MININGjtIfejoURNAL J. It IS NS ON ODE It, Editor. FROSTBURG, MD. - - OCT. 21, 1911. A Brilliatit Event. A “welcome home” extended to Rev. S. J. Clarke, pastor of St. Michael’s Catholic Church, of this place, in Stern’s Hall Tuesday evening', was probably the most brilliant event of the kind in the history of Frostburg. Accompanied by a brother, he had made a tour of Ireland, traveling leisurely, for the pleasure which bene fits health. He left here early in August, his itinerary as to time being quite well known, especially by the assistant pastor, Rev. J. S. Cuddy. The latter meanwhile went to work and projected a function which brought about 400 congenial souls around a festal board. The hall, festooned in white and green and brightly illuminated, was a scene of surpassing beauty, enhanced supremely by the snow-white tables, decorated with flowers, laden with the good things of life, and surrounded by fair women and handsome men. The supper was provided by James Albright and served with a readiness which permitted not a hitch anywhere, and for the time at least this company was literally the “400” of Maryland. Prof. Patrick O’Rourke presided with a grace and fluency which sur prised his closest friends. Prof. D. A. Boyle, of Fckhart, de livered the address of welcome in terms warm and eloquent. Other guests responded to toasts as follows: “Father Clarke—as a Pastor”—Rev. Father Richard, of Cumberland. “As a Citizen”.—Dr. Timothy Grif fith, of this place. “As I Know Him”—D. F. McMullen, of Cumberland. “As a Patient”.—Dr. W. O. McLane, of this place. “As a Friend”—Rev. F. M. C. Be dell, of this place. “As the Mining Journal Has Known Him”—J. B. Oder, of this place. “As an Educator”—Owen E. Win ter, of this place. Impromptu —William Grimes, of Carlos. Impromptu —John Chambers, sr., of this place. Presentation—Samuel Jackson, of this place. The last named, as indicated, made the address accompanying a check in sum of $625 from the congregation, printed in bold type on a form 7 by 15 inches in size. Deeply touched by the large demon stration and tender expression of popu lar esteem, Father Clarke responded in an address which teemed with pleas ant reminiscences and grateful ack nowledgments. A storm of applause followed. The hour was getting late, but the big crowd lingered, so delightful had been the evening. Whenever two or three came together there were mutual felicitations over the joyful occasion. Very much of the success is due to Rev. J. S. Cuddy, who directed the function from the beginning several weeks ago and whose care saved the big undertaking of entertaining 400 people from a single mistake. Since writing the foregoing the Journai, has received the following letter: Cari.os, Md., October 18, 1911. To the Mining Journai,. I want to congratulate you and all the other speakers upon the noble tributes paid to Father Clarke—trib utes of which he is deserving for the noble work he has done for the St. Michasl’s congregation. I want to congratulate Prof. P. O’Rourke, too, upon the fine manner with which he conducted the enter tainment. Everjffhing went off beautifully; not a hitch in the entire programme — un til he called on me! Right there he made a big mistake, but I am the only one that knows it. I cannot explain just how I felt, but I had some kind of a shivering sensation that caused me to forget every single thing I had intended to say. If you will believe me I could not then have hollered “hurrah for Gorman” with out leaving out some important word. But I did manage to get on my feet and look over that sea of smiling faces. Then I had a good notion to run, but I saw George W. Cook at the door and I knew I couldn’t get by him without arrest for appearing unruly. Then the fear of Judge John Cham bers’ uxtreme court persuaded me to stand my ground. Next I had the g'all to try to tell a war story which had neither begin ning nor end; so I had to sit down right in the middle of it. Seeing you were interested in it, however, I will try to tell you on this little piece of paper all I should have said last night. It won’t be interest ing to you, but it will be to younger people. War is like every other competition, but it is conducted on a larger scale, and the combatants stand farther apart than they do at a supper-table. I started to tell about the usefulness of the haversack to soldiers on a march carrying rations consisting chiefly of what we called “hard-tack;” that is, “tack” that was “hard” for sure. We would soak them crackers over night ; fry the pickled pork and boil the “hard-tack” in the gravy before the crackers could be eaten. That is, if some comrade didn’t rise too early and gobble them while we honest fellers were still asleep! On the march, when we didn’t have time to cook, we had to masticate them the best we could, but on a re treat—that’s when the haversack came in good. We could throw it over our shoulders and it would be armor-plate to our backs! Did we ever run ? Why, I knew two : men who ran out of the valley of Vir ginia and didn’t stop till they got to ’ the Deleware river! Things went on nip and tuck that way for about four years, but finally we got real mad and swiped you up! But what’s all this got to do with the welcome to Father Clarke ? Nothing. But I saw you there and wanted to show how much difference there is between hate in time of war and love in time of peace! William Grimes. Acknowledgments. The Grantsville express brought a sack of “Smoke-House” apples over the mountain Thursday from Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Getty, of that place. Very fine, and taste enhanced by the “fra ternal” and “poetic” flavor in which they were sent. Street Paving. Brick began going down on North Water street yesterday morning. An Unusual Bird. Frank Robinson, of Federal Hill, shot and killed a marsh hen Wednes day on what is known as “Bapp’s Farm,” near Green street. The hen is distinctly a water-bird, having web feet for fast swimming. It was on show in one of J. W. Shea’s windows. Brevities. Report from Eckhart has it that the Philosopher says—“ Bay yeminy, fal ler vat know mae hae say Yohn Ban natyne tal hem det Aye haf feet det bane sore lak dekkens; det may fufty per cent, hose bane fufty-fav per cent. too big for may 40-fav per cent, new bran shoes!” Last Dance. With the dance this (Saturday) even ing the Jr. O. U. A. M. Park Commit tee will conclude its series of Saturday evening dances for this season. These pastimes have been very popular, and a large attendance upon this closing occasion is anticipated. Coming Events. The Town Council of .Grahamton met Monday evening and held an im portant session, State matters being : almost exclusively considered. Report came in too late for publication this week. Will appear next. Illustrated Poem. The Meyersdale (Pa.) Republican of the sth inst. printed a beautiful poem, illustrated by a pretty picture en titled “The Eight Beyond the Shadows.” The poem was written by Mrs. Sara Roberta Getty, of Grantsville, who explained to the Republican that it “was inspired by the picture —a bit of woodland showing the light break ing through the dark shades of the grove. “The picture was made by Eee Beachy, Grantsville’s lame photog rapher, who must possess a poetic temperament, for he sent the photo graph to Mrs. Getty accompanied by a note stating that he considered it a fit subject for a poem, and presto! the poem was forthcoming. “Garrett county is full of land scapes calculated to awake the muse, a poet artist to portray them and a poetess to commemorate them in verse. “Mrs. Getty states that many of Mr. Beachy’s landscape photographs are poems in themselves.” The picture was very pretty; the poem no less so. The Journai, believes, however, that Mrs. Getty’s best poem is en titled “My Baby’s Shoes,” printed herein two weeks ago. Made Fine Time. Two negroes on a Louisiana planta tion became Involved In a row with another Ethoplan who was handy with a gun. The two started to run just about the time the bad man began to shoot The fleeing ones had proceed ed about 100 yards when the follow ing dialogue occurred: “Sam, you hear dat bullet?” "Yes, I hearn It—two times.” "How you mean two times?” asked the questioner as he quickened his pace. “I hearn dat bullet once when It passed me, and den anudder time when I passed it” Jerked out Sam be tween short breaths. A Bold Umpire. Manager Win Clark of the Norfolk team tells the latest umpire story. It Is on J. Ira Davis, better known as Slats. Davis has been an umpire for ten years In various minor leagues. He has been noted for his eccentrici ties. "Davis was umpiring a game for us at the latter part of the season,” says Clark. “He didn’t stand any too well with the fans and didn’t seem to care. He began umpiring behind the bat and then worked behind the pitcher. The crowd kicked on a second base de cision, and he took his stand behind second base. Finally there was a dis pute about a foul ball hit down the right field line, and Davis took his po sition in right field. Then the bleach erites went at him. ‘Why don’t you stand where you can Judge the balls and strikes, you stiff?’ yelled one. ‘Well,’ said Davis, 'you guys can um pire a game from the right field seats and never make a mistake. Why can’t I umpire as well in right field?’ ” CATARRH Ely’s Cream Balm is quickly absorbed. ■—Vk./'O/? COV-01 Gives Reliel at Once. \ It cleanses, soothes, tyI'fEVER heals and protects the diseased mem brane resulting from * s ls§i Catarrh and drives BIV- vW 'OP WH away a Cold in the Head quickly. Ro- 11 A%/ CrV/rQ stores the Senses of VIMT • LVLII Taste and Smell. Full size 50 cts., at Drug gists or by mail. In liquid form, 75 cents. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New York. Business Locals. Only a little cold in the head may be the beginning of an obstinate case of Nasal Catarrh. Drive out the in vader with Ely’s Cream Balm applied straight to the inflamed stuffed up air passages. Price 50 cents. If you pre fer to use an atomizer, ask for Liquid Cream Balm. It has all the good qual ities of the solid form of this remedy and will rid you of catarrh or hay fever. No cocaine to breed a dread ful habit. No mercury to dry out the secretion. Price 75 cents, with spray ing tube. All druggists, or mailed Ely Bros., 56 Warren street, New York. Averts Awful Tragedy. Timely advice given Mrs. C. Wil loughby, of Marengo, Wis., (R. No. I) prevented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. Doctors had said her frightful cough was a “consumption” cough and could do little to help her. After many remedies failed, her aunt urged her to take Dr. King’s New Dis covery. “I have been using it for some time,” she wrote “and the awful cough has almost gone. It also saved my little boy when taken with a severe bronchial trouble.” This matchless medicine has no equal for throat and lung troubles. Price 50 cents and sl. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. Gives Aid to Strikers. Sometimes liver, kidneys and bowels seem to go on a strike and refuse to work right. Then you need those pleasant little strike-breakers —Dr. King’s New Life Pills —to give them natural aid and gently compel proper action. Excellent health soon follows. Try them. 25 cents at all druggists. ♦***.H-** ♦.*♦♦♦ i > 4 WHAT MAKES A TOWN? JjJ i . t• v • <> What makes a town, anyway? •• J J Is It the wealth evidenced by J ’ < i fine homes and splendid store • * J [ buildings? These may attest the || < stability and thrift of certain • '! people, but they offer no great \ | • Inducements to commercial and • • !} moral progress. Is it the spirit | “of good order and law observ- • • !! ance? That is a factor only. The !! ' 1 sleepiest old hamlets that dot j | ! I the map have this spirit in rank i I ' ’ abundance. Is it the schools ; ’ ! ’ and churches? May their num- . > • • her ever increase, but they don’t J J !! make a town—they only culture • • “it Is it the geographical loca- J | .. tion, the character of the coun- • • J} try surrounding, the shipping fa- JI .v duties, the natural advantages? • • J J None of these is an essential. J J j* Well, what is it that makes a “ { | town anyway? Just one thing I! > —the unity of the people, the ex- • > \ | istenee of a common bond which *! • • causes business and social ene- ’; 1J mies to put aside all differences ! I •; when it comes to boosting the * | ! I town. No town ever made real -. ] ’ progress on the way to substan- J | !' tlal success without the get to- • • J; gether spirit unanimously adopt- * | ~ ed. It has rejuvenated old hulks . * J * of towns that were yawning * J . t their way into endless sleep. It < • ] J has Infused new lifeblood into ' | • • the heart of commercial life and • * J J made thriving cities out of para- ' I < • lytic villages. Natural advan- * • ] ’ tages count for much, and pros- 1 J < • perity cannot be built on shift- * • !; lng sand, but any town with *! “ half a chance can be made to “ \! grow and expand and thrive !! ;; when its citizens Join with one ‘ ’ ! I accord in the boosting program. > * <. * Removals. The Journai, caught J. Harry Bep ler Wednesday moving into his new residence, and James Engle, of Sand Spring, into the mansion Harry was vacating. When Harry was asked for an explanation he said—“O, me and Jim, like that feller out in Kentucky, ain’t moving; we are just taking our furniture out for a drive !” Mr. Engle’s late residence, at Sand Spring, has been taken by William Bowers, late of Broadway. Beady For the Worst. Tract Distributer —Doesn’t it seem dreadful that ere long you must lie down in that silent tomb? “Oh, no! That doesn’t worry me.” “You are prepared, then?” “Prepared for anything. I write jokes for a funny paper.” “Cinderella.” The production of “Cinderella,” now in rehearsal at Beall High School, and which is to be given in the Frost burg Opera House Thursday and Fri day, November 2d and 3d, under the personal direction of Mrs. F. P. Mel linger (nee Elizabeth Buch) is perhaps the most serious effort the pupils have ever attempted. With a well-defined, consistent plot, requiring the brightest of minds to master, no doubt long and tedious work is in store for those taking part. But Mrs. Mellinger feels the par ticipants are equal to the emergency and will come out with flying colors on the above dates. The Metropolitan Opera Company, of New York City, have included this classic in their season’s repertoire, and aside from this prominent factor many pretty stage and pictorial group ings are given during the presenta tion. For instance, “the Dolls’ Dance,” from “Hans, the Flute-Play er;” Hammerstein’s “The Stair-Case Waltz;” the raging hit in London now running, “Day Dreams;” “Spring Maid,’’and numerous other incidentals to be mentioned later. Concert Program. The following program has been arranged for the Haydn Gunter Concert to be given in Frostburg Opera House Tuesday evening, October 24, 1911, under auspices of Mt. Zion Welsh Baptist Church: PART I. 1. Song—“O, Hail Us, Ye Free” Ernani, Arr. by J. A. Parks Glee Club. 2. Violin—(a) “Romance” (From D minor Concerto) Wieniawski (b) “Caprice Irlandaise” (Dedicated to the performer)... .Papini Haydn Gunter. 3. Reading—“Leap-Year Mishaps” Miss Annie G. Elias 4. Solo—“ Song of the Sword” ..... Topani Walter McLuckie. 5. Violin —(a) “Reverie” Vieuxtemps (b) “Souvenir d’America” Vieuxtemps Haydn Gunter. 6. Song—“ Old Black Joe” (By special request) J- A. Parks Glee Club. PART 11. 1. Violin—(a) “Chant Du Nord” Chaminade (b) “Serenata” Drdla (c) “Gipsy Dance” Nachez Haydn Gunter. 2. Reading—“ Hans Prinherbaugh” Joshua Davis 3. Solo —“Good Bye” Tosti Miss Evelyn Benson. 4. Song —“What the Chimney Sang” J. A. Parks Glee Club. 5. Violin—(a) “A Memory” Haydn Gunter (b) “Fantasie Hongroise” (No. 2) Jeno Hubay Haydn Gunter. / W - J' S tions in our State Platform, receiving as they did the sanction and p approval of every branch of our party, are regarded highly and a will not be slightly passed over or set aside, but will be lived up to J' a and carried out to the fullest extent in both letter and spirit, and j' S this belief is I know earnestly shared by both my colleagues on the J' a State ticket.”—Edgar Allan Poe, Democratic Candidate for J' a Attorney General. r In the Realm of Sisterhood. Mrs. Sarah C. Frost, worthy grand matron; Mrs. G. E. Sindell, of Wil liamsport, worthy grand patron; Mrs. Nettie Clark, of Baltimore, associate worthy grand matron, and Miss Nina Fey, of Cumberland, grand conduct ress of the Order of Eastern Star of Maryland, paid an official visit to Mountain Chapter, No. 15, O. E. S., of Frostburg, Wednesday evening, 18th inst. The exercises, which were very interesting, were held in the Elks’ Hall, Eleanor Building. I ci Lilli : i.|! JTI STH 1 *<•:I 'NHUS PB ii | g Better bet your old straw hat on Goldsborough. You will need 3 8 your new felt one when you visit Governor Gorman after January 3 I Ist next $ - Ii , 1 § Progress. If foot-ball is a milder game With the new rules, Retaining nothing but its name, Why things can never be the same In the big schools. —Baltimore News. It may be that in the discussion— Of the “forward pass” In the foot-ball class— The new definition of “centennial” was discovered. One hundred, “for ward pass” six—lo 6 years, instead of 100, as reckoned 59 times in the last 5,915 years. “The Democratic Party in Maryland has no apologies to make in this campaign. We promised a Primary Election Daw, we prom ised a Public Utilities Bill and we promised a Corrupt Practices Act, all of which are now Laws in all essential details.”—Emerson C. Harrington, Democratic Candidate for State Comptroller. Improvements. The scaffolding around the First National Bank was removed Thurs day, and the edifice shows up resplend ently as a white marble structure. The dark, dirty-looking electric-wire poles, however, mar its beauty. These should be painted white—to say the least; painted and kept snow-white — to say nearly the most. Moreover, every pole in town should be straight. A bystander standing by said— “l have been in 38 States, but the poles in Frostburg for electric uses are the crookedest and dirtiest-looking in all that area !” Does anybody know anything to the contrary ? Sport. The Moose and Eagles, each repre sented by a team of five, met in a duck pin contest Wednesday evening on the Oakland bowling alleys, 84 East Union street, as follows: Moose Eagles Dr. G. L. Lininger Warn Krause George H. Gunter C. O. Richardson Jacob Hice Maurice Craze • Geo. H. Hamill, jr Albert Tiddy Dr. G. E. Armacost George W. Griffith The Moose w0n—1337 to 1300. “No man can say or will ever be able to say that I broke my ft word or my promise or that I failed to keep faith, or that I wore any man’s collar, or that I failed to say where I stood or that I failed to do what I said I would do.” —A. P. Gorman, Democratic Candidate for Governor. Married. At the home of the bride’s father Tuesday evening, October 17, 1911, by Rev. F. M. C. Bedell, Miss Nelle Caro line Jones, of this place, to Mr. John Paul George, of Cumberland. The ■ bride is a daughter of Mr. George : Jones, of this place, and an acccom i plished young lady; the groom a young business man of much promise. They left at once for Baltimore and : other cities, and, returning in a short time, will begin residence at New Germany, Garrett county. Big Fruit. George E. Pearce gave Clayton Pur nell the other day a big red apple, raised in Garrett county, weighing 1 pound and measuring 15% inches in circumference. While in Hagerstown at the Fair last week Rutherford B. Thomas, of this place, looking at some big pears kindly thought of the Journal, pur ’ chased three and presented them Mon - day. They were luscious specimens, f nearly white “Kieffers,” and weigh t ing 2 pounds, 3 ounces—nearly 12 ounces each. Business Movements. James W. Morgan, of Maple street, has gone to Green Ridge, this county, to become engineer for the Orchard Company of that vicinity. M. A. Worthen, lately of Baltimore, has established a harness-shop on Mrs. Henry Gerken’s lot, West Union street. He is a son-in-law of Mrs. Gerken and comes with excellent re pute as a skillful worker and excellent citizen. Horse-collars are a specialty and the name of the concern is The Eagle Horse-Collar Company. Mayor John J. Price and citizen Wesley E. Schofield went to Oakland Monday to look at a steam-roiic.,, '•he price of which seemed cheap enough about 40 miles away. Not purchased. The Sick. G. W. McElfish, the Broadway photographer, had to go to Cumber land this week to undergo an opera tion for appendicitis. Mr. Clarke, of Cumberland, is conducting the busi ness. William F. Powers, of this place, a watchman at the House of Correction, is in Western Maryland Hospital, Cumberland, prostrate with typhoid fever. One Found. The body of Rev. Emmett B. Druen, drowned in the South Branch two weeks ago, was found last Monday morning, floating on the river surface, by William Roles, colored. In good condition, it was prepared and shipped at once to Richmond, Va., his native home. He was 39 years old and said to be a strong, eloquent preacher. The body of Miss Sallie Shannon, who was with him, has not been found. The latter’s mother—Mrs. Ben jamin Shannon, widow, is critically ill as a result of her tragic loss. Later —Wednesday morning the body of Miss Shannon was found about 4 miles below the ford. Much decomposed, it was taken home and immediately buried. It is said that the couple were to have been married next month. CLERK WANTED. GOOD, RELIABLE CLERK for a nice, light, clean business. Must be not less than 20 years old. For information apply to— MANAGER MINING JOURNAL. Rooms for Rent. OFFICE-ROOMS for Rent in Eleanor Building. Apply to — OTTO HOHING, Stewart, Hohing & Son’s Store. L. ALBERTA MAYER, Teacher of Pianoforte Playing, 101 Maple Street, FROSTBURG, MD. Telephone 180-2. GIRLS WANTED. GIRLS WANTED—IB years and over. Good wages. Regular employment. FOOTER’S DYE WORKS, Cumberland, Md, READY FOR ALL ORDERS. Operations at BORDEN MINE completed and am now ready to supply— Orders for Good Rough Coal For all purposes, and in any amount, at reason able prices. JOHN H. KEMP, East Union Street. 1893 ESTABLISHED 1911 Dr. I. L. RITTER, DENTIST, 19 Broadway, [J7] Frostburg, Md. Dr. J. M. PORTER, DENTIST “pEARCE BUILDING, Union street, Frostburg, Md. Sept 11 W. Md. ’Phone 38-2 ARTISTIC FRAMING On Broadway, FROSTBURG, MD. If You Are Building A HOME, or BUSINESS HOUSE, you should have it— PAINTED And have the work done by or under the direction of a Capable and Experienced PAINTER. Until then your property will not be completely finished. In this line and style of duty I am ready to serve you. H. A. MARTIN, W. Md. ’Phone 115-3] Frostburg, Md. Notice of Application for Saloon License. WHEREAS, The following named person has, in compliance with Chapter 140 of the Adts of the General Assembly of Maryland for the year 1894, as amended by Chapter 415 of the A jj CUMBERLAND, MD. ’ E 1 Send 25 cents for our t Book of Designs. F F P x r H ► ► Patent Office Drawings. Tracings. [ ALLEGANY Farms for Sale -j UO ACRES, near Corrigansville. Only Xvy 0 4 miles from Baltimore street, Cum berland. Good buildings. Would make a splendid Fruit Farm. Low price and rea sonable terms. -I Q pt ACRES at North Branch, 6 miles LOtJ from Cumberland. Convenient to B. and 0. R. R. and W. M. R. R., to Stores ■ Schools and Churches. All level land; no waste. QCA/V ACRES at Oldtown. Good land; about one-half level; all can be and has.been cultivated. No buildings. This is a great bargain. For prices and terms apply to— D. P. MILLER & CO., Insurance and Beal Estate, No. 1 North Liberty St., March 5 Cumberland, Md. Bridge - Work Gold Crowns Porcelain Crowns Gold Inlays Porcelain Inlays Gold Fillings Gold and Platinum Filings Silver Fillings Amalgam Fillings Best Cement Fillings Gold Plates Aluminium Plates Watt’s Metal for Lower Plates Rubber Plates ALL work done In this office is servicea ble and substantial—in full accord with and pursuance of the the Very Latest and Best of Upto-Date Methods. Hence— f-F 1 All Work Guaranteed J. C. PFEIFFER, May 9 The Dentist. “This Is/-^ ICE - CREAM” QUALITY our Special Aim and Cleanli ness our Special Care. GOOD Soda, GOOD Ice-Cream, GOOD Candy and GOOD Cigars Have made our reputation. The warm weather coming on, we add Cool and Refreshing ICES, and a visit to our Store will enable you to verify the fact. J3F* We are fully equipped to serve Fami lies with Plain and Brick Ice-Cream on SHORT NOTICE. J-tf" We solicit your patronage, assuring you we will reciprocate with prompt and courteous service. Mrs. C. H. HAMILL, No. 68 East Union Street, April 3 FROSTBURG, MD.