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AGRICULTURAL. Gathering and Keeping Fruit. It is boroming a well untltratood priu- , ,, , 114 ciplo that pears nro improved by being ., r c i. .1 i .unie'iuii uuiu-u iimjr iijju. Mumo -miuuiu- approftoti nearer tntituritj th an otiiers. 1 But early applea should bo fully ripe, as a conoral rule, beforo Catherine. Lato .mi ...I.. ni , oatablo Tfhen picked", and all tho lato win. tor varieties should b. gathered when too bard to yield to the pressure of tho thumb and always beforo heavy full frosts. A dry time should beselee.cil, if possible.- There Will bo a fOW tpOCIUlCns not VCi mature, but you can afford to throw them out to eavo tho best and tho main crop. When a good keeping variety begins to drop freely from tho tree, as is sometimes tho oaso, secure tho balanco of tho crop that tcmaiiis on the tree as soon as possi bio but they should not bo mixed with those on the ground not ono should be Bavod Mith those picked. Windfalls will not keep, for in addition to tho injury sustained from the fall, thoy btcouie hea ted by lying upon the ground exposed to tho sun and hot air, and the ripening pro ccis already commenced is hastening it to a rapid decay, No matter how hot tho weather is, an apple is always cool whilo upon iho tree, nud in that condition should bo taken care of, if we would havo it keep in its most perfect condition for tho full development of all tho tkiiciocs juices with which it is fo abundantly supplied How to obtain it iu that condition will bu my purpose now to show. We have scon that it must bo carofully gathered before it h too ripe, &s it is commonly termed j but 1 say be foro it is ripe, fur when it is ripe it is fit to cat, and that should certainly not bu tho ease with winter apples when gather. ed. Wo have also ecen that heat hastens the ripeniag process, and that cold retards it. Apples should therefore, be kept cool, barely so as not to freezer A minimum temperature of thirty-four degrees is prob ably about right, with as little fluctuation as possible It is not (of the purposo of assuming to know more than tho most of you about the beat method of keep apples, that I give the subject so largo a space ia this address but it id to give it more prominenco in oar deliberations than it has heretofore had'. I regard it as one of the points very much overlooked in all meetings of this kind. Whether wo regard the ripening pro cess as a vital or a chemical action, it is quito sure that it should go on gradual and unchecked until all the good quali ties are fully developed, and when tho highest point cf excellence) is attained, then tho fruit should bo used. It is never so 'good as when just full ripe ; but is frequen tly eatable for a Ions tiuio- Some varieties beoomc dry and mealy, others tough and leathery. Others, by being kept very cool, will frequently remain in a very good condition for a very long time, or by the use of artificial means may be kept for an almost indefinite period. I hold that tho ripening process once commenced, goes on, no matter how cold, if frost is not present, slowly, perhaps,but uninterruptedly, until full maturfty. Hence tho ininortance of a cool cellar, which should always be dry and dark. It should be frequently aired, when the out side temperature will alow of it. Some varieties are much more sensitive to their treatment than others. Tho Winesap,for instance, which has a thick skin, may be abused a great deal in handling nud but indiff j rantly care for in tho cellar, and jet it trill keen nrettv well : that is it will rot: ' ... . DUt llttlo J but, II keptcloSO and Warm, It .1 is Subject to a fuUlTUS than renters it: 1 ,, . . , SCarcelV tolerablo tO eat. Bat if It is kept J r I cool and dry, all its best qualities are re tained. It h also one ol tho verities that 1 best kept on open shelves. The elmont, on the other hand, which I re gard as one of tho bebl and mojt profita ble apple, is very impatient of bad treat ment. Its skin is smooth and thin, and flesh of a delieato texture. If rough hau tiled and kept in a warm room, it soon de cays. If carefully handled and kept iu a cool place, it keeps with very little waste till April or May. Indeed, it is, with me, ono of tho very best of keepers Tram. InJ. Uort. Society. Useless.nehs ov Eautiiino ur PoTA .By drawing up tho earth over tho ;o, in sloping Hdges, it is deprived of ' ... tnro liw vmnn for wlinn lliov full. tli TOEd potato moiuture bv rains: for whan thev fall, the .... . . Water IS sast into the dltcllCS. 1' Urtlier,in , . , . , , , , , . regard to the idea, that by thus earthing , . . , . . ., Up tUO number Of tubers IS increascp, the effect is quite tho reverso ; for experience proves, that a potato placed an inoh only under tho eurfaoo of tho earth, will pro duce more tubors than ono planted at tho depth of a foot. To Stop Bleeding of tub Nose,,iinrD n it mn onno - n r,',en . w."mj "j .ivuiu .luvw brown peper, folded and plaoed botweeo the upper lip and gum, it ii said, will stop blooding of tho dojo. i?r, Mow Lawns boforo. tho dow 13 off , . I l the Pt&Bd UnletJS VOU UayCi a XaaclllOQ.WlUCU cati it best when dry UP DE GRAFF'S i:Vi: AMI ('.'Alt IMMMKAKV, (On the Burnt, Threo Dnort from Btorlo'a tlotal WILKESBARRE, PA 3BARRE. PA. - riON I. now oponad and moat toallv slvlo. Itecentlnii. riMUS INSTUTION X rutnisnoii in mo litr-ln ntnl Onsrntinff ,l-,-,id. M'lm Hnriflrnt n na tt inrnt rnntnlna tho finest rnllectlon (if Instruments III Ihii rounlry, mid thin hi lamlnes will enable liiin tn meet nny nml nil cnicrgenrloa In prnctlro lln will opcrntu iinm nil Ihii various fornisnf iiiUNli.'SliBS, t-'ainrnii, ucoiiiou r . the Pupil. Cross Lyes, Closure; i version nf th Eytllds, IToryitlu es, Closure; nf the Teat Duclrii In- Vi'tllOn l Ulfl I'VIIIUSt I ICrjIUUlII, Kr,, tCl', .HOI tini lteM nn form orson-n, r.yu citnuuioi i.u. Opicetica oftlio Corncn. imJ -.rrnfulntia ilinrnscn of Ihe Eye It" H.e fcc. .vim win - ...thcr with nil Iho diseases tn which lh iiy n uir deafness-- win treat mi the tiir,ies roniinnii in I .,. ..,itt Ilia. fin. f.i,. ll.n I'nr. VnliPa III ill ttit 1 ' Catarrh. illUlculty ofhcnrlnir.tnial Do .i"ii-bii oven w hera 1 His Drum la destroyed. Will Insert on mtlficlal ono , answering neatly nil the purposes of tho natural. , disease of tiie iiiiu'at.-aii diseases cm.,. L"? ftM' l1. j fflXSffiw liVtlS'SiTf. ' iiuieor ,.j t;<n"iK.Kid WmM'.!! pprriinvirobntlti nf nil w lioliavo submitted to it A 111 I I 1 1 ' , I . I I'U IA' I II I ti an ft n r 1 1 (1 1 t n 1 I . V f1 ft I AIITIIMl.'M. r.vr.M Will llnort nrllflrlnl lives Bl V- hip llicni IhM ninllnn nnJ rxprOKJlon of thu nntiirnl. Thoy lire Insotttil Willi Iho lonit nnln, ! I 111 Ol )H. IT ri.1-T I troublesome nuemc I. mnilllv riircd. Tlioo nuirerini from It willnowrl1 m rail. . I 'I llr Up nofir.Krvliilt Wllkea-llnrrP with n view or Lnilillnit un n nnriiinni.iit Inslltuin lor the treatment of Iho live, liar ami rfeneral f urscry. Tho experience of mnro tliim a nunrtor nr 11 renturv In llo.liitnl lltltl Seller nt pracliec, ho hope, will ban mlliclcnt guarnnlee those who limy be iliapoaed to employ hlui, I .Vny II, lsi4.--tr. tuimtu finer " Tho iindcrcisnoit w ould Inform Ida Iricmla ami tho public generally, that he Is prepared to treat success fully tho I'oIIowIhs dlseaeses . ifHeiiiiinti.iii. Ilrouchetin, fl. Anthony's P.mco.I.ois olrisnt. nml nil uioiiu uinensea, w 1111 i'ipepsi,i tc. tfallifiictlon will bu slvcn or no pay required. Ilia remedies nro purely vesctablo free from any tnlul or poison, und safe uud ideusaut. Gcononvosr. Illooiiitbiirs. April 9, ltU. Lackaw.-iiMia & Glooiusburg JiKaiIroT(l iv axii aTTi.k Jan. 1-, 01, rASdli.N'tllilt LOWS: J TKAIN8 WII.I. KIJN AH rI, MOVING SUUT II. 1'mtciigcr. I.covo Scrnnton, 4 20 I 5 5.5 P,2j It. 13 D.S5 " ' Klusstoii .... IHooinsburs " Hupcrt " Danville, .... Arrivo iitNurtlinniberland, .MOVING NO UT II l.eavo NorlhiimberhiHd, " Dantille " U 11 port " I'llnomsburg " Kingston, .... Ar.tvn nt Hrpmilnn. - POfl f.40 li.ii'i ':a 12.1a 1 1. tin l'reicht 4c l.issensur leaves iiiooinsnurs, iu.ij r.issenscrs taklns the Vnil Tram South connorl Willi the livprcss train trout Nnrth'd, nrrlvlns at lliirrchuri; nt '.'.ail A. M., ISolliinnre A. .M., nml nt I'liilniUlphm nt 7.U0 A 51. The .Mall train from Northiinibeiland leaves iinniedlalely after the Hxpress train from llnr rifburs nml lialtimore, allow Ins r.issensera leavins rbiliidelphla nt 111. 10 f. ,M. to reach points oil this roaj during thu next forenoon. New and elesunt Bleeping cars accompany th nlnht 1 tmlns CUCII Wily ueiwei'll .iirillillliut;iiiiiiii mm nam imire. uud Northuiuberlnnd nml Philadelphia. II. A. '1NDA, fujit. J. C. Welts. Ocn'l Ticket Jgenl. Kinsston. January an IM;4j FRESH ARIUVA J. X .fx mwxxs anu xntnimcv WWW JSftWSO FOIl EVERY BODY " lllinnderslzned. grateful Tor past pntronaie, respec t fully informs hlscuiaumcrs nml th puldicsenerally that he liasiu-t receivcil from the liaterne cities, tho argestand jnost .ulect stocK ol QI ill UiilU0 A AAAAsS) V, Ti,... i, , 1,1.011 onciicd ill UloninsbiirL'. t" whitn he. invites the attention of his friends, and azures tliein that they are offered for talc at great bargains. His Slock comprises n lurgu assurtinciit of GliNTI.'iMHN'S WliAUINO APPAniil,. Coiifistms of r'AnioNAni,K Diim Cors, ot tcriptitm; Pants. Vest-, Blurts, i ravais i-i, u.m.. 1 u..,,,iL-i,r. i,ii.iv rMnvi.ri. BtisneuderH. ic. Uold Watches and Jewelry. Of every description, lino and cheap. N. II. Ilenieniber "Lowmbvg't Chrap Emporiums call and see. No charge f-r "jj-"-.,,,, Iltooiiisburs, April lti, lfnl. (June IrS'i 1 New Dxiug Storl, WHOLESAI-E AND 11ETAIL 'pilli undersign' d would inforu' their friends and the JL imblic gencrally.thai they liave taken the stand for merly occupied by Gi o. At. llngenbiirli, imho exchange lluililing, on Main street, iu llloomsburt', wheru hu has just received n full supply of Dl'iit), MfdiciHcs, -'ftisils, li!s, JiilillllS, M IVhiiii will be sold on moderate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTION'S generally, of every variety, sort and size. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded, at all tunes and 011 short u.ilice. BT5" Confectionery cf the best selections, and Sodn Water iu season, tjr- A share, of tho public cuatoin is respectfully so. letted. EVL'U U. .MOVlin. (Ilnonisburc. April 11, ltU3. 1801. " 1804. PHILADELPHIA k ERIE R, iA, I 'I.. . Jl O A SB . This great linn traverses the Northern 'and North. .,at ..iiiiilliid l'l'unuvlvtnilii 111 lln. ..Ii- r,4 lr, ,11, i.k lirie. it has been leased by thu Pennsylvania llallroad Company, nnd under their uuapiits .Is being rapidly opeui'il inroiignoiii us enurii leugm. Il is i in use for l'ns.enger and 1'relght business from llarrubiirg to liinpiiriaui, (M mile)on theliiisl. em Division. nml Irom s-liellield to tine ii miles) on the ltfnLl.,rt, lllvlfcUUl. I time or PAmtsntn trunk at m)I'.i'iii'.mduri.anp. I Mall Train leaves, Kast !l W A. AI. lixprcis Train " " III 57 P. 51. .Mail " " West fl H lores ' " 1 Id A. .!. Cars run through without ckanos bofh ways 1111 these trains between Philadelphia an I Lock linven, and Il.illiinore and Lock Iluvun. New andelegoiit bleep, ing Curs accnmpuiiing the lixpresa Train both ways between Willi.iin.port and lialtimore, nud Williams. port and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business, ap plyuttlie S. ii. Cor. Ilth mid .Market fits. And for Freight business nf thu Company's Agents H. U. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and .Murket Sis., I'hil'a J. IV. Ituyuolds, line. 3 M. Drill. Agent N. C. U: It., II. II. Houston, Gru'l.-i'reighl Ait . Philadelphia, I. ewis I.' Iloupt, Geu'l.Tii ket Agt Philadelphia. Joseph D. Potts.Gen'l. .Manugei.William.port. May7lt!o4. TUB GKUAT WOKLIPH r'Alll liXllIUITlO.V 11EI.11 IN l.O.NDUA' THOS. W. MATTSON Was nwurded tho Prize Med al for his suncriorily overall .-fti t ar r cMiipctUions in t lie United sir 'WV. if- : in, ,,. , f4&!$$$ ''"""'TSfem lie being the inventor and Wi rtfiJSSii Mnmirnriiirer nf Claslie. steid "sa ti - ntuies iu, i 1 hi pi ui vitit Manufacturer of lilnsticsteel Spring solid Solo l.entherund solid Riveted Iron Frame Travelling Trunks, Vulises, Hat, Carpet i Kagj, Leather Hags, Umbrellas and Hobby Horses, Hoys' nigs, Propellers, Whcciberrows, &c, which ho , is prepared to si.ll at tho lowest manufacturing price. Tho si extensive Trunk and Carpet Hug Manufactur- j u Vus Vi auk ct' itrrriKEi', one door abevo Fourth, rinuii siiiu, rjiuuiifi.i.i um, Cr-Snles room on tho first floor. E7"Triinks neatly repaired or exchanged for new ours. Call nud see. as we cell very cheap for cash. t.ov, 14, leia-l'Jino ESPYMHOTEL. rT'HH undersigned, linvlng taken tho llspy Hotel, A lately Item br .Mr. Ii lluw tll, would regretfully f i nforin Ills friends nnd Hie public In general, that in. , puins win no sparcu tor inu satisiactory riiieiiaiuiucni of all who may favor him with, their cunoiu. JOS I) M taCHUANU. Espy, April2.1Wl. AT. TOltNEY AT LAW, IlLOOMSDURCI, IV. 1 w ' Omre in Court Ally, formerly occupleJ by CliaiU Wtwrnrturf, Uet. i, GIT U 1 U i Hi !H ih OF MlBHENOKS own cbe, i.niiuiiim. u1.j',.. vuiwuiii-iiw, hh Rijbnomc Slrp Seamed J DIM, (Hid MundmUC Pills (ICt Oil . I.A110U1N0 UNtlKU CONBliMl'TION mac, Utl'l VlC GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING IT ! To nbovc la n correct llkenea of llr Schenrk Inken lunny yenrs iiro. niter he Imd rerovereil from Conruuip. nun . ny 11 eiMir.o 111 11 1 s ' f( hi'sck a i llmonii' pYitt r liellkeri'.n. It ilne not repren'iit hi 111 1111 tliinc like n bid na he win nt the woral. yitlll lit atrmis with the hnli! nml vl3nril lonkauf 1 fi portrait below, which lithe true tlkene of hi unit the present time. Tho contrast belween tbi.n Inn wr trulls is so stent that ninny w ould tint believe, th-iu lu be tlie same person. Vet there nre hundred! of per sons, in and it run 11 ,1 nul.nMplliil, who will rerngni.e both portraits tnbe true representations When the first was taken lie welshed IdTpuulids jut the present time Ills uelplil Is '.''JO pounds. Xkiv York, Wednesday. .March no, ItJOl, 10 1H3H PUSUC. Thirty year ago I was In tho last stages of Pulnion- nryConsiimptioii, nud slvtn up to die. 1 resided in I'liiUdetphia nml Dr, J soph I'arrish, llien offliia city, on cril inu to .Morestowu, N. J,, u distance nf nine miles, which took mo two days to set there. On my nr rival I was put to bed. ami there laid for many weeks. This was my unlive place, where nil my family lived nud had died of Coiininptliin. Dr. Thorn tun. w ho at tended my fuller in his Inst illness, was cnlli'd. and gnvu me one week to fix 11(1 my affairs. Hu had seen nil mv family gothat way, and thought I was to go, ton. 'I benT lieanl ol Iho remedies I now oiler lo the pub-) lie. which in rp, I me. It seemed to me Hint 1 could feel thi'iu penetrating my whole system, t They soon ripened tho 11. after mi my luug.and I would spil nfl'inoru than 11 pint of oir.'iisivu jollow mat. ter every morning. Asvnon as that began to t-uhsido, J my rough, fi-ver. pain, night sweais all began to leave , me. ami my appetite becamu mi great it was with ! difficulty I rould korpfrom eating ton muih. I soon ' gained my btrriigth, and I have been growing in flu-di evirsinn-. In many years I have enjoyed uninter rupted good health, keeping the liver and stomach healthv with thet'raneed Tonic and .Mandrake Pills, as I urn of 11 bilious temperament. .My weight is tw 0 liuu I tired nml twenty pound. On my ncovery people would ) send for me far nud near, to m u if their rases wero j like mine. For this purpose I pay proles. ioual visits I iu the largo cities. 'I ho cou-uuiptiwt, wMuo see tho ouc that makes these mediciiiub.and who was cured ot I consumption by tiioui. To make tuw lungs is impo.. I blc ; lint cat ilies in the lungs and chronic ulceration!. tif tliv brori-Iiial lube can lie In alcd Siuh raes are I dying hourly under tho ordinary treatment of physi j cians, tuwl jn-it such nre tured by the proper 11. u of I Sclienrk's Pulmonic Syrup, fc'eatned Tonic, and Man- uruho nils. lauiuntvn henllliy man, Willi n large rav ity in the middle luhe of the right lung, the lower lobe very much licp-ili.eil .and complete, adli-sion of tin- pleura. The loll lung ia soiiiiu. nun tue upper inue 01 inu rignt i in n tolerably healthy condition. The great reason why physicians do not cure roiiMiinptiou n they try to do too ninth 1 tliry give uirdiiMi's.ln .t"p thorough, to .top chill, to ilop night sweat., Iiettn li trr.and, by so doing, they derange the whole digt-Ative iiowers, lock iugupllio ierri tioin, nud evciHu.illy the p.iti -ut sinks and dies. After I make n cari (ill evaiiiiti.iiinn of the patient with tin- liespirninetcr, and hud lungs enough left to cure, I din ct tin- patient Imw 11 ut,ethu three' reiuedi s lieiuov e thu iitu.e an I t'ie will all slupof' their own ntturd. No one 1 an bu cured of cnusuuip- tien, liter ! uiplaint, i!ysptisia, catarrh, canker, ul- ' cerat''drthroat, unless tlie liver and .tomaih are made I In allfiy. iu Ne L maud this, ranker, ilirouic catarrh, ulceratel tliroat, eliTiigatiou of uvula, is more preva lent than in nnyolher secliou of 1I10 country. This is frequently caused by u foul slut -h. Vuu nnylairu it out with caustic time and, nnd nil they will get is temporary relief t'orr.-il the sloinach and liver, and Hit y will heal iiptheiurlves. Good nutiillon is the reinnU. If oii have any dis ease in any part of the butlv, it w ill remaiu-ttiere and J decay luori and more until oii ran gi'iiltu stntiMth its 1 the condition to digest food, and make new blooil to take the place of ed mailer. This is the only way to Ileal cavities iu th-luigs and ulreraf d bron chial tubes. Correct the stomach and fiver, nnd nature v ill do the healing. .Many pi rsons hive uu idea that certain medicines are great puriliois of the Idood. When blood is oncu diseased it cannot be purified il is tiiseused thu saiuu as lite diseased matter 111 the system ; but get tho apparatus In order, the liver and stomach, and givu it plenty of nourishing food, il will make new blood, wliali will take the place- of that Willi II is diseased. riihcnck's Pulmonic sjrup is one of the hotd prepa rations of iron 111 use, it is n powerful tunic of it. elf, and when the Soawi'cd Tonic dissolves the mucus ju thu slomacli. and it is carried oil'!))' the aid of tho ,Muu diake Pills, tin. Pulmonic Syrup l made into bloo,:. This is the only way to euro toiisumpliou. If I run not gel a goo. I appetite and fond tloes nut digest, I ran iintcuro tile patient Nevermind the tuugh ; remove the cause and il w ,11 .tup of itst If. 'litis is lie mot trouble 1 have with my patients at m rooms They say. "Doctor, 1 IVlI i.rougt r ; lean etf mv night si eats are bt tt r. and 1 feel belter ev. ry way . I01' my cough is so baj j t ;" uud they are as'.oms 'd to hear mu say that does 110I matter ', reiuovu the ca i.e iimt il will ftfiqi it.elf. Scheock's Seai -i 1 n-.ii.i. a good uppellte 111 aijuui nine nays, w lien tueiu Ik m. lung dis ease, utiles, thu liver is s,i cin.e-iuil the .Man. drakn Pills cuhhoI iiuloi k tit.- 1I11, Is u tu - gall bladder iu that shurl.iiaei: of time, iu i'i du I allow iliu .talo bile 10 pa.s otf lce(i tin ivit ainl thu stomacli healthy and there id less oaugei ol c.i is'inijitiou or any oilier di.casc. Il is hard to UK s (old whin those or gans nru healthy. Those Hut ale uilmus. luiv spirited, dreary, feeling btupid, loaled tongue, poor appetite, nervuus, .loiuaili full uf wind, i ur)Hiiug that is eat en lies heavy loss of memory, try one bottle of hCllliXCK'ri tiliAWiilil) TO. NIC, ami one box of S HENi:K'rSMANDItKEPILI.ri. It is only n cost of one dull.ii and tweuty-five teutii, w all foil directions. This is sudicieut. in man) (uses, to satisfy what thu mcli, hits are. Frequently one bottlo makes 11 great change in the system. Any person that enjoys ordina ry health, by u.iiig tho euneud 'I nine nnd Mandrake Pills occasion-illy, must get the digestive organs in such a healthy condition that they become fleshy. I can produce a number of my old rnusuniptivu patients lion riijoj nig good health, weighing nearly 2UD pounds. I w ill coiiLludu by relating threo cures I iiave made in New Vork, and wliich are all dillerent, nnd wl.liany niiuwlioleels nny interest iu tho matter to visit thuui First is Mrs. 1'itiloiv, residing then at No. 107 Houston street. Her hu.buiid called upon me at my room, aj Uund street, untl wi.hed me tueall and .ee iiur. Ho said I could du no good ; tliat lio hadnll Ho' bust medi cal attendance nnd all said the was loo tar guuu with Consumption to he cured ; but she had heard of somo gnat cures I had made, nud hu dusirud to gratify In r wishes. 1 called, nud found her l)iug confined to In r bed 111 thu last stage of Lunstimptiuii, nud without doubt must havu died soon, 1 examined her lungs, found both broiuhial tub-,s viry miitli atl'ecten, but no cavities had formed, herrougii was very severe, thu spit-box was half fall of thick pus. Pulsu 140, legs swollen very much; nud worse than all. she had chro nic diarrhoea. Her bowls had been moved eleven limes thai day, 1 told her she had lungs enough to lie cured, but that this di.irriuu.t had been lung standing, and her stomach 111 such nil utceraud condition that I was afraid iiothug could lie done. Shu insisted I should try and do what 1 rould tor her, observing Hint she would not last long ill 'ho lunditiou sliuwnsiu, and I could not uiuku her any worse. 1 gave her lir-l udosuof my .Mandrake Pills, nud the tunic and Syrup freely. Thut was 011 Tuesday, nud by the next Sunday iho dinrrhuia was carried off, her uppolito had relumed untl the could sit up iu bed and eat her dinner. Shu is nuw well, and gave mu a long certificate, certified to by tho Ili.v. Dr. Dnwliug. Jllfs.ll.iitholoinuw.ea West Forty-firth street, came lo i.iy room, with a tumor on In r liver. Dho was low spirited, ,kiu .ulluw, toiiguu coaled, li'iwelsco.tivot no appetite, and fa. t sinking into thu grave. The said tumor had been riiuuiug uvcr fuurli eu years. 1 gave her Syrup, 'J'onie uud Pills, and told her to lukeihcui Justus the directions uiru piloted. Shu came back lo my rooms, Sfl lloinl street 111 tun weeks, somewhat betturi her tongue had begun ml lean a little around tho edges, Iiur skin whiter uud tier eves brighter, uud Iho luinor discharging very oil'eiisiyo matter, much faster than it had uver ilouu before, Khu kept grndu ully iiupruuug, and iu about two months she enme to my rooms viry much frightened, sauug tlriith" tumor hud nearly sloppod running, i.nit was healing up, und thai tury doctor had told iier that if il uver healed II would rnuse her death. I told her thai the disease had mi tviMltl J IUJUi U 111! HtlVUrU UUIU linn ncniHI ujs, It 'luY arc now ht'alcd.imdliavo been lor about aeurt nil itith.r sjtteiu, and nature would heal mu nicer up, niin iiiii ii-in) nun i ijy-j u "umimn -mi find tri & dart aik, viit 11 sUd foi an; onu to cull on 1 her, anil tnke (Trent pnlna to vlrlt miy one tlidl ho henra haa nnytlilnj like het tme. nnd trlea In set iIiaii. irmiifi nml kin me. Thu tint rime la Mini Hen. ' fie M, from KlnmforiK Conn, Mm llnrlhnlnnicw sot her I ilnwn to 'en ti i c nml ho lift been ever tinea nt her ,th rlunrlatcd W ith ft distrcsi ? ; VnW-'-i tSmJ llliono lunc o for cono nn.ft IMHtrr. t. in ii nii m" n i- j- ...... iniif h riiinrlateil with ft ilntrianlns rinifli. apltllnir Inrso cxnmiiirii ncr ninga wiwi ino rnctlco novcr found one thu other In na anooiinil. riKmirnci'Mii'lit. I tlmiitht una 1 ttonlshnicnttho riilnionicfyrnp. frnnpcil Tonic, nlul Mnnilrnke I'llla nil accincil to so rlRlil to worK, Hi" iiiiisin.ii ninicn uver. icnvmi; n cnlty n Inrso ns n snono rsg i poml npncllte, film rnlrlla. nml hi trnliicil anmo thlriy-llvo iinumla In WM5I1I. Hhe hti muio toush "t. wlihh 1 1I0 no nut think will lenvo her before June. I ahouM think It 1 it.tiilil hn nf otfnt llitrrrint In toim linnrellliltreil l)hv fltlim lovl-lt Iheao rnnoa, pnrllcnlnrly Allna Hrnftehl, 1 nr nny of lln tiiwho hnve been curi'd by my mcillclnea. 'I hey nre numerniK In New vnrR , mil ( no nnnvu inrce nil 1 1 i IT, r Irnm rnih ulln r n'nl If 111)' meillrliiea nro ilo Ins what 1 repreaent tliey nre, lin y alioulil havo Ino creilli nml Iho ulllictol know In're nml liuw they inny bnriire.l. J. II. KCIIIiNCK, M. II. Or. J II. Pclnnck j'fiiibr founilnt Mx prlnclpnl nlliee, No. ail North lllliflreel, Milliulelphin, every rJnturilay. 1 fromS A. At,, lihtll ." I'. M., In cive lulvice, free of, rhiirsei hut lor n tho'oujh exninlnnlloii ho charge iiin.i, I'rlio nflho 1'nl ill u n l Hvriili nml Hi-a. ! weeil I'nniP earn SI'.'.T tier hotlle, nr Sit the bill ilnpn, 1 j Mnmlrnke I'MN '.'.i rents per hoi, nml for aulo by all 1 liriiirsMs nmt Denh ra. Juno II, 1 111.- 1 1'. TO ALL INVALIDS. . IRON IN THE BLOOD. Il i well known to the medlrnl profession tint IKON 1 is the Vital Principle nr Life Element of tho blood, This is detived rhlelly from I lit; food wo rat 1 but if the . food i not properly digested, or If from any cnuso what- ever, the necessary quantity of Iron l not takt 11 Into 1 Hie circulation, or b.-comes reduced, tho wliolo system suffers. The bad blood will irritate Hie heart, will cleg up the lungs, will obstrurt Hie liver and will send Its ilMensC'prniliiclug cluticnta lo nil parts oruio t) tem, nndevery one will sutler In whatever organ lu'ay he prudi-pocil to disease. Thu great V nine of lUUX AS A iUGiliTINH in el I knmvti nlul arktiuw lodged hy all lucriiciO men Thu til hi ulty I kip I'ffti lorl'tain fiirli ;i puparfiMf n u it ut will niter tlte rlrculfition uml affiinltnti' nt uiiri' with tiV llluixt. This i(iiut, phvh Dr. Ilnyri, .M:iiat h u silts Htatc t'hf.'iiiWt, lut hi t'tmtlaiiicil in thti I'cruvi un fyrupf by cnntlnnntioti in a way before uiikituwii. 1111: ri:itivi, ui i' Is i IProtected soluiion nf the Protoxide of lion nVrw Dlscotery in Medicine that Strikes at thu Hoot of Ills ue by supplying the bluol with lis Vital Principle or Llfu Element Iron 1 ui; i'j:Aiti;vi svitur Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy Fever and Ague, Loss of liuerygy, Low Spirits. THE PEll V I 'JA A S YR UP Infuses strciisth.vigor nnd now llfu intotliosystem.nnd builds up nil "Iron Constitution. THE PERU VI JIN XYHUP Cures Chronic Dir.rrbo-a, Scrofula, lioils, Scurvy, Loss of Constitutional Vigor. THE PER U VIA i SYRUP Uiul's Ncrvuiis Airctiom, Fumile rotupl.ilnttt, and all diseases nf thu Kidneys und llluddt-r. THE PE R Ul '1A N S 1 R UP I n specific for all ilisensca 'originating iu a bad state of ,he blood, or accompanied by Debility or a Low titato ol thu ty stum. Pamphlels containing certifiratLa of cures uud recom meiidnlions from g'ouic of thu most emineiit Physicians Clerg) inui,, and others, will hi sent Free 10 ,'iiiv uddiess We select n few of the iiameato sltow tliu eli.iracter of the lestiuiniiuW. JOHN F. WILLIAMS, Urtti , Prc.idont of thu Metropolitan Hank, Nuw York. Itcv. AllliL STi.VEN'H. Late Editor Christ. uu Advocate and Joarnal. lluv, P CIIUUCII, Editor Now Vork Chronicle Uev John Piertioiit, Lewis Johixon. M D. l!ev l':-i reii l.iirtou, Kcv Arthur II Fuller, Itev (ftirdon Itiibbius. HI )v e-ll Kinney .M it,, K Kemlall VI D U 1: (.hi.hnliM, M II. l'r.'ui 1 s D.111.1, M il Ji 1. un. ih .-U'tiK-, At Ii io-.' A uti r-.iio lo - ' , Abraham U 1 a 1.-1 1 ti i i A ll iye-i. I). J 1! hi'tuu. M Ii. i lf.'i .yl iinu- 1 oldi, It. V. 'I' t;i.'4. 1 I!e I I'lirai.i, Nut '. Jr , Uev Jn-eph II I un, I,. U -v. Hour 1 1 f I .in. I Uev P U lluollry. ; lit V Jnhll IV til. io.. I -a I 11, 1.. Kino -v. M I). 1 Prepared by N I.CLAUX ,V I 11 e-velu.ll 1 1 V lor J. I'. lif.NS.viuiti;, .No 111 iiroadvui) .Now urk. Si d b) all Druggists, No Family Hi ml.l be Witlionl it, Duly iicent a bu i-.u . .1 : i.v J. P DINPMolli: o4i I'.n.olw.iv. Vew- Vork. ti W 1'OWI.i; '. CU No. I- 'Ireo.olit M llo.loll Ami b) ,i Diiigi.ts ail 1 t'ouutr. .--Iro. k.-epers .M.i) 11, l.'Ul - K'ni. '. i: sew Gi'.ou:iV store. MORIS FRESH COODS. Jttft c:eircd ul Kfusmi $' jlS-w Store. Mola"--!'-., .-ujjarp, Toas Coffee. Rioi', Spipos, ILrrs and (AijSv, Sail, Tobacco, Sars, CilUllK'r'', Raz-ns, F IS IS I) AM) PROVISIONS. 'logetiier with a great ninety of notionsdiid el, et. ins too numerous t me i ion. 0.? II liter, F.ggs, .Mu ,t and pru.liue generally taken i 1 oxrhmiLfc fur goods, A. II, E P. A SMC ft. Il.oouisbur .May 9, IFGL STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. 'III. uiUcrfelgiiod wnuld infnria tho citizcrir-'of lUouiiiktiurK anil lcinitj , tnal lie lusjui pi SrOLi eived and offers for sale one uf the mostexteii.ivo us.orttneiits uf ct)t)lvl'(lainl FANCV rt'I'OVErt ever introdiired into this market, 'I'lio Christopher C ' uintiii., James Kohhnnd (.lobe are among tho first class cooking Htnves.nll of w liii li are- uir-light and gas burner His Parlor stoves are handsome nnd the assortment it ried. AL'sO-lVliiularnttention is paid to Tin-Wan , mid House ponling, upon sin rt notice. All kinds of repairing w ill bo done with neatness and despatch. i.y Couiitr) produce taken in exclinnge for work. PHILIP (5. .MuVLlt. Ide.01nfl.11rg. May 10, Irtii. , BELL &, ALLABACH, Proprietors. COltNHIi. OF , THIRD ST PENESYLVANIA A V WASHINGTON, D. C. A, V. I'AL'L. V A U L A. D. HIOMl'SON. THOMPSON, WHOLESALE JjsjjS DEALEUS IN No. 43 Noili iriurven, PR1LADISLPIIIA. C7"IU!TTEit. OlIEEdE, II A M S3, fcc. ,d No v. I I Mwl ISuiu. JOHN 0. YEAG1SR, MANI FACTUKEll 4. WHUI EUALE DEALER IN STRAW GOODS, R )NNI3 I S AND ARTIFICIAL 1 LOWERS, No. 257 North Thini Street, Pliila'd. Nov .".I, isai mmiwn tic BOOKS, DOOUMEN'J S, PAMPHLETS and Speeches and copies ol iliu United Htates, and Htate Constitution, iu vuriou. t)les, nlwavsoii hand. JOHN (i, i'llEE'E. ooiuiburg, Nov 7. HII HOWAUE) ASMIGIATIMAT, niU,AlJj;M'MA( va. 1 -Viscanio of thtr.fcivcus. Set ual. Urinary, and Sex. uai 7temsi new una r 'lalilo trtaiiiK-nt in n TKirttl Dt'lllH IKlU' Al'tl Ayirvlil-U'l'lIIV-ejnl l.i .v mil c u t V I u , 1 1 CU I't V"Ulij U, 41lilir"5 I'I J. BKII.l.INC HOUGHTON', I'"Wum1 Ai-Koriatluii, No. . .ii-"s iiio.n wiiusi, ti aviu 1 , a. i jH 23; vM 1 1 BARGAINS! W YOU WANT TO HUY GO TO x ( reasj's Slorr, in Light Mrcd, Pa. ,, n ... f l "O Mcpi Ml JlVl.lS OJ OALIUO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FL ANN MLS, UAH PUTS, IIOSlEltY, SHAWLS, Rcady-Mado Clotiiing Sugars, Moliuse.1!, Syrups, coffees, Teas,' l-'ish, , Salt, Hacon, Iinms, Lard, Tobacco, epars, Hats, 13oot", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, iVc., ie. In addition to our large stock ol Dry Goods, we have n l.itgu mid full u.aorlment "of lteudy .Made Clnililng loi .Vien nnd Hoys wear which wu nre determined to sell cheaper thin can bo bought elsewhere. Cull and sej, nnd Judge for yourselves. II. W. CIIEA3V JL CO. Light Street, April 2J, Irifll. 1 qMir.iinderslgm'irisnrso extensively engaged In the I . A nie'ieral Inii'r. HOol LI I Li- r. Ill I t I.II. pro I J L'tttltrtikiur llti,,es. and k, epsronsMnfl, on hand 1 il'ieoUled. wliult must be oxpi 1 niired or witne.ed ' nil for aale at his Wurerooms, a largo iiFsoitmenl 0f , before llo-y can be lull) a.p e. luted. In ra-i-s of t.on I 1 1 t T n 1 t- t-v. ,,, r 1NISU J'I) frZZ COFFINS, Ity which he is enabled to fill orders 011 presentation Keeps n good llorso mid llearsc, mid will at nl limes he ready lo attend Funcrohe HIMOV C. Bill VII. Itloomsborg, -lamiary S I. IPiU J5VANS& WATSON i3 MT.H, WVc .Mi)Vin tfi Xt. W South fourth Strut, Vhilnlrltthii, huv un i- '.:VtKY -i ' iinu a larts't' nnrt iin-itt nt rirt; Thi-'f urtif'f .iliiin iinliT S.i 11. Un, imii dntirs, l'nr hanko iinil (inrrs, i rm sliutt-rrt irnn ,i, all rnakcri of Im.k8 u'jual tu any made Cg m .M -v in tho Tutted fStalrc. Firr Safe in ar firs. Jilt came out right; vith cot tents in wad romhtiov. Th" S'llainamlrr ,ii(i9 ol rliilailclphia ugainn tfu j unrld. )X A NS ,n- WATSON, j nnvo liad Ihe surest ileniHstratinii in the rolhmlns rei I 1 tiliiat" that lli'-n iiiaiiul',1, tore oi'H.ilniu.'iii, lor S.ii" n Iih, : nt l"t.glh fully arr.inli'd the repreaeulaliiMis hh'h" been lunih' of Ih'-iu ai reiidi ring an undoubted s mutt .'gniinl loe ti rulie 1 Ii nieut. t'hil.ld. l,bi,l A 1 nl ;! I ,1fc.r. rn.ii. .- Watftln- Ifeull n,i 11 It Hlb-ldi us tin iiiglo'vi .'iii.i.ii itou in .tal" 10 -,-iu, II. .it ouiug to thev.rt I'rMi'iiin ,ii.,lifi siMimi'oI tin-, , r'ap'S llli h o i mri h 1. il n y -.u some bee inoulii imc j we saved a lame pi-iiiou of j,.M ,y und tt 1 1 our bnik., fee., e.p"' o lo th- tal,ilulli'ili-i, lire in ltuli.te.1il pliue oil 111 irni'i" of ihe Tills iii-t.. In n we r-jtleii ,'ii.l tin se sal'-s were IoimimI in the n.iirtn s'ory 01 tn - liinbliiig w. 01 1 niieil mi, I Hint ih'.y 1 !i II .iibsepieiitl into.-i h np of' b,ii ruins, wli re the vast inui'"!!t,!ltfiiti ,, ti,,. Ii iA lb ' l.ra.s l,,te 10 melt, we r.'.nui 1 but regard th pr 'n rv.ili'.ii m tin ir vol liable contents a- most ronvini ine niin.l nf the en jl .... . 1 curil) ntr,rileil b) ymir ttal"s. " 1 ' We shall teki"gri at plea-oire 111 riTiiui'iii-iuiiiir; H:,iu ' I mi 11 of bti'-i'i' -1 aw .1 .ore aganit lire. '. (iliiiillii: w. r;IMMiiS.t iMn...hi..:U..- '. BL'Thej li.iv ..- inn pun based -ix large Sate . 1 I "''"' I.vusiisi-J.1 1,:.. I " n-T .1- , 1. e -.ii t.ii,,. j HMtAhr. i- .JtlVt'j SiiOl'. rplli! undersigned rspecti.illy mroinis his rdd friend ! Jl and in.toiners'. thai he . I'liirhas, , l.rntliers , merest 111 Ihe above -iiLaiiilthe lonrern wi s Julyju. i-i,-.'. I August -jo v s. Ilo has Just receivi-il u nl oilers for sal.., the larg- st and un t i-xli-n-ivt' aji'iirtiu,iit nf I' A N I.' V 1 'J'O V i: i'vit intrtMlut-fd mti Ui niarli-t. tYi Hi- (Stuck roiusj-tt ufa ( otiipU'li aMnrt.iifiit nf he lii-it Ct-i'Kiiti.' and parlor .t(iv -h hi iliw' ni.irK"! oii th r with Htm I'lMiirri nf 'Vir J--c r i pi i ti , ()cn and Itox Htovcf", Itadiatnrn. C hrnlai Stuvi", Ca-r I r i 1 Air Tisht htoM's, ('iininiTi Stnvi-s. Ate, Ave. Siti ! pi pi .uid Tinwari' coiiftantlv on h.ind and inanuC'ii lnr-ti t" "i''r. All Kind H nf n pan in j d 'in-. 11 - 11 -i il u Ii it tntu r Tin' patrtiiiayt' 11 old fru-nd- and n i ii-'Huii-h ti pertlully bdlitHcit A .M. Ill'l'LIM" miimuilMim. Nnvt'inln-r IrtiO. tf. IMPORIANTt1' females IP Ji rD Ij Jj Atih A 3 Q TI B" 'S'ESHi asAESHE'.S ! ROTH MM.1UKI) AND SINGLE. Oldest Regulator tor Females. lilt. FF.MAI.II PILLS Will immeiliatrly relieve without pain, nil disturban ces nf thu periodic dualia'p,', whether arising from re laxation or suppression. The mt Ilk" a th.ino in re moving the pains that necump.iuy ditheult or imuio b-r-ale uicnstruatioii, and are tliu only safe and ri liable remedy foi Flu.lies, fkk lleadai he.Pains in the I. mil 5, iiaek and Sides, Palpi ation ol ihe Heart, Nervous Tre mors, Hysterics,, llrnki 11 Hiucp, uud olle-r un pleasant and dangerous oflocls of mi unnatural condi tion of the sexual ftiuc'ions Iu Hie wor.t cases of l'luoi Albiis, or Whites they i ll'. ct 11 speedy cure. II. l. utiLLSLAI.vvn 1 l.'iai.l, I' Have been used over a Uunrtor of a Centiny. They nre oflVred us tho only .ufu itieuns (if renewing inter rupted men. triinfiou, but I. alios must bear 111 mind, tlicio is ami condition ol iho fi inalu systent iu wliiih thu Pills cannot bu taken without producing n pemliar result Tim londilioti referred tn is Pugnaiicy tlw result, Mi. carriage. Sui li is tliu irresistible ten dency uf llic mudiiiiie to re.toru Iliu sexual functions lu u normal condition, Hut even the reproductive pow or of nature cannot roust it. They cannot du harm in any olhcr way. DU. CliEI'.rii'.MAN'a FEMALE PILLS. Are the only Medicine that nrried uud Siuglo Ladies have relied upon fnr many years, or ran rely upon now, I P.eware of Imitations ! 'i'he.ii Pills lorm the I'lucsl Preparulliin over put tnnwird, with iuunediatu ami Pcr.isti nt tin cess. DON'T III! IlliClil Vlill. Take tins udvcilLciiicut tu your Druggist, nnd tell It 1 111 that you want Iho best nnd most reliable- Femalo Mediciua 111 the world, which Iscouipri.ed in DU. CIlEliS.MAN'fl FEMALE PILLS! II They have "received, and nre now receiving tho san ction of the mo.t eminent Phjsiciaus iu America. EXPLICIT DlltiiCPION'H wilhiuch llox,-lhe prico Olio lullur er Hot, containing from id 10 Lu pjiis. Pills sent hy mall, promptly, by remitting thu prico to thu Proprietors, or uu iiiiiluirizcd Agent, ill curruit funds, Child by Druggists generally, IIL'THINlid & IIILI.VIilt, Proprietors. al Ciilar Street, New Vork, C7" Bold in lllooiiisUurjj, by Eycr & Moyer, nnd E I' Lutz. Feb. S7, IrbL ly. " "EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Estate of Jacob Aliln, Deceased. r ETTF.ItS Testamentary 011 tliu Estate of Jacob la Mills, lute of Madison township, Columbia county, derenseu, havo been .'runted by ihu liegister of Coliim lu.'i county, to thu undersigned ; nil persons having claims ngniu.t tho estate of the decedent uiu roqueted to present them tn tho Executors, at thtir re, lileticu iu said town. hip u iihoiit delay, and all person, indeb. ' led lu inuko payment furthwith. JOHN II. Ml 1.1.3, JOHN H.MITII Ang 13, Irfl -I Einuionf HOSTETTEB'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTKRS. A iuru and powerful Tonic, corrective nnd nllerallve nf woudcilul ellleacy in dlstno ol Her STOillAVII, LIVER AM) BOMThS. Csres Dyspepala, Mvrr Coiiidaitit, Heiutnche. (luuera Ib'hilltv, Nervousnes". llepresion orspirll", Con .liin'tlnii, Colic Intermittent I'evi ts, ioiiips mid Spams. and nil miiplninl. of either Six. nrl-lng from llodllv Weakness whclher Inherent in Hie t stem or prodttred by special causes Normvti is not w hole.omi;, srnlal nnd resfnr'i tive in it naliiro i iilrra Into the lonipo.ltion ol'IIIH Tlirrnil'H HTOMACII UlTTIillf". This popular pre parnlioli contnins fin minernl of any kind, nodendl bolaiiical eleinenl ; no fiery eiclliuil i but It Is a euinby nil ion nffho ejlmcts of rnro hatsamir herbs and plants wltli the purest and mildest of nil dlffusitu Him ulrnts. It is well to be forearmed against dis"nse imd, n far ns the hiiiunu system can be proteited hi- liiinian means iisnint maladies engendered by an unwholesome nt Inusphere, Impure water and other external muses. IIOSrETTEP.'d HITTliaS may ho relied on as 11 rufu- ' guard. , , In ditrlrl infested Willi f'crer anj.lirne, llhnbeen fouinl infalllbte as n preveiitivi- nnd IrreslMlble a a reniedv uml ihoii.niids who resort to It under nppre. Iiension of nuattark, rscapo the srourge , and thiMisands who neglect to avail themselves of it. protective ipjal iliea in inlvnlire, are cured hy a v 'rv bib'f miiwi 11 this marvelous iiieilitlno I'cv r nod Ague patients. uf'iT being pnlld Willi 'iiiiulne for moiith In vain, un til fairly saturated with thai I'nngeroii. tukn'm I. 1110 lift unfri qtii'iittt re.tored to lieiilth w itliln a ft w du) s bv the use of IIU-T TP I IPS I'.lT'lEt S. Tliewenk stomiirbis rapid'' invigorated and tt," ap. petite re'ored 1 y this nereeiblu T.iiil'-, un,l In it. 1 1 wo-k' w nndeii- in eaes of Dlpepsia and in lens ion fi' iii'.il lorms nf indigeiliou, Acting w a geiiil- uud ! painless npperirnt, ns welt ns upoi 'he liver, it al"0 invar-. a'. ly relieves Iho Coimtlpatinu superinduced bv irreg.ila fiction of the digeslivu nud seen five organs I'erstiii.. i.f fertile iiabit II ible .' renin toir. ntttv; ;'irifnnd Utr ef I attyiior, find prompt and j periiian.-ul rellrf from the Hitlers. The testimony un 1 ilils point i- ino.t coucloii 0, and from hoi 11 si x s '1 liengouy of llillius liolir is tmui'Mliat 1) tis.uaged I liy a single tloioof liit;, mid hy occ ision.illy resorting tu it, the return of the lomptaint may be pro venteil 1 1 r"lM IM I'-IITI i I'-.tll'-r , (Itfi Mill l II 1 f U r , .1 '111 It 1,11 i l illHI (l.'ir-'lt.idf nri-itm tr t.Jrl air it i ih. .'l.-i - it nMriitco a? n rll litTfit Wln-ii th pou vrfot iifiitirt' an rclainl, it ui 'rntt's t' t murr. unit I r't'itutt)ihli llit'iii. I. at.t. Iml iint ' ,1-1, it the uiilrt i:if'' htintuii-iits bciittr lunntitiirtiin-d from Hi-titid mnl iiiiim ii 1 ii n in;ittrt:ilt, Jtml rittiri'l) lr". tnnu l!if: mid t toiiM'titft I fp'PL'iit m ro ir fn in all lim uitiiu.iry tonics nnd j btumiK liicf nf Ilif djiy, j N'ii I'aniily int'dii un1 hn let1 a ph nniviTsjilly, nurl i t may l. fily adilfd, detrttdly ttlt I Iu- inti-lli cent I't'ilh-ii f the CMiiniiiiiiU , ,1,- lU-l'Lr''UK'rf rrf'p.ircil hy HOSnriTKU ,: SMITH, I I l'iHHl i:i:il, Pt. 07"r'old by nil Druggists, L'l is and Uofcl.c,-p.r evervw In re, .November -I, i;ti.,l- ly. llLMUOLfS Gi'iiiiiiio Prr-pni'ir inns. rnvri.rvii n.i'in iaiiimm' iirriic p.-t 1 1 . 1 tui hM ( tin tn. J ii-r ,1 I-- 1.' : u ,,,.! .r Ki n.. ; -, t;t i it' r ip-1' -il - iliM-! 'pi is i"m i. 1 i ri ni'ri If. u 1 ' 1 tii i inn 111 I it- ihr iih-i'ilcfitb nit" lii'ii Ilii .11 (.11 t-t ul't'lH'i" Win- l nr 1 III' t 'nun .1.'h,, hluit, , i 1 ,,,,r, 1 niuar-'fiiH iiM-iitit arc ri'dtKi-u. w I. .if p u.i ;tu - pi tl.tlll.ltlnll. IIKLMROLWS KXTUAC'T lil't'lli; I'iT i I'.iKnc?.-' arl "I tie trnn l,xt"-(sii'fi h t.i; k i n:it iiiti . t.nrlv liidiffn lnn i-l Mi . .1 1 1 it 1 1 Miuw ),,..: ,u,ton,s:w Indi-iiosllii.u to liierlioii !. ,..s i., U Memory, Itll. uii ,.! . - ' Mi;;nrnrN,'l'r1'i"",,1H,. p. J!'!, Uuivers.l I.assitule of the Mils, umr (-,,..,. . i, ...i, ., , , 11 11.' , a k Drjiiess of 111 flin. 1', 11. lung ot 1 I'aiitd .iiiuii'iiauie Tliii.e s uipti'ius. if all'We,' to go 011 wliuh this 1111 j in, iiivn laid, n hioves, ,om (Villous iMi'oirst v. I'vieiiY. Ci'it.H'1'i' I 11 r, III one of wlioli lit- Pationt 101.) r ipiiri. llliorallsiit tb'it lb lire loit f r- Ui'lll I v toll.,,, , bv llio.e --lln. -1 His, as. , " "I.SSlvn v AMI CliN.-tl'Mi'Tinv " A 1 . 1 1 ar iinreot 1 li . th, ir soili'i-ns I 11 11 . 11, u III 1 unfits lln- r 1 nrds of th - tti.aii" A yltni. i ltd m l.ini'hnl) ditllli. b 1011.111.111111,11 li--n li'l'p e wiiuesi. to tin- truth of the ass, rnou 'Pile 1 on.titullon nni.i-1 ll'i ti u lib 1 rg.ieii " ,k , 1 ,inr"s ihe aid of H'.dnin,. tu .tr.ugtlii'u and lot ig- unt,. Ihe s, Htelll. w tnrll Helmb'.l I's triu t r.o hu iu, ,.iri,itd do A trial w ill coin ion. ih" .no it s'.'-pli. al FKMALES FEMALHS. lu many efl' itioiis peruli ir to Females the lijtr.n I ' I Itiichu is iiueipjilled by any 01I11 r rimed, as t ii, I rosn or Iti lei, Hon. Irr"gulnrity paiuruliics, or i-up : ' pru ion of Customary lit "11 nations, uln rated or "'ir rhous t.tali! of tlii Cteriis, Leudierrhie 1 or Wlul.s. I Sterilitv, and f ,r all rum), taints iiii ii.-:ii fo tin-m whether arising fru:u indiscreliou halms of dn.ij 1 , lion, ur 111 tliu t DECLINE OK ClIANUE OF Ltl'E. -if); Tokeno moie P.alsam Mercury, nr unplensjiu Medl riiii-H for iiiiphn.aut nud ilanfernus llrlm- ' hold's Lktrart lhuhu mnl Improved P.o.e U ash rures I serret difi-ases 111 nil stagej. At little expense,; Little or nu chbiige 111 diet, .No inconvenience, mi jo, ' exposure. - It causes a frequent desire nn I gives trenlh lo Cii , 11.H0, thereby removing oli.truclious, prefiitiug mu. 1 uriug strictures of tin- L'rclliia. all lyin; p'lln nnti 111- 1 expelling all poisonous, ill. eased uud vvnrnoiti matter. Thousands upon thousands who hiiiu thu vic tims of quui ks, nml who liavu pud heavy fees to he lured in n 'lion tinio, liatisl'oiind thiiy were deceived Mid that thu 'POISON" lias, by the use of "powerful astringents" been dried up ill llm syt.!iu, to break out in uu aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage, -:o:- Use llelmbold's Extract lltichu fnr all Htfeclioiis and diseases of tlio Urinnry Organs, wnether evinin'iit Mills "lid Femiile, from w liatever cau.u oriciuatiiiL' uud no matter of how long itandiui. Hiseases 01 tuese urgans requires Ihu aid of a Diur etic, llrlmtioltl's Extiurt iltirliu is the Crenl Diuretic, nnd isrertjln to have ie,ired ttlccl 111 nil Disuusc-, for which ft is reroiiimemtsd. Evidence nf ihu imist reliable mid reapoiisiblu rliar actor will accompany the mcditiuo. Prico $1 por Itutlle, or G lor $5. Delivered to tiny address, securely parked from ohser vnliou De.tribe sviiiptoms ill all bnuiiiiiiuitinious, Cures guaranteed, advicu grails. Addre.s leltuis lor iiifuriiiution to II, II. IIEI.MIIOLD, Cirmfsi, HII South Tenlh-sl., below Chc.luul, Phil.t. IIELMPOLD'B MeMial Depot, , IliiLMbULIl ri Drvx and Cktmltal Warehouse, 511 IlllUAllWAY, .NlW VllKK. Iiownro of Counterfeits and iiiiirlncipled ilealera who rmieuvor lodlioso "of their own" and ' other" urticles on thu reputation attained by llelinbold's (.ou tline Preparations, Extract liuchu, Extract Sun ipuiilu, Improved Ilosu Wu.h. FOR SALE B Y All Druggists Evorywhoro. APIf roil IIELMIIODD'H. 'PA K l" NO OT1IEI! Cut out the Idverllsaiueiil nud n ud fur H Aipi kv tjiit i iiiio.iiiou mnl etpo.un i 'Jl si.:t 1 I G I K T O IM 8 ( Cheap Grocery Store. .1LSO US ' rrK CrlPB A MB f HF. undersigned Imvlnj bieight out His ,-,, I Ilnvld Strniip, ha-icliiovi'il his lint and a i J," up to Stroup'a old Hand, uhsre In addition in Hot assortment nf FALL AtVD WINTER XI Hats and Caps, GONFI20TIONAKIH3, OIlACKilUg, Molasses, Sufjar, Uoll'eu, Toag, Tnhai'i'o, Snuff, Cipnrs, Spicca, Lrird Fruit, Uuttor Coal Oil, Drug, Parlor and Hand Luinhj Books. Writing Papor & ink, ' flanhvnrc und Cidnrware, Pcka Knirts, ( y,. J'f., .j'C, .j-c , Together with n variety of arlltles generally ,,. l, . Utoro. " Also-A fine lot of KIIH, .MOItOl.F.O.-S nnd (tk whli h lis lot Ilea thu at cntion of Slioemnkors on I H, JOHN K OIItTO-f llloouisbiirgi Dec Keep i. Ir'liil Your Eye ) 1 i. SRCOXU A R Ul VA I, OF NEW GOODS! HAS snlniged and sreally Improved III, flora II.,,,,,, mid stocked it with a largo and superior Ht k i,r HPIHVti nnd KCMM lilt (ii)nl)-', wliirh w.ll l,'t,,, . low ns nl any other ealabllshineni in Hie counii-' Utiicns nl IS, 20 tnut !c-r mrs jVtiiliiti, liltatltnl (ui'l (Irntvn hi 'ir u; to 4 re nl. 1 . IillE.-'rt Ct'OD-' of evry shade, quillly iiudiiin ; a full hue of Domuifir; f.'oodi. ti. .ch"ik clrli"s 'In kH.Ltnueii nud Cotton Table Di ip'-r, CiiighaiiM, Nniikeens, Acc e ood sudy i f Ladies Hit u s rtinl (Jailers Newslink of Hats nud Caps. All Wotfl lii.sraln ftiiil 'illaK I'nrpris, a sideiidid aitlelo Jut uii.'iied anJ for sale. A fr sli .apply of Groceries and Spiers, a uvw I'U ( r ('ADA II AND WILLOW WAu MACKI'lt U ue i uud i by thu pmrter, b.i . and wliob- bir,-J Olli:. ni.ll l.i'gl' A'HO, 11 l.l',.!: u, spiei.eri assort .enl of 111 w dr. 1. ns Also, a ik w I,'! of TilLNKiJ and Oil Cloth SttJi-'s. Ilnvliu bought tbeiie gore's bi'lor tin late 1111, 1 . pri pared in ell low, cheap a. til c'lenpesi fur .sb m country produ'o. Wli HTI'DV 'IO risliAdi: I'looiu.hurg. .May IJ, l.-.l 1 The Berwick limine. I Imi'i .-. Iiltn tiii -j Pi iscrifi j, 1 tutu jiih in 2 t' 'PSB nudersirn III Llietid. ,1 W uold resp-i Ifullv lllini.uu and lb; . .10 c o-ioln, il,.. hut httf l IIM'd .bis will ko i 11 hoiifi-- he hu. cisvi, h 1. iti r-'iu'ii r rn ji 1 1 i ' m rni-mi h t Ine'ir- i"! .ni! !h t'lili't. fsfiililifirii "it y nUv r firihlin, Itftnc pi ,-(.. 11 1 ly nrnl t-lii'ih v l. .iii'n, n,4 ,irihiivj Mtll lill tf IV'lUI-llV f ,'I ,'IUt (It I'i l UUi4 to ifi pllltlll t II' I 'Midi. JlJ alH tl'lft)i', uf A first -Cla.s.s UoieA; 11 Iri TAHI.f' "ill .ihviivi b Mi-j lift1 v hti iUv fx-ul th nnr-.'tb nlVii'd. ni I II W Wii nh tlx h in -.t ; innr-t. ItavtHi-rs ilnti'- r. v ji ii i r-r, i-ii rtli-r, t ariM'Niiund.'ili-d t" i; licral Mill f'n lt"ii f I il i. 1 1 1".' lln U IT iilwiiv 111 att' i:i!;nu t, :t titU tllMt H'liiiiltti II I'll I X t ti I V " Hi ft , 1 Hl't 1 1 'if 1 loi J. 1'. .!i;i:c .Miiy'J-" I rill. .Mi 'HIS MiSN W.N I'LliM REVOLUTION JX Ulail PR ICRS. LA IK!:' A Rill I A T. OF SPUING & AT PET Hit K.NT'S STORK, I.V LIIIIIT SMI !.T. ct i.rsiiiu C'ic.v'i, n I 1 it.1 lilsl rn iv. 'd Irnm Phi'ud Iphlii, and 11 'n, 11 oieniug in tin. old stand I if on uiiied !y Msrtr .-. 1.01, i'lemlid n.S'irtmeiit of M ERChANmZE which will lit Hulil thup tut OASIl OR COUNTRY pRODr':K. His htockcoiisists of Ladies Diuas CuoJs chou vt styt-si ami Litest failiiuii-i s-lliieoi, Muslina, Ginghams, ''lumiol's, (Jsnrpctt, SlmwN, llosit-rv, UKADY MADE CLOTHING. - tas-tinvruf, S.'itiiiRt.i, Cottouailu-j, Kuiitucky Jeans, Thi etifl, Ao, Groccrius, Q ucctiswarc, Coil sr ware, Ilitrtlwrtro, Mfiliuiiitts, Dnipii, Pil'lIltS, BOOTS .li SHOES. HATS & ('Alt'.' lu slior, -.very IIiIiir usunliy kept in i country si.ur Tile patronage of old fri'Mida, mid Ihu piblic geinonl ly, Is repii ilully ni-iriii d. The hlglie.t market price paid for country pro hits- I'ETEIl E.N'I Light Street, April !(. i&iil. WationaS Hotel. (Lais Vhito Swan,) RACE STREET, AlIOM THUD l'HII.ADKLlMUA GEO. LIGIITCAT', Pmn iuetor, Formerly Enle Hot I Lthui.un, I'a JOS. HOUSUM, ;i.erk, Jlarrh 5, IrU-fiai. nr A nr if , 1 j jt. a PRIVATE GALE OF Valuable Meal Eaic. nPIIH siib'cribor olTcrs ut privatu Si'f. un reasonable terms, n farm sii.tod In H '"n c tnwnship, npnui 'Jj miles frum Uuckliom, i' county, containing 108 ACRES, njiout eighty ucrus of whoh is rlenrc-.l laud, ttic proveiiients upon which, consists of n good FitA.ME House and Bank Uab.v, Wiigon Plied, nnd oihrr nut linimn, n good Sprliu House, &r. A lino thrifty npplo or hard is growing'1" llii premises, witli n largo variety or other kind of fruit trees. ThoremuliiliigiiH arresof wood laud, is covered Willi Oak and Chestnut timber nrgnod quality. Tlio farm is ti desirablu propeitv, heing in nnevrsl lout statu nf cultivation. Any Infuriiintl'ui regardm; the conditions noon which thu l'urm ran bu purchait'i will lunirurded bv railing al Peter Vurkhsi.ers. al joining Iho properly. CYRUS J. lJUlYftllU Ms If. IJ4.. Uu,