Newspaper Page Text
Oi n w n "That (xotcriuiuiit i Hie let which got'cm lea.!' liLOOMSBU JIG, COLUMMA CO., DAY, JAN. , 1 8 W. I'lllNTfitl N1 NMMSIIKl) II V TTi VT "TATI!. (OLD SKIUKS- OL!) SKIUKS-VUf, TWELFTH.'.Tlltui -32. The 4'liililN Dream. "Oh !JI ibv had dream, mother, So heantifir'and strange J Would 1 could sleep on, mother. And the dream never change !" 'What lust th"ii dreamed, tn dear onr? Thy l' k'i bright and wild ; Thy mother's in ready To listen to her child." "lJdriMmcd I lay asleep, mother, Ucne.tlh an orange tree, Win1!! a while Inrd (Mint! and, mother, So niveclly unto mi'; Though i' woke me with warbling, Ils mites were soft and Lev, And il hide iin' r ! and follow, Wherever U might go. led me on an I on, molher, Through t over) and realm of light, IT 1 1 1 i 1 it came to cink, iroilher, Which da..lcd 'I was so bright. As tremblingly 1 enlereil, An alible form die near, And hid me welcome thither. Nor pain, nor sorrow tear. "I knew not aught then , molher, I only Jell 'I was bliss, And joined that while bird's song, molher, Oh! canst thou read me I his?" "Yen, dearest, to thy mother Such happiness was Riven Th Hiily Spirit was that bird, That grove of light a Ilruoin ,r' Carrier ESoy' Address, TO THE I'AI'UONS OK THE Sinck first the printer's glorious art, 1 timed thfi darkness ol the world. (Ami spread the liirlil of truth abroad. J And freedom s ample Hag untun u, .'Ti li'u Itr.Mii -iiMtiimurv Mtill. i " j - Each Ne Y ear's Day, the Carrier Hoy 1 1 -V jrt n pairons "iioiimijr less .VViei 9 rhyme however ill - '' liu Annual address." '-.W last eve's sunset fall, his cloak, ' V ruin in s cloiid-huilt hall, r jwii l ass a joke ; " warm and kindred friends were they, 111 all sorts of weather, n-L. imu' ird in their raniil nalh irmony together. lipsrin the first to hnast, -Hossv walls and domes, winch the spirit and llie ghost, found eonjienial homes : )'1asi 'd empires, fallen kingdoms known in story, hose deslrum'ton he had made llAnl.iUJ hia siiieit'hl. irlnrv v' ' 'if heard thetale his unsheathed scythe, . iui.iu I'V his side : Jd lav; v,e('iini.r f,V hi'neath, sUowerkot'is pri !e, y. rept o'er the sluu-Jiering earth, amy in her charms,' ered away the olden yeai' ;ea conlidiug arms. eisliiiiil)erer,sleep,"faid FatlierTinif, 'dream of merry hells ; jnrlor chat, the tender Ivhyme, i meetings and farewells. promise is the opening I' ml, idness is the llower, se leallets, is the ehoieest wread,, wither in an lio.'r." in mv dark iinerrinLr march, hand of man hath driven, imral slamp. and li ed on earlh , sovereignly id lie.iven ; heaven liom r reeilmn ronml Hu: world aisiiisl up H" ahars ; ili'spol from hi" throne i hiirl'd, i; l rant's w ar- voice l.ihers." ul hli-s our country ! 'lis ihr !;i nil H'hosen hv Fum.hom for her nun, A n't Freeih'i.i's Sons a ijlonnti hand Of lirolln rs, heart and soul are one ! Where ri'.dil" ofinaii are understood, And I vrannv s ill sje seel hv all. Our noble sires, throuvli toil and hlood. Have reared the pile - It IllllSt Hot I. ill ! I(rn ripial ritflit and eiped law, 1 Alike enjoyed hv rich and poor, latin from lite whole a just applause, ( (ml scatter hies-ino" at each ilmir! V jity and pence our common lot, 1 trowned liy eoiileiilinriil of the heart, i heaulifv the jioor in ill's cot, Itid fillicl liappmi'ss imparl. lime, the reniis of our hours pn his s ifi-u ineed steed, !;m hut a moment and avvav, ill wild old ill-!- pf'-iilr spied ; 1 hi thi -in' rrv New Near dawns, nelv on us all ; j finds our liuml'le ' 'arrii r-hoy, ';"iil III" .New ear's call. The Ncvj "STcar- Thk lri"hiiess of aiiolfer year n iilmnt in, and we still coiiliniie the limsl lavon il ii.iliuii on (he face of llie clohe. We have, Ihi-n l"ie, inin h i aiiM1 for k1 alufition n mh reaini lm ihanklid-in-'s to the Siiireme liiller i f llie I'lilViM"! the alhl'er of llie delimit' of nalioi.s as vm-II a men Never hai a new year dawned upon this people and found them in a hiuher stale of prosperity, or vvilnesed aiiH'tiK ihem so small an ainiiiul ol hu man siillerin.;. The tnullitiiilN ale coiileiilnl and happv the season has thus far, lieen pleasalil while ahiiiiilaiice of employment il .viles the lalior ol llie indiislrions, and thus . eh ihUs llie ptmr man to witness the l,ii;i;ut hla.iin; upnn his hearth, and the smile of peace and hcalllilidiiess llluiniiii- llie face of the lilt lo ones vv ho surround his lin siile. Weare at peace, with all the nathm of the earth our cipuimerce whitens every sea our flat; is everywhere respected and in every seclian of the jrlohe, the American citizen commands pro. lection, and holds up his; head with honor, proud of the land of his nativity. On i national treasury is fillu) In overllovvim; the various ineinhers ol Ihe confederacy are still united together as a hand of brothei m, and it must he the prayer o every patriot ie heart, '.hat years upon veais may pass away, and find them still jree,ivcrtin, indip'-n-ilrnt United Status. On an occasion like ihe present, it becomes us to look hack to examine the deeds of the past, repent us of our errors, and endeavor In avoid their recurrence. Human nature, in ils host and most exalted estate, is weak and lidahle. Our passions loo freijuetitly control the judgment, and plunge us into excesses from which, in our calm er and wis.;r moments, we Inrn wiih shame and torrnw. How has it been with ymi, gentle rea der, darim; the year that has just departed ! H ive yM noihiiiK to repent of no unkind word to re call no broken friendship in renew no act ol immorality or crime to ask foruivmess lor! Are you butler, wiser, hapeier than you were this time twelve months ? I.el Ihese questions he as ked calmly and phio.ophicali , and considered in the spirit "I (hiislianuy, anil the il, vesication may Mil prove allouelhet fruit h'-s. Wis are all traveling towards the same u'oal. Thous mils w ho w ere here la-l j ear, are "dust and ashes" now. Thousands who iie.'here now, will he "food for worms" a year hence. These are plain facts by all admitted, and they are lull of admonition. For what were we created, anil whither do our footsteps tend ! Half a century hence, and the majority of lli who con-t itule the 1 1 v i 1 1 lt and moving tiiiitiiii!e ol the prcsciit lime, w ill be lei.anls of oil er spheres Il e mor tal part will have p.r-sed away, hut what of llie iinimntiil the soul Ihe spirit .' It cannot he that like the poor insect that is crushed under llie foot of the heedless pa"seni;er, thine will he for man no herealler. It i inool he, that his career will terminate In ' that-tfe principle imparted to thl"t al the hcmiuiiiu; will not sinvive Ihe ex ivlelice of I lilt dll-l. No lie was created fnl hiuher ends, wiih limn; ennohlniir objects, for a umre immortal tie-tiny. The action lnn howev er, uny nay, iril' itoveru the de-tiny heii'il'er. 'I his 5plieie is but a trial place an onle d, a mil i! prelude to Iheio aod ilriti.a nl a im I ln-c lih; and anul her woiM. I'd enoujh in t!u lor.e. "''.' .V''W 1'"" ". u-l.'lf reader May Health attend your fin,t,ie s and Content ment "it slnilinir by your I'ne-ide, And wiien at l.i-l the "dust," In du-4 i" L'iven On on may an hi -Is u ne; i he sou I to I J eat en ; Letter froiii the (-o'd SIcfvtotB. Nil. i. We sproml hefoip the readers of the Co himhia lletiioerat, last week, a Imio and al il v written srnii-ollictai It : r li-iui Ca I .1. 1j. fill. soM, lo Maj. ietl. Je.-".lp. ;!.;.,;! ill!! the latest and most i 1 1 1 r - i 1 1 in!i!.,.j irenee from the Cahloriiia (.!! IvYe 'on. -- j Tliis wri k we present our r-virr" v. :!: ai. otlier, from the same souice, w Inch v have ( 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 li :i 1 1 'i 1 .No. 'I. We have in lile liom her ol f renal interest, Tl 1 ! ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 i lli rt 1 1 1 writer, for our m xt wi 1 k's 1 publication. As all are more or less mion-sinl in tin ( i old mania." with vi hi'di I ho v. Iioli 1 1 11- lr ha" In 1 II sllilib l,! ronv lilsiil, weir, I assured we cannot in-el our irail. r- In a more acceptable euli rlaiuuiciil than th perusal of one of these lrtlrrs weekly. I'n s-1 4 1 1 1 i 1 1 'T 'hat all into w ho-e hands this pa. p.r sri! i !, ive fallen. I'li'sl letter, we ave eari'lidlv peril eareelv deem it lie- eessarv toiiiviteatteutinii to the eoiilelits of ihe present niniiher. We w ill onl add, that lliev are ihe proiliiciioti of an oli'.eor of the American Cow ruiiu nl. not intrrested Millie (Julil spreul'itioli, I'll who i" r a pa , i iii- I I,. n olisrrmir ebi.-i ly ami il, 'tailing' ac euralelv : .'.rMI.-'v final ef'o '' f Ca,,l. .1. I. I I'. li III it I ' no on mi, I I. vi VI In I Sii 1 ii in I- ", I I), l,.l, Mv Dun Sin : After the I m I - I" letter which send to you al this time, in relation (nthe gold mines of this country, 1 have little more lo say upon lha( topic at present ; and that lillln relate to the ellect nt these discoveries upon the business of ilit! country and the means ol liv ing. The prices of labor hi re will create surprise in the United States, Kaniiakes, or Sandwich ls lamlers, ihe voi-l of laborers, are now employed con-lnitly about town in storing and landing mer chandise al a di liar an hour each ; and the must indilleiciit la'toicrs are hired by theweik toijelh- er at six or eight dollars per day. Mechanics ob tain, when employed by the day, einhl or ten dollars per day, and by tl e nonlh about In a I'evviftvs, as the su kly se i.ou is over, I pri-siimc wages will advance, for Inusl of Ihe labonei: cl i-ses are returning lo Ihe mines. It is impossible lo give ymi a fair idea of the insuperable dilliciillie.s we all line! with in any busine-H which we art! called upon to do. lean best ellect this, however, by stating facts for your information. I have just completed the repairs upon a (Joveriiment lighter, preparatory to ilis chaiging the cargo of the transport ship Huntress. I attempted to hire a lighter to ellect this, but could not get one capable of containing one hun dred ami twenty barrels, manned by two men, short of (illy dollars per day. I have had Ihe mas ter of the Government lighter employed for sev eral days in getting a crew for her ; and when he ofli rs eighty dollars per month for sailors, he H laughed at, and told that a man can get that a mount in the mines in one day! A few days since, I sent a wagon-master to employ some men to handle stores in the public warehouse. After searthing about the town, in vain, fur several hours lit saw a man on Ihe deck whom he felt sure of letting, for llie individual in ipies'ion did not seem to be blessed with a red'., '''e-y of this world's gear. He was we iruji Vlt'Hp, V u.'illi(tiil a fruii'ii rk il i .. i.l. hi, i shirt or fmnlc, a very with panlaloons hanging bad an anologv fur a coverir one buckskin moccasin, s.m.i and age. When asked if he he r 'plied i:n Ihe alliirna man was proceeding b lo have him do, he w . not lm! ' Mid if work. Siitae tin. i.' taking a ha quarts of ;;old dust from h want to work in I he ri ims, sir. Look here, stranger, do you see this? This bag contains i;old dusl ; and do you suppose I am lo make a dioned nigger of myself, handling boxes and bar- rets lor right or lm tlollai perduyH should llnnk not, stranger !" A ml our friend left in a most contemptuous n.anner. Nor was Ibis a sol- ilai v instance of like conduct; they occur dailv anil hourly in this village. All ens ,,f I'llmr ij in i .i . ... . .......i i- -m ,ii eimi nunc, laics 01 compensation. Common clerkn and salesmen in the stores about, town, often receive as high as .f"J,-riii) and their hoard. The cli rk now in my ollice is a voiing hoy, who, until a few we.-ks since, was a ieif of vnluntrrr, and 1 am now pay ing him P I ,.,oo per an num. This mil not ap pear high, when I tell you that I have ju-t seen upon his table a wash bill, made out and paid, at Ibe rule of eight dollars per doen; and that al most i vcrvlhing I-i- is al corresponding priei The pliccipal waiter in the hotel .whi-ie I board is paid 1,700 per year, and several others from - I.vo-l to s .rem! 1 Inrlnna!, Iy have an Indian boy, or should be fnrccdito clean In v own hoots, fori could not employ a good bodv servaiil for Ihe full amount of my salary as a Government olhcer. It will be impossible for anv ai mv olli cor to live here upon his pav, without! becoming rapidly impov eri-hed, for Lis lime i- imt Lis ow n to enter upo:i bu-aicss ; and although be might have money, his opportunities for making it u-e- I'll to him are few, unle-s be invests it in leal c- i '. C: ie-s -I'I'.i thing done, am unable t ' -, 111 llig lipnll lb it a v lie II, to -U :. d by l..v to r,i 1 - in li'i. con 1. ; r 1 a I ' 1 1 1 1 1 ' .1 1 i . 1 , w 1 ! 11,1.0 e eveiv ' i boil Xi'fp- ii!',;,, 1 r, eoiii, i : 1 i..,-, d 1 it a: - I.. a I to c - liol Ii en 'en I bui i; " ai v. lo with W i 1.. I., act an l.-n tu -nl ' 1 -":'M .ii.'l I . i v . i Chllle!', W I ' b I 1 1 1 1 .M.i".'.. ii". .' tor hi- I; - bc.en to 1 av Im'(!i ca 11. til io i l'.;'--1 . io ii,. ma. d, b'tiei wili .!' -1 it. : 1 1 T 1 ' . 1 : : 1 a I ' 1 ' 1 1 ' irv I !.. j S ! h, 11.'! I he I .ol 1 I 1,. 1 i (' k Li- tin a in coo!,' '.'n' 1 1 -i 1 1 1 I aclion i- ol III. II -el ', 1: .: 01 c dv I I -ii i ' r-i 01 Hell lo !,-. ciiav on! aide e ' e the b i 111. r wali 1 e-r. 11, ai.d 1 1, and It will be illipe-'.ihle to 1 j p j c.,, ,na it eaniiol I (. cteil tba! ' thell -ei V II e- ,i be liol el n- coiaiieiis.ii ion w bieb w ill not otheels w 1 I ii,. ..' menl al a 1 at,- ol cede 11" In I'liil d"V a sei V a,l , I,, s Oi all! or a- laal be. 'litellv lmp,e. lb, o ' -ai .1 i, - .d i"W i il b Il II .1 II ..III" tl to do II I I V. i-o lii r, ,,t living la -ii Ii a -I ,1 : and it : , California upon ti Tin- ea ,;; I- I . loli.ienee I Ve not IV I .: 1 1 - i i - i. III ' I a. I in- W I he it le-i at I halt ,b no, unci,:;'"'"- .v(;;v " -;h , King ""(, ""' ,''VKwTr rn and it must sullice t.i .s.n, that 1 look upon Cali- course a stoppiin pojui j i passing, both ways (ornia lis perhaps Ihu i idlest mineral country on The startim; of the line nl steamers on this co isl the uluhe. have written you at giciit length as is likely to be an undertaking ol v.-ry ureal ditli lo (he gold, and since the dale of that Idler, nth- cully, and ul thifc time, such is iu iuipoitaiice Willi er and I ichcr mines have been discovered, liich reference In both Oregon and Cald.a iiia, that its silver mines aie known lo im.iI in van. .us pails failure might he looked upon as a national cal, mi ni Ihe counliy, Inn they are not worked. Quick- j ity. Still, unless some kind nl pm'eo inn is ex silver mines aie found at ninniaer.ible places, and ! tended to the shipping of this pmt, it is not at ill many of Ihem iillhrd the rielnsi oies. The New imoi h.dile that it may fail Ua want ol the neces. A I mad in miiic .it Santa Claia gives the i idlest ; WMV .,,.,r, r, iiv ,, . ..,, ,-,. , I. ir on; ol w hicb we have any accounts. Wiih very . hot. Indeed, it is aitogclher probabb-. ui.b.-s imperlect machinery, it yields upwards of lil'ly percent ; and the propi ieiors are now working I, and are preparing to quadruple their I uce. ham, copper, lead, tin, sulphur, zinc, platinum, cobail, .Vc , aie saul In he loiiml iu abundance, and niol of them are known lo ei-l in various -ei lions ol llie country. .s an agricultural territory, its great disadvan tage is a want ol'rain ; but Ibis is by no means so great as has been lepresented. 1 believe Califor nia, tan be made to produce as line wheal, rye, oats, buckwheat, bailey, vegetables, andliuit-, espwiany griipis, as any portion o llie world. - Nothing thai has been lairly tried has failed, and nearly everything has produced wondei fn! I V. The portions of the soil w hich are ca, i. . , j il tivalion are incoiisigei d.e in i nrVuri-nn with the whole area of the com. ay , , .'the soil about this bay, and i a many ol tlaf larae valleys, is eipl d In the wanis of a il"iise' population. It is proverbially healthy, mid, will i' i ceplion nl inrtions of the Sacramento .bid ,,, loay, ui val leys, no country ever hud, tj' - I ol il.s selllement, a more saluhiiois cliinali Until some reaction takes place iu Ihe milling business, agricullure must of course languish, and Ihe gen eral prosperity of Ihe Country bo retarded : ami t.u thi- re.i.niv ' '-. v well-wisherof California would hehir . ' -. ie prolliH derived Irom gold dig- King'.. ' y '- .vi(overiinieiit regiibilioiiH as i ''!! of IhV inli iitniils into the more men and I thi Cal "lit ol ia, (lie invest- utries offer, now wiih ng Ins moil, ill be made told that have id ., Whole e o aboil! ay in gold led a lew t'a. ., s ot goods are so d al an avei lot i per cent, clear protit, and ready .lli-'. 1 ben 'I came to this place 1 expt nui lreil tlollais in w aste lats, caivcr.w iwitn liusir ' e and sand lulls. The eh ipler of eveats which ''i,s h'llovved is likely to m ike this piopcrly ipiite ' valuable, il I am aide to look alter it. What cost j I'm Ics than !r""', I suppose could now sell for f'"."' "b It is this consideral loll whica makes ine willing lo return to a counlry whcie tmy sal ary is insiilhcieiil lor my support. If Congress does Imt increase the pay of oflici rs sei v ing here, I slu ui Id still be vv illmg Id letnin, in Ihe ex peel -ahnii thai my private inleii sts 'would justify a mca-nie which would otherwise he , certain to i iiipov i i iTi li e. Soinethiiig sho'ild he done licie at once for the establishment of peace and guild order in lac cuim- " A I iaw .both civil a mililai v , i at an end Among the mines, ai.d indeed in lao-t parts of t he coniitrv out ol the villages, no aulhoiitv hut thai 1 f the strongest exists ; and null tges of the iiU'-a disgraceful nature are coiislanliy occuriing, and the 0 lb-odors go niipiini-Leil. Theie are now a hniil twenty-live ia s-el- in this pmt, and I believe tl.eie is not one ol ! 1 1 1 -1 1 1 thai has a crew to go lo sei, Ureipieiilly the ;nlois arm themselves, lake I lie si ip-' boats and lean- in the lm -t 1 pen man- t'"r, delving both their ii a r" and ihe inag coiin -to pay ;lil lo i-tiales. These ihilig- arc disgrac-lul to III and the flag; ami vv 1 i i . - ves.i I- ,, poll eii irges, null. -. At , I iiei 1 "vv n 1 " I.' pi'.leeti d. The tal ill law of I - d; is now III pro! l a. v in t'.i!il"i'ni.'. Uc have ii"l an Amei icm n. an of-war iu l!u-1 .ul Pa re i,- lii in a vear and .11 Ibe liav il irc.suMhe I oiled Si lie- on tin- Co a-t a I e j I,,. to, I al .M. liter, I ; w he b id a harbor j ' ' ''- '.' ''" h.i" U-t lecov, red a ver bal ,... ,,,ad-',od, and, wbie! ha- not j ,!"'' "' ""' '"" i'l'' '"l lelcks i nil , ill ! I... 1 I... . I I. . , I be I. II -,ili -s I 'bis t.iv. Ill, '. o naval si. in lis Water wliicc l li i v a I -I oi e 'o'e ; .er and ,ile all llieie ; vv bile I in I vel'l p. Ui wh" e ol I tie s! 1 1 p lol. o I be I 'A s ,e lea-t km. .,e. - mil-' I al i n I lb:- llill-l be I he .Il I be Co,:-l. best ad i; led to ,'e-o.v iog ot III." pi ''I , i;.: a:, i i,l . Ir I'.e -r. oia'ni t -1 1 1 point on V ernltient purpose., j ioa oi ui vei a . ii 1 1 o I V al loll ol g 1 'a der. , Wb.'b' y W. I- le t ai t ' 1 1 I w I- i'i 1 li-rt-.i of this j .1 I glla mounted t 'I' Oil'llii lint- o C,e poll, and ibele W-.i- liol a ., ,, in lit- I'n I" r Vi . ; I 'nil, i lie. v.ail : i.g a " no HI 'i v com 1 1 an1 ion, a we I not the .l'ille-l In, all- id ptctellllng . Il ,1., o,, I, 111 it- Il illl'e Ot our an. In I I' V ! , I,,. I i , al In do -o w a- I'l l, c I I Ii ill lai .. : I i. ,1 III''. I'. I I lb p -I lb. If ,;,M be. ii i! "ie li ri II' 'i'.iiil it --el I I I i as - I I , ,1 ,.'.. ', I t b , - I l it II ..-I c 'ill a n il' i . .U. I ,.. competent mil horny is found here al l!m tllli" to preserve older, llie crew will ipiil in a bodv us s ion a Ihe fust vessel arrives. Kverv p,,ssil,e a"i-lance should be cxteinled t Ihe success ul t';js company, and every re; latitude should he granted iu the execution ol thi ad. It is row uncertain if the steamers can enicr i.ouimi.ia river at all limo in the winter ; and ihey ai iy bad it necessary to run up to Pugi t's Sound. This would he a small ineuiiVenience in comparison to the loss of one of these vi -sels up on the very dangerous liar at the mouth of the Columbia an event imt at all improbable, if they enter thai river iu Ihe winter. If this letter happens to contain anything vou think of public interest yam can allow the infor mal inn is contains tu he used ; hut the epistle, yon will see, is not intended lor Ihe public. If ymi think my long letter of the 1Mb. ultimo, rela ting to the mines of any public interest, yon can publish it, or any poMion of il you think proper. I believe all the statements it contains m.iv be coiisnlcied as within the bounds of moderation. I am certain il would he looked upon in this coun try as an under-stateiiieiit rather than an exagger ation ol the reality, as it is seen to exist. The Wild Woods Free. BY. J. T. QUIsFNUtHnT. Some love to ride on the billowy tide, Far, far out at sea ; Hut give me the home where oft I can roam In the wild woods free. t, let me go where the buck and the don Pound over Ihe lea, And wild lloweis are seen adorning the green ; 'Tis l In place for ine. Yet, I mii"t own I would not he alone hi the wild wood- lice, If I could persne some lovely maid To ramble with me. jrCn! Fncmunt. A writer in the TuHalne Advertiser expresses the conjecture that Col. Ureeinoiit, who recently resigned his position in the aimy and loll Si. Louis with a numerous and care'iilly picked party lor Calilrmu,nn Ins resour ces, was well aware o the immense gi Id deposit''-on his route, anil goes w it h he intention id enriching hiin-ell and his parly I herein m. ; i Texas Wording to the an I -, Tcvi i-making a very rapid pi-ogre--- in p..'.'i:-ti-n. K migration llulher, i-arli'-ulai ly from M ; --i ippi, is -aid to have been coilig oil .1 a great I ate '; F.iii am diam v i'l'n' a Mari. an kce vcli Ian ol the lull, .1' Lli S'e'Kliau of C;:ln l.ri."ge. M de his celebrated man- Lady ll.unp I welil v m! h s P bi ii an hour , on I'ne-iiav la-t, al ihe Wa-hiiigton Tri t'iiig Cour-e. Including thi ol d man, his sadole, ,Vc , the mai e Lad to ca I IV li ver i:oo poiiiitU a, they say, never before e ipialied. trj- ('id. M'hitti hi 1, who lately vi-dc! Having Lake, opun the Northern border of Mincsota, 11 pon a Gov eriiiiiciil surv ev , -ta'cs thai a species of wild I ice grow n iu tin water ol that legion, ipiite j to the I ice ol I he Snullieru Slat.-. Il is i galbeied ami u-i d exn iisivuly by the Indians as ! an ai 1 icle I food . fill. V. Coui iei , on I. in. I i.iii I ia i e cdi'ur of t!ic New 'lllk la Wa-iiii!';'. II, s,,v- Hi, it ia tend- to 1 i.ow , vi bom or.' lido hi- cabinet. (Jen. Tall i."'..i'u " i'ni. "i'-.' n t l in uriage pioini-e. Verdict Cir Ikdlar d.nua- U''- I ,.'', 'i T ,,..', i I,, the Seliat. a I 1 I, .-I , I in i'hi l.ll ilit! t he i It i tloll ol I'l e-ldl llllal ei tin - t" people via- 1(1-1 yea- J, Lays, ,'-, fnl, I in Massnrhiirltt. W i.stited in the faunt.'ii (M i-s.l (l;ielie, a lump of ore has iiei n bo in, I in li e vicinity ol that vill.igi, w hieh IV i- pi ll.,.'e I In i pel. til judges to Colli on at b a I "I pi I cent of pure gold. ' -II, - .1 n, g l.aiin I Ihe N il ifll.l I ll'el ligell.'er, niiln ntv el -oltie I l.ll fl lellds, ui tl ileefile c, II' I v b Mr.i-l. i I I. .,li. -pecru . , U',1 to a h , a,e ,...u.,; I,, II, II. oi il boot-. s el I l i..l ! ilali I ea, I '' .',l"li, lo I be bi lli ban a. -I ( in In "t; plod.ii I " i an- I ul, -In .1 lii i da,., nine vim l lis o! - i i I lull .1 1. toil' slno 1 h' . in Ihi lh'ih st,i;, I), turn-1 nt E'l'othicfivc r.u-iiitiii"- i op. 'I'he I'ollowiiio i.s hum one ofthe ii!u,;vv tlesi, most praciical and llierelore, iM(,.M. sucees.shil farmers ami manufacturers of Norilicrti I'eun.-vania. ('ati awi;-s,, Coliuiihia ('., l'enna., Alii. -;j;toii: If you think the follow itiL' won!, a place j-, your -mper, its at your 'n iee ; if mat wofh p', tjrow it amomr yi. 'iir w.;"te, pajiers. 1 M-eas:ot!:.!!y Holier in tf.n works on erriciihure eeeomits of la-ce erojis, which 111 '"V opinion li;ne an it) ; iiiticc on others 'uiiM.-thriMio try :i!id do liLewise; at least it lias sueli ellret on llie undefsiiriied. AVith other lands that I farm, I havetwo lobs toorihrr eontaininir seven and thri-G (iiiiirtrr acres, naturally lioht J;.,J. j raised the following; eroji from these two lols this season : Thirteen tons of good Timothy Hay : Eig-hiern htindied l'unkins : Over ('io-hteeii hundred uheavci of coin fodder : . - Seven hundred hushels of yars V More t hau sixteen hundred hi Turnips, of excellent quality : More Radishes than I could use away. One lot is prettily in with Woe Timothy, and the other in flUL. lor Com next season. Tim value of a crop greatly ,!,.;,.m! ils location. If near a eiiy, -tieh a i would he of eonsideialile value at il; distance it is less so. Hay is v. n; t!i ' ten dollars ier Ion; Com lil'tv eenis hililtel. I could sell one half the c id' turnips I'mm '') to :il) cenis per bu-,!n and, finally told all to couir and uvl al I teen rents per hthel, the lo u-:ll,..r ;l top I'm. Ihi'i.cve liial orarly fanner has it in h,H power lo raise a sin War, or heticr crop, on the same measure of land, hy jrood famiiii, wiih nit mir h ;1. 1 1 1 1 i , , i - I .v,.,., I.:.. i ii ' -M" t on tl v (Utlil ijoou dure plenty in the land. It'esjieelfullv ours, pro- .iOSKj'lI IWATON. v.m t i: oi tiii: chop. bushels of (,'orn at iiO cents, 17-, l"'"d I'linkins. H I k t' ' Mimves corn foil ler, $ Kl Tom, of Hay, at s !) j.r -) Sold I'aslure, f,,r, 2 lvaili.-hrs not v allied. 1 I'. ; Ntii'll a crop jil'oi.'ilrea! i .. - n i , , II tile o iiini iu i oiisv me wuere 1 lav is worth b '-l' per ton , Cum II,") cents jier hiishel, and J 'liinjihitis and Horse fe'der in proportion, would heworih more (' mi lyutl dollars. Such a reward for laoor would almost place a I-'anner on tlut list of speculators. J. 1'. Com iie- Tin Si. ,u i i, i i,t i.-ii, r. - "r prop,.. Hums ..- tl,,. scl;1,,..,,, ,,i ,. il soivciy ipie-tioii are now hi tore l'o',i. .s, vtz : 1. Dolic'lnss' hill making one Klalr nl' California to he organiznl imiuediaii lv, mhI Iraiipo ihe qlleslioll of shiva rv to llie i" o- I'l''- 2. I'he pelilioit o lho people rf "irw .Mexico, I. u- organization into a l"t.!tr, t-:-vi rv i ..rliiih d exe.resslv hv law. li. Clay inn's old rem pioinise Lii!, Ira, in:; llie i i . ' ; 1 1 r to the Supn me Court. I. The l i Mill.tioiis m' ihe J ! kusc of rprrsenlalivr.s, in.-l ip" i no ihr Trn iiorial C on '(' lo rrni 1 a 1 ill I 'or t) U' the oreyatiiza- Inili ol slav rrv. :ovi iPinrtit.-,, exrlmlmir "Mrs. .lones, molher w;.nis to know if vou'll lend her our LaliV lo eo he .. opr ' ' . v wiih lo morrow ; she'll cm. vou half si' , n oris. 'No, It'll hi i' I u out, hrraiis,. s),o llie a qll ulrr fur llie last lime she h; ami brsnles, hr poknl cherrv ."tones lis throat and shirk pips in n to p cry !' ' ".I id, ," sap' oip' s 1 1 1 1 1 r I o ami don't w anl In li'ii'l i nor li t lilies, b m v I Hill ' i " il I ilou'l t i an . v mi I i,u uaii li " ..