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Image provided by: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
Newspaper Page Text
THE TRANSCRIPT SUPPLEMENT. AUSTIN, WKDNESDAf, DEC. 9, 1885. The following piece of good advice from Peter Cooper should be heeded by business men in every city in the country: "In all towns where a newspaper is pub lished, every man should advertise, even if nothing more than a card telling his name and the business in which ke is en gaged. It not. ouly pays the advertiser, but lets people at a distance know that the town you reside in has a prosperous class of business men." Well, great minds often run in the same channel. We have thought just this same thing many times. If every business house in Austin was represented in its newspapers it would certainly be of greater benefit to the city and its business men than to the publishers. It would only mean a few dollars to the editors, but it would tell abroad more of the pros perity of our city than any other means could possibly do. Good Results In Kvery Case. D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper deal er of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes, that lie was seriously afflieted with a severe cold that settled on his lungs had tried many remedies without benefit. Being induced t© try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, did s«, and was entire ly cured by use of a few bottles. Since which time he has used it in his family for all Coughs and Colds with best results. This is the experience of thousands whose lives have been saved by this Wonderful Discovery. Trial bottle free at Dorr & Wold's Drug Store. 5 ICAILROAD TIME TABLES AT AUSTIN. Chicago, Milwaukee Sc St. Paul. T,v. for McOrogor, Mil., Chi. and the east... 1:40 "... 9:45 LaCrosqe, Chicago and the east. ...2:45 pin Bt. Paul and Minneapolis 4:60 a 2:45 Mason City 3:10 pm 9:40 pm Arrive from Chi., Mil. and McGregor 2:25 4:40 a Bt. Paul and Minneapolis 1:15 pm 9 8 0 Mason City 4.30 am 1:53 Joint? east, freight 9:30 am Uoing north, 7:30 am 12:05 pm 11:45 pm ForMasonCity 8:00 a 4:05 pin C. It. COLEMAN, Agent, Austin, Minn. A. V. 11. CABPENTEB, Q-n'l Pass, and Ticket Agent. Minnesota St northwestern. !oing North—+Chic4goPassenger. 4:08 am Accommodation Passenger. 7:30 a "Chicago and St. Louis Mail.4:03 "Freight 6:80 a "Freight 8:40 am "Freight 9:10 pin Going South—"Chicago and Bt Louis Mail. 11:45 a "Accommodation Passenger 8:20 (Chicago Passenger 10:15 pm "Freight 6:00 pm "Freight 7:57 "Freight 3:15 a Daily except Sunday, Daily except Monday. Daily except Saturday. No change of cars between St. Paul, Waterloo, Du bnque and Chicago. Through tickets, north, south, east and west. O. B. JOHNSON. Agent. Austin. 2?Z^.SJO-S*OZITBS. UNEQUALLED IN Tirae,M,Vt)rtaM &Mility. mT-LIAM KTVABI? ft CO. To.x. nnrt aXI West Baltimore Street, Baltimore. No. l'ifth Avenue, New York. ADVERTISERS! send for our select list of Local Newspapeis. Gvo. P. Rowell Co., 10 Spruce St., N. Y. TUESDAY, Dec. 8, 1885. Icfiri, Tie tar. PAYS TO-DAY Butler—Dairy Tubs, he Lard, Potatoes, 15 to 20 Rolls and Jars, 10 to 17 & DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HATS, CATV, BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY, GLA3SWARE, CIGARS, TOCACCO, &C., fcC. We have also added a line of 5, 10 and 25c counters, which will always be found full and complete. J^Produce taken in Exchange. CALL AND SEE THEM At the Double Store, in Mc- Clelland Block, MAIN STREET, AUSTIN, MINN. THE That is the name of our Latest and Most Comfortable Ladies in this City who have never before been able to obtain in Easy-Fitting Corset testify to the superiority of the Fit and Comfort of this Corset. We have never before handled a Corset which has met with so Heady a Sale, or given such perfect satisfaction. PRICE, $1.00. Ask for the "Comfort Hip." J. S0LNER &C0.