Mining fUBSi Journal. J. BENSON ODER, Editor. FORTY-FIRST YEAR. NO. 43 ‘‘God, Our Country and Our Order” WASHINGTON CAMP, No. 41 Patriotic Order Sons of America MEETS EVERY MONDAY EVENING IN WITTIG’S HALL Visiting Members Always Welcome John W. DeVore Jack S. Crow President Secretary “HELLO, BILL!” Frostbupg LodgE, Ho. 470 B. P. O. a. Meets every Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock ELEANOR BUILDING Visiting Brothers Invited Rooms Always Open H. G. EVANS & CO. THE UP-TO-DATE Livery, Feed and Sale Stable GOOD TEAMS Hauling of All Kinds Open Day and Night Special Attention Given to Funerals and Weddings. Phone 304 HUNTER & SON FIRST-CLASS LIVERY All kinds of FEED for sale General Hauling a Specialty Corner Mechanic and Water Street FROSTBURG, MD. MILTON W. RACE Livery and Sales Stables Horses for sale at all times at all prices and guaranteed as represented Mechanic and Maple Streets C. & P. Telephone FROSTBURG, MD. RANKIN BROTHERS TRANSFER “We Deliver the Goods” WATER STREET A. P. HQEY The Tonsorial Artist 131 £. UNION ST. - FT It ST-CL AS S WORK G UAll AN TEFL) GO TO Vogtman’s Barber Shop FOll YOUK Hair Cuts, Shaves, Massage, Sham pooing, Hair Singeing and Tonic Rubs. He will do them right. 5 Chairs 5 Barbers PALMER BROTHERS Tonsorial Parlor A Specialty of Massage and Hair Cutting 159 East Union Street B. J. PALMER, Manager WILLIAM HARVEY Civil and Mining Engineer COUNTY SURVEYOR FROSTBURG MARYLAND J. C. WILSON & SON FANCY AND ST \PLE GROCERIES Fruits. Vegetables and Country l J rod ucc Fresh Fish and Oysters in Season Fine Cigars and Tobacco 111) E. Union St. Frostburg, Md. EDWARD DAVIS & GO. DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Groceries Country Produce, Queensware, etc. Union Street FROSTBURG, MD. A. SPITZN AS Fancy and Staple Groceries it BROADWAY Just a few steps from Union Street, but it will pay you to come. GRIFFITH BROTHERS dealers in Groceries, Provisions, Flour Feed, Etc. Corner Union and Water Streets FROSTBURG, MD. “GOOD THINGS TO EAT” C. F. BETZ GROCER FROSTBURG MARYLAND THE CORNER GROCERY Buy SLEEPY EYE FLOUR And get a Set of Silver Spoons Special Grocery offer on cash orders of $5.00 or more. “See us first.” nORGAN BROS., 72 Broadway KIGHT BROTHERS *±s BRORDWAY GROCERIES PROVISIONS HAY AND EEED. MINERS’ SUPPLIES PHONE 2^4-*7~2 P. F. CARROLL THE BOWERY GROCER General Merchandise Fancy Groceries, Country Produce Corner Bowery and Loo Streets FROSTBURG, MD. W. H. ANGWIN Staple and Fancy Groceries 10 East Loo Street FROSTBURG, MD. Phone 145-F Telephone Orders Promptly Delivered. MRS. MARY JOHNS Restaurant and Ice-Cream Parlor 1 68 E. UNION STREET Ice-Cream scut, out in all designs Meals and Lunches at all hours Parties Pails and Lodges furnished JOE McGRAW Soft Drinks and Lunches Cigars, Tobacco and Confectionery 155 E. Union St. Frostburg, Md. Phone 20-1 Room 1 BERNADETTE RAFFERTY Leading Public Stenographer Wittig Building FROSTBURG MARYLAND W. G. HILLER The Reliable Tailor 10 W. UNION ST. Order your Suit for Summer now and avoid the rush. GEO. R. GUNTER Clothing and Furnishings For Men and Boys Hotel Gladstone Building !) W. Union St. Frostburg, Md. A. CHAS. STEWART “Home of Good Clothing” Citizens Bank Building KYLUS & GROSS MODERN TAILORS WILL, FIT YOU SSJ£ East Union Street ALL MEN’S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER AND Guaranteed to Fit or No Sale! Other work in Tailoring done on same satis factory conditions. Whether you come early or late in the season we will try to please you. GEORGE D. HAMILL, Sr. Phone 20-1 Wittig Building W. C. NOEL & CO. Fire, Health and Accident Insurance Bonds, Business Brokers IS E. Union St. Frostburg, Md. J . S. METZGER & SON General Fire Insurance 1!) East Union Street FROSTBURD, MARYLAND Reliable Fire Insurance Companies ItEBBE SENTE D BY ULYSSES HANNA General Insurance Bonding Fire Offices—Citizens National Rank and Opposite Postolliee. D. A. BENSON, Agent. HOCKING & HOMING Fire Insurance Agents Frostburg, Md. Before buying Uife Insurance consult Arthur T. Johnson Manager of The Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. Room 7 Shea Building JAS. D. WILLIAMS THE OLD RELIABLE Boot and Shoe Maker East Union Street Invites a call from all friends-- old and new FIFTY YEARS IN BUSINESS HENRY N. SCHNEIDER Shoe and Hat Emporium 97 East Union Street M. & W. RODDA Shoes Rubbers Slippers REPAIRING NEATLY DONE 93 Bowery Street GILBERT STUDIO 79% E. Union St. Moderate-Price Photos Post Cards Picture Framing Picture F'iriisliing Jeweler and Scientific Optician FROSTBURG, MD. FROSTBUEGr, MD., SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1912. OFFICE OF- State and County Tax Collector TtT HENRY J. BOETTNER’S STORE 7it 7 Fast Union Street FROSTBURG, 7WARYLAND fiUQfl SPEIK FRESH AND SMOKED MEATS 13 IS ROA. ID WAY HARTIGBROS. ALL KINDS OF Fresh and Smoked Meats ON HAND DAILY 30 Broadway Frostburg, Md. William Engle James Engle ENGLE MEAT MARKET Dealers in Live and Dressed Meats Butter and Eggs Poultry in Season 66 E. Union St. 19 W. Union St. CHAS. G. WATSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Pearce Building Frostburg Maryland CLAYTON PURNELL Attorney at Law Shea Building FROSTBURG, MARYLAND J. W. SHEA THE OLDEST DRUGGIST IN FROSTBURG Eastman Kodaks Huyler’s Candies Paints Glass Wall-Paper WALTER T. LAYMAN 28 W. Union St. Opp. Postoffice FROSTBURO, MD. Roofing and Spouting All kinds of Hand-Made Tinware Stove Pipe and Elbows Phone 25-4 Dr. C. Elwood Rrrnacost Dentist 'mnTf C. & P. Phone 17 Yz West Union Street FROSTBURG MARYLAND 1593 ESTRBLISH6D 1912 Dr. I. L. RITTER, DENTIST, 19 Broadway, fJ7] Frostburg, Md. Dr. J. C. Pfeiffer THE DENTIST 7 E. Union St. Frostburg, Md J. Alex. DAVIS BR QS. Jas - S ' S7vvoKe House Domestic and Key West Cigars Egyptian and Turkish Cigarettes Meerschaum and Briar Pipes Post Cards Pure-Food Chocolates Smokers’ Articles a Specialty 20 W. Union St. End of Street Car Line J. JOHNSON & SON Contractors and Builders AGENCY FOR CAREY ROOFING WILLISON BROS. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Rough and Dressed Lumber Sashes Doors Laths Shingles Slate Rubber Roofing Wall Plaster Etc. FROSTBURG, MD. JAMES SKEADOS Manufacturer of and dealer in Confectioner}} and Ice-Creatn Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Etc. FROSTBURG, MD. G. DUD HOCKING Notary Public OFFICE Fidelity Savings Bank Model Lice Spray, Quart Can, 35 cents. FOR SALE BY T. L. POPP, Dealer in Poultry Supplies, FROSTBURG, MD. CAMPBELL’S FINE MILLINERY 73 East Union Street A New Line of— HATS For Ladies, Misses and Children at MRS. P. O’ROURKE’S AIST INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. */ v \h it i V jjj Our Home-Coming. | i\ - * 4' I. M I * i\ k i ifc Invited home ! How much these words mean to us, young and old ! /p jjj The sweetest music in the world—this one word, home, doth hold ! jjj t< How often thro’ the years the thought of home our minds did fill 1 11 * Now our hearts thrill with the knowledge—“they’re thinking of us still!” ijj ill * ili To me there is no sweeter spot in all the earth’s domain 11 Than this fair “city on the hill,” where love and kindness reign ! jjj Here we began our wedded life 1 Just yesterday it seems— jjj [ ifc In a cozy home made for me by the lover of my dreams ! ii jjj Dear halcyon days—how bright they were ! ’Twas here one summer J iii morn, il \H T . 1* . £ While Nature smiled and flowers bloomed, our baby-girl was born ! $ jjj And here, one winter morn, our boys first saw the light of day 1 jjj ili These memories would bring us back tho’ we were miles away ! 11 iii 11 . jjj My husband will meet all the friends he knew those years ago— jjj Old comrades who were tried and true, whom he was proud to know ! H