Newspaper Page Text
THE TRANSCRIPT AUSTIN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21,1888. WASHBURN & GORDON. PROPRIETORS. Official Paper of the City of Austin, REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL DIS TR1CT CONVENTIONS. A Republican Congressional Conven tion for the First Congressional District of the State of Minnesota, will be held at Owatonna, Minn., in said District, on Tuesday, the 15th day of May, 1888, at four o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing two delegates and two alternates to represent said District in the Natoinal Republican Convention to be held in Chicago, on June the 19th, 1888 and a second Republican Delegate Congression al Conyention of said District will be held at Rochester, Minnesota", in said District on, Tuesday, July 10. 1888, at two o'clock p. m., for the pur pose of placing in nomination representative to Congress. The sever eral counties of said District are entitled to representatives in each of said con veutions as follows: Dodge 6 delegates Fillmore 18 Freeborn 9 Houston 7 Mower Olmsted 10 delegates Steele Wabasha Winona... .,.6 .7 13 4i S 11. O. BASFORD, Secretary. By order of the Committee. A. C. WEDGE, Chairman, Meeting of congressional Committee. Owatonna Journal and Herald: The Congressional Committee of the First District met at the Arnold House on last Tuesday. Those present were Chairman A C. Wedge of Freeborn county, Secre tary H. O. Basford of Mower, H. A. Eckholdt of Olmsted countv, James O'Brien of Houston county, J. M. Di ment of Steele county, and George B. Arnold of Dodge county. Messrs, Gray of Fillmore, Tawney of Winona and Greer of Wabasha were not present. The committee met at five o'clock in tho af ternoon and arranged the time for hold ing the conventions, and then adjourned until evening, when the places were se lected. At the latter session they were waited upon by a delegation of promi nent Owatonna Republicans. The con vention to select 'lelegates to the Repuo lican National convention, will meet at Owatonna May 15. Two delegates and two alternates will be chosen. The con vention to nominate Congressmen will meet at Rochester, July 10. One of the entertaining features of the evening ses sion was the severe manner in which Hon. James O'Brien criticised Milo White. It met with the warmest appro bation of the Owatonna Republicans. Mr. O'Brien championed the selection of Owatonna, for the congressional conven tion. DISTRICT court convened yesterday at 11 o'clock, with Judge Farmer presiding. There were 47 cases on the civil calendar, and six on the criminal calendar. On the preliminary call several of the cases were settled and several more continued. The call of the calendar and charging the grand jury occupied the forenoon. The afternoon was devoted to arguments on motions before the court. The first jury case will begin this morning. The case of Feldt vs. The Minnesota Northwestern Railroad, for the trial of which a struck jury had been summoned, was settled in the afternoon by the payment of $600 by the railroad to the plaintiff, Wm. Feldt. On the settlement of the case the struck jury was discharged. Among the law yers present yesterday from out of town were John A. Lovely, Albert Lea, J. Mc Knight of LeRoy, Frank Allen of Spring Valley, H. R. Wells of Preston, Judge Lusk of St. Paul and J. C. Williams of Oskalooea, Iowa. Court will probably continue throughout most of next week. THE first gun for Allison. The coun ty convention of Cerro Gordo was held in Mason City on Saturday, March 10, and the delegates selected to attend the Republican state convention were in structed to support Allison for the presi dency. Let the good work sro Annual Report of Oity Offloers. ANNUAL REPORTS for fiscal year 1887. Re ports accepted and ordered published March 14,1888. OFFICE CITY RECORDER. Summary of the affairs of this office for the fiscal year 1887. RECEIPTS. Bal. In treasury Mch. 1,1887 741 01 Tax funds, general 12,651 37 Bonds and Interest 1,578 72 Improvements 248 44 From the Countyfor levy or- A State to pay dered by Coupons K'y Co 990 00 Police fines by N. K. Noble, Justice of Peace Police fines by J. D. Sheedy, Justice of Peaoe 133 00 Sidewalk repairs, collected by street commissioner... Fire department, apportion ment from the State Licenses, 11 saloons Licenses, 12 billiard tables.. Licenses, & butchery Entertainments Peddling and hawking Sale of Bonds for removal of Shops from Wells 10,000 00 Sale of Water Works Bonds 25,000 00 Borrowed of First National Bank 1,200 00 Sale of oity lots and old lock up to C. H. Davidson 655 00 Sale of buildings on water works' land 152 00 Rent of houses 8 00 Amount received from F. A. Due American Fire Hose Mfg. Co., Chelsea, Mass., hose carriage, hose, &c.... Akron Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio on. There is some satisfaction in recording the en dorsement of such a man as Senator Allison for the presidency. Death of Mrs. Eastman. Mrs. Anna Eastman, wife of Chas. Eastman of Windom, died Sunday night at midnight of heart disease, after a pro longed and painful illness, at the age of 55 yerfrs. She leaves a family of ten children, six sons and four daughters. Funeral services will be held this after noon at one o'clock. Mrs. Eastman has lived for many years in the vicinity where she died and has a large acquaintance. 8he was an extensive reader and was un usually well informed on current subjects Many will join with us in extending sympathy to the bereaved family. AUSTIN MARKET. Wheat No. 2 Wheat No. 3 Oats Barley Corn Flax Timothy Clover Potatoes Hides Butter, unsalted Butter, rolls 18@20c Butter in tubs 22c ISggs 15c Beef, live 2J4@3c Beef,dressed -4@5c Hogs, dressed 514c Hogs, live 4.50@4.75 Tallow 254c Si .65 -60 24@26 5QWQ .35 1.30 2.25 3.60 60 5c .20@22c One Fact Is worth a column of rhetorie, said an American statesman. It is a fact, estab lished by the testimony of thousands of people, that Hdod'sSarsaparilla does cure scrofula, salt rheum, and other diseases a or affections arising from impure state or low condition of the blood. It also over comes that tired feeling, creates a good appetite, and gives strength to every part of the system. Try it. $828 65 Total receipts $49,767 93 PAYMENTS. CITV ORDERS ISSUED FOR CLAIMS AUDITED. Bonds and Coupons (2,351 80 Construction ot water works 39,307 29 Salaries of officers General expenses Jail building aud lot Fire department Street lights Expense of running water works Printing for city Lumber for city Police department Election expenses Sidewalks Pumps Pouud Bridge street bridge Recording deeds For widening and extending Alex Hequa, 16 coupons, M. & N. W. R.R. Bonds...... N. K. Noble, J. P.lines*"".. 8heedy, 3 fines July 5, L. French, old lumber ....... July 11, lloense, A. Tur peddling July 16, lloejnse, A. MoNtllis. peddling July 18, license, A. McNillls, July 19, license, O. Bllli, peddling.... July 21, E McNeills peddling- July 25,Kendall Mfg. Co., peddling.. License, Kendall Dramatic Co. show License, Stuart Theater Co. show... July 27, license, P. Duffy peddlllng.. August 4, N Noble, J. P. Fines August 5, lloense, Wandering Stars' Conoert 95,466 53 $136 42 Balance in city treasury INDEBTEDNESS. Due Improvement Fund 439 24 Bond and interest fund— 223 47 Fire department tund 155 70 City orders of fiscal year 1887, not paid 14.359 17 City orders of prior years not paid 1 47 15,179 05 778 30 471 78 1,250 08 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. 8 Bridge St. Bridge bonds, 6 per cent, due April 2,1883 $ 8,000 6 Court House aid bonds, 6 percent due July 2,1893 6,000 16M. AN. W. R'y Co., aid bonds,6 per cent., due November 1,1904 16,000 4 Bridge Bonds, 6 ner cent, cue March 1, 1890 4,000 2 Bridge Bonds, 6 per cent., due March 1, 1892 2,000 2 Bridge Bonds, 6 per cent., due March 1,1895 2,000 2 Bridge Bonds, 6 per cent., due Sept. 1, 1896 2,000 25 Water Works Bonds, 6 per cent., due November 1,1900 25,000 Total $65,000 UNCOLLECTED TAX LEVYS BELONGING TO THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1887 AND PRIOR. IMPROVEMENT FUND. 16 23 1 87 Levy of 1881 ot $600 unpaid Levy of 1884 of $200 unpaid SIDEWALKS. Amount of tax unpaid prior to 1883 Assessment 1886, $108.14, un paid Assessment 1887, $499.15, un paid Total amount belonging to- License, Darling peddling, Sheedy. J. P. tines August 11, license, Wilson, cane Rack 196 65 August 17, French, returned by A Ticknor August 19, license. 8 W Madison nod dling License, Pony Swing License, Kendall Conoert Company.. August 20, license, Pony swing August 22, State Auditor, Fire Co. apportionment License, N Zender, one table License, Halladay's minstrels 45 69 81 15 5,500 00 300 00 50 00 111 50 58 50 -$ 0,020 00 Ticknor on sale 50 00 Sold cement 7 20 Received for old Iron and lumber from Lock-up 12 10 #37,084 90 Beoker, two barrels cement sold.. Sept. 1, N Noble, J. P. flues Sept. 2, Sheedy. gallery 2,095 47 3,236 17 1,575 72 213 97 230 60 275 73 679 67 221 41 39 00 39 40 10 25 12 00 1 87 3 60 Main Street, February 21, Payment for damages H. D. Gurney C. Mil. & St. Paul R'y Co Building bridge over Adams street Street and sewers 10 83 50 00 10,000 00 Total claims audited.. $63,751 34 Excess expenditures over receipts Sept. 20, license, King, selling Jewelry License, Blind Boone Concert Co Sept. 23, Qeraghty, repairing side walk Sept. 24, S Stoyle, frame shed, water works property Sept. 29, lloense, A. Anderson selling dentrifice Sept. 30, Geravhty repairing side walk October 3, license, as White peddl ing Oct. 6, license, Jas White, peddling.. N Noble, J. P. tines Oct. 7, Sheedy, fines Oct 8, Mary D. Davidson, city lots and city lock-up WallC8 510 78 2,060 63 $13,983 41 STATEMENT OF CASH BALANCE. Orders for fiscal year of 1887 not paid $14,558 50 Excess expenditures over receipts $ 13,983 41 Old cityorders 1886 and prior 438 67 14,422 08 Oct. 22, iicense, N Hay five tables.. Oct. 28. license, Friedrlch & Hormel one butcher November 4, license. Miss Eva Fen ton's show N Noble, fines v. Sheedy, tines Nov. 9. license, W McFadden, one butcher Nov. 16, license, August Helm strik ing machine Nov. 17, license, Andrews' Opera Co Show December 2, N Noble, fines License, Human Nature Show Dec. 3, license, Hutcbins' FamilyCon- 18 1C 90 41 5 81 499 15 $613 47 Improvement Fund BONDS AND INTEREST. Amt. of tax unpaid prior to 1886 Ill 24 Assessment 1886, $1,500, un paid 59 67 Two coupons M. & N. W. K'y Company, unpaid 60 00 $613 47 $230 91 GENERAL TAXES. Amt. of tax unpaid prior to 1886 35 74 Assessment of 1886, $2,500, unpaid 62 52 $98 26 J. H. MAKEPEACE, City Recorder. REPORT OF TREASURER of City of Austin, for the fiscal year ending March 1,1888. March 1,1887, balance in treasury.... 741 01 March 3, license, J. S. Peterson, ped dling 1 00 Mareh 7, license. Beach & Bowers' sb(M7« .... 2 00 March 9, license, Uncle Tom's Cabin show 2 00 March 21. Alex. Requa March appor tionment 1,634 85 P. Geragbtv, repairing sidewalks.... 1 50 March 25. license, Monte Cristo Show 2 00 March 30, P. Geraghty repairing side walks 1 15 April 1. P. Geraghty repairing side walks 50 J. D. Sheedy, Justice Peace fines. ... 16 90 N.K.Noble, •'.... 3 45 April 18, Alex. Requa, 3 coupons M. N. W. R. R. Bouds 90 00 April 21, iicense, Andrews'Opera Co. Show 2 00 April 30, license, Mat Tische one (1) liquor 500 00 License, Mat Smith one (1) liquor 500 00 May 2, license, Tbos. Meany one (1) liquor 500 00 License, L. Nugent, one (1) liquor 500 00 License, J. Geraghty. one (I) liquor.. £00 00 License, Albert Grob, one(l) liquor.. 500 00 License, Jacob Fischer, one liquor... 500 00 Licence, Weisel & Dreisner two liquor 1000 00 License, Phillip Reinhart, 2 billiard tables 50 00 License, Lasbbrook & Valentine. 3 tables.......... 75 00 May 6tb, N. K. Noble, J. P. Fines 2 45 J. D. Sheedy, Justice of Peace, fines 6 45 May 9, License, Petrified Family Show 100 May lOtb, License, Petrified Family Show. 100 Majr*U, John Lindon Show 4 00 May 13, license, Lasbbrook and Val entine one table 25 00 Map 16, license. Cane Rack 2 00 June 1, license, K. Gallagher, Peddl ing. 3 00 June 3, H. Allen, Striking machine.. 2 00 License, A. Wyant Wheel of fortune 2 00 License, Burr Bobbins' Circus 54 00 J. D. Sheedy, J. P. Fines 13 90 N. K. Noble, J. P. fines 36 15 JuneS, license, Geo. P. Morse, one butcher 10 00 License, Fiebn, McMabon & Co. two butcher. 20 00 June 11, license, M. Collins, 1 liquor 500 00 June 15, iicense, J. H. Webb peddli'g 1 00 June 16, license, J. H. Webb, 00 June 17, license, M. Askers, 2 00 License, J. H. Webb peddling 1 00 June 20, Jos. Adams, old lumber 3 00 June 22, C. N. Beiseker, old iron 70 June 27, license, B. C. Tierney one liquor 500 00 July 1, Alex Requa, June apportion ment 2,629 87 480 00 24 80 6 20 9 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 7 DO 7 00 1 00 18 35 High streets with material taken out 0/ same, and other work in vicinity Grading Alleghany street Excavating, filling and putting in pipe sewer north end of Main street 2 00 200 5 90 1 00 50 00 200 1 00 300 1 00 81 15 25 00 2 7 32 15 51 80 1 43 11 Geraghty, repairing sidewalks Sept. 9, Qeraghty, repairing side walks Sept. 10, license, cigar stand License, Frank Lindon Show Sept. 12, Thos Meany, 1 frame house, waterworks property Stoyle, rent of house, water works License, Tate, shooting gallery.. License, Cotter, spindle wheel.. License, Wilson, cane raek Sept, 15, license, Wilson, cane raok Sent. 16, Makepeace frame house Water Works property Sept. 19, license, Tate shooting 1 00 4 00 77 00 5 00 6 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 75 00 6 00 2 50 2 00 1 50 3 00 1 00 4 72 1 50 1 00 12 90 13 35 655 00 1 50 Qeraghty repairing sidewalk Oct. 13, I French, sold bond? to pay C. M. & St. Paul R. R. for removing shops from Weils 10,000 00 Oct. 17, Qeraghty repairing side walks Oct. 19, Geraghty, repairing side- 900 2 00 125 00 10 00 2 00 6 90 2 00 10 00 200 200 34 60 2 00 cert Company 2 00 Dec. 5, A. Requa, November appor tionment 211 81 A Requa, 14 coupons M. & N. W. R. R. Bonds 420 00 Dec. 9, license, Farmers' Daughter Show 2 00 Dec. 14, license, John Dillon Show... 4 50 License, Hernuch selling fish 1 00 Dec. 16, license, Jno Branegan peddl ing 1 00 Dec. 24, license, peddling flgb 25 Dec. 30, D. Sheedy, fines. 15 80 January 5,1888, N Noble, fines 19 45 Jan. 24, Makepeace, sale of water works bonds 10 000 00 February 3. N Noble. fines ... 4 45 Feb. 15, license, peddling fish 1 25 Feb. 20, Makepeace, borrowed from First National Bank 1200 00 Feb. 24, Makepeace, sale water works bonds 15,000 00 Feb. 29, license. Whiting, peddling brooms 1 00 Total receipts $49,767 93 Total amount paid out $49,631 51 Marcb 1, Balance on hand $ 136 42 A. H. LOUCKS, City Treasurer. AUSTIN, Minn., Marcb 6,1888. To the Honorable Mayor and Board of Alder men of the City of Austin, in council assem bled, herewith I submit mv annual report of Street Commissioner for the year 1887, to be considered by you. Number of street taxes worked 177 Number of street taxes commuted 139 amount $207,50-100ths. Amount worked out by my two teams, 83 days at $2.50 per day $ 207 50 Tetal number of taxes commuted and worked 316 amount 474 00 Actual amount paid for labor, includ ing my wages 1,600 55 Total $2,074 55 Wbicb was expended as follows: Fillinir washout south end St Paul St. 50 00 Grading crossing across railroad track on Winona street 15 00 Grading East stree*. 382 00 Grading Railroad street 200 00 Qrading Bridge street east of bridge.. 290 00 Digging cellars and hauling material on Mill, Water, Maple and Chatham streets 250 00 Building 26 3-incb plank sluices, some of them fifty feet long, 3 ft wide and two feet high 75 00 Building 28 crossings, the majority of them being o( 3-inch plank and four feet wide 100 00 Repairing sidewalks and crossings— 50 00 Building walk on Bridge street 15 00 Clearing and breaking Grove, Fake, Baldwin, Medary Third, Fourth and Yates streets in Yates and Lewis' addition and 2 streets in 3d ward Cutting down north end of Greenwich street and raising Courtiand and 374 55 100 00 73 00 100 00 Total $2,074 55 There is other work which I hare done for city, for instance, filling up to crossings which is not mentioned here. Also planking Bridge street bridge and repairing it before it was planked, is not mentioned. Tools In my possession belonging to city Two plows, 3 picks, 4 shovels, i3scrapeis. old barrow, 3 mattocks, 1 crow-bar, 1 sledge. 1 old axe. 1 small cross-cut saw and 1 snow plow. Respectfully submitted, P. QERAGHTY, Street Commissioner. Note the above report Is all for labor and team work, nothing for material. REPORT OF CHIEF OF POLICE from July 1 1887, to March 1,1888. Month of July, Drunks 13 Month ot July, Larceny Month of July, Assault 2 Month of July, Without License. 1 Month of July, Vagrant 3 Mpntb of August, Drunks 24 August, Assaults August, Vagrants September, Drunks 12 September, Assault October, Drunks November, Drunks .v. 12 November, Larceny November, Vagrant December. Drunas— 10 December, Larceny January, 1888, Drunk January, Assault February,Drunks February, Larceny February, Vagrant Total.. .118 Re.PM,fuUy.Ubjn»tedjGAL18 Bncklen'a Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises,Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblians Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and poa itively cures Piles, or no pay required It isguaranted to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 35 cents per box. MORTGAGE! SALE. TYEFAULT having been made in the payment of the sum of Five Hundred and Ninety-Five and61-100 dollars ($595.51), which Is claimed to be due at the date of this notice upon a certain mortgage, duly executed and delivored by Herman Benzel (unmarried) to the Aetna Life Insurance Company, of Hart ford, Connecticut, a corporation duly organ ized and created under the laws of the 8tate of Connecticut, bearing dato the 9th day of June, A. D. 1882, and, with a power of sale therein contained, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Mower and State of Minnesota,on tne 12th day of June, A. D. 1882, at 3:15 o'clock p. M. in Book 2 of Mortgages, on Page 333, and the whole sum secured, having been declared due in accordance with a condition in said mort gage and extension thereof contained making and allowing the whole debt to become due and payableln case of a default in the pay ment of the Interest or principal as stipulated therein and default having been made in the laymentof the Installment of interest which became due and payable on the first day of January 1888. And, whereas the said mortgagor in and by the terms of said mortgage did covenant and agree to pay all taxes and assessments that may be assessed upon said mortgaged prem ises, and in case of default of said mortgagor to pay all taxes assessed thereon the said mortgagee was by the terms of said mortgage duly authorized and empowered to pay said taxes and the said mortgagor having made such default the said mortgagee did on the 1st day of March, 1888, pay to the treasurer of said Mower County, Minnesota, the sum of Forty-Seven and 71-100ths Dollars taxes due and unpaid upon said mortgaged premises, the same being the taxes for the years 1884, 1885 and 1886, and no action or proceeding hav ing been instituted, at law or otherwise, to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof. Now therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute fn such oase made and provided, the said mort gage will be foreclosed by a sale of the prem ises described in and conveyed by said mort gage, viz: The west half of the southwest quarter (54) of Section thirty-two (32). township one hun dred and four (104) north. Range seventeen (17) west, of the fifth principal meridian, con taining 80 acres more or less, in Mower countv and State of Minnesota, with the heredita ments and appurtenances which sale will be made by the Sheriff of said Mower County, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Austin, in said County and State, on the 19th day of April, A. D. 1888, at ten o'clock A. M. of that day, at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, to pay said debt and interest, and the taxes, if any, on said premises, aud Fifty Dollars attorney's fees as stipulated in and by said mortgage In case of foreclosure, and the disbursements allowed by law sub ject to redemption at any time within one year from the day of sale, as provided by law. Dated March 3, A. D. 1888 wETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. of Hartford, Connecticut, Mortgagee. H. A. ECKHOLDT. Attorney for Mortgagee, residing at Rochester, Minnesota. 51-5 SHERIFF'S SALE. QTATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY O OFMOWER.-ss. IN DISTRICT COURT. W. T. Wilkins, Plaintiff, vs. Horace Green, and Jonathan Gregson, Defendants. Notice is herebv give that by virtue of an execution to me directed aud delivered, and now in my hands, issued out ol the District Court, Tentb Judicial District, State of Min nesota, in and for the County of Mower, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor of the plaintiff, W, T. Wilkins, and asrainst the defendants, Horace Green and Jonathan Gregson, which said judgment was on Dec. 4, 1886, duly assigned by said W. T. Wilkins to Frank 1. Crane, assignee, and said assignment was on the 7th day of Marcb A. D. 1888, duly filed in the office of tbe Clerk of said District Court, I have levied upon tbe following de scribed property of said defendant Jonathan Gregson, to-wit: All the right, title and in terest of said Jonathan Gregson in and to tbe undivided one bait ot' tbe following described land: Beginning at a stone set in tbe ground about thirteen [13] inches lonsr, in the center of the Dubuque and St. Paul Territorial Road in tbe South East Quarter of the South West Quarter of Section Ten 110] in Township One Hundred-two [102] North ot Range Eighteen [18] West, in Mower county, Minnesota, wbicb stone is fourteen and one balf [14%] chains West and'five and eighty one-hundredths [5 80-100] chains North of the quarter stake on tbe South side of said Section Ten [10], thence running North twenty-four degrees and fifty five minutes [24° 55'] East fourteen [U] chains aitd forty-three (43) links, thence North eighty-one degrees and twenty-five minutes [81° 25'] East four f4] chains thirty-two and one half [32%] links, thence south eight de grees irad thirty-five minutes [8° 35'] East, twelve [12] chains and three [3] links, thence North eiirhty-one degress aud twenty-five minutes [81° 25'] West, twelve [12] chains and twentv-flve and one half [25U] links to the place of beginning. And that I shall on Saturday, the 5th day of May, A. D- 1888, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at tbe West Front door of tbe Court House, in tbe City of Austin in said county and State, proceed to sell all Tbe right, title and interest of the said Jonathan Gregson in and to the above described property to satis fy said judgment and costs, amounting to Two Hundred Thirty-seven Dollars and Twen ty Cents, with interest on said sum from tbe 2Sth day of March, A. D. 1879 at the rate of seven [7] percent, per annum, together with all accruing costs of sale at public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash- Dated at Austin, Minn-, this 20th day of March, A. D. 1888. ALLAN MOLLISON, Sheriff Mower County. Minnesota. E. B. CKANE, 1-7 Attorney for F. I. Crane, Assignee. SHERIFF'S SALE IN FORECLOS URE. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF MOWER, In District Court—10th Judicial District. Sanford Tanner. Plaintiff, against Jonathan Gregson, W. T. Wilkins and F. K. Smith, and Frank I. Crane as assignee of W. T. Wilkins and F. K. Smith, Defendants. Notice is bereby given, that under and by virtue of a decree of said Court duly rendered and entered in tbe above entitled action, and bearing date the 15th day of November, A. D. 1887, directing the sale of the premises herein after described to satisfy the amount found and adjudged te be due to the plaintiff San ford Tanner, to-wit: Six thousand two hun dred and forty-eight dollars, principal, in terest,costs and disbursements and attorney's fees, from the defendant Jonathan Gregson, a certified copy of said decree having been de livered to me, I will on Saturday the 7th day of April, A. D. 1888, at ten o'clock in the fore noon, at the west front door of tbe Court House in the city of Austin, Mower County, State of Minnesota, offer for sale and will sell at public auction to the bigbest cash bidder therefor, the following described real estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said debt and costs, situate in the County«of Mower and State of Minnesota, to wit: Beginning at a point in the east line of Section No. fifteen (15), in township No. one hundred and two (102), north of range No. eighteen (18) west, thirty-three (93) rods south of the quarter post thence running west eighty rods thence north six (0) rods thence east eighty rods, to tbe section line thence south six rods to the place of beginning, oon taininv three acres. Also apiece of land off of the wcBt end of five acres of land hereto fore conveyed by Daniel McPherson to M. J. Woodson, and conveyed by said Woodson to John M. Adkins in the northeast quarter of tbe southeast quarter of said Section No. Fif teen, and off ot the west end of five acres of land heretofore conveyed by Malcom & Alex ander MoPberson by Sylvester Smith, attor ney to John M. Adkins, in said northeast quar ter of said southeast quarter immediately south of the first described five acres, said piece being sixteen rods wide on tbe north end measured along the north line of the first mentioned five acre tract, and sixteen rods wide on tbe south end measured along the south line of the last mentioned five acres tract. Also a piece of land commencing at the southwest corner of the piece last above conveyed, thence nine rods westerly In pro longation of tbe south line of said piece thence north parallel with the quarter quar ter line of said southeast quarter to the quar ter line of said section running east and west thence east in said quarter line nine rods to the northeast corner of the northwest quar ter of said southeast quarter thence south along said quarter quarter line to tbe place of beginning, being the property known as Jo nothan Gregson's upper Grist mill property,' and the whole thereof, together with the water power and right of flowage to satisfy the sum aforesaid, together with the costs and ex penses of this sale. Dated at Austin. Minnesota, this 13th day of February, A. D. 1888. Dr. (Graduate in Medicine of CANADA INSTITUTE OF LA CROSSE, WIS.) of ALLAN MOLLISON, Sheriff of Mower Co., Minn. LOTILT MORGAN, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Albert Lea, Minnesota. 17-2 CHRONIC DISEASE, Dr. Macdonald FREE CONSULTATION P. S.—Dr. GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING HOUSE! Has come and is now open with anew and complete line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Gents' Furnishing Goods. at Prices never before offered. 100 Men's Suits in assorted patterns at $3 to $6. A great Bargain. 20 doz. men's stiff hats at Si to $8. All of the latest styles and colors. 25 doz. gents' neckties at 25c each, sold the world over for 50c. And all other goods at reasonable prices. We have a large line of men's, youth's, boy's and children's suits in ill styles and patterns, which we are certain excel any thing ever before shown in your city. We have let the ax fall on high priced, and hope by strict atten tion to business to merit a good share of public patronage. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. THE GOLDEN EAGLE ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. Uriuging Gladness MCGILL UNIVERSITY, member of Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and Quebec late U. S. Examining Surgeon late Surgeon-in-Chief of the for the treatment of Chronic Diseases between Chicago and the Pacific Slope.) as affections of the NEYS. LIVER, BOWELS, FEMALE GENERATIVE ORGANS AND SURGERY. The Office is fitted up with the necessary armamentaria for the exhibition of COMPRESSED AIR and GALVANO CANTERY treatment of CATARRH. Also OXYGEN GAS and its deriva tives, for LUNG and NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, and of L VAN1C, FARADIC and FRAN KLIN IC ELECTRICITY. siders his opinion on subjects pertaining to his profession of value. Second. Because owing to his extensive clientele he is usually more profitably employed. All calls, day or night, promptly responded to. Office (and sleeping apartment) in west Block, corner Main and Mill Sreets, opposite Opera House. Post-office Box, 149. of MONTREAL, WHITE BEAVER MEDICAL AND SURGICAL (The largest institution Macdonald has an extensive practice people who desire to avail themselves of his services, but who cannot see him personally, should write to him for a question list, this if filled out and returned furnishes data for diagnosis. To millions, pleasing their palates and Before you start on a journey go and cleansing their systems, arousing their see Giles & Shepherd and procure a bot Livers, Kidneys, Stomachs, and Bowels tie of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and to a healthy activity. Such is the mission Dia rhoea Specialist in all forms LUNGS, STCMACH, KID has for a long time enjoyed the largest practice in Southern Minnesota, and as his phenomenal success irrefutably demonstrates, is the first exponent of scientific ra tional treatment to locate in the city. Dr. Macdonald does not intend to give his services to the public gratuitously in the form of for two reasons: First. Because he con BY MAIL, Remedv of the famous California liquid fruit rem- nemeay. it is a great sate edy, Syrup of Pigs. Sold by Giles & Shep- guard for travelers and gives immediate herd. March. relief. and It ia safe