Newspaper Page Text
COLUMBIA MWiUl DEATHS. POWERFUL COMBINATION I Al Orannevllle, on gad about 40 ytatt. the IClb Init., WM,FiTi!.i:ir Saturday Morning, Sep. 17,1804. Cgy Tbo Domooratio Tiokct ia now printed and rendj lor circulation. CSSr Hon. Hkniiy W. TjiaoY) U rco ominonded for Congrea, by tbo "Union Party" of Bradford oounty. ,t, ' i i. . gOT Wo repeat, that wo doalro neither Iho sympathy of Dr. John, pr his oorrea. pondqnt. "Lbony and Topar" Hanih off. jjgy- Hmry Winter Dayin, in n letter to t, friend in St, Louis announces his in tention to tnako bitter opposition to Lin coln's re election. jtfST The "Army of Oadwallader," ar Mill located at Colo's Tuvarii, oil Fishing orook, about five milts abovo Benton. Tboro have been no roront arrests undo, of the Citliiitis there, as no aro informed. All quiet along the Hues. S&- In felting up the notico of Teach 1 V - t.1- .- . . I era r.xauiiunuons, lor hub county, wo it ail o an orror, rhich is now corrected The examination of Jorfot, town, will bis hold on tho 4th day of Octobt.'r, I80t, and not on the fitli, os then piiniud. Cgr Dr. John hut wooli, intimited that ho nevor Iriuinphfd over a fallen foo, ho celled the ''political prisoner in Tort Mfilin.'' tu tint as iu all other matters ho lien unreasonably. Alimiat evcty urit cltf on that ui)joct, in the hist atd thin week's MaoIiiuu, abound uith iiiiiiUi.tioii and couiiitnety agaiiittho.o unju'tly per secuted liiiiz'ju. Ouanob or Tkiim.- Our Snb-crbur., rill picas bear in mind that G'v' in ail vauiio will pay for tho Dtmacntt lor one year. ,11' not piitl iu advance, S'-J 3D, and if not paid until tho end ol tin; year vl! (10 rv ill be charged. This inuroa.o of rates WEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Valuable Farm for Sale.' rpiIE underpinned offers to joll at pri- I Vile salo, a vafuaHe Farm ami Plantation, nit. uaio in i.ocuit township, Columbia county, enjoining farm of Moxi V. Bhociutker, Ellas Uenrge and .Mrs . Me.Murtry, containing about Two llttnthed Acres of .and, no Hundred f width Is cleared, and In a Rood title of cultivation, and tho balance la well-timbered, Tlicro la ereited upon mid promisee, a Rood i'Yame Jg House, 1.00 HARK, with other out buildings, good Orchard, and aeverHl excellent Springs of Water on various pails of tho I'nrm. rnssea.ioii given on mo nr. i or next April, i.r tor condition, una runner particular the tubicrlber. near tlio preiiiUcs. 1.1. IJ. MI YUl. Agent for Samuel Fe-temoer i,, in 4 nno. . WIIUAT, par bushel KVH. " corn " IlUCKltllriAT PCtit'l! per l,M. oi.ovkiI-t.kii, r lax hi, Kit M I lll'TI Hit, . . SO I a v.uiia . so no t hat km. l oo )4 IIRIKI) Al PLErJ, 1 iu II i HAMrt fi S M I II AOOV, U 1 m II AY by the ton. HO 01) nUUKWHK AT Flour. 4 10 UIIIUKENlt, per pair. 3J :- Six a'taclicra Wanted, For Conynuhani Township ''oluinliin co. Those presenting good certificates will rtrilra libera taiariea. J. J. nu.Vil.A.MI, Stcl r. Hup. 17. 1801 -41. war. . j f.L v.- ".j i y u.ltcad. R.i3i .' .. 'C'.SK " trT" ladies fawov rasRbi AT JOHN FAltHIllA'S tii.i) rsrAiiMaiiKi) I'Utt ,M ANUFAOTOllY, No. 718 Arch St , above 7ih, I' II I L A I) U L V II I A. I Imvt; nuiv in tluro of my (. n Im- portallnnaiid M.Miufirlitrf. oi. (,r Iho I AROCST und luokl libAU l ir u i. M-ieiutni i Fancy Furs, l.Alllr.S'nnd I'll I l.llltr.VS WliAIl In til city Aim, n nno nirurttiu'iitnfi.i'nt'a I'ur (.lu,ttt t.'nliar,,, Aa my l'ur wer n l puruli.ivi'd hIio.i Urn. I tva, in much luuer preiuiu'i lii.iu lit pirnai nt, I urn eiialilcil to ki'po.c cil Uii-in M w-iy n-ii.tiniililt pricea. nnd I ttii'rcftiru lulirit n call Iriun my Irieuda i, t'utihtry and vlrinily. fly" Uemcnilier Hie Name. N'uuiSer und Stri ct I JOHN FAlil-nitA, 718 AUCII Street, nbovu 7th., j-onth side, l'lIJIiAHFll'llIA. C7 I have no IMrinrr. nnr inunonion with any titlur Hutf in I'liila JlI pl.t a ! Si'p. 10 IHIH,- :t . i . WILL E.XUIUIT AT I.iOO.IESIJIItii, iS Sittunlay, September 'J4A, 1 S ( i , Afternoon at!! o'eloclovcning at 71 p. rn. Admigkion, OOcts. Ohildrcn under 1 12 yoaraof ago tificts THAYER & MOVES' UNITED STATES OIROUS, . VAN AMBURGH & CO'S MAMMOTH MENAGERIE Egyptian'"'Ofii'avan, CorablDttd far tli Suon nflS3l, with On rrief.J roUloa. SPECIAL NOTICE rpKituiiiu: nt8Ci.oVtin:a-flLcnr.T8 roii'niK i MILLION I A moil valuable and wonderful publication, A work ' n MUH pagoi. andsu colored anarnflni.. DR.IIUN TKK'B VAIli: MCt.'UVI, an oillnal and popular Heal- , lea nn Man and Wiiman 1'ielr I'hyaiolugy, rnnriloiia, 1 and Sexual illiordarufcvcry kind with never railing i Itemeillui for their ipceily cut, Tlio pactlcoof llr. Hunter liaa loiij bcea and ilill l, iinUumlcd, but at tin, earnctt aolicilatlnn of tiiiiii -rit ta lio haa been Induced to eilrnd III. luedlcal msfuliicM ilirouih tlm incdluiii of lila "VA IU:.Ml:OU,l HI, a voiuma that .11011111 bu iu Hie liatidiiifevcry.lMnlly In thn land Oil a preventive of aecret vlc-, or na h uldi' fur tlio 1 alleviation of i.ue of tlm mo.t awful an I daatrmtive acniirrjea ever vliited mankind, Unn copy accurcly en veloped will b" forwarded free of pcntnji- lo any part i o( the United Htatoa for Su ci'iiti in 1' O atatima. , Addrraa, pnat paid, llr. Hunter, Nu. J llivUloa Htrret, New Vnrk. iy l"M -y. UnlformllyalPrleca!-A New Feature in lluMlnea Everyone hi on ! JONLS c t,'o. of tha ureaeiiliiun rnru i.wiiiing Bluro, Mil. Silt Markelnltee ' almvo HUth, I'll l.-iiiol plil q , ( In to ImvliiB the Inrpnot. moat varied and f.ikliloiialda atock of Ulnthlujr In I'hlladi'lphln iiindecx pre.tly fur retail tnlet, Jiavo eniiitltuteii cttry one. liia mm aaleinau. liv linvlna marked In ihnir.. .... orllclenl the veryluwet pricolt enn be eold fur fcolhoy ' rauant punlbly vary-all uiuit bu aline. 1 1 i lie ffooua are well aiionirej anil nreitareilnhil p.pat palna taken with tho Making that nllcauluiy with tliefull n.suniucn ol getting n good article nl the very loweit pnre. Alao, a large atock f piece gooda on hand of tho Inteilatylennd heat iialitica, which will be made tunnli r, in thu niot f.iHliiiiiiable nud bet manner, Si per cent, below credit price. tho t.'ruaceut. In ttutketalnno Siilli atrcet -m. jii;i u (;o. Dyspepsia. ANft r fiorr, Ann oukkI) fir DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S Valuable Properly AT PRIVATE SALE. nfTHB nnderiiicnrd dctlrnUa of rettrlni? Diteaset Resulting fiom JMiordtrs of thei i .,f'?m iuainei.,offra tn at priT.u taia, tha ; Tho Bloomsburg Plaining Mill, HAmi FAtTTOnV, BAW MILL, ANU DVVELLINU I10U8K, Together with tn HNQINB, AND ALL MA0M1NEIIY OSTSCRJ GERMAN BITTERS Till. (IREAT flTUENOTIIKNlNO TONIO. Those flitters havo performed moro Ourcs ittrK Attn do nirt: swnrjicTio.Y UAVV. JIHlllK TF.&Tt.VOXri--tMt'K .TO(K (:- uPKcriADt.r. to roucn foh tiikmi TlMtf ANY OTIIKIt AllTICLKIX T1IK MjllllCKT neroiaarv fnr a flr.t.rtaa. a.tahltahmant of tba kind. I The concern will warrant'inplnyirient for (lftyliandi t atalltlmea. There la alao connected with Ilia abofe, I and doing a very eitanilva run of cuituin, a J Tin whole will irn mid at a bargain, on ttaionaola ' 'arm, and Immediate potioitlon (Iron, twootiiku nntcK mvnixtNo iiouana ncah. I.V NKW. 'Iho ona A largo alia double lioui. out buildlnga, ttt. Iliey will bo mid at a barialnifappll. We defy any one 10 contradict thla aaierrtinn, and will pay alPOOtn any one that will produce a certiucate puDiinnea vy ua.inaua uoi genuine, i I HOOFLAND'S OUHMAN B1TTEIIS. will curt ovary caia of ' catlou bo inada aoun, ' lllonutaburg, July 1, lrC4. it. a umvn. MANMOODI How Lost, How IliiMoreil. edition of 1)11. ( ULVKll. 1 l.'ST niibllilien. u new .1 WIII.I.H (.T.I.I'.llli.mUl LSSAV onthi r.iliol ; ra (without modicme) of r-'ranMrnoaaiioai, or teml. -ii . . xt r t ii-i t' i nai vcancaa, invniuniary peuiniai i.oiioa, im-oTiacT, i otironiO or JNervOUS Udblllty, Diseases Of Mental and Ihy.icnl Incapacity, Impedltni-ntatn Mar-! the Kidnova. and diseasus nrisinr , tias. etc. inlro, llon.uniptloii. I'pilcpiy.and nti.iu-; fl- Wo liaro no War nw of any lot portano this weok. It itill drag itsalo-y length aloBg. uith daily ekirrnlihei or tights, but nono of thorn oaloulatsd to put an end to thi horrible irtrtfn. The Draft, it ordored lor ncut Monds. ADMIN1STHATORS' NOTICE. EstiteoP Ouli-on Fithof dtccaseJ( f ETTEUS of administration on tho I i Kitatoof Uldeon Flaherlata of Ueavar townihlpw Columbia county, deceaaed, have bian granted by tbo llrgl-tar of Lniumbla county to the underalgnad re aiding Iu Heaver luwmhlp ! nil peraona having elaliua agalnat thu eitato of the decedent are repeated ta pretentt'i'in totho adminlatratrlt. without delay, aid all peraona Indebted to make pif in-nl fnrthwltli, KJailKR, Adm'g, Aug, J,li04.-6w EYE k. EAll. Tho Pcnnuylvania Slate Agri cultural Society, WILL HOLD ITS NEXT i T l'.Ant'OV. A Ti:MiiHf.';i lU'U. -'u.u, ici rr niiuiuy it iinp.ri.ivo,;- to.tho reat increase j ..m.,!.'" tlV? In tlio pncb oi piper, inK, lauor, etc, I'i'i rina pn'riiij beforu ih-i 1st of October wi 1 ho oharc l the G3 ooly. ,,...... Ir" i t" !. IIi- hi ill l.'i U""' 11 A'"1 '"'Id beat. W It (Oil DO YOU l'r.rr.R ! Abraham Lini'uln the Abolition caiulidnt' i, in f.i ror of coniiuuiri tho w-r Until the k-outh ru States aru riltiuj to emunciputo all tht'ir fl.ivn. General McCleilm i in fvor of tlio ie turn of limif .Sut't'rt to ilia l.-'rnon without an1' ucb condition. The fiirini r riill pioloig tho unr foi year, the laiier gite n Miimi'ilia'r pt-arc. If you arc in ftvir of l.iicol.i' "' olu for hitn ami j;o into t tie war jmuaelf. If on the contrary oa arn in favor "f Mc- lll.tla..'. wA,.. I". trliit. fcml r.. it. in '.I 1. rt ,,i n I lcll-.ii e, ..' .it... i...-. .,.....v- In any event bu cmis sient. . . . Phjricihti r-rjj. TllIlOAT AlTECTI'iN A TTltn'g tiom ricwtaiif, e Xiik, fpcas ingot tho bcncfiuial tff.'mta roiuiting fiom tha u-e of "Hi awn a Jhom-liiul Trishcs'' eayfl ''oblige inc by fctuiinj a d asn moro of your ' lironehi I Tioches,' enclosing bill. For allevialin? iliat horrid irritation only felt by thos who hsc suITfrd from any Iitotichwl JUTcctton, and for hnar-e K0 and tore throat too, I am free to oou fess (though t am an M 1) ,") 1113? an!cr oil jou claim for them, I would leg you to feel that I am t'lio i.f the lal mm in the profession to puff a no-truni, but fool I am but doiilj yon jutio- to asert tfliat I havo ' To avoid disappointment, bo sore to oi.ii tha genuine, 'brown's brnncliial Trochci.' IM.. iniiii'ieiirlni; 'II ll.-illAV Sl!l. Ti:MIIHl'.';tli mi. I clni-is r'lilllAV tKITi;I ulll liLt-r Ueml Iho I folinrt1"!-' "katracti l.'ATl'i.U. tor lu liiipmtud 10 in i i;riititM anil 4.1 pit1- hi I .. i.f CittU, nut le. Ifirni t. i k. lc. filll . ei ileal ieiiiuit iu ,Au nl uxon am r. ti uv. K" "J I n,u Kf'i-uii ir.n poci. ly "1 ..iu ci.iiiij 8TI li-.t 4 15- Itdttrtt-" i. eat iui.nitti'd . I, pri'ihiniiii, from gioto HS; Tiir"Uili-lrcd. In r"iiilu.n fiu.n sill to $U); 'i'.iiu'tliif ""ri' ;'"d M.iru. .1 irfiiuinu nt on m 32111, nn I "in-"f Sioa, I'auDK. iiih of -j'.i Mum llnuca. fin irntltu?. pr'iniuni of -SVl , b.-.t .M.ittii 'i'riitui'j;, a pr Liniiini i-f If.'U ; heat llncirlil Ca.-I. i and tiiiRlu lnlr.l i l'i. nnuiii. troui u to !?lil.) M.lili'it. J'i'i ii'ir.' i"r .hi irn, i.i pr'iui'iii . inuii to III : J.ick. .mil .Mule.. 7 picuiiuuia fruiu 4 ilu 910, berl Mule T.niu 1. ?1'J: 21 heat, 15 i-makinc ..hoi.t 3! UUO in pn iniuuia f..r ull JeHcriptioiid of Horse, and .Mulca, hli l.l.l' - t or diflsrut kliria. n. I'rniiums, from g:u lo ?I0 ; i-1 1'r n.iuiiia ir mi 8 n St. rul.LTUY - of ulniH.l every KiiiiH priiulnua ol SI. S, 3 and 5. In the uri'r. K'iti' ! ill'.. liupl-iieiita Ui-.t dikpLiy j5i). fleam rioiv 4IU'J. 11..1 lul or apt dip oiim .mm lihernl " premi iui lor plow a. pi"" man. roller., eiiliivati r. nw, .Cr. I'll" t rei. ,111111. nl nih-r lep.iitnieirt4 lire ii'. heiiiK lor irr.thcr aim it. 111 tuuf.iriute., butler, ' rti , ir, vd.vl.ilu-. wwlt. hum 11.. iir.iie, w me. J flu.,r. Mnl th 1, de.u-n. -.lnvea, tin ware, Ac, dom ' it,atiul",rlJr'-a. i.eedl.- w.rk iic. liu art., pain I tun and p.nniiii'hip. di.plaj "f nitiolea by trade. 1 man and :ucf lMiiica, M'ir uuni, ei,in,''iin.-i. pianoe., rce. I 1 II ,IU 1, e o.'lii n .,,..... ram imliii . nic iu- ' qur .1.-.J tu tecure r'tlilos.!. rn 1I111 they liny cm I i.r 1 tu"h.i reguL.tixu "! the Hwi. n, 111 pre.i iitini: fur exhibition. The inn-i lil,"ii.l urniiiiriment. laieh ml tit: ti n with i.iilfii'U neui-iany, Umli ,ia to 1 fr'iliM auu pirin.iiiii lirkit.. lot rfilii;ui' .ml ' r.ilrovl ref il.iH'.i. addroaa tin Hcrtlarv. 1 riincle'i.i liek 'i.. tu tenia, , TIIOMM5I' i:U.T. l'rc.idrht. I A. II I.OSfiT'l rlcci.tary. 1 NORRiarowM, v. 1 Bil lu. l.-iii. - IilXiUuinali')U3. I''lii'ra for Onluinbit! Tho Wondors of Animated Nature Consolidated with thu only LEGITIMATE CIROUS IVer Or;anizftd"tMouAia AnoBcriKD AMUin.?T. , rre-mlnent Tatiestrians, AcrobtU, (Jytnnntf, .Tcitf m, Towns, ContortioniitJi, KqulUbrUts inj tJeneral IVr formerSplcndl.l Mud ofTRAlNiD Honsr. ToMit. and Tkick Mui.ut Minjnificenl Collcotlon of IjItimi I.!o-i, TiaiRs, Leopauhh, IlRAtii, IIvrAn, Wot.v ri, Munhi vb, Apm, llAnoo.fii, XJliiDJof all kinds and the; &.C., galh rd 17 Uii Great Van Amburgh Himtelf; WAR ELEPHANT HANNIBAL, H1.1 1 ir.v.s A'iln-l n tl a .crld. v eU'lil'ij ctarlj U.M S. .1. TAI'lil, t.r u 1 1 It3 OP QT 3 c7J V 8 , Of the ?Cew World, the Only Ore on LiMllUon. A WKSTC POLAR BEAR, i'riM.i tL wt;t 1. I.f 'iiKi-t, :ho ny Om hi .inoricA. An AFRICAN OSTRICH, .Su e 1 cct lli-li A I'.ir of GPaOVi? W.-5ETE PI ACOCEC3, A I .r cf JAPAHE8E SWINE 'I lie f.r.ievr ! ruritly of ! 1'rnfeaaor J. IS AIM, M, M Oocui.tir and Aoriit I fornu rly of l.odnu, Holland, ii nmv located at No, SI 1 I I'l.NK r'lrect. I'liiniiMriil. wheru ier.ona allliclad 1 withili.ea.caoft'.'i l;VB and 11 A it ulll hu tcleiitift. ally treated and cured, If curuhle. 0" Artificial l.yea luaerted without pain, 1 N II NuchatRea luadu for Cjaininatiou. the Med ical f.irult) in invited, aa lie lua un aacreti Id hi. Iii'ule of treutiiMMIt, I July IbOI.-l'.'m h BTT rillSOKA f) V10K FOR LADIES. ' fIVE ANATOMICAL KNailAVlNflS. TIb ii f.irmation never before published. Suit frrv in a smlcd t-nvrlop for tt..s' oonts. Adilru L Dr. STANFORD. ii .x No. 4,G.r)2 New York ?. 0. Ja:v9, l-jt-3in tho Kidnova, and diseases arislnrr from a iii?ordercd Stomach. ObKiTO thn futlun ttiK aymptoma : Rcultng from IJli oidcra of the lllgcalive Urgiiua: aa (,'oiiatipa tlon, lnard I'llea, Fillneaa of lllood to the Head, Acidity of the Ptouiaeh Nnuaea, llenrthiiru, for I'ooil, Kulueai of nxlahl in the tUniuacli. Hour Kriictatioua.finkinx or I lilt tor ini nl tlio I it of the stomach, Swimming uf Ilia llrad, Hur ried and Dillkult llre.ithiiig, I'liiUcrniff nt tha Ill-Bit, ('Jinking or Hiiir.icallii" ycnialioua hen In a lying poHturc, lliiiiue. of Vl.lou, llnta or Wcha bolm the al;ht. I'eicr and (lull I'niii iu thn Mead, llcflclcnry of rerapitntion, Ycllowneaa of tlierikln anil Uyea, I'llu In the Hide. Hack, Chett I. lull),, &c Puddru Flu. hi. f Heat, ilurning in tha t'leah.l'oiiitatil Ina aginiiig.ofevil, Jc deprca.iou of ipirila. ' dured ly aclf.iiidulgencc or .eiual citravagnnce. I C7" I'rlce, In a tealcd envelope, only (I tehti. I 'I ho cell hrattd author In tin. admirable ea.ay clear ly demon ttratea,lromu thirty yeara auct t.ful practice, that thu alarming eon.equeucea of aelf-abua') may bo radically cured without the dangernua u.e of Internal i uiedlrlrio or the application of tha knife polnlllig nut a mode of CM re, nt uliro rlluple, certain, and ein tlunl, ' by ineana of wliich every autferer. nn matter what lili cuiiditlnn may be, may cutu hliua If cheaply, and radically. i ITT" Thla I.ecturo ahouli hi in Iho hand, ofavary youth and every man in tho land. Mem, under aeal, Inn plain envelope, to any addrata, poit-patd. on rereip. of alx cenW, or two poat .laoipa. Adrdiaa the puhlithrr. i;iiAS, j.o. KMNK too.. 127 llnHcnv. tvr Vokx. I'u.l oUltJ hoc IIH. June t, 1-0. ly. GE S TRfiPI L L E, PA rpilC unlcralgned nnnAiincei to hla frleuda and H X pbbUic, that ha bat heaauie the I'roprietor of lha New Centrcville Hotel, Located la CcnUavllV, In Cnnyntham townihliv CoininbU Uuunty. where hu la prepared tu aceuuiiuo datd the travelling public, and all wlm may favor liiia' Willi their cuatom, to aeneriil tatlafactlon , Zy Beiueuiber tho Union llotil. A.. W. LOTS Cantravllla, Aug. JO, I85t,-3m. -ji'- Is "0. S. 7-30 LOAN. T!lia in trim. Vnt ri; tti'i-tvivM iic an 1 enu.Ail Hiklh ond I.xrT'ti. it ty r"-T-r-rr3 ' uu I 'x'cacho ' ; irsiniuaiioris of 1 ' rnniity, will h.i hrld at tin foll in ing time, and ,,lfr , , .-.liflin al Vjfllinville. tfep't- IV. Mains and r.eavi r 1 at M.iuivilu. n p t 1.1. U'.cn.t .in I Kn.iiiiii!Lrck ut . iiieuii, ' P t It. :iu,l I'raiikitn nt , vna. t P'' 15 ' nnynsham nt t'euirnliu. Sep't Hi. Iriircr-eh ana iiitwkk ai rn'iwica, rfji t iu- i eutie at l'owte y'vi"' "I" '"''"S' al "runt'eviiiii.ep'i it. I'lih ncreck nt iV.iLr'a 110..I lltnihii, tf. p't 2i -llt'iiton and Siiiannuf i.t ilphtan. iSip'l i.i toit nt l.ivlit tir1 1 1. f' i1'1 rieaant at Jnoi-a' Hclinni ilmiro. ti p't 2".' Jl' I'tour al I'lLticri' K'h ithool IIoilc, . tiff t do llliiiini ui Idiniui.liurp. tut. I.t lleiulock nt ! lluckllorn. Hi I HI .Mlnll-im at Jer.i-ytnivii. cl .th i'lnc at Vnrni'rv 111 u. Ucl. Urt'einvuod and Juik roil, at llnhr.hurf!. Oct. 1 1 th '1 Th-i ezi'rti e.utuli tlu-.uovepl.irei to coniiiiencr at u o'clock A. "I IVach'r. ire rcTii'Bt-d to appiar fur es.-inliiatinn hi-fiiri'llM Dircctoi to hom tluy inake upplirjlion fer uuipliiyiiicnt. ' ' niAs. o. iiAiiKi.r.v. noonn-hurg. Au'. 3, l.-i.t. Count) tfup't. vV ' 'it. X. X ,s-o --'Q-"';if x '.iry, A v -?-zr:f-wiKl?' 7 I . j-.rr"l'"d frry ofta'.ented ArtTl.TM Includaa J DR. JANES. L. THAYER, '1 1 Elir.ucnt and Miolarly Clown ant ("emedian. Mil. CHARLES W. KOYES, Ihc ur.Timlrd TnTetr. wlia -will lelrodnc. l.U I.eaitiul I arforiuir.t nr.a, " (icv l.,,ir, Jr. CI arlr.8 Heed, th" Champion Tiuoatrinn, Oeorco H. Hotohollor, 'h0 Or.uti tt i.enp. er in tlio v- orM. IV . numrrnn. ("nrpa nf Aunlliarlf" na Att'n.lanU. U.. I'Uin I SI(,', or Hut lUtpeneai. 1 niti.i iuaiiuii -nfll Ir t-rolil- - in .plenJi.t clTrrd ind nunili cf l.-aj-nlfit, nro 1 1 c COLOSSAL GOLDEN CHARIOT Tile Serrrtary nf tli Trmaury glvca nn'lrethita'ib frriptlon. w ill hn received fnr IJiuiitfni Treasury Not.a. 1 pivnhle three year from An? l.llli. IPfil, wllh.einl nnnnal inter"! at lhn r.Me of .even nnd fnthf percent, per nnnuni. prln-lpal and Intcrert bothtob pild in lawful money. ! Tliee notei will bo cnnverti' le at th'" optlnn of th" tioldrr nl maturity. Into 5t per cnt. rnld hearliii: bonda. payable n,t lean thin flvprinr n,nfP ,n trnty yeara from their data, n. the (ioverninent may ilctt. They will he lamed in denomination! of S'i", ?10U, iJIUAtl riT'l and 8'i.enn, anj all aiilncriptioiia mu.t hu for tiltyuoliuraur .uiue .ai..,.lc of tilly dolljra' 'Jhe notea will be triiiumitted to the ovrnera free of Iruuapurtatioii tliarjca in aooii aticr lh reieipt of the oriiiunal Uortidati'.iof Ili.poita. they can he prepar ed. A. the tiotee dr.nv Int. real frori Xurnat I". peraona milking ilepoalla aubaeqiient to that uute mun pu)' 'l'" Hitcrett ncciuoJ from date of note to djt .-'of I'.irtica derpo.iug twenty dvo lbtiuand dollaranu'' upw.irU for the. c iioti1. al :inv ono tinu- will he allow ida L011iiitu.ii.11 of one quarter of olio tier n lit., which will be paid by luu Tn-.iniry ih't.irtment upon the recciitt of ,1 M-l forth, amount, cettitlcd lu by the olTic&r with u houi the depoaile wci made. No dedurtiou fnr comn. lanoi r. miiat bu mndu from the ilcr.po.iU. Sllitlil. .lIUAMliS Oi' I HIS I.MAK. Ins a ViTtniui, Savikov Iliac. ofTeriiig a hiclier rate of interi itt than uny ciher. and thi till tcrurlly. Any laving, bank v.hiih p.iyailailv poitinr iu I), K Notea, con. idera that it 1 u r-i'i " K il Ilu-bent cirrulatlini; m. ilium nf the ccuntry, and it cannot pay in anything b"t ter. for it own .i..i t. nie eilhur iu coveinnicnt vecur ilic or in uotea or bouda i.yuLle in goverimieut pa per. It I. equally convenient oa a temporary or permanent inieatuient. 'I ho ii'itj rannlwaya bu told for w itliia n fraction i.f their fire mid itccuuitilated iulcrc.t, and are the h.-at aeturily v,lth binka as uoliuteml, di,- KSMCMBKn TUJIT THIS HITTERS Not Alcoholic. CONTAINS .so rom on. ji'insKuv, tiC.1SCTM.1KF. DnV.YK.1NDS. CUV IS THE BEST TONIO in tbc World. WJfl iSVYS SO I 1 Valuable Seal Estate. i TTTILIj he expocd to ale, by ruMic Vendue, on Hit) W prenilac., In Orange townihlp, uu , Sutuiday, tlir.2tli dny o'rilemlfr180i, 1 by Mosca Kvcr II, llzecutor nf the lait will of Jauu-a i.veritt, latu of Orange umnahlp, dee'd ! by vutue of ' authority lit aaid will contained ; tha following do cri!;cd llenl Kitate, tu wit : -llountledon the North by lamia uf the hcira nf Wll lain Keeler, uu the i:l l.y 1 landa of Jnmca I'attertou, nu the Mouth by lands of llobert htllT, and on tho Weit by land. ofJubu Hull- I man and ulhur. ; cu'italning uhuut NINETY AOKES. .011111 nOeennere. whereof I Ltcared llllit: Iho Lalanc 1 WUI.I, TIMIICIIKI), H'bcreou U elected u OAW .M 1 1. 1 situated conveniently to the timber land, I THUMit.-Tcn percent paid down on the dny ofaala one half the balance on thu lir.t nf April IriliS und I the remaining put 011 firt April leOO, with Imcre.t I from day uf a.ilo. t'uiie.siuii giieu uu payment uu the ' ten per cent. I MOSU3 UVCIftTT, Executor. AugU't !?, ISW.-la. VOLUNTEERS WANTED- HE ithool l)iret.tora uf Montour township, iu Co. 1IIUUCV Prnui the Uev Levi neck.Pa.torof lha llaptl.t Ohuich, I'eniheitoii. N J , fnrmeiiy of the North lluntl.t I burrh. I'l.illJelnhl.l. h- I have kiiown lluollands Gerninn Hitters favorably) i I11111UI.1 couuiy, oner luu lunowing large .1 iiiimhi-r of years, (have lined them In my own menu to Volunteer,, family, and have been no pleased with lliiir fflVits TOWNSHIP HOUNTt. that 1 n induced to reromuieiinil them lo inanv otli. ), fi, m)fj 1 Y, era, m.d knitw thai Ihey have operated in a strikingly I ONE VEAIt I'AV, .......b.u..t......b, .,nc .icniliiruinrcill 111113 UUU m. . . , I . . ... . ..... .. ..' 1 i n 1, TtTiuvitiv iiir iiiiii wrnr. ......i. luu Six lluiilrcil and Niut'ty-Six Dnllais, You thin AVOID THE DRAFT, BK8 FOR THE WI j?cnr,isnED jit J UMl.TEIt & CO. Xi City lull bquure, JXeto Yorh niofrr.ipliir.ii Alrmolr cf Clement L, Vnllniiiiigliam. By Ills Hmtltpr. , A neatly printed pamphlet of octavo pagei , pur, llthed JulyiKMh Hbl. i'rice'.'Jcf. Thla la a work of great valca and Inter'st, entirely authentic and r.'iulde. nnd should ba clreulated Imaie d lately by hundreds uf thousands, ALSO. St'EE'JIIES I'Oli THE TIMES. BY JAMES W. WALL With a Sketch of his Perineal and Political History. A pamphlet, sty I01 nnd ill lama ut Abovo, Publish, ed to day I'rlce .5 cts. Tho Aduiinli.tiation sent Mr Wall ti Fort f.afay itto ! the Ktsto uf New Jcr.ey, to the 8onat rf tba United Blalca. Tills work shown why ho is persecu ted by -he eneinlai and honored hy tlu rrinu of lib erty nnd law, 'I lie speeches are replete Willi the pow er and energy of Political truth Let them soevery. w hero j for 111 tbi hour of crrafit danger and trial tba hearts of the peoplenre tnrnlng to the men who hare been right from the flriland at all limes, 'JTheao and nil oilier work, published hy u are. de signed to counteract the tendencies to pclitical Insanity nuw so dniigroully prevalent. A thousand agents wauled Immediately to sell our publications! profits liberal. Send for Circular." Couutry dealers can be supplied through Hi chan nels by hlrh th y rcccivo indr New York- papers, mid nt our lotvest wholesale price ; tuj News Com panic' coiiiiiin.lnns being paid hy us. Eyery editor, dii.-losoil l-irsid lbs cause. Ii Invited tu insert and uolicu this ndvertiemeul, and his order not over tw 0 dolljra, will be accepted nnd rroditud ouany purchase ninuuullng 10 ten dollars r more. Copies or the pamphlets fur notice are al the servloo lirly proclaiming this fact, ami calling tlx: attention of those alilli led w Ith those diseases fur wliich tliey lire 8100 on joo uu ii uu sum of recommended, to those Uittera, knowing fromexperi I nice nut, my reenmmenuaiion win tie suslalneil, 1 tlo this more clu-erliilly ns llollind a llltlers ii intended . 1 benefit the ufdicted, und is not ";i rum drink." Vours truly, LEVI O. BECK. N 11. Volunteers riucrt to J W. Ilarinan, Uallrnad Ageul, ltupcrl tittliou. ISAAC MOVVRV. rraiUssV. E.DIETTEniCK. SeartUry. August, S7, lect. New Cash Store! -AND- J'rom t'tr: J. ,Vrln Creien. ). I)., Kditor of the J-.'net- I chptdia 0 Iteliglous A'micUdgt, and CMtiian CArca- I icle, I'l.iladtlpiita Although nut disposed to fuvnr or recn nnicnd Patent Medicines in general, through ill.tru.t of their ingro dienta nnd ell'erts ; I yet Know of nn u Indent reasons why n man limy not testify lo thu benefit lie believes Iiiin.ell to have received from uuv simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to tho benefit ot ntherv. Idothia the more readily in rognid to llonfland's t.'ernian lliiieia. pn-pnrcil by l)r C, H. Jackwn.of this city, b'c.tiim I was prejudiced agiin.t tl.ein lor many iur4, uudur ilu-y were chierly an ah uholic mixture. I :nu iudehtetl to my Iri 'M 1 Uoberl rhoenmker, E.'i., fnr Hie renin, al ,.f ihl. nreindiet- bv proier tenia, and for cniuiiragement to try tlrem, when sulferim: from ereal ami long rnniiiiued il"liilitv. Tha " usu nf ihrcn liuttlea uf thcu ilium, at thu heginnlni of the preient year, wu lollowd by evitlen: ri liei mid restoration to a ricureo of bodily and i..ental vigoi A'P LOWER LIME RIDGE. PE HN'A 1 had not felt for six nitmlln before and had nl ! niOBtdcspriirrd of regaining. I then fore thana, God I and my Irmnd "or directing me lo then..- of them. i . J. NEWION UIIOW.V. 1 uf the entire tidltorial tralernity Naw Yoga, Avlgn-t 10, UM, J. V,- tt CO. PHOSl'EC 1 US. ha undersigned, Hlore House, al having couiple led their spaclou ,ower Lime Kidga, iu bioti town I'rom the Ilev. J03. II Keunarl coiiiil. Ilanti.t t.'hurrh r.,,.r,t;!, .,'t-,,- oil nl,l "r'J"K .-uenr ir: -1 nave i,en ire-iucniiy re. 1 sip, Culuinnm countv, ra.,aaao pleasure 111 unnounc- LOHVlHWlF into U Airper tail. 0-!U UOiit queate.l to connect my iiiun with' cniiiiuriidiitintis uf ! "lio their friend and the public generally, thatthey utut-ri:,!, niiiti:, 01 nieuiciiiea uui rivar.'iii. me practice ns ini iu my approprriiu spueru, An EsTttAOiiniNAUY Combination The nrraicnicnt cffiTicd brmcen 'I'liiiyer . French &. Novos' Oil cos nnd Vn Amburgh it' On.'s Mrnupeiiu, hy which thcio two1 well know 11 and highly popular roinpa nieii havo nniicd thbir forces and oxhihit in ono tent for it ringlo admiaaiou fee, re- ults in pri-fci'Dting to ih- j.ublio Bach auifjuiiAT AM Eli IC TEA COMPANY cniortitinitifnt aa it warih to bo sseu, and j to lIa a ,lril.,iy p,.., i,u. .... hut ns wo havo had , , ,,. .1 ..r. .. 5 il i.t.nic.j lluit liavo relied 1 snouin rcccivu a uugiue in inuuunKu umn- , , B,lJ,y the,,, ly incuurato witu tun tuaiiui tuiin 01 uu: 'ii- Breakfast and Dinner COFFKE- ! .WINfi to 'lie very high priee of rnfTee, and the) ' creel iliiTunlty in procuring a grind, uniform and 1 reliable arm le ""r runumers Iihi e nit. 11 rxpr"-scd n I wish thnt they coultl bu supplied iroiu first hands. Il 1 w:ia '.be line nil"" '" " . . . Willi Tea and (.'nl- f 'e. it being iiiconieoi-iit for Ilium to piuiie in New York, Tit- (InKAT I'ia, ami t'orrr-K Empuiui-m of thu roillitry nnd lis our 1 eu I .ister was parse. suit ni in- 1 l iriiini ion n lining tu a i niii'i' nun rouiu ne luriii.iieu 1 ni u tiiod.ratu price, and give uuivcr.iil .ili.tai.linu ami all o iiuio tt ie iinum me ret. in, r a 11:11111. nine piulil we h.ivo ln't'ii rt'li.p lieu 10 Mippiy iimae pur- tie. Tllld I OH I Ii UAH Iflil II.YIIi Ml IIJriH..IU with our 1'iit.ijmrr and tie ir niillss have ini rea.nd to ' .it,-!, nn . v I that we tin 1 1- been cniutielleil lu lii ika laice iiddiiiuiia lu nr m irhiniiry. w Inch will enabli: us did trapping combining .0 produce a tnosl j J'v, injrS."' UW'" I torprio, and the lihe.ility th which the Mauupers of iho two cstabli'hiiiimts rr tarrying out their Tho outfit of the double concern i said to be magnificent in iho cictrouiQ, a gorgcou.-, chariot, notr ca ges and harness, eupi'rb hor.-rs and sjilcrj- inilliunt rffi'Ct us ihcv inovo thronch tlie country. The enormous olupbaut "Il.ini hal "seventy years of :re and wuiyliing 15,000 pouudri,is attaciicd to the Mangorio and will loom up hugely iu the grand pro ovdsion ut it enters town. Tho collection ol living wild animals' includes- an infinite variety of raru and curious In'iPts and birds from overy part al the globe, prcsen Bcnting a grand cxpo-ition of animated naturo which is as instructive as it is in terPoling. We ara assured thai the cqufa train and gytnbn.'tio performances, given in eoonsetion with the display of wild beasts, will bo of tho most tlaahing chara. cter.and from tho extent of tho troupe and tho enebntv of many of tbo performers, t customers win mke pums tu haveUi-m well puie.i up .1 ... .., 1 ,, n Jl,i ,1.;. nnd ili.lributrd, as It will beto lliiirilviii.t.igf U 10 so. there oall b0 HO llOUbt that tilts depart- This l olt'eo wo wurraiillu give perfect sutUlicil.ui. luenloftllO UiammOUtll CXIbition will bo' and if it does not til,w. the puruh.i.erii. the i-iivl-, .. - ,, T , 1 Ug. nf rtiuruing lliowliolc or uny pin of itn i.n eminently satlslaotory. Jlr. .). L. Tliay O0 days and having his iimnry rcfi eiltngethr .,u cr, who treats hU patient with alopathio . .. doses of fun and jollity, ofBciatOS ns prill- I whliliwe aruglad to .nml free to all who n 11 ; 1 . 1 n ,... .,;.: I i.'ousiiiuers ut t'otfee .hould enquliu for iho -r'reiuh Cipal hurmorisl, atld all perJOOH SUlTermg 1 ltcl,Kfa,t and dinner ColTee" and bo sura thutitwaa fiom the blues, indioaminn or chronio purciiused uf the rneaneiis, will do well to give his romidies ' 5i-eal AlUCI'iCUU Tea Coilip;, J', Thi n trial, whiln thoco who aro well Will feel a good doal better after giving him a call. The combination will visit Dlooinsburg,on Snturdaj of noxt week. Ii v Fast biipcncdii'i; tll other Cuff'tcs. This CofT-n has been usu.l for more thana century in Pari, and slncu its intro.liirtion into tins romiirv il h i. bees used by sonio uf tlie loading I'rtnrh lle. lauraiila Iicih. Tito Purism are .aid to hu the best Judges uf toir.iu ; .iii.l the great luvur m wlnrh it is held by theiii Is Hie b'.'ft ren'oiunieiulatlon Ihut can bu prtieiired fur Its line tlaior and litulthy eh'ecls upon the human system. Wo put uti hutiino grade of thi e'llfji', and that isof n quality Hut oJf customers Invj found from exp'i rUriee w III giv pt rlV'ct r.'ilisfai t i'ui nnd meet all the ilemandsuf their trade. It isltiu luwe.t pneu thai wu can rt-ceomi,i ud. Wi: do ,ill our hurincrs on tlie limit extcnsivo arnlr, buy by the ruigo iiiul sell nt till) iwu cents pir pound . prullt. Wu put up tills Coffee in Ilnrrel. only, of ICS Pounds r.n Ii. This iiuthod of potting it up sav u frum I lo H cents per putiinl lu tin- cii.toiio r, and hy its bung in u large quantity it reruns It fin- ll.ivnr much lunger in llii. f rui til. in iu nuy other We sen. I Willi . nil baui'i tltiiw ( urds, t' Porter to a. si. t tho Id!. I r to Introduce it In Ills eii.toinurs Me nopu -on Mythological Car cf tho Muses,. Contiir.m Ed. Parmcles famed Brass Band Will bo drawn by !' beautiful Arabian 8tetJ, .orzroiis 1t (,'aparisom.l Willi doth "f Mint, riclilj studded v.ilh briUiHiiteinblriiialleiil orlianients ut gold end .liver. Tha r-uperli Hens, t'arrtitit,, Ksggaea Mi.gonc mid other r.qiliplgis, lnianuLutlirnl by tbo eeleLrrtltd Jlil.itiKU HwaTtlhus, ew lor'.l nm of lha mod rleranl and coit Iv dc-riiUi'iii. and of iiteoiiij.urnblo styl. sr.d fba ndi-rrllxble sril de ur c f this voud.rful ( nvnlrado, revp.enlllia. t.1 il dt,., MOVINO I'A.N'Jll.AIA uf ovra Mll.v In I.EM.1 11 with Its sltraetio n ; ouiln' euU ut.d atlr.hlltes, l.sjunerb beyord .msirlloe, llniil In the beholder lb reititatlon of thu fci ri '. imini 11 ems hi. bears birth to chivalry and Itsstle.n'sntpii.ear.trHs The MlNAi.r M,Nr df.ire to in' rtrs ui 011 the I ut lie mind tint each and every iV.tur.' of this 1 .la-id I m i. mllt.n is enllnly iii.eteeplionafcle and if a bnb t'luett m.uil cb iMcter. 'Ihe undeniable rier ..em ,, nn4 iu reriorltv (if thi, eiialdi.l.nei.i Is s connded lacl r'ertbe sitecisl ntnoieinrnt of I. ad. is and CblltJrsn, .tr C. W. .NOYUV will exhibit Ms great Performing Monkey. "VICTOR," lb beat trai'iTod snunil ef the kind in tie morld. ,lrr S'v1'. (PI n.Qt- Jlund, In ndditinn to the very libvr il interest on thu units for three years, this priiilcgo uf umveri-aiimi i. now worth about three per eeiil. pur milium, for the on rent rate fur Hon, is i. nut less th 111 mac j.rr cat. pis rainn, nud befoio tho war the premium 011 six pi r cent, L. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be ma that the actual profit nu the loan, at the pres ent iiiarkctmc,' is not less than ten per ceut. per an num. ! hn Exemption fom State or .Municipal Toxution. , Put aside from nil the advantages we have enniner .ited, a special Act uf Uoiigre.s tiemptt all bonds and Treasury rates from heal taxation. On the average, tins i xiiiiplien is north about two per cent, per an num, arcurdiiig lo lha rate of taxation iu vari nut parts ufiho country It is be'ievcd that no securities offer so great iiidurn. ineius in leadersas litose issued by the government. In ull other furms of indebtedness, the fuilli ur ability uf private putties, ur .tuck companies or parale com. uuinitus, uiily, is pledged for , payment, while the whole property of thu cutiulry is held tu secure thu dis charge uf all the ohligalluns of tlie foiled Statrs. While the governrueiil ueffrs the must liberal terms fur its loans, it hi lievea that tho veryslrungrst appeal will he to the loyalty and patriotism nf Ilu people. Il.iblicnte ceititlcntes v-'ill he isauud fur all despos it.1 Tlie party despositiug must endorse upon tlio or iginal certificate the denomination of notes required, and whither lliey are lu bo issued iu blank ur payable tourder. When so eudursail it must be left with the op.icer receiving this, to bu forwarded to thu l'ren'ury Department, Si uscau-itoNs w it.1. nc r.kisivr.D by the Treasury nf Uu: L'niloo states, nt Washington,, the several Assis tant Treasurers aril deslguated llcpositariea. and by the First National Hindi of Danville l'n. and by all National H ink 9 viliich aro depositaries of public 1110. ley. and Al.l. Hiai'llCPAIII.E nAXRS AM) IIANKUIIS throughout tho cuuntry will give further information ami AiTunn r.vnuv i'auilitv to sunsuKiiu'ts. Aug. 13, lt?iil, vJm 1 tint', in all declined ; but with a clear proof in vanois instances, nnd particularly in toy family, of tin- usefulness of Or. tlnotlaiiii'a Herman Urtcrs, I depr.11 fur one. trom ir, usual course, tu express my full cumittinii that, fo'r general debility of the syatetn and e.pecially fur Liter i.uiuplaiut, it is a s-iff und valuable preparallun. In some cases it may fail ; hut usually, 1 doubt nut, it will bo very beiieluial to ihose who .ufler from tho ubovv ctusca. Yuurs, very respectfully, J. II Kr.NNAIU), Kfghtn below C'uates at., 1 Inlud'a I'a.tor uf the lflth r i have ju.l upened a NEW STORE, which is fully .uppllad with M well tolscted attort- zntnt of S C A SON A 1 ILK MERCUA N DIZE , llromHcv. Warren llandolph. Paster ef Baptist Church fiefniantoivn, I'a. Dr. O. M. Jacksoh ; fleaf Hit : Personal experience enables 1110 to say that I regard the German Hitters prcpured by you as a most excellent medicine. In cases ut .evere cuiu unu general ueuiiity 1 tinve been grtai ly beuetltted hy the use uf tho Hitlers, mid doubt null they will pruducu similar efleits on iilhets. I Yours respcilfully, IVAKKKN UANDOLPII, j lleriuantown, Pcnu'A. t From Itev. J. II. Turner Church. Piiilada- P.'isto; nf Ilud.ling M. I! I) a Jack so- : llear Hi r : Having used yonr German Hitler, in my fnmi'y frequently I am irepared to say that it has been of great servire. t believe Unit tu mo.t cases of gi'n -rally iiehillly of tbo syslnm it is the safi t ami must valuable remedy ui wfc'itfi I have nnv knowl edge. Yuurs, 4c , J. II TUHNI'.II, No. eio fl Njnt.tceutii Mir."t. Contisting of Clothes, Cassimcrs, Silks, Muslins, Sattinetts, Ladie's Brcaa Oonda, Gotitlemcn's Clothing, nnd in short everything uju ally kept in any Country Dry Good and Variety Store. ALSO: Dutn Hie rnlrrlsiimenl HONS. DAVIS, Thn only ucfpif..i nvnl nf Jrl Vnn Amturgk TUilcnl.rtiie . 1 '.'riiiiM 1 inm, Tl;n" nl 1 fo.ardi M rctt I 'uteris mti'nt mil be Introdueta li. rerfoimin DR. THAYER'S Educated COMIC MULES, GASV1 &. DICH. Tk UoKriFtii' ritiirrmio'f will tctfr town t or aVouJ 10 o'cIocL ;a tl morii.;. 0HA.(;LVii,i.:: si iicoi, and From the Uev. 1 M. Lyons, fonrtcr'y Pastor uf the Co lumbus (, J.) and .Milostowu, (Pa j llaplisl L'liurih New (.'olumbus, N Y. Dr. I!. M. jACase-r :-l)ear Sfr. I feel it a pleasure thus, of my own aieord, to hear testimony lotheex ! eelleii.enf tlu German Hitters. since being ! iiii.irli nlllicted with Dyspepsia, 1 itsid theiu with great ' beneficial results. 1 hate uflen receinuioiuled tliem lo ' tier. ons enfeebled tormenting l reorv s.'. and luivo iienrd from IheinlbH most flattering teitlmnnials us u 1 their great value. In mses uf general iltthllity, 1 1 love it tu ho aluuic that cannot be surpassed. , J. II. LYONS. ! rrum the Ilev. Thos, Winter. Pas'cr of rtoxborough, Uaptist t:iiurcli, I 1 1 r. Jaci;on ; Dear Sir : I feel il due lo your excel- i ' lent preparation. Ilootl.ind'a (ierthan Hitlers, to add my leslnnony tu tin- deserved rcputatiun It has obtain-, ml. I havu for years, at times, been troubled Willi grual disorder iu my head and nervous system, I was advised hy a friend to try a buttle uf your German Hit- i ters. I did so and havu exp.rienied great and unci- niTteii relief, mv health hus been verv materially hen- , ufltteii. I contiduiitiy recommend tba article where 1 licit with cases similar lu my own aim nave ueen as sured hy many nf their good efleels. Kcspeclfully yours, T. WlNTUlt. KoiborougU, Pa. GROCERIES FISH, MEAT, SALT, &C , &C. IjOOTS & SHOES, mnmmotli Combination will ho nt The next term of this 1 limitation will commnneo on M'tuuy, AwjiU&i I0(7r, 1601. The organixationndhu Nornnl Bchnol with Pri parrt lory anil Model iirpsitir.iits. niiurus siuueuls ui uiu-r cut grades, lha hi.v p rt ,niiy fur a p'rlVrt Clm-sltl i canon, auu raru tariiiiiis tur n louipiuiu cuur.u ui in slructiuu. I Weekly Scientific I, ictures .illortrated with apparal' I ui am! wc kly Lectures on thu Tlieoryuud Practice of ' Teaching will ho git en by thu Principal. I Tuitin per term of II weeks, from 31 to iG. Inci dentals for Library . Ilepuirs itcaOcl. I 1'nr further particulars inquiri- uf Prof. II, D, Wal Km, Principal, ur uf .Mn.cs Li. Wautus, See of True- ' tees. 1 August, G, Ifds. All of tvhlcli will bu aoid at ehcap aa can b purthastd alsewhcre. rtf??- TSiittnr. Ko-rrs. Meat. Grain and AT--- ------ I OO I I rinnnlrn nrni!nr! tnlrrin in CJtohanCO for J t" " ' " l)i:M0(HATr- NATIONAL CAS1PAIGS PAPEK FOIl 1S64. Fort TUB PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. Tilt approaching Presidential election Is unuuestlon. ably to be tlie most important ever held .luce Hla es- luui 1 Ml ineui ui our government, upon its ramus nay riol unlikely depend thu continuance of republican government on this continent. The ibortioj, of the people have b-en invaded under the pretensij of era. serving llbeity i their rights assailed undc a pretend, ed d.-feirie of tho.u rights; thuir cinstitutlnnul prist lees ueiiroyec unuer tns plea ufautlaining the Con stitution. The war for tlie suppression cf tfm Southern tVt. hellion has been tuade lh inslrumeni of usurpation und of oppreesiuii and the pjlrndlrin uf to- peopla turned to an assault upon freo government. Thu prndica! Iihcralitiy of our cltiz'iuln tnppnrtnf Hie war has been used as a means of enrolling officials, their mends and favorites, and the moii. y contributed to .Uhtaiu our nrmics has bCMii uiverted to thu best of partisan uses - to the mo.t corruppiug practices in ev ery brunch of the Administration, 'I hu power and inrlueiirb of cur Grvcrnnient among1 nations have been Iritteri1 away, and a monarchy tablished ur veryooiithchwiumoaa' ulasrde am os protest Ir-ui the Washington Admlnistruticn. Thi rlgnt 01 a.yiunt 11a oeeu vioiateu with the ennnivunee aitd aiil of the Adininl trution, nti-t foreigners, tvhu had sought a ho.ue 1.11 our-nore., havo been kidnapped hy the United States and a:ntout of tha coun try, iu violation of law :iu right. The lluerlli' i.r Ihu press has been Invaded- ni-vrs. pliier. iiave been aiippra.r ! b,- military power, per sons have heu selrl-.l. impfl.oiie.l p.nil.hcd, w-.thcut wurrunt without trial without Jn.dfcial exauiinatiou, aiH our hoa-tled fiecdom is tan bcoiiiiug a by word and n muefcery. riially. the Pretidrn: has avo-t. d his determination tocouvcrl the war intoiiu abulitfun criitade, and re fuses to entertain proposition of peaee, ticcct upun cuiitlitmn of the abandonment uf slavery in n't ftutes. Shall tlm Adininistriilii'u. which has thus failed in i Is duty w liicu has thus tiuinpl.-d upon the rights uf ihwpeopc be ciintlnucd In p-iwerf Siivll tho pulitl cnl party whice suruins such official mi. government be permitted to maintain its ascendency I Tlio answer of every honett patriot is an indignant NO, To aid in the great work of reestablishing tho Coc stiluttni. of restoring the Union, uml of aecuring lu the people their liberties and their richts snecialef- furls must be pnl forth to eulengthet: nud influence tha punnc iniu.i. 10 expo.e trio wrongs ami uousea or iho Administration, arouse the peuplrj to a sense 01 their danger, and dUsemiuale, throughout Ore length nud bredth of the land, during thu Presidential campaign, the ereut nrinciputH nf Democracy, of civil lib.rlv. and uf personal and political rights. 111 .'100111011 10 our regumr want, Hcr.ii-wccr.iy nnu Weekly, we shall issue a special cumpaijli edition to bu called THECAMPAIGN world commencing the urit week In September, with tne prc ceediuns of Iho (,'hlcago Convention, and terminulins ith the election. Ills dotrguVd to be a fjilliful, ear nest, and vigorous exponent nf tha sentiments of tho great opposition party of lha country, to promote t lu suicess uf its candidates, and to aid In restoeing tho un iuu to its former greatness nnd power Tugivulhe i.auvpuign World Iho widest possible cireul illun, nn earnest appeal is luauuio Mule, boun ty, and I nu 11 t.tinimnies, ueiiuicrMic rttaucrauuns anu Clubs, ami in patriotic indiiiuiiiilst to every pajtofth country, tuuid in its free Distribution in ctery neigh. burlluo-l luiouguoill I'liiun .tiiiiiuii ui i'piv. shnuld be spreail nmo..g tnc pupnj 'Hie price uf the Campaign Wotld will be aa log aa the present very high co-t nf piper will permit. Or- uers Will ud UI lull iuuu, 111a ini.-s anu iuu,. u for tbc whole scries ut ninu Humbert, viz : Ten roiaies to one addr 'rs Twenty copies to una address, fJF i tfty copies 10 one addiess, ' One hundred copietlo one address, IB uu Orders must bo fur packages nf tbo numbers above indicateilfniid nlway. accompanied by the cash. J o avoid losses reuiiuancu aiiniin. wneii 1 oevemeui, uu by draft on Now-YorU. It is de.fferblc thnt orders reach this ortica as early as puuiLle. may bo addressed to i ue Would, 85 Parkltow, New-York. Aug. 0. J60s -3ls. From Uev. J. S. Herman, of tho Oerman Heforincd Church, Kutxiown, llerka county, Pa, Dr.C.M jACssoN-Itespvctcd Sir : 1 have been sic u'lllt nntirle liinnlV vt'itm. ItlliMl'lVO lieier used any medicino llial did mo aa much good as lluuf- p.,lq ,, en. I.:.!, tlio htrrhcit market land s Hitters. I nm very much improved in health UO0I19, ailll lor V7U1CII 1U0 UlgULii niter takitig tivu boll.a, itcenu.-truiiy yours NEW AlUtlVAL. Wv n. TSTWrv. 4. 4 w MJf r-cy J. B. I1AHJIAN. MICF.S. Large Sice (holding nearly double quantity,) 91,0,1 pur llotllc half divtett, 95 09 Small eito-?5 cents pur liolllu-half iluxcu, t 00 MARRIAGES. Cattleman Oil UOTVUAN, uotn 01 At Town Ulll, July lt, lB64,by nev. D Mr, M, W, URITTKN 10 Mill B( Huntington. At the residents of tha bride's father, Mr. Wolcott IIsavT, August IS. Ifr4, by tho same, Mr. Thus. P.. Nostm, of Monrnaton, Ilradfoid county, Pa., to stiis R. C. Hnvrr, o On the 10th Intl.. at Jacob Good's hotel, in Orstigs. rills,, try K-M. W flaoiVlcb,, TjioXAr Mils AutiTi I. Coitrracir, beth efErpjto'wTi, Col, e. IMPORTERS & JOBBERS, lleriviok, 35 & 37 VKSB1T ST., New Youk. Danville, July S3, lEfll.-3ui. Sept. 23. Sept. 20. EXEOUTOIfS NOTIGI3. Estate of Jacob Eyaly, tkceasti. T HTTtllS Tcstamentarv nn tha esnte of Jacob Ky- 1 Jj erly, lato of Ploom township, Colutubia county I deceased, have been granted by the Register of Wills . Htc.lotlia uiideisigued butli residlne in Uluuin.buri'. All persons having claims against iho estate of the dcern dr ut ore rtqiu sti'd tu present them to the Executor, without delay, and all persons indents I to inaka pay luenlfortbwilb MIOIUUI.F. LYERLY, . . kwwr r.eiiABK, , Estray. rIAME into the premises of tho subicri J her. In O ntretwp,, Columbia county, about the Ar at uf August, a largo Brindle Milk Cow, with a bell on, supposed Ioba8orl0 yearsnld. The owner is requested to prove property, and pay charget and tako her away , or she will be dliposed of as the 'wdlrBCU- JOHKHlLu cwuy tr . tot- itM.-" I KATS, itlKDIS, ROACMKS, BED md, A?3TS9 There la nothing so reliable or effeclsal at HURT'S E X T E It M I N A T 0 tt. tLT" Sold by all Druggists in large boxes, for 25 clt, il"5- It never fails. Not Uangerona to ute. UT" Ofllce and Factory, 13", Juvenal St abovo Widuitt, between Ibth 4. lllh t5li., I'orincrly l.O.iouth 10th St., Philadelphia, tfj This valuable preparation sold In nioomsburg, by tne louowing uruigisis ; EVER. .t&Y9U,V.t, LOTC, ad J.O. I10TKR. JnTy 3. leH,-3m.. . BEWARE OF Bea that the aignaturu or "C, M. JACKSON,1 tiro Wnivrm of each buttle. COUNTER FErru. it uu Should your nearest druggist not hare the article, do not be nut urT by any of the Inloxlc itlne prepara tions thnt inny bo uttered in lit place, hut tend to as, r.QwoP T.imn llLlrrn and we will forward, tecurely packed, by express. ; J0 "tma lllllgO .........; nn: ni..r.., June itf, iBOt. IVo. Cat Arch Street. PlIILADKLfUlJ. Jones & Evans. (Successors to 0, M. JACKSON it Co.,) PROPIilETORS. price will bo paid. Give us a call. No cbargo for exhibit itif oar goods, but it will aford us ple3s uro to havo . tbcia examined and prices compared. G.W.Creveling &co. A. LOGAN GHIM, Attorney and Counsellor at, LAPOIITC, SULLIVAN CO., PA. Sy Military and other daiun promptly attended to, October U.leUI. mvmm s5. THOMAS BROWN, Jiarbtr. At A. J. Ev.nas' nMHi Tin Ban KLOOMSBLUG, PENN. LATEST SYLEB CAF.AP GOODS nMIE uuderiigiied respectfully Informs his, frieudi nit.l ll r, rtohllr i-ciiemtlv. that ll haB lU.t reCvWad from tho Eastern dims, a large assortment of 1 belnr the bestotsnrtinent ever offerr l this niatkt. Also a complete assortment of Hoys Clmhlug. In fact I everything in the Clothing Line Fur liww who prefer , to lenvo their measures, a perfect fit guaranteed, and i Mliing but the but workmanship allowed at tint et lla llthmeut. Ho also keeps on liuud a large niiorv im" 'f BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS ND CAPS, together with a variety nf notlos't, j HiB- ALL ANU HUE TOIl l ; liloomiburg, April. 23, IbM. T ULOOMSOUUO, COLL MUIA CO fA. U)- FOR bv Drugglstt tod Dtalert in' every . fthop In Oout lloais .Ulty, b4sw rrt Qf&v- aKlSUMtl'f II nnOTIiBZlS. WU0I.E3AI.K OBAOOO DEALERP V.100.NOUT11 THIHD STItJUST t'lvuliioftbalini fisf i A'