hosion, Na'w York and IMnl adclphia! While tho mats of consumers puid a duly of C9i per cent, upon liihsrgo, of 70 lo 109 upon lead, and of 70 upon salt, the gciiilenun ol Icisura sippod his I'ort wine at 11, his Burgundy al 9, anil his Champagne at 13 per cent.! While the uuty was 120 per cent, upon tarred cableb and cordage used by thrifty industry, tho over of good thing with a million in bank njoyed his saidiuee at 20 per cent.! Vfimi o lining i)ih jiapar duties we eelcci the following : 1S43. 154(1. Billetdoux or note iniier 30 20 KooUcup, ' 3J ay Other kinds of popcr 107 30 liiuug euros g 3Q Foolscap paid a duly of 63 per cent., and some oilier kinds of willing, paper 107, while visiting catds and billcidoux paper, used in the poliio circles of the aiictocracy, paid, the one 30 and the oilier 8 per ceiii ! This we suppose is whai Federalism calls protecting home indusiry.' Tho dutieir upun those articled it n ill be seen are tqual ized by Iho act.ol 1840, all being taxed 30 per cent. Wo will add-a f6w other examples. 1842. lS-lfi. Muskets, fj.'iJ no Millet, .srji 30 Uther firs rm, ho ao Why should a muhkut be taxed 05 per cent., while a nlle i t.xed HQ and a pislo 30 per com. i 112. 1640, 'M 10 20 00 Jowelry, o)ll, (iher oi j.Uiiua, U) lJiumoiid 7J KomjwuoiJ, iniliogony. ele.. la (.iumj,icailduiid piecioui. lunre, set, 7 Here the duties upon these articleu ol luxury and rirnaai-.iit aro very piopcrly in- cieseed by tho act of 1 d 4U . , IS 12. 15(0. wad, . nn in int. on Lltliargp, 0l -JO TarY cjhles and cordii", ISO 25 l.'ntarruU eontoge, uj 15 1'litin, moulUeU or prcsori ght lumoiers, J37 3 Here the taxes upon theuo hrlieles o general urn weiui very tiniqtul well a nigh and hunhensonie under the act ol '42 I'hev are equalized and lightened by tlit cl ol Ml). Now, there is a vast difference between ihe aineridmeul of llie tariffol IB40 and thu iesioraiii11 01 llie act ol 1812. 'e have no objeciion lo llie umtudoieilt of ihe act of 1840 wherert'r it io khow'u lo be wrong but its repeal to give pUce lo the act of 42 is not called for liy the wants of tho coun try, rtpuld bv a deliberate restoration ol Ihat whichMVo know to be in manv re. (.peels unjust, Thu acl ol ',40 is fupetiur to the act. of .42,.iuamuoh as it equalises taxation, and makes those who ore able, pay iheir due I n.nnn.,; 1 .. ' .)v'uitiuii lunant nujiponing me govern incnl, And it is fairer it) muking iho con Mimer pay Omits in proportion lo the uaW of what he buys. The fraud of minimum or false valuations ia also abolished, and th system of tnx.iiinn upon impurts generally is stripped of ambiguiiy, end put in sucl shapo-thiil every man cain tindcrelaud it. ilatneB Driggs, a. coloteil man, lias bono convicted in Schuylkill county of murder 111 Ihe fi(M degree, tint sentenced W In hung, by Judge Kidder. Hon. Thomas II. 7Ai.ion having bof?n ppoinleil 1iijor General by the 1'iesidenl ninlrtHicfiniie'd.liy tho- Senate, has declined ihe appuinlinciii. Oeneral Jjincs It v in in been nominated by the Vhig Stalu Convonlion as theii r.ninlii ate for (invurnor, and Joseph W I'ailon for Canal Com 111 issinnor both Irut Maalers, Titc polilicjl campaign is now npe.nndt both parlies having placed then iijud'dalcs fairly before tho people. NEW II A All'S HI I! 12. 'ho oleolion of Slalo ofliijcrs look place in New Hamp'hiro on Ihe O1I1 iust. It rc riiiltcil in l!i 0 cnliio success of thn Demo eralic Governor and a Democratic ).ogjj lamro, thus redcamiug tho Statu th combined reign of Federalism, Abolition ism and bogus Democrats, who accident ally attained the reins of government ihe past year- Gen. Wm. O. fuller left New Orlcanr for his homo in Kentucky on the lid inst. I'ho census of tho city of Si. Louis taken under tho direction of tho corpora. lion, has just bcon completed. Tho result compared with tho census of January. 1840, shows mi increase !n the two year? of 11.008 souls; in 1845, 30,202 in 1847, 47 S3S. P IS . NSYLV A N I A C A NA I.S. I'ho Main I. ne of the Pennsylvania Ca nals is now successful operation, a boat having passed llirough tho whole lino from Columbia to Pittsburg The wMer will I13 let into tho different branches dbout the Sret of April. the islanIToY' Tor.os. Tho Island of Lobos, wline our Irrmps pre oncctitralniK, n uomewliot notorioiu. A letter in a New Oilcans paper says: "It was at this island Com. Porter, in 1315. first hoisted the tri- culmcd flag of Jk-xico, and aided with his lit tle fleet in her revolt a;;ainet Spain. This Wand was the rendezvous of llio French squadron' in 1837, when thoy battel ed down the walb of San Juan d'Ulloaj and lastly, it was there that Com. Mooro of the Texan navy watered and recruited (lie hcnlili of hi men for tx weeks In IS IS, after harrtssing and terrifying the Mexicans along llio coast for thirteen month.. A well dug by Coin. .Moore is still to be ecn near the ccntio of the hnd. Tin's inland is CO inilcj fioin Tcmiiico, 180 from Vera Ciuz, 25 from Tuspan and 8 Aom ihe main land." fJ The Sunliury Gnzdte of the 11th paje: On last Friday, ulmut 11 oV.lncI:, llio h Mr. Washington Brewer, of Upper Angiiita town- ship, tool; riio and. was entirely consumed. Tho houiie had just been put up, and nriuiied ordv a few dajs work to complete it. TI10 loss U esti mated at about 50. Mr. Ilrowcr i.i a poor man, and this property was the earning of several years hard labor. (0- A newspaper in the Ktielish lanatisso ie about to be published at Monleiey, in the.State ol iew Leon, Mexico. One is already published al Monterey in California', another at Matainovos, and annlher at Tampico. A filth will soon be wanted at Vera Ctuz. 03- Tho Legislature adjourned on Tueedav last, alter a session of about seventy days. We have had nolellei liom our Aimy Cor respondents binre they left New Oihoris. V.'e learn tliiougliitlie papers that the Second Hcni- uwiit lus all arricd at the hland oi Lobos, in general good health. A married Jady in l'Hll IlTvtr, aged but fifteen yeais, lecci.ily gae birth to a pair cf twins! The father is scveiilctn years old ! " William," said a pretty girl to her iweetheait the other day, " I'm afraid you don't luvc me anv longer." " Don'l lovo you any longer!" leplitd urn, 1 uou t uo nothing shoiter." DS?S5EfSriJ? .1 Capital 'Joust, At a lain o iho citizens of St, Louis, uivon on llie 15ih of Fabruary, for the purpose of celebrati'iif tho landing of I.aeledo and thu foundin 01 inn city, wB find the following among the regular toasts drunk on the occasion: xOur Jlrmil tke Valuntrtra n,l 7.... iurs vviiu Miirlda lor defonrc; a JiulUr ir oiipp .1 t; a I'wow lor roposp. and' a . , ' IO' Para,1P 'y they not latl. It nnl feir run, Inn H'..,. :.. 1'.., .--..-. ......,, ,,,, auiu, nr a (jartand for victory; never crying Quit man to the foe, but laying their Twiegsou die enemy bnck.nav iiromiulv n .&.., nr rhitrmo ..a il.n ''....!.. w...,fcv jumr uiways .knows IIOWi Some two -ot ihree hundred Ohoctawi from Mimaiippi, p.isied ldulo ock, Ark., on .he 24,1, of I-cbruaryi bound .0 , L new nome in Ihe wrei, Two thousand u ,u .uuio uiuo aro expected to on. liu una OfUOUII, S.VLR OF I UE PUBLIC WORKS. l'he SpeculMo.'s bill .up In Mouse of Reptescntalivrs on llie 1 3ilt, insi., when the fallowing pioccnlirips took place. IinvilL. hu-fueii that Mr. Paarcc lug faillifully.' M'proscnlctl M eoiiMinicnls by opposing this bill, ' In 184 1 Ihe vole in this comity on llio sile "of Ihe M'.iin Line vv s,For (he Sjc -155 Agaiul the Sjle 3105 r'iiVKYlbosn.'Ftb. 131847. Tho hill to incorporate the Pt unsj ! vania Canal Bnd Iliilioad 6'oinpBny ond to pioiido aVii.itirii; fond for thn pn) - inert t of the Slain debt, was lake 1 tip. yeas 4,4, nays 41. On second nailing, Mr. Knox pro need (0 amend the bill in I In fnot tic ion, !o is lo iucf('fu llie prico lo lie piid for tho public ivciltK,lroii 20 to 25 Millions, and toinciraso llio number of -har u Irom 100,000 lo 200,000; defeat ed, yeas 30, nsys 45 Mr. Evans hue demanded the pre vious q leftlon, ond it was hucoiuleil, Cs.' on the ijueslion, fcliall llie main question now he put? il was decided in iho negt live, yeas '15; nays 3 no quorum vol Ing. Tho Democrats refining to vole An ail jurunienl won moved bu without effeci, jeas 25, nay 47 Mr. Evans ngiin demanded the pre ious question, rml it waa seconded mil the (uesiion sholl the tiiaiii qiieMion now oe pin v Mr. Knox desired lo bocxcucd fiom oling in this call of iho pievious qucs ion, as iho iicj'tuiiy tif the iloiic were for hurr in Ihrougli n bill, concedcil m, all hands lo ho the mosl imiiunan me of iho eenMiou, without y i v i 1 1 1 1 1 1 inmoriiy a light -other lo peifect thr .11, or lo be liard in oppoiiiiou to i' ho would li.iiv to ask llio Huuso to tx cupu him. The cjII ol iho yeas and my? wh? eoninieced. Mr. itfmicrson asked lo be xertHcd, hut il wan 'refused him, yeas I, nas47. Mr. Horns a.-ked 10 be excused from voting; yo.19 S2, nays 46 Mr. Bi.-I, was refused leave to bu tx. cu."sd from vuiiiin M fsrs. Fernun, .Forsyt'i, Hissan, 01114, Krick, Meyers and Mtiheiv, ere t xcuseil without a division. Mr. Knox de.-irfd to bo excuecd, and kerf the yeas and nays thereon. Tho Speaker icmaikeci thai he could not countenance such conduct as had been pursued, and furlhei that it w.i eonluinacioii, and deanled that Mi. Knox was excu-Pt). Mr. Pearcc asked to ho excused, and brirfly oiated his reasons, he camo here undii insiiiiciidns lo vole such b3 by his const ituteulfl, a laiij majority of whom dig opjiosed lo thih nieapure. llo was rxeusctl. Mr. 'Piolell desired lu he excusrd,anei gave his reesoiiK for not voiinj; upon 1 ti tc moliuii; his consliuenis weie opposed to the meastui', and I. ad scut him la-re lo repiesenl their views, but this he coul.i not, as llie majority of this House liaii "piling Ihe pttvious question upon llu minority, and wr ro disposed, l lluy weie In Iho mnjoiiiy, to treat Hit minority ly ranicolly; he know the por tiou of (he House i ith whom he nciod, had in dt-sirelo throw obstaclus in the way of Iran&arling. husincss, but ll), when Ihey wanted lobe heat if, and wero itfuscd, they Ihouhi the comse Ihey wery pursuing was the ennect one, otherwise Ihey had no oppoi lumly l be heard. Mr. P. was excused from voting. Mr. Thomas was excustd-from votinj; yeas 45, nays 41, The previous qmstion was ihPn or dered, yeas 49, nayn 25, and on Hi. question, (-lull liu fi,M sceii,,,, p,, j, was dfttrmincd in Iho afliimalive, yva 51, nays 38, as follows Yijas Messrs. Allison, UjsMfr, Hrniz, H gham, Uf.tir, lireidenihall, Hull, Cnlvm, Connor, Diciinson. Dick--on.-Kdie, Kvans, Fox, 'Cohlfy. Grniz, llaly, Ha. lis, Hilands, Hunter, KmU maiij Kinnear, LuMoy.Liwrrnefr.LQck hsrl, Macdey, Matlhias., M0eiUBi Monison, Morton, M'AUisicr, M'Cui dy, M'CiHley, M'Knight, M'Miun, P..llerson, Iaul.nK, Phill,pS I.,mHroy, LMetce..Pumroy, Franklin, Reed, Hobins, Hoss, Hinborn,Shrp, Shelly, Thompson, Trego, Warner, Wtjsmcr, 1' ' 1 " ooupr, opeautr. .Hh, IluiUci!, CLik.Dily, Dun,M.n.-, M, l- , rnnon, v. f, -T. l,'....Aii.mrtli Jicoby, Keaily. KMnu, 'K'niRfnnnUll, Krtox, Knelt, L (fug hi in,' L''vaih,;Lonc, M6r, Mye.NrAlide, '1.H$. Pfl y, Fiolt'i, Itupi'ii, Sipm, Suii'h, Sou Ter, 'J'lionisopn, Weilor, Worrell. A' motion, wns nude lo adjourn. whirl' Vl "II J 'l ... 7 - - -J ...., .l,..n.l In tlOlK.11. I.Rf'i.l mil I h ty hour, of adjournment ainvm he House ai'jntirneil llsJl', FUtK. We learn with rcL'rrt that ti n Iihio nun plied ol .Mr, J 'Hi 11 rreas, jr. nl liiiarcieeh, was destroyed bv lire Weuni sil.iy fvcmiig last, together with all their fotitt-uif tou-isi ing of his stuck of buy, several hundred bu shels of oai". a q'innliiv ul when, ihrcr orscs, and all hiu iHrmiui! u'eiri.ilr'. His lo-s niiibl he iip.vurds of a tliiiiis,ui.d dtllirHi Ii is supposed 10 have been thu vuirU ol an incendiary. From the Hrutljord Importer. AWFUL CONFLAC It ATiON I TOWAN'IJA IN UULNSI One of tho most awful and dcslrtictive conflagrations occurred in our Uorough lo day that ever visiied a town of equal extent and population. More than 20 buddings are Lid wattu, in the fi.iresl unit mnbt hu-i necs portions of the town. The lire origi natrd in tin: inof nf a building occupied as a store by N. N. Hells, and in a vrry lew momenls coiniriuiucrfied with llie coutigu- ins buildings 011 ruber side. The large ihree story stoic, owned and nteupitd by iho .Messrs. iMontaynes' llie Clarcmoni House, and adj'irrnt biiildii'gs, and the Ccurt House, were soon enveloped in one vheet of Ihme. In less than wo hours 11010 twenty buildings were consumed by tho insatialo clement, Hvery building on tho south side of tin public square, and east side of i-ttn street -is far down as ;lr. C, Arnoui'u buck house was destroyed. Tho beautiful brick block 01: the west side ol Main street " as several tinus on fire, but 11 tiniately saved through tho almost superhuman exortion of 01,1 cni zens, I lie bridge was at one lnr.o comid cred in the most imminent danger, the roof being- on fire in several places I'ho wind blew from the northwest vhieh threw tho force of tho blazo partly towards the river, and -was a fortunate cir numslanrr, for had the firo crossed Mail street, 7eaienonly knows where it could havo been Hopped Wo will not. pretend to rslimale with nc tiracy the hiss, bul ii cannot be less than 00 or 80,0"0 dollars. More than iweniy-five families have, In dus calamity, been left houseless, mikI many nave lost all ihey possessed law hi 11 mi Mm, MITUh to I A I'li OP THINCR IN MEXICO. Tho Union translates an aerliclo from tho Vera Cruz Locomotor, cf iho I81I1 of inuary, in which n pitablc account of thr condition of things in the Mexican Capitol "s given. 'Iho dccioo auttioiizwig fifteen millions of dollars lo be raised by iho sah I the property of the rlorgy. had raised n fearful tumult au..)iig tho people, and that r ulootly ropttiro or revolution was moment. arily rxpeoicd. Tho people were war.nh with tho clergy, and protcsied against am Mich use being made of iho niTentics of the hurt h. Tim snulesiaslie chapter had nm. .... . ...1 ... . icu against 1110 decree for tin loan, anil Uo legislature of I'ucbla had dornanded iif repenl. The clergy had cnmpleio control over ihe people. A boliof is entertained, hat Santa Anna approves tho decree, and will support it. even if in ,1m,,,, c.. uuiuiic, suouiu result will, the clergy. 1 lie expressions o opinions on the pari "i iiu m'inocraiic press 111 respnnce lo tin nominations of thu LVmocraiio Stale Con- vention, aro of the most enihusiaeiip kind. e are glad lo seo that all ncctionrj of tin nariy have united in rendering to these i.ominnii.mH n c iTeclive and cordial sups " N'ccks volumes in favor of the succeiB of the party nexi fall. l-,- lliere is nothing ( any Jmportanco from tho army in Mexico. The Ut bcutt actively engaged in preparing for an attack upon VeraCruz, and wuare In daily expectation of bearing of tnipmtant nowv,l'ro,n.tliat quailer. - (rKI'lio nm fur- ii,o-OTtJiio,rf the now coun ty of Lackawanna lias not becrnno a W ..... i::,Tr!'J.L ,Jtr udintheaena.e, ,w lU , tl0U,Ci w jt , Gtn. IJnociCHAN. w , acied a very con ep.ruoue part in ,h fap4Ln , , " " innnihs hro, dee ivered n lempcrancc addresa ,,. n . " . chewed n Jr.. ."" "vvvt. his III hi luuueco, VIIIOKCI a rinar I, ATE FROM .M.XU'O. Ti. N,'w York Sun lius iwi'i'' i ... Q. I. .....1 IITK nf ,1xico io ihe Bill "f I'cbruBi). . . . . II -S..I n.1 I I l kl .1 blllllVII '-4 of its'tirupfriy, and Sania Anna con of iho'ulipopulurtiy ol ttie noiiiiBii)ii u hid written to the Conitress. i.rgng ui6dit"calion 61 feal. 1 bill was tliere iiuon submilied it-pcling the obnoxious Uw, and authorizing the govrra-nent to re eeive a loan fioin the clergy of 400.000 per mcnihi whith it wan understood ihpy would tonaenl m advance till peace was1 jfl itiri'd. .Siiuia Anna had seized ninctv- '.;.,u, of silver belonging to merchant ... .1.1 s..- 1.:. nrM,;,al u.iai r, ..'M'- The fo.r.Hry around had been uhjclcd requisition fo. sup ..ii.- ...1,1...... ,,,...,.! f leuiuneratio'iiTa Ml...... I w . it ... . ., !.,. 'v wassl?it- IJ p IU IIIU 4ii Ulll Ul ,1.1. a lested al Vera Cruz in preparation ' an attack. The Sun s.iys Sinla Anna had forwartle.d a tlefj")g hitler lo ihe govi'riimcnt He repHeAu tho charge of apathy miidu agaiiiitiiim, pBints1 the hoiribhi ihisiiiuiion ol his lorees, relic rates his and ihcir proicsiHtioiu of valor and piciotisin, and declines his luudiuerv 10 rultro into private Ida, or lo go again lino foreign ixllo if (y'oiigifss thinks best. 11 1 hey wish him to remain in lliu head ot the- army they know his (inn tosoluiion, winch is 10 meet the enemy and u'in in, perishable glory for his country by death 0' vicloiy. Ilu atiiJ-j Ilia', he is aboul lo ineel the en my, The crpltiro of the American de uuhmcnis had routed some enthusiasm. - Tho letter was thud 20. h cf January ( Aduvc )rtiparaiions were making fur de lenre al Vera Ciuz as late ns the 7ih, Th g ojlional bridge and Point Clnquiiiuite ar' f. receiving luiimdabli' Hdditinus to their de' 'ft fences. An act pissed lliu aurte LgUU I iuio eojilerring all necessary power jRii. the Gavctuor 111 fjnilymg t'ie city. ,i lemark however dial ihe riimo'rod evacim Hon of Vera Cruz, announced al Tamri'ico. may have been founded upon orders Issued sinre the Till tilt. On rYpij, lliu fiow Secretary ol Foreign Atlair ii favorably ' f-pokcu o(. 1 1 b ia lo be tho principal man ager of negotiations with the United States. . There woio at Anion Ltzaido one U- b. fiigate, 3 brigs. 2 small sicamers, 5 pilct boai, 1 stoaui frig.uo r.nd I trading bin;. Allele Verde 1 U. S. corvette winch i.'i ihe 7th got iMid'.r way and stood south waid. At Saerificios 2 Fiuiieh frigates. J French brigs and 1 EnjjiMi brig. T o Spanish brig Scraphine al Havana ru. il oloekadu at Vira Cruz both in an uui, In. ing accompanied out by uvo other 1 which also escaped ihe U S. squj-h n -l'he blockide is viulaied tLi.y il,, A' lish schooner Leo arrived at Huvbim 1 . 1. 'il, six da 6- Irom Belize. Huiiduid-, w. $31,000 in specie. News ol 11,1 1 .he Uriiish mail aicamer Twerd Ii 1 1 lu icccivcd al Hlavana ff 0 haw ,1 n in liom Havana lliat b'jiiie Aiiiih dtinntr n. 1I1U03 was lo hti declared J'loltrior Mcjiican liberty, wjih full power in bn tho war 10 a speedy termination out it only u rumor. l.MI'Olt TAN I' IF THUE. y'ho New Y01L Courier dec juuts i n . says it has received, by way nl llavn'i private ml vict g relative to llie internal , l-airtj of .1rxii o, which contain several 1 n porlant rjvelations wilh regaid 10 i'io rt - lion now uoiiia on sccreiK m in.; ianii It seems, says the Cornier' thai ihe ( r gy, whoso piopeny hhs bcun uniiaee" y the war puny, is disposed to nuke i.s t 1 cause ih it t.f ihe reptiblli:, and permit .e project of pence to iiiumph. L plan 11 1 , eplace llie 1'ederal Congress, from wl o action it has nothing to hope for, by ail 1 . solute power strong enough 10 li"e .U co to. agree lo a peace, Such. the Courier is the double road luaJin. . this t nd, and it jb 8,1111a Anna upon w u they .no also repnntd to have ' ir e)es. 7'hai Crncriil would ihen bos c of arrivinp oncu umru at the d.. iaiois; tippoiicd by the Clergy. and on il.c 1 xp. t ondnioii of respecting itu propenv a I promptly concluding 11 (rraty ol pe -. oeiu is noming in this vnmbinaiion. , , Courier adds which is al nil imnruba 0. dun irgard being )ai u, ,lc aCluu c(im , uf Mixieo; and, besides, tho person w I' '"mniiiiiiciJcs this intelligence is in a pr lion it lush gives in it weight, To Traveller Uv the Nam-on Rn UM Irf no liiri 1 1,- m.o 1 o ... VkS.. ........... iiiiiDilllllll, WIIIO ' iho lale Mounnn Frophet. Jno Siiii.h, fi rt'luined to the ciiy f Nmivon. l "he, tho hotel known a8 HJ8 Mus.oiIi uilOUi ni l ' '.a,lu "8 't!' v )) w,u Ku.iiMiiiin nrcomnn mn,n . m 4 l l I of lliia Willi, "1"u