Newspaper Page Text
£ ns. Van) iftt ding 'jcwrani. O ii<;e, MaLiSt., Uilehiasitro.s.flhilJluif. TEE Mo OF SILToCKIPTb/N: (Vie copy one year iu advance, 2.09 •• “ "six mint-is, “ 1.99 “ “ three month.-' “ (it) —■-++*•*.*** ,-rmtwunwmm J’tt’jSTBIMU CiUH i DIRECTOR IT. G,:um\n L:tTtt.RAS Ev. I?. Rickpf Pastor. Se'vices every Sunday at TO.j ’do-k. A. M. Sabbath S thojl at :J P. .M. ju,i a Lutuehan. —ltev. ]). 1.. Alc- Ki-.i/.r. Pastor. Services every Sunday at lot •.>':■! >ck, A. M., aad 7 P. At. Sunday [m iiojl ai 2 I‘. M. Prayer Aluetiug every Walnes by cveaing at 7 o’clock. St. MicnAEL’a Host an Catbomc Omnteit ltev. V. F. Schmitt, Pastor. Divine ser vices oil Sundnv: Lou .Mass at 8 o clock, A. At.; High Mass ami Preaching at lUt o’clock, A. AT. Sunday School at a o'clock, 1’ M.; Vespers tm l lieu, diction at 4 o’clock, I>. M. W P. vertst C true i.—Ttev. Lewis 1,1,. v .’jlva. Pastor. Services every Sunday at I'lt o'clock, A. At., and (>! P. At. Sun- , cl iv School at 2 o’clock, P. AI. Prayer t M rlcr; cverv AI ai 1 iv evening tit 71 o’c’k. i Kocietvoa every Thursday evening at 7 I o’clock. Singing School on every Sunday mi! AV vines Ity evening tit 7 o’clock. AV ii,4ii I'm is and PitEsnvritunv.— H v. (-1. II llumplirey, 11. A., Pastor. Scr vir s every Sunday at lIH o’clock, A. M.. and li P. M Sand ty School at 2 o'clock. j>. M. Prayer Alcting every Tuesday evening at id o’clock. Mi. iiodist t'lcis nru,fiHTßcir. —Tlcv. K .1. (Lav, Pastor. Prvichin g every Snn div a I'U o’clock, A. AI., and 7P. AI. | So i lac School -it 2 o’clock, P. M. Prayer I M.-e'tti-r cverv We.lncsjay evening at 7j. | T- i- h. r.V Meeting •it close of P’yer Meet"';. ■ AI, itioih ••• Eimsooimi. i iu'Ri m. Sorru j ltev L. W. Unship, Pastor. Services cverv Sunday a! PH o’clock, A. At., nnd 7 I P. AI. Sun liy School at 9 o’clock A. M. ! I‘raver M.vti i r every Friday evening; . I li retain i (litiivt\n. — Rev.-I. litlltl, i I t or. Services every Sunday at 10J o’clock, ! A. AI. Sta lay tlchool at 2 o’clock, P. AI. , j j; ,-B— 31” ->***’’ FItosTIIUIIG, OCTOBER 7, 1871. \ sk vour Grocer for J. S. Oilvvortli &, Co.'s pure Roasted Coffee, til-st. Tlie '‘New Yolk Clothing House” Ims a now sign. The proprietor be lieves in advertising. Owing to tlie Small-Pox and the Circus, t.iie Concert, advertised to occur in the AI. ”, Church, on Tuesday evening, 10th inst., j; postponed until further notice. When von go to the Post Odice for your j letters, don’t forgot to buy your Paper and Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Ac., of the Postmaster. I Fi tlmrg 1 mproveineiits” will be ■inlinu l in next week’s issue.— The unavoidable absence of tlie “Se nior” keeps us in-doors this week. Tip rush that is living made at tlie Post ''Tice lb Tobacco and Cigars is an evi . ace that the people have found the right j r! a good article. Call, try, and i t i on , need. (>m I batiks arc due the Cumberland Dui- I: V. Ciimberianu A’liyti/iian and Som-| i 11 , uhl, for complimentary notices of; . - pij.-r. i .ve laid them by for publication m - H-k. .-. r i’.~.ntTon is called fo 3IT. J. Collins’ iaT.Artiseuiarit. Ilcis largely engaged in k'le ni tv irt’ie business at Eckhart Alines i ■v -:i t \ iug tlr-ugli Ids establishment a fully testifie 1 to us his übili- | 'V lit. ’•••tPly r. wived ai jBBBSBBBm a i ir.-w.i < - ’ !■; v sma si i i; i:, WBBggBBm Kuos-ritfiai, Ain. Uo-.Ft he Decci veil! i I "ell! (C I I I thoMt-alld i’*liini - soli! la-1 year it f.u-:;> thousand over , 1. t' N WADE. Ag.-o, l-’uosTi-.t lit;, Ai n ; t.-awb.-r - to see them maturel is a rare occurrence. They were -r..... by William Bowler, Esq., of Eck ' - rt 'tines, near tliis plaee. I t.vl Monv’y ()kdku> rail now lc ol>- :tt the Port Office, In this place, for. j t,e insniission of money to. U parts ol ; i ■ I’rkaai, ai current goll rules. Our . mmodatiug Postmaster, Mr. C. 11. W ■ w, will wait upnc ill such as wish to a a.ns'iv. -of this opportunity to semi to the “Olil Country.’’ A Y ttiso E.umKitAKß! — About two o' •! . i’a oliy morning, the majority oi iu, ,i 'i!:- were awakenc l and niarmed by ■ ore.i' ■ ai-v an ’ shock®lvsemlil ng that of ;. ; I' Uakc. For a short time great t'.i --i-'.unui travail: 1. About 7 o'clock h >\v c.'er i ascertained that it was occ. - ironed he falling of one of those mam moth i i hats which are so Iforl'JJcts. . at tie In .ySlore.” A lew cuing? since, a cow, while A 'lt' nup street, unexpectedly '"alkyl ’ tlieold “Frankiiullotel.” j pfiiio iVi- evidently pleased with ! 1 fht- i.ijjci ippearancc of the prent- * best's • an effort avaß necessa ry to i'.d her to vacate. This she liu lly ill t, noli to her own chagrin fund the amusement of tin; bystanders. M:tC 11- W.ilkeu keeps for .ac the jjjoi-l popular li.orary periodiials of the day ; also liie latest newspapi rs. Here: f- ! tir no will be far: lulled with ixtra coj its l df the Minis:: Jo. iisaj, which he will dis- j k of at five cents per co;y. Call on I I b m for ar.ydung you want iu the News; a ft .in* Stationary or A'otion line. I you arc H ot already a subscriber, in addition to H hat you gtt from him, buy a .locuxal. IV* call the particular attention of our readers who admire the ,• '£j*t> l, to tlie well written poem, |B 'otlicr column, entitled •'Demos >®lbl Angina,” by Kev. < ■ I'.| HB iltiv, (d'this place. Its pathetic i lie* io the m.i..t *r orator o! j HB tWUi.s is a liui.-l.e 1 tr.b ite to j ,t%iic u: to id a 1 1 >lie"! 1111 of a stt’ii'-' b.s great career. 1 Die J of Sol ill I*ox. We regret to announce tlut Vr*. Bar barn Hi: 1 Kr.rtz, wife of Simon I\ Kurt/ <>, Frost burg, wiio has beet s:iV*ritiit fo t 1 : ■ past t\<o week? witli tint d'viukd di.-- ea*e —small pox—died rat lie r suddenly mi; unexpectedly yest; nlay luorirug. Tin |d ty befoi'e slie < Aibit;*.l favoi.i'iie mp turns, and was apparently much bt.U,\ hu yesterday morning her case tool; a ru !d< i a.i l fatal turn. Airs. Kurtz was • hevla iali 11< ;• of Mr. Jacob PI in ker. of Grantsvilli (l : strict, one of'the oldest ami most respect ed citizens A!i( .-any county. The de <•; ased leaves three lituu chilunm, one only four months old. j None of the other iTirfnbers of f lie f nnih have as yet contracted the disease, and ev ery precaution is taken to prevent it? i spreading. Much sympathy i. felt by the I people of Frostbur_r for the husband and | the motherless ehildr* u, as in their prcsciil ! n'Miction not even l!ie comfort of inter course dare be permitted, and they arc kept confined in the Iwmse w ith no om hut a nurse to do anything for them. All budi 1 v comforts arc m vcriheless bountifully supplied by the people. In addition to the above, taken from the j Cumberland W <r* oft ! e 4lh inst., it issuer | gested to us to say she was a member ot I the German Reformed Church, her con- I nection being with the congregation at Grantsville. COAL Sf .V f iMK.VT. For the week ending September 30,1871, i here were 40.051.1 l tons of Coal transport ed over the Cumberland and Pennsylvania Railroad, and for the y*-ar to same date, 1,447,347.0 tons. Over the ('umbcrlau 1 Branch Railroad, for the same week, there were transported | 0,073.11 tons of Coal, and fur the year, 205,551*2.00 tons, —all of which, over both railroads, being from the Frost burg and George’s Creek Mipts, as named in the ta ble below. Shipments of Coal From Cumberland for the week ending Saturday, Sept. JO, and for Mr.* year, 18TI : SHIPPED BY j B .<> Hit | CAO CANAL ! TOTAL. Cooke Mines, Borden Co., *2,178 12 8,27* 15 5,457 0 7 Consolidate,2,2l3 in 0,711 14 h.'J-V. Id Spruce Hill, 502 05 •><*•> 0> Midlothian, 88 (>7 2,0517 Oo 2.7 5 > 12 Hampshire &B2b 03 I,oob 1!) 1 POO 02 ditto Va. 1,552 01 1,552 01 Va C <fc 1 Co George’s (k 3.500 10 1,501 03 5,073 1 Big Vein Co 2,000 07 ' • Maryland “ 3,205 15 5,501 12 8*57 7 American “ 1,400 05 4,412 12 s,Odd 17 Atlantic “ 1,07!) 11 l,<fr) !1 Piedmont “ 1.51)5 10 1,505 10 Swanton “ 1,028 00 1,028 00 Barton “ 5141)0 51-t 00 Potomac “ 1,622 15 1,622 15 Geo’s Ck 51“ Pranklin “ 1,0:!7 17 1,057 17 Tot’l— tv’k 21,78 ! 0:1 25,800 00 50,080 00 P’vio’stly 1,038,540 05015,008 171,081,179 02 Tot’l-vr 1,060,024 08 071,501 17 1,731,859 05 SMALL-FOX IX I’ROSTBURU. From the reports circulated in the papers, people abroad are led to be lieve that this loathsome disease is ravaging our community, and that a fearful mortality must be the conse quence. The repeated publication of these reports cannot fail to prevent people from visiting the town, and thereby impair public business ; ami those papers that give currency to them, unwittingly, do us injury. The truth is —there is not note a iim/le case vf Small-Pu c'n Froxib ry. It is hard to conjecture what is in store for us ; but...if this disease further develops itsel! here, it will he in spite of prompt and goner a! precautions. Unfortunately, it is said that the appro u:li of the cold season is unfavorable b> its restric tion. 'I his fact makes it more incum bent upon our people t > throw around themselves all the protection that medical science can dictate. No sort of risk should Lie taken against a foe whose attack is invariably in sidious. In such cases, carelessness is criminal, and neirledt 110 In this, in everything else, the safest plan /a the best. r v i A Living Klilsiocer s in bo in Frost- 1 Imrg, on Tuesday, October 10. I Sheldenburger’s Mammoth Euro- i noaii Menagerie ai/d Circus, which | is to exhibit at Froslburg on Tuos- | , day, the lOtn inst., is accompanied j i by a monster living Rhinoceros, or > I'iiiconi of Holy Writ, and as in; is ! the hugest specimen known to nat uralists, a brief history of him may not prove uninteresting. 1 bis huge ] beast weighs 8,000 pounds— ‘John [ mote than the weight given by i Goodrich, the naturalist, in his Ulus trated Natural History. Of his age nothing is known, hut from his im mense and matured proportions it is supposed that he is over fifty years of age. Still this may bo very far out of the way. He was captured in the jungles of India, after a tcr lilio struggle, which cost the lives of three native hunters, a horse, and a I vrgo male elephant, on the ldth of March, and landed in New York,on the tirst day ot March, The unicorn lias attained such noto riety, from the fact that it is claimed by many Biblical scholars that it is the animal mentioned in the Book ut Job to exemplify in bis prodigious form the supreme power of the Al mighty. The one coming to Frost burg, wo are informed, when first placed in his enormous den, in the city of Philadelphia, torn (as i! they were so many straws) the iron bars from out his cage, tints carrying out Biblical quotation that he csteemotli brass as straw and iron as rotten wood. The hide of the rhinoceros, it is said, cannot be penetrated by u common musket ball, lie t cds i . his native jungles on short tern leaves, stunted grasss, etc. W hen ia captivity, on hay, oats and pota toes We are informed that the one in question daily consumes 500 weight of hay. five bushels of oats a ,J two bushels of potatoes. lie is passionately b>ud ol water, a , ill-inks fifty large buckets of it . 1,. in front of hsde l will be ,nd a gentleman who, at all tones, will impart any inlurmatnm rtjaliu lo this Leviathan. He can he seen without extra charge m conjunction with the eol'ossal circus and menag i eric with which lie is exhibited. p [< 'oiniliunc-ateu.j An excellent entertainment was given t<> the inhabitants nl ITostbnrg, Sept. 18t!i ami 10th, by the splendid j choir of the Daptist Church, j A beautiful vocal concert, conduc- I ted by tin; famous musician, Mr. do nah This was the first feast we liave ever had with this very su perior singer ; hut we hope and trust iit is not the last. Mr. Esau recent l ly came here from Canada, and - that solely at the request and expense of the choir and other friends. Mr. David Davies, his predecessor, (whose Christian virtues, activity and faithfulness, with the singing, which will never ho forgotten by the above church) no sooner heard where his esteemed friend, Mr. Esau, resided, than he exerted all his influ ence to convince the choir of Mr. Esau’s great superiority over him as a leader of a choir ; and said it would ho an incomparable blessing for them to have Mr. Esau for their con ductor. In contemplating the past ! —recalling to memory the very grat ifying concerts, given both hero and in the thriving city of Cumberland bv the above choir conducted by Mr. Davies, we are compelled to exclaim, O, how seldom we meet, such a man ! Whore else (especially among the singers,) can wo find such an in stance of self-denying spirit? How Christ like! Happy art thou who possessest this heavenly spirit! Kow, Mr. Davies having spoken so highly of Mr. Esau, nothing was more natural for the choir and oth ers, than to expect something very extraordinary from the same ; and we are happy to say, that great as tiie expectations were, Mr. Esau Inn dune more than gratify those parties—surpassed their expecta tions. This being- (lie case it is hardly necessary to say anything in way of commendation ; but for the sake of she reader, we may say that we were delighted The renowned Mr. Jones and par ty, of the Presbyterian Church kind ly assisted in the concert, Kev. G. 11. Humphrey, the pas tor of the said church, presided on the second evening. And well might wo term this entertainment a delicious feast to the cultivated mind. The house was crowed the first ev ening-some obliged to stand cue re, cue-ore often— appeals for the con ct rt to be lie! 1 oa the second even ii g. In addition to this, we may say, that a Ciimbeilancler was pres ent, and was so pleased, that he gave a pressing invitation to the choir to visit that "go-ahead” city. Notwithstanding the frequent and and rich entertainments enjoyed by the inhabitants of that city, yet one of its respectable citizens thought the aforesaid concert, conducted by the unrivaled musician, Mr. Esau, was quite worthy of th if famous oily. Tito writer, in concluding, is hap py to state that the chief design of the concert was to acknowledge the good.yJwirT'ian and faithful leader, Mr. Davies, on his giving up the leading of the choir to his bosom friend, Mr. Esau. may such Christian feeding exist. And long may the happy pair live together to sing the praises of their Maker here below, ami when both they ami their much esteemed choir will have com pleted their earthly career, our pray er is that they will join the redeem ed and angelic host in the “Song of Moses and the Lamb. 1 * John Hatton. The following firms ami gentle men are authorized to receive sub scriptions and leceipt for money paid | them for us. At our office, also, we will be I o-lad to sec all those of our friends j o’ who arc disposed to encourage* us, j and receive their subscriptions and other patronage: Marx Wiuclaud, Real, Koch <fc Co., K. G. Nell, J. Ilocking&Son, John Hilchins, C. 11. Walker, p. m. Thus I>. Kndsloy, Raltzell & Co., J. Jandorf, Win. 11. Evans, 1 litchir.s Bros., Lowndes <fc Clary, \V. 11. Spill, 11. Stern. Circuit Court. -—Yesterday morn ing the October term of the Circuit Court for Allegany county com menced. Court mot at ltt A. M., Judge A Ivey on the bench. The ju ries were called, and having answer ed to their names, Judge Alvey de livered a forcible and eloquent charge to the Grand Jury. .1 he Petit Jury was discharged until this morning. The several dockets were then c tiled, appearances entered, &c. Mr. Gordon moved tin; admis sion of Mr. Gilmor Hainill as a m m - ter of the bar, making a f w appro- j priato remarks, in which he spoke j very highly of Air. Ilamill and of i his advancement in his legal studies, i Judge I‘earre presented the resolu tions of the bar passed on the- deaths of Judge Perry and lion. John V. i L. McMahon respectively, and asked , that they be enrolled among the proceedings of tlit* Court. Judge [ i’e.trre. Mr. McKaig and Mr. Gor-j , don spoke at length in eulogy at i both the deceased. j Court adjourned at 1 I’. M. until this nur i ig. —-Vines 4th. Newspaper Work. a ! An exchange in an article on . ■ “newspaper work and workers,” .’ truthfully remarks that there is no other profession but enjoys immunity from observation as to its modes. The preaeher writes in the privacy i- of his study, and can concoct plat t itildes pad out plagiarism that would lie tlie ruin of the editor ' and reporter. The lawyer con -1 suits his client and organizes his - campaign in private, bringing into t court only such as for his p cause and against the cause of his adversary. The doctor plies his.po- ! tions ami launches his lancet in so- j - I net. If the patient recover, it may • be the medicine or it may be in spite of it; if be die, it may be pills or ’ | Providence—the physician is scath j less. None of these come to light | that their deeds may be reproved. - | Moreover, the work of the press - j is continuous, as well as constantly i public. There is no peace in our . j war. There is no rest for the wea ’ | rv. Space is no more annihilated by telegraph than time is by journalism. The evening and the morning are • I not merely the lirst day but all the | all its quantity of repose. Every j minute of every hour of the tweuty j four is occupied by some workers ' doing some work that shows itself |in the newspaper of the day and af j ternoon. Repetition is as impossible las rest. Facts are ever new. Com j meets must bo as fresh as facts, and j the edition i.) a remorseless giant | that eats up all the seconds. The making of a newspaper is perpetual motion in a thousand fields. In such a work, demanding ceaseless effort, permitting no pause, exacting j eternal and ever-varying exercises, jit is impossible for wheat to he un I mixed with chaff, for accuracy not | to ho impaired by mistake, injustice ! not occasionally to be done. I The International Money Order System. The International Money Order System, betwo. n the United States and Great Britain, goes into opera tion on the 2d inst. Remittances can also be made by International i Money Orders, via. Switzerland, to jail the principal towns and cities of Austria, Hungary, Spain, Russia, , 1 Sweden, Denmark", Norway, Turkey, ! (i r< ■eee, Egypt, East Indies and, China. , The Solpiehs’ Re-Union. —We pro- : soul this morning the advertisement of the ' I re-union of the Society of the Army of i West Virginia, to he held in Wheeling on , October 19th and 20th. Arrangements' have been made for a grand time, and we may expect to see here on that occasion 1 some two or three thousand of the veterans , of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio and 0\ cst Virginia who will meet to greet again their I comrades ill arms and see their old com manders The speeches will be made at 1 the Fair Grounds, and the programme in- 1 1 chutes a grand procession and dress-pa ‘ra' . IF eding Siuidiig X, ir*. | Cu.m.. —The U • Commission on 1 coal appointed in England several years ago to ascertain the amount jof coal which the mines of Great ( Britain and Ireland can furnish be fore the supply will he exhausted, , has almost completed its work, , There is sufficient coal, which ‘ can bo profitably obtained, to from SOO to 1,000 years. This osti- [ unite assumes, of course, a certain j annual increase in the rate of con sumption. Col. George Seliley, of‘Washing- ( ton county, is the nominee of the , Democratic Judicial Convention, held at Hagerstown on Wednesday J last. His name, we believe, had i never been used in connection with ' the Judgeship, and the nomination is a surprise. President Grant writes, under date of Sept. Tth, last, to Hon. Geo. A. Pearre and others, that he will be i unable t<> attend the Agricultural Fair at Cumberland on the lKlh inst. Tin: JoruSAL Offic . will be prepared, in a short time, to do nil kinds of Job Work, in good style and at moderate rates. MAPit IE i) Oil Sunday, tin: Ist inst-, at the residence j of the bride’s fuller, by Kev. J. Kuiil, Mr. Coskao Nn kf.i. and Miss Mau- : oarkt Ham-max,—all of tbis place. - -V-- -ni.|- - ~--r- ut-J 'IX *V- Now Advertisements. HOUSE ASM 1/?T EOft S.l E! TK not sold privately before, i will oiler a at public sale, in barton, Allegany Co., M 1., mi MONDAY. O TOIIKH hi. IS7I. my House and l.ot, situated in the town of I’, irtoti. Terms. —CASH. CASPAR CItEATZBITRO. Oet 7—2t* DENTJSrtf*. • at \THit \h TEETH EH-l.T"). RET rs ‘PLATED. EXTRACTED. POL IS1IE1). Ac.. In the best manner. Artificial Teeth inserted on all the va rious bases known to the Profession, at liil. (j. J. V.EACHY’.S Steam Dental Establishment* No 101. Baltimore Street, Oet dm* Cn nberlauil. Mil. McN'EILL <4 WINUEUX, r'EAi.FKS IN PURE Ditch’d AN ) JIEiHCISEIv 1 ) H NTS OILS, VARNISHES. DYK -1 Stull's, Window (i ass. Putty. Perlu uu-rv. Kane - Toilet Articles, and every t!iin"' found in a first- lass Drug -tore. Prescriptions earetMly compounded. li.\iN SruuKT, i nos .me an. Mo. Oet 7— tf J. COLLINS, at ec kit art mines, HAS eons iintly on letnd a K all Supply of ilit V (lOi)D.s. lilt >i ERIKS. ,)i i-lEXSW ARE and PRODUCE. Hi- motto is to give value reach d fm 1 money spout wi a Uhu. CALL! SEE!! BE CONTI WED!!! Vml don't be earn-d away by deHtloii adverti-. incuts au.t haud-bdls. nJ— tan SOMMERS’ AN’ SAILORS’ REUNJ’JX. So- 1 i.TV OF TUB AItMY OK \V ~' 1 Y.V. ' TIIK SOCIETY OK TilK AUMA OF , W KST YIHGiXIA will hold a giand , i lie-union nt WMEZLSft G, On Thursday and Friday, Oct. 19&20. ‘ Kadi officer and private who served in tin- Depart ill. u! ot West Virginii. is i-x --ported to ho present. Every soldier and 1 sailor ill Wot Vlijrlnisi isoxpootoil to be present. Every soldier ami sailor of iViitisyivunia, M::ryland. Ohio ami Indi nnii. who ser\oil i i the army of M cst \ a., Is invited and expected to he present. Generals Me* 1 llan. Iteseerans, Frc inont. Milrov. Sigel. l'-anus. ('rook, ( on, itevmdds and others have heen invited. The Hattie Flags of tl.e We.-t Virginia Kelt i incuts. by the kind permission of the State authorities, will be borne in the procession. The I!. & 0.11. 11. will carry soldiers and their triends at HALF F A HE! Come out. comrades,, ns renew the friendships formed in camp and on the battle-hold. Hy order. Oet 7—it Com. ok Arranofju.nts. AT THAT CHEAP STORE! Id yds Calico for £1;1- 1 • yds ('alien for $1 —fast colors. Merriinaes, Coehicos, Sprague's and American prints, at H ike, Fine llomestie Ginghams. only 12Ge.— Brown Muslins, !l to Like'. Bleached Muslins, 1(1 to 150. ( ottoii lhits. 12,Gc.— Fall styles of l’l-ti.l Dress Goods, trom 20 to 30c." French Merinos, Black Coburg —-1 yd wide, doe. Empress Cloths, from (>0 to 05e. The Old Fogles are Nonplussed. Why do they expatiate on qualities and fabrics when they don't quote their prices? In these uncertain times it is hut meet that the -honest and unsuspecting public’* should be posted on prices : Heavy all-wool double-width Miner's . Flannel, 4Uo. Six months ago we came into this town to a people writhing under the iron rule | of monopoly and high prices. During : this time we have reduced the price of j Dry Goods, and have undersold, and are j underselling, every living man in Frost- i burg and vicinity, and to-day wc stand in j front of the line, with the black llag hoisted, and challenge any man to pro- j duee better goods and match those prices; i Waterproof, 00 to IlOe; Velveteen. 70 i to Ssc; Heavy Casinets, 05 to 58e; Cassi nieres, 85 to 125e. TERRIFIC SMASH OF A VIIOAD WA Y M1 L LIN E11! ! ! We take her entire stock of Chignons, Turbans, Sailors’ and Ostrich Tips, at one-tourth their original cost, and oiler them at prices that make the young la dies laugh and ask,“how do you sell them so cheap?” Mens Ilnots, 2.75 to 5.00; Men’s Mining Siioes. 1 75 to 1.00; Hoys,’ 1.25; Ladies’ Morocco Shoes, from 1.25 to 2.00; dob lot of 1 nfants' Shoes, just received, and which will he closed out at 20c per pair. Fami lies ot thirteen children “shod all round” for 2.50! .Men’s wool Gaps. 50 to 75c. Heave Heaver Coats, 7.50; Heavy Pants, 2.00 t 04.00. The ‘•FnoSTitriia Mixixg Journal” is si> crowded with matter this week that it ; allows us but a limited space. Sell your old iron and come and see for yourselves. C. BALTZELL & CO., Frostburg Md. X. H. —The high price ol' Wool has not aH’ceted Gum Cord; we are still clumping it oil’at 1 cent. Oet 7 SEWING MACHINES. riMIE HOWE. SIVGEIt. WIIEET.EIt 1 A WILSON. GROVER it HAKKR. WII.IOX it Gl lilts. MEED. HOM E SHTTTI.i:. COMM OX-SEN SIC. or any olliei Kind of SEWING MACHIN ES, for SALE, RENT, OR EXCHANGE. Do von wanf to buy a Sewing Machine of any kind, lx EW OR OLD? Oj voit w-ii.i i- .—..t .. Hewlm M ieliine of any kind, NEW Oil OLD? | Do you want to exchange a Sewing Jlu chine fur any oilier kind. XEW OItOLD ? IF YOU I-O, Go or send to the Sewing Maeiitiie neper. No. 88, Baltimore St., Cumberland, M n We are in the Sewing Machine business exclusive!v. and give our customers a thorough ‘knowledge how to keepi the machines in order, as well as do il l kinds of Sewing on them. A good M.ehmu will he of little use to you it you do not understand it well. . , .> **. This is the onlv place between more aml Wheeling where you can get ad kinds of Sewing Machines Repaired and adju.-ted with a certainty (n ~,n ing it done "iil.t. it is nonsense to slippu e anv man is a good hand to Repair .sew ing simply bccail-e he is .1 cr ,7id .Maehanist, M atelunaker or Gun smith* , .. , . , , A nrm m:iv bo si £Oo<l MV.ohaiiii; sjr.u reallv know ‘but little more about Sewing Machines than a horse does about preaching. , , , , v.’e are regularly and thoroughly e u eated in our business .'.nil guarantee sat isaietion. or no charge. Not-one person in twenty Giat wants ♦_o get n tewing Marline, knows any more what kind of one will suit best lor the Sew ing they have to do. than the min in the moon. _ , Don’t take any body’s adice in bill ing a sewing mae’.iiiie, unless they will war rant and detei.d you ill so doing-. We are eon lan'ly exchanging ma chines with people who are losing from ten to torty dollars, bemuse they did not get the right kind at fust. Any cue who lias bought, or may here after buv a sew ing machine ol us on our advice, and does not get the best,call ex change it with us and not lose a cent on tin- machine we advised them to buy. Tell US what kind of Sewing you want a machine t do, and wo will advise which is host and furnish the machine o > TRIAL. Fit UK. OF UItAWiK, and if it does not suit, we w ill furnish you any other kin 1 you desire, and in either ease, will fur iiisli tlie machine aL as low a price, tin 1 oil as easy terms as you can get it any w 1 ere. IN REGARD TO TERMS, i wish it distinctly understood that 1 will soil you any kind of sewing machine in tl.e market, or anything in the Sewing Machine Rue. just ns cheap, and on just as easy terms, as any other person any where. We keep Needles for nil Sewing Ma cin'.os. at Sc.each, or 75c. per dozen.- .’ 'so. darts for repairing all machines.— Also, Silk and Linen Thread on Spools for Ga Triage Trimmers. S', or ill ikers. Sad lers. Glove-. Makers and Family Sewing. Also, Spool Cotton. Oil. (lil-Cans, ('ac tors. Tuck markers. Cordt rs. Hinders, and id other sewing machine attachment*.— Also. Fringing Needle* tor 1‘ ringing Snk .in the different m e. bines. J. F. MeKENNEY, Gen’l Agt., ISC. West Fayette St., below Howard. BALTIMORE, MD Hba::<’u Office. So Balt-more Street CUMBERLAND. MD. O. E HUMPHREY, Oet 7—ly V Manager. I I THE MONARCH OF EXHIBITIONS! OVER THREE HUNDRED WILD AN WARS! WITH TUE j JIOXSTER LIVING RHINOCEROS, WEIGIIXG OVER 8,033 P3U.XD3I >8- SKFXmttnBrRIiEISrS - x Jsi EURGPE&N MENAGERIE _Jf* mbit GnEcim circus. jHik The Grandest Concentration of Novelties That lias ever been presented to the American Public, \ FIRST TOUR IN AMERICA ~ /,, \ \ <'f this M.--imoth Aggregation. Mr. Fngene Phcldcn - f. / ' I lrtrgt r for •. . |..-l 12 years, proprietor ol tlm Kuro | *. . • A j> mii .M .r.i an.l t lrciiß, has* eoiitlmvl Ills Travel- [ . I '"'l* '•&'*' ' V \ log Tim s exclusively to the Obi World, where Me W&Ja jfff t ' -i \. .4 V\ i-putotlon as a caterer t> the amuHcnicn t loving pop. Etfr t „v ?oS'T'i'Nj nl iC“,.‘-l.i nlsHi!ii|.ly uuanp’oaeliable. This being Ida tlnSßr W 'k : .A >•; }i V :Itt:i Ivlib t > (lie New World be e:iu o: ly ueouro lliO lESk ) 4-ii.w'- iiierican Public that Ills Exhibition is \.3 jy* , g First Class in all its Departments £.y V, * >/ Containing as it does all the great features of a • ~ VCm --T. v d Hamniot!i Ulsnageris & Faultless Circns. Jt i /) Foremost among the many novelties of ttao Grnml \ W j .V —V. lolouival Collection lauio Only l ull Growu H mamcoßßOs 2*) /stfsg TfSgsKS'Sa-* Or UNICORN OF HOLY WRIT, fl BL<g!y That lias ever been captured. This Leviathan who w , /T WEIGHS OVEREIGIiT THOUSAND POUNDS, &.?.£ CSS/ 1 Was oaptnrcd Ir. t’no Jungles of India by Mr. Georcro 'vJQs£ 2r feovell.tlie Agent of Mr. Sheldenburger, and costby ?r~ . thetlme belauded in New York on March Ist of tho " Ui MK&jEfci v present year, Over $41,000 fu Gold* The great- W 'Ws’J 1P rwt dlllleulty occurred 1 u getting a Den built strong . tI enough to hold the monster, and yet so arranged as " WULIJ? •'-.&# to be readily transported through the country. Tim ft cago tlmt contains him is a magnificent specimen ot hi mmm imp—a—■ mechanism, ami was built by Castor,Carriage and vX H I Wagon Guilder, of Philadelphia. It requires to trails- yiflk lU I port tula Hugo Beast and Den v* ■fe —f EIGHT MASSIVE HORSES. gSMyBTj l\ / Next in Importance to this Great Marvel is the V\ 1 Floplian* •* SELI M,” A I*nir of llnetrlnn \V * C'uuiclh, A Guu, or Horned Hoim*, A lioyul I tuiTAkV , vk JJengiil Tiger. lHiilißßWiiF'' 11 1 K SIGMICR BALIZE’S : |i I>cii of’ I’vrf'orniliiK Animals! J | 1 {Pi Xilono aud Tigora, X \ V \ Which will be entered at each Exhibition by this iu’ < P trepid Lion King. t TIIE other cages contains Aslatle and African Lions, African Lioness, ltrazlllan mm ii■ r. i •'-■!—h Tigers, Senegal Leopards, Clietah Leojmrd, Water JL wur^lbftaWtr. ltutfalo. Striped Hyena, Spotted Hyena, ltlack Bear, Wia V. cinnamon Bear. African, South American • Buina, Atrlcan Wolf, Bhiek Wolf, Oce- CJhau* Civit cVt! Bouth American SlotJi, df'WPli J|l! ni / 1 \| Sacred Cow; over lw dlirerent species o fthe Mopkey Tjq&g*c-- A * Tribe; Birds of every clime, such ns Golden and Sll- V ver Pheasants. Brds of Paradise, Macaws, Parrots, nf-flmijrvtf\ White Peacock, African Pelicans, South American Anjmnla too numerous to parlicularizct \ kg. Especial IxToto. OTlt [QUESTRISH HOUSE! oftuocri'jl European Combination wllW>cbotU fl AS?-. SBILLIANt & DIVEBSIFIBai X3D / Presenting a of Nvivclties by . sjfTFft OF /-' /l /TT~-\ A a unequalod in * .wif several sp ebilfies, \x.f'.*a /vaA * each ot whom liasb'’*-engaged outlie tcorcoi ability Sa| KJtoA KA alone, i of expense. * V> AS jCload. t lio Hanes rf tio Eauestrian Constellation! 'i ; 2V? SJb, Mr lIVTOVCVBTJOSA, M ADAMR r MJIIOMA JL—rrWK jir'.WM.'AVM.VU, Ur.JAMKS" an. f LIT'ILK MARY BROWN. The vnSTrcnmrknMor.iiii'stilcnm'ofiinvnse. Thin i ■' ;- r - X V I , .N4 K 1 , .-l , rl‘?.U! 1 ’ GRAND STREET FAnjDE { Will tal:o placo dally ntlO A.M.,beaded by tho Car cf Aurora* containing t TUg Enroneaii Military Brass Eauil, \ v r I’-oyulTrupplugM* lUa Cuiue!.-, r TEo Eawlio Bmiioccrofl j* cur word for it, it m ill paj. <irv Z? 1 Exhibitions Each Day, &&**&*- :‘s N i afternoon & NiaiiT. a fj clr ‘A AOSIISSrOX.... ....60 \Ur? ' eigsiiOßiss v.:.a<-r 0... .!*•> ** A £& fiY- f>> The Ks’.,lo!i:.nswlUhor:!v, "17 Ercnintf. (vVj Ps.SEA.TS 'COTIJCI "R BOD,. AZ P”SIE?eSEIi TrtS tfeV AMD BSTS. A A^omk. u. ”” — _ ■ . 4 . _V t '^=.u--‘- FROSTBURC, -j TUESDAY, OCTOBER fO. * WESTERN PORT, TON 0 AV, OCTORU^^H