Newspaper Page Text
*Sro*tburfl ‘iHi is;] sfovaa'. s-SdsTßOna, December n. tsn. Temperance. This subject haw been, ivxw'i'i'tlj*, ill H'listh'il'g, t lie successive llrerme lit two iul Ironses, a lirelure ami a sermon. Without any purpose oi t litictKin of tine efforts of t tie rever end gentL'niffi who have m oncrget ir.*!!.v r.rnl eloquently espoused the cartar of Temp-ram'ie, we are. nev ertheless, free to express our convic tion tit it tlieiv is, e,|i<m this subject, a Species of morbid, man Hitt senti liient extant, which, however pious ami sincere, is frightfully unavailing in its attempted subjugation oi the great Hocifii arch-enemy. I he memory of mi ouo tow living reverts to a p rioj when the abuse of ardent spirits was mt a great ro i iul evil. It lias evoked in its sup pression lie' genius of the statesman, the wisdom of legislatures, the la bors of the philanthropist, the bland ishments of secret societies, the piety of the church and the eloquence of the orator. .Ministers have doffed their sacerdotal character and put on the mimic mien to portray the silii nesa of the inebriate ; orators have word-painted the ghastly topic with l’andemoiiiao orthoepy, and, in proof of the terrific enormity of intemper ance, have evoked the registers of hell itself. In a multitude of instances, the at tempi to ridicule and frighten, fails to fall on the ears of those for whom they are intended. Ihe ostriches, with their heads buried in the sand, had almost as lief die as see the dan ger of d -ath. If their courage lias not entirely oozed, limy look up to discover the pursuer, at “long range,” venting Ins barbed denunci ations from the pulpit or the rostrum. If intemperance must be combat ted by the Church, the true spirit of combat is the missionary. Vice, to lie reformed, must be pursued to its haunts. The devotees of false relig ions. in antipodal lands, arc the sub jects of enormous missionary contri butions; how milch similar practical ■effort is made to reform tl e thousand.- who pervert the t.u . at the very thresholds of uiir churches? 'I ho Apostles commenced preach ing at Jerusalem, to lie* idcnlii a’ rabble who hastened the crucifixion : Paul, as a captive, made converts in Ciesar’s household, and, upon his own Dial, before Felix, asserted the criminal character of his judge.— I.other, at Worms, confronted a I dot, pre-determined upon his death, and face to face w ith its nugust rep resentatives, boldly preferred bis charges against the I’niversal Church Such are a few im tuners of moral heroism well worthy the imitation of the apostles id' the present day.— Many lions there are that must needs be bearded in their dens. In their pm poses they are a unit, which fact suggests the necessity of unity, not aione of the ministry, but of all the elements of temperance ; then carry cavalry, artillery, and infantry, alto gether, right over into the enemy’s works. He will never leave until driven out. lie has been menaced, threatened, and thundered at so long, without feeling the blow, the penalty r; or the lightning-stroke, he laughs at the indictments pronounced against him beyond ear-shot. Turning from the course hitherto pursued by those who have chainpi oned the cause of temperance, we are forced to the confession that, ex ternally. there is no remedy for tin* evil. Its history proves that instead of being dwarfed and diminished, it has enlarged and increased. It has thriven in the very shadow of the church. Like the oak, the storms have beaten upon it only to make it strike deeper root. The law is pow erless before an ill, one of whose unfortunate characteristics is that it is domestic. Many such can never, ! from their very nature, be legally reached. If there is but one evidence outside tbe Scriptures, of the neces sity for a iiual judgment, it is this—■ the redress of human wrung, not ac cessible to human law. It is one of those evils which must expend itself. 'I here are bounds in tite moral as well as in the material world to the dominion of wrong.— There is a drop that will overflow the cup of iniquity. How soon filled we dare not peril a prophecy. Hut tl e avenging hour will surely come, and may even now be on the w b g. Slavery, whether or not a aocial I evil, was so regarded by a vast nutn- I ber of people, and, as such, was j spoken, written, and legislated against. The futility of this crusade cannot be questioned. Hut emanci pation was not the least result of a war begun certainly for a different purpose. For out-solver, we are not s: nguine enough to see the end of the great iniquity this side of that day when the Chiistian (. lunch shall have evan gelized the world. It may be some how upturned amid ihe throes of civil, or moral commotion, ns islands have been known, in diluvial epochs, to rise and throw themselves into the sea. Hut we have not in this age a rule to measure the dimensions and future extent of the already inacces sible pyramid. Knnugli to say it is building upon ■ , burning marl and mu-t, sooi t*r or , lati r. topple into perdit'on. The I, same sun which now measu-es the . | slow length of its impious dynasty, j must one day shine upon its mins It : has in itself all the elements of suicide. | and w hen, by its own Hriavesu hands. , it must die. the world will then, and then only, resound with its full. , Coal Sews, The under date of Philadelphia, Jtiv i. 1871, says : The Anthracite coal xv.xr ci,dr ll with tlie 80th of November, and in the entire history of the trade prob ably never ended duller nr more depressed. 1 There is no hope or prospect of nnv revi i : vnl until next spring, and as Thanksgiving f | came on the last day of the month and of . j the coal year at a good many mines the work was -‘squared up” the day before, and the mines closed. Notwithstanding winter came sudden and sharp on the 80th the mnrk"l did not rally from the shook it received by the decline of prices at the public sale, an 1 coal by retail at New \ ork was quoted 50 cent;- per ton lower. Iu this market we do not notice any par ticular chanac in prices of coal from the yards. Tin- coi l weather has stiffened the ; market a little but there is very little doing. ! The Georgetown Courier of 2nd, says: ’1 lie coil! trade lias not been as active this week as usual. Although there is quite a Hoot ot boats in the canal awaiting Mw-ir tunis to unload, yet coastwise schooners are scarce, and in consequence coal is accu mulating on the wharves. Tlx- companies i here have altogether unloaded 115 boats during Hie week, as follows .- Borden Min ing Co., 30, Consolidation 88, George's - Creek 7, Maryland Co.. 80,and Midlothian j 10, amounting in the aggregate to 12,8(18 j tons, while the shipments have been only 9,5:18 tons, thus: Borden Mining, 1,500, Conxo’idation, 1,5-11, George's Crock, 1,000, and Maryland Co., 2,522 lons. During the month the receipts were 07,095 tons and - the shipments 78.001 tons. .s,; Tiird’.i Circular, of the sth inst., says: , —Sine,* the last auction sale there has been j a more active enquiry for coal and no difll eultv is had in passing otf the receipts, * which may lie credited to tite cooler weath er which we have lmd, and the short sup ple's, in consequence of the stoppage of so many collieries, and the number of cargoes caught in the different canals, by Hie curly closing of navigation. There is no great amount of profit topro dueers and operators in the prices at which ■ ; coal is now selling, and as there scents lit ■ 1 tie prospect of any better prices for this month at least, matters will run on until j after the closing up of the year’s business, the only desire being to avoid being block ed up at the points of shipment, and as the r stocks and receipts are but light, and sales i more readily made at the present low rates, ; there is no danger of this taking place, al though should the doleful prediction of some dealers take place, the latter of the month will see lower figures prevailing than the first, but we are of the opinion that if anything happens to at nil curtail the pro duction or shipment of coal this winter prices will of a consequence advance, as there must he considerable coal wanted, particularly if we have cold weather, ns the stoiks are not large at any of the ' points, in fact remarkably short of last : | ycai at the same time. We used up all last i year's over],ins before the resumption took place this year, and we are now 809,009 lons behind in the production, when we compare the present year with last. Three veins of eoa! have been discover -1 ed at the Big Sioux mines, lowa, respect ively six, twelve and twenty inches, or thereabouts, iu thickness. The proprietors are vain of the new discovery. Bituminous coals are quoted ns follows: I Cumberland at Georgetown and Alexan dria, 84 50, and at New York $7 00. ‘ Broad Top at Philadelphia for shipment, $175. Mear’s Semi-Bituminous, at New 1 York, $0 00 (d $0 25. Hammett, Niel! & Co., ill their circular l dated, Philadelphia, December 2d say: I The market continues depressed, and the few buyers are able to make their own terms w ithout regard to circular rates. [From Home and Health, for December.] | II call It Items. Vacci.vr Yiiius.— Drn. Stommer and Wiener speak in favor of vaccine mixed with glycerine. The vaccine virus, w hen mixed with 8-4 times its bulk of glycerine, takes well, even after it lias been kept for months, or even, according to Dr. Etommcr, for two years. The virus is received into a convenient dish and mixed by stirring or slinking, with three or four times its hulk of glycerine and water in equal parts. Nightmare is caused by remaining so long in one position that the blood ceases to circulate. How hard we try to run in our sleep sometimes to get out of the way of some terrible danger! It does such a person no good to ask what’s the matter. Don't waste time in asking a ques tion, but give relief to the sleeper by an in stantaneous shake, or even a touch of the i body; that breaks the dreadful spell in an j instant, because it sets the Wood going toward the heart. The Di.scovEnr.ii of Vaccination.— The churchyard of the village of Worth, Dorsetshire, England, contains a memorial tablet with the following interesting in scription: "Benjamin Jcsty, of Downsluiy; died April 10. 1810, aged 79. He was horn at Yelminster, in this county, and was an upright, honest mail, particularly noted for having been the first person known that introduced the cow-pox by innoeulating. :n 1 who, for his greet strength of mind made the experiment from the cow on his j wife and sous in the year 1774.” j 1 The Smai.i.-Pox in Am jrnt Times.- The ravages of the disease in the thirteenth j century, at which time the Crusaders met it in the Hast, were fearful. It was a worse 1 enemy than the Saracen,and is to be coun ted among the many tilings, evil and good, which dale in l’mnpe aril this country from tlie effort of the Chris'inns to recover ’ the Holy Land from ils Mohammedan pos sessors. Beginning its images in Spain and France, the small-pox first appeared as an epidemic in Germany, in 1495. Mil itary expeditions and invasions were the most notable means of the transmission of the fearful scourge. From Germany and France the disease spread all over iiu rope, and cause thence to this continent. A clerk iii a postolliee was a little rm barassed the other day on being asked lu ll lady il there was a letter for my rmr. — Being disposed to treat her politely, lie re plied that there was nothing for anybody's t"tr. I lie lady being equally embarrassed, also disposed to lie polite, said she inquired for Mike lfoirr. Satan will assume that form, and employ ' that instrument, which is most likely to captivate and accomplish ins purpose:—i “hinan 11 ii tram formed intoan angel 1 < ol light.” Typographical Terrors. Alii here it is I—l’m famous now— j An author Mid a poet! It really is ir. print! Ye gods ! ■ llow proud I'll be toehoiv il ! j Anil gentle Anna ! What a thrill Will animate her lieeaSt, j To read llwise afitvat lines, and know To whom they are addressed! f i Why, bless toy soul ? here's something strange! ; What can the paper mean , By talking of the playful brooks * That gander o'er the green ! t And here's a t instead of r. That makes it tippling rill: We’ll seek the shad instead of shade, ' j And hell, instead of hill! I They look so—what! 1 recollect. ’Twas sweet and then 'twits kin i. And now to think, the stupid fool • For bland lias printed blind! Was ever such provoking work ’Tis curious hy-tlie-bv. How anything is rendete.l blind By giving it an eye. 1 Hast thou no tears? The t’s left out, ' Hast thou no ears, instead ; • 1 hope that thou art dear, is put , I hope that thou art dead. Who ever saw in such a space So many blunders crammed? ' Those gentle eyes bedimmed is spelt i ' Those gentle eyes hedanmied. Tlie color of tlie rose, is nose; 1 , Affection is afllietion. I wonder if tlie likeness holds In fact ns well as diction 7 Thou art a friend—tlie ris gone— I Who ever would have deemed . That sueli a trilling tiling could change , A friend into a fiend ? Thou art tlie same, is rendered lame— I It really is too bad! And here because an i is out, My lovely maid is mad ; They drove her blind by poking in : , An evi—a process new ; And now they’ve gouged it out again And made her crazy, too. * | ■ Let's stop and recapitulate; I’ve dammed her eyes—tiiat's plain— , Ive told her she’s a lunatic. And blind, and deaf, and lame. * Was ever such a horrid hash In poetry or prose ? I’ve said she was a fiend, and praised Tlie color of her nose ! i I xvisli I had that editor About a half a minute ; I d bang hint to his heart's content, 1 And with an h begin it ; I ■ I’d jam his body, eyes and bones, , i And spell it with ad. And send him to that hill of his— He spells it with an e. 1 Tlie ex-Emperor Napoleon’s income is - stated by a Government paper to be $25,000 ' per year, which will lie increased to SBO,OOO f by the proceeds of property recently sold ! in Spain by tlie Empress. 1 ■ —— ii Mumwii f Frost bn rg Advertisements. ATTENTION! . The Committee of FUOSTBURG EIS TEDDFOD, having re-considered matters, • resolved to have the EBSTEDDFOD, t 1IK1.I) ON | NEW YEAR’S DAY, Instead of Xmas day. ' All Compositions are to be iii tiie adjudi > entor's hands by December 20th. i’rof. . Wm. Aumtv Fowkli,, of Scranton, Penn., will adjudicate the Singing and Recitations. Rev. 11. C. Parky, (Cefni,) of I’rovi - donee, Luzerne Co., Penn., will adjudicate . the Essays and Poetry. r The English Recitations w ill appear in this paper. * “Christmas Times.” ’Twas the night before Christmas, when nil through tlie house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. ■ The stockings were hung by the chirn , ucy with care, In the hope that St. Nicholas soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in r their beds, : While visions of sugar-plums danced in , llicir heads, And mamma in her kerchief, and I in 1 my eap, Had just settled our brains for a long win ter's nap; i When out on the lawn there rose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the I matter. ■ Away to tlie window I flew like a finsli, Tore open the shutters, and threw up tlie 1 sash. , The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow. Gave the justreof midday to objects below. ’ When, what to my wondering eyes should 1 appear, • But a miniature sleigh and eight liny , rein-deer, With a little old driver so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must he St. Nick, i More rapid than eagles Ids coursers they , came, And lie whistled, and shouted, and called ! 1 them by name; “Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Plan i cer! now, Vixen ! . On, Comet! on, Cupid! on, Dundcr and Blixen! To the top of the porch ! to the top of the ' | wall! ■ j Now dash away 1 dash away! dash away all! ' , ! | As dry leaves before the wild hurricane fly, j When they meet with an obstacle mount to the sky, So up to tlie house-top the coursers they ' tlew, With the sleigh full of toys—and St. Nieli- ■ olas too. And then, iu a twinkling, I heard on the! roof, | ' The prancing and pawing of each little j hoof; | As 1 drew in my head, anil was turning around, Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with j I a bound. j He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot. And Ids clothes were nil tarnished with I ashes and soot; A bundle of toys was thing on Ids back. And he lookeil like a pedlcr just opening his pack; His eyes—how they twinkled! his dimples i how merry, His checks were like roses, his nose like a cherry; His droll little mouth was drawn up like a i how, 1 i And the heard of hia chin was as white as the snow. j The stump of a pipe lie held tiidit in ids teeth, And the smoke il encircled ids head like a wreath, 1 He had a broad face, and a little round body, And though rubicund was no lover of toddv. 1 lie was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf i j And 1 laughed when I saw him in spite of i myself. A wink of ids eye and a twist of his head, t 80011 gave me to know that 1 lmd nothing 1 to dread: lie spoke not a word, hut went straight to his work. And filled all the atomings; then turned <• with a jerk, And laying his finger aside of his nose, : And giving a nod up the chimney lie rose. , He sprang to Ids sleigh to Ida leant gave a whistle, I And away they flew like the down of a I thistle; But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, j “Merry Christmas to all, and to nil a good I night." Dec U—4* I j Awkward. —A citizen of Elizabeth, N. I went to the ears on HjHnkpgiviwg day : to soe. bis daughter o!f. Securing her a i sea/t, he ]mas( > d out of t.lie •cars, and v.-ent her window to >iy a parting ; 'vord, as is frequently done <mi such occa sions. While lie was passing out the •daughter left tl** sent to speak to a friend, and at the same titns, a prim-look- Mig httiy who occupied the scat with her, moved up to the window. Unaware of tl e itfiporiant changes inside, our venerable . friend hastily put his face up to the win dow and hurriedly exclaimed, “One more ; kiss, sweet pe.t.” In another instant the j point of a blue cotton umbrella caught his AeJ active lips, followed by the passionate iAii*• 11u-lioll, “Seat y m gray-headed wretch!” j sum! lie seatted. A I lost on minister says he once preached •ion “The Recognition of Friends in the Fu ! tun*and was told after service by a licar- ; ’tg that it would he more to the point to jlpreaeh about the recognition of friends •iiere, as he had been in the church twenty j .years and didn’t know any of its members. Alexis says he will positively attend the .•centennial of American independence, at ‘Philadelphia, on the 4th of July, IS7G. Miss Olive Logan will be married to : Wirt Sikes, a lecturer and literary gentle man from the West, on December 10. Subscribe for the Journal. Cumberland Advertisements. * MISCELLANEOUS. DE N T ISTRY . Natural teeth filled, REG ULATED, EXTRACTED, POL ISIIED. in tin. best manlier. Artilii ial Teeth inserted on nil the va rious bases known to the Profession, at I lit. G.J. BEACH Y'S Steam Urntal Kstahlishment, No. lot. Baltimore Street, Oet 7—(ini* Cn nberlanil. Mil. 10S WATCHES, 108 JEWELRY, TABLE-WARE, CUTLERY, CLOCKS, Ac. The subscriber now offers to the people of this region a stock of Goods which sur passes any other ever before offered them. Long experience and careful attention to the tastes of his customers lias enabled him to secure just what they want, and lie now in vites an examination of bis splendid assort ment of FRENCH, ENGLISH, SWISS and AMERICAN WATCHES, besides a new style especially made for railroad men, mi ners. machinists, and others. lie has paid great attention to tiie selec tion of all the latest improvements in for j cigtt and domestic JEWELRY, Gold and j Silver, Curb and Vest Chains, and Ladies’ j Lcnntiuc Chains. j The beautiful Table Ware of Silver and j heavy Plate with which his cases are filled | attracts universal attention, nnd gives evi dence of superior taste. Spoons, Forks, Ladies’ Butter Knives, &c.,of the best qual ity ; Plated Tea and Coffee Sets, Castors, Waiters, Cake Baskets, Vegetable and But ter Dishes, Tureens nnd Salt Cellars. POCKET and TABLE CUTLERY, of till kinds. SPECTACLES of every kind in the greatest profusion, for near and far sighted persons. GOLD PENS of llie best manufacture. Also, a large assortment of eight-day and twenty-four hour CLOCKS. E3T Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, neatly and carefully repaired. Everybody call and examine the stock and satisfy yourselves. S. T. LITTLE, Noy 18-ly 108 Balto St., Cumberland. I SEWING MACHINES. rfMIK HOWE. SINGER. WHEELER I & WILSON. GROVER A BAKER. WILCOX A GIBUS. WEED. IIOMH SIIFTTI.E. COMMON-SENSE, or anv other kind of SEWING MACHINES, for SALE, BENT, OR EXCHANGE. I)o you want to buy a Sewing Machine of any kind, NEW OR OLD? De you want to rent a Sewing Machine of any kind, NEW OR OLD? Do you want to exchange a Sewing Ma chine for any other kind, NEW OR OLD? IF YOU DO, Go or send to the Sewing .Machine Depot. No. 88, Baltimore St., Cumberland, Mu. We are in the Sewing Machine business exclusively, and give our customers a thorough knowledge how to keep the machines in order, as well as do all kinds 3of Sewing on them. A good Machine i will be of little use to you if you do not j understand it well. This is the only place between Balti more and Wheeling where you can get | ail kinds of Sewing Machines Repaired | and adjusted with a certainty of having it done right. It is notisellse to suppose I any man is a good hand to Repair Sew : ing Machines simply because lie is a | good Machanist, Watchmaker or Gun ' smith. A man may be a good Mechanic and 1 really know but little more about Sewing Machines than a horse does about i preaching | We are regularly and thoroughly edu- I 1 rated in our business and guarantee sat- | ! islaetion. or no charge. Not one person in twenty that wants get a Sewing Machine, knows any j more what kind of one will suit best for tile Sewing they have to do. than tile , man in the moon. Don’t take anybody’s advice in buying a sewing machine, unless they will war rant and defend you in so doing. : We are constantly exchanging ma ; chines with people who are losing from ten to torty dollars, because they did not get Hie right kind at first. Any one who lias bought, or may here i after buy a sewing machine of us'on our advice, and does not get the best, call ex change it with us and not lose a cent on | the machine we advised them to buy. Tell in what kind of Sewing you want a machine to do. and we will advise which is best and furnish the machine on j ; Huai.. I'KKK ok i iiAitiiK. and if it does not I suit, we will furnish you any other kind you desire, and in either ease, will fur- I liish the machine at as low a price, ami j on as easy terms as you can get it any wl ore. IN REGARD TO TERMS, t I wish it distinctly understood that I , will sell you any kind of sewing machine I i in the market, or anything ill the Sewing | Machine line, just as cheap, and on just l j as easy terms, as any other person any- ' | where. ! i We keep Needles for all Sewing Ma- j chines, at Sc. each, or Toe. per dozen.- I Also. carts for repairing all machines.— , [ Also. Silk and Linen Thread oil Spools. * for ( arrlageTrimmers. Shoemakers, Sad- j * lers. Glove-Makers and Family Sewing. ! Also. Spool Cotton. Oil, Oil-Cans, Cas tors. Tin kinarkers. ( orders. Binders, and t all other sewing machine attachments. — | t Also. Fringing Needles lor Fringing Silk ! r on the different machines. j | J. F. McKENNEY, Gen’l Agt., 180 West Fayette St., below Howard, ! ' v BALTIMORE, MI) >; _ o Buakcii Okui jc. 88 Bai.tiMkh* Sthkht. i ~ CUMBERLAND. Mi). c O. E HUMPHREY, *8 Oat? —r, NEW YORK CLOTHING HOUSE I IMMENSE INCREASE IN BUSINESS I o ' Fair dealing i one established price t i ! LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM, AND LOW PRICES TAKE THE LEAD OVER all OTHERS! The CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Us FULL and PRICES are LOW ! Ask for Wie NEW YORK CLOTHING HOUSE, Mail! He. Frostburg. Oct 21-tytS3ff-j* 11. STERN. I Frosthurg Advertisements. HOTELS. i TUNNEL HOUSE, i ' i , ALBKItT IIOIXE. Pkoimuktok. This Hotel is enlarged. and can now i five every aeroniinodation to the public. , | Dealer in tine Liquors, Ac. nl-lv. ; McCULLOH HOUSE, E. BROWN, PniM'KIKTOR. , j First Class Accommodations. Moder ate Rates. First Rate Stabling. ’ ! nl-ly Fitosi in u. Mn. T7IROSTBURG HOTEL, 1 L c. LI N( 'll, Proprietor. Main St., near Depot, FROSTBI liG. Mil. This well known House lias recently been renovated, repaired and rclurni-lied, ! and is now open for the acconmiodation i: of the public. Stabling asnl the best, at tention toixvrsesfurnished. Sep ,'to-]y* WAGON MAKERS. 11. JORDAN, WAGON AND CARRIAGE-MAKER, WILL do all work in bis line with neatness and dispatch. Repairing promptly attended to; sal islaetion guai" ■ anteed, and prices reasonable. Nov U-y J. PRESTON, - Wagon - .Maker, Is prepared to do all kinds of Work usu ally done iu a first-class Wagon-Maker’s • Shop, with promptness and at fair prices. Attached thereto is a GROCERY and CONFECTIONERY STORE, kept by R. J. I'reston, where those, desiring any , thing in his line may be supplied at reason able prices. ' Nov 11 —ly ; SHOE-DEALERS, HARNESS-MAKERS E. WAS3IUTH, 300 T& SHOE MAKER Will do all work in bis line with neat ness and dispatch. By faithful attention to business he hopes to obtain a fair share of public patronage. Repairing done at shortest notice. | Call on him on Main Street, between \ Lutheran and Methodist Churches, Frost burg, Mil. ill.-ly. LOOKOUT FOR TIIE Root, Shoe, ami Hat Emporium. OITOSITK KKP.D. (moss’ KURNITUISE HOUSE, Main Street, Frostburg, Md. • All who want anything in the line of SHOES, of the best and finest quality, SHOES, of the best and heaviest make, SHOES, for poor or rich, young or old, ' SHOES, for all, no matter what their occupation or profession, BOOTS for Men, BOOTS for Ladies, I' BOOTS for Children. BOOTS for all, HATS for old and young, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c., —all at fair prices, 1 Should go to C. HARTMAN’S. Nov It—tf C. F. lIART/ELL & CO., Uniter Mining Journal Printing Office, Frostburg, Maryland, Saddle anil Harness-Makers, Have on hand and for sale Fine and Coarse Harness, Collars, Hames, Trace, Hals ter, llreast and Rutt Chains, Men’s and Side Saddles, all qualities; Riding and Blind Bridles, Horse Blankets, Sleigh Hells, Wag on and Buggy Whips, and everything per taining to a first-class shop. We make a specialty of putting up FINE HARNESS, and in this line we defy competition. Best quality of Mining Work always on Itand, and orders promptly tilled. Work, of nil descriptions, made to order. Repairing neat ly and promptly done. Prices reasonable. 83?' Orders solicited. Nov 4-ly ~DRUGGISTS. McNeill & wingkrt, DMA I.KKS IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES, DYE- Stiills. Window Glass, Putty. Perfu mery. Fancy Toilet Articles, and every thing found in a lirst-ehlss Drug Store. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Main Street, FhostuUku, Md. Oct tf 11. LE FEVIIE & SON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No, t;<i, Baltimore Street, CUMBERLAND. MARYLAND, and Main sr„ adjoininu Post-Oeeice, Frostburg, Man land, I Having in store a varied and lull assort ] ment of everything in the Drug Line, are prepared to JOB or RETAIL them at prims which cannot fall to give entire satisfaction. Our stock consists in part of Drugs, Oils, Paints, and PaINTERs’ A RTICI.ES, Coal Oil, Lumps. Lamp Chimneys. Window Glass. l)ye Stuffs. Patent Medicines. Perfumery, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Fancy Soaps. Colognes, Pomades, Extracts for* Handkerchiefs, elc.. etc., etc. N. B.—Pkesckichons carefully and accurately compounded. tSTThankful for the patronage of the past, we promise to use our utmost en deavors to merit a continuance of the tame in the future. Nov 12—ly SEWING-MACHINES. j A MILLION LIVING WITNESSES! To prove that the self-adjustable, never- I wcar-outable, and incomparable \Y hee I e r A Wilson’s Late Imkroved FAMILY SEWING MACHINE hae no egual. It is the most simple ill its construction, the least likely to get out of order, and the lightest running of any two thread lock-stitch machine in the world! This machine lias hut one Tension—oth ers have two. The Wheeler A Wilson has but sixty-five parts, while others have from two hundred and seven to two hundred and ivvcnty-ciglit. 1 We can do a greater variety of work with : less change of machinery than any other fust-class machine now offered to the pub- 1 lie. I dare any one to successfully deny, ■ or to try it. * ' J Wheeler & Wilson's Machines repaired FUFF OF CIIA It OK! ( Sold or exchanged on the most reasonable tefms. Will rent you a good Machine rather than have you driven mad, or to a premature grave, t>y getting one of those „ back aching, consumptive-making, las ‘ breaking shuttle machines, so highly rec ommended by these snail-creeping agents, who don’t know (hat there lias been ThreS AVir amt Inrit'itiihU Improrrment* put to our Machine in as many weeks. 157” Call and see our wondeiful Machines ' pel forming wonders, 1 or doing seven differ cut iluiis of work without change of ma' chine. Bnlesr< om next door to Baifzell’s ChtSp Store, Frostburg, Md. ’I (Jet Jt 11, F. EL Y. Ac Ent I Frostbnrir Advert isemeilts. gAMUEL JEFFRIES, Broadway, Frostburg, Mil. Keeps constantly on Inuul n large Stock qi'eknswark. tin. \\AUI„ GLASSWARE, HARDWARE ■(T'ILKKY, CAN MCI) FIHTTS. To' : liAt ’( (IS, CK JARS and CONFECTION | hS, wlii<*!i he sells at ivhhoiw i ole prices. Give liim a rail. v!ut-.'kn* J. JAWDORF, I' KO.STUrJ!(i, Mu., Dealer ip CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, HOOTS, SHOES, HATS & CAPS. I Groceries ,y provisions. Watches and ■ Notions, Ac.— ” nolesale lnpmr denier | Agent lor drafts and passages from and to all parts of Europe. „|. | v WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE' MARX WINELAXR, Main Strket, Front ihtui, Maud Ano, Has on hand and for sale a LARGE STOCK OF NEW' AND A'I'UIACTI YE HOODS , | Comprising Everything that the wants of i his customers and the public generally may demand, and which will he sold at fair prices, by Wiioi.esale and Retah,. I E.2T' Call and examine. Oct 28 tf MERCHANT TA!LOR. Q A. IIEBOLI), | BROADWAY, FROSTIU RG. Mi,. new goods d IST RKCEIVKI). 1 GEN 1 LEMKN'S SITTS made to order . in the host Manner, and perfect Fit *ntaV antccd. A large force of lirst-chlss work men employed. i Patronize home institutions! Wc prom ise satisfaction in evCly particular. 11-'ALL! 1871. FALL! BEALL, KOCH & CO., Main Stbkkt, Frostburg, Mb., KESPECTFULLY call the attention of buyers and the public generally to their LARGE AND EXTENSIVE STOCK Of Seasonable Dry Goods, Consisting of CLOTHS, CASSIMEHES, VESTINGS, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, all styles, FANCY ARTICLES, NOTIONS, HOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CAR PKTINGS, HARDWARE, i&e.. Ac., Ac. Our Stock of Family Groceries, Fruits, Ac., Is always full; of good qualities and variety. Non will find everytliing comprised in I tile above lines complete and desirable, and at prices that always Warrant a stile. With one among the largest and best se lected Stocks in Frostburg, and which, we believe, cannot he surpassed in stvle, price anil variety, we hope, liy fair dealing and an earnest desire to please, to make it to the advantage of purchasers to deal with us. CxT' Call and examine our stock and de ' t ide for yourselves. Oct *H— tf BEALL, KOCH A CO. HITCHBNS BROS. Oi’PosiTi: St. Miciiaki/s Ciiritcii, Maiu Street, Frostburg, Maryland, | I NVITEPABTICULAIt ATTENTION 1 X to their Laro-e ami Select stock of (Jttii- j oral Merchandise, consisting: of DRV GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, i HARDWARE, QPEENSWARE, GLASSWARE. WOODEN WARS, OKOOKRIKS, I’ROVISIDN'S, CANNED FHU ITS. OYSTERS, Ac., At'., A*. 1 They have in Stock a large lot of j HOME - MADE BLANKETS, FLANNELS and YARNS, Of all colors; warranted of the best ma terial and lincst texture. CALL AND SEE! They challenge com petition anil only ask the Public to examine for themselves No tiinisy fabrics are offered with a view to deceive an lione.-t and unsuspecting l'ul lie. They lay no claims to being able to sell Goods for less than cost and yet make money, hut guarantee all articles equal to tile representation made of thorn. 1 and to sell to all at ome Uniform price. ! Not to taki: I com onk in order to tnahe , up tor what is lost on another. CALL, EXAMINE, 11E CONVINCED: Agents for WELLS, FARGO & CO., Selling their drafts on London and til! parts of Europe. Agents for INMAN, ANCHOR and i WHITE STAR LINES of STEAMERS. v Issuing Tickets from' LIVERPOOL. yCtfEN STOWS. 4 GLASGOW and DERRY, To NEW YORK, and from NEW YORK !o sanut ports. vlnl —,( , ii ■ II J, , 1... .1 > ) j 1 I PROSPECTUS. I ■ I i j • j FROSTBURG ! ! . j | ; MINING JOURNAL. i! ' i i> I , | AN INDEPENDENT PAPER > " cl DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, MINING. COMMERCIAL, Agricultural, GENERAL AND LOCAL REWS. i i hr above is tlm title of a twenty, eight column Weekly Newspaper, recently established in Frostburg. • ; Allegany county, Mary la ml. 1 We are aware that wc have Cnteivd ! a crowded field—that the competition lor public favor, on the part of news papers, is so notably extensive as ti f i l,lakc the establishment of additional r Papers * matter of grave considers lion. Especially So, when the lin merous and increasing demands of journalism Are so generally deserving of support. However, we accent this fact ■* not prejudicial to the establishment of our enterprise, for We hold Una , every institution, having a laudable ; o'ljoct, legitimately conducted, has u I moral gl*t to live ; and the fact of j increasing journalistic candidate*, I asking) and in all, but comparatively | a fcw caas . receiving popular sup . port, indicates the prevalence of a i healthy public sentiment with re I spent thereto. It is well known that newspapers, in general, by assuming • a prudent censorship of public mun i | ners and a proper custodianship ; public morals, become the best eon , Bcrvators of the public peace and i the most effective promoters of the , public welfare. j Recognizing in Frostburg u prom ising location, amid a populous com j munity, and encouraged by the eoun i sel uf some of its citizens, we have ! been induced te attempt the supply |"f a long-felt Want —-it hume paper. 1 We design devoting mtr best abil j dies to making it emphatically . j Newspaper. Ft ictly avoiding poll | ties, except, probably, simple state | ments of facts from both parties, our i cHolds will, necessarily, be direct, I to tlie CillianbriUeilt of the general welfare and the nuttier devi b >}iim.ii I of the immense resources of ibis rim j section. We shall paitieularly eu j deavor to Blake the paper suited t ■> | the wants uf tlie community bv g!>- Ing, as fully as possible, the L0r.,1 News Of Town and County. V,* shall not, however, neglect to keep our loaders well informed upon if.r leading topics of the day by publicl,- ing the most important Foreign, \.. tional and State News. In short, we are pledged to party, attached to no ca-a-d wn>l eon trolcd by no faction, and by KiSfiiuiHv adhering to an indepeMdiut’iil posit i,., we hope to fumtuli iv pilfer deservi, + . universal support, TERMS (j'f SUB CRIPTION ; 1 t year, bn advance, L'.u.i 1 * <f months, “ j -t i, J * it * ',.y To pcawoiVs interesting themselves in our favor, by receiving and A.- warding subscriptions, we will i„ak. a tuple rcinmwenitinri. GROVE it ODE:, J Editors Mid I’rupl'iet 'ts