Shipped in Apparent Good Order
and Condition by the
On board the
Whereof Cobb is Comman
der, now lying in the
Port of Yokohama,
and bound for San Francisco,
And Consigned to
Austin, Minn.,
U. 8. A.
Dated Yokohama, Japan, Aug 18,
The above is a Copy of a Bill of
Lading just received by
And the Tea Mentioned, which will
arrive in Austin in about 10 days, is
eured by a new process, machinery
being made to take the place of
Jpese iiils,
And is' put into one pound air
tight packages, while warm, thus
reataining all the
Fin® of Leaf,
Which is allowed to escape by the
old prooess. Corns in and try it
when it ooues. Prices no higher
thon old style teas of same quality.
•Moad-elaaa mttint ths post ofleeat
Aastin, Minnesota.
C. H. DAVIDSON, XdiUremd Proprietor.
Judge, 10th Judicial Dist-.JOHN Q. FARMBK
Senator..... ...O0CAB AYBBS
Representative, North Din.... 8. HOPPIN
Representative, South Dist J. D. ALLBN
Auditor ..C.H. WILBOUH
Treasurer A. BBQUA
Register of Deed* L.C. SCB1BNBB
Sheriff.......... a. MOLLISON
Clerk of the Court. 8. 8WKNIN68BN
Probate Judge... W. W BANNBY
Superintendent of Schools C. D. BBLDBN
Coonty Attorney...L. p. CLAUSBN
Court Commissioner W. W. HANNEY
County Surveyor O. H. ALLBN
Coroner J. p. SQO IRES
Coanty Commi»ioo«r—lrt Diat J.
The best, the purest Republicans, the
honest mea, the men who ask the blessing
of Ood upon their votes, will stay firmly
in their party, voting their state, judicial,
legislative and county ticket, but they
will scratch John A. Lovely, the man who
needs a certificate of moral character at
every new turn he takes in the road, and
they will vote for Judge Wilson, the man
who has always been trusted, and honored
with the confidence of his neighbors and
the state at large.
We sincerely and conscientiously be
lieve that John A. Lovely is a bad
man. This has been his record way back
to the days of his anti-war speeches, that
the Albert Lea Enterprise told us about,
full eight years ago. We believe
him to be a fraud in eveiything that goes
to the make-up of a noble manhood. We
believe him to be tricky, deceitful.double
dealing, unscrupulous, immoral, and wei
have yet to know or learn of one man who
is acquainted with him at his home, who
will say that Mr.Lovely is not a frequenter
of the saloons, and a frequent imbiber of
strong drink.
This is what we think of Mr. Lovely,
and what sort of a man would we be, be
lieving this, to advise the voters of this
district to cast their votes for him? How
can wa advise the Republicans of the
First District to vote for a man whe would
degrade and disgrace the party?
Republican leaders will find out that
party idolatry is a thing of the past. The
time was when many Republicans would
vote for the devil if he were nominated
on the Republican ticket. That time Is
now past. There'is a conscience in the
grand old party that will not down, and
Republican leaders will find it out by
and by.
YOTXBS of Mower county. If half of
the following statements be true, not
one man, Republican or Democrat,
should vote for John A. Lovely. It
would be a disgrace to decent, respect
able citizenship. The Mantorville Ex
press publishes a letter, from Albert Lea,
Mr. Lovely's home, written by a Repub
lican, for whom the Express Touches as a
man of high standing, from which we
extract the following:
John A. Lovely is a prtnoe ot "bummers.'
He has always stood In with the saloons, and
Is a regular patron of them, their champion
and ally. Be has at times used liquor to
neat excess, and it has been a common thing
for him to be overoooM by It. His usual
practioe Is to ask for a recess before ad
dressing a jury, and going into the hall of
the oourt room where he has a supply at
His accidental and fraudulent noml-
nation has given a great Impetus to the Pro
hibition movement here, very few respect*
able Bepublloans outside of the _pr
politicians, will suport him. Th
D. R- P. HOBS,
County CoouniMtoner—M Dirt......C.T. BD8SBLL
County CowmMtnw-M Diat .W. W. SWEET
Coonty CommiMioner—4th Diat JOHK BEACH
CoauliakMMr—5th Diat E. C. DOBR
When a bad nomination is made, no
man can do tau party a more, loyal ser
vice than to vote to defeat that bad nomi
nation at the polls.
To repudiate a bad nomination is the
highest political virtue it is one of the
most commendable politicel acts that a
man can do. In so doing, a man pays a
compliment to his own manhood, pro
tects his conscience, and serves his party
truly. If the Republican party had done
this often enough, the Democratic party
would not now be in power. In no other
way can a party be kept pure, except by
beating bad nominations at the polls—for
bad nominations cannot always be pre
vented. The men in charge ot the party
machinery can and do use it to advance
their own selfish interests and. to thwart
the wishes of the people. And when this
is done, punishment should be visited
upon them at the polls. In this way the
party is kept pure, its strength increased
and its life extended. But If the devil is
to be voted for if he Is nominated—the
devil will be nominated and the party will
be defeated—because you cannot stifle the
conscience of a party. The public con
science may be sleeping, but it can be
aroused, and then the selfish schemes of
unscrupulous plotters are swept aside,and
the right comcs out triumphant at the
ballot box.
ere is no
good thing or enterprise that he has tailed to
abase and revile. It is Impossible to con
ceive how men who profess to have any re
gard for any kind of morality, or who belong
to any ehureh organisation, can tolerate the
Idea of voting for him for any position of
public trust. And they will not. In next to
the stost important blook in the elty, not
•ore than three, and probably but two, will
vote for him. Of his twenty nearest neigh,
bors exclusive of Democrats, in the best part
of the city, only four will support him at the
ills. He Is terribly unpopular with all but
worst elements. No one supposed be
could be nominated. He was allowed to have
the delegation from this oounty simply by
default. It would have been an easy thing
to have prevented it. Deoeat men want to
kick themselves now for not having done It.
Scores of prominent Bepublloans In tae elty
and county are enthusiastic for Judge Wil
son, as it gives them a chance to make a
square issue between real abllllty, proved
integrity and morality, versus pretentious
assumption and immorality. Others are
tuning to Prohibition. PMw «f •irenm
stanoes Lovely can never get one third of
1,000 majority.that he has so brazenly claimed
from here. It Is a mistake about his being a
man of any real ability. It is only in certain
limited directions that he oan claim any. As
a candidate for Congress he is the mon
umental fraud of the age** Things are
hot here and getting hotter, and as far as
my information enables me to judge it is the
same throughout the district.
Some people complain of the large
amount of money which has been spent
in Austin for our oounty building, and are
trying to make political capital against
Oscar Ayers, candidate for Senator, on
account of It. Now, we think it can be
easily demonstrated that the money for
the Court House has been very economi
cally expended that very little money
has been made out of the contracts. The
city of Austin contributed I&000 to the
fund, and was especially interested in the
building of a substantial edifice as cheap
ly as possible. OscarAyers is entitled to
great credit for his valuable aid as chair
man of the Board, in securing for Mower
County a Court House for $60,000 which
would not have been considered high
priced at $100,000 by the general public.
Then, again, we understand that Mower
county has expended, during the past six
or eight yeam-neaity as inch money in
bridges as for the Govt H«qae. The
most of this bridge money has been spent
for bridges outside of Austin, and Chair
man Ayers, in almoet every ease, has
been ss wanna supporter of the appropri
ation as any outride member of the
Board. The peop)e |outside of Austin
hate no
reason to complain of Oscar Ayers
on this score.
an honorable and in-
fluential citizen of Albert Lea, presented
the name of Judge Wilson to the Con
gressional Democratic Convention at Wi
nona, in a forcible and eloquent manner.
We give the following extract from his
speech, to shew that Mr. Lovely Is very
weak In his own county:
With a majority of tJUO against us. it is of
the utmost importance that we nominate a
maof integrity and ability, a man whom all
ww unite In nominating unanimously. We
eaSnot win with our own party vote, and
must nominate a man whomRepublicans and
independent voters can and will sapport.
Thatman whomI now place In nomination
Is Hon. Thomas Wilson of Winona. (Tre
mendous applause.) If he be nominated
there will be no question of the result. The
Bepnbileans have placed In nomination a
man whom they themselves declare gained the
nomination by dishonorable trickery and
Intrigue. The RepubHcan* of that man'* county
osfc to nominate man of tmh character ana
oMHfy that they eon support Mm. 7/we do so
Uuy promise that we shaM carry Freeborn eoun
(Applause) Let us then nominate Judge
ilson. If elected he would honor himself
and honor us in congress and with the cam*
paign that this convention assures us will be
made, he will be triumphantly elected. (Ap
plause.) ___________
LAST week we published the following:
"It is said that the office of State Oil In
spector, held by Capt. H. A. Castle, of
8t. Paul, for the past four years, paid
flT.000 in fees last year." We got our
Information from an item in the St. Paul
DispatcA. Now we are informed, en re
liable authority, that the "917,000 fees"
is an exaggerated statement of the grass
amount paid in the iehole state, Capt. Cas
tle's own earnings, and lhat of his 35
deputies. These deputies, (as Mr. Ober
of Austin will say,) get all die fees they
earn, so that Capt. Castle's emoluments
consist entirely of the earnings in Ram
sey and Hennepin counties, less amount
paid for high-priced assistants to do the
manual labor. The office is a good one,
but these statements are gross exaggera
tions, emanating from hostile sources to
injure Capt. Castle. From what we can
learn, we believe $5,000 would be a libe
ral estimate of the fees which go into the
Captain's purse.
THE THANSCRIPT is a Republican news
paper, and is supporting every Republi
can candidate from Governor down to
Coroner, except one, the candidate for
Congress. If any of our Republican
friends feel bad because we make this
exception, we are soriy for them. If they
will honestly investigate into Mr. Love
ly's character, we think they will make
the same exception. We have given
abundant testimony from some of the
most respectable people of Lovely's own
town, and we, with hundreds of other Re
publicans, will vote and work for Judge
C. D. BKLDEN, our County Superintcn
tendent, is the most faithful, industrious
Superintendent Mower county ever had.
No other Superintendent ever gave the
schools and teachers of the county so
thorough a supervision. No other ever
gave better return for his salary. He is
a conscientious worker for education—a
friend of the teacher, and a superinten
dent of|our educational interests, in fact
as well as in name. He is an able man—
a trustworthy man. Every Republican
voter should stand by Mr. Belden. His
place cannot be better filled.
JOHN BEACH, of Lyle, is the Republi
can nominee for County Commissioner of
the Fourth District. Years ago, Alanson
Beach, the father of John, was the Coun
ty Commissioner from the same district
for several years, and also chairman of
the Board. No one acquainted with John
Beach doubts his qualifications for Com
missioner. He is honest, has good judg
ment and good business discretion, and
would look well after the interests of the
county. The district is composed of the
towns qf Lyle, Nevada, Windom and
J. J. HUNT is one of the oldest resi
dents of the town of Waltham. He is
also one of its most prominent and most
influential citizens. The Republicans
have united upon him as their candidate
for Commissioner for the First District,
and it is quite likely he will be called
upon to serve the people in that capacity.
Mr. Hunt is thoroughly qualified for the
place, and has been endorsed by the Pro
hibltionists. The First District is made
up of the towns of Udolpho, Waltham,
Sargeant, Dexter and Red Rock.
PROF. C. W. LEVENS of Albert Lea, an
active, avowed opponent of John A.
Lovely's candidacy, is the candidate of
the Republican and Democrat parties of
Freeborn county for superintendent of
schools. He says Mr. Lovely ought net
to be elected as the successor of Milo
White in Congress, and that he will do
all in his power to defeat him. No one
questions the high moral character of Mr.
Levens, who endorses the statements
made by Mrs. Fixen.—Preston Republi-
SIXTEKX years ago, when A. R. McGill
was appointed State Insurance Commis
sioner, he was supposed to be in moderate
circumstances. It is said he is now worth
one million dollars. An inquisitive mind
might wonder how he became so wealthy.
—Democratic Ex.
The above is & sample of the unfair and
untruthful statements made by the Dem
ocratic press. We have the word of a
St. Paul gentleman, who ought to know,
that Mr^ McOill is net worth $3,000
DR. E. C. DORR, the Republican can
didate for County Commissioner, for
the Fifth District, composed of Austin
city and town ond Lansing, should re
ceive the cordial support of every Re
publican. The Dr. has served the peo
pleas Mayor of Austin for several terms,
and is unselfish in performing all official
duties. He has the interest of his con
stituents at heait, and will make a trust
worthy and efficient commissioner.
WONDER if the "disgusted" correspon
dent of the Register has yet found out
whom the TKANBCBIPT is supporting for
Congress. We would say to him most
tenderly and affectionately, that we are
supporting Judge Thos. Wilson of
Winona, for Congress, a good, decent,
pure, intelligent man,—and that, in do
ing so, we are only following in the foot
steps of the RegUter't most illustrious
leader, Milo White.
THE Third Commissioner District,
(composed of Bennington, Clayton,
Adams, Lodi and LeRoy,) is to be repre
sented in the county legislature by W. W.
Sweet of LeRoy. He is the Republican
candidate, endorsed by the Prohibition
ists, and will be elected of course. We
can say of Mr. Sweet that he bears a good
name, and is a worthy man
C. T. BCSSKLL, candidate for County
GommissiShmr for the 3d district, com
prising the tfeerns of Pleasant Yalley,
Racine, Frankrard and Grand Meadow,
is well thought \f by a large list of
friends. He is a hijdkly respectable gentle
man, a thoroughgoing Republican, and
should reoebre tlfe loyal
iakr sar Bet. Mr. AbboW
of the Presbyterian College of Albert
tea, has been given to understand
he must "let up" on Lovely* or he will be
given the "grand bounce." We hope there
is no truth in this rumor, and that the good
people of Albfrt Lea will stand by their
brave college president.
to the man of con
science: "Now, step up here and give a
big swallow, while
hold your noser
And while the poor, conscience-stricken
man chokes and swallows,'down goes the
Judge Farmer never did see
John A. Lovely intoxicated in court.
There are several degrees of drunkenness.
THE Mower county Republican ticket
is a good one, and the party will stand
by it.
LOVELY'S character is suffering from
nervous prostration.
Avoid Union Soldier at Watertown,
Wis., where Lovely lived prior to com
ing to Albert Lea. who was written to
for information, says Lovely was a rank
copperhead there during the war, and he
would rather vote for Jeff Davis now
than Lovely.—Preston Republican.
EDITOB or TJUUVSCBIPT:—As a citizen of
Mower county I am interested in the selec
tion of its officers, and especially as to
County Superintendent of Schools. Let us
reason together: In the firs place, the of
fice is properly above partisanship and the
inoumbent should be one chosen by all with
out partisan feeling, and solely with a view
to the beet Interests of our PubUe Schools.
He should, of course, be well qualified,
morally, InteUectuaUy, and in scholastic
attainments, and trainiug for the ofilce.
Mr. W. G. Blliottof Brownsaale, has all these
Qualifications, and is a candidate for the of
fice. As a teacher his experience commenced
in Olmsted county in 1868, under the superin
tendence of Prof. 8. Niles. He taught in the
Publio Schools of Iowa eleven years, and
was, atone time, Principal of a graded school
of four departments in that state. In this
state he has taught nine years. He taught
four terms at Bose Creek, and is now filling
acceptably a second engagement in the
graded school of this village, is eminently
practical as well as successful in his profes
sion and taKes Just pride in it as his chosen
life work. Devoted to his profession, he has
given little thought to the accumulation of
property, and has limited means. His most
intimate friends believe he is the proper
person to fill the office of County Superinten
dent, and will vote for him. irrespective of
party politics. He beiieves the offiee .belongs
to the teachers profession on the same princi-
tle that a Judge should be chosen from the
profession. He is still a young man.
and the voters of Mower county will act
wisely and Justly in electing him to the office.
Voters, let your patronage be equitably and
fairly conferred. VOTER.
BROWNSDALE, Minn., Oct. 11,1883.
Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul.
Chicago and Milwaukee Mail and Express. 1:30 pm
Chicago and Milwaukee i'asaenfter 8:85
Austin and Uameey Pa*«nger ...ar 8:00
Stock Freight (Sunday, Tuesday
Thurs.) 1:00
Freights 5:00
and 8.-00
Masoa City Mail snd Express 8:00 pin
Mason City Passenger.... 8:45
Mason City Freights.8:40 a m,4:45 and 8:15
St. Paul and Minneapolis Passeuger and
Southern Minnesota Div. West.. 4:50 am
Austin and Bamsey Passenger 2:00
St. Paul and Minneapolis Mail and Express
and Southern Miiin. Div. east and west 2:40
Freights 7:00 a m. 5:45 and 11:45
Mason City Passengers ar 4:15 am and 1:35
Mason City freights ar 18:10,4:45!and 10:50
C. H. COLEMAN, Agent, Austin, Minn.
Minnesota A .Northwestern.
^Chicago and St. Louis Mail and Express.
*Local Express 7:15 am
'Chicago and St. Louis Mail and Express 4:18
*Local Freight 6:15 a
•Through Freight 10:89
*Fast Freight 8:14 a
•Chicago and St. Louis Mail and Express. .11:50 am
•LocalExpress 8:83 pm
^Chicago and St. Louis Mail and Express. .10:89
•LocalFreight 8:80 pm
*Fast Freight 7:56
•Through Freight 8:83 am
Daily exoept Sunday, Daily except Monday,
Daily exoept Satmday.
No chaage of cars between St. Paul, Waterloo, Dn
bnque and Chicago.
Through tickets, north, south, east and west.
O. W. TURNER, Agent. Austin.
iiui mi
We have just put in a very Large, Complete, New and Fine
Meadow this (Wednesday) Oct. SOL
-John Rowley brought to the Dexter'mar
kat 98 bushels of timothy, rSs^fs ams
Of llDOk
—We be?* it reported that L. G. Moore of
LaCrosse is about to become a brakeman on
afreign train.
^Booth ?0SV No. ia0fJ. A. B., will give- a
Joeyln's new warehouse, slse 30x10 feet.
_~S. Hoppln. last Monday, drove Into
Grand Meadow and sold to G. Holton 106
head of cattle receiving therefor the neat
little snm of $3,450.
—The Grand Meadow Farmers' Alliance
wUI meet hereafter every second and fourth
Saturdays of each month at 3 o'clock p. m.,
in the front room of the Clausen building
which has been secured for the sole use or
the Alliance.—Record. Oct. 15.
Everything Goes Wrong
In 'the bodily mechanism when the liver
gets .out of order. Constipation, dyspepsia,
contamination of the blood, imperfect as
similation. are certain to ensue. But it 4s
easy to prevent these consequences, and
remove the cause, bv a course of Hostet
ter*s Stomach Bitters, which stimulates the
biliary organ and regulates its action. The
direct result is a disappearance of the pains
beneath the ribs, and through the shoulder
blade, the nausea, headaches, yellowness of
the skin, furred look of the tongue, and sour
odor of the breath, whioh characterize liver
complaint. Sound digestion and regular
habit of body are blessings also secured by
the use of this celebrated restorative of
health, which imparts a degree of vigor
to the body which is its best guarantee of
safety from malarial epidemics. Nerve weak
ness and over-tension are relieved by it, and
it improves both appetite and sleep.
euro' for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker
Mouth. Sold by Dorr A Wold.
A NA8AL INJBCTOR free with each bottle
of Shlloh's Catarrh Bemedy. Price 60 cents.
Sold by DOBR ft WOLD.
'v euro For Plies
Piles are frequently preceded by a sense
di weight in the back, loins, and lower part
of the abdomen, causing the patient tooun
pose be has some affection of the kidneys or
neighboring organs. At times, symptom? of
indigestion are present, flatulency uneasi
ness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like
producing a very disagreeable
warm, is a common at
perspiration, product
itching, after getting
tendaut. Blind, Blee
Bleeding-and Itching Piles
yieic at once to the application of Dr. Bosan
ko's Pile Bemedy, which acts directly upon
the parts affected, absorbing the tumors, al
laying the intense itching, and effecting a
permanent cure. Price 50 cents. Address
the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co.. Piqua. O.
Sold by Mills & Johnson
WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's Cure
will give immediate relief. Price 10c, 50c, $1.
THB BBV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon.
Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our
SHILOH'S CURB will immediately relieve
Croup, Whoping COUKU and Bronchitis.
FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, vou
have a printed guatantee on every bottle of
Shiloh's italizer. It never fails to cure.
On theKAST PAYMENT system, from «3.S5
per month up. 100 styles, $83 to $900. Send for Cat
alogue with full particulars, mailed free.
Constructed on the new method of stringing, on
similar terms. Send for descriptive Catalogue
Boston, Now York, Chicago.
We offer our farm of 100 acres for sale, at a
moderate price, and upon reasonable terms.
This farm is conveniently located near the
.Tillage of BrownBdale, Mower County, Min
nesota, being the NW^of sec. 16, town 103,
range 17, with a good house and stable, a well
of excellent water, a line young grove of nat
ural timber, two well fenced pastures, and is
nicely adapted for both stock and grain rais
ing. For particulars concerning price, terms,
etc., call upon or address O. C. LABAR, oijr
agent at Lansing, Minn.
Stock of
McGregor, Iowa.
One-Price Clothing J. SOUR
hi. ni
In the Store one door South of Kaiser & Guiney's Harness Shop, to
which wa invite the attention of the Citizens of Ausiin and Vicinity.
We will give the
On all Goods. We will not ask two prices and then get a price and
a half, bnt sell te all parties alike, the same as at oar Grocery Store.
We invite all oar old.castomers in the Grocery Line and-all new ones
to give our One-Price Clothing Sjtorca call.
We have no old Shelf Worn or Mot]} Eaten Goods to offer the trade:
Oar goods are new, and were bought at the very lowest bottom
prices, for Cash.
Bjr Purchasing
Wool Dross Goods,
Knit Underwoar,
Cardigan Jackets,
Mittens and
Is now opening his
(Plain and Striped),
Beaded Trimmings and Orna
Of All Kinds.
Bought bofore the Advance in Prices,
and sold cheap.
A Splendid Lot of
Ladies' & Children's Underwear.
Of all Descriptions.
Laces, Hosiery, Yarns, Blankets.
A Large Stock of
Ladies' Cloak,
Just Opening.
Hemp, fool, Tapestry, Velvets.
lam now ready to do a flrst-class lob at
Crayon portrait or landscape drawing. I
have studied two years In Cooper Institute,
New York City, and have taken private les
sons at crayoning of prominent artists of the
I will guarantee to do as good a job at por
trait or landscape crayoning as any artist In
the country for less money.
Portraits a specialty.
Portraits taken from photographs or tin
Ictures priced according to size.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Also lessons given in Crayon Drawing or
landscape oil painting, 50 cents per lesson.
Studio over Sweningsen & Johnson's store.
Tours truly, HALFRED OLSON,
Box 293. Austin Minn.
and S
Stores, Tinware, Cfty, Barb Wire, &c.
I handle only best lines of Cook Stoves
and Ranges, such as
Golden Star, and Aoorn Cooks.
Model Sterling and
Bismark Ranges.
Gasoline Stoves!
I have the Celebrated
Quick Meal and Golden Star.
I am Sole Agent for
Clidden Barb Wire,
Other Claims to the contrarv, notwith
standing. Call and see it, and
Satisfy Yourself.
Mr. JOHN ROBERT8QN will be found
in the Tin*Shop, and all work in that line will
be orometlv done. Satisfaction suaranteed.
To Satisfy the wants of all in the
Complete, Veil Assorted Stock,
Builder's Hardwarey
Mechanic's Tools,
Farmer's Tools,
Anvils and Vises,
Bar Iron and Steel,
Ames Shovels,
Blacksmith Supplies,
Hardwood Lumber,
Asbestos Rooflg, Etc.
Paris and Jewel Sanies, Charter Oak
and Cyclone Cook, Crown Jewel
anil Hall Vapor stores,
Charter Oak Gas Ores, (witt the Won
ierlal Wire Gauze Door),
Art Royal and Perfect Jewel Beaters,
aid the BarstoiM Heaters.
ffr Examine the Wire Gauze Oven Door.
Call and get our prices.
Everybody is cordially invited to attend the
Furniture Sale
Quilts, Pictures, Cradles. Baby Carriages,
Lounges, in fact, everything needed, in first
class shape, for as little money as goods can
be sold.
All kinds of Furniture Repairing done to or
der, and satisfaction guaranteed. Goods
not kept in stock will be ordered promptly
when desired. In the
Line, I have a full stock of all grades
of Cofflns and Caskets, and am pre
pared to answer all calls in the
Undertaker's line promptly
and satisfactorily.
Don't Forget the Big Sale.
First. Door East of Oscar Ayers'.
Furniture Dealer ud
Foil Assortment of
First Class Heane.
A Specialty.
Anstli, liuesota.
J. F. Fairbanks,
Dealer in
Paoa. EL, Coal, on track..94X0. Dethnend, $5.00.
Iowa Coal, on track.. 4.00. 4J8.
Standard CemenUlper bsnd... SJK.
Whits lime, per boM M.
Mavis Wood, per cord, 7JO.
Oak Wood................................... W®.
TTlaitmillli CoOl.............................IISO.
VOId as Bridge fittest, swusitsCowrtga—i.
Default has been made In the payment of
the snm of flfty-aix dollars, which is claimed
to be due, and is due, at the date of- this no
tice, ljpen acertain mortgage, duly executed
and delivered by Charlotte R. Hutchlns and
James Mi Hutchins, her husband, to William
Cotter, bearing date the 18th day of August.
A. D. 1884, and duly recorded in the office of
the Register of Deeds, In and for the County
of Mower, and State of Minnesota, oa the
aoth day of August, 1884, at 12 o'clock, M., in
Book 3 of Mortgages, on page 73.
Said mortgage is conditioned that if default
be made in any of the provisions therein con
tamed, it shall be lawful far said mortgagee,
his assigns, or attorney, to'declare the whole
amount thereof to be due. and pursuant to
said conditions, the whole amount seeured by
said mortgage remaining unpaid, to-wit: the
sum of seven hundred fifty-eight and 3S-100
dollars, is. declared to be dne, and the said
sum is claimed to be due at the date of this
And no actton or proceeding at law or oth
erwise having been instituted to recover the
debt secured by said mortgage, or any part
Now therefore, notice is hereby given, that
by virtue of a power of sale contained In
said mortgage, and pursuant to the statttte in
such case made and provided, the said mort
age will be foreclosed, and the premises
escribed in and covered by said Mortgage,
viB. 5
Lots numbers nine and ten, in block num
ber twenty-three, in Davidson'B Addition to
the Village of Austin, according to the re
corded plat thereof, with the dwelling house
to be erected thereon, together with any other
buildings that may be erected thereon, in
Mower County, and State of Minnesota, with
the hereditaments and appurtenances,
Will be sold at public auction, to the highest
bidder, for cash, to pay said debt and interest,
and $8.87, taxes on said premises for the year
1884, paid by the mortgagee. April 26th, 1886,
and fifty dollars attorney's fee, as stipulated
in and fcy said mortgage in case of foreclosure,
and the disbursements allowed by law which
sale will be made by the Sheriff of said Mower
County, at the West Front Door of the Court
House in the City of Austin, in said County
and State, on Saturday, the 30th day of Octo
ber, A. O. 1886, at 10 o'clock a. m. of that
day, subjeot to redemption at any time within
one year from the day of sale, as provided.by
Dated at Austin. Minn., SeptemberfTth, AD.
J. D. SHSSDY, Attorney for Mortgagee.
Default has been made in the payment of
the sum of three hundred and twenty
two dollars, which is claimed to be
due, and is due, at the date of this notice,
upon a certain Mortgage, duly executed
and delivered by Miehael Cavanaugb,
to Catharine Coleman, bearing date the 17th
day of November, A. D. 1875, and duly recorded
in the ofilce of the Register of DeedB in and
for the County of Mower and State of Minne
sota, on the 17th day of November, A. D. 1875,
S at o'clock p. m., in Book of Mortgages, on
page 412.
bald mortgage was, on the 30th day of Au
gust, A. D. 1886, duly assigned and transferred
by the said Catbariue Coleman to Peter Gor
vin, and 6aid assignment was duly recorded tn
the office of Register of Deeds aforesaid, on
the 11th day of September. A. D. 1886, in Book
5 of Mortgages, on page 533.
And no action or proceeding, at law or oth
erwise, having been instituted, to recover the
debt seoured by said Mortgage, or any part
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that
by virtue of power of sale contained in
said Mortgage, and pursuant to the statute In
such case made and provided, the said Mort
gage will be foreclosed, and the premises
described in and covered by said Mortgage,
The West half of the Northeast quarter of
section nineteen (10), in township one hun
dred one (101) north, of range fifteen (15) west,
in Mower county, and State of Minnesota, with
the hereditaments and appurtenances.
Will be sold at public auction, to the highest
bidder, for cash, to pay said debt and interest,
and the taxes, if any, on said premises, and
twenty-live dollars attorney's fee, as
stipulated in and by said Mortgage, in
case of foreclosure, and the disburse
ments allowed by law which sale will be
made by the sheriff of said Mower county, at
the west front door of the Court House, in the
City of Austin, in said County and State, on
Saturday, the 13th day of November, A. D.
1886, at ten o'clock a. m., of that day, subject
to redemption at any time within ono year
from tbe day of sale, as provided by law.
Dated at Austin, Minn., Sept.. 18, A. D. 1886.
Assignee of Mortgagee.
E. B. CRANE, Attorney for Assignee.
Wm. Mann's Axes,
Wagon and Carriage Hard
Wagon Makers' Stock,
South of Court House, door first East of Os*
car Ayers.' Sale to be continued daily, until
the stock is all sold, which will be an indefi
nite time, as new goods arc constantly arriv
ing. You will always find my stock com
plete, from a toy chair to the most expen
sive Bed Room or Parlor Suites. I will fur*
nlsb your Houses complete with Chairs, Ta
bles, Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Pillows,
MOWER, ss.
In Probate Court.
In the matter of the estate of Samuel G. Low
ry, deceased:
On reading and tiling the petition of Lu
cinda A. Lowry, of said State, representing,
among other things, that Samuel O. Lowry,
late of Austin, in said Countv, on the 26th day
of September, 1886, at Austin, Minn., died in
testate, and being a resident of this county
at tbe time of his death, leaving goods, chat
tels and estate within this county, and that
tbe said petitioner is a daughter of said de
ceased, and praying that administration of
said estate be to D. B. Johnson Jr.granted, it is
ordered, that said petition be beard before
the Judge of this Court, on Monday, tbe 1st
day of November, A. D. 1886, at 10 o'clock,
a. m., at the Probate Ofilce in the city of Aus
tin, in said county.
Ordered further, that notice thereof be
given to tbe heirs of said deceased, and
to all persons Interested, by publish
ing a copy of this order for three succes
sive weeks, prior to said day of bearing,in tho
paper printed and published at Austin, In said
Dated at Austin,Minn., the 4th day of Octo
ber. A. D. 1886.
By the Court, ORMANZO ALLEN,
oct6-4t Judge of Probate.
To Advertiaera.
A lint of 1000 newKpaper* divided into STATES
and SECTIONS will bo aeot on application—
To thooe who want their advertUing to pay, we
can offer no bettermedium for thorough and effective
work than the varloud xectlona of oar 8alect Local
List. GEO.
Newspaper Advertlning Bureau.
10 Spruce Street, New York.
Doty's Celebrated Clothes Washer
LaCrosse Doty Washer Co.f
Buy one for your over-worked Wife that
she may live
Over One Sundred Thousand of the
He lev Machine Greatly Superior to
Tie Old!
While other machines have bad their day
and are forgotten, "THE DOTV" gain? in
favor with tbe people. Get one on trial from
SL22PZB A SONS, Agents,
Canvassers Wanted.
Brownsdale, Minn.
"Ererr Day Life of Abrabam Lincoln"
From the obsourity of his boyhood to the date
of bis tragic death. A new Biography of tbe
great American President, from anew stand
point—accurate and exhaustive in fact and
Incident, replete with anecdote, profuse and
elegant in illustration (100 engravings from
original designs illustrating incidents, anee
dotes,persons,Ac^iacluding 10 steel portraits).
Send for foil particu
larsand for evidence
that this Is the most salable and profitable
book published, or, to save time, send $LS6 at
or New York City.
bis Is the most
published, or, to si
for Canvassing Book, and state vonr
of townships. Address, N. D. THOMP
TJBLISMING CO., Pub., St. Louis, Mo.,
Short Horn Cattle,
May, October 26, '86.
At Mound View Stock Farm, three wiles
north of Osage, and three miles east of Mitch
ell, we will sell 35 bead of thoroughbred Cows
and Heifers and roung Bolls of good, stand
ard pedigrees of such families as tbe celebrat
ed ltoee of Bharons, Young Marys, Pansys,
and Crocuses. Tbe stock to be sold is in flne
breeding condition. All the females of suita
ble sige will have young calves or be in calf by
tbe line Bose of 8baron bull, Sharon Guynne,
64,467. Our stock has been bred for beef and
milk combined, and for the two qualities
cannot be surpassed in this part of the coun
TBltMS OF SALE.—One year's time with
approved notes, bearing 8 per cent, interest.
A reasonable discount for cash.
Catalogues sent on application after Octo
ber 15th. Sale to commence promptly at one
o'clock. At the same time and place we will
sell fifteen or twenty high grade Cows and
For catalogues or information address
OoL John Scott, AtoMoneer.