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MiningJllpJotjrnal J. BENS OK ODEN, Editor. FROSTBURG, MD. - - OCT. 19, 1912 THE “DON’T KNOCK” INJUNCTION. Any event that contributes to bring visitors to Cumberland helps the city. Then why not always be a “booster” rather than a “knocker.”—Cumber land American. There is a better way of stating it than to employ the stereotyped phrase —“don’t be a knocker!” just as though nobody ever before said it. “Don’t be a knocker” is, however, in effect, just what for about seven years the Tories yelled at the Revolu tionists. Patrick Henry was “a knocker;” so also John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin—in the esti mation of the Tories. Indeed, the Tories sometimes, be hind their backs, called them “Rebels;” sometimes “Traitors!” But after the war was over all these fellows became “boosters.” Which suggests that sometimes one must be a “knocker” before he can become a “booster.” But in the final analysis the man or newspaper who yells—“don’t be a knocker!” should feel very sure of his or it’s own status. A Splendid Time. FrostburgCouncil, No. 1442, Knights of Columbus, and lady auxiliaries, numbering nearly 200, enjoyed a splen did banquet Tuesday evening in Terp sichore Hall, of the Frostburg Opera House, in observance of the 420th an niversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. The menu ranged all the way up from the oyster cocktail, via roast turkey, to the codicil known as “after dinner mints.” Then James A. Brown, toastmaster, submitted propositions to which elo quent and instructive responses were made as follows: “Christopher Columbus”—Prof. F. A. Wolf hope, District Deputy, of Cum berland. “Columbus Our Exemplar”—Adolph C. Frey. “Manhood and Citizenship”—Owen P. Winter, Recorder. “Our Order and It’s Future” —Prof. D. A. Boyle, Eecturer. “The Knight as a Citizen”—Philip F. Blake. “The Eadies”—James P. Kenney, Past Grand Knight. The five last named are members of Frostburg Conncil. Many out-of-town adherents and friends of the Order were also present and enjoyed what all pronounce the premier celebration of the greatest event in the history of discovery. Brevities. Mrs. Eucy Frey, of Culpepper Court- House, Va., bora Sunday, June 20, 1790, now 122 years old, is still living. Fraternal Visitation. The members of Washington Camp, No. 61, P. O. S. of A., Mt. Savage, were hosts Thursday evening of num erous representatives of Cumberland and Frostburg, and the report is— “they acquitted themselves nobly.” Tales of Two Cities. While Messrs. Rudolph Nickel and A. Johnson Willison, of this metropo lis, were in New York city last week they made note of the fact that there are several gentlemen of Frostburg nativity and culture who are in the lime-light centre of business life in the great city. They saw Stanley Johnson, chief clerk in wholesale trade of the Fisk Rubber Company, with office at 1725 Broadway. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Johnson, Orman street; has been in New York only 18 months and in that brief period has worked up to his present responsible position. Henry Reicheribach, recently re turned from a tour of South America, is now manager of the Academy of Music, at 14th Street and Irving Place. Henry is a prominent and suc cessful figure in the theatrical world— one whose work extends beyond the great waters and he is “making good.” He is a son of Charles Reichenbach, now of Cumberland. M. Brooke Tyler, jr., 50 Church street, near Broadway, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Brooke Tyler, of this place, is the New England salesman for the Monarch Road-Roller Company, and the report made to Rudolph and John son was.—“he is second on list of this great concern’s crack salesmen,” and both report to the Journal that they could see there is something in the company’s statement. Julius Tuvin, graduated from Cor nell University last year, is now as sistant to the Chief Chemical Engineer of the Pennsylvania Coal and Coke Corporation, with offices in the White hall Building, at Battery Place. Though not long “on duty,” he is manifestly doing well. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tuvin, of this place. Messrs. Nickel and Willison did not not see Roy E. McCardell and Charles B. Ryan, but they want it understood that these really renowned gentlemen must never be forgotten when the Frostburg tag goes round for attach ment in New York. There are Joseph Bear and the Jan dorf boys, too, all doing well, as at tested by many reputable reports. All of which goes to show that whether a boy goes or conies from one metropolis to the other, he makes him self a factor of firstclass citizenship. Messrs. Nickel and Willison are thus justly commendatory because they en jo3red so many courtesies extended by the Frostburg-New Yorkers. BASE-BALL. Gen. Kear Hosken, a great play mate of words, writes— “lf the manager of the Boston Red Sox caught a cold in his throat, do you think Joe Wood have him toted to a livery-stable because he was a hoarse Stahl?” No; if Joe’s name were Wilson, he Woodrow him. Quick Bet—Quick Winner — Quick Eoss Two “fans,” standing in front of the Majestic Pool-Hall and Bowling Alleys the other day while one of the World Series games was in progress, were discussing the hitting ability of several of the great players. One boasted of Speaker’s immense talent, going so far as to aver his con viction that Herzog would not make a hit during the game. The other held up for Herzog with equal loyalty. Then Speaker’s friend remarked — “Well, here is a chance for Herzog and I’ll bet he wont make a hit this game! “Do you really believe that?” asked Herzog’s friend. “I do,” said the other. “How much?” “O, about $2 worth—if that’s what you want to know,” insisted the par tisan of Speaker, a “Sox” that is “Red.” “Done!” exclaimed the friend of Herzog, the “Giant,” and in less than a minute the sum of $4 was the stake. In less than another minute the wire dropped the news that Herzog had just made a three-base hit. Herzog’s friend pocketed the pile and remarked—■ “Eess than three minutes ago I was worth only $2!” TOO MUCH FOR HIM. Max —That Is a stunning winter suit you have on. old man. Dax—Yes. When 1 got the bill, I felt as If somebody had hit me in the face with a snowball. No Further Inquiry. Down at the recent poultry show an exhibitor told us this: "Yes, It’s a lot of trouble to raise hens till you know how. I’ll tell you a story about that very point. A man who looked as If he hadn’t had any thing to eat for a week or so leaned over the back fence of my park some time ago. I had my eye on him, and he saw I had my eye on him, so he started up a conversation. “ ‘Must be a lot of expense to keep up such a lot of fowls,’ he said. “ ‘Not such a much,’ says I. '“What’s the principal Items T’ he wants to know. " ‘Powder an’ shot,’ I tells him. ‘‘An’, do you know, he never come back to ask no more questions? Di plomacy is a good thing to raise hens with, too.” UNAPPRECIATED KINDNEBB. Mrs. Suburbs—What did you do with the flower seeds? Mr. Suburbs—Fed them to the chickens this morning. I thought I’d save the poor things the trouble of scratching them all up as soon as you planted them. Might Be Desirable. “A president has to eat a good deal these times.” "What do you mean?” "The chief executive has to attend a great many banquets and the like.” "Seems so. What about it?” "I was just thinking that the next president ought to recognize the grow ing Importance of this social side of the job and appoint an addition to the cabinet in the shape of a toastmaster general.” Her Fatal Lack. "Why did you refuse to engage that woman, and she such a splendid work er, just because she was deaf and dumb ?” "How do you suppose, If I took her, I was going to get any of the news of the neighborhood?” Departed Hair. "A Jock of Napoleon's hair recently sold for SSO at auction. Pretty high for a lock of hair, eh?" "Oh, I don’t know,” responded the bald-headed man. “I think I’d be will ing to pay at that rate for my own hair, If I could get It back.” FOOT-BALL. Another Winning The Beall H. S. department of foot ball defeated the same section of Al legany Academy, Cumberland, last Friday by a score of 50 to 0, making 94 to 0 over both Eonaconing and Cumberland. From all accounts it was a very orderly scrouge, altogether parliamentary, and not a technicality arising of sufficient weight to unbal ance the referee. Bad as a Punch According to the World, there was a scrouge up somewhere in New York last week, when, on the side, one girl, missing a player, was heard to ask — “Why, I wonder where Charlie is to-day?” Another replied— “ Why, don’t you know? The cap tain caught him studying his school lesson, and at once punished him by dropping him from the team!” Coming Events. The ladies of the First English Bap tist Church will serve a supper in the Sunday-School room Wednesday even ing, 30th inst., and the suggestion is— “do without the usual lay-out at home that evening, get a ticket, come, sup with us, and subserve a doubly-good purpose—enjoy an up-to-date course and promote the world’s best cause.” The Moose Masquerade Dance and Supper in the Annex Gladstone, set down for Thursday evening, 31st inst., under auspices of the Moose-Home Committee, promises to be a most brilliant affair. Those who eat and may te too old to dance will enjoy the solo pleasure of a nice supper, while those who dance and eat will— Win the same pleasure In duet measure.” The German Arion Band will give a grand concert in Clarke Hall Monday evening, November 4th, under aus pices and for the benefit of St. Michads Church. Everybody should read Roy E. McCardell’s letter this week, buy a ticket and go. The annual supper and sale of fancy articles by the ladies of the Presby terian Church, in Stern’s Hall, this place, to 10 o’clock Thursday even ing, 24th, is an announcement of an attractive event. A good supper will be served, and the social features will be enjoyable. Court Frostburg, No. 4,271, Inde pendent Orderof Foresters, announces an “Autumn Dance” for Friday even ing, 25th inst., in Frostburg Opera House. The hour of 9is fixed for the congenial maneuvre known in tempo lingo as “the grand march.” Under auspices of the Prohibition ists of Allegany County a “Prohibi tion Banquet” will be given in the Washington Eunch Rooms, Cumber land, next Friday evening, 25th inst. “An Excellent Program Will Be Ren dered” is the final note of invitation to all friends of the cause. Under auspices of seven patronesses —Mesdames— G. G. Townsend H. V. Hesse H. B. Colborn J. Marshall Price A. C. Frey J. A. Caldwells Clayton Purnell The “Sixth Annual Masquerade Ball, Booked for the Terpsichorean Hall, Frostburg Opera House, Wednesday evening, 30th inst., will be held as per prospectus. “It makes no difference” if the weather should be cool for fun ny costumes. BIG SORROW OF MATRIMONY No Use Trying to Be Happy When Man’s Wife Gives His Sunday Cigar to Hired Man. "Marriage is a good thing, hut it has Its drawbacks.” "Oh, well, we can’t expect to have heaven on earth, you know.” "I realize that. Still it seems to me that things might be much better than they are.” "You are rather pessimistic.” "I have reason to be pessimistic.” "You merely imagine it. Why, there’s no reason why any man who has a good job, a comfortable home, happy children, a pretty wife and ro bust health should be pessimistic at this time of the year. And you have all of these blessings.” "It’s all right for a man who has no wife himself to hand out remarks of that kind.” "I hope no serpent has crept into your home.” “A friend of mine treated me to a 25-cent cigar day before yesterday, and I took it home and laid it away so that I could enjoy it after dinner on Sunday. Yesterday my wife got a man who was cleaning up our back yard to do some extra work for her and she gave him my cigar. I tell you, by golly, when a man gets maw ried he may as well bid good-by to real happiness.” Hard Guessing. "The terms of today are very con fusing.” "How do you mean?” "When you hear a man talk about muck-raking, you do not know wheth er he is reading the popular magazine? or starting a suburban garden.” A Dead Give-Away. Wife—What would you do, George, if you were left a widower? Hub —Oh, I suppose the same as you would do if you were left a widow. Wife —You horrid wretch! And you told me you could never care for any body else. The Operation. "How do you suppose a chair of the Simian language could be secured in a university?” "I suppose it might be done with a monkey wrench.” A Mean Suggestion. “The coining of half-eent pieces will V a great boon to many people 1 ’ 'W.” ”M- > lIKIWH GIVE BEAUTY TO THE PORCH Boxes With Flowers of Vines Are an Ornament No House Should Be Without. ’ Veranda or porch boxes should be at least a food wide and a foot deep and the timber of which they are - paade should be of fairly good quality, I for it will have to resist considerable - pressure when the box is filled with soil. These boxes will be found most sat isfactory If allowed to .project outside £he veranda rail. They should be well supported by braces running from the bottom of the box on the outside to the veranda floor. Paint them some neutral color be : fore filling them with soil. > If ordinary soil Is used you will have 1 only an ordinary development of the ; plants you set out to grow In it, while > what you want is vigorous growth. Procure soil containing as much de cayed vegetable matter as you can. *- No matter how full of roots it is, the > nutriment you are in search of is : there and a few roots more or less t will not Interfere with the plants you 1 propose to grow in it. ; On the contrary, they will prove of , positive benefit, as they will help to keep the soil light and porous. Before filling the boxes with soil, bore a few holes in the bottom of them to allow for the escape of sur i Vines Add Grace and Beauty to the Porch. plus water. In all probability there ; will be no surplus water to escape, ' but it is well to be on the safe side. When you put the soil in the boxes - press it down firmly. If dumped in i lightly, evaporation will be rapid and the roots of your plants may suffer in consequence. 5 At the outside of the box set vines of quick development, like German Ivy, Tradescantia, Moneywort, or the Madeira vines. These will soon hide the box com pletely and after a little they will form a screen for all that portion of the veranda below the rail. Morning glories can be planted here and there along the box and trained 1 up on strings and made to furnish Shade for the veranda as well as a ‘ screen. Other flowering plants can be select ed to suit individual taste. Almost any ' plant can be used with reasonable chance of success if care is taken to , see that the soil in the box is kept always moist. Strange Garden Creations. i I often ark myself where in the world the strange erections that stalk i through an increasing number of American gardens that even cover not i a few American verandas, staring • white, bare of foliage, and solid enough to support a sky-scraper, are supposed to have derived their origin, writes H. G. Dwight, in the Atlantic Monthly Magazine. In some of the greatest , Italian gardens the pergolas are made , of slender unplaned poles fastened to . gether by withes, which are invisible ■ under the vines that cover them. i The nakedness of American pergo las has sometimes been explained to i me by the fact that grapevines must i be cut down every year in order to bear well.- What cf it? The vine ex , ists for the pergola, not the pergola for the vine. ! Even in countries so poor as Greece and Turkey thousands of vines are ■ grown simply for their shade and • beauty. If we called a pergola a trel _ lis, and were done with it, -we might : be less in danger of disfiguring our • gardens by a species of snow-shed. I School Grounds. i It is strange that towns and com munities will decorate their ceme teries and allow the school yards to remain bare. Would- it now be bet - ter to reverse the rule and care for the living rather than the dead? It is certainly too late to benefit those ; who rest in the cemetery and not too • ! early to instill a love of plant life into those who attend school. Fitting a Cork. If a cork is too large for the bottle , in which you wish to use it, lay it on its side, and with a little hoard or 1 ruler roll it under all the pressure you can put on it. It will be elongated to 1 ; fit in a vejx few minutes. Professional. Miss Evelyn Benson, daughter of John N. Benson, has become a student 1 of vocal music under a distinguished tutor, in Pittsburg, Pa. . Acknowledgments. A sack of the H. B. Shaffer Com pany’s home-grown and home-ground buckwheat Hour —the very best of its cereal kind, was dropped in on the Journae the other day. As Prof. Boyle, of Eckhart, would say —“it is ne plus extra." WARFARE THAT ENDED MOST UNEXPECTEDLY By GEORGE F. STAAT. “Eggs again?” It was a query, an accusation and a protest. “Yep,” said Tommy Thomas. “Why not? There’s more nourishment In a poft-bolled —” "Feather bed,” Interrupted his chum. “Truth is, you’re too lazy to cook any thing else.” “Ooooh, you tell whops! And what, Mr. Simian Wellington, did YOU cook last week?” Simeon was obliged to take the de fensive. “Aw, but I didn't plain-boil and plain-boll till the hens came fiome. I served those eggs in eight different ways, and you know It.” “Yaas, and with the shells every (dme. Fact is, Sim, I’m tired of pot wreslin’. I’ll run you a race to the postoffice and back to see who cooks for a month.” “Nay, son. Not being blessed with drumsticks like yours, I’ll have to de tline your glittering offer. But I’ll be sportier than that.” He picked up an egg, held it to the (ight, listened at each end mysterious ly, and then rejected it. He took up another egg and did the same. After diagnosing the third, his face lighted with joy. “A very strong egg, Tommy. A per fect type of the Roman arch. Now, sir, I can fix this egg so you cannot break It with an iron implement—er, that stove-lid, we'll say.” "Just try me.” “If you do, I’ll cook for a month. If you don’t I’m to have riz biscuits and hot rolled oats for a month.” “I weep for a poor orphan like you, Sim, but —turn on the blizzard.” Welling took his chosen egg—lt was a small one —and stood it in a corner of the room. It was an ancient trick, almost as old as the Columbus stunt, and Tom my knew he could not hope to break the egg in that position with the cir cular weapon. But he betrayed no chagrin. He calmly picked up a poker as well as the stove-lid, and proceeded to pry away the partitions forming the corner. “I say,” began Sim, fearsome for the landlady’s bill. Then a brilliant idea bumped him. Pfiosh! A moist, warm, soft-boiled egg struck Tommy on his pet cowlick and the effluvium began to cascade (nto his collar, thence to the back of his vest. And the battle was on. Tommy jumped to the table and com mandeered the plate of cooked eggs. Sim rifled the cupboard of the half bagful of raw ones. Only a baseball reporter could adequately deal with the doings of those eggs thereafter. Presently Sim retreated—or Tommy thought he did. He ran downstairs pursued by a “Yah, squealer, come again!” from the apparent victor. On the first floor was a grocer’s shop. A sign read: * : FRESH RANCH EGGS, : ! 35c doz. 1 • * * “Gimme two dozen eggs,” cried Sim. “Charge it to Mr. Thomas, as usual.” Ustairs he galloped and began a fusillade from the doorway. Poor Tommy dodged behind the bed. Sim entered and pursued him from his hid ing place, punctuating his howls with fresh ranch eggs. Tommy now fled, but grabbed the door key as he ran. Sim understood. Tommy was com ing back with ammunition. He moved bed, oil stove and table against the door. He was in the act of uprooting the stationary wash basin when a balmy, squashy, not-quite-so-guaran teed ranch egg hit him in the bridge of his nose. It had come over the transom. The next one decorated his shirt front. The third missed him and broke the mirror. Eggs now came thick and fast, two whole dozen, at 35 cents per, pursuing him to the fire escape. With simian agility he made his way down to that comer grocery and asked for more eggs. But Sim was in too big a hurry to explain. He gathered up all the eggs left in the crate, put them into a huge paper bag and with a "Charge ’em to Mr. Thomas,” bounded up thosa stairs again. Tommy was nowhere in sight. The barricade had been pushed in. “But I’ll get the rascal,” muttered Nemesis-of-the-Ova. “He’s gone after more eggs. Score one point for me.” He shut the window to prevent a rear attack, then threw up fortifica tions in front of the open door. Steps, soft steps, ascending the stair! A head looming from the semi darkness, looking inquiringly into the room. Whizz! Pfiosh! An egg cleaving the air and finding its mark. "Got ye, did I?” yelled Sim, tri umphantly, emerging from the ram part with another egg ready for the throw. “Have another?” A scream. Feminine. Not the land lady’s, either. The too-eage-r egg stifled the scream. “Sim Wellington, you nasty, good for-nothing wretch!” The victim was sputtering eggshells with every sylla ble. “I called to tell you your aunt— but I won’t.” And the girl—young, pretty and all that —flounced down the' stairs. It was Sim’s sweetheart. But Sim didn’t feel like calling her back. “Polly!” gasped the gallant warrior in awe. “And auntie of the money bags probably coming to see me this very day!” A Big Profit. William Condry, of Eckhart, planted 6 bushels of potatoes last spring in a quarter-acre of ground, and this fall dug therefrom 100 bushels—nearly 1700 per cent. gain. Unpleasantness. There was an altercation in front of j the Fidelity Savings Bank a few days [ j ago. Two trials followed—one belliger j ent fined $lO, other $5. | Public opinion of demerits divided, j Died. At the family home, West Too street, Tuesday, October 15, 1912, Mr. Frederick Wenk, aged 65 years, after a long illness. He was a quiet, good, industrious citizen, and long an ex emplary member of Zion Evangelical Church. He was born in Hesse Cas sel, Germany, in 1847, and came to this country when 6 years old. Wife and two daughters are bereaved— Mrs. Henry J. Boettner, of this place, and Mrs. Harry Kight, of Cumberland. An otherwise large relationship also sorrows with the family. Funeral was held at residence Thursday after noon, Rev. Eugen Henzel officiating. At the family home, in Borden, Monday, October 14, 1912, Mr. Chris tian Spitznas. Had he lived two days more he would have been 86 years old. Mr. Spitznas was born in Prussia October 16, 1826, and was a soldier in the army of that country during the last war with Austria. He came to this country before the Civil War and his military life in Europe making him feel fit for similar action here he “joined the cavalry” of the Union army and rendered heroic service. He was a member of Thoburn Post, G. A. R., of this place, during all its career. A consistent communicant of Salem Reformed Church, he was buried Wednesday under the auspices of Post and Church, each doing honor to his memory. Three daughters and two sons are bereaved—Mrs. Charles Ehm, of this place; Mrs. James Jef fries, of Pittsburg, Pa.; Miss Eouise, of Borden, and Messrs. Charles and Henry C. Spitznas, of this place. A resident of nearly 60 years high stand ing in Borden, he was universally re spected as a good citizen and Chris tian gentleman. Cheap. Why do some folks lie eternal—- Tho’ they aint no criminaller Than me, an’ say “dear Journal, ” When it only costs a dollar ? Now is the time to subscribble. C. B. Ryan. Removal. Mr. and Mrs. James Grant have re moved their household goods to Wash ington, 1). C., and will themselves go this evening to make their home in that city, as nearly all the young mem bers of this estimable family have em ployment there. Many will miss the jolly old gentleman’s familiar figure on the street—miss his cheery saluta tions and good word for everybody, but the knowledge that he and Mrs. Grant want to be near their children will acquit them of any other desire to leave. All, therefore, wish the best for them. Grantsville Generalities. Work on the pike is progressing nicely. The telegraph poles are being moved from the old National Pike bridge, which will greatly add to the attract iveness of that venerable structure. Mr. and Mrs. George G. Townsend were visitors to Grantsville Tuesday. C. A. Bender, of this place, was a visitor to Frostburg Wednesday. William Wagner, John Miller, Miss Ida Gantt and Miss Anna Wagner, of Piedmont, West Va., and Miss Grace Warnick, of Cumberland, motored to Grantsville last Sunday and were guests of Mrs. J. J. Bender. . Country Girt,. HAD TO First Tramp—Say. Raggsy, do you ever bathe? Second Tramp—Sure. First Tramp—When? Second Tramp—When I’m in Jail. The Sick. Fred. Miller, of Eckhart, 8 years old, accidentally shot last Wednesday, is in a Cumberland hospital. The bullet stopped in his cheek, and hope of early recovery is well-grounded. Mrs. Harry Fuller is recovering from an illness superinduced by blood poison. Miss Hannah Wright, ill with typhoid fever, has been removed to Western Maryland Hospital, Cumber land. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wright, of this place. Thomas H. Morgan, County School Commissioner, was taken suddenly ill last Saturday morning, but is out again. Mrs. John Vogtman, West Union street, suffering from a stroke of paralysis, is improving. Clarence Baker, off duty several days, will soon be at his place again in Hoffman mine. Miss Mildred Flosken, Maple street, has been ill this week. John Scalley is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever. Miss Eizzie Jenkins and brother— Albert, of Grahamton, both prostrate j with typhoid fever, are getting better. Rev. S. J. Clarke, pastor of St. Michael’s Church, painfully ill several days, was reported yesterday as get ,j ting along nicely toward recovery. Her Preferred Artists. The New York World of Wednesday contains a fine picture, reproduced from “a copyright photograph by Towles,” Washington, D. C., of Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt. While her hus band was President she and her daughters were customers of the Towles Brothers. Financial. The Lonaconing Savings Bank, with 340 per cent, surplus, is 3d on the State Bank Roll of Honor. The Fidelity Savings Bank, of this place, with 125 per cent., is 22d on the roll. The former is a splendid institution, much older than the latter. HAVE YOU A HOUSE That is Not Insured P If So, You Should Place a Policy On It To-Day, Or To-iV!orrow Before You Dine. YOU should place the risk, too, with standard companies, such as are availa ble at the D. P. - Miller & Go. Fr 1 worth its face in gold. Apply at ouce. : 'VV-L.-. J. B. Oder, Representing D. P. MILLER & GO., Mining Journal Office, 82 East Union St., March 251 FROSTBURG. MB. Notice of Application for Retail Liquor Licenen WHEREAS, The following named persons have, in compliance with Chapter 140 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland for the year 1894, as amended by Chapter 415 of the Acts of 1902, being Article 1, and as amended by the Acts of 1904, and of the Acts of 1908, and of the Acts of 1910, Public Local Laws of Allegany County, filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Allegany Counnty, their Applications for Licenses to sell Spirit uous and Fermented Liquors at their places of business in Allegany County as below stated— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That all re monstrances against the issuance of Licenses to said Applicants must be filed with the undersigned WITHIN TWENTY DAYS after the filing of the Applications. J. W. YOUNG, Clerk. FILED THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1912 DONAHUE, EDWARD J —69 East Union street, Frostburg. Residence Frosfburg, Md. Owner of premises, Mrs. Ann Donahue. Notice of Application for Saloon License WHEREAS, The following named persons have, in compliance with Chapter 140 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland for the year 1894, as amended by Chapter 415 of the Acts of 1902, being Article 1, and as amended by the Acts of 1904 and of the Acts of 1908, and of the Acts of 1910, Public Local Laws of Allegany County, filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Allegany County, their Applications for Licenses to sell Spirit uous and Fermented Liquors at their places of business in Allegany County as below stated— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That all re monstrances against the issuance of Licenses to said Applicants must be filed with the undersigned within TWENTY DAYS after the filing of the Applications. J. W. YOUNG, Clerk. FILED FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1912 BARRY, JAMES J. —147 East Union street, Frost burg. Residence Eckhart Mines, Md. Owner of premises, Daniel Powell. “GRAUSTARK” P_ - - ~ 1 V J .'I if : i : k S K \L t : HILDA THACKERAY AS “ZETIVE” FROSTBURG OPERA HOUSE Thursday, Oct. 24,1912 Admission —35, 50 and 75 cents Children —25 cents Seats on Sale at Pearce’s