Newspaper Page Text
CONDITIONS. 'i"d. OOHI.MIJIA Di: -l'.)i.'K. I H ; iihlishr il evury Saturday im, ;i vii i ii .il ro ooi.i.aiis per i ,t U 1 I II 111 . I I V 1 i .1 II . I . I . . ' ' "" "' 1V'"'l ' I "' 1 1 tit -iWtiI.ui ; l ii,:i ,.,,.,nft ,., the I lit ll IllO.IWU -lillll II llel .,.l I, Ci 1-tlllJ. 10 lilt! tt luVO li'l ips, wo i it v .ii i ah 1 v' f jtil ililli il i . .i fi. r i ., i I N niiwi-iiii..ii tain u I'm a shutter period nl" ti;n.i iliau st uni'iiliH, nor dinroi.tiuiii'd until til. arrMi.i-.i nli it 1 1 have been paid, which Iii;nt liii mix in ii lit h pi i nr lo lliu ix,t i r ilnm of tliu turn, .itfii'i'ii li'r.aiiil a failure to thus no tily the. lit of will c.i, milt rml anew cu lt l."IH'llt.'ino'its roiHpii'imii'ilv hurried ! on dollar cmh per sq-nro ( I I linen nr Less) lor three ti.ii.'ii, -.m I Iwvnly five cents nor sipiare t'ir cvoiy ',i!isiMii,. inoriinn. Iliisiiii'ssCarils i i-vi'ted at thivti dollars per annum. A liber ul disMUtil mile to yearly n.lvert mi'I s. Li;rr,:us, Cuviu'J.vio.i'iiinj, &c. , atKlriftl to J. tllii t'.ililiir, mi hmiurss pertaining In (1)0 ollice Hi nt h ii nl (i n'.. Id secure utttvi'ion i I ' !isiass Diroctory u iT ULi: s" k7 iTuclc a a: vv, Attorney at Law UL'JJMS .iU.i-.i, CUL. CO , FA. tjyric-s T i doju bcb.w tin" Cuurt-Hotise, N' 'i t;i iii,li of M iin Street. ' .iv. 10. IS j''. r FoTT?; u. u lTl.z is , Ittornov at Lavv: i;i.O)MSiiLRU COL, CO. PA. OfiCK, next iJ inr ti the Court House, i MliKlUAN HOUisK A commodiou t and j. well kept rnn By Cha.H. Uokblhi 'i'Uih h ill c of Main t-licct ("'1 IARLES CONNER & Co., MDrchat.ts, New i -iiu Store, norili corner ol Main and rmi sinet. f Ipl.VliY ZL'I'J'INamt, Wukh and Clock j I, .1 II I i i Millar. 'i II U I III H 1 UII.U , l II ftlO 111 J --l ii l ie KxcIi.iiil. EON.Miy li. KUPEUl VUrrcA a -, first door in " Rupert s Row, on siam street below larltet, J i LOAN & MSNaiC.VlI LL,,U.'n;ianrii,Maiii ' it rtot, above m ii ket and one door below the .vcluiiire. i ."IPini.UM P. LVTDi HintUn t oiuiain lit "treel, below Market, east side.siyti of the nul.'ll Murt.ll'. R I'l.V & A. M. Hl.'I'ERT, Tinware and S.lMirort on Main 1 ' .... ' 1 ' !l;nv the Post-oll'ice. I .'. I ; 1 1 A i E M B U C 1 1 , Cli malttrSfl'a in -,Jjl (r,Nar:h si le of Main street a tew duurs no v 91 .irk I't si ret t. Vy.U. McKELVY & CO., Merchants, Knh V'y West corner of Main and Market i r i s . ' 1 1 I L I,, n'4 1 m an I Pnysioiaii, locaiiou '.TT " di'-t st., south ji.le, above Main i i,.fl ,f, ., i in'i'ifi ?r ua 4 A mlin, s,..iu7A,shop on , Main itruet, lirsl (tory.immediatelyuniler ' '', . Ti'tlC iJUiut S'tur in aim , oilh m iiu s.ti'1'Bt, npimsite the paiviT.ii.otlice in the Hrick theiv.l of-'lt'iliert'sUow ' on -vTTTl'wwJiinU1 'LlTS,;fiicr,establislimeritiiB ' Main strcat1,' north side, one door below the rC Hnine. '" IS A.d )r:t ).i , e.) a i.'s I V n ri'i.'aa. .M li :i:.niiiiliif.irluer,lic on Main stiee, oppusite I.' T M '.1 E 1 VN', I'. ;J .tin si-a.;!,,.-! let st-,;rt i i 1 'liviemikor, store on ,t si b'. fust door billow Mar- 1 U ' - iii-:' I )t'.::., f t ,i :j M.'VI'J iv S imosi,, roads on r viclt anJ Orangeville in "til t ,v JN NATHAN) Cheap and Knsiiioiiabie l"") Ci ui'.n'r. Siorc on Main street, two doors a .1 , I be Aiii .l icaii Hotel. v "t X C I ! - G E 110 T EL, h y Smith 1 .1 . Hi a ,ly "ij mi . rdreot, diitctlv oiipositt i lie new ;t Fuuse. J IN It. liAUION Co , M r. k c ii a ,v rs , -It if hi M iin at re."t i opposiie the Peim-ylva- I iiel.suiilh id'iiiitHbnr.:. jiTl'.i FUEH'.fcOU" LIVER OIL ,o v mdv,.l i.o!mii liicind, now used by I he s.uh pr .i i.i a i; h .-.a h u.-toiiisuing el- i'i" cure ol pii!ii:niiiiiy (..on saui ilio!,, Scrol d i, Ourotili' ui.itm.ii Lr.nil .uuner-ii i.'eoiiny, c i : i ; 1 1 1' '.I fi'., w i of tin: lu.lin.-vs pre ii'.-il limn ,r ol Ih" Cod liirf I iv Im.- U-; b-r mo' ,.' 'lis. oe 1 -.i.i'" ,,;-,n i if.';,,'" Hi' ' . i .:.i; . llttiuil '.lulim! Jiiuni,,! ii .i, .1 1) , F II. S ,!Y Il.- I.'.,l'. ,-,!' I U1,K-, LoOlll'II, v l . ..1:1 I.i I ll il nji.ljl I en.isu.uip- I have uii-o rilKd the l.'.l in ii d ca t I'l'ieii'inuns disease el i ll'ii .I'll'-iciit sl.-.gfs, wnicli have been , my , ar.- !it' ll'lill i :ull.e.v-'! ., :te l is' I A n y eat and a hall. I n i- i. e:.-'s, 2o"i out of 2.. I, Hs u-e oi irked and unequivocal impiov- :i ;, ..!yii'.4 in dej;r.- in ditleivnt cases, 1,-inii i i,- -i i e v rclai-1 d ion of the progress ol the dis-ei--. .uei i'i' t iga' ion of I'-i-tn ssi ng .1; in ptou.s, up a a iiioro or less coutplete restoration loappareut i huaiiii. l'liear..ct of the Cut Liver Oil in most ol these C HcH vv n very rHUHi kahle. F.veu in a lew days t'n,' .'oiigh wis inilig.ted, the expectural ion di-i.i'ni-ihe l in quiintdy and opacity, the night nweats ceased, lha iu;-:e became -dower, niul of boiler v.niiiiK', an-,1 the aepel". '; rl'laiH imiiroVi"!. "lie ;'i-l i-i in. I r", ' . lie-li ami strrngtliwere ! " ' ) I t 1 1, :d ihe pm i: fi .in t', I.i. er of lb" Co i ,.i .i;ic. "it ol P.itiiMin.try a i'nt , Hi ohi-.iilal, do.-li-tlc t H 1 1 i ' I heili-licl.-l i I'.-o-io'iipti oi than re.,i:n., teat yet bee, i employ ed.' As we ha.'e in-nle arraiigeitieiits Pi uroriii-e the C" I liver Oil, fn-sh Irom head quarters, it cnu ;n v () hit ch.'tuic illy pure by tin; -iiigle bottle, pr il h 'X -s of one do :u each lis w-inderl'ill eii-ca'-y I n iodio-e;! t.iilin una g iniinh' iiiiil i'i'io- .i il J s o:ci' s di pi'inls eii 1 ,r i V on i' ion li i . mo it,',. :li can; tannn' be u-e:l ;p oro'n n ig it uriinine. l-'.-.-erv ti ii'le having on it out written signature, -. i v be 'hqie-oh'd up "i a irennine. I'a-nolilu'-''"Id lining an nnalyiis of the Oil. -, Itli iioii v.' of il fioiii Me, Ileal Journal-, will be taiii'xe who a Idre-s u- '' "" -f podag.-. JOHN ('. BAKER ,t C" , Whie'iilr Primf-h mvl Co'iuiitr I fa i North Third S'.r.'-d, Philadelphia :t il, I I". ri' ATI IINTION, l'UINTl.K.S. V;: h)) pi iCIh'il! fi.iHlm'-ti have Ills d ' i'l I'rinlcr, u!iin to embark , run lii'.u of an f x" M tt t .' hull"!' III I All, Oil iippli'M this IMI'l't, I'l W It H 1 1 IN I'll- .1 li.v inn I 'I I III' inr tlio h.ilr "i t iv. i cic item jj,. ieu. oo t at ic i'.. .in i-thtii.'ti i h, nr a i 'f it ' 'I either, in '.,,i.iv.,iu.-We KK-ud tin in a" rare ; 1 ' 11 11 tl It 1 1 1 1 1 l j N.i Hit.'Mnmivill In; iven In unpin,! Iittoi. i.Kvi i., tahi. Moum-'mre;, IVrr. 1st. ISM NADDI.K, IIAKM'.SS. AM) TRUNK .MAN ITACTOJtY. U!l. K. (.HOI,, ri.'ui'tiniiy fv inlui in Mi Olil li ii'inis ami i'U-,- l.mii'i'a. i"1 I11 pinnic I'l'iii'ianv, that tn- .Hill t'liriii't mi tile Hiililic, HaniivHH an Iriinli sliiKiiiv';.i'ia tui, iin in at I ii'' above Nlaiiil, on Al.nn .si. ti, lveeii I I he I unit UniNe ami ,l u kl -I'leel, hiuI wlnro tic , kin-pa cniiilaiiliy on land mill makes In unler the InlliiwiiiK .ulicleh' in hia lil.e all of which fur ma terial and workmanship will bear comparison w ith the liot I can be prodneeil an here, i. ; Men's best saililles, comnioli y nhlles, w,i.'Uon cad dlei, c. linage harness, nf all kiiiils. Heavy team hani"is, collam, lliidlch's waggon and cmriago whips, iu:i'bu.oE noiiKs, Aim a laii;e aiiurlineiit ol Iron and wood frame Tinvrlliiig Trunin, PmltuHo C'irjirl Buift, and all oilier siticles in the travelliiij; line, tugeiher ."""""."'ft V wi'l a lare ass n tmeiil of .RKrM v1'"' - uii M. ....... r 'i'..; :.. l .. v . . s. i'i "i ri i", v.'i 1 1 '.'it i i i lit i ii ut, ia- i . I l . I j.i'i i. i.i'.i iri . iiiicii i , i .ccs, J.i; t.iiiin Cloth, ' (tj lle solicits a call from all who wish to pur chase, any of the above, confident that he can e;ive ' sat islac lion, both as to the ijtialitv am! price IOHN K. (ittOTZ. ! Hlunmsliiiri;, Nv. 3, lSt'. j " MERCHANT 'JAILOR STORE.", TIIIE umler.sinnid wcii'ld annnum c in hisold! X customers and the public in pencri.l.thal In; ( bus jnst opt neil a new j iV.crclnint Tailoring- Ewti.lili.slnnont, I F.xi hange tiuildiiiKs, lirst ilm r id i ic the Hotel, I where he is receiving in in the Kasiem t'iiiesa select assm tmelit 01 choice Ch tl's, t assiliieis, 1 and l)i apery generally, and is pn p; red to liin.isli i every variety d clol hitij;, at no i'i latt rices. ' (i.'.ruients made to order, and ready rnbiiecloth-! ili! furiiii.ied al nearly cily cost. ' A 1.30, Coats, Pants, Vests, Stocks, j Cravats, Fancy Handkerchief, &.c ,aiid a varit tv ol other articles r side heiip. (fv-TIn; Tailoring business ci i liroed as usual. ALON.U II. ELLIS. Dloounburg, April 21 , IS-li). .., urvo iiw j jn. mm i i.i prtnrci twM't.t I 1 " 1 w,,u.1" , " ul!' ,rl(!"n!i I itml ll... mi , he .1. ir..i...l ll.-.l l.o U.l,.n I iiu wrll-KiiOvvii sniliu, receniiy Kept ny ijanif.l Snydkr, Esip, on the head of Alain Street, in 15 ooii isLiii 1 1; , and will continue the Known by the siu of the "i'OHKS," wbeie hcis prepared to accommodate those who may favor him with their custom. liis aiancenienls are complete (juarters spacious local im. pleasant, and without prctni-ir ii too much, lie (latlois him sell, he will be aide to do ample juslicstohis quests. jrt'Staliling and the best fare for horses, &c. SAMUEL BLUE. Rlnnmslitir!?. Anvil 7, I!!!. c ( T vv. c no n a 1 1 t oy i (IIM,' : rn; if. subs '.ens nl iscriber respeclluily inb irns the citi-; ol lilonlusbuig, and vitn.ilt . he is now npenin- a select i Conf(.ctiumtry,riiiil nul Tori Start, in the Exchange builenig-, No. 4, w here he w il! be happy to wait upon those who may lavor him ! with In- coP m. Give him a call. (rjrllis fUtrk is Irish has been n.'Ucled with i care and will he soul cheap b r cash. THOS: ELLIS. ; niooms' nrgr, April 2 I, IS-IO. ! o.c. H ii i, i: u " JlUorii'ij ul Low and Counselor, j fj'OirYi! on Aiainstreet, by the Courthouse, j jl'.Sl'IK 1 FULLY niloriis his frimds and , the public I iiiil I (- has commenced I tit- prsc-' , ol law in l!!oom-bi;rg, CoIiiii bia coinit; , Pa., i"ie In- will pr imptly aitemltoail legti busi-i -s nit i -n-ii-l lo bis cure. ! Iihinnisbiirg, Api il -s, s..l. In NEW STOKE AND CHEAP COuUS. T 1 1 1 K niiiter-igi.eil r.--pecilnllv inlorms 1 , if- old CUftiiloi ls l,e public thid l e t as just co'iipli tial hi- ..rii oeeii eiils lor their better I uccliiiilipidatiiin, by re-liiiiliuiig -lore house at I he old -ta ml, oi. Main St ici-t, where l.e is 1 1 cei v I ing and .!!'. r- ha cash s: l"s. a select am In ei.t of ! ('liitliiiic; rnnl ('(iii!i'ftiiii)nri( s. ! t'is tok ol cloilithic 'vhieh is o Ibe latest ,' sty !" ami lie-l lii,i-b. coi,m!- of every Vnriely ol ! Co da and Summer G u loenls, w. ; pants, vests j j shirts, cola i s, - lin k-. SvC, & c , i; ai I'laetui i r1 ex - i I pio-sly lor c-iiiiiry sab-s, and will he sold at! e.vceeilit'nlv Ioa prices ,.r ca-h. ' ' .'l.-O 1 Canf'Tl .onari.-s and Fancy articles, of all kinds loo hum' p.ns to in i,l ion . j S. ,y MOSES MAY. Bliomlmrg, Juii" 2't. l.-j H-itn. Snru-nl and Mr.rMnkul J' TTII i'l -I iob-rsigii lie- alio Gen gtii'd respeotlullv intern, s the ,a- uih'ui.'ii ol !oiiinslni-g and t lie putiiic in :o-in I'al I bat be ..tteuiNtu ul thevafiou o',i;ie!atia';s in De'distrv. H..'.-iib'nce,'ie,-,rniooiiis-burg, but will vi -it fa iiii lies or i u vidua Is, at their dwellings. w hen r.'.iiiired. Tluiiklul tor nasi fa- vols, he tin ,:-1 n Pieiit a ' ontmuatioi' of public pal I onage .an 1 1 wi -ati-laci ion i n 1, i Mer be his ple.i-ureoriTiil( r pi ofi sit.i .1. II. VANDER'sMCE. fr;-T he slice ia cart ner dip in work. lure, tofoie exi-'-' g bitueeii A. Valb rchaii.p and .1. H. Vandersijce, I, a-- cvpirnl In limitation, at H the accnuots o -am f rin are in the hands ol tic cmiersignrr! lor t' ienleril. J. II. VANER.SLKfl. March 27, ls l'i. It not 'ind . ! rjAHE unilei:tignei!.iiaii!i!ul lor pan national"-' ' i n-i." t I ,c p'l'die I h inform' I is old istoniers and -tf.'illsbPK Id -Mbligl.t Ai q o-ite the at be has removed his c IV in. e hi iiitii g, above 'le. i n A am Street, i l.i the new M 'l.g' l's M Forks lloP I on all wlo. i, w I i r ' he w ill , i form hi;'- ,m i t; ( y li h rul i waif up. I'.O.I .i W'till I'. niKTKK'K. ! 7. n..oM ("i.onii: .I!, DilUfiS .tMI'.nif'INDS. rn;ii' m,,. i-iL-ned ..jam pi. '.die, that he .,',1'IV.- llili' li.s "I-1 ili.e- pis tVirpil i ii t'ltl vt r) n f t has receive at old -u.p nier, on "south l';Ht of Main arcl i I... re be oil'.''-- treat bargains to f hose ''..ilit to p'111'b.i-i'. . lo t -triol' I Woo liiilV j His si.,, ciiiipri-.'s be v.M " ', h"ii: " li ol .Viic nt,d ''niiiin'i.. Clniliiiix. evi rv variety, soil ami si-e, ;n-, -.V lii.APi'H tio.u the rhciijiCsl m I: loma- 1 ::- II aoiiiial h where p'l'die cener: i "I III- i;o..ds llv are in .'ited t.i before p'li-i ha-un; I' i r, . ' -I'.' I h ' I (JUOUS-ISKW AltKIVAL. I LSI' i oci'ivt'd anil now opehihK at the old a) stand ol (III) HI'llCl.Tllxif, u splendid U.lblllt- Ml'lll r' ,.((,.,! (n ull meal care, ami Irom lolii expel I- elite. In- Haileri liiinscll that liin solco.liunii are K,, mil unly in pailertis ami l).,bnl in quul ny ainl pi in-, uinl will tie mild ul t no loivesl po- bllilu inn'fs. His DUY HOODS (uiiihislH nl' nil I'uncy article, t'rniu fli;usls to a jilu'i I nl' nit ; mid couipn.ies all mail n. ils lor I'ln.'ki and diesHei. In rul Slid uhilu llannels. A U""d iissnrtlnent nl' (.Mollis ; C:iHsimns i Salins aiiu V CSlmps, i Bleached mid hiinvn iim-liim, llaskets and Carpet- j liaf ; Rleu's and liny' II.HH and CapH. liOO'l S. j Ladle's kid and lilllll nhneH; I.uukilm il.isseK, ( Criickcrv-waie, llaid waip, (' (lar-waie; all kinds j ol'ljHiict'HiM & Orient AIhi SALl.fco. ite. All l winch lie lespi cllnlly rripiotH linlnci)d find the punlic to cull ami examine ft-All kind.s of i;rai n , lumber, and country produce taken in exchange and for which the hiuhi'id prices will always be paid. L. B. RUPERT. niunirinlniri,', Oct. 27, IS 19. in.ooMsnuuG academy A 111(111 SCHOOL Fur Vouim Luilim and Gentlemen J.E. EIUJ)LLy,Virtcia. The liext winter Session of this Institution, will commence on MONDAY thebth day of Vc- ...... l ttl lltiii ca. Emcrson'8 Spelling lluok and Reader. (loudi ich's Geonraiihy. Hiillion's English Grammar. Parker's Progressive Exercises. " Aids to Enuliih Composition. Blair's Rhetoric, University edition. Davies' ai ilhmelic. Alyehia. " Geometry. " Sin veyim;. " Mensuralinn. Knsler's book Keeping. Ackeruian's Nat. History. Cutter's Anatomy and I'hisiolojjy. (Jiiernsey's History of the United States. Lardner's Outlines. Olmsted's School Philosophy. Ilurritt's Geography nf theHeavens. Johnston's Turner's Chemistry. Wood's Botany. Schinucker's Mental Philosophy. Wayland's Moral Science. Webster's Dictionary. L A T I N. Bullion's Latin Grammar, Bullion's Latin Read er, Anthon's Ceasar, Sallust, Cicero, Horace! Fulsom'a Livy, Levereti's Latin Lexicon. ( R E E K. Bullion's GreekGiaminar, Bullion's (ireekRead er, Robinson's Greek Testament, Xeuuphoii's Anabasis, Xenophon's Memorabilia, Pickering's Greek Lexicon. There will be frequent exercises in Declama tion and Composition. Instruction will also be given in Penmanship and Book-Keeping. It will be the aim of the Teacher in this School, to impart to the pupils a thorough knowledge of the branches studied, to educate, their minds, and thus to prepare them for hon orable places in life. T E RMS. ' The winter session will consist of 2 1 weeks, ; or two quarters ol twelve weeks each. As Ibis : session is (wo weeks longer than the lal sum- mer session, a ciiriesiiniiiliiiL' addition is n (le lo the price of Tuition, which will be as b. ows, ner noarler! pr Kadiiie. Penmatishin. Arithmetic. Pctk- ; keeping by simjle entry, Geography, Glut.')- mar, tii-t. li. s., .... ri For same and Algebra, Geomelrv, Siu vev ii-g, Mensuration, Ibiok-keeping by dinibe en try. General History, Nat. History, phisi ology, Phiiosopliy, otliei English branch es and Draw ing, .... Jl..'li For Latin and Greek Languages, , 1,7.1 (pr Good hoarding can be obtained in private families ul from $ I ''0 to $2 00 per week. P.i fen nref, Col Joseph I'axton, iliev. Daniel S. . k, Hon. Stephen Haldy, Ptev. .lo.-hiui Evans, 1 1 oil. George Mack, tlichte I'lobsl.Esi, John McReynolds, Esq. l'.lnoinsburg, Sept. 2P.' h.l'.i. Kkiii'cp.I) I'mrKH. NEW, CHEAP AND I'ASIHONALLE Clot h i n jr ll in p o r i u in. T Jill F. s miser i bur re-pec! luily informs his friends f an I the puiilic, that he has di olveii 1 1 e p.o liier-biii business and opened an ei.ine N I'.W : STUCK UF GOODS, fiesh from the cities, in tin- ' Che up Clolhinii ICiiij.oriiim in the same star I, ; hi Main Street, above the American ll"t' , .'.here he call beat lint ll .lew and Gel, tlio al m I- j ling cheap Gimds, t tolhiiiu, i-c. 'l ake the lowing sample ol In- prices: j Fine Oi ess or Frm-k Coats Irom to $12 Splendid Blue Hlack Dii-ss Coals lit l.'i ) Caslilnerell, Alpaca and slimmer cloth, I f '. Li linen Coats ol all kinds, '.' j lilack Ca-iiiiere Pants, .". Ti , Sdeiided I.nnarlitie Pants, 4 ti Cotionade and Minimer Caitnere, I 4 Plain Satin Vc-ts. 2 1 .1 ; Figured Satin vesta. 2 '.. ; Maneiles and Ca-hu ore vests, 1 li'iv's pants and Vests, I .Moil's Ca-illel Pali's, 1 11 Kill FALL ANT) WINTER CLOTHING, of every description, Dry, Fancy, anil S,ipc GOODS, and a. general :'s--ortt'ioi,t of Shirts. Ho sums, Collars, Glm es, Sii-peinlers, Stocks, Hand kerchiefs, c. &c. Ciitrim 'nix iniidr In ni iler on short nntce. ft",- Persons re-i.ln g out of low n w ill find it to tin I,- advantage to puioha-e clothing of him as he is deter m i im il to put prices dow n so low h to make an ibjecl to those who come from a distance. Gi'lllleilien doli'l fnr';et to elniuiic for N dlialls's Cheap Clothing stm-. ibovu Mr. Dfeblel's burg. on Maui Street, one door Aii.'ci itaii Home, Blooms- SIMON NATHAN. I'i Itlooinsburi:. Oct. I . I SOUND .NEW WATCHI'S. '! 1IIF. suljsenber will gn tlOll lo tho--l! W'b'l I', i iiiit 'iiti-tae. fro wish a goodV-A rate price -i. ot o I'enliliie , .i ,, o . -mid article Im a Very lln i Ho oilers a fine, ami -. b cl ' inch wiN-lii , niiK'cIv ! It ti ! i h I'.ilci-t I,. , i ! j'jiri.- KrVf.-r-.tJct'CV i LcVit lt'pinr.-,rt;'i,t j-; . I tH'l, vVO., iVl',. J Kctinirii! V;itc';( awl .l'Wt it a' t vvt ('i ! rrtiittDii, ui'Hir il Im-X"h, ii . n -I in-ti uiin i,t- :.!iiio-T rvi-iv !i"noTr.)ii.tiiori, ty mr nn I irjn pun ciplct -,i 1 -v ;''s!v nod i.ii'ii-illv finer. T k i i rit; - 'otin.H'h, pntcrit , ;nl r', istf il I'm-'t! irl-i tor i vi-is ntnl lrpi, Kt;v C'IMihui. 1 I r;tir"l z"U nm i r ir. i at L'ohl ke i .. I .ar',:--eoiniiioii, s'cid, cntninon liillll a ml fine Hold hi' Hi's ami L'ohl I, and- (special. Iv for epino. I'. A 1. 1 m t: Vn f;i:t.i s - and ei 'ivvn is heeles. eb.inis. veri't--. screws, etc. eir : t, r eiu;-li-h,sivi anil lieiii ll m iti'be-i, for lepines, A n- lepines. rhor- am S. I., oi l' is, , Ii'l't let ers. , , ii f is and cvlemb rs lor leio Hid lev ers, etc. ,- i, Ci'ielt Triiii'into.'- -1 ' I -laniiy on haid e-ta''lisoloei t in r,iiio;i.,o.-e on Mmn Market'-t. Ill M.'i ' Pl'IV , at Ins i v J,,t;TS'.wrA'v"!vrr.' l rilllK t'rnprii'lnrn, lull nf cnnfiilenei) in the re- , J nuui'et'H nl Diirtur iiVl,, ft. ovfr-i.ii , li.ilm I't I Is which have named Inr IheliiSeUeil such an envi.ihle lepur.ilinn in the slim I Hpace nl ' five year they have lieeu lielme the public; the , muny cuiei they have peilni nieil- sulne ol the pa- lienli. hnVini been cniihned In Ibeir bed. Inr imilitliM and years are truly aitoliihliiiig, nnw Hue the world to proiluce then i iiU i For lung staiiiling i!if)isiii and habiliinl Cm i ixncn, tin y have never tailed, whi n liikeiac- conling In directions, lo ellrct a cure, or give permanent relief, Old Liver Coinplaiuls, Jaundice. Sc, ,'an be Piriiiaiit litly cured, by the li-e ul ibese Pills, as Ihey operatu diieclly upon the Liver, and cause it to peilollll ils II lit hi al and healthy action. Fur sudden attacks in children such as Colds Fever, Worms, &., for (navel, Kheumalisin, Spinal Atl'ectlons, Huailache, Coughs and Colds, Ihuy have proveil an invaluable Remedy. FEVER AND AGUE AND VII I LI. I' FATAL No medicine yet discovered hai -proved so ef fectual in curing Ago.? and Fever, tec, in the Western States, as the Gcni-ink Sovi hkign Balm Pn.Ls. We have never known a siiiele case, when taken according to directions where (hey have not etfected a cure in finm one to eight i Javs. They cleanse and iiirify the blond, and are therefnre an effectual remedv Inr Scrojula A sijirlas, and all disease arisi.ig liurn an impuie sta'e of the bliiuil. In Nkh vol's Di and Fk.mlk Com plaints, they have woiked wonders. Tb(yiiiiel the nerves by removiiig the cause of ,Nervous li i i tation, and grfdually slrengihen and bring up the whole k stem. 1'J Way of advice to females af llicti.'d with the above diseases, we would say thai larae doses of any kind ol qriih.u I ics are al ways iiijm inns. These Pills should be taken one al a dose every tiiht until a cure is (-fleeted See Circulars Thee Pills were first introduced in a noiseless manner. No gaudy show cards or long adver tisements filled with cirtilica'cs from persons that never lived weio restored to, but weie lelt lu w ork their way into public lavor on their own mer it". They are purely vegetable, mild hut sure in their operation, and pcrlectly sale for young and olil nf debilitated constitution. They never leave the bowels costive, which cannot he said of any other pill now in use. Great care has been tak en in selecting and compounding the medicine which has always been superinu nded by Dr. SOCLE in person. , For turllier directions, cirtificates, he, see ih Vo'V Yor! l)i!.inic. I'ist.itiit,;, published at Eu elnl.oy Dr. E L. SOL'LE it Co., which may b had of agents gratis. II K IV A II K OK crifNTf KfKITs ! I ! As lliere are spuiinus Pills in ciicnl ition cal e l Orii'iital or Sovereign Halm, be nre to S"e hE fore ou buy that the name of 'Dr. E L. S)tj'f, h CO.' is on I lie face of the boxes Norm others can In' iriTiuirio. We -are not aware that any one who ii making a spurious article has i t ('ari d to make u-e of nur ratne; l ot some of thi.-m have had ti e iuipii.l.-nce to iinil iif. our boxes and cupv ni.r i' 1 1 i n l ii-. i-iriiiii- -le- iLr. Cnle-s the public are car, -I'll vvlieii Ihey purcise, they will be de C(.1V,., i it The ge SOVEREIGN RAI.M PILLS lean be bad ol I John It. .vl'iyer, Plonm-liniv , Sloan & I hi nip. J son, I. mlii . . t p. loore. Danville ; A. Levi i ers and rn,, (V i-hiiiglonville ; J. M. Slelibn Jer-ev town ; Derr ami Melbide, Whitehall. Haves and iMct'oriiiick, McEwnsville ; J, 11 Ra-er, Milton; J. I.) Numaiule, Northniiibr- ! land. A. C. Norton. General Agent Carlisle, Pa. Sent. 2.1. ll'i -tin,. V. s T E W A RT. ATTR.LY AT FOKMKHI.V OF WILKKsUAPH K , TE-l'ECIll , has Incited I ELY it, loin,, li e puiilic that he d I n I.I .iiW Ilk, w nere he will at 1 1 in1 pro in pi Ii to all toga I biisini ss enh listed to In - cue i ii Coi'iml'ia ami Lu7.i-riie count if. t; ( 'Hi a- 0:1 Main Street, iqqiQsite liie Rising Sun Hotel. Jan. 20, ISl'.i. V PlIILAIiELI'lllA. liF.ALING ic PO T'I'SVILLE UAILIiOAI). V.'.N ; and ,i;i r g -r I i oii- M.KAN'.I : v.r ' int'cr 1-t, 1-1 1 s. Passer, iidelphia Will i ii ii between a- I- Hows; P I t -v Ilie I.eivi ccid h . ieiphia al . A. M., daily, -- rrtves at R, adn g at 11 IS -v,!,- nt 12 .10 -j A. M. Daily except '-. 1 1 w - at I'i tiiiville al L- Sll! P Ariives at Readim; at I') ''') , A 1 1 H e- al I'li'l-vi.'ie at PJ oil. Yht .- P- r-ville Mid Phila.b -Ipl ia .'tin and i .1 i'ti ; I'.'tt-i'ille a: il Reading 1 -III and 1.2U;Rea- ' ilicg ii'.'d i iiilad.-li'hl-a '2,2.1 and l.'.'O. I'.is-eiigeis cannot enter the Cars unless pro- 1 viib'd w it h Tickets i Thei e ii s i I he im A I icrni on Trai n. !;-(l'l'll'l- l-'il'y polinil id baggage will be . alinwi d In each pa-s.-nger in these lines; anil j passei gi i - ai i' exi'iessly probiluled In in taking I any t In ag a - bag o".;e but Heir i e-i ng an pa it I, j wh'eh w ill In al the ri-k ot its owner Rv order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Soc'ry. Nov 10, I'M'!. COLL'MI'.IY COI N'I'V INSTlTUTh. T Mh'. I'i o-iees ol the Coliui'hia Cetiiitu Insti- tale i ..lie pleasure in annoiiiicii'i; to (tie public tnt-y have secured I be services of the j lil-.V. SA 'll hi. SI tl.At C, las Pritiripalof the Scl.ool to be opened in nlooms- Inirg on I'liuisilay, Ihe -1'h day i f Apiil next. ' The hig'ulv apesii d abilities o Mr. ScbiiHi r af- Inrd an .li.'ip.e guarantee for tin rough initn.ctinn in ail ibe vat ion loa.icbes taught in I he scnool. These Will con -1-1 "I the follow lllg 1 LANOl'AOES. ,' .(."' ;. ' T. ti.i. (.1. f 'i' d lb'!, ii n . illi..!' ( M' h nti'l It;ili-n. i; Mi!.!:'!!. le. ( I, o mi-: : y , S'i'rvi-yini;, ,. I n -".i ap'i" . o ith t he i'o ol tii'in s ; Vni.l ili-1 a 1 1 , N.. Pn ill I lull- pi v . ad l ii-'itiislty nith M". ami e:. i ; iii.iM-: .M.,ri,l uml Mental -opl.y. with l"i tuns, Ieouiiii.slnp and l ion u i i I r. cei vi'-ilaii s atleidtoii HI 'I'i !t,.-. In onl'r 'n -i''ii"the i:ri,it.'-,'-t n iliiii i , I in' In iiiiit lo i.'b inpit.v.e Ifiihlt the -t.iiolaril i. umbel sii-'i.ld in- I n i-ety -t'n e, utiles the lieio'.o'l oi ihe public should warriuif anas--1 -1 i ti t The prices will he a- follow s : foe llnjli-h 'nam bis soi per darter. )o luih oldition i f l.iti"'i;""'. 0 " " W.M. McKKt.VY. 1 I,. 15. KlTKliT, CAl.r.i: BAR TON. -7rust,(i,. VW. SNYIU' IJ. JACOB MJ'.UCt.. j '.' i "-.-' i . "':'r' I' I ' '' I WHITE SWAN HOTEL j ' T JAIiEsiibsei ih,. i l.i-.'j li ave to n.loi In bis j ' I Ii ii'ii'W uml 1 be publ i, in u,i",, 1 he ' has laseii t In- H'iiV SuunSii'liI ui.d Staifil ! tlhce, No IH", K ii-e '-lie, -I, h iioerlv l,it b ' J . ; I'l li'l s it Soli. The I Inline lo II, l -.-c i Oil- ! I t en if n' , and in I lo- busi i,c-m 'ji I ol I be I i". . .e hopes, b si i u al ' nil li I. l i i ii 1 1 . ess, tl,,,i I ih j I Iriends Will ive bun a call. He pledge hilln-elt, ; I thai iiollung 1 hai I be w anl ii c on his paitlo I.U ll'll'lids .it hol'ie. Tenus ,?l per ilav, ' GE'llf'.E P, V I NT , I 'oi iii' f . y nf Si lmu'kill County . , I'hila.. March .' I . ' I'l'-if ' ' TllE EM Pi UK COMPANY. I Ml'll l Oil A I 1 0 HI IIU. I.I (.III. A I I lit. OK 111) j !" T.V I I. OK NI.W ol. It. AliJ'j thri exclusive Agent.- P i tiieeir Oxy gi-ualeil nlcl -,, iA hu ll is I lie best and ull oli-- ! ge-i ceriibed n.idicnie P r i be eine l Dyspejsia, General Diblllly, ll.tbltuai t nslUI'Lu-s, CvC, Hi; the w-oi hi. In eveiy uimm e ,n i.-n K In m imp' I j feet ig' lit inn . nr Ci i aiifjnl 1.1 in. in Ii, II is reme dy has been ceililied lo by lion. L. II. Ailudd, l'. Guvei nor o Rhode Isl. i.n, I on Win. Wood-; biulge, Ex Governor ol Micbinan; Hi u. I.J. Moiuhead, Ex -Govt rin-r oi Keiiiucky, lion, J. h. Simmons, Standi r In m K 1. Hon. b. S. I helps, Senator lr.m Vl., Hon. Win. Lphain, Seii.iloi Ire m Vt., linn. S l ool, !. loil'-i limn Vermotil, Hon. II. D Fosti r, ineiobei o Congu-is lioin Pa., j Hon. VV. S. Milllrt, Wisconsin, Gi-li. A. C. Dodye, I Iowa, C. C. Trowbridgi , l'--'-, LciioiiS 11. : lloimes, Esq., C.I., G W . Jones, Esq., Dobuqiii', 1 Jo-i'jih Iloxie, N.-w Vol it, ami many ol lit I s v. In are living w KIic-m a i I lis siipel inr ei!u' N. li One peuli..i piopeit) ol the 1'IT'I EhS is ,1 1, u ( i is does Hot contain .my spn llni I - liiiinus, I'lid is ! on an eolirelv new pi. n i.l i u.e for Dv-i iq su. j The KMJ'WK COMI'.tA V, lo wl in .-nlu-s jsuouldbe addrt-SM-d, an- at No. Jlo LiOuilway IN. Y. PJ.'.V KILLER I A medical piepiii.d.iii by it e ran e ol Vain Kill ft, has been lit il.lo the ti.aiki-i o the l.In- pnv Company in Ni w Yi ik, w bn h bids fair It .Cast all other .!( in Idi. I lido Ibe -taiie. ll i cannot, perhaps, be hi tli r iIim-ii! i il iliai, I y s'a in. g that it. is in a liquid loi m, and is adapted to ' internal and ( x'etral .sc. Iioldn-g io-laolaiii uts , ci li 1 1 el over all Ni moos Af'i ( lit i s, lihcninatisui, I erni'p. loll ii us, '1 1 1 1 ih ai d Ear Ache, i Cuius, Iduins, Spridns. Sore iCoMi'ANV. No. 1"0 liiodwav. ill I'l UK Can he made lo hi or in alhu st every ca-c ! by ' proq er tieaimeiit, hut tl i y shiaild n metnper ' ihe organization of ihe Lor is tiie It o-t ill licale striictiiie ol the body, (t xeept the eye,) ami hem e is ollener it jntid than 1 1 refilled I y svi iices. The Jlciiitit. (til sidd by ll e Ilmpiie Company, I7'.i Broadway, is ike siiio-i and most succe.sslul article ever known Im cuies. Cliciiiicul Clt'iinsiittr Fluid. Manufaoluied and sold by ll e En pin- ny, is to every peison who washes or h. s wash, ing done, of vr-rv greai and i-ssetitial sii vi-e. It obviiites more than half ll e (iitinaiy ll ' i ai i!al, so the wear I" clothes. It sets the cob r la.t t( lading calicoes, and ai sweis is wi il K r caii.biies inuslins, and woollen goods. ORNAMENTAL AND l lsEI FL. The Laiimliy March I'eRsh is li-cd lo give peculiar poll-It Irt cellats la soils mii! Iii ens, thai nothing" elsa'can give bi'sulc-s. it gn allv I r-1 i i -ttitet Ihe honing. 'Jhe genuine has the -lau.p ol the ilopne Coi.'ariy', No. Ho Pmailvi ;.y . ,.-'i lit.'. sum aln -ut VprinifiioTs ! .j,;,. Rome kill Ihe Children ! a- w el I ;,s the worn s, and tlie'ruily I'aie al t icle tied kill.-the moms and U'd ttie childien, is the one made ami sold ly the Erhi ire Coiiqianv, at I7d Cioarwiv. 'IHE EMPIRE COMPANY is the only one ol the kind mcop' nded by the Leg-i-laliii e i I I hi- Slate a- a Stock Ci li.p'n,y , and nn dc r su , b I g is Iii 1 1 v e e loie ! ii i n t s :.s to o,.(,t. ;(. -tuck always nl par. Mid tie Coti.pai.v clcur ot liabililiis Indivitliu. Is holding any i f the Slock nl ihe Company , ill be i ii'il'ed to tin n- i n rain lUioilut of the piofils of li.ii bii-ioe-s. Ceoiarid upon Ibe allidavit.- of Ihe Trustees, al 1 1 ( end ol each year. The Company receive t eir own Stuck lit parin,''he pawm-i t P i (.cods al tl e New Yolk, Otlice, 17C Bioadwav. ' ' Til E EM PIPE COMPANY j Are Mannfacturesof and Agent-Pr, s, me of tin- j fit fsland llio-t popular 1. iiMs ol Shaiitg ami Fan- j oy Sua' s, -in h a- Vanilla. Nai oli'i-n Toilet, j Bailieis' Shaving Si ap in bar-. j Till: (JEM' INK HAY'S I IN IMF NT I Pa nn el Coliii'.hia, J! i-w i s'n Li ii i nn-i.l, Spin ii,.-' Sick ll'-ii(lii( l e Ueineilj , the Ihnase ( eh-sliall Skin Pi-will r, &'., I.iive ht en 1 1 al s!ei 1 1 d to tin : Empire Ci inpanv, l"li lnadway, to uhiiualii orders and applo-alinon -hooid to in-.-i'e. 'I I IK EM Pi RE COMPANY, ' Has the Agency ol the Nervine Balsam, lie' Gie it Ri tio-iiy b I l-'il-. the onh -ore a no i ci rtai'i eine b r Epiliptic Fits, ( ran ps, Coi, ol- ; sions, f,r. il has heeeii i oiiiiiiisi, d w iii, a-ioni-i hing -ii. -ci si, and is as near a spi eilic as ai, ihn.g ran be. It tonus a m w i ra in the l-iaonoe (,t ; Phi - ii'i.ifi-, n;.n y of w lo m Use ll is Ralsani s tl... Olil;. I'i mi ny Peisiiiis '.v i.-iiiiig ti e Ni it u e I'.al- sain, iniisl upply to Fin pin- Company , 1 7d!- I .s u v . I Dr. Hush's Ilealili Pills 1 Am only lo he had gi mine let in tl e Empire Company! Thi- caution i- m-ci ssn lo awnl n j -pinions article 'Ihe genuine L'tisti 1'iMs i.ic I'., unless, elh rlnal. and the in- yt Mititi ol , cities, In w as inviti tbhy tlse gie.d q. Ru,-h,anil I used as a iinivei.-al ri mi dy fur diit ase. i Dr. P.iii'iliolcmru's Lxirctoi'ant Pin; : Nynti 'Is manul'aclnieil pt it, ct;y pm,. b the Empire1 (.'onpianv, ITd Pr'adwav, iimur i neorpoi at o n irom 'be State, li r ( oiilI.s. ( ob's, Pain jd Ihe I Side, Lungs. & o. It i- a sure previ rdn e .1 Con- , fumplioii. bill not a r. i ,i in run- alter tl e'tlisease 1 is 0 ue ll.oronthly si'-altd. 'Ibe gei.u.i.e is only ! tu be had from this Con pany. ' j 'I'llK TllIM; IS DONE! j Tho-c iv ho do not helieie n, -hip respeelfnllv ileslicd not to read ' : J1,(. , .rs,,i may read ai.r! list, end .vt. the In ail covered wiih a line, luxni iiiiit , - los.y hi'ir, l.v ti e use nl the Miuiutic lliiir lie.-.'orer snul Iin iterator Mannfactiiiei! ;,mi snj( ,y the Kmpite Company, incorp ' by the Stale of .i w York, No. Hti Itioiid'vav. Julv PS, 1 - pi .I'tri. .ML'l'I'S, BOAS, VIC lOI.'IAS," AMJITR 'i'itl'IAil.Xf.'S, t caj2i:.y, kancv kcrkikk, T 1 1 roI'LU ; r:'-i,'i:ifiilly call Ihe .-.Mention 17 i.l i ' I i i" sous in v. oil of not in to ! Mil the 1'AM'Y I I )l BCMMISS, that he has now ready a splendiil assortment r.f the above mentioned articles, made of every des cription nl I'TIIS, ami in tin' creates! vai iety of shapes Ib.d are now I asliionalile. which he oilers to sell at veiy reasonable profits, nt bis rvn st ikk. No. .'. orlh Second Street, (luo doors heloA i-1 1 1 Street.) I'h llaib-lph ia. iMcri'banl-tnil' tiasiiii; I" eil t'irain, would find il coii-idi rablv I" llieir a Ivant.u.'i; to cull and ex amine h.s stock and puL'e I'T themselves bctore pnrcbasiui? elsewhere. '.'I'lie Sloie al iVs clo-eil on Saturdays. (r-Tbe full market rice alwuys ",iven for SK INS of ev.-vv ilescriptn-n M I COIU'.N. .: it. '.'. ' . (tiro ioni L loir : h I'lulnd n.-i r. ; s i.-.'ii,' .r-t.- " . ' ' 4 ', .,-1 i- - .... .: ' li' - ;'" t'JIMJNAIn tua i.i .'-1 'icit?! ui FAOTOMv. r:r.i bmi K'ttmmt ... .. i fnnr if p -r tii'vj l r i PURIFY! PURIFY A L'. i.l. ... III. . L ..... mi ... .1 It,., ,i.lm M V J.ilii tin.l ;i'it!!!i ari? i;i t he Blood. Cleanse, Purify, .'Hid'daiij tl'.e Oirculation, the who!.' bo.iv win n.i'." boiiltli. Thd lln Wollliol-llll nf n llledles to pi'llll ic SUCh l''.-'llt IS PURIFYIHO EXTRACT Yi . tin- di -neil p -'ih, .mil ,-Hicin y -il! I " priabieert 13 tlie to-,, of ii H'lmllir 'ni '.it'll of bus I'l lilr'IKlt. Ihim tA tin I'.!, i-n ,1 !,'. Hi.- 11- - ill I. I'll" ijirlli'itv nl HI!) oilier rsUi dy in tin wor'il (sot- nor 'ii'-i.-i'i'i li.r pri.ut.) . I 'Tli.s I ndlUP ; i 'm'iii "'-;i;u-i-'l lr I'tjnMhtn, mil CUM h til-: l,-r,A( I'llirl ii'fliil', ItO.I lontf-iirlHiillilf riis1'. ol't'iii. hloou. ii Tiiiiut p.itiittp p " i'i'. i itiing, or tmi.'V. It run a. i'tiL".!.it!. i'.- i"'."ii) it 'ri, liiakert llW . Kiiuini l.h'i'l, uml ;;i in fct.' tiynr uinl i.i-ic l,i.' to Ilie vvhua ny.i.-iti. I;t:-."1"M rt'ltll-'l-lf IS Fuel! TIMM CIIK.IPKK tliiin uiiV ot'i.'i-1,'iin-iv ill tli" it'ii-i'l. hei'iiiMc ONE DOLLAr-VS VvORTH of il tvill ell'eet a .Ti'i'l- r inii'ilin'. of cure tlllul ftntr tlnllHrlf v.rth of mu-Kaiiirilln. or nnv "Iiu r reun ily, no mutter hin d'r.'d' tiieir llottl' limy he. 'I 'l" fiiyirlaiiL iiie.-tioii tor eon-manor-, to d- teniiiini P. Inn- tuur:i more rurmire rffi'fl trill a ttullnr'n vmin nf f.' I'tirijitr ;iei'"iV. l'"i r. itMnr't trorli uj tlmt si'rii'iiiirit'l t itr nfo.'r rem hi. We mi.'ht liere ny( tint lirtiiit'n MiJicinit hm! i-iunl, within the lust year, 100.000 IVrsons of Impure TJIooil Diseases, mill -25.000 Cases tonsMored Incurable! lo. .Mini' ol!:'-r 1' a. nf mi di' ili'- III ti nre ill Ihe hatiit ol" Pay. in,'. If !. 'o t suV so. WHO w. II lit hi l.ovi; Ue t Tllll, h -iiievi r, u e .lo nu.l pomil ready to prove, by rttpcelabli 11-'! J, (.,-.. 1, Pint 1'il.A.M'S Ml.lJIClMiH lliiVO 'iii-C!l i:hi liKtnre Hlood Binenscn, in hvi'ii: hiiiti n I" ln :8, tin: pi.i-t yesr. tlmn any olhet n-iiiedy in esi-t'.'iH-i) ih.l during Ui mhiih time. 1 How iniirli "ill n t:olliu'' Worth C'liref Thi" is the important qtitwtiuii to duci'le. HEAD THE VUtmt: 'IVksty l.'.r'.'i. d"ep Utctrn weie and by uhuij' or: unlet i'ottieB ol Iti-iii'l's Ifnriier. THIS WONDERFUL AMD ASTONISHING CURE was perfecti d on .Mr. J. It. Haikins, of Koine, Oneida Co. N. ., mid it is one ol the nm-t m 'mw.iilmi cum thai wai ever eil.-i-Ml on a human being; and it was cllecled bjr Una oiilttltllij of UUl.T'M IIYDIAIV I'PBIFlEIt, Hinl ut ii shal:.k cost, tlmn meli a eurn whs ever nefor or siller tn ni", 1 V SAIIVPAIlIl.t..l or any otiix MKUIC1NE, v.nre Mm crentioii ol th" e-'irld. Tiiia cure of a MOST HORRID CAS3 OF SCROFULA does not stand iiloiie, a-i a .'iiiA'lr mmnimnil of the rent tffi, cit'-y, in a l'itr;ii,'r, oi lint,!' 1'iiljun Mctticiuti lor ' eouid give unlitri t. il eviilenee of oilier a9tuniabiii ci'i-i-s of S rm'iilii iiiul Mrnfiii'iiia ii'jrftiou.i. Tliu turn it i.-oni to l y Mr., am! is rcrtipd to by I'oin lei il IiciifCliiMe M'ilner i Ily li-ii-t. Tiio.M.t Wii.uawi. one of tl'O tnort retprotabh) ii'iv-i''iau "I Koine; ly Mesnrs. Musni.t. & l.itiiNAiin, ivaoii-miii' uml n no! .iriig-'i-tt i by Mr. (I. It. Hi'OM.S', pro. pm for 'ind kf 1' - r ul lbs WeM Konie I Kito 1 j iitid by eloien c:fur trUiit.i'it. . Ll nun's Simian 3nri5vr cnr" till iiiionre itiensas of the Mood, viz: SmlillTi'titt, , Hill. Hlirttin. I!l,:iimu:in, Ertiptittf, l'iniplt on thi fan, j I'l'm. V lis. t.'l.'irs. O.wo'''i'..i'.'s. M ir.iiriil ltiwl't. Liwt Cmtfbiht. I'ltms in llic Itafk, tf'Zr, and Limits, liuilt of iMmi' to t'lf 11' '"I. I'll'., ele. BRANT'S I.'C55AN PULMONARY BALSAf' fn tlie mupf wonderful mfiicirif ft CI'rk CH't?li Cni nivl conjirr.irtl I'l l, HmnahV ( 'onsi'MPTIon, t'-nt ' liri'ii ti n il tin. I prm-(;i(, s(j ;m to hi', Uy the unt mi uiultwhhd cure. It i-nnt nn. nmi it a hit pns-K'-rftl ni; CL R AN"NfJ, AI. PKKATtVK, V, y i':rt'is, nn tiii prp?! rut.on wliicii w,- tv!l ft'; 'J . Krtmct. H riNti po(isc-"fl ff.nmt o.nvr nuMJicT 0, "o vliirlit nrnl nr.eul',tirht mi,iMf,vI tt fwmtlh n'lcviA pnm, nl tXj:fturnfinTi, niiit rure C :ykantl Ctiu$$t u rn Mini (" i.'j'ix in tiie L-uiti.-, nil 1 Cfrrrm. hrrtts Mini aires f'!f--n in hr Liim., nn i rhr-rhst.,Y, m nriu-i'thi ,ni'f r-'i'-Vy i.s t!i" I'ur.ftjium let lit.'iilH Uil I'lilVD sticli in-rrntiliij. TKK" tract I pnV(- tU iilitiitn niirfifiilu:! fi!;i-:'cy in nil dimi-m ul'l LI'NUS, THItoAT, (tinl 1.1M:aT. COIfSUMPTIOIT CURED ! Id our jhrrtphht-., xv 'jive i), of till- i urn ot .'i rjii! ot r.n';h vii lV'rirul irs an'! r riififntf J i ('it :,-npiion. whit h is n iil'.ilinin. nt I't Dl'ov" tfi'' ;''(') 'n ."-.' pi't'-.ul ,- pi' -IKKMK'f'l 1'V I'll .'.-' ' ". I'l If ill th'' vi n' .M 't;l;V' ,M .'Mi' I' i! lint Kini i'niytti't it- i, I f r j Mti -Ti r tl. th-' - art til-' ujfi- ol' 'uy. 7,:; !VKI H:il.itO'j;i (., N. V. V:Y. I'VK!;.-.I,'.,: hoy M''V. '. htn nllil (ili'i-. Tc i::; M'lN in ft, ft' 'trill. HUfl 0'lf.T-i iitw.) w ii' ii f'mtit J i'C It) MIT JUtTllphlr! piotii'iifi'fil, by f w tii fin' t't hiotinru On-rU n'.i. Mr. I n 'Tnii mi w -n.i niiirr . i-it tin- hnviiu cloth ftim shroud. ! it tn.- -Dri! i;f Mi. JfiiN Wait. tl Jii;M-r.M n-l'ii: ii!- wiii- -iM.ii to. lit;, m win there P 'lMIll ) I T'l t- rr'nitrn I l n.-i wih tun jar fit Jsrul nr.kf tit" f rn , iv, r HI;.' u i infill !l p oi'iitiun -ii to I- Ji'Mn' v.itii I'tin t l-'iiri-i of fir.tiit's I'lil'l ihil mi' to.'l tn;ir. )i''!i.nijli vviti-'i v.ntvi r tn r.u'r, t it wt.ti. I rtlitrr. In r rfmtrrsxl ot' (' ii.orr IK- took tliu t-v i i-t.i Ii-i rin ,-iirou I. lit- ;iv! tin: uj pi-rtiotj ul Th" r.i'-'Jiin ; it ri'lii-vnl j .i!,r ol it, Hint M'UMVKIIKI) lli'lll HKALTf Hil l jl',sl -,( !vur ii v of April, Mr. Vi.t.-s W.iuy y nr-1 wir'hti 'iit.i e-)it, !!.", I DM'i ci in', o! Yi) ';tin 1 m t.i ti - ,:;.!:., eoi.r;u'l' ii in j it iic:ttt'r. Mvv ii ' i ' i 1 i . ':: 'i, tlir" nhovp !.vt. on the Iri"1. Ii-ll'i r Tli 'MAS (i. Vorsij. Just I r.t'rt-j:- in-.i !.'' Inf km.v.'ii Jlr. iiykeil int. In--t ; , ini'i he 1 one ot thnr ri.-i, ,;ni: li'iuus; j,nl til.'lt III s-tiitfUU't. !! t-nrht uu, iib-i. Mr. .Loin Wait, ffm j IM tiir ! UM'tl .'ll t!-i"i WlTl1 llttlt'illt, Iitlll W tin, ii1. . i c. it t'n to t,l Um tnctH, r. nt. 1'n ; i i . i rhni-tidr u nr. Ilyk.'innii.j MANY OTHFR win n- nil f v.-M.- l. 1 tflES OF CONSUMPTI n irif!(l' nn.l the . p.'iifctiv I- I t ii' 1 ii'i, !',f ri.. ' lirfiit'tt if'1' TJRAM'S FULT-IOiVAitY DvVLSAM curetJ sumption, ('ouah.s. I 'i-l-is, Sptrimf ot tiitntd, riltti lie- I. ii iJ. I' li.! i" t:n llififit U.d ivi:, . I If lit-HCt 'I i: !. Ci,t,-:,-i I'liy'i'f.mi of -hr Hf'trt, 2?o!r,ilc Wetnesses and CoinDlS,, hia I i.'iiMnm, rv, a-td bummer Cominni Dactovo aitb 3';nGiiianG Uccoin&. 'I lie fiillnu i".:-iinm.-il I ' i itmt rhijsiaans hfsWl r, i oiniin nil .1 Bi.nit 3 Mclicine : Dr. N. Ill IIP till), stiimliinl, Conn, llr. ,1. N SMITH. rtown. N. V. Dr. ItiWSMAM. pin II- nry-t., Ilrooklyn. N. Yl Dr. T. M. ill N I . All .lull, M. V Dr. CIMIfdi; I'ltASns. Mi.lnl.'town. Conn.J It. (d.iiPCK A. lidlildts, P.ith, N. Y. Dr. S. Wlli'l k;.' l-'ri 'linen. M. V. Dr. (i. TV. (iAbl'iN'I'INt:. Uvron, N. Y. llr. .1. O. SIIII'MAN. Kiiyeiteville, N. Y. Dr. .1. fKIXXJIK. Il.-nrv st., Brooklyn, N. Tl lo llll.Tl.V '., ..'l I U V r Ul. I', ililli Ii.i.i, i.ui ii.inii. ... i for Sale I II. 1'. Lt TZ, and Jen lileoin. short;: 11. II. Hick ley, !! f I- (iwi-r, t u n ia t-u : v . li. I, um i McNinch .V Y'ci 'i i. an ( i , I in if - : I W'ltttniin. Ilel.rsbiiri: ; II. k . (''i ville ; Slot n f,- dl inpirn, Iip'O: W Slli en aker. I IK I-I.l i n : J. yi. I Idli, jn town ; Mi Cay ii 1 aMeix r, Vi s) ' Ml lei'eis tn"! t ii'i ts n t - '"''( Wai.i.m r iV Co , Idr,, I', ;,,! HV , Y..fp ami .loli I'itiii?. p?vT ivl'.l-.l' rr miini i Ht'l'li: Hand-bills, blanks hrk" Lf Cuiiis.'I ickels.Cirt ul.irs.and f..T e'en') i .10 II AND KAN' . .."LFl'MmM! invarit u. i idols, ec( in, , n i fl rc" Col um hi a ( Hint )nsl m e i J;lm, ol, in mutt short order, unit mi .'eia(. r(r,..?ijM : T I v rv be-t article of h LI S, ,,NK., h'l Al ' I'.li V , sVckepl ronsar:v f,iralt'. W'e have also ni'iled to onilrenly heiivyj pxlensive stick of illnnks. , "Inch, wi 1 -ij kinii-. Iiom Dceils (o Nuiii'll'timi y select assotimrnt nf v(-rv fe Marriacr (I rail's, priiitnl andcncrsvi- lor' Mjgt-'tratCK. 'T f A ItIV i