Newspaper Page Text
City and Vicinity. RAILROAD TIME TABLES AT AUSTIN I. &M. DIVISION. GOING yOUTH. PsaoenKer 4:30 a. m. except Monday Passenger 2.05 p. m. except Sunday Freights l.UU a. m. to Owatonna Freight ti.85 a. m. to Uendota Freight 4.5U p. m. to Mondota GOING EAST. Passenger 2.00 p. ra. except Sunday Passenger 11.40 p. m. except Saturday Freight 10.35 a. m. Freight T.45 p. m. MASON CITY LINE. GOX3G SOUTH. Passenger 2.00 p. m. except Sunday Passenger 11.50 p. m. Daily Freight 7.10 a. m. Freight 9.30 a. m. Freight 4.45 p. m. SOUTHERN MINNESOTA DIVISION. GOING EAST. Passenger 2.00 p. m. except Sunday Passenger 11.50 p. m. except Sunday Freight 6.50 a. m. except Sunday Freight 7.25 p. m. Daily GOING WEST. Passenger 4.35 a. m. Ex. Snnday Passenger 2.08 p. m. Ex. Sunday Freight 6.15 a. in. Ex. Sunday Freight 9.30 a. m. Ex. Snnday Freight 6.00 p. ni. Ex. Sunday Chicago, st. Paul & Kansas City. GOING sotrrn. No. 1. +St. Louis Express ....11:00 am No. 3. JSt. Louis Kxpiess 10:03 No. 125. *St. Louis Time Fr't 3:1U am No. 131. t\Vay Freight 8:40 pm No. 123. oThrough Freight 1:45 am GOING NORTH. No. 2. oSt. Lonis Express 6:00 am No. 4. +St. Louis Express 6:30 No. 120. oWay Freight 8:00 am No. 96. *St. Louis Time Frt 11:00 am No. 122. oChicago Stock Express 11:25 Daily except Sunday. Daily except Saturday y. Daily except Monday. Milk Train and St. Paul Local Passenger leaves St. I'aul Saturday at 6:00 p. m,: arrives at Austin at 10:03 p. m. Leaves Austin Monday at 6:00 a. m. No« 2 and 3 carry Kansas City sleepers and St. Louis coaches, Nos 1 and 4 carry St. Louis sleepers and Kansas City coaches Chicago sleepers from Marshalltown and Waterloo. Nos 122. 96, 123 and 125 do not carry passengers. G. W. Tuhnkk, Ag't. Austin. —The G«LDEN EAGLE can't be beat on low prices. —The new eitv fathers were installed last nisrht. —GASOLENE now on tap at Giles & Shepherds'. —GOLDEN EAGLE will guarantee prices on all purchases. —Artist's materials, studies, etc., at Giles & Shepherd's. =^Gf»od Furniture, low prices at the Austin Furniture Co. —New stock of ladies' fine stationery at Giles & Shepherd s. —GOLDEN EAGLE cannot and will not be undersold by any one. —McFadden pays the highest price for hides at Main Street Market. —The horse buyer brought many farm ers into the city last Thursday. —Baby carriages—new stock to arrive at the Austin Furniture Co's. —Nobby spring overcoats and suits at Hirsh's One Price Clothing House. —A few good 2nd hand sewing ma chines for sale cheap. W, F. DAY —A few BETTER second hand sewing machines for sale cheaper at the Austin Second Hand store, Mill street, opposite M. Majors's. —Choice meats, poultry, game and fish at McFadden's Main street market. —"Oak Leaf Flour"'at all ®f the Gro cery's for $1.10 per sack. —The best $2.50 kid and goat shoe at J. Schwan's Blue Front Shoe Store. —"Silver Leaf Four" is without doubt tne nicest flour in this market. FAIRBANKS & LEONARD. —"Oak Leaf Flour" at all of the Gro ceries for 1.10 per sack. —The GOLDEN EAGLE prices on boys' and children's suits will astonish you. —W, P. Miner of the firm of Waye & Miner comes out with a fine $400 dray, —Yes, those baby carriages at the Aus tin Furniture Co's. are cheap and hand some. —Mrs. Green will occupy a part of A. Folsom's store with a stock of millinery goods. —No trouble to show goods at tbe GOLDEN EAGLE One Price Clothing House. —Highest price paid for beet, pork, chickens and turkeys, at Main Street Market —I like best the parasol top baby car riages that I saw at the Austin Furniture Company's. —Well. I should say so that the GOLD EN EAGLE can save you 25 per cent, on all purchases. —You can get anything ia the meat line at Fiehu & Briebach's at the very best prices. Try them. —Whether you want to buy or not, see the wall paper—latest pattern—cheap, at Giles & Shepherd's. Go to Wm. M. Howe's office for perfect abstracts of title. Ten years' experience. Loans at lowest rates. —Registered Shorthorn bull calves and Poland China sows bred to choice stock for sale by J. J. FURLONG. —Did you ever see such bargains as the GOLDEN EAGLE one price clothing house are giving their patrons. —London ccr. Albert Lea Enterprise: Mrs. Harty, of Austin, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bump. —Send your cans to Giles & Shepherd's and get them filled with GASOLENE that will burn. We will deliver them. —St. Bernard Comm&ndery will at tend Easter services at the M. E. church Sunday, April 1, at 2 o'clock p. m. —Mr. Browning, of Dexter, has bought a Lakeside organ, and considers it a first class instrument in every respect. —The North Star Lung and Throat Bal sam is a sure cure for Coughs and Colds. Give it a trial. For sale by all Druggists. —Conductor Vaughan and wife, of Milbank, D. T., are visiting in Austin, with their friends Mr. and Mrs. Al. Mat tice. —London cor. Albert Lea Enterprise: George Dugan and Clarence Heflen. of Austin have been spending a few days here. —Inspect the new line of hats and neck wear just»arrived at Hirsh's, if you want to see the latest novelties of the season. Owatonna Journal and Herald: Prof. A. W. Rankin will give a talk on his mmniftr in England at the E. church, Wednesday, lurch 28. —A perfect fit always guaranteed at the GOLDEN EAGLE. -Several Austin ladies will visit Browns dale next week to organize aW.C.T.U. —LOST—A lady's gold watch and chain. Return to J.T. Rovce, and receive reward. —2nd hand household goods bought and sold at the 2nd Hand Store, Mill St., opposite M. Majors. —The regular meeting of the W, C. T, TJ, will be held Saturdav at 3 p, m, at Mrs, Davidson's parlors, flotel Robinson, —A pleasant surprise party was held last evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin, for Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Day. —The young people of the Oxford League have a sociable at the residence of W, W. Engle this evening, All are invited, —Since the meeting of the county com missioners we have new matting on the floors of the court room, A needed im provement, —A school report from Dist. No. 11 Nevada and several oiher matters were unavoidably crowded out of this issue and will appear next week. —S. H. Harrison says it is a little one but he cannot help feeling proud of it. It is a girl aad became a member of the new school Saturday morning. —Spring goods now arriving at J. Schwan's. When in want of foot wear you will find the lowest prices and best goods at Blue Front Shoe Store. —Episcopal services next Sunday at 10.30 A.M. subjecr, "The Price of Blood". 7,00 P, M. subject. "Humiliation". P. B. Peabody. Rector. —Rev. Andrew, of Owatonna. will preach for the the Universalist Society, in Murray Hall, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, March 26. 28 and 30, at 7:30 o'clock. Fairbanks & Leonard have now secur ed the agency for the celebrated "Eagle Teas." Fine stock always on hand. NOTICE TO FARMERS:—We are ship ping in to grind the Red River, No. 1, Hard Fife wheat, and all farmers who want it for seed can have it at the ac tual cost. ENGLE & Co. —The Ladies' Floral Club met with Mrs W. F. Sutherland last Friday evening to celebrate the nineteenth anniversary. A grand time is reported, with 120 present. —The Faribault Republican says that a canning factory will be built in that city. $15,000 of stock has been subscrib ed, of which John Walsh, the projector of the enterprise, takes $5,000. —Mitchel County Press: Mr. Bert Talcott is making a visit in this city with old friends and relatives. He has a good position in a printing office in Ashland, Wisconsin. Our office acknowledge a pleasant call. —W. E, Hellen has sold out to Frank Dearborn. The transfer of the business will be made next Monday, Mr, Hellen will settle all claims up to that time and would like to see all his debtors and cred ltors before the change, —Confirmation time is approaching, and no place like Hirsh's Clothing House ro obtain for your boys, complete con firmation outfits. Their children's and bojB' department is attracting general praise and admiration. —Mrs. Mary T. Lathrop, president of the Michigan W. C. T. U., will be in Austin Easter Sunday, and is expected to preach in one of the churches. In the evening she will lecture at the Opera House. Particulars next week. —The young people of the Congrega tional church will hold a sociable with Mrs. C. L. West, on Friday evening of this week. All, both old and young, are most cordially invited to attend. Each person is requested to bring a napkin and spoon. —Mr. and Mrs J. F. Cook. Mr. and Mrs D. B. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs O. Avers and Mr- and Mrs H. O. Basford helped Mr. and Mrs C. H. Davidson celebrate the twentv second anniversary of their wed ding by diniag with them at Hotel Rob inson last Thursday. School Education: Blue Earth City, during the present year, has put steam heating apparatus into the school house and ordered forty dollars worth ot books for the school library. The high school appears to be doing excellent work under Mr. J. E. Manchester. ^—The members of Thurber Division, No. 63, order of Railway Conductors, eive their fourth annual ball at Armory Hall, Friday evening, April 6. The boys are preparing for a great time, and peo ple that know their way of doing things know that they will have one. Look out for something moving that night. —J. H. Makepeace reports an assistant City Recorder since last Thursday. He weighs 11 pounds already, and Jesse is sure that he will be a larger man than Grover Cleveland in a few days. We are not sure but that Jesse refused to be city recorder in order to have time to train the young man for the next Democratic president. —Fairbanks & Leonard wish to remark to their customers and the public gener ally that while we sell all kinds of flour tfcat we can get and that are called for by our customers, whether made in Austin or Pekin, China, we have the unsolicited statements of many of the best citizens of this town, that the "Silver Leaf Flour" is the best ever sold in this market. We warrant it. FAIRBANKS & LEONARD. —Engle's Extra Patent. $1.35 pr. sack. Engle's Wyoming AAAA, $1.20 per sack. Engle's Oak Leaf, $1.10 per sack. En gle's 3rd grade baker's, .65 per sack. All made from Dakota No. 1 hard wheat. We warrant our flour as good as any made in the state, of the same grade. —The Universalist society will meet at Murray Hall. Tuesday evening, March 27. A fine program is being prepared. There will be music by several guitars, led by Miss Winnie Priest, of Los Ange les, who is an accomplished musician. Tableaux with colored lights will be a part of the program. Lunch furnished by the ladies. Admission 15 cents. All are cordially invited. —Mrs. E. P. Kelley died at the resi dence of her brother, L. N. Griffith, last Thursday morning, March 15. Mrs. Eelley was a resident of Austin many years ago, then Mrs. Sylvester Stone. She married E. P. Kelley seven years ago and went to Motley, Minn. January 10 she returned to Austin for treatment, and since that time until her death, re mained at her brother's. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Dewart, Friday at 10 o'clock. For Sal*. My house and lots on West Main stare for sale cheap. A bargain for some one. H. W. ELMS. —The sheriff of Dodge county wti down last Thursday and took "Commo dore" Geraghty to that county where he was required to give bail for his appear ance at the fall term of the district court to answer to the charge of robbing the Norwegian with whom he and young Bo wen rode to Hayfield. We learn that Bowen has also given bonds. At the late term of court held at Mantorviile the principal witness could not be found and the trial of the cases had to be deferred. —A Mrs Adams of Chicago has rented the building next to the post office for a millinery and ladies'furnishing establish ment. The building is being papered and put in first class order. Mrs Adams has been connected for many years with one of the leading millinery houses of Chicago and intends to make the Austin establish ment first class in every respect. Her show cases are already here and the goods are on the way. The store will be opened as soon as tbe goods arrive and can be arranged. —The war drama "True Blue" render ed at the Opera House last Friday and Saturday evenings, by the boys of Co. G, under the management of F. L. Hunt, and assisted bo their friends, provad a very successful and enjoyable affair. The performance was very creditable and the characters well sustained. The time for preparation was short, but it was well improved by hard work. We are pleased to see that our people turn out and en courage home talent. Mr. Harlington is entitled to thanks for the music he fur nished gratis. We hope to hear Irom Co, again in the dramatic line. —J. M. Malmberg and Herman Olson have purchased the furniture store lately the property of S. C. Olson, and will car ry on the business at the old stand under the style of Malmberg & Olson. Mr. Malmberg is one of the old and well known residents of Austin, having been in the painting business here for many years with Wm. Olson. He is well and widely known as an enterprising and le liable business man. Herman Olson is a brother of Mrs. S. C. Olson, and lias been connected with the furniture busi ness of his brother-in-law for the last eight years, and is well posted in the furniture business and its requirements. The new firm starts out with every prom ise of a long and succcssful business career and has our best wishes for its prosperity. —Indulgent reader. Thy wise desires oftimes may occasion thee to the pur chase of goodly Dry Goods and Carpets. Nay. flout not! Thine attention lend. So shall it advantage thee, and speedily. 'Tis but a snailish walk—aye, marry, eke no more than unto 517 Main street, Austin, and thou art bravely set down withm the walls of Sands' Dry Goods Store. Go your ways pleasantly from room to room, stairs up and down. 'Tis odds thou shalt discover fair goods, fresh from Manhattan Town, prices low to suit thy mind and clerks minded to thy good ly fare. They have a name of honorable traffick. and by my troth thou shalt with fairness happily come off. Exceeding content with thy store and their store, thou shalt store wise resolves 'gainst the day thou shalt again, with pleasure, profit purchase. PERSONAL MEXTIOX. Hon. E.(S. Hoppin was in the city Friday. Mrs Dudley Robinson died last night after a long illness, C. A. Ramsdiil of Adams made us a pleasant call last Thursday afternoon H- A. Eckholdt of Rochester was in tbe citv la9t Wednesday and made us a call. Mrs Charles Parks, who has been dangerous* ly ill for some time, is now a little better. The little son of A. Mollison. who has been suffering so long, is able to be out of dcors. H. G. Griswold now Deputy State Auditor sDent a little time Saturday, shaking hands with old Austin friends. —Dr. Hollister wishes to inform the public that he has opened an office, fur nished with all the modern appliances of medicine and surgery, on Bridge street, in Richards & Friederich's new block, op posite the Court House. Office houis from 9 to 10 a. m. and 1 to 2 p. m. W. L. HOLLISTER, M. D. Syrup ot Figs Is Nature's own true laxative. It is the most easily taken, and the most ef fective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Bilious or Costive to Dis oel Headaches, Colds, and Fevers: to Cure Habitual Constipation, Indigestion Piles, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup, Company, San Francisco, Cal. For sale by Giles & jhepherd. Stallions For Sale. J. J. Seegmiller of Decorah Ioa. writes us under date of Mareh 7, "I have just ar rived from Scotland, with eight first class stallions, of good coloi\ from 2 to 6 years of age and weighing from 1900 up to 2240 lbs. Prices from $600 to $3600, terms made easy. It pays buyers to call at my barn and examine my stock of first class stallions. I shall be in Austin with a horse in two weeks." Notice. Taking effect Monday, March 36, the present freight rates on Chicago, St. Payl & Kansas City R. R., will be can celled, and tariffs in force April 1, 1887, be substitute therefor. G. W. TURNER, Agent. Last Thursday Gilbert Nelson, of Hay ward, while on the road between Oak land and this city, lost his pocket book, containing notes and receipts, valuable only to himself. The finder can have a reward of 50 cents by leaving pocket book at this office. Farm Hand* Wanted. I wish to hire for the season or for one year, to work on my farm in Lansing, two good men that understand fanning, attending to horses and cattle, milking and doing such work as has to be done on a farm. I will be at the hardware store of Clark & Woodsumduring court week. 52-2 THOMAS GIBSON. For 25 cents get Kemp's Liver Pills for Torpid Liver, for Constipation, for the Complexion. Giles & Shepherd Druggists. The Palace Bakery is now open, where bread, rolls, pies aad cakes can always bt had. Oysters served in all styles. Warn meals served to order. WEISEL & BERDEN. T1i« Child Recovered. My little girl, aged seven years, was alliicted with a severe cough and cold. She could not sleep but coughed ALMOST INCESSANTLY. I was induced by a friend to try Chamberlain's Cough remedy, and was astonished at the immediate relief it gave her and the cure it produced. I would not be without it in the house for any price. I have tried many remedies for coughs and colds, but this is superior to anything I have ever tried. PROF. J. M. MEET AN. Capital City Commer cial College, Des Moines, Iowa. Sold by Giles & Shepherd. COMMON COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Adjourned meeting March 14,1888. Present, Hon. Mayor French, Alder men Beiseker, Day, Knox, Lovell and Miller. Readingof minutes of preceding meet ing omitted. On motion the Council proceeded to canvass the returns of an election held the several election districts of the city ot Austin on the 13th day of March, A, D. 1888, for the election of city officers. The Council then proceeded to the regu lar order of business. BILLS AUDITED AND ALLOWED. The following bills were allowed and ordered paid: Basford, services as clerk of elec tion. March 13 $ 3 00 -F clerk of election Mch. 13-- 3 00 SLv^son' Jud?e of election Mch. la 3 00 .. services judge of election March 13 3 00 Wm VHiKiegritt, services judge of elec tion March 13 3 00 S Curberwood, services clerk of elec tion Macli 13 300 Makepeace, c'lk of election March 13 3 00 Wm Ducken, services judge of election March 13 3 00 A Smith, services judge of election... 3 00 ?nox services judge of election Mch. 13 a oo Tho^ Meany, services judge of election March 13 3 00 A McFadden, services judge of elec tion March 13 3 00 Henry Herzog,services judge of election March 13 3 00 John Uutledge,services clerk of election March 13 3 00 Emil Umhoefer, services clerk of elec tion March 13 3 00 O Gibbon, use of room for holding election March 13 3 00 Smith, use of room for holding elec tion March 13 3 00 Hall & West, 1 pair blankets for lock-up 2 00 E Ingalls, boarding prisoners in lockup 14 63 A Lou lies, services city treasurer, 6 months 25 00 E Day, express on goods for city 40 E W Slocum. coal for office 5 50 A Dallager. secretary hook and ladder company, 1887 10 00 A Dallager, stationery 95 John Gunning, labor on streets 5 62 Kelly, labor on streets 4 8" Wm Frost, laber on streets 45 Boyington, labor on streets 3 00 A Dickinson, rent of room from Feb'y 17 1888, toSMarch 17, 1888 8 00 REPORTS OF OFFICERS. The report of the City Recorder was read and on motion the same was accept ed and placed on file and ordered pub lished. The report of City Treasurer was read and on motion was accepted and placed on file aud ordered published. The reoort of Street Commissioner was read and on motion was accepted and placed on hie and ordered published. The report of the Chief of Police was read and on motion tbe same was accept ed and placed on file and ordered pub lished. Mayor French reported to the Council that the case of A. W. Clarfc vs. the City of Austin, had been appealed and returns made to the Supreme Court. On motiou the same was accepted and placed on file. REPORTS OF STANDING COKMITTEES, Alderman Miller to whom was referred the plat of Lake Park addition to Austin, reported in favor of the rejection of the same. On motion the report was ac cepted. The committee to whom was referred the bill of P. C. Sullivan for building 51f rods of sidewalk on the south side of Carter street in Yates' addition, reported in favor of the payment of the same, to be paid from the June 1888 apportion ment. On motion the report was ac cepted. On motion of Alderman Miller the plat of Lake Park addition presented byF. I. Crane, assignee of Wilkins & Smith, be rejected on the ground that Division street does not conform to Division street in adjoining addition. On a call for ayes and nays there were ayes six (6) votes, viz: Aldermen Beiseker, Day, Knox, Lovell. Miller and McFadden. And the motion was declared carried. On motion of Alderman Knox that the plat of Dugan's presented by Wm. Dugan for acceptance was rejected. Those voting in favor of the same were Aldermen Beiseker, Day. Knox, Lovell, Miller and McFadden, and the same was declared carried. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. On motion of Alderman Beiseker an order was voted to be drawn in favor of the Recorder, for an amount sufficient to pay the taxes assessed and fees for re cording deed of land purchased by the city of Austin of G. M. Cameron. Car ried. On motion of Alderman Knox, Lafay ette French was voted the sum of $200 for legal services for the city of Austin, and as attorney for said city for the year ending March 14, 1888, such amount to include preparing brief in case of A. W. Clark vs. the City of Austin, which has been appealed to the Supreme Court. On a call for ayes and nays those voting in favor of the motion were Aldermen Bei seker. Day, Knox, Lovell, Miller and Mc Fadden. Nays none. And the same was declared carried. On motion Alderm-n McFadden was constituted a special committee to see to the raising of the curbing in well at pump of engine house. Bill of C. W. Taylor & Co. for sup plies for city, amounting to $54.15. was referred to the committee on bills. On motion the Council adjourned to Tuesday evening, March 20, 1888, at 7:30 o'clock. J. H. MAKEPEACE. City Recorder. Strike! Strike! If you want a first-class shave strike for SHUPE'S Tonsorial Parlors. Come early and avoid the rush. Established 1886. LAFAYETTE FRENCH. A. W. WRIGHT. FRENCH ft WRIGHT, (Successors to Richardson, Day & Co., and Lafayette French.) GENERAL LAV BUSINESS A SPECIALTY. Also deal in Real Estate, Negotiate Loans and Carefully Attend to Collections. AUSTIN, MINNESOTA. RELIABLE and good fitting garments Is the foundation on which we have built up our trade. The general demand for our Tailor Made Suits is a demonstration of the people's confidence in these goods. It shows that they have had enough of trashy, poor fitting cloth ing, which are generally advertised as Great Bargains. Low prices oftener mean cheap or poor goods than good goods cheap. Our stock of Spring and Summer Clothing is now full and complete. While we don't believe in these Great Bargain announcements, which are us ually more wind than facts, we will say that these goods were marked at a very small mar gin above cost, and we guarantee them to be better fitting and cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. Our Children's Clothing Department is the largest and finest in the city, at bed rock prices. Large assortment of Latest Spring Styles of Hats and Cent's Furn ishings. Every article in our establish ment is marked in plain figures. Strictly one price to all. We do not consider it a favor, should anything bought of us not as represented, not to have it returned to us, as we cheerfully refund the money on all purchases if not satisfactory. With these true business princi ples, we solicit your inspection and a share of your patronage. Great Clothing' House. "Successor to- COOK & ROBERTS, Hardware, Builders Material & Mechanics Tools. HULL VAPOR STOVES The most powerful burners and yet the simplest to operate. Only one valve for two, three or four burners. Every thins in Wason Woodwork for citv and country Mechanics. BAR IRON AND STEEL. Factory agents for Pittsburgh Glass company's POLISHED PLATE GLASS Agents for cathedral and colored srlass. THE KING PAINT The cheapest and best paint on the market. We sell the famous BAKER BARBED WIRE, Equal to any in strength and effectiveness, and guaranteed to make more fence than the same weight of any other wire. 10O lbs. of Baker Wire will make 10O rods of fence. We Guarantee Prices. ROBERTS & CO., Opera House, Opposite Post Office, Austin, Minn. New England Bakery E. D. HOAC A CO. Fresh Bread, Rolls, Pies and Cakes every day. Family orders receive prompt attention.