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PITH AND POINT. —Tact is not talent, but it is often the bost substitute for it. —It is far bettor to find out one of your own weaknesses than ten of your neighbor's. —Fine manners are liko^ personal beautj'—a lotter of credit everywhere. —Dr. BartoU —No ono thoroughly and lovingly acquainted with iho literaturo of his la igua^o can regard propriety in its VIS- with coutompt. —Mon slow to do you a favor are quick eumigh whon thoy havo favors to ask. It is away they havo of mak ing up time.—A7. O. Picayune. —Take care always to form your establishment so much within your income as to lcavo a sufficient sum for unexpected ccmtino-onoies. —Chester field. —Smietime3 it is hard to tell whoth er a man is iirm in principle or simply obstinate, but the man himself never expresses any doubt.—Journal of Ed ucation. —You see. the trouble with ••suc cess" that is too dearly bought is that you have got to go on associating with yourself after you havo attained it Eochestcr Union. —From an old bachelor's album: •'It's too soon to marry when one is young, and too late when ono is old. The interval may profitably bo de voted to reflection." "Strange." said Rochefoucauld, "that we can always remember the smallest thing that has happened to ourselves, and yet not recollect how often we havo repeated it to the samo person." —In peace patriotism really consists only in this, that every one sweeps before his own door, minds his own business, also learns his own lesson, that it may be well with him in his own house. Goethe. —It seems to be pretty lonely trav eling on the road to wealth nowadays, that is, beyond the third and fourth milestones. The start is a crowded one, but few prove stayers, and the ranks rapidly thin out —That which lays a man open to an enemy, and that which strips him oi a friend, equally attacks him in all those interests that are capable of being weakened by the one and sup ported by the other. South. —The world breaks the hearts oi its best benefactors, and then, after many days, builds them sepulchers. If you would raise the age in which yon live, you must live above it, and to live above it is to be misunder stood, perhaps persecuted. WANTED A THUMPER. An Old Man In Search of Science Flnda What He Sought, A farmer about fifty years old yes terday stopped a number of people on Monroe avenue to inquire his way to a gymnasium, and he was finally asked if he was going to take lessoii9 in boxing. "No, not exactly," he replied, "but I want to see a thumper." He was diiected to the right place, and after looking the establishment over he said to the proprietor: "I live out here about fourteen miles. I've got a hired man who has got so sassy that I can hardly live with him. He's too big to lick with a gad, and I've got to cuff him up to a peak. I want to take a lesson with the gloves, and when I go home I'll astonish John Henry with a bit oi science." One of the boxers about the pi act said he'd give a lesson for a dollar, and the old man peeled down to hi.' undershirt and put on the gloves. He was shown how to pose and how tc hold Iiis guard, and then warned tc •1 ook out for himselt "You play you are John Henry, th( hired man," ho said. "All right" "You've been fooling your time away, and I've called you a lazj coyote." "Exactly." ••You have sassed me back, and go for you like this—and this!" And the old man struck right and left and followed the boxer around the ring. He was doing noble work when something shot over his guard and hit his chin, and he went over like a lo,_ and laid there until they threw watei on him. Then he sat up, looked about in a daz3d way, and feebly in quired "What was itP" "John Henry hit you." "He did, eh? Then that settles it Here's your dollar, young man. and here's the gloves. If I'm liable to get such a lick as that I'm going home to tell the hired man he can boss the whol*? ranch and be-hauged to him!"—De troit Free Press. Why Women Are Nervous. Prof. Redom, the eminent German hygienist, declared in a recent lectmv that the nervousness of women is gen erally owing to twd9defects—anaemia, caused by the silly notion that a hearty appetite is unfeminine. and fresh-air starvation, accompanied by a lack of exercise. To their fondness for fresh air, their open windows at night, and their constant exercise, he attributes the greater beauty of the English women. ''The beauty of the German women," he says, "lies in their fa?e. with its changing and amiable ex pression. The beauty of the English lies in the whole body and in theii health. German women," he add.^ "are martyrs to an unnatural state os civilization, and if they would onh imitate the English, hysteria would diminish in frequency."— Philadelphia Call. HOME AND FARM. —Sweet potatoes require nearly twice tho' time that Irish potatoes do either to bako or .boil, —Ham Bolos: Tako one-half a cup of bread crumbs and mix with two 'beaten eggs chop fine a pint of ham bits, mixing all together form in boles and dry. —Baked Cabbage: Fill a pudding dish with boiled, sliced or minced cab bage, and pour ovor it two well-boaten eggs addotl to milk enough to cover it sprinkle with crackor dust and bake. —Rye Dropcakos: Two cups of sour milk, ono well-beaten egg, one tea spoon of soda dissolved in boiling water and enough rye meal to make a batter. Mix togothor the milk, meal and egg, ad the soda and beat thor oughly bako immediately on a hot griddle, or in gem pans. —For dining rooms a square of in grain carpet over a stained floor is very convenient and nice looking. Convenient becatise the carpet being sm-ioth and light, it can bo frequently lifted and cleaned, thereby getting rid of dust, which is an abomination in any room, but more especially so in a dining-room, —Breakfast B:icon: Remove the rind and cut up several slices of breakfast bacon, scatter in the frying pan and fry gently. -at up six eggs, adding to them salt and pepper, pour over the bacon, let set nicely and turn over with knife have ready slices of dried toast 011 which to lay the bacon and eggs, pour ovor a little vinegar and eggs serve very hoi with capers finely chopped. —Tile draining is practically as ef fectual in making land porous as trenching or digging it all over two feet deep. The latter system is whol ly impracticable so far as profitable farming is concerned, but drainage will not do away with the necessity of thorough culture. The best way to dry a spring-bottom 'cellar will be to have a good drain from the cellar. Then see that the drip from the eaves does not soak in, anil carry off the surplus water from about the house by surface drains. If the collar is spring}*, put in a blind stone drain at some little distance from tho house to cut off the source of the water, if you know where it is.—Farm and Home. SORGHUM CULTURE. A. Plant That Requires the Same Soil and Cure as Corn. Iu general it may be said that sorghum will thrive on any land that will rod lice a fair crop of corn, both plants requiring about the same soil and climate. The cultivation also is substantially the same, except that in its early stages sorghum {requires more attention than corn, being more liable to be choked by weeds. After having a good start sorghum is a vigorous plant, and will stand severe drought much belter than corn. With sorghum, however, not only the stalk, but its quality (as to richness of cane juice in saccharine proper ties) must be taken into account and this is more or less affected by the soil ns well as climate. Whilst, then, broadly speaking, land that is good for corn is good for sorghum, the bost results can only be expected from soil specially adapted to all the wants of the latter. Whilst cane-growers are generally agreed as to what is good and what is poor land for sorghum, there is some dis agreement as to what is the very best. Most cane-growers agree that sandy, upland soil is very good, and black bottom very poor the new land is good, especially the bright clay soil found in many sections on the skirls of timber land that any soil that is a mixture of sand inclined to limestone, and with clay enough to hold it well together, is very gool that, upland soil, moderately thick, with limestone subsoil, is excelcnl that poor soil is better than very rich soil that warm, dry soils, having a southern exposure and natural drainage, are desirable and that clay land gives good sirup, but not so large a yield. The soil, unless in good condition, should be manured in the fall with vegetable or rotten stable manure. This is especially desirable in clay lands. Land freshly manured yields poor sirup. Plow deep and pulverize thoroughly. By throwing into ridges the soil will be better affected by frost in winter, and will dry out sooner in the spring. In general, prepare the ground as for corn. D?ep fall plowing is very de sirable, especially for new land, as it will put the ground in good condition, and tend to destroy the weeds by winter freezing. If practicable, sheltered ground should be selected, as a safeguard against the prostration of the crop. The ground should be well prepared and the culti vation thorough, so as to destroy ail weeds. All extra labor put in during the early stages of tho growth of sor gum will be repaid amply in the in creased value of the crop. Special care should be taken that replanting may be required, 'since it is important that all tho cane mature at the same time. In the spring, after breaking up the ground by deep plowing, 'it should be thoroughly pulverized and made ready for planting by clearing off all weeds and litter. It should be put iu condi tion suitable for a garden. •We take leave of this part of our subj ct by adding (even if we but re iterate in other words what we have said above) with emphasis, plow deep, no matter how deep. The roots of the cane will penetrate several feet, and they need great depth to give the bes result.-— Bojghum Hand-Book. fou often hear a woman' say: "There's no nse talking," butshe doesn't think so just the same. Sieves That Filter the Blood. This rough simile describes the kidneys pretty accurately, or rather indicates their function, which is to separate from the vital Quid, which passes through them, hurtful impurities. If their activity ceases, they are liable to diseases which prove fatal. Hostotter's Stomach Bitters gives their ac tion the requisite impulse without irritating them. They also benefit by its invigorating effects upon tho system at largo. MalariS and nervous complaints, rheumatism and biliousuess are subjugated by the Bitters. THE locomotive engineer dreads a mis] placed switch children don't An Extraordinary Phenomenon. No other to'm tha 1 the above would ap ply to the woman who could se-* her outb tul beauty fading away without a pang of regret. -Manv a woman becomes prema turely old and haggard because of functual derangement. What a pity th it all such do not know that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription will restore their organs to a nor mal state, and make, them youthful and beautiful one more! For the ills to which the daughters of Eve tre peculiarly liable the "Perscription" is a sovereign remedy. It is the ouly medi ine sold by druggists under a vositive guarantee'from the manu facturers that it will give satisfaction in every ease, or money will be returned. See guarantee on bottle wrapper. THE man who mnrried his ideal for his lirst wife is looking about for a woman for his second.—Boston (Jommomvealth. A Notable Fact. It is universally conceded that, notwith standing the advent of old and new lines to the field of competition for passenger traffic between St. Paul and Minneapolis and,Milwaukee and Chicago, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway maintains its pre eminent position as the leading line, and carries the bu.k of the business be tween thes« points. It is not hard to ac count for this, when we consider that it was the first in the field, and gained its popularity by long years of first-class ser vice. It has Kept up to the tim by adopt ing all modern improvements in equip ment and methods, and its route being aloi the banks of the Mississippi, through the finest farming country, the most popu lous and prosperous towns and vi lages, it offers to its patrons the very best service their money can buy. Its dining cars are celebrated throughout the length and bredth of the land as being the finest in the world. Its sleeping cars are the best belonging to the Pullman com pany, being marvels of elegance, comfort and luxury its day coaches are the best made, and its employes, by long-continued service in their respective capacities, are experts—courteous and accommodating to all. It is not at all strange, therefore, that an intel igent and discriminating traveling public should almost exclusively patronize this great railway.—Exchange. WHEN the average tltice goes out to seek the man it never needs to carry a lantern. —Kentucky State Journal. Special Half-Fare Land Excursions. To prominent points in Northwestern Iowa, Southwestern Minnesota. Nebraska and Dakota, will be run by the Chicago, St Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Rail way,March 20th, April 3d and -:4th, May 8th and 22d. June 5tn and 19th. Tickets will be sold at ONE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP, and will be good to return within thirty days from date of sale. For full information as to Stations at which Tickets will be sold, and to what particular points in above States as well as to certain points in Kansas, Southwest Mis souri and Texas. Address, T. W. TEASDALB, Gen. Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn. THE first of the tamily circle "—the wed ding ring. For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. Medical and scientific skill has at last solved the problem of tho long needed medicine for the ner vous, debilitated, and the aged, by combining the best nerve tonics. Celery and Coca, with other effec tive remedies, which, actinsr jrently but efficiently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, remove disease, restore strength and renew vitality. This mediciri'ia s!sk \omfiound ItUlls a place heretofore unoccupied, and marks a new era in the treatment of nervous troubles. Overwork, anxiety, disease, lay the foundation of nervous prostration and weakness, and experience has shown that the usual remedies do not mend the strain and paralysis of the nervous system. Recommended by professional and business man. Send for circulars. Price SI.00. Sold by drnggista. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprie ors BURLINGTON, VT. THE MARKETS. clogs ARD—S team CHEESE W OOL—Domestic NEW YORK, Mnroh 17. LIVE STOCK—Cattle. 00 30 Sheep 3 60 5 50 3 50 4 50 FLOUK—Good to Choice Patents WHEAT-No. 2 Red No. 2 Spring CORN OATS—No. a White RYE—Western PORK—Moss Corn, No. 2 Oats. No. 2 Rye, No. 2 Barley. No. 2 (ft 0 00 5 so @5 0.) 4 90 U0* 01. 46 88 69»i^ 41 69 14 7- r®15 45 •3 65 (ft 8 05 11&& 12 2 37 CHICAGO. BEEVES—Shipping Steers— 84 60 Texans 2 00 Cows 2 £5 & 5 70 & 8 25 8 00 & 2 80 8 8J (ft 3 25 5 45 6 00 Stockers 8 45 Butchers1 Stock 8 10 Inferior Cattle 2 0J HOGS— Live—Good to Choice.. 5 0.) SHEEP BUTTER—Creamery 3 50 14 15 14 3 90 3 40 :. Good to Choice Dairy...... EGGS—Fresh FLOUR—Winter Spring Patents 4 00 GRAIN—Wheat, No. 2 75 & 23 & 15 4 SJ 4 20 (ti 4 35 78'/« 5U?4 31 y% 60'/, 80 so 30/a& 59(4 a •77 BROOM CORN— v,, Self-working 8 Hurl..... '. Be Sure to Get Hood's Barsaparilla, my child. See that they do not give you anything else. You remember It Is the medi cine which did mama so much good a year ago—so reliable, beneficial, pleasant to take—my favorite spring medicine. Sold by all druggists. $1 six for $5. Prepared only by 0.1. liOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar iim il'M A SHOE. Hood's Sarsaparilla THE LATEST STYLES —IN— L'Art De La Mode. 6 COLORED PLATES. ALL TIIK I,ATK8T PARIS AND HKW YORK KA8IIIO.N8. Order it of your News-deal er or send US cents for latest number to l# §0^ W. J. MOUSE, Publisher, 8 East lVth St., New York. NAMK THIS PAPSa inij tim. jou writ*. FARGO'S warranted Hr»t Quality In every respect, very Stylish, lerfert Fit. Plain TOPS nd Tipped. Mon'A Boys' and Yonths'COSGHE89. BUTTON AXD LAC* *AMO'8 9i. 60 SHOE. KA* TIIIS PAPEB .Tery Urn. ,ou «ii» Ask your If he does not keep £hem send to us, and we wUl furnish yon a pair. Express paid, on receipt of $8^0. C. II. FARGO A CO. CHLCWWI Two-Horse Power Engine, $75 WITH STEEL BOILER, SI50. CHEAP, RELIABLE, SAFE. Automatic Boiler Feed. Automatic Pop Safety Valve, Steel Boiler. Cost of running guaranteed not to exceed three cents per hour. Nothing equal to it ever before offered for the price. Larger sizes equally low. Send for FREE DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR. P. W1LLARD & CO., S36 Randolph St., Chicago, 111* -.NAME THIS FAFKE (ntjttmjwmiu. "THE ONLY a* manf Dr. Plerce'a Favor ite Prescription is the outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable experience. Thousands of testimonials, received WOMEN. To from patients and from physicians who have tested it in the more aggravated and obstinate cases which had baffled their skill, prove it to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of suf fering women. It is not recommended as a cure-all," but as a most perfect Specific for woman's peculiar diseases. A A* a powerful, in Ti|oratlU| tonic, it imparts strength to the whole system, and to the POWERFUL TflNIR uterus, or womb and its lumih appendages, In particu lar. For overworked, worn out," run down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seam stresses, shop-girls," housekeepers, nurs ing mothers, and feeble women generally. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, beingr unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. It promotes digestion and assimilation of food, cures nausea, weakness of stomach, indigestion, bloating and eruetations of gas. 3 PHYSICUMS FULED. 4'/j Crooked V4& POTATOES (bu.) i.. 70 PORK—Mess., 14 00 @14 12'4 LARD—Steam 7 5754 Ut 7 70 LUMBER— Common dressed siding... 20 00 @21 00 Flooring 32 00 fa 34 IK) Common boards 12 .90 60 Fencing 10 50 (&13 50 Lath 2 00 (HI 2 10 Shingles 2 la 2 25 EAST LIBERTY. CATTLE .... 15 00. @6 25 Fair to good. 4 2 4 50 HOGS—Yorkers 5 40 5 5J Philadelphias 5 70 5 89 SHEEP—Best 4 75 5 03 Common 3 00 3 50 BALTIMORE. CATTLE-Best 14 75 6 ft! Medium.. 8 00 $8 45 HOGS 700 @7 50 SHEEP—Poor to Choice 8 ft) &'CM> J*. Si of. Spring Medicine Hood's Barsaparil la is the most popn* lar and successful Spring Medicine. Nearly every body needs a reliable spring mcdicinc like Hood's Barsa parilla to expel tho Impurities which have accumu lated In tho blood during the winter, to keep up strength as the warm weather comes on, crcato an appetite and promote healthy digestion. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla this spring arid you will be con vinced that it does possess supSrior and peculiar merit. A Good Appetite "When I begun taking Hood's Barsaparilla I was dizzy In tho morning, had a headache, and no appetite but now I can hardly get enough cooked to eat." EMMA SHEPAHD. 1 Coral Street, Worcester, Mass. "Last spring my whole family took Hood's Barsa parilla. The result is that all havo been cured of scrofula, my littlo boy being entirely free from sores, and all four of my children look bright and healthy as possibly can be. I have found Hood's Sarsaparillagood for catarrh." WM. B. ATHERTON. Tassaic City, N.J. Sold by all druggists. $1 six for $5. Prepared only by C. LIIOOI) & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar $85 SOLID GOLD WATCH FREE! Thit splendid, solid gold, huntlng-oase watch. Is now sold for 885 at thut price It is th/»best bargain In America until lately It could not be purchased for lets than We have both lft- work" "111 IIOUSF.IIOI.I) SAMPLES Me »end cases of equal value. PlvKMOtf in each )oon)iiy cjin 6courconeof tbesa elegant watches absolutely FHKE. These watches may reason that the showing of the samples in any locality, always results in a large trado for us after our samples have been in ft locality for a month or two, we usually get from f],UOO to 95,U(i0ln trade from the surrounding country. Those who write to us at once will receive a great benefit for scarcely any work and trouble. This, tho most remarktthle and liberal offer ever known, is made in order that our valuable Household Samplea may be placed st once where they can be seen% all over Ameri* ca reader, it will be hardly any trouble for you to show them to those who may call at your home, and your reward will be most Mtisfactoiy. A postal card, on which to write us, costs bat 1 cent, and if, mficr you know all, you do not care to £o farther, why no harm is done. IIut if you do send your address at once, you can secure, rneic, able AW ELEGA WT ]11'NTINO-CASE WATCII $45, SOLID GOLD, and our large, complete line of valu HOUSEHOLD SAMPLES. WO pay all express Addreat, Sxmsost& Co., liox 242 Portland, Elaine. TIIIS PAPER every tine you write. E O COPYRIGHT, 1SS7T] thot i?^r!l!Lm„e?-CJneJor y°man'8 Peculiar ailments, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, from the manufacturer*, THE OUTGROWTH OF A VAST EXPERIENCE. Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has afforded a vast experience in nicely adapting and thoroughly testing remedies for the cure of woman's peculiar mnigdipq, vcovunr ity, irritability, exhaustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the womb. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de spondency. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion is a legitimate medicine, earefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It is purely vegetable in its composition and perfectly harmless in Its effects in any condition of the system. MMMSM Iu pregnancy, "Fa- A MOTHER'S llORMIL idiley di8fa8e a°°ther alone. I began taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and using the local treatment recommended in his 'Common Sense Medical Adviser.' I commenced to improve at once In three months I was perfectly cured, and have had no trouble since. I my family paper, briefly mentioning how my health had been restored, and offering to send the full to any one writing me for them, and enclosing a stamped-envelonc for reply. I have received over four hundred letters In renlv I have described my case and the treatment used, and have ^rl nest advised themto 'do likewise.' From agrektmanyIhTw received second letters of thanks, statins' thaFtlUv had menced the use of Favorite Prescription,' had sent the JtlfiO required for the Medical Adviser,' and had applied the local KrlMy"^ rm Plainlylaid down Doctors Failed.—Mrs. F. CORWIN, of PoaI Writes I doctored with three or tour of tli« doctors in •walfr^«ll x^r6 to,^/and am in better health than ever^'xpected to lje in this world again. I owe it all to your wonderful medicines." ne8S IfUnUMLa ^U-EN'S I bo depended on, not only as solid pold, but as standing among tfaa most perfect, correct and relfuble timekeepers in the world. You ask how is this wontlerfttl otl'cr possible? Wf annvvcr~-\ve want onc peraon in each locality to keep in their homes, and show to those who call, a complete lino or our valuable and very useful theso samples, as well as the watch. ABSOLUTELY HtKE, and after you have kept them in Watch and large line of valuable samples FKEE, forth® FREIGHT,etc. -MAKES- SUCCESS Wholly nillike artificial system*. Any book learned In ono reading. Classes of at Baltimore. 1QQ5 at Detroit, 1500 at Philadelphia, large classes of Colombia Law students, at Yale, Wellesley, Oberlin Universi ty Of Penn.. Michigan University, Chautauqua, Ac., £Endorsed by MAHK TWAIN, RICHAIID PROC TOR, tho Scientist, Hons. W. W. ASTOR. UDAH P. BENJAMIN, Judge GIBSON, E. H. COOK. Principal State Normal College, Dr. BROWN, &C. Prospectus POST FREE from PROF. LOTFIETTK. 237 Fifth Ave., New York. J^NAX£ THIS PAPER every time you write. A 4 *1" A A A A A 4 TSIFT FATONIB thousands of cases of those chronic weaknesses and distressing ailments peculiar to females, at th» A« a soothing and strengthening nervine, Favorite Prescription" is une qualed and is invaluable in allaying and subdu ing nervous excitabil I rassresiL* relieving nausea, weak- stomach and other .distressing symp toms common to that condition. If its use is kept up in the latter months of gestation, it so prepares many times women can on tneir iamuy pnysicians. Buffering, as they imagine, one from dyspepsia, another from heart fHnrnrr 8uch, Mrs. E. F. MORGAN, of No. 71 Lexington St., Bast Boston, Mass., says: "Five years ago I was a dreadful sufferer from uterine troubles. Having exhaulted the skill of three physi cians, 1 was completely discouraged, and so weak I could with difficulty cross the room Particular* from nervous exhaustion, or prostration, another with pain here or there, and in thiswur they all present alike to themselves and their easy-going and indifferent, or over-busy doctor, separate and distinct diseases, for which ho nroanrihoa ht ntiia and he prescribes his pills and potions, assuming them to uc UWB wnen, in reainy, xney are all only symptoms caused by SC disorder. The physician, ignorant of the cause of suffering, encourages his practice until large bills are made. The suffering patient gpets no better, but probably worse by reason of the delay, wrong treatment and consequent complications. A proper medicine, like, DR. PIEBOB'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION, directed to the came. would have entirelyremoved the pelling all those distressing symptoms, and instituting comfort instead of prolonged misery. crcuj ua- for therein, and were much °?vf?ra5 Orchard, 0T"9end Treatise my work and sew and nu ®S!Mi 0N TONIC BITTERS The most Elegant Blood Purifier, Liver Invigora tor, Tonie ana Appetizer ever known The first Bitters containing Iron ever advertised America. Unprincipled persons are imitating the r~'.are loot out for frauds. Bee that the following signature is on every ootti3 and take none other: ST. PAUL, MKK. Druggist & Chemist' 58 BOOKS lit cccnc CIVEN AWAY! A package ArPIIJI Mixed Flower seeds (500 kinds), with PARK'S FLOUAI, GLTIIE, all for JS stamps. Every flower-lover delighted. Tell all your friends. G. W. PABK, Fannettsburg, Pa. X3f~ Be prompt. This offer appears but once more. NAME THIS I'AI'EH ei.rj tin* jou writ.. einn Aft eon a a MONTH can be made working V'"" for us. Agents preferred who can furnish their own horses and (rive their whole time 'o tho business. Spare moments may be profitably em ployed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities.. B. F. JOHNSON ii CO„ 1013 Ilia Street, WebaMd, Ya. 9^NAUS THIS PAPEB every time you write. LAMAR, MISSOURI. und reds of businessmen and fanners from cold Northern States huvincr/ Northern States buylng'property at Lamar. Soil an climate unsurpassed resourceswonaerful. For Information address M. MILLSS&Co., Lamar, Mo. TU13 PAPK& erery time jeuvritc. WELLS, Sec. Send for our catalogue, &c., on Well Boring and Coal Prospecting Machines. «SEC. LOOMIS & NYNIAN, TIFFIN, OHIA I^NAMX THIS PAPER erery tine you vrit* A OTUM A DR- TATT'S ASTHMALTTTE AO I niwl#% fillRCII never 4aiIs to Cure. Any one who wants to belMMIfcli can send us their ad re a a a Da. TAFT BROS., Rochester, N. Y. rREEi W.NAME THIS PAPCa m*y tim* jan writs. UAUP BTCDY. Book-keeping, Penmanship, Aiitb nUMC metie. Shorthand, etc., thoroughly taught Oymail. Circulars free. BBYASTOCOUSGK. BslU*.K.Y. 0* 5AMJI PAPER every time you write. The man who has invested lrom three lo five dollars in a Kubber Coat, and at his first halt hour's experience in storm finds to his sorrow that it is hardly abetter protection than a mos quito netting, not only feels chagrined at being so badly taken in, but also feels if he does not look exactly like Ask tor the "FISH BRAND SLICKEB| and take no other. Ifycur storekeeptf does not hive the FISH BRAND, send for descriptive catalogue. A.J. TOWEK. 20 A WET HEN MMVI Live at hone and make mm money woridn^fbraa tfcaot VUUft at anything else In the world. Either aet Coatly outfit IUX Tenna rui. Addreaa, Tsoi Co., Anynta, ^5Akki!Qlit PAPUb cray time joa write. I S O S E O O N S I O N A.N. K.—G. 1179 WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISERS Please state that yon saw the Advertise ment in this paper. We offer the man who wants service (not style) a garment that will keep him dry in the hardest storm. It called TOWEk'S FISH BRAND SLICKEB," a name familiar to eveij Cow-boy all over the land. With thea the only perfect Wind and Waterprost Coat is Tower's Fish Brand Slicker." Simmons St., Boston. Mass. PMSCMPT'0"- when, in reality, they are all only symptoms caused by some womb A YOKE FROM GIUFDRKUL Thi, guarantee hi. the system for delivery as to greatly lessen, and many times almost entirely do away with the sufferings of that trying ordeal. "Favorite Pre scription is a CURES THE Ste WORST GASES. ositive core for mtost complicated and obstinate cases of leucorrhea, or whites," excessive flowing at monthly periods, painful men struation, unnatural suppression, prolap sus or falling of the womb, weak back, 'female weakness," anteveraion, retrover sion, bearing down sensations, chronic congestion, inflammation, and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, accompanied with "internal heat." HHBM Favorite Prescript tion,» when taken in con rUn THE nection with the use of Dr. sw.« ins. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis KinNFW covery, and small laxative niURLIO. doses of Dr. Pierce's Puiv gative Pellets (Little liver Pills), cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder dis eases. Their combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancesbus and scrofulous humors from the system. disea^therefiy been using your 'Favorite Prescription' I have had none of these. I also had womb complaint so bad that I could not walk two blocks without the most severe pain, but before I had taken your 'Favorite Prescription' two months, I could walk all over the city without inconvenience. All my troubles seem to be leaving me under the benign influence of your medicine, and I now feel smarter than for years before. My physicians tcld me that I could not be cured, and therefore jou will please accept my everlasting thanks for what you have done me, and may God bless you in your good works." Later, she writes: It is now four years since I took your 'Fa vorite Prescription,' and I have had no return of the female trouble I had then." Well as I Ever "Was.—Mrs. JOHN STISWART, of Chippewa Falls, Wis., writes: "I wish to inform you that 1jm ag well as I ever was, for which I thank your medioines. I took four bottles of the Favorite Prescription and one bottle of your and four bottles of the 'Pellets.' All of the bad symptomshave disappeared. I do all my own work am able to be on my feet all day. My friends tell me I never looked so welL PreicripHon, is AU by Druggist* Ae World Over I Zarge BotUea fl.OO, Six for $B.OO. en cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's large, illustrated* es, paper covers) on Diseases of Women. AddreS^" World1* Dispensary Medical Association* t: t:ij i. No. 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, N. 7» 1 ONE Every purchaser or the 1888 edition of HILL'S MANUAI. just issued gets this, aud the con tents of the work meet the wants of all classes. Its sale is immense. Anyone can sell it. Beautiful' prospectus at small cost. Circulars free. Address at once for terms. HILL STANDA KB BOOK CO., lOSl (Mate Street, Chlciago, 111. ^NA3I£ THIS PAPER ertry tint jou write. FREE Prettiest Illustrated SEED-CATALOGUE jever printed. Cheapest best SEEDS grown. jS Gardeners trade a spe* 'cialty. Packets only 3c. Cheap as dirt by oz. & lb. iwrnp pkta new extras free. SHUMWATf, KockforU 111. KAM£ THIS PAP£K erery time jou writ*. "I 1 4 dis Mrs. ED.M. CAMPBELLS of Oakland Cali fornia, writes: "I had been troubled all my life with hysterical attacks and par oxysms, or spasms, and periodical recur rences of severe headachc, but since I have