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yrh Stories About Birds and Boasts Dogs can cot^t. I knew one that was employed to bring in the cows to be milked. One morning after ho had stood at the gate to see them pass through, he found one was missing, and ho started back for it. It was not there, but seeing atop rail in the fence broken he' suspected that it had gone over the panel, and he found the eow a half mile distant in a neighboring farm. I knew of another that took his master to a distant place on the farm where a horse had broken his leg. I recall another instance which would be re markable if animals did not reason and think. Almost every day a person who lived in the vicinity of Washington rode into the city, and he always went homo almost helplessly drunk. The horse knew when his owner was in that con dition, and he would get down on his knees and haunches for him to mount, and would travel away slowly and stead ily with his drunken load. If he chanced to be sober he would not assist him, but would trot away rapidly with his rider. My father had a dog that knew when Saturday came, and he would go a mile to the creek to meet him at the hour when he returned home that day. I knew a parrot that would fan the coffee given it, when it was too hot, and another that would say '*put me to bed" as soon as the gas was lighted.—Chester (Pa.) News. Oft obscare the road that leads to health, Unmarked by board or sign Wisdom avails not, powerless is wealth To sooth those aches of thine. But do not despair, with life there's hope, The cloud conceals the sun With Pierce's Favorite Prescription at hand You life's full course may run. More truth than poetry in these lines, as thousands of ladies all over the land now blooming with health, testify to the great curative powers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, adapted by much research and careful study to the happy relief ef all those weaknesses and ailments peculiar to females. All druggists. A man cannot attempt to find out what is in a woman's heart without a certain disturbance of his own. The Knights of Labor should Hot envy the man who Has a million to care for. It is a greater hell than poverty, unless the old fellow takes Moxie. Early seed Gardening. raisers—the hens.—Popular Reduced Mileage Rates. THE MOXON ROUTE (L. N. A. & C. Ry.) have placed on sale in their principal offi ces, anew form of Mileage Book at the rate of 2 cents per mile which can be used by a firm or a man and his family. Books will be limited one year from date of issuance and 150 pounds of baggage will be checked on each coupon. About the worst examples a boy meets with are in the arithmetic. The Sweetest Girl in School. "She's the sweetest girl in school" 1 en thusiastically exclaimed'one young miss to another, as they passed down the street to gether. "Edith is so kind, and gentle, and unselfish, every one likes her. And she has lovely golden hair and pretty eyes. Isn't it a pity her complexion is so bad it spoilt her looks. And theu she has such dreadful headaehes"! The girls skipped along, but it happened Edith's mother had heard what they said. It set her thinking. What could be done for those headaches and the rough, muddy complexion, that was such a trial to hergentle daughter. She recalled what she had read of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and on the spur of the moment she slipped into a drug store and bought a supply. Edith took it faithfully, with the repult that it cleared her disordered blood, relieved her headaches, made her skin soft, fair and rosy, and now she is not only the •'sweetest girl in school,'' but the most beautiful. It was the lady who thought she was going to swoon who had a faint suspicion. A Perilous Postponement. To postpone, when the duty for immedi ate action is clear, is always unwise! Espe cially is it so when increasing ill health calls for a resort to medication. Diseases of the kidneys and bladder are often of swift growth—always of fatal tendency if not combatt at the outset. We have all— even those of us who are not remarkably well instrueted—heard something of the danger attending right's disease, diabetes, and other diseas of th« kidneys or. blad der. Let no one be foolhardy enough to procrastinate if he perceives the renal or gans to be inactive. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters are peculiarly adapted to overcome this inaction, to sufficiently stimulate, with out exciting, the kidneys and bladder. In finitely is this diuretic to be preferred to the impure and fiery stimulants of com merce, which prove the bane of unwary persons with a tendency to renal troubles. They are likewise incomparable for dyspep sia, debility, feyer and ague, and bilious ness. Out of season—an empty pepperbox Merchant Traveler. C-Ii-o-o 1 Oli-o-o I I C-li-o-o I Don't sneeze, sneeze, hawk, hawk, spit, blow, and disgust everybody with your of fensive breath. If you havo acrid, watery discharges from the nose and eyes, throat disease, causing choking sensations, cough, ringing noises in heai, spiltting headache and other symptoms of nasal catarrh, re member- that the manufacturers of Dr. Bage's Catarrh Remedy offer, in good faith, $500 reward for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. The Remedy is sold by druggists at only 50 cents. How to Train a Canary. Set the cage on a table near where you wish to sit after a little conference with the bird, introduce a-finger between the wires near the favorite perch, hold in'g it there patiently, yourself occupied "with book or paper the while. Present ly,-as it shows no disposition to harm him, he cautiously goes jjjp to examine it. Then he picks to ^ascertain its quality, maybe he fight# it. That is well he no longer feaitj it. Pay him with a little bird food, put him away. Next day try him again. He may go farther and light on it, or lie may be several days getting thus familiar. Be patient. Once this step is attained, vary the programme by introducing the finger in other spots. He will sOon light on it at any point or angle. Then ^try the door, at first thrusting the fin l,i ger under it, next time fasten it open, blockading egress with the rest of the hand as one finger extends within. When he perches on it, draw him forth a little, next time tempt him to the perch outside a little, and so on. In a short you have but to open the cage door, uplift a finger,, he is sure to fly for it and he may thus be called to any part of the room to rest on the familiar perch. Most birds learn this familiarity in a few days, yet there are those who will be two to four weeks about it. Moses WAS a Gentleman. Some amusing stories are told of the wit and wisdom of London school child ren. A class of boys in a board school were being examined orally in Scrip ture. The history of Moses had for some time been a special study, and one of the examiners asked: "What would you say of the general charaoter of Moses?" "He was meek," said one boy. "Brave," said another. "Learned," added a third boy. "Please, sir," piped a pale-faced, neatly-dressed lad, "he was a gentle man." 'A gentleman asked the examiner. "How do you make that outP" The boy promptly replied in the same thin, nervous, voice, "Please, sir. when the daughters of Jethro went to the well to draw water the shepherds came and drove them away: and Moses helped the daughters of Jethro, and said to the shepherds, 'Ladies first, please, gentlemen."—London Christian World. Baby was sick, wsgsvakwCfcaiMM," Whsashs waaaChild, eheeiied ArCeeUd^ became Miaa, iha eluf to GuM% Wksn aha had CUldna, shs thsss Gssttsfct Senator Stanford's first money was earned digging "horse-radish. That sort of thing is apt to make a boy smart. Fits: All Fits stopped free by Dr. Kline'* Great Nerve Restorer, Ho Pits after first day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and •8.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Hwid to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. The best way to clean a lamp chimney is to place it in the steam of the kettle and dry with chamois. If afflicted with sore eyes, use Dp. I—M Thompson's eye water. Druggists sell it 25c. Fish may be kept in vinegar as well as on ice this also improves the flavor. N O pi in Piso's Cure for Consumption. Cures where other remedies fail. 20c. In Massachusetts there are thirty-two co operative banks. JNYAOTABIiB *03 BUBSS, STJflBUBNS, DIARRHCEA, CHAFINGS, ,.,)m STI5GS OF INSECTS, PILES. 80BE EYES, SOKE FEET. THE WOHDER OF HEALING 1 For Piles, (Use with Pond's Extract Ointment,) it is the greatest known remedy. For Bnm, Scalds, Wounds, Bruises and Sprains, it is tmeqoaled—stopping pain and heaung in a marvelous maimer. For Inflamed and Sore Eyes.—Its effect upon these delicate organs is simply marvelous. All Inflammations and Hemorrhages yield to its 'wondrous power. __Por tJlc*rs, Old Sores, or Open Wonnd*, Toothache, Faceache, Bites of Insects, Sore Feet, its action upon Is most remarkable. 8 E A ha beer in* t$S&T>7%Lan* veto SIXTH A CT" Mown in the glas*, and our% loftm traae-nyirk on surrounding buff wrapper. Jf&nt f\ „-Aiw(S/8 Affrif# POND3EXTRACT. Taps noothtrprepara tion. It is never told in bulk or by meusure. Prices, 50o., $1, $1.75. Sold everywhere. C3*Oim Nrr Pxxrarjrr WITH HUTOBT or ova FurAunoin SBXZ fBEB OH ArruoAiioi» to POND'S EXTBACT CO., 76 5th Ave., ST. 7. [%H for Infants and Children. "Caatoria Is so well adapted to children that I Caiterla cores Colic, Oonatlpatlati, I recommend it as superior to anr nrescriotion I :iW#^ *^p t^f5?*^ r'W,J A Planters Experience. "My plantation Is in a malarial dis* trfiet, where fever and ague prevailed. I employ ISO hands frequently half of them were sick. I was nearly lis» couraged when I began the use of The result was marvellous. My men became strong and hearty .audi have had no urthur trouble, with these pills, I would not fear to live in any swamp." E. RIVAL, Bayou Sara, La. Sold Everywhere! Office, 44 Murray St* New York. Sitting Bull is living a life of laziness at Standing Rock Agency. Work ke considers degrading, and believes that his victory over Custer has entitled him to an existence of ease and indolence. r. $5 s^»*^b^1^- i'f sV '^'M^, 8$$#$ wMWiwi •:•-••.. I A N,*" Jr-' Z-1P* W"\! W s?1 1 %?&**•' Cif" 5V LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND WILLKKLP ANY WOMAN Suffering from Kidney Dls eaae or from troubles pe culiar to her sox. Its furfete is stlely far the legitimate^ healing ef disease and the relief ofpain fand that it dees all it claims ta do, thousands of ladies can gladly testify. 11 has stood the test of twenty years in relieving periodi cal pain, promoting regularity of seasons, and banishing weakness, backache and consequent nervous distress. Probably no other woman in the world receives so many "letters of thanks" as Lydia E. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass. Mrs. of Enfield, N. H., says: "I will simply say that your Vegetable Compound is all you recommend it to be. It has done tne Worlds oj good" Another lady writes from Ottawa as follows: "I have just to-day bought the seventh bottle of your Vege table Compound, have used two boxes of Pills and sev eral packages of your Sanative Wash, and think it but right to tell you how much good I derived from your medi cines. They area regular God-send. All the pains and aches have almost disappeared, my stomach is much stronger too and I feel myself improved every way." Price 61. Sold by oil BraggUte. Ofleer'e pay, bounty pn oared deserters relieved PENSIONS, «... :u ^ear?' Socoee er no fee. Write for circulars and new laws. A. W. KeOecmiok Ben. P.CL* rhuiwti, a or no tee. Write PISO'S. CURPv-FOR GUKS Wfl Beet Oough iatime. MILS, good. PRICES tea wide open at the Bi'g Boston,Mince apolls, all their Suits. Summer Coats and Vests, Thia Under wear, Light Colored and Straw Hats, marked clear down to oost .and less. Send In your address for Bar grains, men's all wool Suits in Blue Flannel and Grey mixed Cassimeres, only $6.00. One Agent (M.erahant only) wanted tn srerr town for Everybody wants "Tansill's Punch" 6c cigar now they were always good but of late they have improved. I heartily approve of your way of doing business, you are sure hold aud increase your trade. A. ABEND, Druggist, Chicago, 111. Address R. W. TAN8ILL & CO., Chicago. jni kttlrh 53ie most Elegant Blood Purifier, Lirer lavifor» tor. Tenie ana Appetizer ever known. The firs! JUtters containing Iron ever advertised in America. Unprincipled persons are imitating the name: look *ut for frauds. See that the following signature is on every bottle and take none ether: BT.PAOI-MISK.i^ 8oar known to me." A. ARCHER, 11. D., I ^ertlon™8' [STOPPED FREE IT-DrJELffl'•(HUBAT tim+etrtu tmrnse. (nana Pcracns Rettarad I flfli "..J? 2®LN£RVERE*OKAMe'' mil BXAM Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, 211 So. Oz£oM Si* Brooklyn, N. 7. Without injurious medication. Tus Currxua COMPANY, 183 Fulton Street, N. T. TbaPIBHBllAHBfUiICKKBft wsrrsnted w«Urpit»f, *04 will klip jom promot* Tbe Best Waterproof Coat. the lmrdeit •tArm. The new POMMEL SUCKKB1* a perfect ridtsc cover* tbo entire (addle. Bew»r« of Imltetloo*. Hone cenulne without the "Ftah Brnnd" treUo-mkrtc. ninetrated CaUlofue free. Ju 1. Tower, Koetoa, Ma**, of this county us^ over thirteen million cakes of' Procter & Gamble's Xenox Soap in ."^ V- iWr1 J« *4 ever the J. Stephen*, JLebanoa. Ohio. TO JM A KiAT. Samples worth SI.M EH. Lines not under the horse's feet. Writ* FBI uimna unn BKOI Bouukce.,H(i(rlu«K Wanted Gentlemen and Ladles to Learn Teie graphing. Tnittoa not said until position ofc Addreaa Or. viUentlna'a College, Waahhictea SI, Chicago, Ilia. TAEF ftsasE. By our original system of diagnosis, we can treat many chronio 4fe6ases just as successfully without as with a personal con sultation. While we are always glad to see eur patients, and become.acquainted with them, show them our institutions, and familiarize them with our system »f treatment, yet we have not seen one person in five hundred whom we have cured. The per fect accuracy with which scientists are enabled to deduce the most minute particulars is their several UiOU8, if HIsEASeS T®*M ft KnYl DUIUI). ntrt frr Ktne BpiUtA. |lRruuiLl{M»i as AncM. fn fme etfU» toe. TIUIIN M4 $» trtsl battle twite .tkyriitowwiiirtiirMsibwiiM 82 try Is 1886? Buy cako of Lenox and you will soon understand why* TSESSm at almost miraculous, if we view ic in the light of the early ages. Take, for example, the electro-magnetic telegraph, the greatest invention of the age. Is it hot a marvelous degree of accuracy which enables an operator to exactly locate a fracture in a sub marine cable nearly three thousand mues long Our venerable clerk ef the weather" has become so thoroughly familiar with ibe most wayward elements ef nature that he can accurately predict their movements. He can sit in Washington and foretell what the weather will be in Florida or New York as well as if several hundred miles did not intervene between him and the places named. And so in all deportments of modern science, what is required is the knowledge ef certain signs. From these scientists deduce accurate con efysions regardless of distance. Bo, also, in medi ca\ science, diseases have certain unmistakable signs, or symptoms, and by reason of this fact, we have been enabled to originate and perfect a sys- Dr 1 •iiubHtikw ui Disuses. iful :cach "j urine, and then adapt ease and condition of our patient. WomEIFtlL We publish three Gepaurate books on Nasal, Throat and Lung Diseases, which give much valuable Information, Viz: (1) A Treatise on Consumption, Laryngitis aud Bronchitis: price, post-paid, ten cents. (2) A Treatise on Asthma, or Phthisic^ giving new and successful treatment prico, post-paif\, (3) A'. .T^ -5 {W 1 /iJMV^ *45f .... ten cents. on Chronio Nasal Catarrh price, post-paid, two cents. a Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint," Ok stiuate Constipation, Ohrenie Diar- r|lea^ Tapo-wormH, and kindred affections are among those chronio diseases in the suc cessful treatment of which our specialists have I attained great success. Many or the diseases affecting the liver and other organs contributing in their func tions to tho process of digestion, are very obscure, and are not Infrequently mistaken by ooth laymen and physicians for other »aios,an(f maladios, and treatment te employed directed to the removal of a disease which does not exist. Our Complete Treatise on Diseases of the Digestive Organs will be sent to any address on receipt of ten coats in postage stamps. BBIGHTS DISEASE, DIABETES, and kindred maladies, have been very largely treated, and cures effected in thousands or cases which, had been pronounced beyond hope. These diseases are readily diagnosticated, er determined, tiv chemical analysis of the urine without a personal examina tion of patients who can. therefore, generally be successfully treated at their homes. The study and praotic© of ehemioal analysis and microscopical examination of the urine in our consideration of cases, with reference to correct diagnosis, in whloh our institution long s$o became famous, has naturally led to a very extensive practice in diseases 6f the urinary organs. Probably no other Institution in the world has been so {largely patronized by suffers from this class of maladies as the old ana world-famed world's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel. Our specialists have acquired, through a vast and varied experience, great expettness in determining the emct nature of each oase, and, hence, have been suoccssful in niccly adapting their remedies I for the cure of eaoh individual case. T| These delicate diseases should be carefully treated lUIlTIAM by a specialist thoroughly familiar with them, and WNW I HW«|who is competent to ascertain fhe exact condition nnd stago of advancement which the disease has imade (whloh can only be ascertained by a careful chemical and {microscopical examination of the urine I, for medicines which are jcurativo in one Btago or condition are known to do positive injury (in others. Wo havo never, therefore, attempted to put up anything lmnai*Al mIa t.hPM1tfh rilfPfrintA. rPAnmmflnHJnU' frl avimi fKaen To this wise course of action we attribute the marvelous success attained by our specialists in Department of our —. ely to the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and bladder. The treat- that important and extensive institutions devoted exclusively ment of diseases of the urinary organs having practioe at tho Invalids' Hotel constituted a leading branch of our IUWVWB UI» XUVIUIUH noiei and Surgloal Institute, and, being in constant rooeipt of numerous Inquiries for a complete work on tho naturo and curability of these maladies, written In a style to be easily understood, we have pub lished a large Illustrated Treatise on these diseases, which wr" sent to any address on receipt of ten cents in postage stamps. ^INFILAWTOATION OF THE NIQCA^RQ FL **'»»•,»*'»« WRIUC) HUU IIJUVU-EU luieeiiona, UloLaato. may bo included among those iu the cure of which wmmaxMBpBmmm our specialists havo achieved extraord3nai-y suc cess. These are fully treated of in our illustrated pamplilct on Urinary Diseases. Sent by mail for ten cents in stamps. STRICTURES AND IIRINAKY FIS- STRIRT7HE I ^Hundrods of cases of the worst form Binmi'MM of strictures, many of them greatly aggravated by the careless use of instruments in tne hands of inexperienced physicians and surgeons, causing false passages, urinary ilitu/ue, and other complications, annually consult, us for relief and cure. That no case of this class is too difficult for the skill of our specialists is proved by cures reported in our illus trated treaties on these maladies, to which wo refer with pride. To Send particulars NESVOUS treatment. UQIVlUClUVf 7050 ICU. U) iu Ol for a large, illustrated treaties containing many testimonials. iMWMiniaiMiuM jgpueptio Convulsions, or Pits, f*a» ,orB?al"y'Ittuouinia, ft*r 1 m^WW^Wi^f^h 'v^vfj '""/,: '^TKKWr/.ffl-'fi' INVALIDS' HOTELsSURi INSTITUTE No. 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, N. ¥. Not a Hospital, but a pleasant Remedial Eome, organized with A FULL STAFF OF. EIGHTEEN PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, And exclusively devoted to tiie treatment of all Chronic Diseases* BUSINESS-LIKE OFFER TO INVALIDS. JWe earnestly invite you to come, see and examine or our institutions, appliances, advantages and success in curinf skeptical friends or Jealous physicians, trite present and endeavor .isit us, and find thai •we have misrepresented, in any particular, our institutionB, advantages or success, we will promptly refund to you all expenses of your trip. We court boaest, sincere investigation, have no secrets, and are only too glad to show all Interested and candid people what we are doing for suffering humanity. NOT ALWAYS NECESSARY TO SEE PATIENTS. 1 teir several departments, appears in in it re a a a the nature of ehronio diseases, without seeing and personal!* HARVELFLUS COMMON SENSE AS APPLIED TO MEDICINE. It is a well-known fact, and one that appeals to the judgment of every thinking person, that the physician who devotes his whole time to. the 6tudy and investigation of ascertain class .of diseases, must become better qualified to treat such diseases than he who attempts to treat every ill to which flesh is heir, without giving1 special attention to any of Men, in all ages of the world, who have beoome famous, have devoted their fives to some special branch of science, art, cc literature. By tborough organization, and subdividing the practice of medicine and surgery In this institution, every invalid is treated The treatment of Xiseases of the Air Passages and Luugs, such as Chronic Nasal Catari-£a» Laryu- AIM eltis, Bronchitis, Asthma, and £nH Cousnmptiouj both through corro LlttlB HISFl^FQ spondeuce and at our institutions, consti kvilli lilvCildLUa tutes an important specialty. Disuses BEUUTE DISEASES. JTJoeojnotor Ataxia, Huurvwu at. Vitas's Dance, or inability to sleep, and threatened insanity, Nervous Debility, arising from overstudy, exoesses, and I other causes, and every variety of nervous affeo- tlon. are trouted by our specialists for thrett dtKoases with unusual |uoo663, Bos nunaeroM oasefl reported la our differeot 1 v'. ^'r islsls&tellfeS MIILIJU.I',1 examining our patients. In recognizing diseases without a personal examination of the patient, we elaim to possess no miraculous powers. We obtain our knowledge of the patient's disease by the practical application, to the practice ef medJU cine, of well-established principles of modern science^ And it Is to the accuracy with which this system has endowed us that we owe our almost world-wide reputation of skillfully lingering or chronio affeetions. This»system of the marvelous success whicfh has through it, demonstrate the fact that diseases display certain phenomena, which, being sub jected to scientific analysis, famish abundant and unmistakable data, to (ruide the judgment of the skillful practitioner aright in defc the nature of diseased conditions. The most ample for treating lingering or chronic diseases, and the greatest are thus placed within the easy reach of every invalid, however distant he or she may reside from the physicians y«fci»g the treat* ment of such affections a specialty. Full particulars or nal, scientific system ef examining and treating patientj tanee are contained in Tlie People's Common 8enM nal, scientific system ef examining: and treating patients at a n*s tanee are contained in Tlie People's Common 8eaM Sedieal Adviser/* By B. V. Pierce, M. D. 1000 pages and over 900 colored and other illustrations. Sent, post-paid, zor S1JB. Or write and describe your symptoms, inelncing ten cents fit rt&mpa, and a complete treatise, on ,our particular disease, wiU Yt seat you, with our terms for treatment and all narticulars. parrphlets on nervous diseases, any one of which will be sent for ten cents in postage stamps, when request for them is accompanied with a statement of a ease for consultation, so that we m&y know which one of our Treatises to send. of the home physicians) has the benefit of a full CouneiL of specialists. Booms for ladies in the Invalids' Hotel an very pri vate. Send ten cents in stamps for our large Complete Treatise on Diseases of Women, illustrated with numerous wood-cuU aad colored plates (160 pages). T-—— 8 Dintnn n...- UE-RNIA (Breach), or RUPTURE,no I BsBlBftl tlURE of how long standing, or of what ease, I is promptly and permanently cured by I DP KMPTIIRF ouF A SURGICAL PRACTICE. be Bpeaalists, without the knife and ur liuriunCa withont dependence noon trusses. Abundant references. Bend ten cents for Illustrated Treatise. PILES, FISTUIwE, and other diseases affecting the lower bowels, are treated with wonderful suoeess. The worst cases of pile tumors are permanently cured in fifteen to twenty d&ys. bend ten cents for Illustrated Treatise. Organio weakness, nervous debility,, decline of the manly powers, iavoluni tiont. a manently cured. To those acquainted with our Institutions, it is hardly necessary to say that the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, with ths branch establishment located at No. 3 New Oxford Street. Londsn. England, have,,for many the arise from youthful indiscretions and pernicious, solitary practices We, many years ago, established a special Department forte treatment of these diseases, under the management of some of" the most skillful physicians and surgeons on our Staff, in order that all who apply to us might receive all the advantages of a fa" Council of the most experienced specialists. WE OFFER We offer no apology for devoting so muck attention to this neglected class OT *5«©Z£ wr ordi We have a special Department, organized, and devoted esfciusively to the ment of Diseases of Women. Every case con sulting oar specialists, whether by letter or in person, is given the most careful and consider ate attention. Important cases (and we get ftejr which have not already baffled the skill of all f^^'rs. believing no condition of humanity is too wretched to merit the sympathy and i«t services of the noble profession to which belong. Manr who suffer from these terrible diseases contract them innocently. Why any medical maw intent on doing good and alleviating suffering, should shun such we cannot imagine. "W hy any one should oonsider it otherwise than most honorable to cure the worst cases of these we cannot understand: and yet of all the other maladjcswhicR afflict mankind there is probably nohe about which nhytidane. injreneral practice know so little. we shall, therefore, continue, as heretofore, to treat with our best consideration, sympathy, and skill, all applicants who are suf fering from any of these delicate diseases. Huron IT Hnur Most of these cases can be treated by us whea yUnfcll AI uUHCa at a distance just as well as if they were hero in person. Our Complete and Illustrated Treatise (168 pages) on these f»V Jects ia sent to any address on receipt of ten cents in gtmwpt Hundreds of the most difficult operations known to modern surgery are annually performed in ths most ^ddllful manner, by our Surgeon-special- I ists. Lsjwe Stones are safely removed from the Bladder* by cru8Mgt WftBhing and pumping then out, thus avoiding the great danger of cutting. Our specialists, remove cataract from the eye, thereby curing blind ness. They also straighten cross-eyes and insert artificial ones When needed. Many Ovarian and also Fibroid Tumors of the Uterus are arrested in growth and cured by electrolysis, coupled with other means of our invention, whereby the great danger of ~—L" tions in these cases is avoided. the success of our improved operations forVart WWIO, NyIUWTIP,, Fistulas, Ruptured Cervix uteri* snd for Hup* tured Perineum, been alike gratifying both to ourselves and our patients. Not less so have been the resultsof numerous operations for Stricture of the Cervical Canal, a condition in the female gen erally resulting in Barrenness, or Sterility, and the cure of wluch» by a sate and painless operation, removes this commonest of im pediments to tlie bearing of offspring. A Complete Treatise on any one of tho above sent on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Although we have in the preceding para graphs, made mention of some of ths ailments to which particular attention is All Chronio Disuses IdrtUlALil.ration or nil TV aoouuus asm, iaciiitaea. end an paratus for the successful treatment c5 every form of chronio nii^vrt^fc whether XB. quiring for its cure medioal or surgical means, t, AU letters of inquiry, or of consultation, should be addressed to- WORLD'S DISPENSE} HEDIC1L ASSBGULTIOH, 683 Maia Street, BUFFALO, K. T^. LA J" *,( "4*®"