Newspaper Page Text
Mining Safe Journal. J. BENSON ODER, Editor FORTY-SECOND YEAR. NO. 7 ARMAGEDDON OF THE SCRIPTURES Startling Presentation ot Com ing Events. PASTOR RUSSELL’S VIEWS. Churches of All Denominations and the Civil Powers of Earth Are About to Unite In Common Cause —Powerful Influence Preparing For the Battle of Armageddon—A Reign of Anarchy Will Be the Result of the Warfare Until The Messiah Takes Control. Brooklyn, N. Y., I|| Brooklyn Academy 1! of 11 B * c wa s J crowded to tlie lim sjfllll. jgs J|| It today to hear J||| I* ast or Russell’s (PASTOR, R.USSELL] the Hebrew tongue Armageddo n." (Revelation xvi. lli.i The speaker said Armageddon in the Hebrew signifies the “Hill of Megiddo,” or Mount of De struction it was famous as a battle field in Old Testament times. The Lord has seen fit to associate the name Armageddon, with the great con troversy between Truth and Error, right and wrong, God and Mammon, with which this Age will close, perish, and the New Age of Messiah’s glory he ushered in. He has purposely used highly symbolical figures of speech in the last book of the Bible, evidently with a view to hiding certain impor tant truths until the due time for their revealment. But even in the due time, the Bible assures us. "None of the wicked shall understand” (Daniel xii, !), lOi-none who are out of heart har mony with God- but only the wise ot His people the "wise virgin” class ot the Master’s parable. 1 have long avoided presentation of m.v understanding of our text and its context 1 take it up now by request and because I believe it is due time to he understood. I disclaim any special inspiration. In some particulars my views agree witli those of other Bible students, and in other respects they disagree. Each hearer must use his own judgment, do his own Bible study, and reach his own conclusions. Kindly remember that 1 am not re sponsible for the figures of speech used by the Lord My Interpretations do in deed constitute a terrible arraignment of institutions which we have all rever enced and which embrace good people, of good words and good works God’s saintly people in these various institu tions. being comparatively few, are ignored when systems as a whole are dealt with in prophecy The Dragon, Beast, False Prophet. Our context tells us that three im pure spirits Teachings! will go forth from the mouths of the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet, and these three will he in accord, and symbolical ly the doctrines are represented by “frogs." These three doctrines are to have a mighty influence throughout the civilized earth They are to gather the kings and their armies to the great Battle of Armageddon. The ecclesiastical kings .and princes, and their retinues of clergy and faith ful adherents, will he gathered in solid phalanx-Protestant and Catholic. The kings and captains of industry, and as many as can he influenced by them, will he gathered to the same side. The political kings and princes, with all their henchmen and retainers, will fol low' in line on the same side The financial kings and merchant princes, and all whom they can influence by the most gigantic power ever yet exercis ed in the world, will join the same side, according to this prophecy. These “doctrines of demons.” repre sented by the "frogs,” will lead many noble people in this great army to as sume an attitude quite contrary to their preference. For a time the wheels of liberty and progress will he turned backward and medieval re straints wdll be considered necessary for self-preservation- for the mainte nance of the present order of things. In giving this interpretation, it is necessary for us to indicate what is symbolized by the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet. Bible students of nearly all denominations agree with us that the “Dragon" of Revelation represents the purely Civil Power. Protestant interpreters generally agree that the "Beast like a leopard" ißeve lation xiii. 2> represents the Papacy But fewer still, w'e fear, wdll he ready to support our view that Protestantism is tlie “Image of the Beast” (Revelation xiii. 15i in our context given another name, "the False Prophet." We urge no one to accept our interpretation, nor shall we think hard of any w'ho refuse it. We will neither slander nor otherwise injure them now. nor threat en them with eternal torture. They have the same right to their views that 1 have, and the same right to make them known to others. And 1. for one. will be very glad to consider any thing which opponents may set forth as their interpretations of our text. “Unclean Spirits Like Frogs.” The symbolisms of Scripture, right }y understood, are always forceful When the Holy Spirit used a "frog" to symbolically represent certain doctrines or teachings. we may be sure the true application wdll fit well. A frog has a sage look, a wise look It swells itself up in an apparent en deavor to impress the beholder, its great mouth well represents its chief power, used to croak. Applying these symbols, we learn that an evil spirit, influence, teaching, will come from the Protestant churches federated, from the Church of Rome, and from the Civil authorities, all In full agreement. The spirit of all will be boastful: an air of superior wisdom ind knowledge will he proudly assum ed-all wdll croak In harmony. All will tell of dire results that would follow, involving the Interests of both the present and the future life, if their counsel tie not followed However con dieting the creeds, the differences wdll be ignored in the general proposition that nothing ancient must be disturb ed. or looked into, or repudiated. The Divine authority of the Church, and the Divine right of kings, aside from the Church, will not be allowed to conflict. Any persons or teachings in conflict with these boastful and un scriptural claims wdll be branded as everything vile, at the mouths of these “frogs” speaking from pulpits and platforms and through the religious and secular press. The nobler sent! ments of some will be strangled by tbe philosophy of the same evil spirit which spoke through Caiaphas. the high priest, respecting Jesus. As Caia phas declared it expedient to commit a crime in violation of justice, human and Divine, to be rid of Jesus and His teachings, so this “frog” spirit wdll ap prove of every violation of principle necessary to their self-protection The croaking of these "frog" spirits or doctrines will gather the kings and princes, financial, political, religious and industrial into one great army. The spirit of fear, inspired by the croakings of these “frogs." will scourge the passions of otherwise good and reasonable men to fury, desperation In their blind following of these evil spirits, evil doctrines, they wdll he ready to sacrifice life and everything on the altar of what they mistakenly suppose Is justice, truth and righteous ness. under a Divine arrangement. For a brief rime, as we understand the Scriptures, these combined forces of Armageddon will triumph. Free speech, free mails, aud other liberties which have come to be the very breath of the masses iu our day. will be ruth lessly shut off under the plea of neces sity. tbe glory of God, the commands of the Church, etc. All will seem to be serene, until tbe great social explosion in our context described as the “great Earthquake" An "earthquake,” in symbolic' language, signifies social revolution, and the declaration of the context is that none like unto it ever before occurred. (Revelation xvl. 18. 19.1 Jesus described it as a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation. Matthew xxlv. 21. The Lord Will Gather Them. The false, frog-like teachings wdll gather together into one host the great, the rich, the wise, the learned aud the kings of the earth, to battle. At this juncture Divine Rower wdll step for ward, and our text tells us that Hh shall gather the marshaled hosts to Armageddon to the Mountain of De structiou The very thing which they sought to avert b.v their union, federa tion, etc., will he the very thing they will hasten Other Scriptures tell us that God will he represented by the Great Messiah, and that He will he on the side of (he masses. Thus we read in Daniel xii. 1: “At that time shall Michael |the Godlike One- Messiah] stand up’’ assume authority He wdll take possession of His Kingdom in a manner little looked for by many ot those who erroneously have been claiming that they were His Kingdom, aud authorized b.v Him to reign in His name gud in His stead. Jesus declared. “His servants ye are unto wdiom ye render service " Some may be rendering service to Satan ami to error, who claim to be rendering service to God and to righteousness: and some of these may be serving tg norantly. as did Saul of Tarsus, who “verily thought that he did God a serv ice” in persecuting the Church The same principle holds true reversely As an earthly king does not hold him self responsible for the moral character of each soldier who fights in his bat ties, so the Lord does not vouch for the moral character of all w’ho wdll enlist and tight on His side of any question "His servants they are to whom they render service," whatever the motive or object prompting them The same principles wdll apply in the coming Battle of Armageddon. God’s side of that battle will be the people’s side, and the very nondescript host the people, will be pitted at the begin ning of the battle. Anarchists. Social ists. and hot-headed radicals of every school of reason and unreason, will he in the forefront of that battle. The majority of the poor and the middle class prefer peace at almost any price. A comparatively small number. God’s consecrated people, wdll at heart be longing for Messiah’s Kingdom These will hide the Lord's time and w r ait pa tiently for it: they will he of good courage, knowing the outcome outlined in the “more sure word of prophecy,” to which they have done well to take heed, “as unto a light shining in a dark place until the Day dawn II Peter 1. 19 The masses will be restless of their restraints, hut will be conscious of their own weakness as compared to the kings and princes, financial, religious and political, which will then hold sway. Besides, the. masses have no sympathy with anarchy. They realize truly that the worst form of govern ment is better than none. The masses will seek relief through the ballot and I peaceful re-adjustment of earth’s at- ; fairs for the elimination -of evil, fin 7 1 FROST-BURG, MD, SATURDAY", NOVEMBER 9, 1912 the placing of monopolies and utilities and the supplies of nature in i he hands of the people for the public good l’he crisis will he reached when the hither-’ to upholders of law shall heeome vio lators of the law and resisters of the will of the majority as expressed by the ballot. Fear for the future will lead the well meaning masses to desper ation; and anarchy will result when Socialism fails The Cloud’s Silver Lining. Horrible would !■ this outlook for the future did we not have the infalli ble Word of God assuring us of a glorious outcome! Divine Wisdom has withheld until our day the great knowl edge and skill which Is at the same time breeding millionaires and discon tents. Had God lifted the veil a thou sand years sooner, the world would have lined up for its Armageddon a thousand years sooner But that would have been too soon for the Di vine purpose, because Messiah's King dom is to he the great Thousaml- Y ear-Rah ha th of the world's history. God in kindness veiled our eyes until the time when the gathering to Ar mageddon would immediately precede Messiah’s taking to Himself His great power, and beginning His reign.—Reve lation xi, 17. 18. “Send Them Strong Delusions.” St. Paul wrote prophetically of our time, that it would be one of serious trial and testing to many professing to be Christians. The reason for this he states—they received not the Truth in the love of it (II Thessalonians ii, 10. 11. l They preferred their own errone ous theories, the Apostle explains, and therefore God will give them over to a "strong delusion.” and let them believe the lie which they preferred, and let them suffer for missing the Truth which they did not love Thus they will be in the condemned host, "fight ing against God.” because of their lack of love for the Truth It is sad to say that we all as Chris tians have been laboring under a thor ough delusion respecting God’s Plan. We have claimed that Christ set up His Church in Kingdom power, and that the Church has been reigning on the earth as His representative. On the strength of this delusion, Jews and heretics have been persecuted to death as opponents to Christ’s Kingdom. All the while we thoughtlessly repeated the Lord’s prayer: "Thy Kingdom come: Th.v'will tie done on earth, as in Heaven.” We knew that the Redeemer said that He would come again to make us His Bride and joint-heirs: but we ignored the Scriptures We were drunk, as the Scriptures symbolically say. "all nations were drunk” with the false doctrine. It Is this false doctrine that will constitute the “frog" spirit which soon will begin to croak and to prepare for Armageddon The Bible presentation is that the world is a section of the universe in rebellion against Divine authority, un der the captaincy of Satan and his us sociated fallen angels. B.v Divine grace Jesus has already “tasted death for every man.” and the merit of that sac rifice must, eventually, grant Adam and his posterity a full, fair opportunity for the attainment of everlasting life. All wlio thus see the Divine program and are walking in the light may know something at least respecting the “times and seasons' These brethren “are not in darkness, that that day land that battle of Armageddon 1 should overtake" them "as a thief” -un a wares. Armageddon Not Yet but Soon. For forty years the Armageddon forces have been mustering for both sides of the ronttiet Strikes, lockouts and riots, great and small, have been merely incidental skirmishes as the belligerent parties crossed each other’s paths. Court and Army scandals in Europe, Insurance. Trust and Court scandals in America, have shaken pith lit- confidence Dynamite plots, charg ed by turns on employees and on cm plo.vers. have further shaken conti deuce and tended to make each dis trustful of the other Bitter and angry feelings on both sides are more and more manifest. The lines of battle are daily becoming more distinctly marked Nevertheless Armageddon cannot yet be fought. Other matters intervene, according to prophecy. Geutile times have still two years Ao run The “Image of the Beast” of ■. ur context must yet receive life— power The Image must be transformed from a mere mechanism to a living force Protestant Federation realizes that its organization will still be futile unless It receive vitalization—unless its clergy directly or indirectly shall be- recog nized as possessed of apostolic ordina lion and authority to teach. This the prophecy indicates will come from the two horned beast, which, we believe, symbolically represents the Church of England. High-handed activities of Protestantism and Catholicism, operat ing In conjunction for the suppression of human liberties, await this vivifying of the Image. This ma'J’ come soon, but Armageddon cannot precede it, but must follow — perhaps a year after it. according to our view of the Prophecy Still another thing intervenes: Al though the Jews are gradually flowing Into Palestine, gradually obtaining con trol of the land of Canaan, and al though reports say that already nine teen millionaires are there, neverthe less prophecy requires an evidently larger number of wealthy Hebrews to be there before the Armageddon crisis be reached. Indeed we understand that “Jacob’s trouble” tn the Holy Land will come at the very close of Armageddon. Then Messiah’s King dom will begin to be manifested Thenceforth Israel in the land of prom ise will gradually rise from tbe ashes of the past to the grandeur of proph ecy. Through Its Divinely appointed I princes Messiah’s Kingdom, all-power | ful but invisible, will begin to roll way the curse and ho.lift up mankind, 1 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER, The Smith Family Reunion. One day my Ma she sez —“John, don’t you know That nowadays it is the latest style For folks to hunt up all their kith an’ kin An’ have re-unions every little while?” Sez she—“the Thompsons, they did, an’ the Browns, An’, my ! how all them wimmiti put on airs When they drove past an’ seen me settin’ out ! I’m sure our family’s just as good as their’s !” An’ Ma jest chewed the rag till Pa he seen That she had got her mind completely sot; An’ so he sez —“we might as well give in, ’Cause she wont budge one tittle ner a jot!” Then Ma wuz glad, an’ worked jest like a Turk; She fix’d our clothes and press’d Pa’s Sunday pants; An’ me an’ Fred, wuz run almost to death A-gettin’ word to our uncles an’ our aunts. An’ Ma she cook’d three chickens an’ a ham, Bak’d cakes an’ pies, an’ sech a lot of stuff That even me an’ Fred, sed she could stop, ’Cause we really thought that there would be enough. An’ when we all got ready for to start, The other folks all come an’ formed in line Before our house ! Gee ! how the neighbors stared, For take it from me —we surely did look fine ! Pa an’ us boys wuz rigged like Christmas trees; The girls had frills and furbelows galore ; Ma had her hair done in a “sykee” knot! Pa sed she never look’d so sweet before ! An’ then our whole gang drove out to the park, An’ set aroun’ in rows, an’ et, an’ et So hard that we ’most busted on the spot!—: Our eats wuz of the finest, you can bet ! Our re-union surely wuz a swell affair, Though it took an awful lot of work and fuss; But if you’d a-seen us goin’ you’d a-sed That there wuz surely plenty class to us ! Sara Roberta Getty. 1882 1912 \ THIRTY YEARS AGO. f j The Items Below Were Current During Week Ending November 18, 1882. A review of the official returns de veloped no appreciable differences from the election reports given in Journal of November Uth. Cards out for a wedding at Grace M. E. Church, South, Tuesday, No vember 21st. Diphtheria still prevailing. Several cases developed in and near Midland, and one death —a child of Dr. and Mrs. Smith. •At residence of bride’s parents, on Broadway, 6 % o’clock Wednesday morning, November 22, 1882, Miss Kate G. Hamill, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. C. H. Hamill. was married to Mr. N. M- Dean, by Rev. Dr. J. Ruhl. Dr. W. H. Ravenscraft, Mayor, was called from his chair in the Council Chamber to his home Monday evening. Wondering what was “up,” he found “a surprise part} 7 ” comprising the membership of the English Baptist Church in full possession of his house. The party informed him that they had called to attest their esteem for him and family on the eve of separation by presenting Mrs. Ravenscraft an ele gant silver fruit stand. On the part of Mrs. R. , the doctor accepted it gracefully and gratefully. Dr. G. W. Weiner, formerly of Bal timore, died in Denver, Colorado, aged 29, from gas suffocation. He was a cousin of Mrs. Ida Stern, of this place. David W. Sloan, State’s Attorney, was married in St. Louis, Missouri, Tuesday, November 14, 1882. Miss Mary Lamar Good, of that city, was the bride. Among the ushers were Col. Henry J. Johnson, editor of the News; Robert McDonald, and Capt. W. O. Hoffman, all of Cumberland. Miss Agnes Sloan, of Lonaconing, and Dr. George Sloan, of lowa, were among the guests. Dr. W. H. Ravenscraft’s family left for Parkersburg, W. Va., their future home, Wednesday, November 15th. The doctor was twice elected Mayor of Frostburg. William B. Jones, of Youngstown, O. and Morris G. Thomas, of Pitts burg, Pa., visited their former homes here, the latter ill. The Journal met Prof. Thomas Jef ferson Nimrao, formerly of Frostburg, on the train between. Frostburg and Cumberland. He had enjoyed a suc cessful summer’s run at Oakland and was now on his way to fill the winter’s schedule at Salisbury, Pa. In reply to interrogations concerning his busi ness he delivered an oration which lasted from Morantown to Corrigans ville. A few extracts follow: “My opportunities for studying physiognomy and analyzing character are immense, though the technical terms for such guff waft a little too high for my prattle. “I can gamble on S points, however, and win the 95 in guessing what a galoot is made of; what he wants— from face, profile or oblique—full length, half-bust or squat; what’s His A Poser. “He who puts his hand to the plow,” screamed the cross-roads ora tor, “must not turn back!” “Wliat is he to do when he gets to the end of a furrer?” asked the auditor in the blue jean 11 •. —Youth’s Companion. - money basis—this after ordering him i to make a 75 per cent, depos. on neg.; i residuum C. O. D., and how much of him’s solid and how much natural gas. : “No only-dime-in-pocket - business done in this here studio nor any other breed of fiat-bustedness 1 tolerated on or about these here prem ises. 1 “On these terms, ladies and gentle men, permit me to size you up en carte, i cabinet, Bxlo—life or heroic!” 7 The great professor also rejoiced ; over the results of the election. 1 Said he— “ The country is rapidly adopting the platform of Nimmo’s ranche, and 7 I am glad of it, for I tell you when it 1 has fully done so, it will be a cold 20th • century for loot-dickerers and lush i eaters.” ; At regular meeting of Council, Mon -1 day evening, J. S. Metzger, clerk, • read Mayor Ravenscraft’s resignation; 1 Councilman EnOch Clise was elected 1 Mayor pro tem; a special election or dered to be held Monday, November 27th, and Messrs. George Hosken, A. 1 A. Rogers and John B. McCulloh ap- pointed the judges. Bernard Kenney, 18 years old, driver in Borden Shaft, was killed by 1 a fall of roof Tuesday, November 1 14, 1882. A coroner’s jury returned a ■ verdict that the accident was unavoid , able. 7 A fair Virginia lady sent the Jour -5 nal a sack of “Milam” apples —“an ’ old but incomparable brand of fruit.” “God loves man when he refrains from sin; The devil loves him when he persists therein; The world loves man when riches on him blow - And we’ll love you when you pay us what you owe.” Borden Shaft'boys announced a r grand ball in Paul’s Opera House for Monday, November 20th. Borden Shaft idle owing to a de mand by drivers of a raise of wages . from $1.65 to $2 a day. Judge Pearre drew the jury for the January term of Court, in part com prising W. H. Carson, William Slee j man, John Peebles, John Laird, jr., D. G. Percy, William Orr, sr., Reuben j Anthony, A. B. Shaw, N. S. Frost, . Peter Payne, Frank C. Beall, John . Sommerville, jr., Patrick Hoye, Adam Barth and Edward Shockey. i The heirs of the.late Robert Clai'ke - McCulloh obtained a verdict against the Blasn Avon Coal Company for ( $8,700. Major Alex. Shaw, with a r mortgage, sought to sell the property, 1 but Judge Alvey granted and finally ) made perpetual an injunction pre venting the sale. , William B. Baird, W. S. Burton, i David T. Hill, William Stevens, J. M. - Zimmerly and Joseph Bear were - among officers-elect of Mountain 3 Spring Lodge, No. 12, I. O. G. T. Here Is a Pun. > Kitty—My brother Cornelius has - been calling on Miss Chilleigh for j over a year. Marie —Is he going to i marry her? Kitty—l don’t know. I’m i afraid she’s rather too cold to make Corn pop. Generous Miners. A committee of about 25, represent ing the miners of Hoffman, called upon Thomas M. Price, late foreman of the mine, Thursday evening of last week and presented him with a splendid gold watch and chain as a mark of their esteem. Jabez J. Mealing made the presen tation address, paying high tribute to Mr. Price’s character as a fair and just director and supervisor of their work. He had known Mr. Price, too, since boyhood, and was proud to testi fy to his consistently honest life. Mr. Price, taken by surprise, found it difficult to respond, but his manner indicated that he was deeply touched. John J. Price, Mayor of the town and brother of Thomas M., expressed his pleasure at the good feeling mani fested by the Hoffman gentlemen. It was a most delightful incident. Pastoral, Athletic aad Matrimonial Successes. The Congregational parish at Ches ter, N. J., recently tendered Rev. and Mrs. J. Lewis Evans a reception sub stantialized with the gift of a well filled purse. J. Raymond Evans, son, is now a student of LaFayette College. Dur ing his last year at the Chester High School he took the largest number of prizes in the study of athletics. Lawrence, another son, was married Thursday, October 24th, last, the bride being one of Bayonne’s (N. J.) pretty girls. FORCE OF HABIT. g Father—Now, If you ask me one sin gle question more I'll send you to bed — A Good Publication. The Journal has received from the Bureau of Mines, Department of In terior, Washington, D. C., “Miners Circular 9,” treating of “Accidents From Falls of Roof and Coal,” by George S. Rice. In one place Mr. Rice says that it is his belief “that most falls of roof, coal, and ‘slate’ are unnecessary.” Further on he asks— “ How can you, the miner, escape harm from a fall of roof in your work ing-place?” The answer is— “Be careful!” Hence, in one juncture he enjoins the miner thus: “Do not take the risk of finishing a cut, or loading a car, before putting up a prop. A moment’s delay may cost your life!” He justifies this sort of talk by af firming that “frequently a miner says to himself — “I will load another car before timbering;’ or ‘I will set a temporary post’—that is a post without a cap piece and not in the right position. Sometimes, too, a miner says— “ The top is good, I have been a miner twenty years, and know when to set a post, giving the foreman or boss to understand that instructions are not needed.” The document is evidently of great value to both operator and miner, and each should have one—if for nothing else, as a reminder of a duty always present when work is going. Over-The-Rlver News. A Patterson’s-Creek correspondent of the Keyser (W. Va.) Tribune fur nished that paper last week one “coming event:” “There will be an old-time singing bee in the church next Sunday. Un cle Hiram Root, who is about the same, will pitch the tunes.” Also this fashion note : “Miss Laurel Root attended the missionary meeting at Junction last Sunday. She wore a dress of pinque lambrequin over white lingerie trimmed with white applique lace.” Later Miss Laurel got into trouble by disobeying the order of the Foreign Women’s Society of Missionaries who delegated her to see that the annual contribution for this year, $2.73, be sent to Siam. But in the meeting at Junction she was persuaded to let it go to Korea. The indignation meeting which fol lowed grew out of the disappointment of the older members who recollected the time when the Siamese Twins were in this country, and as no duplex Korean offspring had ever come here, the donation going in that direction | didn’t look like missionary reciprocity. HENRY P. COOK, Manager WHOLE NUMBER 2,144 Forgot the Hog. The Frostburg bureau of the Cum berland Times thinks it has “scored one” on the Journal: “Yer gotta have milk, and the far ther you drive the cow away the more yer gotta pay for it.” The bureau should read Emerson’s essay upon “Compensation” and then become content with reform. The Journai, believes that the policy of taxing people with special assessments for pretty streets, and then allowing cows to run over them ad libitum is a rank injustice multiplied by two. It also believes that the street cleaning department would cost 25 or 50 per cent, less by keeping cows where they belong—out of town. “Thirty Years Ago” the Journai, bitterly opposed the keep of hogs in town—for the particular reason that hog-pens are the nurseries of diph theria, so pronounced by the best Frostburg doctor in 1882, when diph theria was epidemic. On this foundation the Journal waged its battle until at last an Ordi nance was passed making hog-pens unlawful. Meanwhile, the Journal lost scores of subscribers, comprising those who wanted to keep hogs in spite of the known fact that they are a menace to public health. The hog is just as “useful” and “friendly” to the town as the cow, but the bureau hasn’t indulged a single tear of sorrow over the poor, dear, ex patriated hog! And yet— Yer gotta have middlin’, an’ the farther you drive the shoat away the more yer gotta pay for spare-ribs an’ gravy! Barred From Popularity. “We want a man for leader who knows all about the tariff, the cur rency and the methods of railways and corporations.” "No, we don’t," replied the practical campaigner. "A man who learned all that would never have time to go around shaking hands or relating humorous anecdotes." # Foot-Ball Shakspearlaua. “Down ! Down !” —Henry VI. “Well placed.”—Henry V. “An excellent pass.’’-The Tempest. “A touch, a touch, I do confess.” — Hamlet. “I do commend you to their backs.” —Macbeth. “More rushes! More rushes!”— Henry IV. “Pell mell, down with them!”— Dove’s Eabor Lost. “This shouldering of each other.” —Henry VI. “Being down I have placing.”—- Cymbeline. “Let him not pass, but kill him rather!”—Othello. “’Tis sport to maul a runner.”— Antony and Cleopatra. “I’ll catch it ere it come to ground.” —Macbeth. “We must have bloody noses and cracked crowns.”—Henry IV. “Worthy sir, thou bleedest j thy ex ercise hath been too violent.”—Corio lanus. “It’s the first time that I ever heard breaking of ribs was sport.”—As You Like It Boston (Mass.) Transcript. NOTHING DOING. She—They had planned an Ideal married life —love In a cottage and all that, you know. Le—well, why didn’t they carry It outT She—The agent of the cottage In sisted upon rent In advance. Journalistic. The owners of the Baltimore Sun have advised the Journal that they will not exact publication of their prospectus from Maryland newspapers in charge for the difference in the cost of dailies and weeklies, but that they will enter the Journal on their ex change list of both morning and even ing editions. This means twelve papers for one—a concession which i the Journal certainly appreciates. The Cumberland American last week announced the purpose of its owners to make it a daily publication, : independent in all things, first issue to appear during next month. So far as published the management com : prises Frank L. Geary, current editor; F. N. Zihlman, J. William Wickard, ; Harry Irvine, Conrad J. Herpich, and : a Baltimore gentleman whose name has not been given out. Three dailies i in Cumberland will make newspaper competition very brisk in that town.