Newspaper Page Text
Wily ii people; anil fXi'MMillllK h 1 1)1 fm III " olhc tfbience, wi e, vile ihe -T i f the cntisfenl ainl ifin-ke. hi- n.-iue, I i pnnmlilitY tii"imrv maunder Hose en -uiinliin'-c onliil the ran ,-el ill il in the choice ol anv nnikcr, In is hnnm-ll, truU i ' "i I1 - Hi ol lll iVtr'lf m tinwrpol ilii tis'ion. Mill car we should .inly In delend Ilii' il Ihe eKeemive and judicial l'rt nititM. govei mntiiit rail only ne preserved in li by Ilia suppression anil fill i e Intimation iv claim or tendency ol nn' cn-mdinale li In encroienment iiinn another " 1 1 li Hie nlni'tt dice or tnii rule ami tin-other i nj i - Of lilt CcmSlitllllOII ll'l 9 SeduloUS lllClll- In of thai respect and l .vc t-r the union "I tfi'ates, which our fathers cherished and -ri- Jf-d iiimrt h''ii chil lien, ami with Ilii aw m overruling Providence which has " ""f eluicllv guarded oiir liheilies ami in, nutinns, inv rommiaMv -x ! ? tn transmit them with llr inuiiineiable blessings to (he remotest pes- ll'V nt MUchment to the Union of the States ilJ be hibiludlv fostered in ev rv American rl. For more than hill' a century, during ich kin gd mm a id empires have f.illen, this ion has stood iinhiiki.'n. The patriots who med it h,ve long 41 u-e descended to the grave ; Ull it remain, the munlest monument In eir memory, and t lie object ot affection and ad dition witn every one worthy to hear the Atmr- " Kart nun,. In my jiidgemcni, its dissolution would he the greitesl ol' calamities and to avert thit nhniil I be the iudv of pverv American. Upon it preservation miit depend our own hap piness and lb it of countless gjneralioni to oome. Whatever drears m iv threaten il, I shall sland by it tnl maintain it in its int. gnly, to the full x!n of the nbiiKatimi imposed, and the power conferred upon ma hy the Constitution. Z. TAYLOR. Wnntiri, December Ch, HI!). Columbia Democrat. LEVI !, TATE. EDITOR JJ X, (i O DX S 11 TJ U (i. SATL'KDAY MORN., DEC. 29, 1849. Organization of Congress. (PJ-Hoi. Howell Cobb, of Georig, the orig inal nominee of the Democratic party, has been elected Speaker ol 'Congress. He wan chosen on the 63d ballot, having 102 to Winthrop 100, the majority rule prevailing. More subsequently. PR ESI 1) E T'S M ESS AGE. (KJ-The long expected message will be found in to-day's Colutniia Democrat. It is uiher smooth ly writien. The document has one great merit, brtvily, and contrast! in this respect favorably with the verbose productions so frequently iiiflio ted upon the public. In other respects, it merits ut little attention, touching upon our peaceful nations wiih toreign nations, the probability of ip canal beim; cnnMi ucted across the Islhinus mma, a lecuinineiitlalion of an increase of rih and a inodilicaiimi ol the Sub Treasury. fiilenl submits to Consircss the nroorieiv i . etiiin of u isial rales, and coneliub-H wiih V .'yVisonlhe value of the union if the , ' The message will be read with interest, frill not startle anybody by its brilliancy, or hleu them as to the present con .iiir cuniili) mill the policy of the (!uv. ..iiiiienl. To our Suksci'ibi'r- HP" Agrceatily to time-honorcd custom, tlie carrier of the Columbia Dkmocrat, tvill wail upon its patrons to present his congratulatory Adderts on Aew Year morning, and we lake this opportunity, in advance, to wish a happy New Ykar to all, old and young, male and female, Dem ocrat and Whig. We wish, besides, that every one may enjoy that freedom of mind and happiness which truly and emphatical ly belongs to and becomes a free people. May our friends he in the enjoyment. of ivery social comfort, and may the New ear open to them an uninterrupted period .happiness and prosperity. ilppoinlmtnt. Joy Morris has been appointed Charge d'- Ires to Naples, vice Jjn.ei M. l'ower, de- spur variety is ol course excluded this week I e room for the Message. Jie l.egislalnr" will meet next luenlav !"ings go oH right, we may next week Ihe Governor's message. I'Lkgisla ruRK. The Senate of Ohio illf'Jd inst. reached Ihe 2.10th ballot for r'kViihout a choice. y liimiiltee of naval officers ha been an- i ' V" r'tls'' 8dmiralty, to consider Ihe 4 H'Wle means lor ascertaining Ihe fate i c JiH-'ranklin. fr , Ihe Lord Gambler and th6 Abratn, je.rectl arrived at Hull from Davis' Straits, (''''hif them bring any tidings respecting WCUCh edition. S1E 1 Can ensio.n. The Erie Extcn- s been dninr a nr.ililablc busi- uriiie last )e;ir, the receipts Pir a (amoiing to lg an iV:isc of upwards of $70,000, G'J00 over those of j previoifoar. trhtrtH Your Landing Ik i ft Id minur nf the gospel nnce said, that it i thing iih led him to anxiety about his silvaiionis this solem nuesiinn : "If I I Icdie.wcr would my landing be? Would ) ) .. ft-in heaven in hell'" Carry this nucstion I me with you, ;( reader-apply it lo yourself I k your soul thsolemn cpieslion. Were y,m to ! while readinii hi;, where would your landing I ( ' Would il be i l.'aven.or in hell' ' 'j"rotlni loin Wisconsin r.eit week VLM'ANAC: i von rut viutnovovn i.osw I8Stt.- I C J.MI'II.V II lull TiK COLUMBIA IllMmMIAT 1 C, -s r. k e 4 5 i 1 1 8 15 21 29 r 12 19 20 5 12 19 20 2 9 10 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 1 1 18 25 2 9 16 6. Jaxiabv, 3 10 17 24 31 4 II 18 25 5 12 19 20 9 10 23 SO Fkmu arv, 1 2 0 13 20 27 0 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 f 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 II fi 7 13 1 1 20 V!l '.27 3 4 10 I I 17 18 24 25 3 4 10 11 17 IS 21 25 31 1 7 8 14 15 21 'il 28 20 5 0 12 13 19 20 20 27 7 8 9 14 15 10 21 22 23 28 I 2 7 8 9 14 15 10 21 22 23 28 29 31 1 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 20 27 2 3 4 9 10 11 10 17 18 23 21 25 30 31 1 0 7 8 13 14 15 20 2 1 22 27 28 29 4 5 0 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 March. ArRti., May, Jl'Nfc, - 2 0 10 23 30 3 10 17 24 JcLV, 1 8 15 )! 29 7 14 21 28 August, - -4 II 18 23 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 3t 7 14 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 V I 14 12 19 20 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 1(1 23 30 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 10 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 II 18 25 September, 1 0 13 20 27 4 II 18 25 1 ' 8", 15 22 29 0 13 8 15 22 29 October, -0 13 20 27 21 28 0 12 19 20 2 9 10 23 30 7 14 21 28 November, 3 10 17 24 December, 1 8 15 22 29 12 19 20 3 10 17 24 31 21 28 5 12 19 20 20 27 ii tie: i i:e : On the 24 tit inst., by the llev. II. Funk, Mr. JOHN F. CON NCR, of llriurcrcek, to Miss MARY S. KLINE, near Orange ville. On the 18ih inst.,bv Rev. M. J. A He man. NIr. JOHN REYNOLDS, to Miss M. LUCRETIA PEUR1N, both of Dun vide. EXECU TOR'S NOTICE. Estate of George Kinli ij, deed. N' TO TICK is heiuby yivf ii, Ibat tells r- teMa- lenlary cm Ihe estate id l.KOKtil'. KiiN l.KV. late ofliloom tow nshlii, (near l.spytowi.J Columbia county, deceased, have, been granted, I by the Register of aid comity, in John 1 lower, j i resiiliin? in Mounlnleasaiit tow'nbiu, and Naihan I Kiuley, lesidinif in lilooin towihip.all persons,1 indebted lo said estate are requested lo muKe pay ment, and those having claims will piesent them properlv authenticated lor si illemei.t JOIIM 1IOWKR, ) NATHAN KIN LEY, J.J ' Dec. Q!. 1S4'.t.-tit. lMfiH.IC VENDUE. 11 7"ir,f. be exposed to sale, by Public Vendue, at the ate residence ot lieorge Kmley, in Bloom township, tnear Espytown.) Columbia co ., deceased, on Saturday the 12t of January, 1850, ihe following described pel tonal propeitv, viz; Three Horses, five CJllle. five lloas, sheep, Two Hoise Wagon, Horse (Jears, Plows, and Harrow. (JRAIN IN THE CROUND. Com and Oals by the bushel ; Hay b) the Ton. .1LSU ONE (iOOD SHOT OUN. (jrj-Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M , when attendance will he uiven aid terms made known. '. For particnlai see bills. JOHN llilWER. NATHAN K1N1.EY, Dec. 20, 1S4!. E.riciilinsof Geo. h'mltlj. i'UBLH VENDUE. 1TT1LL be Sold bv Public Sale, at the late re sidence of ALEX WD Kit M'C ARTY, deceased, near F.spvlown. in lileom township, on If 'endesday the 'Mh day of January next. at 10 o'rlor'h, . .1. the followiiigoreiiil.t"Wi I ; TWO IIURKAUS, One mantle clock, one comer cupboard, one din ing table, beds and beddihC, carpels, chairs, one coal stove, line Cooking stme, one br.-.-s hellle, ' one iron ketllejone Chuin, with an extensive vari- ets of : HOUSl'.HOLD AND KITCEN FCRNTTURE. Also One Horse, one Hutuy, one two horse ' waggon, one sled, one sleigh, a lot of hoase-gears, onecultirm ''ov, "no wind null and one plnugh. 100 BUSHELS OF inULJT I Thiiteen bushels of buckweat. Seventeen bushels ' of rve, three tons ol hay, Sixty bushels .,t crn, ; four h'gs, two cows, twenty sheep, one heifer,, one weaver's loom. A lot of chains, shovels, hoe- i and lurk", together with a variety of Fanniin; I I'lensils, anil various other ailicles too liumei ous i tu mention. iir- Attendance given ab id term? made kno vn r,n llie d,.v of sale, bv JOHN JOHN McCAKTY. K. (iROTZ. fxeco'er of Alexaii,!, c Met an; I. r fc ,'i , IM'J ' si&tc imotjrs- Notice is Uehebv given to all legatees creditors and other persons inlci esd'd in the i s tales o Ihe respective decedents and minors that the lo'lowiiiK uiliinnislralion and guardian accounts have heen tiled in the ollice ol the Itrgisler o 1 1 he. county ol Columbia, mid w ill bo pux ntul tor conlii ination and allowance to the Orphans' Court lo he held at lilooinsliurg in and lor the County aforesaid, on Wedneaday the 'i'M day of January next at 'I o'clock 1'. M. I. The" account of Samuel Creasy, ad ministrator of the estate el I tulip Creai-i y.lalc of IM i 111 i ii township, Columbia county, dic'd. 2. The lirst and final account of Hugh Mct'racken, ailmiuilralor de bonis lion, &.C., of the estate of .lames McCracken, late of l.ibery township, Columbia county, deceased, 3 'Hie final account of John K. Grolz, Ouirr.lian of Nunuel Kuhn, a minor child of Isaac Kuhn, late of lllomn township, Col. Co., dee'd. 4. The final account of John K. Orotz (iiiardian of Savilla Kuhn, a minor child of Isaac Kuhn, latent tiloom lp , Col. co. dte'd 5. The account of Levi Aikman, Cuar ilian of Isaac D. I''owler. a minor child of Daivd Fowler, late of Bnaicp.ek township, Columbia county, deceased. 0. The supplementary account ofSatni uel Voiks, ad'iiinisiiai'.r with the Will annexed ot Daniel Moiilomeiy, lale of Mahoning tp,, Col- umuia co'li iv, (Vieaseil, 7. The scniiri of the administration of Charles Hefley, deceased, Execlor ot Henry dig ger, decesed, tiled by l'.phraim P. Lulz, miminis irator cum tesumento anrexo of said Hefley, late of lilnom township, Columbia county, deceased. 8. The final account of Anthony Denj ler, administrator cf the estate ot John Graham, lale ol U.iai int ceek tp., col co., deceased. 9. The account of Jonathan Ci iiz $ Da vid Crilz adrni 's. of the estate ol Juliz.ibelh Crilz. late nf Mnnloiir township, n.l. co deceased. 10. The account of David If. Kishel, ad ministrator ol the estate ol George Shane jr., late of .Montour tp., Columbia co., deceased. JF.viSU G. CLARK, Reg'r. v Reghtkr's Oh ice, ) nlonmsburg, Dec. 'Jit, lv'j. 5 EXCIIANCE LIVERY STABLES, T 1HK subset iber respectfully in vites puiiiic, airenlion lo inc iV :. ..". dZJM Jittery ll.l II f) and Ins new stock ol horses, car-v1 riages and bougies, a variety of which can be found at his Livery Stables. He can always fur nish Horses and Vehicles ol the best kind, and on reasonable terms. He has recently added a num ber ol fashionable vehicles and good horses to his former slock, lie will furnish to parties four horse conveyances with good and safe drivers, at Very low prices yrJ- Call at the lower end of Hopkinsville, on the Fast side Main street. NOAH S. FRENTIS. liloomsburg, Dec. Q0, IS HJ, ly. FLOOMSBUR(i IRON FOUNDRY AND Machine Shop. TJIHE undersigned having purchased of Mr. jl HayhuM, Ihe Kloonisburg Iron Foundry ami Machine Shop, would respectfully inlorm Ihe public in general, that he is prepared to make castings ol' it I most all sorts, si..s and descriptions requisite for useful purposes. STOVES, ol every variety and price kept con stantly lor sale, and made to order on short no tice. Also rioiiiihs, Window Frames, and all othdr I'a-tmns made lis above. Thicshiiig Machines and Horse powers, nf the must approved plan, warranted tube unsurpassed. fjrj-Oulers thankfully received and promptly attended lo. JOSEPH SIIARPLESS. Ploom-ibnrg, Dec. 20. ll-l'J. DR. LEIDY'S SARSAI'ARILLA BLOOD FILLS. Ahead of all others! I he envy of all Pill manufacturers, I)ecausr! they ace safer, belter and more eflira ) cious than an) others; and btvauselhe pub lic will take no olhcis il ihev can obtain them. 500,(100 BOXES have been sot I aonually lor Ihe last five years. VriUNU AND I I.I), WALK Ml KKMAI.K, can always I ilu; them will) equal safely, without fear. ik rn.t.s nn nkcissahy lor purrjini! and cleansing the Sloinach and Row els, and p u i-1 ly i fit; ihe Rlood and fluids ol the hndv, l.iljo no olheis lor no olhor pills produce those combined ellecN, or contain Saisaiiaiilla in them Eat, Drink anil Live as Usual, and per-ne your usual occupation whilst taking Ibeui, without fear ol taliing cold, during all kinds of weather ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS are wagered that more genuine eerlifica!"s (from pbisicians, Cleigy men, .Members el Conyrcss ami respectable citizens) can be produced of their elli Cacv t hail of anv others, ami TEN DOLLARS will be forfeited ineveiy in-lance where O.vr Boi will not do more good than Tiu II xks of any others. Forty Pills are in a box ! ! and sold at Twenty five cents a box, with direct ions and much wholesome advice accoiupaying each bi,x. They have no tate or unplea-anl smell, Free from dust or powder of any kind, Do lint unpe Ihesloina.ih or Rowe, I'roduce no sickness, vomilingor bad feelings, They are good at all limes, kind, And adaiiie.i to most diseases niTinun to loao Outrae and Imposition!! There aie pills nude called 'Sarsaparilla P'lls," represented bv some pel sons selling tln-m as he il.g Ihe same iis Dr Leidy's "S iisapal i lla Rlnnd Pills." Ask I" r, and be not persuaded to take any other than Dr LEIDY'S, and you will not be dis appointed in lh"ir elleeis. He that Would ileceii't ; the afflicted, in selling worthless pills, or nthter I medicine, when goo. I am! eMicm-ious aiticles are necessary would beguiltyof clher flan Is and I ceii.rangcs. Beware of a id shun such persons! ! liny nothing from theii store; il'they will deceive vuu in on.' Hum,' Ihev wiil in anotie-r. ! tjcy Princpal I . 1 1 it. Dh. Lkioy's Dis'f:satiY, 'No. I I I N ii l li Ftll'lt I'l I SI'., p'il.ili:lj.ii,i-anJ , sold Wholesale ;n,d retail bv .1. K. Movkk, E P. Lin .. Hlnn'usbnrg ; Dr. A. R. Wilson, lb 'rw ick ; Sloan Thompson, Lighlslreel ; Hrown Ai. Creasy, Mnllinville; M . Shoemaker, Hii'-'kborn; .1 A. Moore, I n i v I ; 1 1 : I E. Wi-i tinan, K 'his iiug ; Rickets and Sl.'.va", Orangeviile ; .In'iii Schinick, ( jllawi.k Sheldon, .t.-i s. tovr. ; A. Lever", Wa i ville:, I. F. D.-rr, Wihleball, and by S : J. M cheep- ers general DeC. '.' . I - III. -v. SIIOI' FOR RENT. I C il l dersig-ied oiler for rent the hnp l.ilr Jv occiipi-d as a t-hoe Store. It eniovs an e- lleiit biislnr-sa lor.iiiiin. and is 'vc'l ada;it"d in p pirp.ise ,,t H ide, a it I nn Main S'reet ai d I he I mtr-il part of tr evil IVru.s m-.d' r ile Am Iv i.i FRa.NTX k J:I!Nmin :i.i..n:i-ir', I r .- J . - i.i SII RIFF'S BALES. 11Y virtue of sundry writsof rcwiifnHi .r)nn lto inc. directed will be exposed lo public sale ai ihe I i" it lliiu-e, in lllnoiinhnig, Wl Mmul. Ihe 21st clay ol J inuary next, al I o'clock, P ,M ", the lollowing tracts ol real eMail!, viz: A certain trai l or piece of land situated in ne ver township, Columbiacouniv, containing about thirty acres, more or less, hounded bv lands ol Win. Kulp, Jacob Hinterliter and others, where on is erected a small lug house and a saw mill, with Ihct appurtenances, Seized, taken in execution and In be sold as the properly ol Jonathan Fisher. ALSO, A certain lot or piece of ground siliiale in riarcreek township, Columbia county, contain ing sixteen acres, mure or les, bounded by lands ol Jackson & Jacoby, James lloyles, Joseph Gen sil and others, whereon is erected a Furnace, Casting House, Foundry, Machine Shop, ulack smith Shop, one Irnine ttore house, two one and a half story double frame dwelling houses, one log house one story high, one largn frame sta ble, and other out-buildings with Iheappurtenan ces' Also.all the right title and interest of defen dale in a certain tract of land situale partly in Or anise township and partly in Centic township Columbia county, containing idinut two hundred acres more or less, bounded hy lands in the names of James Palion, Jacob Mou-r, Alexander Aik man and others, with the appurtenances. Seized, l iken in execution and to he sold as the pioperlyof Charles KalMus. ALSO. A certain lot or parcel of land situate in Mahuninu township, in the town ol Danville in Columbia county, conlainingabonl one-fourth i f an acre more or lesi, bounded in front by the main road leading from Danville lo Caitawissa, and by a lot belonging to lleiuy Sanders, and tin an alley andnlheis, whereon i elected a two story lrami dwelling house wilh a frame, kitchen aitached thereto, and a frame stable, W ith the appurtenan ces. Seized, taken in execution and to be s M as the propeily of Daniel Huflman, deceased now in the hands ol John Rhoads, administrator of said de ceased, wiih notice to Catharine II airman, widow and heirs. ALSO, A certain tract of land, situate in Jackson township, Columbia county, containing eighty acres more Oi' lesi, nf w hich about twenty five acres are cleared, bounded by lands nf John Kile, Samuel Kitchen and others, whereon is erected a j one and a half story log dwelling house, a frame hank barn, a saw mill, and other cut building, with the appurteiiaii. es, Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as ihe property ol Elisha Hess, now in the possession t f Lalayette Kessler. ALSO, A certain tract or piece of land situate in Cattawissa township, Columbia county, contain about filleen acres more or less bounded by lands of John Price, I. Breach and other, whereon is erected a oneand a half story fiamo house, wilh the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as Ihe property ol Daniel Gensil. ALSO, At the same time and place, by virtue of a writ ol alias vtinliiiuni iriiias,a ceriain tract of land siluale in 1' islnngcreek lowinhip, Colum bia county, containing one bundled and eiahl acres more or less, bounded by lands ol J.ilwin Holmes,Ji)lui Pealer and others, on which iseiec ted a cme story log dwelling house, and ether out buildings, w ilh the 'appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and lobe sold as (Im properly of It. R. Carpenter. PETER BILL .MEYER, Stiff. Sheriff's Ollice, Rloomsbiirg, ) Decemher'JO. 1SIU . j REMOVAL! Into the Exchange Jhiildings, opposite the old stand. BOOTS AND SHOES. TIIE subscribers return Ibeir thanks tu cni.eiis of Rlooniibuig, and ti e public, llie for Ini iner lavors, ar.d ap prize ll.em that they have just received a fine-new ass.n lineiil of RooTS AM) S'HOf.3, al Iheire.stulilisliineiit on Main Street, to which I In-v invite the attention ol cuslnm- eis. Their selection comprizes every sort, size and variety, and at prices lo suillhe limes. Great bargains can be had on applica'ion. 0-- Store in the Exchange, on Main St., sign of the Golden Root. FRANTZ ii. JOHNSON. Rlnomsburg, D"c !i9, lsi'.t. l'rr.LH' sai,k. VALUABLE REAL ES'lATE.' IN pursuance of an order ol the Oi phans' Coint ol Columbia county, on ."luiiiliu, lir 2 th of Jhrimlnr 1 1 '. , al 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Li rd 1!. Rupert ,Admiiis i aior.isc., 1 1 iS. k ah Rupk.ut, late ol Montour township, in said coun ty, deceased, will exiiose tn sale by Public Vendue, upon the premises, a certain TRACT OF LAND Situate in Montour township in County, ad joining land of John II. Quick, and the Susque hanna river and Fishing creek, containing about IS') Acres, on which are i reeled a large BRICK MUM HOUSE 1'IJ S!f In which the Intestate re-sided at Ihe time of her death ; with Ihe appurtenance. ALO, On the same day, at 2 o'clock, P. M., another TRACT of LAND, situate in Montour town-hip, adjoining lands ol John Richatds, Peter Apideman, and otheis, containing Ui) Acres, or thereabout", on v Inch F'.lijs Dietrich reside as tenant; with the appurtenances. l.iilelhe Esiat,' o .,iel deceased, situate in the township of Montour, and counlv aioreaid. lACOit EYERLY, Clerk, Rloom-burg, D"c. 1, IS !!.'. The first above named liact is a valuable prop erly situate on Ihe main road limn Iilonnisburg lo Caitawissa, lately in the occupancy of Leonard Rupert, now dee-eased. The Nnith P.ranch Canal runs I hioiigh i I, upon w Rich is convenient and ex tensive whaifage. There is upon it also, a large bank ha 1 1', a good well , a -pi ing, and a variety of out building and other improvements. The Second tract above named is an excellent fanning rope vty and w ill be snld eti'ire or in ivvo unreels. 1 lo-re is a valuable depnsiie n i n , me ii mil a p il l 1 1 Ihe li.n'1, and limestone upon 'I 1 Ihe other p ut. There i I nther buildings upon th I TERMS OF SALE -j iiinnev In he paid on ,1 iv i a lioiie, bank bai n and piopeily. Five j.errenl of pureba-e of de, one foul I h on I s' A !ri I 1.'it, when po-sessmu w ii I he giv.-u, ami additional l-iurth on tir-l ol' April I . one fourth on 1st nf April IS "', .m l 'he remainder tt of April I :,:, LEONARD R RI'PERT. .Mmiiiisti aim , ).-rein'ner 1, I 4.l ir.V'The alwve sal in'il Tuesday , the o ;.l U tands S'Snuriieil I I anunry , I i, (ier. nml dav of Ci b'lig at 1 ,i''i r' p,t p Cenr' Hnn-e, In nlnnlos k P M L. !'.. RUrERT. I i PI t: i few. f ai. vn List of Cmius fr Trial ut Ja.tnari Term, 1 8.").), ColllUiOli J'UIII Hi' liiinhiiiii Eiliuuii'i Kli.iha li calih v- t h ii li s F is i.' .in in,.,, in,,, ti' .nh. ,il v J. din . 1'ijicr v- ,, In, ,i Melllet vs S Hi., el Mai li el al icll, o lleni) ll.i, Una., Vs .,; ,, pi, nli 7 Jacob -Velliver vs .!.. n Itunvan S Isaac Tjler v4 Hei .l n n, I'. Fuck. 'J 'I'hiiinas : sutlon vs Venial, Reus 10 Robert Muiiigotm-i) ir Imuui ll,.ss and JoIik Hess. 11 Nicholas Seyh. i l Vs Tin's ConnelU el ..I I 'J John P Grove etal vs William Doiuldoon tt al. 13 Lloyd Thomas vs IVler Mowrer. 1-t Caleb Applemai. v Josiah G.llnaith. 1) John Heirnnel ux vs J M.'G ndni'r. et al HI George Drei.,bacli vs Jacob K ll,n, ,-. 17 Adams it Price vs Frederick R Wo! Umth 1 John Shindy vs Samuel Yosl et al. 19 Thomas Wililouei's Fx. vs Knbeii I.i.ekari 20 Same vs same. i John Shively vs Samuel Yost e al. n James ltlack Vh Richani Clack J:i David N Kownover et al versus n..,,;'i Kndi;i! Culiuianv. 01 Manassah Howman vs Joseph Sharpless. 2.') John Ai henhach vM..iht w McDowell et al. ib h uiie v same. 21 Anna Dillman vs S R M Yanlz. Jolin H ed v,. Le Gr ind Ihmrrofi !y lohn Davies et at Vs Win II Wooden II Isaac Huriiheimir etal va J I! Fred,., let it ,,1 'tl L"vi Asblon vs Alnabam ('ol. .'I'J David II ,. vs J,;,e Alcn et al .'I'i Win l.'etieih v M,,H1, M a v e I i , v nl Drake & Idchli I vs N,chojs Seyberf, V F.phraim MeCnllum's Fx vs. 11. Join Johnslon. PUBLIC SALE. IN pursuance of an order of Ihe Orphans' Courl id Columbia couuiy, en Saturday, the fifth duy of January next, tit 10 n'l lo. k, ii llie forenoon, Sah All i'hii.pot, Adminislraliix i,e , of WILLIAM P1HLPOT, lale of Mountpleafantlowiiship, in said county, deceased, will expose to sale by Public Vendue, upon the premises, a certain LOT F LAND. Situate in Muunlpleasant township, uioresaid, ad joining lands of John Oman, on Ihe north ; John Hei-ler, on the east; Fishingneck, on ihe south. ouurpr jimn, on rne ivn-coni-uniiig TWENTY THREE ACRES, T I. . I . ... ' all cleared and improved land. '1 here is on the premises, A LOG Frame Rant, ani HS2 Apple Orchard, and a good Spring- of water. ALSO: -A Wood Lot, Situate in Monulpleasaiil li.wnship, aloresaid, ad joining James Grimes, on ihe east and south, William Howell, on the we. i and Jacob Ship man, on the liortli containing FIVE ACRES, Lale the estate of Ihe said deceased. siltinte in the township of Mountpleasiiit, and county afore said. JACOI? EYERLY, Clerk. Illonmshnrg, Nov. ?0, l-l'.l. IH.OO.MSISURG CHAIR FACTORY T VIE su'iscriiii-r icMicctfnllv informs theciii. zens ol Rlnomsburg and the community in gi-nerai, mat lie lias opened a fashionable Vhnir factory, On ihe south east corner of Main and Iron streets, next door in Conner's Store, when; he rnanufac lines lo order and keeps constantly on hand for sale c heap, all kinds of fancy, ornamental, and ri.Aix Chairs, Settees, and Boston Rockers, of the most durable make and latest stvle . ALMJ.-liOIJSE PAINTING Ai PAPERING, executed to order as above on short notice OCJ-Tho cusleun of Farmers and others is invited to hi establishment, and all kinds of produce ta ken in exchange. DiM ijilLASS HECHES. RlontiH'iurg, Dec. 1'J, I s .:,i..'ini. A D.MI N I STRA T( ) RS N OTI ( J V. , Estate .Qbruhuai Mosteller, Sr., deceased. N JOTK'E h hereby given, that letters of Ad- ministration on Ihn estate of Akiiaiiam MnsTKi-t-Kn, Sr., late of MilHin township, Co lumbia county, deceased, have been granted hy the Rngi'ter of said county, to Ihe undersigned, residing in said Milllin township ; All persons indebted lo s iid estate are requested tu nuke oavment, and those having claims will present them for settlement, A HI? All. AM MOSTELLER, Jr. Dec. 22, lSlO-tit Mninistrnlur. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Jllerander McCarty, deceased. N TOTICF. is hereby given, that letters testa- meniarv on ihe estate of ALEXANDER j McC ART 1 , Isle ol !,'"t;i Inwnsliiii, C'l.-luiiibia I county, ih'ceased.have b- en granted, bv the Rcnis- ler ol said comity, In the undersigned residing in lileom township; All persons indebted lo said i-tate are requested to make payment , and those hiving claims will present them to t he Execulols for setileniLnt. JOHN McCXRTY, ) JOHN K. GROT, Dec. H, l.t0.-flt. LOOK HERE. rilUE subscribers wih tn inlorm their friends jj and the public generally, that I hey have ta ken the entire stock ol store goods belonging to Ihe late firm of Hefley & Meudenhall, and enter ed into partinerLii under the firm ol' MF.NDEN HALL AND MFNSCII, daiing liom theilth ol November, IM'.i. and their stock compriies a general asoitmelit ol Mercbalidi.e, suited to the season. They can always be lound al the Cheap Curlier, anxious tu sell cheap for cash or in ex change lor country produce generally S MENHENHALL, A. C. MENSCH. Rloomshnrg, Dec. 1 1. IM'.i r.l. ATTENTION ! T Ill E undersigned lake this method to nntifv al! those haing uiim-iccI fcceunls wilh ihe iaie him ol Hi (lev Mecdet.hall, Ir, call on him and have I he same ad justed by the first of Februa ry next, and lho-e w ho have iiIic hIv ei joyed a re- ) asnnable credit are expected In r-.:l iininedialelv preiiared lo make payment, as the death of Mr. Hi tliv renders il necessary ihat the business of: the f.rm be settled up a speedily as possible S. MENDKMI ALL, Surviving J'arlni r. Rlnnmshiirc, Dec Ci, 1 I'.. ijt. TO MY CREDITORS. "OTICF. is .ee'-v given, that 1 have applied to the C,iii"l n I' I'l.nionio I'l. 'is o Collin bia i-.unty. for the be'i.-fi! ' ihe In-o!vei.t Laws of tins l.'i mtnoiiwi alth, ano li e -aul Court have ap mil led the Third Monitfy i-l January ncx'.li i ti h hearing of me and inv rndiior- at the Cnnr' t-Icn-e in Ti'-.iTsluirg i'eu i if V"ii think pi. then .pel. ind w In 1 e t r 11 Ton i S. h'I'sSC, ?P.CCLA1ATXC1T. A 'HERE AS. the Hon. J.e-i ni H. Antiiiy, T T I icsnu ut o me ( onus ol Oyui ami Irr in, lien, ami Geneial Jail Delivery, C'o'urt ol Quir I. r Sessions i I Hie Pe. ce, aim toiinol Coinlnoi) I' and Uiphain,' Coioi, in n,e Kigbth Judicial Dish icl, ( oinjii.e. il o in- counlii BOl Noilhuiu beila il, Ciuinliia ami l.vcoining ; ami Ihe Hon. ft a mi: i.i. O k i, ami .si kmi., Iiai.I'y, F.sipnns, AsjiM lale Juota in l oiumbia coiinly , have issued their precept, bearing dale Ihe 'JVh day of Nov., in Ihe ye n ol our Loid one ibouaiicJ eight hun 'lied unit foily-iiiiie, anil i,, n,e CiiecleU lor hid i Courl ol j,.-r aim ') . , miner, and General Jail D, livery, G.ii.ial ( f ,,iii .Vs-lulis of the Pence Coiillion pleas ami Uiphan's Court in Hlnoin-hnig, in Ihe ciiiiiii) o Uilnu. bit, on Ihe Ihllll M r , . I V . (belli. Hie 'Jlsl clay ) ot JA.WA li Y ni x', anil In loi.nnue two weeks : NollCt IS IHIKIli.M. IIIKIBV CilVKN.tOtha Coroiior, the Justices o ihe Peace and constables ol the siid cmihiy ol I oiombia. that Ihey be then and Ihi re in the proper peianna al 10 o'clock 111 ihe f. renin. ii of sani day, wiih their records, in (uisilii.ns, and nihil leii.elnhiaiires, In do those tnmg.s which tn Ibeir i, Hires appertain lo be done. And (li one thai are Imund by recognizance, to pinscuie again.-! ihe pusnners ihal me or i,,iy be in the Jan ol said coiiniy of Columbia, aie lo be 'hen and there lo proaecule Ihem as shall he just. Juinis are rei'ii sied lo he pum lual in ihcir uiitti dance, In I heir Indices. Daleii ,il IMoouisbuig, ihe y-Jnd dny of Dec, in the year ot our Lord one lb usaim eight hundred and tony nine, in Ihe 'i-lih yiai of ihe hide peiidaiice ol the United Stall i ol America. PETER I ll.LN.EYH'v, WW. Rlucim'burg, Dec. S'j. s 10 Partition. In the Orphans' Court of Columbia coun ty : Estate of JOIL KM)I;1!, late if Centre tou-nshin. in the I sur writ of County nf Columbia, dictated Partition Tl 10 :,usati Kiiorr, the widow el .1, hn K.ncrb, X Thomas Ktioir, Joseph Knorr, Joseph Lu ley.and Eliza his wife, lte Eliza Km.ii , Jehu (loiiner, Jr., and Sarah, his wile, lute Sarah Knorr, Levina Knorr, children ol John Knorr, deceased ; Abraham Dildine, and Louisa, Fi9 wife, lale Louisa Knorr, Diakc, ai d Angelina, his wife, late Anueh na Ivnon . John Freas, guardian ot Regma Knorr, Aa ron Knorr, Reuben Knurr, Joseph Knorr, and Elisha Knorr, childien ol 1 eter Knoir, de ceased, w ho was one of the sons ol John Knoir, deceased, Charlfs Hagenboch, guardian ol John Knorr, Susan Knoir, Saiah Knorr, and,ui l Knorr, nod 'I Iminas Knoir, guardian of Hiram Knorr, Phineas Knorr, and Man Ann Knorr, children of Wiiliam Knoir, di ccasnl, who was oneol the sons ol John Knorr, deceased, and William I lageiibui h, guardian of Sarah Hagen bueh and Eliza Hagenouch, children o Ann Ha geiibiich, deceased, lale Ann Knorr You, and each of uu, will lake notice, That an INQUEST, wili be held at the laiedwe! ling house of John Knoiir, decea-cd, in I ha township of Centre, in the county of Columbia, on Friday, Ihe Eleventh day of January next, between the hour? often o'clock, a. in. and 0 o. clock, p. in ,o! that day, lor Ihe purpose i f making; Partition ok i hk. IUal Slttatc, of said deceased, lo and among his children and representatives, if the .same i an be done wilbour prejudice lo or spoiling of Hie who to Value and appraise Ihe same ac at hich time and place you are tend, it you think nroner. J'ETER BILf Hhcrijj, SiIF.RH-f's OtFICK, Rloomsburc, November ISI9. SHERIFF'S SALES. 1Y virtue of a writ of Vei l Fieian, to mc di Ji r.cied, will be expos,.,) to Public I ho i.ouil Hou-e, in h' en Monday, the JJ Est day of Dccrmher, IS-iR, at one o'clock, p. m , Hie lollo.vmg prup. itvio wit: oil. 1st. A Lot of ('nnirnl, i-itmifc in Rntu ingrreek township. I.'i.liimlua . ..nniv. i lauds ol Reniien Fahiinger, (iei-i.e' f.-mm " Daniel Kelli r. Joseph t Icnoi , -.,,.,1 He i i u ding to n,.:.r (jap, eoiiininii.g heuvi.n 'I HI; HI AM) I'OIT! ACRES, ,,,,,,-e or on which h erected a LOG l.OL'SK AND SLOP ALSO. 2. A Lot of (.'roti ed, in llie Fame town ship, adjoining Daniel Kelt, r. J,ep, Cleaver, George I' pi.d He hear (J;,p Ui,t which is rieeled a FRAME .(j;sK, containing ONE ACRE AND A HALF. h ALSO, 3. A Lot of Wood Land, in same town ship, at Ihe font of Ui(, Lit ft,- .Mountain. !,e!jon,Hig lan-:s ol John Dillv. and J. ,, ph Mi kc cm, (110? nboht Foil! ACRES AND THREE '0( RJllS more or h--s. ' Seized, taken in eve-cntinn and lo be sold as the properly ol John Reai. PET F.I? r.II.LMEYLR, ShW nirv's Oni'T, Ri.ooMBfnfj. Sh De.-i m'n r , I vp.i. EAEC U'IXHFSSALe! Estate of JM-OE MILLER, deceased, 1).'RS.AI'NT totlie directions cnnlaii ed in the . last Will and Testvuient ol JACOll MIL LEU, Junior, late of Rloom li.wnship, Colpmhi county, deceased, will he exposed lo sale, I y Pid). he Yendiui or On.( ry. on tl..- i n n.cs on Tuesday, the first' deni of Jan. a, (l850, A Certain JPlr; or, Tract of Land. Situate in C-nlre lownship, Columbia county, adjoining lands of Isaac II. -s, nn the west; John! Thresher, on the noilh ; J.-aae Low, on Ihe east Peter Miller, on the south, and Rcnjamin llconi on Ihe smith and west, containing ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY FIVE ACRES AND I 10 IITY-'J IIREH 1'F.KCIIES AND Tli REl'.-FOURTUS. STRICT MEASUKEMENT. IM-There is a LSJIi: ti I..V, on the pre mises and abundance ol goon Sti nk -ei : 1 . ' ineieisou ine piemi.-es a two JM sl..rv tin: Ulir.!.1 ..I...... n . .... fSfSS it 1 1 a h.,..,i,r . ,1 I. VftTl I I ARD.a stone s'priiiahnii-e. "YlV "--II "I "aler at the .uAidi.or, anil ether ooiihmldipg., a-.V'o-lv ,a'"pV'."''"'1' "Nl: 'iUNDEFD ANT) TILL . Al I. Es, i eieaicd laud, ;,.,d ... a high state o cultivation , The land is of firsf..,i:aliiv, and well worthy Iheal'eutlnn c, any pe,. veto li.av he eiei,ous ol i,.irchaing a lnst.iaie laup H- I KR Ms, will be n ade known on 11 . s,l. IOSFPII rOHE. and LE.AII FOHF. h,iP 1 rah Mi'hr. lan.h Mm, , j,., Inr, ,,'t era fit Err fuller description, eic Ci nl'c t. ivoshij , ; 1 r'i.U r l-o-i - y I 1