Newspaper Page Text
McBRIDE, THE GROCER Has a Present for every Cus tomer. Come in and Select Yours while the as sortment is good. This is not a premium, but a Token of Good-willand Friendship My Trade. ..." il" to MCBRIDE, THE GROCER. THE TRANSCRIPT WITH SUPPLEMENT. Intend utieoni-dui matter at the pott office at Austin, Minnesota. 0. H. DAVIDSON, Editor and Proprietor. AUSTIN. WEDNESDAY. DEC. 15, 188ft. RETIRED. It was reported not maoy days ago that Jay Gould had retired from the stock market. Last Tuesday it was reported that Vanderbilt had retired—yes, God sent his owa swift, sure messenger to serve the summons of withdrawal —and there was no buying off. His $200,000. 000 of weath had no effect with this King of Kings, into whose presence he had been summoned. In His presence costly robes, nor stocks, nor silver, nor gold, cannot avail, and William H. Vanderbilt stands there as powerless, as weak as a pauper's babe. The great stock-dealer's last articulate words were of stocks, and with them upon his lips, he suddenly fell away into the arms of Death. A few short days ago, Vanderbilt was one of the great financial kings of the earth—the greatest, it is said, of the Americas. His word would have stood with the world. A nation listened when he spoke. To-day, is there a man so poor that he would change places with him? Is there a pauper that would give in ex change his rags for Vanderbilt's coffin? Vanderbilt had an annual ineome of $10,000,000. or about $28,000 a day. He wielded the power of wealth, and it was mighty, but where is he to-day? And so we ponder, and ask ourselves, if, after all, this struggle for wealth pays? The poor man who goes about his honest daily toil, who has enough to eat and enough to wear, whose health is good, whose appe tite is good, whose sleep is sweet, peace ful and refreshing, is he not happier than a Vanderbilt? And so again we say, does it pay you, business man, to make the struggle that many do make in their haste to be rich? Does it pay to sacrifice health, and many times conscience, and principle, and friends, and peace, yes— and heaven? How many, yes, how many, in the struggle for wealth, sacrific every thing—everything. How many cruelties are practiced, how much suffering caused, how many hearts made to bleed, how many innocent opes have been tortured through this selfish, heartless struggle for wealth I Do you think it pays to take the last bushel of wheat, the last span of horses, to take the last cow from your more unfortunate neighbor, even though it be for an honest debt. Dees it pay— when you remember that for the measure you mete it shall be measured to you again? The death of this great money king, with whom the poorest would not now change places, should be a lesson, it seems to us, to the living, to think less of wealth, to think more about doing good, to think more about the kindnesses and humani ties of life, more about helping one another, more about making life more worth the living. Vanderbilt, stripped of all his wealth, stands utterly defenceless, in the presence of the ever living God, stands in the pres ence of a court where even one kind, ten der, hnman, Chnstlike act, outweighs his whole $260,000,000 stands before a court where dollars do not count, but where good deeds shine like stars in the firma ment, not one forgotten or obscure. Let us heed this lesson at the beginning of the new year. In a few days, dear readers, we must each one of us stand before this same court. Then let us try more ear nestly to do the things here that will help us there. Let us try to lay up heavenly treasure, to accumulate a wealth of good deeds, which will count on the other side, and by so doing, we shall be much happier here, please God, and win eternal life. How FAST old Father Time is taking us along!—and how he hurries us too. He did not use to bring the seasons around so swiftly. But here we are, the last week before Christmas. Good bye lovely spring-time, beautiful summer-time, dear autumn—good-bye. Good-bye, too, dear old year, 1885. Buds and blossoms, flowers and fruits, will all come again but the treasures of 1885 *ill never come back and we are one year nearer the Father's House than we've ever been before. A CURIOUS circumstance is reported from Virginia. A lady had twelve stands of bees which were very valuable until a distillery was started in the neighbor hood. Since then the bees fly over there and get very drunk. They are now eating up what lioney they had on hand, and refuse to make any more.— Ex. That's the way the humans do. DAKOTA—all honor to her—proposes to come into the Union a sober state. RAILROAD KKIF8. It is said that the Illinois Central Co will soon move all of their effects from Mona to Lyle. The new engine house will be used by all three companies—111. Central, M. AN. W. and Central Iowa. The Milwaukee R. R. Co. has publish ed their new tariff of flat rates on grain in car loads between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Minnesota Transfer, and points in Iowa, Minnesota and Dakota, in cents, per 100 pounds of wheat, flour or flax-seed: Austin 18 cents, Lyle 19, Varco 14, Rose Creek 14, LeRov 16. Blooming Prairie 12, Albert Lea 15, Faribault 9, Northfield 8. Owatonna 11, Ac. Under anew rulhng, which took effect Dec. 1st, the monthly compensation of freight conductors ana brakemen on the Illinois Central R. R. will be based on a mileage of 2.000 miles per month. The salary of brakemen for the first vear is fixed at $45 per month and $50 for the second year. Freight conductors receive $60.50 per month for the first year, and $71.25 for the second, and $75.00 after the second year. Each conductor and brakeman has to make 2,600 miles to earn a month's pay, and no one can receive extra pay unless their total mileage ex ceeds 2,800 milles. Some people who profess to know whereof they speak, aver that the new railroad, which Riceville is so confident of securing next season, will run from that town to Lyle. by wav of Stacyville, to intersect with the Minnesota and Northwestern. While it is possible that the new road may take this route it is almighty probable that it will not do anything of the kind. Mr. Stickney, the snpposed owner of the road, has already made a loan of $16,000 per mile from Hayfield, Dodge county, Minn., to a Ef oint fifty miles this side of Dubuque, the new line of road is built on its present survey, it will pass about nine miles east of Stacyville, cross the Mil waukee & St. Paul at Taopi and run due north to Hayfield. That this road will be built there seems to be no doubt at {y •resent, as work is now being vigorous pushed from Dubuque northward.— 8t. Antgar Enterprise. Royal Blood. We are all kings and queens in this country, and we have aright to as good blood as that which courses through the veins of emperors. If the blood is poor and the cheeks are pale, it is well known that Brown's Iron Bitters is the great tonic which willgive color, vigor, and vitality. Mr. M. Gibson, of West Point, Miss., says, "I felt weak and de bilitated. Brown's Iron Bitters made me strong and wdl," •••mm VBOK CALIFORNIA. NATIONAL CITY, Cal., Nov. 22,1885. TRANSCRIPT:—Well, after a pleasant trip, we arrived in National City last Wednesday morning. On our, way we stopped a few days in Los Angeles^ Found a very fine city, surrounded by groves of oranges, lemons, apples, and walnut trees on all sides. Sunday went up to Santa Monica, and stopped over night with Mr. Henry Webb well known in Austin and Lansing found them all well, and received a. cordial welcome. On Sunday night it began to rain, and how it did come down, without the aid of any thunder or lightning, but a silent rush. The ground was all ready for it, and eagerly drank all that fell, and up to this time it has rained every day, and the ground is getting well soak ed. The grass and vegetation of all kinds is springing up rapidly, and soon the hills will be covered with a fresh coat of green. Have been making garden to-day. Shall soon look for green peas and many other vegetables. We found quite a good supply of fruit left here yet. Grapes quite plenty, ap ples, pears, oranges, &c. There will be quite a large amount of Sinnesota ain sown this season, down where the people have located. There will also be a large amount of fruit trees put out. Yesterday saw Mr. F. Lohman, from the Big Otog Mesa, who says the vegeta tion is starting rapidly down there also says there will be several hundred acres of new land put into grain this season. Mr. Fred Condo of Udolpho, is stop ping with him. and is likely to locate in that section of the country. Mr. Condo can see a chance there for the large fields of grain be is used to seeing in Minnesota. Our little town is well filled up, and new arrivals every day. It now looks as if the country would all be soon set tled up, and that land which is now very high would goon be out of reach but there is still plenty left, by going a few miles for it. If you would like to know what sort of weather we are now hav ing, just imagine one of the loveliest spring days you can remember of enjoy ing, and you will probably come very near the weather we are having, here to day. Shall go out around the country next week, and take a look at the im provements that have been made within the last two months and will then let you know what I think of our prospects. —I have had no remedy for rheuma tism which has given such general satis faction in eighteen years experience in the drug business as yours for rheuma tism and neuralgia—Athlophoros. R. S. Armstrong, M. D., druggist, Chelsea, Mich REV. SAM JONES says, "Grace, grit and greenbacks will win in almost any race Men of sedentary habits, students and professional men need a tonic to invigor ate their systems that have become de bilitated by too close application to busi ness or from other causes. Rev. Geo. W. Staley, of Shelbyville, Ky., suffered ten years from dyspepsia, and at last was compelled to abandon his vocation. He was advised to use Mishler's Herb Bitters. He did so and was cured. Miraculous Escape. W. W. Reed, druggist, of Winchester, Ind., writes: "One of my customers, Mrs. Louisa Pike, Bartonia, Randolph Co., Ind., was along sufferer with Con sumption, and was given up to die by her physicians. She heard of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and began buying it of me. In six months' time she walked to this city, a distance of six miles, and is now so much improv ed she has quit using it. She feels she owes her life to it." Free trial bottles at Dorr & Wold's Drug Store. 6 Care tor Piles. Files are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in tbe back, loins, and lower part of tbe abdomen, causing tbe patient to suppose be bas some affection of tbe kidneys or neigh boring organs. At times, symptoms of indi gestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, eto. A moisture like perspira tion, producing a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a common attendant. Blind, Bleedtngand Itching Piles yield at once to tbe application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Rem edy, which acts direotly upon tbe parts affect ed, absorbing the tumors, allaying the intense itching, and effecting a permanent cure, Price 60 cents. Address the Dr. Bosanko Med ioine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by Mills St Johnson MARRIED. MOGAN—BERG—In Austin, Minn., Dec. IS by Rev. W. E. Stanley, Michael Mogan, oi Green County, Wis., and Laura M. Berg, of Mitchell County, Iowa. GO TO THE Variety Store FOR HOLIDAY HOODS! NOTIONS, GLASSWARE, TOYS, 5 and 10c, GOODS, CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS, NUTS, ETC., AT THE LOWEST PRICES! OYSTER 8TEWS, FIFTEEN CTS. OYSTERS BY THE CAN. %3T\ door North of Opera House Block. A. B. PARKER. S. O. OLSON IS mm PRICES IN QUALITY OF GOODS GUARANTEED. A BIG STOCK-TO MEET AMY AND ALL COMPETITION. HERE TOU WILL FIND A Fine Line of Steel Engravings, Willow Rockers, Patent Rockers, Foot-Stools, Children's Chairs in End less Variety, The Reed Chair, so fashionable, Parlor Tables, with or without Marble Tops. Upholstered Easy Chairs. In fact, a full and large Assortment of FURNITURE, Of all Kinds, and at Prices to Win. S. C. OLSON, Double Store, South Side Public Square. I in I a I An TOT afflicted with DEAf Ak 11\| NKSf You can be made to I I L»#il II1 VI hear all ordinary conversation and often the slightest wtuxpv distinctly. Thousands now cored. Costs nothing to investigate. For par ticulars address, with stamp, DR. G. B. BRIGDE N"• lE&JSP- RESTORED WANTED—Ladies to work for ua at their awn homea. n|7to flO per week can be qaieUy made. No ako to painting no canvassing. For full particulars, please add: Box 61?t. kl/*\ A IT—The Buttta* Friaad, sure WU IwMlwlCaadpositive canteCktank, and kindred txoobtas. We warrant it. By mail 6Cc •a* ft. 8eod for testimonials, bun Ooapond iac&,r.O.BnUS,Eii«IBl,lUa.r* And Many Others. NEW STORE! NEW STOCK THE NEW BIG- CUT IN BOOKS For Holiday Presents, AT Look at These Prices: Tour Choice of over 100 Books, handsomely bound in cloth, large, clear print, sold else where for 75c, Only 30c. The lie Poets, Superbly bound in Cloth, Gilt Edges, and Illustrated, worth $1.25, Only 69c, Mrs. Browning, Burns, Byron, Dante, Favorite Poems, Goethe, Hemans, lngelow, Lucile, Meredith, Moore, Proctor, Schiller, Scott, Shakespeare, Tennyson, And many others. A Large Assortment of Toys, Dolls, and Dressing Cases Family Bibles Fine Line of Albums, at wholesale prices Oil Paintings for $1.00 Reward and Sunday School Cards—special prices to Sunday Schools. Mills & Johnson, A -OF-- Baseoml) & Hall Will be open to the People of Austin and Vicinity on Wednesday, Dec. 16th, '85. We invite all to call and see our Stock of STAPLE and FA5JGY GROCERIES. We Have also a Large Stock of CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE! At tne Very Lowest Market Prices. Our Stock of FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY FOB THE HOLIDAY TRADE! Will be Complete. We shall make a Specialty of TEAS, COFFEES Adam Bede, .lEsop's Fables, Book of 8nob8, Children of the Abbey, Complete Letter Writer, Dickens' Child's HiBtory of England, Don Quixote, East Lynne, Felix Holt, Fern Leaves, Grimm's Fairy Tales, Gulliver's Travels, Ivanhoe. Jane Eyre, John Halifax, Last Days of Pompeii, Mill on the Floss, Robinson Crusoe, Romola, Scottish Chiefs, Swiss Family Robinson, Thaddeus or Warsaw, Tom Brown's School Days„ Vanity Fair, KM It will cost you nothing to see what we keep, aud we promise you will find our assortment boih Large and Complete, and PRICES UNQUESTIONABLY LOW We Hope to Merit a Share of the Trade. BASCOMB & HALL, THE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. °oin money who Edl Dr. Chase's Fam O ily Physician and Receipt Book—new and improved edition. Three thousand sold in one month. Ii the beet book published for the house hold. Contains 660 pages. Price $9. Address the CHASE PUBLISHING CO., Toledo, O. tyjNSUMPTION. llTaayoiWtTe t»—dj for miWredlwiM Witt tlmwite of mil of the went kind and of lint etaadlag have beea oared. Indeed. seetraaglsmyfUta la Itaatfcacy.that I will oondTWO BOTTLK3 FBU, •efatkerwitb a VALUABLCTKIATISJ on this disease Hujnftnt. Give express and T. O. addr a*. SB. T. A. SLOCCM.W TsarlSt., Mow Tork. A GIFT Send 10 cents postage, and we will mail yon free a royal, valuable, sample box of goods that will put yon in the way of making More moneff at onoe than anything rise in America. Both sexea of all ages can lire at home pad work in spare time, or all the time. Capital not required. We will start you. Tmmrae» pay mm for thoee who start-at once. Sxnrso* A Co..Partlaad, Xe. A Are Fanilj lii Iitoiicates. If yoa area mechanic or a tamer, wont oat with overwork, or a mother run down by family or boose, hold duties try Parker's Tonic. -H yon area lawyer, minister basin— man ex hausted by mental ktrmin or anxious cares do not take intoxicating but uae Futer^Tcoie. If yoa have Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Kidney or Urinary Complaint*, or if you are troubled with any disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood or nerves, yoa can be cured hj Parka's Tonic. 163 York. Bold lqr all Dngsialsintavt beStfce at fL SP.CES! One Door South of Clark & Co.'s Hardware St- re. Don't Forget to Give FISHER'S Confectionery Store A Call, before You Purchase Your Christmas Candies AND Christmas Trimmings, As We have Just Received a NEW SUPPLY! New Furniture Store. Gr. T. "MILLS, Formerly with T. W. Donovan, is now opening a New Stock of FURNITURE, In the- McClellan Block, opposite Hayes Bros' Jewelry Store, and will be pleased to see all his old customers, and mauy new ones. Special attention given to FDRISHM FINE GOODS til ORDER. He hopes, by Square Dealing, to merit a generous share of Public Patronage REPAIRING- 0? ALL KINDS Carefully and Promptly done. IWCome one and all, and make the acquain tance of the new store. 1 am also agent for LACROSSE ENTERPRISE GRANITE AND MARBLE COMPANY. gHERIFF'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given, that pursuant to the judgment of sale rendered in a certain action pending in the District Court for the Tenth Judicial District, County of Mower, and State of Minnesota, wherein The Northwestern Mu tual Life Insurance Company is plaintiff, and Joseph 8. Woodard and Frelove M. Woodard bis wife. Win. J. Wheeler and Elizabeth Wheeler his wife, Philip H. Harsh and Anora Harsh bis wife, Tbe McCorraick Harvester Machine Companv, Martia Brombacb, George W. King, and Ben King, are defendants, bear ing date tbe 30th day of November, 1885, and duly filed and entered in said action, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, for cash, in the city of Austin, in the County of Mower, on the second day of February, 1886, at ten o'clock in. tbe forenoon, at the west front door of the Court House for said Mower County, in said city of Austin, tbe following described real estate, situate and being in said County of Mo wer,and State afore said, known and designated as follows, viz.: The south east quarter of section number twenty-two (22), in township number one hun dred and four (104), of range number sixteen (16), with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances. Dated December 12th, 1885. ALLAN MOLLIBON, Sheriff of Mower County, Minnesota. C. E. & A. G. OTIS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. decl6-7t CJTATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY fcj OF MOWER, ss. In Probate Court. Special Term. December 12th, 1886. In the matter or the estate of William Mills, deceased. Whereas, An instrument in writing, pur porting to be the last will and testament of William Mills, deceased, late of said County, has been delivered to this Court And Whereas, Leaader Kirkland bas filed therewith his petition, representing among other things, that said William Mills died in said County on the 8th day of December, 1885, testate, ana that said petitioner is the sole executor named in said last will and testa ment, and praying that the said instrument may be admiited to probate, and that letters testamentary be to him issued thereon It Is Ordered, That tbe proofs of said instru ment, and the said petition, be heard before this Court, at the Probate Office in said Coun ty, on tbe eleventh day of January, A. D. 1886, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when all con cerned may appear and contest tbe probate of said instrument And it is Further Ordered, That public no tice of the time and place of said hearing be given to all persons interested, by publication of these orders for three weeks successively prevlou* to said day of hearing, in tbe MOWKR COOHTY TBASSCRIPT, a newspaper printed and published at Austin, in said County. By the Court. decl6-4t Judge of Probate. Dad1bwWIt Wat Merer ORMANZO ALLEN, VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COBNTY or Mowaa. In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas J. Lewis, Notice is hereby given to all persons hav ing claims and demands agaist the estate of Thomas J. Lewis, late of the county of Lewis, in tbe State of New Tork, deceased, that the Judge of tbe Probate Court of said county of Mower will hear, examine and adjust claims and demands against said estate, at his office, in the city of Austin, in said countr, on the following days, viz.: Feb. 1st, 1888, at 10 o'clock a. m. June 7th, 18M, at 10 o'cloca a. m. and that six months from the seventh day of December. 1885, have been limited and allowed by said Probate Court for creditors to present their claims. LAFAYETTE FRENCH, Administrator of the Estate of Tbos. J. Lewis deceased. decl6-4t I'll it«CAU8KS and CUKE, by one who lint HDUU waademltwenty-eightyeara. Treat by mun. of the aoted specialist* of tha day with BO Cared himarif in tbiw Brfmths, and aince then hundreds of others by tbe sam* pnee*. A T. 8. PAGE, 128 East 26th gt., Tork T" Notice is Hereby Given, That 1 have this day given my son ERICK L. kOC a ,m Suxdk, (a minor,) aged 18 years Sept. 17.1885, T^wwar ivrwa PRTCES his time, from the date of this notice until he AT THE LOwJEsT LIVING rBlUSH. ^^Safnr^febtilnr wwitiliSlff h«m«y He keep* on hand at all time* a foil assortment of the various grades of THE DR. MACDONALD MAIN STREET, AUSTIN, MINN. This Institute is presided over by ALEX. MacDONALD, C. M., M. D., [Graduate in Medicine of McGill University, Montreal. Canada, late U. S. Examining' Surgeon, late Surgeon to the WHITE BEAVER MEDICAL AND SUR GICAL INSTITUTES, St. Paul and LaCrosse.] SURGEON -IJST-C HIEF. Owing to the extensive clinical experience enjoyed by Dr. MacDonald during his connec tion with the "WHITE BEAVER" hospitals, (and before) when he met with a measure of success never excelled, he has acquired an accuracy of diagnosis which can only be the re sult of such varied practice, and which the invalid public would do well to avail themselves of. Those who have been maltreated should not despair until they have exhausted the ad vanced, rational, and scientific method pursued in this institution, for although we do not profess to cure all the ills to which flesh is heir, we do all the remediable ones. DISEASES OF (.UNCS. We make a specialty of treating all forms of lung trouble, and can eradicate ANY disease from these organs, if the final stage has not been reached. COMPOUND OXYGEN scientifically administered in suitable cases. DI8EASES OF WOMEN. Aii tortus of (ovarian or uterine displacements, tumors, suppressed, difflculr, scanty, painful or profuso menstruation, and their causes. DISEASE OF URINARY 0*CA S. Inflammation of bladder. BRICHT'S DISEASE in its many forms, indicated by headache, nausea, asthma, dropsy, and often by frequent desire to pass urine, especially at night,—olten accompanied with scalding—making lite unendurable. This last symptom—especially in middle-aged or elderly people—is often the forerunner of this grave disease, and should be at ouce attended to, or it may be too late. 8TOMACH AFFECTIONS. Diseases of Liver and Bowels. VISTULA, PILES, treated painlessly, without Knife or ligature. Over one hundred successful cases. CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASES, A* Rheumatism, General Dropsy, Anaemia,(blooa-1 RNNTN A OATP lessness), Mercurial Poisoning, Syphilis, Nervous Exhaustion, and all diseases of a private vJtt 1 WAA*I!I DA.LI.LI. nature. -LT-L Forthose who cannot visit the office, a question-list is prepared, which maybe ottained upon application. If this be properly filled out, a diagnosis may be made, and tbe appropri ate remedies sent by mail or express. COMPOUND OXYGEN TREATMENT GIVEN. NEW HARDWARE FIRM Having purchased the stock of Hardware formerly owned by J. F. ANDREWS & SON, I would respectfully solicit a share of your patron age, and would be pleased to have you call and examine goods at any time. I have now in stock a full line of Sole Agent for GLIDDEN BARB WIRE, "Splendid," "Sterling," "Stat," "GoUen Star" and "Golden Coin," Stores. "Golden Star," and "Western Diamond" Cook Stores. "Sterling" and "Bismart" Ranges, Also a lull line of surface-burninr Heating Stoves, aud common Cook Stoves, all of which I offer at close figures. I have been so fortunate as to secure the services of Jno. Robert son as tinner, and all work in that line will be promptly done and satisfac tion guaranteed. A. W. WRIGHT. S. C. CLARK & CO., VED I Successors to J. H. Patterson, and agents for GLIDDEN BARB WIRE, G-arland, Splendid and Invincible Stoves, Garland, Riverside and Paris Ranges. General Hardware Merchants' Of All Kinds, at very Low Prices, at the new Lumber Yard, corner Bridge and Jay Streets. JOHN PAUL & CO. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? IF YOU ARB, GO TO F. I. Crane's Lumber Tard, WEST SIDE, WHERE TOU CAN GET BEST GRADES OF LUMBER. LUMBER, PTTTWQT.IEA, WINDOWS, DOORS, PICKETS, LATH, TC. If* Dec. 5,18K. When yon need aortftinglo his line, o*ll and jff him. w* MORTGAGE SALE. Default having been made in tbe payment of the sum of two thousand two hundred seventy-eight and 13-100 dollars, ($2,278-13), which is olaimed to be due at tbe date of this notice, upon a certain mortgage, duly execut ed and delivered by Isham G. Thatcher, and Ella C. Thatcher, his wife, to the JEtna Lite Insurance Company,of Hartford,^Connecticut, a corporation duly organized and created un der the laws of the State of Connecticut, said mortgage bearing date the sixteenth day of February, A. D. 1888, and, with a power of sale therein contained, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Mower, and State of Minnesota, on tbe 23d day of February, A.D. 1882, at 2:i0 o'clock p.m., in Rook 2 of Mortgages, on page 182 and the whole sum secured having been declared due, in accordance with a condition In said mort gage contained, making and allowing tbe whole debt to become due and payable in case of default in the payment of the interest or irincipal as stipulated therein, and default laving been made in the payment of tbe in stallment of interest which became due Janu ary 1st, 1885, aa evidenced by one coupon in terest note, for one hundred and forty dollars due on that day and no action or proceeding having been instituted, at law or otherwise, to recover the debt secured by said Mortgage, or any part thereof Now therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said Mortgage, and ,pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, the said Mort gage will be foreclosed by a sale of the prem ises described in and conveyed by said Mort gage, viz: The northwest quarter of section twenty 20), in township one hundred and three (103) north, range seventeen (17) west, of the 5th principal meridian—160 acres more or less—in Mower County and State of Minnesota, with the hereditaments and appurtenances Wbich sale will be made by the Sheriff of said Mower county, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Austin, in said County and State, on the 22d day of January, A. D. 1886. at teu o'clock, a. m., of that day, at public vendue, to tbe highest bidder,for cash, to pay said debt and interest, and the taxes, i: any, on said premises, and seventy-five dol lars attorney's fees, as stipulated in and by said Mortgage in case of foreclosure, and the disbursements allowed by law subject to re demption at any time within one vear from tbe day of sale, as provided by law. Dated December 3d, A. D. 1885. J3TNA LIKE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Connecticut, Mortgagee. H. A. ECKHOLDT, residing at Rochester, Minnesota. Attorney for Mortgagee. dec9-7t Default bas been made in the payment of tbe sum of one hundred and ninety-one and 30-100 dollars, which is .claimed to be due, aud is due, at the date of this notice, upon a certain mortgage, duly executed and deliver ed by Jesse Mclntyre to William Carson, bear ing date tbe 19th day of February, A. D. 1879, and duly recorded in tbe office of the Register of Deeds, in and for the County of Mower, and State of Minnesota, on the 27th day of Febru ary, A. D. 1879, at 1:30o'clock p. in., in Book W of ortgages, on page 330. And no action or proceeding, at law or oth erwise, having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said Mortgage, or any part thereof: Now therefore, notice is hereby given, That by virtue of a power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to tbe statute in such case made and provided, the said Mortgage will be foreclosed, and the premises desciibod in and covered by said Mortgage, viz: The west half (V4) of the south-west quarter 04) of section No. tiypntv-flvo (25). in township one hundred aud four, (101) north, of range fifteen (15) west, in Mower county, and State of Minnesota, with tbe hereditaments aud ap purtenances, Will be sold at public auction, to tbe highest bidder, for cash, to pay said debt and interest, on said premises, and twenty-live dollars at torney's fee, as stipulated in and by said mort gage, iu case of foreclosure, and the disburse ments allowed by law wh'rh sale will be made by the Sheriff of snid Mower county, at the west door of the Court House, in tbe City of Austin, in said county and state, on tbe 24th day of December, A. D., 1885,at 10 o'clock a. m., of that da, subject tu ixJuiuptlon at any time within one year from tbe day of sale, as provided by law. Dated Austin, November 3d, A. D., 1885. WILLIAM CARSON, Mortgagee. J. M. GREENMAN, Attorney for Mortgagee. novll-7l J^JORTGAGE SALE. Default has been made in the payment of the sum of one hundred and thirteen and 10 100 dollars, which is claimed to be due, aud is due, at tbe date of tbis notice, upon a certain mortgage, duly executed and delivered by Jo seph Scott and Lizzie M. Scott, bis wife, to William Carson, bearing date the 12th day of October, 1888, and duly recorded in tbe office of tbe Register of Deeds, in and for the Coun ty of Mower, and State of Minnesota, on the 17th day of October, A. D., 1883, at 3 o'clock p. m., in Book 1 of Mortgages, on page 458. Aud no action or proceeding, at law or oth erwise, having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said Mortgage, or any part thereof: Now therefore, notice is hereby given, That by virtue of a power of sale contained in Baid mortgage, and pursuant to tbe statute in BUCU case made and provided, tbe said Mortgago will be foreclosed, and tbo premises described in and covered by said Mortgage, viz.: The northwest quarter of tbe soutbwest quarter OA) of section twenty-three (29), in townsbip one hundred and four (104) nortb, of range fifteen (15) west,In Mower County,and State of Minnesota, with the hereditaments and appurtenanqes, Will bo sold at public auction, to tbe high est bidder, for cash, to pay said debt and in terest, on said premises, and twenty-five dol lars attorney's lee, as stiin.I i' 'r ii'l by said mortgage. In case of foreclosure, und the disbursements allowed by law which sale will be made by the Sheriff of said Mower County, at the west door of the Court House, in the City of Austin, in said County and State, on the 24tb day of December, A. D., 1885, at 10 o'clock a. m.. of that day, subject to redemp tion at any time within one year from the duy of sale, as provided by law. Dated Austin, Nov. 8d. A. D., 1885. WM. CARSON, Mortgagee. J. M. GREENMAN, Attorney for Mortgagee. llnov-7t QTATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY O OF MOWER, ss. In ProbateCourt. Special Term, Nov. 12th, 1885. In the matter of the Guardianship of Hen rietta Osmondson -and Henry Osinondson* minors. On reading and filing the petition of Ole Anderson, guardian of tbe personsand prop erty of Henrietta Osmundson and Henry Os mundson, minors, for license to sell tbe real estate or bis said wards and it appearing from said petition that it is necessary ana would be beneficial to said wards that Baid real estate should be sold It is ordered, that tbe next of kin of tbe said wards and all persons interested in tbe estate of said wards shall appear before said Pro bate Court, at tbe Probate Office in tbe City of Austin in tbe County of Mower aforesaid, on tbe 4tb day of January, A. D. 1886, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause why a license should not be granted for tbe sale of said real estate. And it is turtber ordered, that a copy of thi order be personally served on tbe next of kin of said wards residing In said Mower County, and on ail persons interested in said estate, at least fourteen days before tbe bearing of said petition as aforesaid, and by tbe publication tbereof for four successive weeks in tbe MOWER COCNTY TRANSCRIPT, a weekly news paper printed and published at tbt* City of Austin in said Mower County, the last of wblcb gefore ubllcations shall be at least fourteen days said day of bearing. Dated November 12tb, 1885. By tbe Court, ORMANZO ALLEN, 18nov-6t Judge of Probate. CJTATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF MOWER, as. In Probate Court. In tbe matter ot tbe estate of Thomas J. Lewis,.deceased. Letters of administration on the estate of said deceased being this day granted unto L. French, of said county, It Is ordered, Tbat all claims and demands of all persons against said estate be presented to tbis Court for examination and bearing, at tbe Probate Office, in Austin, on tbe following days, viz.: Feb. 1st, 1886, at 10 o'clock a. m. June 7tb, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. m. It is further ordered, Tbat six months from the date hereof be allowed to creditors to pre sent their claims against said estate, at tbe expiration of which time all claims not pre sented to said Court, or not proven to its satisfaction, shall be forever barred, unless for cause shown further time be allowed Ordered further, That said L. French, ad* ministrator as aforesaid, shall cause notice tbe time and place ot tbe hearing and exami nation of said elalms and demands, by pub lishing this order for four weeks successively, in tbe MOWBB COUNTY TRAHPCHIPT. a news paper printed and published at Austin, in said County. Dated December 7tb, 1886. By tbe Court, OEM A NZO ALLEN, dec9-6t Judge of Probate. QTATEOF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF MOWER. District Court, Tenth Judicial District. Charles H. Coats, Plaintiff, vs. George M. Mc Klnzie, W. P. Cullaban, Alonzo Pelton and Andrew J. Pomeroy, co-partners as Pelton & Pomeroy. and tbe Toad A Rafferty Ma* chine Company, (a corporation) and R. S. Hughes, as receiver of, etc., of the Todd Ic Rafferty Machine Co., (summons) Defend ants. Tbe State of Minnesota, to tbe above named Defendants Tou and each of you are hereby summoned and required to answer tbe complaint in tbe above entitled action, wbich bas been filed with tbe Clerk of said Court at his office, in said county, and to urre a oopy of your an swer to the complaint oo tbe subscriber, at bis office in tbe city of Austin, In tbe County of Mower and state aforesaid, within twenty days after the servloe of this summons on you, exclusive of tbe day of such service, and if yoa fall to answer tbe said complaint with in the time aforesaid, tbe Plaintiff in this ac tion will apply to tbe court for, the relief de manded In the complaint. Dated October 28th, A. P., 1885. LAFATRTTE FRENCH. 4nov-7t Plaintiff's Attorney, Austin, Minn. I CURE FITS! is— fera w*. lama a radical ixwuntunm msTmLsrsr or tall nro SMK—S a UM—fMrntr- InmMarinwl to tta want kaw Mm fee** MM is a* fi. flaatataaeefora WaaOMaaS a StaaBattlaar *f fafaOMa nmttf. tttn •MIII saa OSUa. It CM(S jraa iiSlat fora trial, aa«i wai—nr—i atas.Mor.uitafish.irx more money than at anything elae b£ talcing an agency Cor tbe beat sailing book oat. Begixtnaca aaccaed grandly. VonsfaO. Terms free. MUUR Boos Co.,Port- -. if lead, Maias.