Newspaper Page Text
Shipped in Apparent Good Order ud Condition by the JAPAN TEA SYNDICATE, On board the P. M. S. S. Co.'s Steamer, CRY OF RIO DE JANEIRO, Whereof Cobb i$ Comman der, now lying in the Port of Yokohama, and bonnd for San Francisco, I Marked And Consigned to F. P. Mc BRIDE, Austin, Minn., U. 8. A. Dated Yokohama, Japan, Aug 18, 1886. The above is a Copy of a Bill of lading just received by McBEIDE E GROCER, And the Tea Mentioned, which will arrive in Austin in about 10 days, is eured by a new process, machinery being made to take the place of Japesi Us, And is' put into one pound air tight packages, while warm, reataining all the thus FIa?or af to Leaf, Which Is allowed to escape by the old process. Corns in and try it when it eomes. Prices no higher thon old style teas of same quality. McBEIDE E GROCER. g.W. DAVmsog. *mura*A Profrttur. AUSTIN. WBRTLMDAT. OCTOBER «. IMS. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Judge, ISth Judicial Dist. Senator. JOHN Q. FABMBtt O0CAB ATBftS MoptWWtallTB.HOTg DUt.....*.S. HOPPfif Di*t......J.D.ALLBN ........C.O. W1LBOUR .A. REQUA 8CB1BNEB Auditor Treasurer, BMtetorof Dead*..... L.C. Sheriff. ........A. MOLLISON Clerk of the Court 8. SWZN1NGSEN Probate Judge... WrW. ItANNBY Soperlnteodentof Schools..... C. D. BKLDBN County Attorney. ....L. jr. CLAUSEN Court CoDUBlMHmer ..W. W. RANNET County Surveyor. H. ALLEN Coroner. .........J. p. SQDIBB8 County OommUatn—r—It Disk... i. J.HUKT County Osnpasionsr—M DM.. ...C.T. BD8SBLL Cooatj CoaaiiMfOMr—Sd DM.. W. W. SWEET Ceanty Commleeiotwr—4th Dist......JOHN BEACH County Qwnmlakwr-itt DM... I. C. DOBB Omt Republican candidate for Senator, Oscar Ayers, came to Austin about twenty years ago, and has worked bis way up, until he Is now one of our most substantial business men. For twelve years he was a contractor and builder and was always thoroughly reliable, having erected many of our best houses. For the put eight years he has been in the carriage and implement business, which has grown extensively under bis wise and able management. Last year he erected very handsome and convenient buildings for his business on the south side of public square. In connection with bis extensive trade in agricultural implements,, he has, during all this time, been the Austin agent for the McCor mick Harvester of which machine he has sold a large number. Hr. Ayers has been honored by this city with several offices of trust, which he has filled with much acceptability.— In 1870 he was a member of the City Council from the 2d ward, and in 1878 and 1879 was City Assessor. In the fall of 1880, he was elected County Com missloser for the 5th district, and some two years later was chosen Chairman of the Board, which position he has held for nearly^ 4 of the 6 years he has been our Commissioner.. The confidence our people reposed in him is fairly in dicated by ibis '^unanimous nomination in the recent Republican Convention. Mr. Ayers is an enterprising, intelligent, industrious, sober citizen, well qualified 'to discharge the duties of the position to which he aspires, and to which he will likely be called. He is a native of Frank lin county, Vermont, and will be 49 years of age on the 22d day of the present month. HON. J. D. ALLEN, Republican candi date for Representative in the South District, is well known to the people of bis district, as he has twice represented Mower county in the House of Repre sentatlves. elected for one term in the fall of 1878, and again for another term in the fall ot 1880. The reduction of salaries of Mower county officers was effected by Mr. Allen's efforts in the winter of 1879, by a special act. The Auditor's salary was reduced from $2,800 to $1,500, and that ot his deputy, from about $1,800 to $800. The County Treas urer's salary was fixed at $1,500, whereas he had formerly received about $2,000 in fees and commissions. The Clerk of Court's fees were also largly reduced— for instance the fee for issuing marriage license was reduced from $2 to $1. The fee of Sheriff for boarding prisoners, was also considerably seduced. This salary bill made a large reduction in the Mower county expense account—some $4,000 Mr. Allen claimed. This work ought to be appreciated by the voters of Mower county. Mr. Allen is one ef the best business men in LeRoy. He settled there in 1867, and engaged in the hard ware trade which business he has carried on very successfully, and helis not only a thrifty man. but a thoroughly reliable man. He is in th$ prime of life—45 and just the man to send* to the Legisla ture to look after our business, IF there is any one public matter that should be kept out of the hands of poll ticians, and out of all the bargaining and wire-pulling of practical politics, that one is the conduct of our common schools. The qualities that go to make a successful politician do not necessarily make a good Superintendent of Schools For that position we want a man who combines with good scholarship an ability, or tact, to deal with all kinds of material presented tor teachers to pick out the good from the poor and har monize them and produce the best re sults possible. Such men are hard to be found. While we have such an one in Mr. Belden, let us keep him as long as we can. We cannot afford to let any political considerations whatever Induce us to even think of any change In that office. Mr. Belden haa shown himself to be just the man for that place, and by his good management and strict im partiality in his official duties, has won the esteem and rood will of all, whether teachers or otherwise.--Grand Record. tord. Mtest" Meadow Ora fellow-townsman, A. Requa, has been nominated for County Treasurer. He is well known throughout the county as a man of strict integrity, and an ac cemmodating, whole-souled neighbor. He has a friend in every man who. makes his acquaintance. He isa farmer. He is just such a man as we ought to have in our offices, and will be elected by an overwhelming vote.—grand Meadm Re- ONB of the very best evidences of the weakness of the Republican candidate for Congress in this district, and of the strength ef the opposing candidate, Judge Thomas Wilson, is the fact that Hen. C. K. Davis hiss been secured to canvass the district in Mr. Lovely's in terest. Qov. Davis Is a brilliant speaker, and It Is thought his oratoiy will be a tower of strength In the district. W. W. RANNBT, for Probate Judge, will fill that office to the full satisfaction of the community, as he is a first-class attorney, and a capable and painstaking businessman. His electionwill mean the loss to Grand Meadow, and gain to Austin of a good citisen and thorough man of business. The county can do no better than to elect Mr. Ranney.—Grand 'i •oste»SliuBseBx^-dM! *4la»wheafer* ties all oyer the ftad are TMV WMI eaefc In tbe effOrt to shower honor* and benefits on the survivors of the "lata un pleasantness,"- the Hepubliean party in Mover County alone says to'sueh, "you are pUyed out: wo have no further use for yon." ror proof of this, witness the action of the Convention of the 17th alt. Mr. G. L. Case, an eMent eOcer. who en listed as a private ia the Biffhth Minnesota, Aug. iflte, serving three and a half years, and rising to the rank of Captain, is made to stana aside for a man, who, during those years of struggle and anxiety, whea nearly every seeead able-bodied man was la the Held, was safely easeoaeed at home enjoying that for waich other men were periling their lives. Mr. M.M. Trowbridge,'who went into the ranks in 1SS1. for three years, was shot oat of the service la IMS, and who again in 1864 enlisted for three years more, serving until the close, is made to give way. to a youngster, wbooaa hardly recall those times ot total and suffering. H.W. Lightly, who shouldered a musketpn and roved until the end came, in toe lower Mississippi Valley, is shoved aside |by one, who, though old enough to carry a mus ket, was a desk in the Commissary Depart ment In the same region. And all this Is doaeia the iaterest of still another member of the "stay at home brig ade,'' who hopes to legislate for that country, whioh was preserved by the efforts of men who are being slaughtered that be may rise. Boys, think of these things. Truly, the Re publican party in this county has no further use for the mea who made it. VBT BAN. Housekeeping PMU. Complalats are made from various sections of a band of baking powder tramps whose tricks upon unsuspecting housekeepers seems to oartake very much of the nature of confidence operations. The band is com posed of women, although employed and directed by an agent of the other sex, and their methods of procedure, as explained by several ladies who have been victimised, is as follows: Obtaing access to the in kitchen, they Introduce the subject of baking powders. Inquiring theJiind used in the family. Being shown the can, perhaps a fresh, fullone, they volunteer to It to ascertain its quaff ties. Their "tests consists in placing the ean on a hot stove or over a lamp or gas Jet, or In mixing the baking powder with water both hot and oold. if the baking powder is good for anything the heat will, of course, expel the gas, which, being ammoniacal or carbonic, is apparent to the sense of smell. The claim is then made that this odor indi cates something detrimental, although, as a matter of fact, a baking powder that would give off ao gas whea subjected to heat would be without leavening power and valueless. They will also mix the baking, powder given them with water. If pure It effervesces qulekly. The baking powder they peddle being similarly mixed foams up slowly like yeast, standing, perhaps, over the top of the glass. This they claim as evidence of superi ority, whereas ft is the exhibition of a trick only, their baking powder having been specially prepared to make this test by the additioa of flour gum or albumen. It is a sure evidence of adulteration. Of course the object of these fraudulent tricks is to de stroy confidence in all other Mods of baking powder, and to sell the particular brand for which the women are traveling. Were this the whole of the operation, house keepers would not often be deceived. Kverv intelligent person knows that baking powder is not made to be used in this way, but in cooking where its actions is entirely different from that produced bydry heat or by a mix ture of water alone. The chief objcct of this jugglery is to destroy the baking powder given for testing or by heating it to drive off its leavening gases, and so weaken it that when used it will fall to work. At the next baking their Is b^avy food, of course, and the "tramp" probably gets the credit of having told the housekeeper a valuable fact, instead of having spoiled her baking powder, as was actually the case. The average "tramp" will, in this way, destroy from fifty to seventy-five pounds of baking powder a day. A second method of spoiling for use the baking powder in a kitchen where they are not permitted to experiment with it, is by dexterously throwing in the ean a small of salt, soda or powdered lime. should there chance to be no baking powder in the house, the operators will pro duce, of the kind used oy the family, a sample that has been purposely adultrated or "doctored" to make suoh an exhibit as ther desire under the so-called test. •The Jonly way to protect our food from be ing contaminated by tramps of this kind is to turn all persons who wish or attempt to tamper with it unceiemonously from the door, and to use those articles, only which experlenee has proved satisfactory, or the official tests have established as pure and wholesome. quantity Again, s! "HACKMETACK," a lasting and lragrant perfume. Price 2K and 50 cents. AHE YOU MADB miserable by Indigestlou, Constipation, Diulness, Loss of Appetite, Yel low Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. SHILOH'8 CATARRH BEMEDY-a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by Dorr A Wold. A NA8AL INJECTOR free with eaeh bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by DORR A WOLD. In Mead WB deiare to say again, what we have often said before, that we do net, in any way, indorse the views of our cones* pondents. We believe it fab manly, and just to give correspondents a hear ing. That fight is accorded by all of the landing newspapers of the day. -Thi editor sf the Csnkana. Tec., Otmner, p. P. Mfltar, had a severs attack of raemnatism in his talk kaee, which bscsae so swollen and palatal that ha could sot walk op the stairs. Be writes that alter a few applications ofSt Jaoohs OU. the pain eptlrelj disap peared, and the knee ampailfr jfln»al ftsfciag 'T V* S. What is the dUtasnce mother-in-law apda tree? every spring, and your mother-in-law well—the old lady never forgets when She does go, to leave a bottle of Dr. Rig gers' Huckleberrv Cordial, the timely use which so often relieves the sudden attacks of the bowels, and restores the little one, who is so gradually wasting away by the drainage upon its system from the effect jof teething. For sale by Dorr A Wold and Mill A Johnson. The Population of Austin Is about 3,000, and we would say at least one half are troubles with some, affection of the Throat and Lungs, as these complaints are according to statis tics more numerous than others. We would isdvise all not to neglect the op portunity to call onus and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. Price 50 cents and $1. Trial tine free. Respectfully, Mills A John son. GBANO HBADOW. —Mrs. W. L. Stiles has Just received $2^)00 from the Minneapolis Masonle Aid Associ ation. —A disagreement over politics between two of our citizens last Friday evening re sulted In a little bloodshed. —C. W. Mqptia's little boy was bitten la the face, Sunday,'by a dog belonging to Mr. C. F. Greening. One eyelid whs cut, and two cuts were made in his forehead. —The little child of 8. P. Hambleton, on the Hand farm, drank concentrated lye on Wednesday. Dr. Jackson was immediately called |toj see the little sufferer, and reports it doing as well aseould be expected, —On Monday a man living on the Mulford farm, by the name of Pusherd, was brought before Squire Gas kill in Dexter on a warrant. The complaining witness was his daughter, a bright, intelligent looking girl of about IT. The case was adjourned until Tuesday, when be was found guilty of beating his own ehlld. The brute was fined about $12, and sent home.—Record, Oct. I. Core For Flies Piles are frequently preoeded by Minnesota St One-Price Clothing -AND- GENT'S FURNISHING STORE! We have just put in a very Large, Complete, New and Fine Stock of the Store one door South of Kaiser & Gainey's Harness Shop, which we invite the attention of the Citizens of Ansiin and Vicinity. We will give the LOWEST PRICES On all Goods. We will not ask two prices and then get a price and a half, but sell te all parties alike, the same as at onr Grocery Store. We invite all our old customers in the Grocery Line And all new ones to give oar One-Price Clothing Store a call. We have no old Shelf Worn or Moth Eaten Goods to offer the trade: Our goods are new, and were booght at the very lowest bottom prices, for Cash. C. W. Taylor & Go. */-, a tense ot weight In the back, loins, and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to, sup pose be has some affection of the kidneys or neighboring organs. At times, symptoms «f indigestion are present, flatulency uneasi ness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspiration, producing a very disagreeable Itching, after getting warm, Is a common at tendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosan ko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon* the parts affected, absorbing the tumors, al laying the intense itching, and effecting a permanent cure. Price GO cents. Address the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by Mills A Johnson WHY WILL YOU cough when 8hllob's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10c, 50c, |l. THE RBV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind., says: *'Both mself and wife owe our lives to 8UlL0kH'8 CONSUMPTION CURB1 SHILOH'S CURE will immediately relieve Croup, Whoping Cougu and Bronohitis. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, vou have a printed guatantee on every bottle ef Shiloh's italixer. It never falls to cure. RAILROAD TIMB TABLES AT AVSTIN. Uhleago, Milwaukee St. Paul* OOIHO EAST A SOUTH. Chicago and Milwaukee Kail and Express. l:S0pm Chicago and Milwaukee PaBaenger Austin and Hamsey Paw«nger ar 3:00 Stock Freight (Sunday, Tuesday St Than.) 1:00 Freights 5:00 a and 8:00 Masoa City Mail snd Bxpram 3:00 Mason City Passenger..... 8:45 Mason City Freights.8:40 a m,4:45 and 8:15 OOIHO MOBTH. St. Panl and Minneapolis Paaaenger snd Southern Minnesota Dhr. West 4:90 a Austin and Ramsey Paaaenger... S:U0 pm St. Panl and Minneapolis Mail and Express and Southern Minn. Dir. east and west 3:40 Freights 7:00 a m. 5:45 and 11:45 Mason City Passengers ar 4:15 am and ld5 Mason City freights ar... .18:10,4:45nd 10:50 C. H. COLEMAN. Agent, Aastin, Mian. Aorthwestera. GOING MOBTH. TChicago and St. Louis Mail and Express. 4:97 am Local Kxpiew 7:15 am •Chicago and St. Louis Mail and Express 4:1# & *Local Freight 5:15 a a •Through Freight 10:99 •Fast Freight 3:14 am GOING SOUTH. •Chicago and St. Louis Mail and Express.. 11:50 am •LocalExpress 8:83 pm tChicago and St. Louis Mail and Express. .10:90 •Local Freight 3:90 •Fast Freight 7:55 pm •Through Freight 9:99 a Daily except Sunday, Daily except Monday, Daily except Satwday. Ne change of cars between St. Paul, Waterloo, Du buqne and Chicago. Through tickets, north, south, east and west. O. W. TUBNEB, Agent. Austin. 8ALK OF PUBLIC fVST* Short* Horn Cattle, t: Tuesday, October 26, '86. »r«2-IieT.flock *3?™' three wiles three miles east of Mitch- e^/'ejjUeeU® bead or thoroughbred Cows and JMfen and young Bulls of good, stand Ipndigroes of such families as the eelebrat- breedlngconditlon. All the females of suita ble ace will have young calves or be in calf by 2***°* bull, Sharon Guynne. •MW. Our stoek has been bred for beef and milk combined, and for the two qualities cannot be surpassed in this part of the coun- OF SALE.—One year's time with apnroved notes, bearing 8 per cent, interest. A reasonable discount for casb. Cstalogues sent on application after Octo ber 1Mb. Sale to commence promptly atone clock. At the same time and place we will sellffllteen or .twenty high grade Cows and For catalogues or information address DANIEL 8HEBHAN A Col, John Soott, Auctioneer. SONS, Osage, Iowa. (STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY O OF MOWEB.SS. In Probate Court. In the natter of the estate of Samuel G. LOW- IT, deceased: On reading and fiUng the petition of Lu and filing rrv, of said State, representing, other things, that Samuel Q. Lowry, dnda A. Lowi among ot __ late of Austin, in said County, on the 2ttb day of September. 1886, at Austin, Minn., died in testate, and being a resident of this county at the time of bis death/leaving goods, chat tels and estate within this county, and that the said petitioner is a daughter of said de ceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to D. B. Johnson Jr.srranted, it is ordered, that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the 1st day of November, A. D. 1886, at 10 o'clock, a. a., at the Probate Oflce In the city of Aus tin, in said county. Ordered further, that notlee thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publish ing a copy of this order for three succes sive weeks, prior to said day of hearing,la the MOWKR COUNTT TRANSCRIPT, a weekly news jsper printed and published at Austin, in said bounty. Dated at Austln,Mlan., the 4th day of Octo ber. A. 0.18SS. By the Court, OHM ANZO ALLEN, oetS-M Judjge of Probate. LAND FOR SALE. Having purchased a farm In Illinois and de cided to move there. 1 offer my farm of 160 acres, two miles northeast of Austin, for sale cheap, forcasb. or time will be given if a cash payment is made to secnresale. Also some choice sboats, 1 three year old cow and calf, J4 blood Jersey, and other things too nume rous to mention. For lurther particulars in quire at my place. H. S. MAMMON. NOTICE FARM FOR SALE. We offer our farm of 160 acres for sale, at a moderate price, and upon reasonable terms. Tblsfarm is conveniently located near the Village of Brownsdale, Mower County, Min nesota, being the NWji of sec. 18, town 103. range 17, with a good house and stable, a well of excellent water, a line young grove of nat ural timber, two well fenoed pastures, and Is nicely adapted for both stock and grain rais ing. For particulars coucerning price, terms, etc., call upon or address O. C. LABAR, our agent at Lansing, Minn. BASSETT, BDNTTING & CO. McGregor, Iowa. 6. T. MILLS, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. Full Assortment of COFFINS & mm. First Glass Hearse. PIANOS AND ORGANS A Specialty. Austin, Minnesota. SANDS, DRY GOODS, AUSTIN. HOMESPUN c» pa SANDS, DRY GOODS. AUSTIN. PIONEER BARDIABKSTORK, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. BEING DETERMINED To Satisfy the wants of all in the I 1 WE HAYB NOW A omplete, Veil Assorted Stock, FOB AFTER HARVEST AND FALL TRADE. SEE 00R SPECIALTIES: Builder's Hardware, Mechanic's Tools, Farmer's Tools, Anvils and Vises, Bar Iron and Steel, Ames Shovels, Wm. Mann's Axes, Wagon and Carriage Hard ware, Wagon Makers'Stock, Blacksmith Supplies, Hardwood Lumber, Asbestos •Roofig, Etc. Paris and Jewel Ranees, Cbarter Oat and Cyclone Coets, Crevn Jewel ant Hall Vapor stores, Charter Oak Gas Oren, (with tie Won dertol Wire Game Door), Art Royal and Perfect Jewel Heaters, and the Barston Hull Heaters. Examtne the Wire Oaaae Oven Door. Call and get our prices. COOK & ROBERTS. MONETSAVED. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: Everybody is cordially invited to attend the great Furniture Sale* —AT— T. ff. DONOYAH'S FURNITURE STORE, South of Court House, door first East of Os car Ayers.' Sale to be continued dally, until the stock Is all sold, which will be an indefi nite time, as new goods are constantly arriv' ing. You will always find my stock com plete, from a toy chair to tbe most expen sive Bed Room or Parlor Suites. I will fur* nish your Houses complete with Chairs, Ta bles, Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Pillows, Quilts, Pictures, Cradles, Baby Carriages, Lounges, in fact, everything needed, In first class shape, for as little money as goods can be sold. All kinds of Furniture Repairing done to or der, and satisfaction guaranteed. Goods not kept in stock will be ordered promptly when desired. In tbe UNDERTAKING Line, I have a full stock of all grades of Coffins and Caskets, and am pre pared to answer all calls in the Undertaker's line promptly and satisfactorily. Don't Foriet tbe Big Sale. Respectfully, T. W. DONOVAN, First Door East of Oscar Ayers1 Is now opening his FALL WINTER STOCK OP DRESS 600DS! VELVETS, (Plain and Striped), PLUSHES, Beaded Trimmings and Orna meets, DOMESTICS Of All Kinds. FLANNELS, Bought before the Advance in Prices, and sold cheap. A Splendid Lot of Ladies' & Children's Underwear NOTIONS Of all Descriptions. Laces, Hosiery, Yarns, Blankets A Large Stock of Just Opening. IN Vooi, Tapestry, Velvets. OIL-CLOTHS, 4fcrCaf &C. 7 •£_ HARDWARE. NEW JFIRMI A. W.WRIGHT. Full Stock of Heavy and Shelf Hardware, including, StoTes, Tinware, Cutlery, Bart Wire, &c. 1 handle only best lines of Cook Stoves and Ranges, such as Golden Star, and Aoorn Cooks. Model Sterling and Bismark Ranges. Gasoline Stoves! I have the Celebrated Quick Meal and Golden Star. I am Sole Agent for Clidden Barb Wire, Other Claims to the contrary, notwith standing. Call and see it, and Satisfy Yourself. be nromutlv done. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. F. Fairbanks, AU8TIN, MINN., Dealer in COAL, WOOD, LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTERING HAIR. OEM FIRE KINDLSRH. Pana. 111., Coal, on track..#4JS0. Delivered, (5.00. Iowa Coal, on track....... 4.00. 4.95. Standard Cement,*per barrel 2.35. White Lime, per bushel 85. Maple Wood, per cord, 7.50. Oak Wood 6.50. Blacksmith Coal 11.00. i# Office on Bridge Street, opposite Court House. CURESHEDEAF Peck's Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Drums PERFECTLY RESTORE THE HEARING, and per form the work of the Natural Drum. Always Newspaper Advertising DAUCHY A CO.. 27 Park Place, and 24-36 Murray Street, New York. Make lowest rates on all newspapers in the U. S. and Canada. Established 1867. We will insert a one inch advertisement one month in our selected list of 226 DAILIES & WEEKLIES, covering the U, 8. for $360. Circulation 6,980,SOS copies per month. ALL FOR 24 CENTS. We must reduce our stock in the next three months, and for 80 days offer all the following for only S4 cts, 10 pieces choice new and popular Music, full sice, finely printed 300 elegant designs in Outline for stamping and embroideiy, 100 late and popular songs including all the gems from the Mikado, as well as "Dream Paces," "Love, Love, Love,'* "Sailing," etc. etc., a large collection of new riddles and conun drums, over 250, jugt the thing for picnic and Rocial parties, 350 motto verses, just side-splittens, 77 tricks in magic, 100 puzzles, all kinds, 36 popular games, a secret alphabet, 300 amusiNg, interesting and Myste rious Pictures, the great game of fortunes told, etc., etc. We will send all the above in one package to any address, all prepaid, for 34 cents in postage stamps,3 packages for 50c, 7 packages for fl. Address all orders to WORLD MANUFACTURING CO., 123 Nassau St.. N. Y. VTOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE BY ADVERTISEMENT. Default has been made In the payment of tbe sum of tbree hundred and twenty* two dollars, wblcb Is claimed to be due, and Is due, at tbe date of this notice, upon a certain Mortgage, duly executed and delivered by Michael Cavanaugh, to Catharine Coleman, bearing date tbe 17tb day of November, A. D. 1875, and duly reoorded in tbe office of tbe Register of Deeds In and for tbe County of Mower and State of Minne sota, on tbe 17tb day of November, A. D. 1875, 2 at o'clock p. m., In Book of Mortgages, on page 412. BaJd mortgage was, on tbe 30tb day of Au gust, A. D. 1886, duly assigned and transferred by tbe said Catharine Coleman to Peter Gor vin, and said assignment was duly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds aforesaid, on tbe lltb day of September, A. D. 1886, In Book 5 of Mortgages, on page 532. And no action or proceeding, at law or oth erwise, having been instituted, to recover tbe debt secured by said Mortgage, or any part thereof Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of power of sale contained in said Mortgage, and pursuant to tbe statute in such case made and provided, tbe said Mort gage will be foreclosed, and the premises described in and covered by said Mortgage, viz.: Tbe West half of the Northeast quarter of section nineteen (19), In township one hun dred one (101 north, of range fifteen (18) west, in Mower county, and State Of Minnesota, wltb tbe hereditaments and appurtenances, Will be sold at public auction, to tbe bigbest bidder, for cash, to pay said debt and interest, and tbe taxes, if any, on said :premises, and twenty-five dollars attorney's fee, as stipulated in and by said Mortgage, In case of foreclosure, and the disburse ments allowed by law which sale will be made by tbe sheriff of said Mower county, at the west frost door of tbe Court House, in tbe City of Austin, in said County and State, on Saturday, the 18th day of November, A. D. 1880, at ten O'clock a. m., of tbat day, subject to redemption at any time within one year from tbe day of sale, as provided by law. Dated at Austia, Minn., Sept. 18, A. D. 1886. PETER GORVIN, Assignee of Mortgagee. E. B. CRANK, Attorney for Assignee. septa8-7t QTATE O OF M( OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF MOWBB, SS. InProbate Court, Special Term, September 9tb, 1886. In the Matter of the Estate of Marian M. Ma son, deceased. On reading and filing tbe petition of Mary J. Grady, or Minneapolis, Minn., represent ing among other things, tbat she is the owner of a portion of the real estate of which said Marian M. Mason died seized, and tbat she claims title thereto through sundry mesne conveyances from tbe heirs at law or said deceased, and is therefore entitled to a de cree of this Court, assigning said real estate to her, and praying tbat such decree be made and entered therein, It is ordered, that said petition be heard, by the Judge of this Court, on Monday, tbe lltb day of October, A. D. 1886, at ten o'eiock a. m„ at the Probate Office, in said County, And it is further ordered, that notice there of be given to all persons interested, by pub lishing a oopy of this order for three suc cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in tbe Mown Conn TRANSCRIPT, A weekly newspaper, printed and published at tbe City of Austin in 8aid County. Dated tbis 9tb day of September, A. D. 1886. By tbe Court. [Si At..] OKMANZO ALLBN, SeotlMt Judge of Probate. OTATE OF MINNESOTA, O OFMC OF MO WEB, SB. JJORTQAQESALR IB po sition, but invisible to others and comfortable to wear. All conversation and'even whwpers heard distinctly. We refer eo those natng them. Send far illustrated book with testimonials free. Addraes F. HISCOZ, 853 Broadway, X. Y. Mention this paper. CONSUMPTIVE. tTia H*T®YPACOI Sfil&Pfi&cMrSS ^Ut^'bSKj^edyforaU affections ot the throat and Inn—, and dtwasee arldac froaalmporo blood and exhaustion. Tbafeabto and sick, itmniiiic ininit disss—, and stowly drifting to the redrer their h£tth by tSsUmelr use of Fixna'a Tomo, but delur is dangerous. Take It In time. Cures when all else fail*. Cares new KCeaad strength to the aged and inflrm. flat Pniggials. eared COUNTY In Probate Court, Special Term, September Mb. 1886. In the Matter of tbe Estate of Matilda J. Ma son^deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Mary J. Grady, of Minneapolis, x«t rcpro* senfing among otter thi ours, that she 1s the owner of a portion of real estate of which said Matilda J. Mason died seised, and tbat she claims title thereto through sundry mesne conveyenoas from the beirs at law of said deceased, and is therefore entitled to a decree of this court, assigning said real estate to her, and praying that such decree be made and entered herein: It is ordered, tbat said petition be beard. In the Judge of this Court, on Monday, tbe lltb day of October, A. D. 1886, at ten o'eiock a. m„ at tbe Probate Office, in said County. And His further ordered,that notice thereof be given to an persons interested, by pub lishing a oopy of this order for three sno ve weeks prior tn said day of bearing, in tbe Mows» Cotrarr TRANSCRIPT, a weekly newspaper, printed and published at tbe City of Austin in said County. Dated tbis 9th day! of September, A.D. 1886. By tbe Court, [8«AI.]. OBMANZO Jteftlfrtt, Default has been made in the payment of •*, tbe sum of seventeen hundred and nineteen dollars (Si,719), which is claimed to be due and ia due, at the date of this notioe, for prior oipal and interest, upon a certain mortgage, duly executed and delivered by Jeremiah B. Yates and Rebeoca A. Yates his wife, to' Silas H. Coleman, bearing date tbe 29th day of No vember, A.O.1875, to secure eight- hundred dol lars and interest at tbe rata of twelve per cent per annnm from date until fully pud, due in one year from date thereof,and duly recorded .. in the office ot the Register of Deeds Jn and for the County of Mower, and State of Minnesota, on the 30th day ot November, A. D. 1876, at 2 o'clock p.m.. In Book of Mortgages, on page 441. And whereas, said Mortgage was. on the .80th day of November, A. JD. 1881, duly as signed and transferred by the said Silas H. Coleman to Fay R. Smith, and said assignment was duly recorded in the office of tbe Register of Deeds aforesaid, on tbe 10th day of Febru ary, A. D. 1883, in Book 2 of Mortgages, on pages S63 and 664. And whereas, thereafter, and on the 38th day of July, A. D. 1886, by an instrument in writing,on that day by him duly executed and delivered, the said Fay R. Smith, for nine, duly assigned the mortgage and note secured thereby to Frank I. Crane, as assignee, which, said instrument of assignment was. on the 27th day of July, A. D. 1886, at 9 o'clock a. m., duly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds aforesaid, in Book 5 ot Mortgages, on page 480. And no action or proceeding, at law or oth erwise, having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said Mortgage, or any part thereof: Now therefore, notice is hereby given. That by virtue of a power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, the said Mortgage will be foreclosed, and the premises described in and covered by said mortgage, vis: Lots three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine, and the north one third of lots ten eleven and twelve in blook seven, all in Yates and Lewis* Addition to Austin. And also tbe undivided one half of the following* described remise8, situate in lot one, in blook twelve, Davidson's addition to Austln,all in Mower County, Minnesota: Commencing twenty four feet north from tha South East oorner of said lot one, thence West tbe entire length of said lot to the West line, thence north twenty feet, thence East to the Bast line of said lot, thence South twenty feet to place of beginning, in Mower County,and State of Min nesota, wit ances. nesota, with the hereditaments and appurten- Wiil be sold at public auction, for cash, to pay said debt and interest, and the taxes, if any, on said premises, and fifty dollars attor ney's fee, as stipulated in and by said Mort- Sage, in case of foreclosure, and the dls ursements allowed by law which sale will be made by the Sheriff of said Mower County, at tbe west front door of the court bouse, in tbe City of Austin, in said County and State, on Saturday, the lltb day of September, A. D. 1886, at 10 o'clock a. m., of tbat day, subject to redemption at any time witblu one year from the day of sale, as provided by law. Dated at Austin, Minn., July 27, A. D. 1886. F. I. CRANE, Jul28-7t Assignee as Aforesaid. G. M. CAMERON, Attorney for Assignee. The above Morgage Sale is adjourned until the 9th day of October, 1886, at the hour and place above mentioned therefor. F. I. CRANE,'Assignee. G. M. CAMERON, Attorney. XTOT1CE OF MORTGAGE SALE BY •1^ ADVERTISEMENT. Default ba» been made in tbe paymeut of tbe sum of seventeen hundred dollars, wbich is claimed to be due, and is due, at tne date of this notice, upon a certain mortgage, duly ex ecuted and delivered by Jonathan Gregson, to W. T. Wilklns and Fay K. 8mitb, bearing date the 34th day of March, A. D., 1884, acknowl edged June 3d, 1884, to sccure tbe payment of two notes of $1,250 and $286.30, both of which were dated March 24, 1884, and were due, with ten (10) per cent, interest March 24, 1F85, and duly recorded in tbe office of tbe Register of Deeds, in and for the County of Mower and State of Minnesota, on tbe 3d day of June, A. D. 1884, at 3 o'clock p. m., in book Sof mort gages, on page 16. Said mortgage was on the fifth day of July. A. D. 1886, duly assigned and transferred by tbe said w. T. Wilklns and 'Fay H. Smith, to Frank assignee of said Wllains and Smitb, and said sssignment was duly recorded in tbe office of the Register of Deeds afore said, on the 16th day of August. A. D. 1886, in book 5 of mortgages, on page 493. And no action or proceeding at law or oth erwise having been Instituted to reeover tbo debt secured by said Mortgage, or aay part tbereof: Now therefore, notice is hereby given, tbat by virtue of a power of sale contained in said Mortgage, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, tbe said Mortgage will be foreclosed, and tbe premises described in and covered- by said Mortgage, viz: Commencing at tbeworthwest corner of tbe northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section fifteen (15), in township one hundred and two (102) north, range eighteen (18) west, running tbence south tbirtv-tbree (33) rods, tbence east eighty (80) rods, thence south six (6) rods, thence west to a point sixteen (16) rods east of tbe weBt line of said northeast quarter of the southeast quarter ot section fifteen (lfi), aforesaid, thence south twenty (20) rods, thence west twenty-five \25) rods, thence north to the north line of the southeast quar ter of said section fifteen (15), tbence east to the place of beginning, together with tbe grist mill, water power, dam, rigbt of fiowaae, and all other rights appertaining to said mill and water power. In Mower County, nnd State of Minnesota, with tbe hereditaments and ap purtenances. Will be sold at public auctton, to the highest bidder, forcasb, to pay said debt and interest, and tbe taxes, if any, on said premises, and fifty dollars attorney's fee, as stipulated In and by said mortgage in case of foreclosure, and tbe disbursements allowed by law wbich sale will be made by tbe Sheriff of said Mower County, at tbe west front door of the Court House, in tbe City of Austin, In said County and State, on Saturday, tbe 9th day of Octo ber, A. D. 1886, at 10 o'clock a. m., of tbat day, subject to redemption at any time within one year from the day of sale, as provided by law. Dated at Austin, Minnesota, August 17th, A. D. 1886. F. I. CRANE. 18aug-7t Assignee as Afbresald. E. B. CRANE Attorney for Assignee. JJORTGAGE SALE. Default has been made In the payment of tbe sum of nineteen hundred twenty-two and 50-100 dollars, which is claimed to be due at tbe date of tbis notice, upon a certain Mort gage, duly executed and delivered by D. 8. B. Mollison, and Mary B. Molllson, bis wife, to Mortimer Ely, bearing dato tbe 26tb day of Januar), A. D. 1880, and duly recorded In tbe office of tbe Itegister of Deeds in and for tbe County of Mower, and 8tate of Minnesota, on tbe 28th day of January, A. D. 1880, at 11:30 o'clock a. m., in Book of Mortgages, on page 51. And no action or proceeding, at law or otherwise, having been Instituted to recover tbe debt secured by said Mortgage, or any part tbereof: Now Therefore, Notioe is Hereby Given, that bv virtue of the power of sale contained in said Mortgage, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, the said Mortgage will be foreclosed, and tbe premises described in and covered by said Mortgage, vis.: Tbe northeast quarter of section four (4), In township one hundred and one (101) north, range seventeen (17) west. In Mower County, and State of Minnesota, with the heredita ments and appurtenances Wilt be sola at public auction to tbe bigbest bdder, for cash, to pay said debt and Interest, and. the taxes, if any, on said premises, and fifty dollars attorney's fees as stipulated in and by said Mortgage in ease ot loreclosure, and the disbursements allowed by law whlcb sale will be made by tbe Sheriff of said Mower county, at the west front door of the Court House, in the City of Austin, in said County and State, on tbe loth day of October, A. D. 1886, at ten o'clock a. mM of that day, subject to redemption at any time within one year from tbe day of sale, as provided by law. Dated August Slat. A. D. 1886. MOBT1MBB ELY, Mortgagee. LTMAV D. BAIKD, Attorney, Austin. Minn. 1seot*7t XTOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE BY ADVERTISEMENT. Default bas been made in tbe payment of the sum of fifty-six dollars, whlcb is claimed to be due, and Is due, at the date of this no tice, upen a certain mortgage, duly executed and delivered by Charlotte K. Hutcblns and James M. Hutcbins, ber husband, to William Cotter, bearing date tbe 18th day of August. A. D. 1884,andduly recorded in the office of tbe Register of Deods, in and for tbe County of Mower, and State of Minnesota, on the 20th day of August, 1884, at 12 o'olock, M., in Book 8 of Mortgages, on page 73. 8ald mortgage Is conditioned tbat If default be made in any of the provisions therein con tained, it shall be lawful fa* said mortgagee, his assigns, or attorney, tu"declare the whole amount thereof to be due, and pursuant to said conditions, the whole amount secured by seidmortgage remaining unpaid, to-wit: tbe sum of seven hundred flftMlgbt and MOO dollars, is declared to be due, and tbe said sum Is claimed to be due at tbe data of this notioe And no action or proceeding at law or oth erwise having been instituted to recover tbe debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof Now therefore, notioe is hereby given, that by virtue of a power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to tbe statute in such case made and provided. fsge will be foreclosed, am described In and covered by Tlfci a A U\ the said mort premises Mortgage, Lots numbers nine and ten, in bertwenty-tfaree, in Davidson's tbe Village of Austin, aocordln corded plat thereof, wttb tbe dwi to be erected tbneo buildings that maj Mower County, and State of Minnesota, "with tbe hereditaments and appurtenai Will be sold at public auction, to bidder, for cash, to par said debt a $8.87, taxes on said premises by taw •ale will be made by tbe Sheriff of si County, at the West Front Door of House in tbe City of Austin, in sa and State, on Satunlay, tbe SOth day of ber. Aj6. MMjatWo'doek tTLc day, subject to redemption at any How one year from tbe day of sale, as jjjatod at Austin, Mlnn^ WILLIAM D, Sunnr, AttggMV log II