Newspaper Page Text
Mining fiSiii Journal. J. BENSON ODER, Editor FORTY-SECOND YEAR. NO. 1 FIRST AMERICAN SHIP BUILDING OF THE VIRGINIA OVER 300 YEARS AGO. Origin of the Ship Industry at the Mouth of the Kennebec Which Made Bath Famous for Many Years. Some 300 odd years ago Capt. George Popham, on behalf of his brother, Chief Justice John Popham, and the Plymouth company, came over the ocean with two ships, the Gift of God and the Mary and John, and made a settlement at the mouth of the Kennebec river. The little colony, after an edventur ous voyage, had reached Monhegan early in August, and, landing there, held services on a Sunday. Ten days later they landed in the Sagahadoc harbor, as the mouth of the Kennebec was called, and went ashore. There on the sandy beach the little pinnace Virginia was built that au tumn, a notable achievement for so small and so ill established a colony. She was a sea-worthy ship, a proper forerunner for the fine vessels that have made the Kennebec famous. She crossed the ocean several times and brought colonists and stores to Amer ica. The colony at Port Popham aban doned that post the next year and re turned to England, but other settle ments were soon made, and before the Revolutionary war the ship builders of the Maine coast had already achiev ed a reputation. Square rigged ships from Maine ports and from none other more than from Bath, which is the modern suc cessor to Popham’s colony, bore the American flag to all parts of the world. When the great revival of ship building came after the discovery of gold in California more than 100 ships were launched into the Kennebec in a single year. Bath has lost its pre-eminence in shipbuilding in its 300 years. Only a year or so ago the United States bat tleship Georgia was launched with en gines aboard and with her fires light ed, the first launching in that condi tion in the world. Three hundred years ago the Kenne bec was bordered with dense pine woods, and the pinnace was built from materials cut right at hand. Today the materials for the steel ships are brought a thousand miles, and the masts for the schooners come round the Horn or overland from Washing ton. But the members of Popham’s colony, by some strange fate, shaped the destiny of three centuries of their successors when they began shipbuild ing on the shores of Sagadahoc. To Factoryize the Farms. That the tendency of the age is for larger farms and better methods, with a saving of cost by the use of modern machinery, was the consensus of opin ion expressed at the fifth annual meet ing of the American Society of Agri cultural Engineers at St. Paul. “There is an increasing demand and we must make room for the master mind in the agricultural field. There are 8,000 less farms in lowa this year than last,” said Prof. J. M. Davidson of the lowa State Agricultural college. “An agricultural survey made in Thompkins county, New York, showed that the small farmer was at best only making laborer’s wages and that the larger farmer was making money. It means that the farmers must put the farm on a factory basis and quit guessing at profit and loss.” Ambitious. A colored elevator boy at Bretton hall remarked proudly to one of the guests whom he often encountered: “I’m going to quit this job next week and go in business for myself. I’m going to run a restaurant." “Is that so?” replied the guest. “Now, that’s fine,” he went on. “You’re ambitious.” “Yes, I’m ambitious to eat.”- —Ex- change. A New Ideal. Mrs. Withers —I’m so glad, mother; 1 know John’s going to do better. He must surely have been at the Rever end Sadsmile’s revival last night. Mother —What’s put that into your head? Mrs. Withers —Why, after he came to bed he kept talking in his sleep about “that last trump” and his “mis erable worthless heart” so anxiously that I fairly cried for the poor fellow. I’m so glad, mother. Cold Method of Reasoning. “You are rather difficult,” ventured the impresario. “Why not?” replied the prima don na. “In this business you may suc ceed with a good voice and a bad dis position. But a bad voice and a good disposition won’t get you anywhere at all.” Change In Plans. Madge —I thought you and George Were going skating. Marjorie —So we were, but when he saw I had my hat trimmed with mis tletoe he asked me to go for a sleigh ride. Not Too Many Visits. Mrs. Banks —Why do you have Dr X for your physician instead of Dr. Y? Miss Burke —Economy! Dr. X’s wife is so jealous he has to get me cured quickly in order to keep peace .in his family. ALMOST A ROMANCE TALE OF LORD ARTHUR AND ANNA M’GONNIGAL. Handsome Knight Saved Her Life and Wooed Her, but Suffragetting and Women’s Societies Spoiled the Love Story. Turning the corner of the Rue de Meringue rather abruptly, Anna’s horse took fright at a woman’s hat. He reared up on his hind legs and plunged violently forward. Just at that instant the saddle girth broke and the horse reared and fell back. It was a critical moment. Anna was in imminent peril. Just as the rider was about to be crushed under the animal there was a clatter of hoofs and a strong arm encircled Anna. She felt herself drawn into safety. She opened her eyes and there was the strong masculine face of Lord Arthur Athelstan, the handsomest man of the oldest family in England. Being in the arms #f Lord Arthur was much nicer than being crushed under the cruel and relentless back of a horse. To be saved by Lord Ar thur was a social triumph, too. It was better than being presented to the king or invited to one of Lady Jane Nod Noodle’s affairs. Every body would know who Anna McGon nigal was now. And when Lord Ar thus asked if he might call it was certain that Anna would know every body! Everybody! Lord Arthur was evidently very hard hit. It was certain. The beau tiful girl he had held in his arms had made a great impression on his lordly heart. Sir Knight Arthur was not a lag gard in love and was most happy when he obtained permission to call. It was Anna’s brother who greeted him, however, when he arrived at Anna’s residence, and told him to make himself thoroughly at home. “She will be very sorry to miss you,” said Anna’s brother. “I think she’s out suffragetting this after noon.” Lord Arthur left his card and walked sorrowfully away. The next day being bright and beautiful, Lord Arthur thought he might meet her riding in the park. She had been so sorry to miss hfm that Lord Arthur thought she might not object to a casual meeting there. But luck was against him. There was a meeting for the Prevention of Cruelty to Something or Other that day, and Lord Arthur rode and rode, and final ly rode home in the beautiful twi light alone. Then his regiment was ordered to the Soudan. Lord Arthur made up hfs mind to see her before he went, away, and wrote her a pathetic note of appeal, which Anna answered with a beating heart, telling him to see her by all means! That she must see him before he went away to the war! But the letter got mixed up in the voluminous mail of Anna, and Lord Arthur received only a note accept ing the presidency of a society for the promotion of universal peace. — Puck. A Man-Factory. The Self Master colony at Union, N. J., is a mill that gets its grist from gutters and levees and grinds from It men who are independent and honest. The method of the colony is to take a man without asking him questions, to put him on his feet by setting him at some useful task, and by giving him complete liberty and 50 cents a week. The Self Master colony has room for 30 men at a time, and the accommo dations always are crowded. Its strug gle is a keen one, for the colony aims to be self-supporting. It draws its members from seven classes —the man unable to find immediate employment, the man in middle life who has lost his business, the intemperate young man trying to control himself, the country boy stranded in the city, the rich man’s son, wayward and estranged from his family, the man discouraged through domestic troubles, and the man run down physically and mentally and needing outdoor work. These are the worth-saving, who, if no help is offered them, drift down through the strata of free lodging-house existence into the mire of hobodom, criminality and hopeless mendicancy.—Henry Car ter in the World’s Work. Greek Theater Is Not Greek. Another architectural fallacy has exploded. Prof. Charles Knapp of Columbia university, who lectured be fore the San Francisco Archaeological society on the subject of “The Roman Theater,” summoned the temerity to declare before his audience that the Greek theater at Berkeley isn’t a Greek theater at all. Professor Knapp even denied the structure the right to claim to be Roman. He claims that the well-known scene of open air Sunday concerts is a sort of hybrid, of Greek and Roman styles of building, the like of which has never before been erected in the history of the world. The ground upon which he denies the Berkeley structure the right to the term “Greek” is that its' stage is too deep, too wide and too high. Crafty Wooer. “How did Smiggles win Mrs. Will jums over to giving her consent to his marrying her daughter?” asks the young man with the large pipe. - “Met the old lady in the dark hail , way and kissed her, them apologized, saying he was sure she was the daugh ter,” explains the young man with the excited socks. —Judge’s Library. FRO STB ERG, MD, SEPTEMBER 28, 1912 TAKE YOUR WIFE’S ADVICE vVhere Man Merely Creeps by Logic, Woman Leaps by Intuition at Single Bound. Some one has said: “When a man has toiled step by step up a flight of stairs he will he sure to find a woman at the top, but she may not be able to tell how she got there.” A man comes up to a conclusion by the slow steps of delicate logic. In stinctively the woman reaches it by a single bound. Therefore, should you contemplate some important step without having consulted your wife —don’t! Her intuitive insight may be worth more than your deliberate reasoning. Especially is the normal average wo man quick to see the right or wrong involved in a proposition. She jumps over subtle distinctions and evasive phrasing and lands on the firm foot ing of eternal righteousness. Ethically every woman is a seer. And especially clear are the eyes of a wife in any matter involving the welfare or the good name of her fam ily. Make your wife a close confidant in all things, and the sequel will prove her wisdom. There was Victoria Colonna. She is a strong character in the his tory of her times. Her husband was a friend of the great Charles V. At one time her husband was offered the crown of Naples if he would join the league against Charles. The man was strongly tempted. He referred the matter to his wife. She bade him spurn the proposal. Not every wife would thus refuse to be queen. But- Most wives would! Because the alliance contemplated the base betrayal of a friend, and the heart of a true woman Instinctively is turned against such baseness. Seek your wife’s advice. She Is your best friend, your most competent and wisest counselor. The writer speaks from long exper ience. Almost invariably he has made a mistake when he failed to confer with his wife or has proceeded con trary to her advice. A wife will help to clear away diffi culties and suggest ways and means that might not occur to the husband. “Two heads are better than one,” especially it one be a woman’s head.” —Chattanooga Times. Squirrels’ Team Work. The members of an outing expedi tion in New England while tenting in a grove near a glen witnessed an in cident that seemed to show a friendly understanding among squirrels. The 'members had just finished their dinner, hut were still “at table” when a squirrel with glistening, eager eyes came creeping down a tree that stood near. He crep nearer and near er, and finally leaped upon the im provised table. Seeing that the woman who was presiding at table extended him a silent invitation to help himself to what he might like, the little fellow made bold to creep up to a loaf ot bread from which only a slice or two had been cut. He seized it and drag ged it to the side of the table and somehow managed to scramble down the side with it to the ground. He then fixed his teeth in the crust and dragged it away and down the steep sides of the glen. But when he reached the bottom and confronted the steep rise on the other side it was too much for him Then he gave a sort of call, which seemed to be understood, for soon squirrels were seen coming from sev eral directions. They crowded around him, and after a little conference all took hold, and with tug and strain they managed to bring the loaf to the top of the hill and disappeared with it in the woods beyond. All the Same to Him. When Gifford Pinchot and Miles Poindexter were up in Alaska last summer, they had a guide who was a hearty eater. He ate all the time he was cooking, continued to eat while Pinchot and Poindexter were at their meal, and would still be eat ing long after the others had ceased picking their teeth. The guide was particularly fond of grouse, which are moderately plentiful in some parts of Alaska. Pinchot and Poindexter would eat a grouse apiece, but the guide would consume four or five, with apparent relish. Senator Poindexter felt that the thing to do was to shoot more grouse and give the guide his fill. They didn’t get a shot at any grouse right away, but Poindexter kept in practice by bring ing down a couple of sea gulls. A sea gull is about as delicate a morsel as a turkey buzzard, or a harpy. Later in the day Pinchot saw some feathers scattered about the camp. “What happened to those gulls?” he inquired. “Oh,” replied the guide with a yawn, “I got tired seein’ ’em around and 1 just e’t ’em.” News for Mrs. Brown. “Have you any letters for me?” in quired old Mrs. Brown, bustling into the village postoffice. “No letters.” replied the postmaster. “Dearie me,” said Mrs. Borwn, “I was expecting a letter or a postcard from my daughter Martha to say when she was coming.” Then the postmaster called to his wife: “Here’s Mrs. Brown wanting to known if there’s a postcard from her daughter Martha.” “Yes, there is,” replied the post master’s wife. “Martha’s coming next Tuesday.” AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER, ? 1882 1912 S f THIRTY YEARS AGO. f j The Items Below Were Current During T k Week Ending October 7, 1882. A Philip Pindell reported seriously ill; Mrs. A. M. Cackley rapidly improv ing; Mrs. Louisa Ryan out again after a severe illness, and A. A. Rogers, ill two weeks, improving. John L. Porter, regi.-V'ar for No. 11, entered 776 names, and George H. Arnold, No. 12, registered 530 names. Maurice Miller, a prominent West ernport citizen, died Monday, October 2, 1882, aged 40 years. Hon. Thomas G. McCulloh was com mended for ihstituting a number of badly-needed improvements of Alle gany cemetery. At the democratic county conven tion Tuesday, October 3, 1882, Messrs. Alexander King and William E. Weber, of Cumberland; J. B. Oder, of Frostburg; Dr. J. B. Miller, of West ernport, and George H. Arnold, of Eckhart, were elected delegates to the Congressional convention, and James W. Wilson, of Rawlings; William O. Sprigg and James A. McHenry, of Cumberland, and John Ryan, of Lona coning, delegates to the Judicial con vention. Republican mass meetings at all the towns in the countj' during the week, Hon. L. E. McComas, nominee for Congress, speaking. At the democratic judicial conven tion in Cumberland Thursday, Octo ber sth, Hon. R. H. Alvey, incumbent, was nominated for Chief Judge, and A. K. Syester for Associate, both of Hagerstown. The Arkansaw Traveler announced that he “would ruther tell a lie to cause pleasure dan te truth to cause pain.” A Newspaper as the Business Index of the Town. A progressive paper very correctly remarks that no business man in any town should allow any newspaper pub lished in his town to go without his name and business somewhere in its columns. This applies to all kinds of business —general stores, dry goods, groceries, furniture dealers, grain dealers, me chanics, professional men and in fact all classes of business men. This does not mean that you should have a whole or even a quarter of a page ad. in every issue of the paper, but your name and business should be mentioned if you do not use more than one inch space. A stranger picking up a newspaper should be able to tell just what busi ness is represented in a town by look ing at the bueiness mentioned in the paper. The home paper should be a correct directory or index to the town. It is the best possible advertiser. The man who does not advertise his business does an injustice to himself and his town. He is the man who expects the' newspaper to do the most free boost ing for his town. The man who insists on sharing the business that comes to town but re fuses to advertise his business is ex pecting more than is justly due him. The life of any town depends upon the live, wide-awake and liberal ad vertising business men Emmitts burg (Md.) Chronicle. Died. In Western Maryland Hospital, Cumberland, Friday, September 20, 1912, Mrs. Robert Hill, aged 48 years. Her illness was very brief, and its serious status developing Thursday, she was carried next day to the hos pital and died two hours later. Hus band and large family of children be reaved. The family home is on the Conrad farm, not far from Sand Spring. Funeral and interment, largely attended, Sunday afternoon. Professional. Dr. J. C. Holdsworth, of Midland, spent this week in Washington, D. C., in attendance as a member of the National Health Congress. The doc tor is Health Officer of this county. There and Here. John Lutz, of Bedford, Pa., wrote to the Philadelphia (Pa.) North- American one day last week, com plaining of that paper’s “long edi torials.” Mr. Lutz said he had been “a re publican editor for nearly forty years, and in that time had found out that the people are apt to skip long edi torials, however good, and prefer short,-snappy articles that go straight to the point.” Mr. Lutz, although apparently in the hale enjoyment of nearly forty years experience as an editor, dis agrees with every single newspaper sharp in Frostburg! For here the expert notion is—give us length, verbiage, repetition, slush, especially slush! The first “pay” since April was im pending. Peter Kelly, of Borden Shaft, and C. M. Graham, of Walnut Level, sent some big beets to the Journal. Intelligence of a “quiet” wedding got out. Accordingly, Miss Annie Wasmuth and Mr. William E. Hart man gratified a very large congrega tion in Salem Reformed Church Sun day evening, October 1, 1882, by walk ing in and up the aisle to the altar, where Rev. J. Ruhl made them one. B. Stern, C. Hartman and Marx Wineland—all gone east to buy goods. William Wenk, 21 years old, died Sunday, October 1, 1882. Mrs. Eleanora Knode, wife of David Knode, died Wednesday, October 4, 1882, aged 62 years. Mrs. A. M. Ward, widow of William Ward, died Friday, October 6, 1882, at an advanced age, after a long illness. William Pollock had his collar-bone broken by a falling prop in Midlothian mine Monday, October 2d. At the parsonage of Salem Re formed Church Thursday evening, October 5, 1882, Miss Mary Gerlach was married to Mr. F. F. Beauregard Hamill, by Rev. J. Ruhl. At Rawlings,.this county, Tuesday, October 3, 1882, Miss Carrie Stotler, daughter of Morgan Stotler, of that place, was married to Rev. Frank G. Porter, pastor of that circuit, Metho dist Church. The great comet attracted much at tention throughout the country. Newspapers vied with each other in descriptions of its brilliance. Summer Boarders. “It is estimated,” says Gas Logic, that the annual tourist and summer boarder business of New England in volves a total expenditure on the part of vacationists of practically 100 mil lion dollars. “New Yorkers contribute a goodly share of this money, which goes chief ly into the pockets of resort-owners, farmers who take summer-boarders, railroads and steamship lines and other persons and agencies which cater to summer-time pleasure-seekers. “Ten millions of dollars are left every j T ear by summer tourists in New Hampshire alone, according to the Secretary of the Agricultural Board of that State. “Maine, Massachusetts and Con necticut are even more popular with recreation-seekers, and each un doubtedly absorbs more money from its vacation visitors than the Granite State. “Vermont and Rhode Island also attract vast numbers of tourists’ dol lars each season.” There is not a town in the United States whose eligibilities better fit it for a summer resort than Frostburg, especially for those who come from seaside residence. Just as the mountaineer loves to go from the land-summits to water-levels for recreation, so for the same pur pose does the lowland dweller love to come on the heights. But Frostburg has not the accom modations. Atlantic city has made ample pro vision for entertainment of the in landers and mountaineers. The result is, for instance—Frost burg spends in Atlantic city about 99 per cent, more than the sea-shore spends here. The sea-shore goes elsewhere, as has been seen in the quotation from Gas Logic, and Frostburg is, in fact, paying a premium to other mountain towns for being summer-resorts, in stead of being a competitor for a por tion of their rich trade. There are other considerations, too, which should inspire a movement in this line of development, all strong and convincing. Passenger Trains. Next Monday, 30th inst., the first pas senger trains on the Western Mary land extension will be run —two trains daily, one in each direction, except Sunday. These trains will stop at all stations, and for several months will afford the only passenger service on the road. The morning train will pass Frost burg— Westward 8 o’clock Evening— Eastward 6:53 o’clock This schedule will be maintained until the through passenger service is instituted, when, most probably, there will be changes. Frostburg will be within one hour of Cumberland and four hours of Con nellsville, at both of which places close connections will be made with fast trains east and west. Yoke Oti Yohttsoa. Ef yo bane listen leetla while, Aye lak to tal to yo A funny yoke on Sam Yohnson, vat build te bungalo. Yo see, en county Garrett ve yump all round lak dekkens ; Ve early bed to go, an’ oop git bafore te chekkens. Aye tank et ban Septober sax, en nenteen hunderd twelve, Ven des yar funny yoke happen to Mester Sam hemselve. “Philosopher,” Mester Yohnson say, “yo skoll go report To town an’ breng back to mae somteng stronger tan ‘Oxport;’ — So ven te boys lak leetla drenk—ven te day’s vork bane done, Aye veil haf bottla for tern—Aye tank det bane 3 T olly fun !” Hae gef mae dollar fufty cent to buy som “Underholt” From faller vat know mae bot naffer haf on mae tolt. Vel ten Aye luke ento te pasture, catch an’ yump a colt, An’ ride to Frostburg to find an’ buy det old “Underholt.” Faller sal mae bottla, bay yeminy ! Aye yump agen, An’ tank Aye go back straight to Mester Yohnson an’ hes men. Bot ven Aye get above San’ Spreng Aye tak von leetla drag, An’ ten about fufteen more, an’ get on a yolly yag ! Te colt yust carry mae back to te pretty bungaloo, An’ Mester Yohnson say—“ Aye skoll not do a teng to yoo !” Hae black may eye, break may yaw, fergit his relig-i-an, An’ ten, bay yeminy, hae call mae “dam Norwe-gi-an!” Bot det bane on Yohnson, as Aye tal Unc. Tom an’ hem, Aye naffer bane Norwegian ! Aye bane dam Swede all te tem ! The Eckhakt Philosopher. Eckhart, Md. Credit To Whom Credit Is Due. A recent report by George A. Rein hard, Treasurer of this county, has been quite generally copied through out the State as a good example of county financiering. A year ago, according to his report, a balance of $2,800 was turned over to him. Against this, however, stood notes in the sum of S6S,(XX), or a debt alto gether of $170,000. This sum has been paid, and there is a cash balance of SBO,OOO in the treasury. This is an excellent situation, due to an Act of the last Eegislature, passed at the instance of the present Board of County Commissioners. Under the preceding system it was inconvenient for taxpayers to pay; the paying period too late in the year, and thus the county was compelled to in cur needless expenses. Now, there are three collectors, ac cessible to the taxpayers at large, and the time for payment is three months earlier, so that the Commis sioners have the money in hand just when they need it! It is a pleasant condition of affairs and the Commissioners should be commended for it. A Problematic Egg. A hen belonging to Thomas H. Mor gan’s collection of poultry laid an egg the other day resembling half of an oblong circle. There was quite a debate over it, however, by customers in the store when it was shown as a resemblance of the new moon and held up on the western side to prove it. A man, however, who once went to school in Bloomington, held it up on the eastern side and claimed that it looked much more to him like the moon on its last quarter, and several miners who go to work on the first shift agreed with him. ' Issue was referred to Journal, but owing to stand-point differences in volving the necessity of making one half the observations before day light, the decision has so for been withheld. Wobbler Seldom Succeed*. “Success In life depends far more upon decision of character than upon the possession of what Is called gen ius. The man who is perpetually hesi tating as to which of two things he will do, will do neither.”—William Wirt Has Sometimes Worked Well. Frequently there is more corrective value in giving a few words of un deserved praise than in hours of lec turing and pleading. If your boy or : girl is inclined to disregard your wishes and your good advice try this method. Uplifting Thoughts. "A man can only rise, conquer, and achieve by lifting up his thoughts. : He can only remain weak, and abject, i and miserable by refusing to lift up ; his thoughts.”—James Allen. Mrs. Blunderby Talks. Mrs. Blunderby (visiting)—Yes, poor Jane, she recognizes no one. . She’s been in a catamose condition for two days. My dear, bring me a j cup of tea, will you? I prefer Oblong, I If you have it. —Boston Transcript HENRY P. COOK, Manager WHOLE NUMBER 2,138 One Way of Expressing It. As I sat in the shadows thinking of the days gone by, I thought of how wife and I strolled together through the rye, And of the grand old mountains ’round F rostburg—by-and-by. As I sat in the shadows thinking of the days gone by— Of J. B. O. and J. C. walking to the street called “High,” And I longed to be away back there in the by-and-by. As I sat in the shadows thinking of the days gone by, I thought—what’s the use longing when two thousand miles awry ? But still I am longing to be there with you by-and-by. As I sat in the shadows thinking of the days gone by, I thought of the great Journal and it’s editor so spry, And then I felt content, for it’s my weekly by-and-by. R. H. R. In tlie Realm of Fraternity. The Journal has received a pros pectus of the tour that will be made this week by the membership of Acca Temple, Mystic Shriners of Richmond, Va., to Harrisonburg, same State. In giving preface notice of the tour., the Illustrious Potentate orders — “Nobles will dress up in their Glad Rags, including the Red Fez on their heads, and the Red-and-White Card in their hands. This latter is a sine qua non, which means without which you are not at all. “Done and subscribed to in accord ance with the laws of the Mystic Shrine. “Daniel Cullers O’Flaherty, “Illustrious Potentate. “I seen you when you done it. “Charles A. NesbiT, “Recorder.” The Richmond News-Leader, of 17th inst., also gives an outline of pros pective proceedings as taken from the message of the Royal Gazzip to the ignorants of Emporia: “This caravan will start with full equipment, zem-zem and scimitars sharpened to the finest edge, so none may escape, to the oasis, where the mighty duke of Mama lives, and pre pare to show them the way to happi ness, via the most gorgeous concatena tion of anti-bilious circumstances.” And so on. The Illustrious Potentate is well and affectionately remembered by many Frostburgers, Educational Systems. “Look here,” said the father, “every page of your book Is covered with fin ger prints.” “It’s an accident,” re plied the young student. “Well, it is some relief to hear that. There have been so many changes in handwriting that I was afraid they had decided to make a clean sweep and substitute the Bertillon system.” Today the Appointed Time. “The future is an illusion; it nevei arrives; it files before you as you ad vance. Always it is today—and aftet death and a thousand years it is to day. You have great deeds to pen form and you must do them now.”—• Charles Ferguson. Unpoetlo. “I shall leave footprints on the sands of time,” said the idealist. “What for?” asked the crudely prac 4 tical person. “Nobody will want to go ’round looking for footprints. What we want to do for posterity is the help build some good roads.” Worry Cause of Hypochondria. The most common disease caused by worry is hypochondria. Its victim is the man or woman who worries that he or she is going to be ill every time he or she feels indisposed. Physically they are strong and nor mal, but they suffer from a mental disease which is a variety of morbid worry. Importance of Self-Control. "The ability to restrain passions, tongue and temper, to bo their master and not their slave —in a word, absolute self-control —is also of first importance. One who can not govern himself is unfitted to govern others.” —Marshall Field. Worry as a National Error. At the door of worry are laid 50 per cent of the troubles of the American people. Scientists who have devoted themselves to a study of worry and its influence on the mind, do not hesi tate to say that Americans are the worst offenders. Ever-Present Call of Duty. “In the measure in which thou Beefiest to do thy duty shalt thou ' know what is in thee. But what is , thy duty? The demand of the pres ent hour.” —Goethe. Buccess Matter of Will Power. “Don’t flinch, flounder, fall over, nor fiddle, but grapple like a man. A man who wills it can go anywhere, and do what he determines to do.”—John Todd. Built Up Big Business. The first jaunting oar was establish ed in Ireland in 1815 by a Milanese, , Carlo Blanconi, who settled in Dublin , and drove every day to Caher and back, charging two pence a mile; from , this small beginning in 1837 he had , | established sixty-seven conveyances, 1 drawn by nine hundred horses.